k. « • • «»• tor CLARENCE V. LG ImHils; ami, glbtHiag wp, *• f.iVuJ o _ e c IU nou»l«r cotnofl. lii» J loan of whisky wsa remllly * .Hl TlilK*l>£ï ALTERNO«* ami soon our chu •><• tilled and low­ BT “I IndThe^tird’e R)Ock-Dr«’,irfct ered carefully info the boat. As I o ••»od mvdicine for li-*r <1 Tlr .Fn.liuy on aft»- hr bad W “l I h juHt In reoatot <»f a uud • A VII» H- STITT, dropped to my place tiud gave the or­ r fluO with deetor» It t«a!l tbew’»d- btuc$ uf cin» ! tat»**—MRS < A' OLIN* der tn pull awuy, from the dec* of 1UBT1», Fttf»r«»urf. W V> EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. Laies Coatt, Capes and Collarettes. tbe Blsck Hnwk, high overhead, cume Drug« and Chemical«, If jrour hvwr doc, not »t r«B' a voice •Young tannl’ ularl) go to vour drnggi.t and Patent ami Proprietary lYepurntions «cure a package of Thedford'» SUHSCU1PTION KATES. •'I looked up Tbefe, gnziDg’down . lilai k-Drguuht and take a do-u Toilet Articles, nt ¿tie. with rebuke in ’ blH eyes, stood . .«2 00 tonight. Tbi, great .family .One lear........... !»r«zgisia k«»«ri»a. medicine free» the constipated ... 1 00 tbe commander of the Heel, Commo ­ Six Months. ... bowel», »tir, up the torpid liver P ehfumes .'B kvmues , S ponubs , Boars ... co dore Foote. I saluted. Thro« Montila.. and cause, • healthy secretion N uts and C andies . •‘Yom.g man, what have you got iu of bile. Cigar «, To l»a <*<■<>• »nd Cigars« St. This paper is entered at the Bandon post Thedford', flliuk - Pr.vight that can?’ • ’ Pibints, 0114. Glasses, and FauRcr’s Supplied office as Second-class Matter. will deanle the bowel» of mi- *• ‘Whisky, air.* puritie, and »trengthen the kid­ ney». A torpid liter invite» “‘I »bought so-,’ then, after a pause,. THUKSDAY. MAK. Hi, ISOi ccjila, biliouaneu. chill* and 'Young man!' fever and all manner of tick- Suit« Made to Measure. “I sainted again. new and contagion. Wenk kid-,. KDJTOKJAL. ney, re.Ailt in Bright', ilio'ase “‘Look up here.’ I looked. which claim» m many victim» “ ‘What do you see?' AGENT POR WARNER S RUST PROOF CORSET. a» couiumption. A 25-cent I( in ratb»r barii on tbo Democrats peckage uf Thedford'» Black- “ ‘A cannon, sir.' that the Roswbnrg Plaindealer re­ 1 fraught should al way, be ke[>* “‘W bat does that cannon mean?' marks that they are getting ready for in tbe hourt. “Now this questioning made m« de­ a funeral because they are engaged in “I ,„n may S-veii tliousuud linea! feet or by a veteran of tbe civil war, says a meut. of JniK' 3 1H7K, ♦ ntitled ‘‘An act for the sale quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an invention 1« probably pat on tabla. Comntunlra- ‘ It was a b iirfui wrong Hint th s of timo r laiidn iu the St it's f •'ai f-irnia, Boots and Shoes .¿t ne.it ly a tulle uud a half of platform», ! writer in the Christian Endeavor tions Bt rictly c.HifklentlHl. Handbook on Patents Grenon, N'vaJa. »mil Wnsiiinut oi r»rri'<;- scut free, oldest auor.ry fur »enuring patent«. dioigsr should constantly I e thrust rv,” hh extended to »1! the PimJ » Lo <1 foni' fe'et high ar>- beuig billlt for ; World: Patent» taken through Munn A Co. receive fpra-il notice, without charge, In the ■'In 18G2, when Commodore Foote upon our young soldiers by tbe gov Staler by net of Auti.'S’ 4. I8J2. G».o. rt G. tbe mdiiHdllig ol «Xlill'lts Ut thè Kennedy, of Bandon. County .»r Coos, State with gunboat fleet wnson the Tennes ­ risked their lives t<> ernment they ■• I<1 t .ili. of Oiei»»Hi. has this dw tiled in this <»Hi e hia sworn Rtutenieni No. 5*Jill, f r th»- pur see, I bad in clinrge Hie provisioning -live This wrung Cornu.udure F> < A handsomely Illustrated weekly. Largest cir­ I i .¡l-.. Iijolr-.il.il ' .ili, ad" ol eXI U- culation of anv »«‘lent itic Journal. Term», |3 a base of 1 he Lot« 3. 4 bt iim " ‘4 "f ‘4 "f of one of tbe boats, and it was my set himself to attack, for t.e was a i Section year; four months, f L gold by al! newadealer«. No 7 in !'<» vri-hip No. 29 S. K.nii.? ite are expected by th« dll'eetoi' ol eX CONSTANTLY on HAND duly to see that necessary su pplies moral hero as well as n hero nf war. No 14 W, and will off. r po»>'f t » Mhow that I 1 he land Houthi is more v iln-ibl»* for tim­ bìbita of the World’s Fair. Ai ih«* Branch Office. «6 V 9U Waahlugton. D. C. were constantly mi hand. In 18C3 bis efforts nnd the efforts of ber or atone than for a 'rictihtiral pu.rp s.*4, C.d,.ii;l>iu Exposition at Chicago “At that lime it wns tbe general other brave souls prevailed, and ib< ami to (RtabiKh his c air.i to said lain! bu fore C. T. Bitnnenri.tli-r I'. S C »mniH4»m- 3.0J0 vai loads were foce ‘ived. belief that tbe man behind the gun National Congress abolished the wh s er. at his office a' rat'd n. < ‘^»'U»»n. on Fri­ Two hundred of I m l" Sam's iu i cmthl not be expected to go snceess- day. the 223 day f \p-i’, l'.^B Ik names ky ration in the United States navy. uh witiieases: G. V-’.Cox.C. S Elliott. \ I . l'iues will have l.m.m on duty at Paua lolly into a sea fight unless be bad will be disposed of at prices that «ill iismtiiHh yon, «hile there are “Some dangers no true soldier ever Ostiorn. and J» rrv ('rowlei. al! of Bandon, Coo« Connty. Ort*i’<,t'- ma nie going lo tue \\ ul'ld » I' *ier to be coauiopoiitaus. To those who pay up arrearngea and a government. On our boat were two meet dealt! ns a soldier should, year in advance, and to all new subacri- Night ha» been turned into day iu hiindred navy jacks, who,every morn­ will never faller iu the face of bers who pay in advance, wo make tbe all of the huge exhibit palaces at tbe ing at eleven, and every afternoon at cannon. Yet eno danger yon following proposition comprising several World's Fair. Numerous electric arc five, would line tip mi deck while the meet, that you may well dread diir\ r« lit CuilpletR to select from : E3V/ALTHA lights have been put in place and allowance was dealt out. The liquor P rice <- i P ujh . icxtions veb Y eab . avoid. The dntiger that lies tn lint scores of workmen are »msy uiglit as stood in a huge tin can, and beside $2 00 BAND ’S R ecoi . dfb can and canteen to shun this is not well us day iu tustalliug tbe exhibits. the can was a wooden frame in which 6 NO S iu Fiaucisco Bulletin cowardice, but rather courage, moral Every WALTHAM Watch move­ 5 00 Fort hind Evt inug 'I'clvp.mm A pack train of 25 horses, with all were set twenty little measures called courage, and moral courage is a more -----AT TH! ment is guaranteed by the manu­ 1 ao W« rkly Oir.'.oiii iu facturers against any defect^ jn of tbeir aecoiitrem-nts, will lie one of 'tots ’ Each tot contained about three splendid quality in any man than ie material or construction. ' M to llcnsoii 1? guarantee is without time limit, tbe uuv tie- ol the World's Fair. swallows. As the men tiled slowly even that soldierly courage which is Oiir Offer. and holds good the world over. The unusual epoetacie will be sent past tbe can, the tots were filled with the recoid of the American Boldier a The Bulletin is one of tb<* h-nding pn,ie by citizens of Wyoming to mark Wy­ a dipper, and each man drank bi» •f the Wt f.t, and is a daily published in Kan ------ooo—- Francisco, and gives all the news. Our off co oming day. Tbe horses will all lie share’. A Boy's Wild Kill.* r.ir I Ife. includes the Sunday Bulletin. equipped ns if ready to start on i be “One noon our whisky gave out. £TíJ.*“4!iIS«í*í>4O!i N ear i . y With family arnnnd expecting him Recorder and Bulletin, one year.. $7 00 - I°1’O1DS. More was ordered; but tbe time came trail. to die. and a sou riding for life, IS R.coidtr and Rulletiu, one rnoutli 65 I 2,000,000 for the evening ration, and »till tbe A Suo Diego, Cal., woman will ex- '¡’he Fortlaud Evening Telegram is issued miles, to get Dr. King's New Discov- ix times a w< < k. It gives all the news that hibit ut tbe World’s Fair, butter extiected supply bad failed to arrive. ory for Consumption, Coughs nod altham atches .votth reading and up to time of going to made in 1858. Tbe butter WHS This was trouble. The boys had been Colds, W. H. Brown, of Leesville, , i.ss. much of it being 21 L»»urs fresher than knowu to take abort ration» of beans placed in a spring h mse in that year now in use Ind., endured death's agonies from when it reauhe.A here* through any other and it disappeared io the quick sand. and bacuu without grumbling, but to asthma; tint this wonderful medicine We have a large assortment „of journal. do without whisky was another thing. It was leceutly recovered sud was gave instant relief and soon cnre.l W altham Watches in Gold, Gold Recorder and Telegram one y»-ar. $5 50 found to be in a remarkably good •Row over to tbe flagship and borrow him. He writes: “I now sloop Hound For a Wf-ekly ncwsp.iper the Weekly Ore Filled, Silver and Nickel Cases. BANDON, OREGON. Ioc.i in lends i’i the Northwest, and gives state of preservation. It is now in whisky enough for tbe evening ration’ ly every night." Like marvelous alHhe news usually contained in a weekly was the order given me. So with our cold storage. cures of Consumption, Pneumonia. To operate the F»iibnnk Wa.lier is »luiple that inj person can learn to one in ¡Hiper. The Belgian building at the great tin can in tbe stern of our boat, Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds and Grip thirty minutes, and anv boy or girl, ten or twelve year» of aye, can operate it. Recorder and Weekly Oregonian. $2 50 World's Fair, one of tbe largest and and four men to row, I started for the prove its matchless merit for all Il is the (¡uty of ©null person to seek in­ With thi» Washer the clothes are rubbed with an oven, ateadv preaanre. which doe» formation along all lines that tend toward not tear or injure them. The water i» forced through und through the clothe», making Timber Lund Act June 3, 187$. bamlsomest iu the Foreign section, is commodore's vessel, the Black Hawk. Throat and Lung troubles. Guaran “As we camo alongside her in tbe U nite » H tatbr L a .^ d O fuck , at R<» re bringing ahont bet ter conditions and greater them al'«olutel, clean, wtiile »» anew, and healllitut. remarkable iu ttiat the walls are not teed bottles 50c and il 00. Trial buuo O bego N. January 2"», I'.MJl prosperity f r tbe human family, and for broken by a single window. The bottles free at C. Y. Lowe’s Drug A Fairlmnk Wn»bvr will wave clotboa en-ngh io one year to pay its coat, and clot to a Notice is herebv given that in compliance the pnrpose < f giving our readers a chance ]>enfi>cM<* Cannot be Cared with the proviaioiH of the act <>f Congress hat would l>e worn out by the short, sharp proceaa of band rubbing, or by an ordinary large structure is well lighted by im­ Store. of June 3. 1H78, entitled. *’An net for the to inform themselves we give them the be,t mense sky lights, 75 feet above tbe by local applications as they cannot TKT.SftSS NOTICK. sale of timber land* in the Stales of Cali­ —Appeal to Reas >n. Any doctrine that Washer, are o-anparatively well preserved. fornia, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington does not appeal to the highest order of ria Parties purchasing a Fairbank Washer cun have their money refunded upon return reach the diseased portion of tbe ear. floor. Notice is hereby oiven trail porsons ?”'f territory.” as extended to all the Public u”li’ng ’M not. «safe. of the Washer, if it prove» unaatxfactor.v after n thorough trial ha» been given it. There is only one way to cure deaf fot.respiss Land States l»v act of Auun-l 4. John ii. < npon the premise»!of Dr.Kenyon. Progress iu medicine and surgery uess, and that is by, constitutional aitDAt-ed between Floras Lake and the coun­ Marstiall, of Band>>n, County of Coos. State ! Recorder and Appeal to Reason,.. $2 (X) will be shown by nn excellent exhibit ty road, in Nortlietn Carry, by removing, <»f Oregon, has tUia dnv filed in thi- office big I remedies. Deafness is caused by an in­ cutting, or dent roving timber npon said «worn statement, No. 595.3. for th«* purchase . of appliances, instruments and ap­ C 3NTEST NOTICK. >f lli“S\V'4 of Section N«>. 32, in township Hamed condition of the mucus lining land. $25 reward will be paid for informa- ■ No 29 South, of Range No. 14 W»-4, and | paratus for surgery sud moiticai "re­ •ti.H*. l€ad:r®P' x- ber 7, 1S97. f >r NG "f \’W’4 Set Timber Land Act, June, 3. t87S. the 23rd day of .April, l‘.N>k He natnes as 1 the result, and unless the intlamtna 33. bW>4 of HV’4. Sec. 2M. SE*4 »»f SL*4, most advanced surgery will be the witnesses: John M. Adan:-*. Spray (>-born. P. ß. HOYT, Prop lion can be taken out and this tube re­ U nited S tates L and O ffice . Roseburg. William I). Marshall, and John H. Tucker, t Sec, 211. i'owLfibip 27 W, Range It W., by most prominent feature of tbisgroup. Oregon, February 25, 1904. John W. Gre«:g. conteMee, in which it is al all of Bandon, Coos Conntv, Oregon. stored to its uormal condition, bear ­ ----- OOO------ Notice is hereby given that in compliance legfd that John W. Gregg died on Oct 7 Anv and all i>ersons claiming adversely Located in EL BOR A WO BUILDING, ing will be destroyed forever. Nine yrith the pravisior.M of the act of Oongresw »he above-de«cril»ed lands, are Fiqiu-tPed to Ducklen's Arnica Salve. Have on hand and will keep confitirntlv 1102, and 1 hat wince th»* time of bis depth Firat Street. RANDOM. ORKGOM f June 3. IS7H. entitled “An hot for the sale file their claims in Ibis office ou or before f«»r tie tnule and family use, brands of th« his heirfi *have not cultivated or iniprovrd cases out of teo are caused l»y Catarrh, •f timber lands in the States of California, said 23rd day of April, 1904. the bui I, saitl pujtns are hereby not Hi.’J lo best quality. Has world wide fame for marvellous which is nothing but an inliamed con­ Oregon. Nevada, and Washington Terri appeal kfid offer avl tanice tuuotoing «HAVING, SHAMPOOING AND HAIR J. T. B bidgf . s , torr,” as extended to all the Pubi c Land Feb4 Register. cures. It surpasses any other salve, dition of the mucous services. CUTTING AT STANDARD PRICES. .Conds delivered free of charge at any said allegation at 10 o’clock a m. on At>nl States by act. of \ugnst 4. IM92. Fred M 20. lot»I. C. T. Blnmenrother U. S i e.tsoualrfe dÌNfaiice. lotion, ointment or balm for Cuts. Lockwood, of Bandon, Conntv of C»os. Bulli ronin newly titled up with l*«r«eUfln Comniiaaioner. Bandon. Oregon, and That We will give One Hundred Dollar- Stale of Oregon, has this day tiled in this Tub. Hot or Cold Butlin 3Ü eeiHe. tin'I bearing will be held at 10 .»’chick. a.rn.. Corns, Burns, Boil», Sores, Felons, for any case of Deafness (caused by office Snniple« nnn be fonnd In Ihn »nloon«. his sworn statement. N ». AetMX. for the • »n .May 7. 1004. before the lieeiatcr and lie* Ulcers, Tetter, Salt Rheum, Fever catarrh) that cannot be cured by purchase of the SEl4 of NE’4 of Section No reiver at tlm United Ktatea Land Oilioe in U. in Township No 29 Sooth, Range No Roxeborg, (Iregon. Sores, Chapped Hands, Skill Ernp Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send forcircn 14 West, i^nd will offer proof to show that The «aid contestant h°aving. in a proper 5 lie land «ought is more valuable for its tun lions; infnlliable for l’i’es. Cure lais, free. afti lavit, filed Feb. 27. 1904, uet forth f icts THE STEAMER — her or stone than for agricultural purpose-, 0 ° which show that after due diligence pera.»n- î-«?*You con have it all for guaranteed. Only 25ets at C. Y. ■»I service of this notice can not tie mad**, it F. J. C heney A Co.. Toledo, () md to establish his claim 10 said land be­ fore C. T. Blnmenrother, U- S. Commission 3 her» by ordered Rtid directed tliRt Riieh no­ T. iwe's Drug Store. Sold by Druggists, 75cts. LIVER Fearful Oriti» Agnlust U lui. THE RECORDER ■* ® Bedridden, uluue and cleat ¡lute. Such, in brief, was the couditiou of an old soldier, by nwtue ut J. J. Hav­ ens, Versailles, O. For years he was troubles with Kidney diaeaae, and neither ttorttors nor medicines gave him relief. At length be tried Elec­ tric Bitters. It put him on bis feet in short order and uow be test I ties, "I'm on the road to complete yecovety. Best on earth for Liver ami -Kidney troubles and al) forms of Stomach ami Bowel Complaints. Only SOcts. Guar, atrteed by C. Y. Lowe, Druggist. ----- OOO------ Telogratn: An American, woman has gone’to Russia to tell tbe Czar that he must stop lighting. Tbe Dews tbit bn has been doiug anything of tbe sort will be a s .rprise to His Majesty. Telegram: There is a man in Balti­ more who can talk 64.000 words an hour. He couldn't do more thau 10, 000 if be tackled Russian. Portland Journal: Tbe debt of Baker County is rapidly diminishing. Two years ago the county was ten years behind in tbe payment of its warrants, ami now it is only two years behind. This is a good recor 1, ami one to lie emulated by other coun­ ties still heavily 10 debt. Portland Journal: A band of over 200 howling, yelping, fighting coy otes jumped into tbe Columbia river near Irrigon about daylight tbe other morning, and swam to the Washing­ ton altore three quarters of a mile distant, where they took a roll in the sand and scampered off toward the Horse Heaven country. Why tbe •‘critters" left Oregon for Washing­ ton in sneb a largo squad is a mys tery, uuless tbeir begira be ascribed to the iipspriuging on their native bauuts of the Irrigon settlement, and the loud voice of tbe Irrigon Druggist and TROUBLES Apothecary, 5 Dry Goods of Every Description Boots n. Coos Conntv. »regon. on Thnrsdav, the l‘.Wh dav of Mav. 1904. I’ - 11am a »is witness» m S j W hv < M’»<»rn. dark M- cnin. Jonathan P. Hunt, and Rob­ ot P Hunt, all of Handoil, Cum» Conntv »regon. Anv ami all persons claiming adversely the il»ote-dr»cribed lands are mpiested to tile heir claims in this office on or bof«»re Raid I9tt> day of May, 1904. J. T. Bar dors . Mar.*) Renter. Per Kiln Month Vvv J. L. THOMPSON Shaving Parlors and Bathrooms —<>— Ppr .Vionth tn 111«* Evenuna Tnlearsni. of l'nrtlr.1 if. Orew.iti. it in ths Inrcmt evi nine in «»- r'H»* pnhliali.il in Oregon: it C'intuiti» nil th Dews of (he state and of the nnu Bt Bandon at 4;30 p. m. 1