Bandon recorder. (Bandon, Or.) 188?-1910, March 17, 1904, Image 4

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ifiro iuT i'HCFnnrToa.
Hfx Mouths...,
..iga W j
1 C
This nper is eatrt-4 at ih Ecwhm $mi.
office as 5ocoad-nu.- Jiatter.
The watchmakers at Elgin. Illinois. I
nre about logo c:ia stiike. ,W won
dnr how it will affect tunc Will it
decreasp. incro&se, or raii-e tLo price
TjhIxu l'ak!s. of New Yirk. ari
orrtHinly up aniniit a real auigouiat
now. Ti.oy hnr asrrei to drink anJy
Union whisk v. and two hard proposi
tions confront tbem. Thofh-s! ie ib.:s:!tvhi!.vtr.rftl nn-inbers ui tho build
Wboa a tnn ffpta a'ooul iWii-iUirJs
drunk hc is nut iu c ron.tsttoa to euro
very much as to who made the whisky,
and in thoswcml :ii.hucp. a mr.n v.-bo
ip suffering froa f 01 red ab;ineiice.
and iiatls the thii-si txinj: his powers
of resisi-aace so severely tha? he can
not, cr will not. withstand the lemp to satisfy Lis thirst, h' is aoi so
liRi ticularns iotLe brand, 'j'lie saiis
fe.ciion f histhir-t ami iiuiulano:: of
his is nrinu him on. the t har story aro atippW in while
and thisean hotMti'&Ki by n-.w nuion j The wall is surface, with Riwa bar
whisky just as w.iiy as by any othi j Up. aavi on the rough j-unis of the
iyraud, ; ud be rout trubie himseif to S waM a wide fruzC;f r.-on and gvid
look far tba trai-vmark awd wait
aa&her oppi:-tni:y whrn tUa thirst
If urging' hit" , whisky
will toakv bia hi as i!rnnk v.- nuton
iijg!tjle Utax.
43!nKo; UiK aitiK or tw.i ea. j
A. . . -
yrntvtLWrt: lh&U2s:! iksn urcansett
Y a :! m. re xeise
:UuaD until vt n w:dk tea or c
nti:u irw -ii-ie'iit. f " i' j - j . . , .; 5. . i . , t .
SO ..-rur. a,ttl. ........(. ...,) 10 , ,,ruwil w 1,I,m k. nn.. r . :, .,- .!. ..7-. !
K. .... ..-';.,r, if vi r,. ;.:,.' At IW censer is mien oiao-H - :v- i '! 4. 1 :t U. ' rpr.-fc.: -N.f. w:in c.k suiao
hy or-eaimjf. job w M rttm(j v?M.wl4' a!Sv s.okt? fro:u fui.ty to thirty .,..,, . -i- . 1 - ,; . y ... f, ...., ; M-'--? WiSi
rmdoua xou uiii do w, ii to fast for mi.rt' I'M preau t i . - , - . f. Ul. ....... t. . : ;;..: r. o ' .K.i' .ffv2 383
dl, boiler L,a o4rmi? Art in Ohio. ..J ' mt,en- l.-m ,,;t , f ; , ... u , , , , : ,
iiv rA; ?nr u.;v. You wiU te; r: tt-e i.vt::r of Hsv-.vr ( W
ticdfcttber---,ts !ut"1 ? Fiit t. n. X. J.. hivc b.vt.j
IrftlieitrfewerMrJ pee.leate ccratei n::.ler her dm-t,.K.
t .t... .- 1- 1 --..1 -OOO-
Imo ststlesi. (o 1, bJ and ty ih. ie
iwsk. Kva-i Itiiht i'rtoredwrii: i
hf br, aiwi fctv s:i and l-ody ; Hc.s w.'M a Me .::. fr ai'irve' .' ::
ioo3p-f rebf . 35ei.t u,iajj your vital-1 cares. It snn.3 - auy oti.-r wd.v.
i,-y. j lot: ts, inttnejd or b tlm f r Cnis.
Hoi water is an excllit meJicine. U rr.- Ii;;rns Bt.;!-, jii., iVlt.nv,
Dritik piul of it iu the incruiec set! tli-!r T. tter, .Suit I!ii-nui. F'ver
in for: rotefc metii. Ji'eJtMtic ont tb? : Sies. Cbapjxd iuids. Skin Kmp
Jtoajwi at: btmtiis, r pnrifi ihe'tn?ws; inf!Ii;.tdo for Fib. C'nr
nbole gyslem. jrn van teed. Cn!y 23-ta t C.
1 ake a g!?e-F of tool ater befnt ;
otitinr. It is lwliee tluta hot w4pt.
Ma a:er i. K:$nrins. !t distewKT!
struaHch fctul "r;.kt.:.B the wails
Cotd wa'' li-aei the system.
I!;.iifc daily ctd you wi!i never be
frrqmnt i dbir.K Hrsbbffi ths
;! frcNa lite kin n .d 1ju m (! vitel-; f
ity off tLhoV b. y. " 1
itxatst tf tor ilU. The uuurieltta
tuoviti aid fed ttb pif. Oo- hewl
; b car-e. I it.wn !lread. H etHins
:4s rv tLe ttb, end ;eveitsct.ri
fciiition. Twi browis inead hasiies? is a fad.
iuaeb ;on: jsijt:.. ot as whole uheni
orr, i;iw! i iacre a.-.!;. djjrrll. I n.
tNiMM jRsiitte-! in me eiy.wn oread
irtita.e Hie sf',::.ach and lwr.vr.lH. anS
HRt an unnwi-Kiiy au.otint of work
oa the lireriive powers.
fiiiied foor!h are a boon to hu
uiabiiy. i'le dig tiTe v.H.rh has
aTKf ly )GfB dt.iw by mathinry. ski
,! vfsivfni that trouble.
3Sai I b-idy of w IJ-oooked hnie
S mI.mio! aii id repari-1 f das yon
Th rrry liw( to "lriteberi:'.e"
fui ii. ILc i.iiffiuaioi is My.
KMi-ir L'faew y.'ir fvod nnlii it in
ih1mv4 to liquid A $r-o plan i to
t - Bi it tifia. rr!it;tf t chew it foi
ibm y.n Mjieml K) -Ha!lov f.j -njjjKr.
(jrtwr.f uli ibs. !obs, rarefnlly.
a rune' to feav ywr 5dy ere
oiAtd. CtMH'riec are a frttitlnl
Tlejrr:r: The 1... u'i nccA
af ar. ii '.uJutiou tHcasse of his re-tsre?-,
f.r thn sMteertton 55 mado that
!dHty ri mv f-l of tlits n-ttdan
lOiwlati jo ranuvi rttl tbf iipa
pmm In tt.i- et?ijjtry UmH jh samt
ii nt;fri is tstttf? to makf beti ir
i -;tl 4 hi :-r iMjfts.
J'aarfirt olA- Ani r:!m.
BwiiKlflwi. nlyne ckstUnU.
8t;b. ia lrwf. was the eowlilitm of
fta old soldier, by name of J. . Wav
enn. Ytrsniltes O. For years bo wan
i rouble uuh Kidney disease, and
neither doctors nr medicines ;;;ve
bi- wdief. Al length be tried Elec
tric Iitbrs. it pnt hiiuou Lis feet in
short order ui! wow he testifies. 'Tin
nn the road to complete recovery."
Best on earth for Lsvtr an1 Kidney
;j-0uldesHnd all form of Stomach ami
itowei Complaint. OelySOcii;. Unar
auteed bfyQ. Y. Imvo. Druggist.
ttitt;:- lictiicii .;.
To 3Mf Oraee I.Sneo'H Temple list been
listru-t.'il tii interior Jt-ctOT.tloii- f
tfco ;.-rn:neiil Mrrteture at. itte
WiirW ratr.
a - 0 R : H..yLtb Grace Lincoln
Temple, or Washington, D. C sk h
ohnrtje of the Interior Decorations of
I be I'mic-d States duvet oment Build
ing it the World 'air. Thu work,
nmler plans drawn by Miss Temple,
imp mado considerable progress.
'The plan of the interior decora
tion." .-:) Mid Tempi". "urs tho
ing' as opporiniiiiit'S for wvMvnitiou.
Th col..r i applied din-otly to iiu
baiWin. o;i paint to the iron, stain to
the w-.K Xltis is the legitimate! ar
cljitefturhl interior deoo: at ieti.'
The reat sied tiussep. which arch
ihn interior paee of the builtlin. in
one teat s.oan f 175 fvet, aro puini
td a rich rod. The .woo leu roof,
which rests on tue-e trasses, is stained
a tioll. deep idua Tho witniows of
is beiag jiaintw. Tuisriew is made
v.p of the lnii.d States shield. r
rorindt'd by a wreath of laurel alter
uattt with an oval similarly se.r-
r rtud'!. ma-Je vp of a coj:povl!m
ropre-mtirjc tbe 13 stars, ey-A:i x-beal
? the KJ oiiiriosl MfcU. A (;e. k
jlaltie wii.thiw, uhirb wcurs itntM
j ihe fih.v i ne i ns.d in the dt corn i
1. A ,1 .!. .v -lv.. f.:., !
f iu orvK ii-iiu
-ntrauceisiu ?old with real llaps uf
rue- !iintiiir!i srov.'rutarat ntwri 11, u.
.rtatb. m Jurh from the eenter.
- "
:l.mrtw. r.iid of 4be Couo Clabat
lnr-e enmbrr of
i 1 t I The two endsuf ib Jn:lhi Lav j imt-e ptetif? a.,j i r...:.:.
. ... .
2we'j Dnt Stcre.
.Herh tilt c-f" 5aarcSi.
Th stentn'!' i'fi'.ii liu.Jy to re
ciftin en-the. beach fit Fort tJrford fn
svaml wteks yei. Cajtain Slageo.
who wen I down witii th, n; (!"ln;n
; t
bis i tr it. L-'. i her ti-T. tAdind that it
wonM bp n to mnlhP nll tl
ton : wvll su on sba Umrb and li
agor.aily Itead on, and a bur h:id
eriij,d otitside of he'.' on which tin :e
oulv about nine, fet-t of wfctr.
I.. "V. rfhaw, ei:t of she C A: O.
C. H. S. the Mail that h
wtosium i?l ..'jil ml 11 if tr tiiliwrii !.!
jrm Wbtli the la-1. tf lh:s n:omh.
I . .. , , . , -s,
wneti ue ntiier.i into ixvir
3 ...,, t,;, ,v.mbet
is mj "id, hhi' will probably lt: ta!:;n
of? at iiw.t titne. Coast Aiail.
I:;:ifaif; Omni.: ! Ciih"!
by local application :ts they cannot
reaelt the tiiMasl portion of the etir.
There is only one way to enro tiojif
stess, and that i by eonNti:ntin:al
remedies. Deafn:' i'-ean-tvl Uy an in
liui"l contlition nf tho inuens lisii:!,;
.if the Eustachian Tube. When Ibis
tnhu is in?lanid 3-011 have a ruto
bliu? -oun.l or iuipe; h"iirin", and
wh?u jl j-i ejiStrely ei -ed d'aftns ii
the ifiil!, and aniens the inilatnnta
tion er.n bt taken ot.t and tins lnb- r--storod
to its normal eundiiiuti, har
iiif? w ill be doj-li'oyetl forever. Nine
casus out often are oanstvl by (.'at.rrh.
'.vhieh is nothing bat an iullanind con
dition tf the. in noons services.
We will jive One ilnndre.1 Dollar
fur any ca-e of !enfnep (ear.-ed by
catarrh) that cannot lie cured by
Hall's l!atanh Care. .Semi forcsnrsi-iar.-..
.!. J. Omist X. Co., T.dedo, 0.
Sold by Ot 'it v?r ?. 75eta.
!;:.!';. iMIs ai ibo be4.
iriopnr '1 lentmui:! 01" I'nemntinhi.
Pneumonia is too dangerous, a dis
ease fofniiyono. to attempt to doctor
himself, alt.hoisgh ho may havu the
t: oir riMat'.lh's at hand. A j)hyfi
cian should alvvnys bo calhul. Ii
should b boi no i:i mini, hovwir. !
that pneumonia hhvav.- results from a
!f pmMinK'Uin may ht warded oil' j
This tvsm'dy i.s also u.-fd 1y phyej- ;
nans in tho trpafniput of jmoumonia
with tho !)p6t. ro?nl!ri. Dr. . J
at:d pivscribin it iti my ivactic for
tho past .iM yi'.irs. .1 use il in cast's
of puoumonia. ami have always irnj vn
tho btst rcn!tr".'J
Lowe, DiHjrgi'i.
Sold by (J. Y
M.ti.r of luieita ilesthriu! mu i!
Fume, l"v iuui fortuao un niy footsti;i
Citifrf antt I w::!'.:: 1 ratu
l)isprt Riur fields, s:id, pRwiau by
Howl hjhI njRrt ami ihJ6.v. funa or !:;tt
Knock. unbSiUta::, ii at every K'.Ae'.
If s!t-epiti;, v.-al:-.-: ir rrKi:u. iiw tivfi'io
I turn jovny. It i- llir- hoar of fnu",
Ami tiify who follow n r;trii rvrs p.t
Aturtr.U desire, is::ti otnujoor rvrrj f c
Snvc detli; these who duabt or
Uondf iunttl to fsilttrf. tsenary Histl woo.
St ok s vjt'sn and v iiiipiwe-
I ftititir not, nntl 1 leturn t:u ime,
Jsn. J. iNUAM.a.
W. G,f, urC0LUSS.
'Xt V C T t meeting l;;kl5,
oiaco a
t 4'.::-A F. M . ni alt
J. I:.. Chnreh.
iV. f. -Cftddock im,s thnt iolrieeo
iias a bad fTecl upon h si';. and
a dk;tiuc; dioen of the eye is tuirib - to its ims:Kd rn'e u-e. i-Sauv
- in f.J.i.-h r.oopb - h- .d ttffht
I has tuenred. :m 1 v.!S4;h tvet f .nj-r
y red as h.Ms n
koown io f nr ddt, by tn',i;-4 :u-
tiutb!4 twtin ii'iu: ! v.
contreciwi, in soir, ra-es to aneu ?.n
, , ,1 . .l, ,.; ,r...-x.
1 v. , ,
ovo ahoui wU'aont u-w.t&vv
Uhe aat.?u rens n t'wt r.- re .-r J.-j
Pi;-oo is t j r-.b- ; i
" l -'f " - -V" !
-i!?: but tfci-. u:.h. r-: 1-
if uu,y i,-i' -.
bsv-e uf tie t.jrtr ii- .1,.. nr. i t-j. ..
j if e..i , 5 Ii;. he 1- n':...?
beyond :
Moat hi v.
reyond rt.t.r y. - t . -ci :;:;
- -cx
i :!. vnui Khl - fr tw...
With faintly uMnd.-rjrei!ie.T lit
tj die, nd aon riding for fif. is
miKs. to Rf-l nr.KiuP;V Xe Oiscv j
- " : " i
toiK W. If. Tirown. tf ieesvid:-. j
Ind.. eniinnn: dottth's stonier, frote.
aMhi;; but this -,v'urh rfn! tlie::rt
avo instant relief :and enre '
him. Ho writt: "I nw sleep ptmn !
ly very night." Like uwtrvtdoo,
enres of ' '.jitsnmptk-n, FnnmoniH.
lirarhitr-. (.'ot:s. C-dds and Ori;'
pre. ', it.s n.sitehlej :e,er;i. f 1 '-i-
Thro-Ht w.:l Lttn iTun!i.t4. (ij-.r:.ti j
ted 'bottle- an.1 ?t tl TrrVi!
littles fre h! 0. x. LoWh lra-
- ---
:v : n-i'y uv.ia :Triterf f-.r ;v,. ,-.f ! ;
Ci.n::vi:ii t:tnt:t':aif. ;iit tj i Jj :.::;-. j
and rV ns. ;mid nrk UomJuv ti. t-ri i o.e. j
;.ttt 11 p ruiaaoia. A-Mn-aa lu:ie.r. fits
Mo:to!i UuriiltM. i'httiMK.
ts: t:-i'Ass xorieu.
K'i'icc Is ii Tet.v jriv.'ii t ' nil pfns-ie.p ti.if
to t.- s.jis tip'iii she pr-.-ttit-.fs of :-'r. I.i
ii'ia'ttl t.!t'"-:t i'i.i 1 ntnl tin- ca-t-Sy
roml. in Northern C-triy. by retitorma.
ottuitia. or dfstr.iyiii!; timher tp tt Kttv.i
Ihuil. re'Aitr.l will l pmd f.r julonn.i
ti'.ti leatiisti; to a convtdj.itt of lri-:-:e:)
fi:Oe.l :i!inv(r.
Datitl at Uini Jon. Ore" n. Mnreh 1 1. 51tj.
PKTHH iNMhtUJN, Avctil.
TOnlM'r I.iuiil . !l, .tune. IJ. 1S7S.
L:;:tj:i Statks Ijakm Okkick. Uoebory.
Oreiioii. Ffl.niRry LTj. l'.):M
Notkw is hereby yivfn that in cunpljiutc'
vi!j :h. eiovisioit? ol the ne.t of ('..iitrifSH
.l .ItiMf :t. !STS. ci:t:tied "An ::el fnr tt:e st.le
of MmhiT lattiU :a the SJ ;tiK of (.ii;fori:i,
Ori'aon. Neva. la. and W i-!iintef' T.-rn
t .' as extended to till tl.e Public l.niid
rt t - by :tef . f ..jirnt.
I-iJ. :'re.l
.-..ij- f (jr-'jen, hs 1 1 i he, d in tlii
olti-. Jix WiMt -t tleio. :tt. N .. .. J-.. f..( tjj.
p srel.ti- ..f tie- Si'.1, of M ,',' of S.- h.-o .. .
:tl. in Township No. 'Jit ottth. liaie.;: ."-.'0
't W, m . and --'ill otf. 1 pr.H.f to Jli.v iliMt
the Kin! - lUyht i.s tnoie vahmbif for tt.s titn
brr or :fo:ie t tetn for ayrLnotiiral oi:rp!ii-K,
and to i--t:il)!i;!i bin elaini to said hind be.
..)-.'. T. r.l.ini. r. I . :i. CoiniMH-..n
er at J:is .ili;-t at J fden. '.jis Cemtv,
i Ireyot:. on Thttrstlav, tin Uiih dny nf .Vav.
HMI. He !i::tttemts.vitiie'-i: Sprny (ta'.orii,
Murk .M.-i'.ii.i, .!..iij.t!u'.ii P ii not, ami Ko li
ft! 1' b' tint, lilt i Hatidon, tkW t'oiit:!;,.
I !eoii.
Aiiytoid n!'. jwMfie cbitii.iutr nttvarwly tht
JtlHive-ibvsciritied l;itt?t re rq !'. ed le lit.
iheir clnti.i in thin ofltue or before uawl
l:UJi day of JSay,
J . T.
Ma ltier.
old or from an attack of tho ;;rip. j -5-, cd Jfe-'ffi
and thai, hy nivm- ChamborlainV j Vv
Conirli K?midv ihu tlr?iaitnuH attack ! t&jjjtTfi m
vSuiith, of Ssmilo.s. Ala., who i.s ulso (g f for :;y ror -.pare t suwm-i
a drii-i!. says o: it: ! hnvo huon , lor ildI;. ,t OJ vmlj0!1 a3 xi . .j
5-i'llin" 'han)b(!rlain':iCourh Krm.'dy ! y o::iy way to p-t veh. 1, liowtwor. &
0r.i-or, tiuira sUrH C'Jnb.
1 M 1T6 Warwn Av0.,Cf
GarcAiio, ii.i,., i),:t. 22, JOJ. j
2 well as 1, for homo with a sick f&
S woman is a riiNina. solute place at 'A
r- best. A friend! v druggist advined .-ts
m him to pt a bottle uMYim) of 11?
Canhii f r i:e to try, rtm he did
$3 i ''en.:n' impm'.emaiev. (arta!Mi r-.;
nty recovery was vory rapid. Vhh-
Ki in 'eighbtij wechs I was another ?s
iJ ia. Stows letter shows every ?..
!J fe eiaie w, a!c:. - and iio.'cer.rt!;-t fv
1 V tjiH of cures tiuit sir!:- 5
tsg n-jag arid i-.rin 1 h'dth nn.l J?npj-
'teas atfain. To r.ot ;o on t:til:-r- &
k-j tff. l-b to ;.ov.r dniiiist bnlay ?J
y and wetnea Jfi.uO bottle, of Wiie
5 of Cardui. fX-
:-, .... . !
F S",!
T . .1. -
:a Jrr:5
313 au
!i.:w.vr. var.; kept b a bam'
..i-: ... 5 c-, Kjt -jc
Y.. . , . .. r.,.:; ...t ?, t... ,,.ni, ... '
.' .:?. i : " ri-r-. 1 ft .?: r'e. f-r j
- - . v r c ive en ..;;. atm;
i .c ,; v , ,f ri... .lt lvnfr..rfSj
:- - 4 -j ;cx ; r 1 . s .. ;
ij r. ;.t-':. .( t'n!t'orai:y. ;
i,. .
. .',.vt.,
r. t t t.
V - "
f ;
' v'
Si ::-it"r.
j tr7 - -....tiS
,.n.t , ::-;s-.l:t..(w..a!-;r.
t r..i : :-v v. ' a I. . v--. .-.I -r.
I 2,000,000
Waltham Watches
low in use
j1;iVc a ;ar?c nsnrlmcnt vof
Valtha Valcbcs in Gokl, Cold
Fi,? , SUvcr n;ul iNr:cke Cases.
r :fv,? pcyk,j
KiHR'i Ft Hi lTii.'.lf .tliUA.
rimhi-v : l v.-i ,1 :t. 17
i:Nrr!n rrT.. :.a;i: OtteE. -.r Kosts-
homo OkkgoS. .Itoiiiarj ri, tiiit
Notice ih hf f Je. civt-n thnt in -jotopliHnf?
vfith tl.e :.. ;tis .-J the act ot tjnr' -t
of .luii":.. lt-7:-?, i ;iti.'.f.l. "An act. for Ky
.-vtl." ot timber lnvi n the States of ('.isi
foritin. tJrrpin. !.';-v.iJ.n. r.aj Wtisttiiiyton
Tcrrttrv." Js est-te.lfd lo ail thf Public
I .nod State; b. ; Anns; . 1S-JJ, John It.
.!nrs'.i.tll. of I .o!-.n. C.untv of Too-. Sfitc
il Orejott. h i- this -Uts lib d in thi- office bis so.tei.a ni. No. f'..V.. for i he purcha-e
of theSWl4 N.i. I!'.', it: Tewiudiip
No. I".! South, ot Umju'c '. It We-!, mid
will oiF-r :)r- f that the I tad r.o'inht
:s nieio val'iat- . fa it ..t.der or stone thr.n
Itir auiiuMittir il parp-.-cK. aiul t stahiish
Ins claim to s ii 1 land Ivfofe ('. T. !5!un."it
rothor. V. S. t'.-mn.i ainte-r at his ohice a!
Hanrin, t'o w t' aonv, lreyoe, on Satunl ty.
tint "trd ii iv f Vpril. llliil. He ::amcu as
wiinc-w-s: .(ohii .M. Atinnis. S: rav I inborn,
Wiiliam !. .Marshall, and ,lohn tl. TiieLur,
all of I'andi'ti. (mo:i (itmiv. I )re;:on.
Any and all pet-ons olaiminu .'ulvcrPoly
(he ltiadn. are requested to
tile tin ir claim 1 m tins office on or before
m'u -J-ird viay of April, P.hii.
. I . Htnoiiri.
1 .-.
ifVou can have it all for
O 2i : ll -' .T2 ir it s ii
In tle Uveioiio: Telcrrmn. of Portland.
( treuoa. It i- i!ie Ia5. '. evee.inv newfi
ptpif psibliii.-i; iu Oreion: it contains
h ti. ifv.s ,.( the state and of tho
n.'i!ios Try it for a :ie:;!!i. A sample
0 py w 1 tnaited to yon free. Ailoresrf
The Telearam,
&j Mv iiiii-o.wiil ftlt dish.1?.! team as f;
:::::i(3o:. Orfjot,
ruggisi and
ii i" r- si v
fJ'-?LllGt;Cl: J j
is jnst m receipt of a aev and
fjvsu Htock of
Druqs end Chemicals,
FatuuLaiul Troprsotitry rreparutious
Toilet Articles,
55r:j;;M &vtiii! :;eM.
LJKiu'U2!iis, .Bi;i;siu.s, SroNoits, .Soaps
Nuts and Candjks.
'lir;ri, Ti1iiiit(m and CI;ar;ttort.
J'uiatH, Oi!a. n:ei i'asoU'r'stipphcd
$2 worm ier bui you
can got year money's
tCUl kit WOp
lIeijiirinj'HeaU3 ami promptly tlono at
lowest livise prhvs.
fiyrpv -jyTTn . rrt Ti-f 4 "QTT'fP'T
1 iflJi;iiA -UiiiJA.iliL'.i.
t T7r A T T-.Trp.nTiT. p r p,; -n----,
d. vv ALjj uuLi.- i evil 1 i0u3.
Irf-iPh Bi0a?Hi;5-y
Ail th.!a
JJfl-UiGKA 8vr.-4.UJK. HliAP-rHKKS,:
ftr.d VKAb Kiwn o.j u-inu.
TIUTTEP.! r.dS. am?
tf a!t LlriilT.
1 r-.
r:: th-
jSttj-nnr .-. '.!. a rV.rtr'. i.r.5 iV.'cr:sf ion cay
qr,;';v;7 .-..jr: r.!i f :r t :: :i frC XT'.tf':i-r mi
J.- S .. .;f 5s.- Vi:l-! :tnt
tl- I t.-.t 7 i-nn rwii
J.i - g,
.. i.p ti. n nau
.. ,d t- r.'l sisri-
y. .: r l;;
ttf- pa i -. :akf tfco
ft l!eir.!. , 10. . i1 ! s. c 3cr:
.isl-r at coi; ;. t . t. - ! . itt iui
Vkicg t v a w ." : Yu.ta.
Vir...; Vt ue. r. jfcfft)
S e. Fruct.- b :: li if !S8
I'.iit'iir.d bv (.(!. l'ehi.:i!M ii U)
W-cV.y -01 i.t.; 1 a
A!.i! to n 30
n:c f! il! tin is:n of t;ne pa'.
f ?:c W.t. ::! o ii r,lv ; t:S. iifhU tn Sn.
Ftitr.-i-r-.. .u.i! .-v. ; L af.TS. 1tirofiW
ifts-.d-:; ;Li :'-:.:' Pu'.lcsia.
n.e r..r.i:r' i.ttlVti::. verr.. $7 Ot)
Kh- .rbr ni'! K:t'I. tin. o,- tuotoh CT
'!'! IVsi: itel iv iduk' T.!;'rani in issued
i if. JUo- a wch. -I iiv'- sti toe ies thai
w 'n'lth ri " !!'; ara! op tsta.' of anittfi tf
. i.ks. n.uoh o! 1: l'L-:ua3J b-r4 fresher tliat.
lieti it nvawhc bite tUrrU;:h any oiliit
j utttoi.
i!ec !riicr .m-J rntn fae'tt. f0
For a wreeSi'y wsp 4tr tlu- WW.dy (Jrc
.otietsi leads in tt- Hertbw nt. n:ui xi"
li tl.e i.e.- tw.) itiy C'Mi:-itDd in a v. ,
. tt'-r.
:..r.:cr and lV vU!v Ort :fniaa..- ."0
St i- tlut .in'y of v eh ;h'.-.:i io s.-ek ia
i" rin:iiieii nloae all lias th .t tctul Ic-vntd
I'TinsitH? -tttttt t!.li'rc.;:.!ttio::s.iid k renter
;rosei h' i r tho linoiaa fntuity. and for
the pnrposT t f Kvi''U nr r r.d r a chance
to hem ti-s Vf give them the best
Appeal to Metis a. Auy it..i-trin that
tines it tippcRi to lh! l.ihtfst oider of re:i
sotiiaj; is not .-afe.
!ii:uort!ur and Appeal to lipnso:i... 5- 00
b.hi 1) ulM X5iV;ili VV JL'i J.b J. ,
C. GEHRIG Proprietor
man rr.u"rui;Kn ok
Beer, Porter and Ale,
Have on hand and will keep constantly
f.r the trade and family use, brands of the
!m t (Utility.
Coo.!- .Ietlvere.1 free of charge nl any
1 ta'.nii!i:tb!e dNlanei:.
Samplec can be found in the salnona.
7 j Trfnvn'
f : 1 ? ; n ,-1'Ti'r.
iud-Vti'lU 3 ai iQi 5
and Bathrooms
?r !s Ji v:iiy ii, veuf-.
Workniu'tship np to dale in ntij'
tliing in tity !:itfi.
Ladies Goats, Gapes and
Fresh Groceries of
Suits Ftfade i:o Measure,
Speedy and
1 1 V
Thin Stoninwr will uive a rnlr-r 10 dny Porvico nctwr on Coqoillo ltiwr. Orefjon, nndinr
l'ranoiKCo, Oatiforuia, for both paHscnera and freight. " "
K. Dl'lilt ARent, Kandon, Orpyon.
S WAYNE & HOVT. Aont, 'J'lC, iinttorv Htreet, San Francisco. California.
Bandon Meat Market,,
Anderson. Prop.-
Vill Ceop on Hand at all Times
Sausages, Etc., also
Frosb Vegetal ies, try, Ejrs, Butter and nil Farm Produce.
will pay high! tarkt price for beef, pork. rnbtton,wool, hides, etc.
Fail and Winter Goods.
A -r: 4itr..-!i
L:vkm" Juck'-ts and
c nsT.s rtuxwniSG-GOODs.
Orders Taken for
r:'I Boots
A Lsrqa Stock of Fresh Groceries and Provisions
Tyr-W t'Jp tt-JlTT: Tn nlTT Tlu.sht-5v-s.nre crowded
-11 V -' - tiiiC v kJ--.y . Xcw Guwia which
vr.M I'? Jt ?osd of at prsees t! v. ill nio's!i j-ou, uhile there are -
-v "
t r p
r.on f ;.: .f-.
Mmf all Leading Brands of Case Goods,
-.k. k
is Iv:C:rici:ra.ctv.recl by
'IV rpvrr.t tlu- Faitbi.l; Va;.et :m s simple thai auy person can learn to ni?e it in
btriy uiinuits. and attv boy ..r mri, tiii or twelve j ears of ae, cm operate it.
With this Waiher tl.e eioth s are rubb d -.vith an oven, steady pressure, which doefl
not tear or in jure theuj. Tho water is foretd through and through the clothes, making
them absolutely clean, white as snow, and healthful.
A Fairhnnk Wr.shcr w ill save clothe ennh in one year to pay its cost, and olothiS
hat won id bo worn out by the .short, sharp process of baud rubbing, or by an ordiuary
'.Vasfcer, are comparatively well ptvsorved.
Parties purehasiny a Fairbank Washer can have their money refunded upon return
..f :h V.'asher, if it proves unsatisfactory after a thorough trial has btntn given it.
P rartn.ent of the Interior.
I States Tj-.nd Ofkice, ltofieburg,
(Jivgot:, March I. Jlnlt.
A sufiieietit contest allulnvit having been
tiled ;a thi- ( fti v by Ani!n:t J. barre, cue
testant. aoninst homestead entry No. 11)7.
made October 7, 1S1;7, for Nj of NW- Set.
:r.i. hVi4 .f Sec. L"S.K-4 f SLS,
Sec, iTJ. Township L'7 S, Itrtngf U W.. by
Johu W. Greug, conteistec, in which it is al
leged that .lohn W. Gregg died on Sept. 7,
11 and that since the time of hi derth
his heirs have not cultivated or ituprovtil
the Ian !, said parties are hereby notified to
'ippear. respoml and eller evidence touahmg
"lid al.'ation at lb o'clock a tn. on April
111. lfl. beforn C. T. Hlnmenrothc r. I. S.
Commisniotier, Kate.lon. Oregon, and that
tinal hearing will be held Jit 10 o'clock, a.m..
on May 7. IthW. before the ltegister and SIo
et iver at tin- t'tdtol Statw Jjai-.d Oitlce tn
lb-; burg, Oo gon.
The sniil contestant having, iu a prptr
affidavit, filed Feb. 7. llM. set forth facts
v. I.idt show that-after due dilicence person
al servieeof this notice cm not he made, it
s t'-n by ordered .ud dir. cted that futeh no
tn:e le given bj due ami pr.K-r pubStcatieii.
J. II. Itoarn, Hecetvur.
I.'OK SAbli 1!0 acres of land; 1110 acres
i oie.'k bottom, covered witli abler and
salmon bru-h ; 7 ncr.-s pl w tatid iud 1'2
Korea in pnstnrc; house and outbuildings;
III iiohui South ot Miuidou. on t'oiir-otio
'leek: price $t..ra. For pi ! iniiios ac'drrHs
P. is. Ttiifiiatt, Shaiier St., i'oitlund. Or.
Kl K 2!
all Kinds.
Elegantly Fit ed Steamer,
9, a
Perk, ISutton, Smoked Keats, Lard.
All Ki:id of Goods Eir,
Viutor Woar.
Jailor Made Clothing.
and Shoos
To bo had in Dry Good. C!olhin:i. Shoo,
and other ru c.a that must bf sold to maUo
a ctt u
- - T7
W sisiaer
hh Dorado
P. 8. HOYT, Prop.
hirst Street, HASiajX. OKEGOK
J Hutt.rooin intwly mtrd up with Poreelaln
I Tul. Hot or Cold lluths S3 wuU.
Leaves Hantfnn every morning, except
Sunday, at 7'M o'clock and makes connec
tions with the train and steamer ilyrl at
UkeO a. m. atToquille City.
J ' Ix'tivec Goqnille Citv at 12:S0 p ni.,Jirrpf
1 iug at Ifcindou at p. ui, '