THE RECORDER IM VfW.lHHiD The 'Real issue, ' a Socialist paper, hit* been started at Grant s Pass. T hubhdax , January 21. ItrutMÜy Turturi-p. A case came to light that for per sistent and unmerciful torture has perhaps never beeu equalled. Joe Golobick, of Colusa, Calif., writes: ’’For 15 years I endured insufferable pain from libematism, aud uotbing relieved me though I tried everything known. I came across Electric Bit­ ters, and it a tbe greatest medicine on earth for that trouble. A few bottles of it comple'ely relieved and cured me.” Just as good for Liver aud Kidney trout,les and general debility. Only 50c. Satisfaction guaranteed by C. Y. Lowe. Druggist. ----- ooo----- LiVEK CLARENCE Y. LCWE, Kaiitlon. Triin rubbers stole an iron safe Druggist and LVtKà Till K»UAY AFTEKNOON from an express car uear San Luis Obispo, Calif. It is reported that ... BT ... Apothecary, $80,1)00 was in tlie safe. r“IfindTh<"ifanj>.ni*ck-Dr.ught IIAVII) M. NT IT», Corean Mhlicrs ate ripe for an as • «■»id m..bclile for li-sr di,»M«. 1 I h just in receipt of h new and •teuMdmy . 4 .fur he bad •;> ni frewh atock of sHult up»m foreigners, aud the Em­ ,100 with doctor. It U.lI tbe med ­ ÏUTUB AND PROPHIETOB. icine 1 < A' OLIN'S peror’s favorite is blamed for tbe Ladies Coats, Capes and Collarettes. Drugs end Chemicals, MABTIN. Parkersburg, W. Va. trouble. If your liver does not act reg­ Patent and Proprietary Preparation^ SUBSCRIPTION KATES. Two steamships are icebound be- ularly go to vour druggist and 3 M secure a package of Tliedford’s Toilet Articles, bound between Chicago and Milwau ­ f 2 GO One Year........ n Clack-Draught ami take a dose IfrHKKiistB Nundriea. . 1 00 kee in a floe of ice. !t Six Months.. tonight. This great family PtnrvMES, B ki shes , S ponueh , S oaps medicine frees the constipated 50 British soldiers defeated the Mad Three Months bowels, stir» up the torpid liver N uts ano C andies . Mullah, killed 50 of bis tribesmen, i ami causes a healthy secretion L’hii peper is entered at the Bandon post CigHra, T«»bM<*«*oa unhould be cl< ar. cd ai d oiled once a year, men's wealth, without regard to cov­ long.” of Alexandria, Ind., “ aud could hard ­ surance company. 'Ts the best busi­ I)o n<»t neglect, your watch, but have it re­ I IND G DD DS. GENI ering up their crimes, the strength of paired by Arthur K’ri. the reliable jeweler, their castles and the vigilance of their ly get any sleep, I had consumption ness sense,” continues the writer re­ who guarantees all Lis work. Bandon. Ore. Orders ¡¿ken far Tsilor Made retainers, being their only safeguard. so bad thut if I walked a block I ferred to, “in advance of science, and Modern ways of accomplishing tbe would cough frightfully and spit if so, does it stand where science must T rade M arks D esigns same purpose are more subtle. What blood, but when all other medicines eventually come?" C opyrights A c . was formerly done by force is now ac­ failed, three $1.00 bottles of Dr. Anvone pending a sketch and description may Governor Brigg* Collar. «pilckly ascertain our opinion free whether an King's New Discovery wholly cured invention m probably patentable. Conmiunica- complished by cunning, under tbe tionsHtnctlycontldontia!. Handbookon Patents me, and I gained 58 pounds.” It’s Bet t free. Oldcat agency for awuring patenta. garb of tbo law, aud mnrder and One of the men of strong individu­ I’.ib nis taken through Munn & Co. receive absolutely guaranteed to cure’Colds, tprcial notice, without charge, in the other crimes enter into the process; but Cough«, La Grippe, Bronchitis, and ality who founded the Congressional being accomplished under tbe guise nil Throat and Lung Troubles. Price Temperance Society, was Hon. Geo. ORENZ’S A handsomely llluatrated weekly. I.arseat cir­ ot law, the plunderer and bis retain culation of any aeientitic journal. Ternia, f.1 a 50c and $1.00. Trial hotties free at N. Briggs, so long Governor of Mas year ; four months, 4L Bold by al! newsdealers. ers are hold up to tbe public gaze as siicbusetts. He was a man of tine C. Y. Lowe’s Drug Store. MUNN & Co.36’Rro«d*a» New York business men of great ability. Coquille, Oregon. personal appearance, and exceedingly - — ooo ------ Branch Offlce, C25 F BL, Washlbutun. D. C. -............. — ————■ neat in his apparel, but till who ever Human Torpedoea. Cu us rat u latió hm . D r: in Hamess & Saddles and all saw him noticed that be novel’ wore a United States Naval officers are t Mr. John H. Cullom, Editor pf tbe collar. His reason for this, as lie ti lls kinds of leather wars kept in a harness Garland, Texas News, has written a testing the expediency of a plan for it, was as follows: When a young shop. I will be ¿¡«posed of at pmes that will .i-t'-h.s i ¿« u, ul. |e th« :< ;;.e letter of congratulations to tbe man­ tbe escape of the men from a sub man be worked in a hat factory. Most HU Repairing a Specialty. It is ufacturers of Chamberlain’s Cough merged torpedo boat. of his associates were given to drink. Remedy as follows: “Sixteen years nutincod that an experiment was There was one young man in w hom he WibiniM G.tilier will H<5t rs tav n;*ent h * room for more. ago when our first child was a baby, made a few days since with tbe sub­ took great interest, and to whom he Bm:doi: and nil order» left wiih him foi he was subject to croupy spells and marine Shark, under tbe command of had often spoken in the effort'to dis fc<»ods or i> pairs will rcct ive prompt Htti-u To lliose win, p iv up a: r-nriigcs unit a • ion we would be very uneasy about him. Lieut. Nelson, which demonstrates siiade him from bis evil ways. year in advance, tiud to all n-w subscri­ 171 bers who puv in advmici-. w-? make Hie We began using Chamberlain’s Cough that this is not only possible, but T This fellow turned on him will, ve­ i i k j Lt i Remedy in 1887, and tinding it such feasible. Two large dogs oil board tbe hemence, saying: “I don't want yon Notice i> h< r* l»y L’ivt-n to fill person« net following prop-’sii ion coinrriaing sc veral _/ different couplets to srl et. fiuiui a reliable remedy for colds and croup, boat were placed io tbe flying torpedo to preach to me, Briggs. You don’t toupon th* pr •••»•«of br.Ketiyon 1’l.ICU ur i’llll 1C.TI.IXV Fell Y eah . d l>« two n Flora« Lake anti the comi­ foot IProclviot of we have uever been without it in tbe tube, and with a wooden wad beliiud drink, lint yon are as ptou I as a pea situat' ty road, in .Viili-hi Cmiv. I»v removing, $2 00 B andon K ei oedhi . Oa.llferais WlìC&t. them were fired into the water while or th siric’ tiinlii r np-'ii «aid bouse since that lime. We have five cock. When you have done work. rilttinc. <» 80 San Francisco Bulletin land. ij»2.’> reward A’ill b paid for infoina children and have given it to all of tbe vessel was submerged. Tbe dogs you dress up in your frilled shirt and lion leading to a coiiviciion of IrrdpahS at * JC ÏKB3*îîBovoli 5 00 Portland Evening Telekrain SG a ' cs , iì ‘-’ above. them with good results. One good came to the surface without any trou­ white collar, and you strut around stated 1 50 Weekly Oregoniuu Dated al Bando”. Orc^.-n. Much 14. liK'l I*- r • r> i Ct f » o • j 60 Appeal lu Reason feature of this remedy is that it is not ble, and swam about with us evident town to be admired. If yon will tear PI. i Lil ELSON, Avei.t. Y.ur Cut' OfFer. disagreeable to take, and our babies satisfaction as if tbe whole affair was off that rutile from your bosom, aud The Bulletin is one of t • li i.dini! pa,a. really liko it. Another is, that it is merely a matter of play. that collar from your shirt, and never BANDON BRE of tbe West, and is a daily published ill Siu. Tbe result of tbe experiment is in ­ hot dangerous, and there is no risk wear either again, I will sign the Fraucisco. mid gives all Hie news. Oar off. e from giving an overdose, Icongratn- teresting if not important. It is fair predge and keep it as long as yon includes ihe Hntiday Bulletin. C. GEHRIG Proprietor to assume that one oF Uncle Sam's fate you upon tbe success of your Recorder and Bulietui. one year.. $7 00 keep your promise.” Recorder nnd Bulletin, ohi - month Is. remedy.” For sale by C. Y. Lowe, able-bodied scHtuen will, without MANUFACTURER cF Briggs took bis hand out of Ibe The Fortlmid Evening Telegram is i isiiec1 doubt, make as good a projectile as Druggist. water, and gave it to bis friend as a six tinies a we. k. It gives nil Hie news that even tbe best.bred canine, but one is ------- OCO------- - pledge of the agreement. It was kept Beer, Porter and Ale. is w-oiili reading and np to time of going l< curious to understand just what sort of press, much ot it lining 21 hours fresher thin both. The young man rose tu be Important Naws Notes discipline would lie maintained tinder a by member of Congress, imd Bri Hav** on bund nn.r-_ct, B.IMKJX. ORKGUM George Frauds liiiin, the globe ------ OOO------ ! eat almost anything I want to now. trotter, died in New York of • 1IIO Krwsrd 01OO. Geo. W. Emory, Rock Mills, Ala. For SBAVINO, SHAMPOOING AND HAIR 1 CUTTING AT STANDARD PRICES. OREGON. disease. BANDON, Tbe readers of this paper will be ale by C. Y. Lowe, Druggist. James Dunn was discharged from Hnthrnoin newly lilted np with Porcelain To operate the Fairbank Washer is ao simple that any person run h-arn to o«e it in pleased to learn that there is at least Tuli. Hot or Cold Batti» 25 cent.. CONTEST NOTICE. a New York hospital, cured of a Shaving Parlors thirty minutes, and any hoy or girl, ten or twelve year, of nge, can operate it. one dreaded disease that science has Department of the Interior. broken neck, after five mouths’ treat­ this Washer tlie clothes are rubbed with an even, steady pressure, which doe. been able to ctiro in all its stages, and ! sited S tates L alo Orrtca, Roseburg. and Bathrooms not tear With or injure Church Directory them. The water I. forced tbrongh mid through <•■» clott>qnil|Q(hty nt 12:30 p ni., arriv Î hare a Fairbank Waaher; the more I cm- it the better I like it. It wn«lies e is, viz : b li M. Clayton, on H E. No. for ing Rt. Bandon at 4;;u) p. id . that it fails to cure. Send for list of Oregon. Visited by the heaukitnl snow. MB.. D. WiHTBECS. of SWt4. Nt; f.f Hh»tr St • non an id clean. the F ’ i The said contestant having, in a proper Township 29 Sonth. Range 14 Weat. 31, "• Judge J C. Fullerton w*s beM up testimonials, 1 have a Fairbnnk Washer. I think I can't gat almut without it now. affidavit, filed D-c 21. 19UB, set f„rtb facta S\LE—l»'o Rcrc« of hind ; 130 Rcrm He DRmefl the following „ witnrt*e« to M m . J ohn C oixinh . which show that alter due diligence person­ VOK by it highwayman on the Unipqnff • Address I creek bottom, cover» »1 with »»Ider and prove Ins cuntinnoOR residence upon Rnd Fn -tt BM dof . Dree s. al servioe can not be made, it is hereby or­ ARltnon brn«h; 7 ncreR pl< w I rii J «nd 12 Cfllti«4lion <»f AAid land, vii: Alonzo D avi *. |iri<1ge*nehr llwvbiirg. He delivered F. J. Cheney A Co., Toledo, O. dered and directed that aoch notice be given nere* in pnRtnrc; hon«e nnd ootbnilding«: Robert P. limit, ThomRA Thompson, and I bava r Faiibank Waehiug Machine. Cao say from experience that it is the moat Sold bv (9. Y. Lowe, Druggist, 75e. by doe and proper putdieation up a dollar sn I a half and a bunch of 10 mile« Month of Bandon, on Foiir-milr Andrew Johnson, r II of Wr nd »n. Co« a Co.. completa family waabrr we ever ORrd. W uld not bo witbotH tlie Fairhftnk Vaaln-r foi J. II. B ooth , Receiver. Crrrk: pi i«w* Sl.5d0, For pertifnlara addrr«« I Oregon. • J. 1. B hiíhi . s . . Hall’s Family Pills are tbe best. loyp I>c3t P. S. Trainali, 394 Hhnner St., Portlands Or. I Dec24 itegiMsr. 8. L. Sraacurr. TROUBLES Dry Goods of Every Description Boots <&c Shoes W. C. T. U. COLUMN 15< >< THEDFORD’S BLAili- “Chico,” M. BREUER’S CAPT. M. MARTÍN. Bandon Meat Market, Watches ! DRY GOODS M aker, Scientific American. What We Can De For Yot Now is the time to buy. Other bargains Fhœnix Family Money Back i. it Don i cu:t OLD VALLEY AND OAK DALE WHISKEY, “EL E l D orado 1 J. L. THOMPSON DISPATCH twice the price of Rame 1 f DORADO”