Bandon recorder. (Bandon, Or.) 188?-1910, March 24, 1904, Image 1

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    • •
52 Times a year 1er $2.
U Times a year for $2
Volume XX
J. B, Marshall is uow prepared
M. B. Smith, of Rogue River, wan
in Bandon, Monday.
| register voters.
Hay. grain and feed at N. Lorenz’s
Veice Re»t«r<»4
Aliss Inez Thompson retimed ou
Number 12.
Important N s Notes
Phœnix Fêimily Flour
F ob S ale —A fresh milch cow at
TLo Lyons null at Coquille is soon
' Sanderson Bros.
to be iu operation again.
Lard >1.30 per gallon can, cash, at
Seed Wheat, Oats and Barley at
J. W. Q<i inn, of Washington. D C.,
T. Anderson’s.
Sandersou Brothers' Store.
registered at tbe Tupper House,
“Photo” Buttons, 10 to 15cts. at
J. A. Collier, of Coquille City, was Monday.
Wrenshall's Gallery.
u Bandon visitor this week.
William F. Diunigan, a commercial
Early Rose Seed Potatoei for sale
For first class real estate, corres­
by J. K. Stillwell, Bandon.
pond with Geo. P. Topping.
J. Gilbert, of Seattle, registered at
A full new line of Rockers and
the Tupper House last Week.
Diners at the Furniture Store.
O J. Mather, of Port Oiford, was
W. F. Junes of Port Orford was a
a visitor iu Bauilou last Friday.
visitor in town early this week.
Sheriff S. Gallier was iu town
Self rising Buckwheat Flour for
Saturday, having l>een called b«-re on pancakes, at Sanderson Brothers.
»ifijeial ImsinesH
A. Adolphsen, <>f Port Orford, was
Col. C. T Bluinenrolber has received in town Tuesday on bis way home.
» sni-vlv of register blanks ami is
Early Rose and Beauty of Hebron
seed potatoes at Sanderson Bros'
A W. Ottenbeiiuer. W. S. Booth store.
• and J Riebarilson. of San Francisco,
A. H. Guerin of Langlois had bnsi
wn. in B udon Sumtay.
ness which called him Bandonward
IT. !.<-i n ! yes. y.iii will find »lelic-
■>..s Uatn- and l>ac»>n, tine Hour, and
Fresh Groceries and Provisions at
be Le t candle- at Cox's geocery.
Cox’s Grocery
Flour, Hams, Bacon,
Ea-ter Sunday comes on April 3rd, Fruits, Nuts, Candies, etc., of the
being a week from next Sunday. En­ best quality.
gage your Easier supply of egg»-
M. G. Pohl, the optician of Myrtle
Mrs. Robert Hunt, of Four mile, Point is doing business in Bandon
visiied relalivee and friends iu Buo-
this week, but will leave town for bis
»ton, several days during tbe pUKl
home tomorrow
Rev. Myers will hold services in the
The steamer Reta was put upon
M. E. Church next Sunday morning
the steamer Favorite's run, last Mon­
and evening. A cordial invitation is
day wtitle the latter will lie put. in re
extended the public.
The steamer Elizabeth ia due here
W e notice that one, Clarence Boice,
again tomorrow. Th Chico's date of
is making frequent trips to Coquille arriv I w still a matter of conjecture,
City, and rumor indicates tliHt a dress­
as there is no nows of a let up in the
maker is th» drawing attracli n.
strike situation.
Something that fits and gives com­
Father Mueller, of Marshfield, was
fort; soiiiething that wears and looks
in town, Tuesday, on bis way to visit
well is Mauzy A Reid's Majectic parishioners in Curry County. He
Sfi.e«. You will find them al Breuer's. will bold services in the Catholic
Clint Maleborn the Dairyville
teaxusler, accompanied by his wife
came up ou Mouday and returned
iiome Tuesday, taking back a load of
F ound —Near the Livery Stable,
Friday morning. March 18th, a black
s Is neck banilercliief, floWeied design.
Owner cun get same at this office by
ng ami puyiug for thin notice.
Church here, upon bis return from
Curry, due notice of which will ap
Tho body of Thomas Cripps who
was drowned on North Fork, whs
found last week * out a hundred
yards from where be was drowned. A
dog discovered tbe remains anil be
gan bowling and barking, and at
traded oue of tbe loggers to (bo
Portland Journal: A Milton preach
er b tviug engaged in a street fist
The Sizes River “Wild Mun” ia
tight, as well as hot language, tins coming out for bis annual airing, hav­
resigne.i bis ministry so as to be free ing been reported seen three times
tu whip whom he plea*«».
already, and shot at and missed by
If troubled with weak digestion. one of tbe parties. About tbe wild
Iwli'faiug or sour stomach, use Cham­ est thing that is connected with this
berlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets, fabled monster is the wild stories that
and you will get quick relief. For emanate from those who visit bls
uative haunts.
•ale by C. Y. Lowe, Druggist.
Mr. Millard F. Shoemaker was a
Any one wishing to improve their
•tuck of chickens for winter layers, passenger to Sun Francisco on the
should get a cock from J. R. Stillwell. Steamer Elizabeth last Thursday,
He lias tbe finest stock iu tbe county, having gone to California to see bis
and has made a specialty of breeding brother »Valter,and we understand
that be will look for a location for
for wiuiei layers.
himself and family, having conclud­
M f. Guff and wife, of Illinois, who
ed to leave Bandon, as ho disnosed
have beeo visiting Levi Goff amt fam
of bis buisness interests bore some
ify at New Lake, for some weeks,
time ago.
were tn Bandon Sunday night ou
Andrew Hayter and Omy Goetz
their return homeward. Tbsv were
accompanied hero by Levi Goff anil have signed on ttie Schooner Ruby
wife who came up to see them off. and will make the trip to San Pedro.
They will be gone about six weeks.
They go by way of Portland.
They take the place on the down trip
Following is the list of passengers
of two of the Ruby’s sailors who are
on the steamer Elizabeth when she
doing time in the lockup having been
■ailed for San Francisco last Tbnrs
fined $15 each on a charge of drunk
day: Mrs Sophia Hansen. Miss Stella
and disorderly, having been called
Hansen, C H Frv »nd wife. Miss Clara
Fry, Ciiarles Fry. C O Dryden ami before I lit' Town Recorder.
wife, Adam l’ersbbaker, Miss Ruby
A beautiful comedy drama entitled
Pershnaker. and M F. Shoemaker.
“Under tbe Laurels,” will be placed
Coast Mail: The piledriver ia on on the stage here on Sal nrdav evening,
tbe ground and piles will be driven March 26tb, under tbe auspices of
immediately for the milk c.mdensary tbe Degree of Honor. Those taking
which la to be eonatrncted at North part linve worked earnestly in the
We are informed ttiHt the preparation, and their efforts have
work will be done with all |a>asil>h‘ been crowned with success, and a
s[>ee<l. and that the promoters expect first class play by excellent borne
io be taking milk some time iu June. talent will be enjoyed by tbe theatre
goers. Thia effort should receive lib
The past eeveu weeks has been
eral patronage.
wintry, and the wind has been very
high on several occasions; last Sat nr
day’» blow was one among the bard
est. Tho steamer Liberty got fouled
Wedderburn, Oregon. Mar. 4, 1904.
by it in tb" morning, near Billiards,
I hereby annonDCe myself n candi­
»• nod although she was not blown date for Join* Senator for Coos and
»shore, she wna detained for about i Carry Coonties, subject to the ap­
forty-five minutes. Iu tbe evening
proval of the Republican County
when coming down the wind blew her Conventions.
lifeboat from tbe upper deck and set
n. D. H vme .
it into the river very nicely, some !
where above Prosper. Tbe boat was
not injured, nod only took iu about a
William Shaffer, a brakeman of
bucketful of water in the operation. Dennison, Ohio, was confined to his
The steamer Dispatch was mot near lied for several weeks with itifiamma
Prosper by the tug, and was towed tory rbetimatish. “I used many rem
down from there on returning in tbe ' edies.” be said. “Finally I went to
McCaw's drug store for a bottle of
’hmnberlain'H Pain Balm, at which
Irmrdy tor Conntlpiitlon.
1 time I was unable to use baud or foot,
•Th* finest remedy for constipation Hud in one week's lime was able to go
t **•»■••< I ia Chamberlain’* Stomach . to work sa happy as a clam.” For
«■A Liver Tablets,” say* Mr. Eli But-
la*. of Frankville, N. Y. “Ttieybact
gBntlÿ and without any unpleasant
•Aaa*. tnd leave the bowels in a per-
tail? natural condition.” Sold by C
*• *$ Low».
the Alliance from a three moltbs visit
T uesday , March 15.
China has assured the U. 8. Government
with frimds au I relative» iu the
| that sbe will not nsd*t either Russia or
Willamette Valley an 1 tbe Dull»".
Japan in the present conflict.
Miss Thompsou left here »boot tbe
i Tbe result of tbe railroad merger decision
middle of December en route <o iu regard to merging interests will restore
Portland fur treatment of her vocal I community of ownership.
Tbe effect of Japanese protectorate in
orgnos, having beet» deprive! of her
traveler from San Francisco, was iu
speech for uearly two yea’s. After Corea ia looking toward the abolishment of
town this week.'
, cruelty, the punishment of corrupt officials,
being out on tbe water for »bout six and the extension of the postal svstem.
Dr. J. Curtis Snook, dentist, from
hours, ter voice was suJ.lexly mirac­ I A great statue of Jesus Christ has been
Ccqnille City, will begin bis regular
ulously restored. This lasled about ejected on the boundary line between Chile
professional visit to Bandon, Mouday,
two weeks, during which time she and Argentina. Tbe dedication was made
with impressive ceremonits.
March 28th.
visited Wrn. Richs'a peopl* at N<»«-
Strikiug canmakers at Chicago assaulted
Snow fell here last eveniug an«l | berge spending Christmas there
teamsters in an effort to make their join the
night sufficient to bavo cov red the On tbe 30th of December her voice strikers in a sympathetic strike.
ground two inches thick bad it not ugiiu loft, her almost as suddenly as
An Italian tried to blow up six Japanese
laborers at Del Monte, Calif. The bunk
melted about as fast as it fell.
it bad returned, so sue wet, to Dr. J.
bouse was demolished and four of tbe Japs
John Buckingham and family left F. Dixon, of Portland, jvbo pro- badly bruised.
here last Suuday for their old home uounced her trouble paralylis of the
Tbrea persons were killed and eiubt in­
in tbe Williaioelte Valley, where they vocal chorda. After five week's treat­ jured in an explosion which wrecked tbe
expect to make their future home.
ment with Dr. Dixon, sbe was again Novelty Toy Plant at Chicago.
W ednesday , March 16.
You will miss the beet entertain­ able to talk, and the doctor pro
Germany ordered Russian students, who
ment of tbe soHRoii unless yon see tbe non need her permanently cured, stat­ signed a protest against Cbancelor Von
plav, “Under the Laurels.” Admis­ ing, however, that sbe would never Bulow, to leave the oouutry.
Natives of German South Africa are com­
sion 35 cents; reserved seats, 50 cents. be able to sing.—Coquille Bulletin.
mitting awful atrocities upou German resi
t-° loan on Heal Estate. Ap- dents.
Tbe M’oolen Mill proposition is al- j db-j
1 s V V V ply at ibis office.
most assured. Another bustle will
Railroad magnates giving banquets will
Precinct Heard
uo longer be imbursvd by the company they
secure it. Strike while tbe iron is
represent. 'They must pay their own bills.
hot. The welfare of tbe town is at
Tbe ban Francisco mint is making U- 8.
From the Coast Mail.
coin for the Japanese Government, says re­
Hon. R. D. Home arrived here last ' To the Editor of the Coast Mail.
Two children were burned to death in h
evening on his way from San Frail- j
Marshfield, Oregon.
fire at Mountain View, Washington. The
cisco to Wedderburn. He was carried ! Dear Sir:
children slept-on the upper floor, and the
past Port Orford and landed at |
I see that an effort is being put. for­ fire tuadesacb rapid progress that helpc u d
Marshfield. He svas accompanied by , ward to enter Schiller B. Hermann in not reach them.
R. L. Finlayson, a yonng man who | tie race for Joint Senator for Coos
A six year old girl was burned to death at
Lebanon. Oregon. Burning embers of a
will have charge of bis business at and Curry Counties.
Tbe writer
bon tire set fire to the child’s clothing,
has alwti « been a staunch supporter
T hubhdat . M vrch 17.
The amount of government aid to the
F ob S ale . — A good second-hand ! of Linger Hermann, and he has done
organ on monthly payments of {4.50. some work for Coos County, but uo Lewis and Clark Exposition is >450,000, be
sides which the government will coin 2.5:»,000
Write the undersigned, care of this ! more than bis constituents were en-
souvenir gold dollnra, which will be sold to
E. M. F ubman .
tbe Exposition at par, and resold for >2
j him again. I may be a delegate to each.
Dealer in pianos and organs.
the Convention that nominates the
The chief countries of 8outh America
next Congressman, and would be have for ed an alliance. They fear that
the United States may waut to aunex them.
more thao pleased to tetorn him to
Minority members of the House Commit­
There is uo reason tee do not fav»>r joint statehood for Arizona
Notice in hereby given to all per­
however, why any other goo 1 man and New Mexico.
sona interested in organizing a Board
A Russian paper says Japan is trying to
I could not serve ns aa well.
of Trade Association for Bandon,
Tongue did much for Cooa Bay dur­ effect an alliance with China.
that a meeting is called to convene iu
The Russian torpedo boat destroyer Skor-
ing bis short stay io Corgress.
th» Town Hall,
roi was blown up yesterday while entering
S. B. Hermann has served up ono
Arthur. She struck upon an unplaced
29 th, term in the lower bouse of this alate, I ' Port
mine. Only four of her crew were saved,
at which lime au organization will be. and now he has announced himself { the lone robber whs foiled at Baber City
in trying to hold up the Club Saloon. Ti e
as aspiring for the position for Joint
A full attendance of those inter­ Senator for Coos anil < nr y. Tins is bartender, when ordered to throw up bia
bands, made a dive at the electric emergen-
ested is requested, and a general invi­ not as it should be, ¡IS Mr. Hume has. cy and turned off the lipht, and tbe robber
tation ie extended to all.
tbe floor according to good politic*. • ran. Two mon were seen running away,
ScLillt r Hermann, by doing this, in­ and it is supposed that one stood on guard.
lloy Ovcrbnnrtl
Tbe Simon Republicans went hopelessly
jures his father’s chances of being re-
down before the regulars ia Multnomah Co.,
A reccurrence of tho Jack Murphy
. nominated, by putting at bay as true yesterday.
accident came near taking place yes­
a friend ns tLe Hermann family ever
F bidat , March 18.
terday on tbe water front.
Dan Sully, a cotton manipulator of V-^all
i had, R. D. Hume, and who has prob-
playing with some boys on tbe un­
< ably done as much for Coos Bay as Street, has failed. Sully ran the price of
finished wharf at tbe new warehouse,
cotton up to 18 cents a pound.
1 any legislator ever has while acting
Governor Warfield, of Maryland, has ap­
Waiter Jensen, a lad of 11 yoara fell
us «Joint Representative. Mr. Hume proved the “Jim Crow*’ bill providing for
into th" channel, and being unable to
has put more mouey into tbe Coos steamers and railroads providing separate
swim, had quite a struggle uud would
County campaign, whenever he has compartmentsand coaches for negro travel.
uo doubt have beeD drowned bad it
Sir Thomas Lipton is talking yatch race
been a candidate, than all tbe rest
again, bat it is too late for this year it
not been for tbe assistance of little
put together, and helped the party seems.
Hons Kroger who threw liim a piece
win out gloriously during tbe last
Russian war experts declare tbe Japanese
of boar») just as be was about to sink
official war reports untrue.
for tbe third time ami had been pull­
New York is undergoing a brick layers'
Now, young Mr. Hermann should
ed ashore young Kruger rolh d him
and ironworkers’ strike.
stand back for one term, accept the
Chinese brigands captured a Russ’an out­
over a keg to remove the suit water,
nomination for representative to our post at Pan La Chan. The Russians left
and then some of tbe boys brought
legislature, where he can serve us two maxims on the field.
him home, il wetter but wiser boy.
The Japanese are at work rnising the Rus­
, fully as well, and not cast tbe stigma
Parents cannot be too persistent in
of “hogging it” upon himself. Tbe sian eruiser Variag, in Chemulpo Harbor
warniog their small boys to keep
Sacramento Is making a fight against
Hermanns are nil right, but ought to
Unionism. And tbe fight is likely to spread
away from the water.—Const Mail.
know when they have enough. Mr. over California.
i Hermann owes enough to his towns*
Russians declare that there were no sol
A Nerioti« Accident.
1 meu to not stand in their way. Sev­ diers lust on Lnke Baikal.
S atcbdat , March 19.
eral good men are seeking plums at
Unless tbe legislature interferes, tbe Clark
9 a.m., young Edward Ellingson,
the hand* of the County Convention» Exposition will be open on Suudays. so
brother of Arthur Ellingson, the fur­
I winch should at least be given consid­ states rumor.
niture man, bad a serious explosion at
The Russians claim that tbe Japanese
tbe large furniture store opposite the
nation are tbe decendants of tbe ten lost
A L ife L ong R epublican .
Masonic Hail. The young man was
tritH’S of Israel.
Coquille City, Ore., March 19th. 1904.
Leonard 8 Woods has been confirmed a
starting tbe fire when tbe explosion
major-general in the IJ. 8. Army.
Proper Tteatment Of Pneumonia.
occurred, and was so badly burned
lhe choir bovs have gone on a strike in
Church of Heavenly Rest, in New York,
that we have desisted from interview­
Pueninonia ia too dangerous a dis the
because of poor pay.
ing him to learn the particulars as to ease for anyone to attempt to doctor
Private despatches report a big battle on
bow the accident occurred. Tbe ex­ bitnrelf, although be may have the Yalu River. Russians claim a big victory
A woman was choked and gagged and
plosion was heard by several in that proper remedies at band. A physi­ robbed of $285, in her home in Portland, by
part of town, and W. H. Mansell and cian should always be called.
Fourteen hundred member« of the can
Joe Harper were the first to arrive. sbonld be borne io mind, however, maker
’s union stiuck, in San FrancLco,
The yonng man's clothing hail caught that pneumonia alwaya reaultw from a today.
A submarine boat with eleven ni^n aboard
fire, and be was just going into tbe cold or from au attack of the grip,
was sunk at Portsmouth. England.
street when they caught him and and that by giving Chamberlain^
The Santa F« carshop«, at Albuquerqhe,
threw him bodily into the deep mud Congh Kemedy tbe threatened attack were destorved by fire Loss $50,000.
M onday . March 21.
ami water near by, and extinguished | of pnentnonia may be warded off
Soly. tn-. Wall »Street ton .man i»»n la tor
th.» tire
Firemen Bonnell and Mehl This remedy is also used bv physi­ mav pav out. .
were next to arrive, and procuring a cians in tbe treatment of Dneumunia
The town « f Kievan. Russia, was destroyed
by fire. Five thousand people are bijmele-»«.
small amount of water handy by, sue with the best results.
Dr. W. J.
Rx mayor W. P. Grace, of New York, is
ceeoeii it! ptiTtttug out K hv -tire which Smith, cf Safid/v®, Alt.,-who is. also .dead.
The Russian MusrnvifrH believe that the
was gaining considerable headway in a druggist, says of it: ‘‘I hate been
ghost of N hj >< leon is wniting up<»n the banks
the building.
selling Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy I of the Yalu River to lead then» to victory.’
Tbe yonng man is very seriously ami prescribing it in niy practice for
The American iiner Merian collided wph
st« amer Glangerant, near II< Uy Head.
burned and is suffering intensely, but the past six years. I use it in cases the
Eliglal.d. .'lite litter was s/i i >Ur ly duni
it is hoped his injuries will not be of of pneumonia, and have always gotten aged.
There arc no new developments in* tbe
a permanent nature.
The severest the best’ result«.Sold by C. Y.
labtir trouble at Sacramento.
burns are about Ins hips; bis bands Lowe, Druggist.
< hina basissn d a proclamation prohibit­
ing the «ale or export of grain to the Ibis-
suffered severely nlso.
sians. UnfavoiAlile harvests in bhautun is
A Favorite Remedy for Bubirs.
the reason.
sale by C. Y. Lowe, Druggist.
FOR SALE.—A ail acre tract, adjoining
corporation boondry; «In-tit-d and burned,
and logs nioally gone; lies east of town.
Also three nice re-idcnce Iota, fenced and
desre.1. on Bind Street For full particu­
lars enquire of J. W Feller Bandon. Oreg.
Tuesday Evening, March
Church Directory
Its pleasant taste and prompt cure»
have ma<le Chamberlain’s Cooglt
Remedy a favorite with the mothers
of small children. It quickly cures
their coughs and colds and prevent*
any danger of pneumonia lor other
serious consequences.
It not only
cures cronp. bnt alien given as soon
as the cronpy congh appears, will pre­
vent the attack. For sale by C. Y.
Lowe. Drugg ¡st.
® •
W hMt Is l it. •
M. E. Cncwa.
Pi-AK-hinß «ervtee everv 2'id and 41h Son
Io th" last annlyaia nobody knows,
dav st11 AM. and ih P. M.
Sondar Hchool evsrv Hnnday at 10. A. M. bnt we do know that it ia under strict
Epworth la-aßoe . 7:P. M.
law. A' use that law oven "lightly,
l’rayar meeting Wednenday st H: P. M.
pain results. Irregular living mesns
W. H. M» tbrs . Pastor.
derangement of the organa, re-lilting
PaMB-nt-nus S zbvicb .
Treschine Ist nqd Srd Sundsys, morning in Constipation. Headache or Liver
and erening.
trouble. Dr. King’, New Life Villa
Snndsy School eacli Sondar at 10 a m.
qnicklv re adjusts thia. It's gentle
Endearor mretinga at tho nannl honr«.
Prarer mei ting—7 30 Tlmrrday er.-ning-. yet thorough. Only 25cta at Lowe'
All ara «clc.'iw
Factor. Drug Store.
ICvei’y f**a<*l4 <«iimuuiice<l
Your Money Back if it Don't Suit
For Sale Exclusively by
Household Furnishings and Deco
rations of all kinds*
Bed Hoorn Suites
Curtain Poles sad Fino
Wall Paper and
and Pieces.
Window TrinuningB.
House Lining.
Mattresses and Springs.
Cabinet Shop in Connection.
Furuitare Repairing and Saw-filing a Specialty.
Glass, Taints, Oils, Brushes,
A Full Liue of Burial Cankrts, Burial Robes and Goods, and Undertaking Supplies
Oonstantly Kept ou Hand.
Elegantly Fitted, and Speedy Steamer
C. P. JENSON, Mastei
This Steamer is New. is Strongly built, and fitted with the latest ini proven» en ta, and wil
give a regnlar 8 day service, for passengers and freight-, between the
Coquille River, Oregon, and San Francisco, Calif.
Board of Commerce
• ••
Ttio Ferfbot Procluot of
Selected California. Wheat.
E. T.
ELBERT DYER, Ayent, Bandon, Oregon.
KRUZ, Managing Agent, 207 Front Street, San Francisco, Onllfornia.
nre «till doing business at The Old
Stand and can please you. Give us a Call
and examine our
Stoves, Ranges and Farm Implements, Ect,
Now ib tb« time to purchase Hardware.
in stock a large assortment of
Tbe undersigned has
Hardware, Tinware, Graniteware,
Glassware, Crockery and Miners’ Supplies.
I’aintH. Oiln. Door» mill Windows.
The Bandon Hardware Man
Hotel Coquille
J. 1». TUri’ Proprietor.
This well known hotel is uow under new and com­
petent management and baH been thoroughly ren­
ovated throughout. Tbe table service is equal to
any in Southern Oregon. S tuple rooms for com­
mercial men. Baggage transported to uud from
boats and trains free of charge.
Fine new bar in couuection with tbe hotel.
J. C. Shields & Son
Blacksmith & Wagon
Wagons of all kinds made to order.
Job work attended to promptly and nil work guaranteed to Rive satisfaction.
Horseshoeing a. Sjooaialty.
A. W. K1YIE, M. !>.
O. T.
U. S. Commisioner and Notary Public
Filing and Final proofs made on Home
steads,'l i uber Claims and other U. S. Lands
Moii^y l.o’in» M«jrotl»!e<l bn Approved
Seeu rlty.
Office in room 10 Beverle Bnilding. Ban
d »n. Residence on Butte Creek. Oregon.
:• i-:-.
x 4 ❖ > ’j’v 4 •> •> •? ? 4
** * £ # $ O ♦ I
h w
Galla to all parts of t >wn an<l county
promptly answered day or night. Office on
coiner ot Lower Main and Atwater streets
"f I>\NIM»N LODGE No. 133,1.0. O. F.
; •> ii-•> t-■ every Satuidat evening.
.-. ■¡-•••'Hu brother« iu goon •tnndlng
oidmlly iifvit» <1.
♦; B. F rederick , J u , Src.
« hsm »><»-*:♦ <• «
f HIM«» LOlHiE. So. 1 IS, A. F. A. M ■
;• ¡»ANDON LOLGE.N ell.'.,A F A.M ?
I > Stated ci>nimnnieatim*i first Sat /
i. nrd.’V after the full moon of each »
4> ni 'fith All Muster M twins cordial!, *
> invited. PETEK NEl.SllN, W. M. »
> J. E. W aixus - m . Sec.
__ *
<•> Wf*» « »
« ■» 9 A
The Weekly Orc»on:*n and this paper
give you all the new« of home, elate, the
Norihweat apd the nation.
’f .v* S5
4 BANDON LODGE No. 133,1.0.0. F
4 >4
Will visit Bandon regularly on dales to bo
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»(Il Ki Qtl !.N <11 TUE FORESI
•> V7 No. 17. d »■< !“ l’nrtflv night < f n i .-,
^week, in Concrete Hall. Baii<l<>n. Orrp-n
4 \ cordini welcome ia extemled Di,.;!! *>M
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£ J. N. L amilotr ,
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Wrenchali & Wrensh II