Volume XX. BANDON, OREGON: THURSDAY, MARCH ISCl 31, Number 13. - Self rising Buckwheat Flour for peat the same. At that time some of J. 1J, Marshall is now prepared to the primaries sent delegates to the I register voters. • pancakes, at Saudersou brothers. Convention pledged to vote fur me. Hay, grain and feed at N. Lorenz’s Father Mueller will hold service« in F ob S ale —A fresh miloh cow at Tvasnex. Marc h 22. for nomination of Joint Representa­ Store. the Catliolio Church here, Sunday, In a railroad accident in .Montana, out ■ | Sauderson Bros. tive for Coos mid Ciyry, «nd they man was killed a: 1 sev ; al injured. Lard *1.30 per gallon can, cash, at Early Rose Seed Potatoes for sale April 10th. at the usual hour. W. II. 'i'rueedey, President of the Peta ¡ were brought to such a condition that T. Anderson’s. F ob S ale . — A good second-hand ’ by J. R. Stillwell, Baudon. ware, Lnckawana A Western Railway has I they were not able to present my F. L. Smith, of Arago, was a visitor Seed Wheat, Oats nnd Barley at organ on monthly payments yf *4.50. name before the Convention. In view defined all great combinations ut capital Write the undersigned, care of this and labor as socialutio. here last Friday. I Sanderson Brothers' Store. of such practice I placed my name be- i The Republican* are going to mak« an office. E. M. F uhman . ‘•Photo’* Buttons, 10 to 15cts. at For first class real estate,, corres- fore the people, which resulted in the issue of pul»!,e corruption iu Al.-.-a in. uv Dealer in pianos and organs. Wrenshall's Gallery. For Salo Exclusively by i pond with Geo. P. Topping. defeat of the uiHnipolaton. Had my older to oarrv Hie state. A Favorite lCrmetly for liable*. America has asked safe transport for Jap­ P. J. Mather of l’orl Orford was a name goue before the Convention Hnd Msrtiu Wallace, the Portland flour anese in Siberia. visitor in this section tbe latter part man, was in town last night. Its pleasant taste aud prompt cures been thrown down. I should have The Oouiinauder of the Russian gunboat of last week. have made Chamberlain's Cough taken tuy medicine without a murmur, Mandjur, lying at Shanghai, deii, s the Chi­ A full new- line of Hocker« and Remedy a favorite with the mothers as I have not. like the parties who nese authorities, amt when ordered to leave, Dr. C. W. Tower, and son. Jay B„ Diners at the Furniture Store. of small cbildreu. It quickly cures then opposed me in Curry, ever bulled invited some one to make bun leave. of Marshfield, were in Bandon fast Early Rose and Beauty of llobron T. E. Nelson, au old matt bvitig tn Kerby, their coughs Hud colds aud prevents my party. Thursday night. .Oregon,eommitted suioide by blowing him­ seed potatoes at Sanderson Bros' any danger of pneumouia |or other Tbo second reason given by the self to pieoes with dynamite. C«pt. Alva Lee, of Myrtle Point, store. serious consequences. It not ouly Citizen is a barefaced falsi rood, us uo H. T. Hays,'a Hit rside. Cal., bank onsh- visited Bandon during the latter part * C, Timmins, of Astoria, arrived here cures croup, b.ut when given as soon such fish law, as represented by him, | ier, is wanted for embe^zleuietit. The of tbe past week. Tuesday evening to have a look as tbe croupy cough appears, will pre­ was passed during any term of which amount is $100,000. Millinery and shirt waists at Den around and see how business is look­ The Santa Foeastbound overland express vent the attack. For sale by C. Y. I was a member of the Legislatnra. was wreoked iu a washout and several pas­ holm's. Tbe best assortment ever ing up. 4 Lowe, Druggist. The memorial for the relief of Cur­ sengers hurt. brought to Bandon. Bed Room Suite* Curtain Poles and Fine Wall Paper and W. H. Logan and wife visited North W bonssday . March 211. ry County was not introduced until 1 aud Piece«. Window Trimmings. House Lining. Bucket Six 1 nil. Col. C. T Bluuienrotber has received ------- SEWING MACHINES AND BABV CAKBIAGE8 ---------- The Japanese made a furious attnek on Bend last Friday, returning home Was a member in 1901, and was passed a snpyly of register blanks and is Monday. The ladies of the W. R. C. will tu by the joint assembly, aud consigned Pert Arthur, again on the lath, and sunk Cabinet Shop in Connection. Mattresses and Springs. ready to register voters. tertain with h Basket Social,Saturday to the care of the Senators and Con­ one Russian battleship. Sc-veu Japanese Alfred Johnson, the millmnn From Furniture Repairing and Saw-filing a Specialty. casualties are reported. Delicious! yes, you will find delic­ Evening, April 9th, at G. A. R. gressmen of Oregon, for their consid­ New England was shaken np by an earth­ the upper river, was a visitor bere ious hams aud bacon, fine flour, aud Ladies are cordially invited to bring eration nnd action. It was favorably quake yesterday morning, mid au hour later Glass, Paints, Oils, Brushes. 1’iut''uy’’d"ne.n" UNDERTAKING ' yesterday. tbe best candies at Cox’s geocery. baskets, and the gents to see ample reported by the D.S. Senate Commit a shock was fett at Baltimore. A Full Line of Burial Ca«kefs. Burial Robes and Good», and Undertaking Supplies Persons wishing to have carpets or justice done I bem. At a Republican convention at Salem Illi­ Constantly Kept on Hand. B. C. Rucker and J. C. Murray, Light refreshiueuta and coffee will tee to whom it was referred, bnt was nois, the-delegaies wrecked tbe courthouse I rugs woven should apply to Mrs. H. commercial drummers from Sau Fran turned down at that session by a cry , lie served to those not fortunate chairs in a free fight. Tbe sheriff drew his i M. Tucker, Bandon. Ore. Fancy rugs cisco, were doing business in Bandon enough to secure a basket. Door ud- of H’diil of Precedent, atld the follow-I rev’iver and restored order. a specialty. missiou 10 cents. last week. ! iug session, owing to the illness of | Otto GroHsrunn. of Mew York , committed Fresh Groceries and Provisions at A general invitation extended to all. suicide bv turning on iliuminatinc C»*»« His Senator Mitchel), nothing was dono I Mr. aud Mrs. D. IL Prewelt, of wife, and a aeHiustrewi living with them Cox’s Grocery. Flour, Ham«, Bacon, Sell i Iler 11 er maun Withdraw« with the bill. What will eventually also died. Parkersburg, were made happy by I Fruits, Nuts, Candies, etc., of the ! become of the bill I cannot say, but The Americans killed Macario Satay, the tbe arrival of a baby girl at their , best quality. Hon. Schiller Hermann and E. S. so-called Prewident of the Philippine Repub­ so far as action in tbe premises has home, March 22ud. J. C. Snooks, the Coquille dentist Dean, of Myrtle Point, were in town gone, I have done with right goodwill lic, and 15 of his followers. The remainder Tuesday night, having been out to W. 8. Marshall, one of Curry Coun­ j is in town, and those in need of his have a political look around the coun­ all that any man it. my situation could of the band was captured. ty's pro tri nen t stockmen, and Law­ Governor Peabody has again calk'd ont : services should call at once and make try, to sum up the prospects, Mr. have done, aud, bad there been no the militia of Colorado, lie has sent them rence Iiackleff, of Langlois, were in appointments. He will remain here Hertuaun was a candidate for Joint against the coal miners. Bandou last Saturday. Senatorial honors, but having taken road, would, without doubt, have but a few days. Walla Walla has a 15 year old drunkard got an appropriation to build one observation of what was going on, aud Shields & Son have installed an up- The Latter Day Saints’ Sunday- gotten an inside look at affairs, con­ mticli better than that we now have. who has delirium tremens. entter and welder machine in tbeir Coal oil deposits of Alaska are said to be This Steamer is New. is Strongly built, and fitted with ttie latest improvement«, and wil School will have a short Easter pro cluded that be would withdraw from Little need be said by me regarding the greatest in the country. give a regular S day service, for passengers and freight, between the blacksmith shop. The new machine the held and uot enter the race as be gram which will be rendered after Coquille River, Oregon, and San Franoisoo, Calif. T hubsdat , M irch 24. the third proposition of the Citizen, is said to be the best in lhe county. could best serve bis own interests and European powers entertain fears that Sunday-School next Sunday. The as I have discussed the matter in ­ ELBERT DYER, Agent, Bandou, Oregon. those of his fiieuds by doing so. Dr. D. L. Steele, a deutist from exercises will commence at 11 a m China will take a hand against Russia. E. T. KRI'Z, Managing Agent, 207 Front Street, San Francisco, California. Mr. Dean wishes to tie Coos Co.’s volved pretty thoroughly in tbe col­ Word com« s from Pvkiu that the Russian San Francisco, has been plying his 0. H. Hurley, J (>. Langworthy and next assessor, ami was down to look umns of tbe Radium. I will pause to attachee has applied for permission tp visit profession here during tbe week. He after bis interests in that direction. S. A. Langworthy, of North Bend, remark, however, that it is a singular the headquarters of General Ma. China au- I came io on tb« steamer Elizabeth last What I m Lite? were in town Monday night, and left j condition of affairs when a Repnbli- tborides are not inclined to grant it. Saturday morning. San Miguel and Las Animas Counties, in next day for do .n the coast ori a tim­ In the last analysis nobody knows, i can sheet (or. if not one, it has no Colorado, are under military control because M osh Averill arrived here Monday ber cruise. We are still doing business at The Old but we do know that it is uuder strict ¡ business to cousider tbe question nt of the coal miners’strike. from the Willamette Valley, and will Stand and can please von. Give ns a Call Heavy rain checked a derftrnctive prairie Mrs. J. H. Welsh received word law. Abuse that law even slightly, I all) shall urge, as against a Republi- and examine our seek employment and make Bandon pain results. Irregular living means . can of long standing being an accept­ fire in Nebraska. Loss by tire $100,000. that her daughter, Mabel Jackson, derangement of the organs, resulting bis borne again. He came iu on tbe Traders are said to be the cause of the up- ; died Sunday, March 27th, nt Portland. in Constipation, Headache or Liver able candidate, that be dares to criti rising of the He rerun in South Africa. Op- • steamer Alliance from Portland. The body will be brought to Coos Co. trouble. Dr. Kings New Life Pills rise a Democratic Judge; To--------- ! presaive dealing being their method. Isom Walker, of Laugloie, came nnd interred nt Coquille City. The quickly readjusts this. Its gentle j with such Republicans. I will add, Now is tbe time to purchase Hardware. Tbe undersigned has Montana had a severe snowstorm lasting tn stock a large assortment of over Friday evening cause of death was rheumatism of the yet thorough. Only 25ets at Lowe’s that if by tbe suppression of my sen- most of the day. Drug Store. Portland is being made the dumping j Marshfield, where be timi'nts regarding the methods used bowels. ground for all the Cui m se that are aiuag ing after business in by Judge Hamilton, T could be elect­ The weather having cleared to some gled in over the the Canadian line. plying beef cattle. ed to the highest office in tbe gift of F riday , March 25. Glassware, Crockery and Miners’ Supplies. extent, R. D. Hirin' resumed bis jour­ Chicago and surrounding territory was F ound —Near the Livery Stable ney to W«dderburn last Saturday. Having concluded t<» locato elsewhere, I the Nation, 1 wonld not sacrifice my j liberty in that direction, to gain such swept by a terrific storm. Much damage re­ PnintM. Oil«. Ilonr* hik ! Window«. Friday morning, March 18tb, a black While in the connty he seems to have desire nil per» »ns indebted to tue to come forward and settle by May 1st, 1904. Alter sulted from wind and llood. and many per­ T1NSMOP IN CONNECTION. silk neck handerebief, floweret! deaign. set the political machine going, as that date all accounts will be left in the I favor. sons were injured. The storm extended bauds of au attorney. A. W. K ime . Among other few reasons that tbe Owner can get same at this office by polities have been bubbling since, mid over a number of states. I Citizen elelves deep into its muddy applyiug anne went ashore, the other struck a of tbe personal affairs of any who from which to fabricate bis reasons. mander accompanied them as far as Reasonable. rook. I>r. Kime Going Awny. might aspire; it cerminly shows poor These Chinamen built their own Bandon, and then returned to Co Further deportation of miners is to be TTorsesEioeirLE el SiooaiP.lty. quille City. A. M. Kime, M. D„ returned borne political judgment on tbe part of shanties, keep open bonse, and enter­ made in Colorado. Benator Burton, of Kansas, has been con Th« Ent rtainment. last Saturday Monday evening, from a visit to the those who have any pretensions to tain such authors as are responsible victed and will probably get a heavy fine U iUtUM’ttc Va'ley, where be had gone «filiation tvt’h tbo Republican Party for tiiferaue«« Ijk« those with Which O. T. Blvtmonrotlier evening was au enjoyable affair, and to have a look around with a view to Hhd two yeAT^in the pf... to drag into tbe canvass of candidates, theCiffien plumes itself, ami accounts Heavy storms in Northern California U. S. Commisioner and Notary Public PHYSICIAN AND SUKGNON tbe different actors made a very cred locating. IIAMIO«. Oil EGON. for the dopy mixture that appears tbe contemptible practices used by threaten Sacramento with another damag­ While away be made arrangements itable appearance, but tbe condition Filinc* niul Finnl $»»•<» fs iiiHdf* 1 u Homo ing flood. • R. D. Hi me Calls to nil pnrt. of town nncl connty of. tbe times and weather mitigated to locate at Cottage Grove, a town of slum politicians at general elections. therein. ut«>axis. I i iibt ! 1 ."•in m Hi.il <»tliei I S. L ilih I k prompt I v i* ¡"twp.idl < y. Oft'.('** IT Soti Butte (’reek. Orcp>ii. arft used get out into tbe valley is to get where J. W. STRANGE, March 29 — Sehr Advance, Ogidin-sen. 9 Saturday morning, from San Francis­ Pneumonia is too dangerous h dis be can be in reach of hospitals and days from San Francisco to <’. Al. A I . Co. From tbe evidence before me I co, bringing tn about 75 tons of freight other medical institutions, so as to ease for anyone to attempt to doctor March 30—Sc.hr Alpha. Jensen. 4 days from •:• •;• -.*• .*• •• • ■? •• •• •> ••• ••• *•* *^2: cannot believe the editor of tbe Citi and nine passengers. Following is study np iu his profession by coming himself, altbongh be may have the San Francisco, to Prosper Mi.I Co. IH LOlH.i'. o. i . m , i, v.u. r zen has been in tbe Republican fold HAII.KD. ad proper remedies ut band. A physi­ tbo list: Miss Nellie Dement, Dr J in contact occasionally with the I ------- ■ OREGON. BANDON, for any great length of time, if, in­ March 2G—Sehr Ruby. Korth, San Pedro. * 1 > \M>GN LOTH I No. I ’M. I 0.0. F. J Steel, J A Ht.ims, O Whiting. C I) vantages these institutions aflord. He I cian should always be called. It March 28—Stmr Elizabeth. Jengen, to San *1) me«t» « • r\ Saturday evening. X will move as soon as be can get deed, he has been a citizen of the Will visit Bandon rrynlRrly on date» to I> a Holdridge. Mrs T Lewis, Miss Grace should be borne in niind, however, Francisco. ^ Visiting brother* in good standing »applied in the Local Column. ready. country and learned to understand * ’ ordmily invited. » Garfield. M F Shoemaker and W () that pneumonia always results from a March 30—Sehr Coqnelle, Thomas, to San N. E EARKLOW, N. G. •> .;. 1 nfl .inniHlory KhrumiitiMii Cured. lhe principles of our politieal organi­ < £ f <• < f •> > « cold or from an attack of tbe grip, Fr«”ci*c •<>. Council. * R. F medfukk , J b . Sec. I .< < oui t yaeen of the Forr*t No. 17, 2 zation. No member of tbe partv. un ­ and that by giving Chamberlain's \\ illiam Shaffer, a brakeman of 4 ❖ 4 X4 ❖ <• ❖ * •:* 5 v « <• ••• * <• •>* *.* v # > Ä Railroitd Harvey. Forenter* of Ante i1 I HE FORESI Tbe surveyors are at work about of pneumonia may be warded off -V ) No. 17. ruert* F riday nitfht < t eiich^ M E. C hurch . Riverton, and are pointed down the tory rl enmatisli. “I used many rem edge of its principles, would give ut­ This remedy is also Used by physi­ ♦ 5-wpf k. in Concrete Hall. Bandon. Oregon 4 edie«.’’ lie sai.l. “Finally I went to terance to a personal criticism, in ad­ Preaching merries every 2nd and 4th Snn <• \ cordial welcome i» extended to all vi»- g, rt*«r. They are doing an immense McCaw s drug store for a bottle of cians in the treatment of pnenmouia d»tv at 11 A. M. and H: P. M. ^itinii brother». »I. E. Fl HER. > \NI)()N LOI Mr F. No. 05. A r A .M. ’lud-iv School everv Sunday at 10, A. M. I * of Work for a preliminary job, as Chamberlain's Fain Balm, at which vance of selection as a candidate, of with the l>est results. J J. N. T a AN oloir , Chief Ranger. Dr. W. J. I S > Stated communication» first Sat Epworth Leanne . 7:P. M. E Fin. Bl r< ’ rj .> ar* ««amping ont and getting it time I was unable to use hand or foot, one who has been a member of the Smith, of Sandeas, Ala., who is also' Prayer meeting Wednesday at 8; P. M. urdiv aft'T the full moon of each . 4 : ■: ■ : < ■■■ i : ; : < •*< m i th. All M M.> best restilte." y'i . a* ’he law of^hom*. stale, the «•nth through the ea-t side of Ban- clesred. Sold ‘ by C. Y. All afr welcome. on Bluff Street For fall pnrticn- NI) HOUSE