"Now. there you are, gentlemen." AN ABODE OF THE DEAD BABIES IN ARABIA. WOMAN AMD FASHION BLAKE, said Rear? MH derisively to the others X K W » •"There it Is In a few simple Jaw break Xul m t emeterr, bul the ««real llrlt- XG am The Way the lutorlaaalB Mlles Are HOFEI 11 A Child'» Apron. WKAVH.XG .. lah M era. French. 1 guess.” < l11« Brlttsli museum is a Now. Morley had once b««en station«-«! Tlicy IA re bla ii bnbiesi are rubbed WATERS ou the Canadian frontier, aud he had deud luun uiu uni« sound like flat blas­ apron is picturcil here made up In witli brow u ¡luwder as soon us they are ...Straw sml Mndcru'«Dard... white lawn. The trout and back are plcktxl up enough patois to enable him phemy to those old babilues of the in sa-AT^B-Hi Ftral Mr.-Ct born, and tlielr eyelids are painted; tucked in yoke shape, and the should« •titutlou to a bom its uismospii<>ft* is al­ T«l Malo SW. M SAN FRANO*») then instead of being dressed in soft Ci to get at the ls»y's story. cap is also made of tucking. The sQk “Look here,” be said. "He isn't one most the breath of their life null to flaniK-ls they are wrapiied in calico aud is well suitisl to juvenile wearers. 1» of tlie crew. He is a stowaway, Ills whom its treasures of autlquity and tied up like a bundle su tight that they 0 cousin la a cook's helper. The crew act arc certainly 'be uourisbment of Fanmit move bauds or ta t; then tight Copyright. lan. must have gone off and left him.” their minds and souls. But apart from Ins sis ure put on their lieuds with blue By Theodore "Ask him where the boat came from this little baud of devout worshi|>ers at beads sewed ou the front to keep off Water« an* bow about IL” tiie shrine ot learning the British mil the evil eye. These babies cry a good No» Rore, but Common—All Kid« © Morley started a limited dialogue scum M'erns to me quite dead us dead deal, and I should think they would. ©00 © © ney Dlaeuste I h Bright’» DI mcuoo witli the boy, in the course of whicli he as a door mill. I have been there many They cannot move, and tiles mid other — The Nth to loth Month It Be­ « ’ oiintry choky what 1 found the door lcarm*d the vessel had clean'd from a time, and I went there again and Insects crawl over them and bite them, hen the windstorm blew of wide open. Heeuied tbe constable ’<1 come. Chronic and Incurable by Antwerp for Havana. She hud come walked through long aud silent galier and tbe sand gets iu their eyes and over tlie horizon it left four All Known Alcana Except the hurts them. men adrift in a cutbout on lost liis keys, but he found them slid- over to lier present position In 110 les peopled only by the gods k out now. Don't let lier bump have left early that morning, for the derful works of sculpture wrought by weight in silver is given to the poor. anil weak, without food and without or we’ll get spille«! out. That's right, laiy (ids name was Jean Ixiyeuxi Imd cunning haiKls long crumbled into the We hare before us a little work on kidney If lie hasn't more hair than some of an idea of tlielr geographh-al position, soldier. Hold her off wit’ the oar till I spoken to his cousin only an hour ago. dust of past ages, but whose spirit of get up. Now! ” It was very odd. There had been som ” beauty and reverence still lingers in our six weeks’ babies its weight in aiseasee by Joseph F Edwards, M D., of Pklia* •l lu-lr'sail had split to ribbons, They that contains some Ikln«« that «very- noise, then silence, and now these these heroes and heroines of old n>- Tlie wash sucked them to the steam gold or even diamonds might be given deiphla, aat with tlielr f«*et in tlie half liRed one ought to know. Many people luiagius strange men were there. He wished er's slile. and the ladder almost sue fighting the water Inch by nown. aiul not make the poor much richer or cockpit. Bright's Disease is rars, when, In fact, it <- o « m 1« k J in stamping its foot on the gun to know what it was all about and may *<•<• a yrnridnM for th«' lami W be«**®' In some of the rooms one tlie parents much poorer. The mother covers ths whole gamut of kidney diseases. Inch »•••> wale of the catboat. One by one they particularly where was bls cousin. they bad come. few nursemaids relieving the tedium of puts charms oil Ills neck mid arms, and I This book sets out that the kidneys have but •ne function, vis., tlie elimination of the uita A sudden thought caine to Reardon, caught the steps and hauled them ­ their daily walk through Bloomsbury a verse from tlie Koran is written and and walTe products, and that all interferences Two of tlie men wore tlie fatigue uni with that function are called Bright's Dihvase form of tin- United States private sol­ selves up the side more by their arms and lie went on deck. Procuring a by bringing their little charges to tlie put in a little silver or leather case and l)r Edwards adds: “For the benctlt of physi­ dier. The oilier two wire nigged witli than by their legs, for they were wrench from the engine room, he went museum, where they may amuse them­ bung about liis neck to keep off evil. cians who may read Ibis book 1 will give a list the oa»ei which 1 attributo to Bright’s t)i<- wretchedness of tlie vagabond. All «■ramped from their long vigil In the to a hatchway and loosened the screws selves aud get material for bad dreams If lie is sick tills is his medicine: A of Disease, viz.: on the combing. He raised a couple of while the nurses themselves have a four looktsl disreputable, lie who sat boat. verse from the Koran is written with Albumenuria. hatch sections and looked Into the Congestion of the Kidney. met them on deck, and they No one on the port quarter lifting water over quiet gossip. Ink on paper; then the ink is washed Degeneration of the Kidney. hold. Packing cases long and narrow stood In a group aw<-d by the stillness tlie side In an old and leaky slouch hat In the holiday season also one may off, and the inky water is given him Fatty Dugeceration of tbe Kidney, Inflammation ot the Kidney had tlie strongest face of the quartet, ami the vastnesa of the ship. The very formml tlie top layer of tlie cargo, level see troops of Americans passing swiftly to drink. I wish you could see the fun Uraemia. though lie seemed tlie most annoyed nt neatiK'ss of things held them in check, witli the deck girders. He peered at a through tlie galleries, “doing” the mu Disease of the Kidney ” ny little cradles these babies sleep in. Thus, all kidney disease being Bright's Dis- they were so grimy in comparison. name burmsl into tlie wood of one ease. scum with wonderful dispatch and the prospect. They are made of date sticks fitted to­ •itie. tlie Marioua «uestlov is. 1S it acute or gether. The rockers are almost flat, chronic? In other words, is it in the primary or “An’ to tliink wo would got pickled They peered through the covered alley­ It was that of n European arms com­ commenting with w«-«tern levity U|Hin sr.ou.iary stwu? After the eigth to tenth pany. and farther along lie saw other way which extended past th«' engine so when tlie poor tiling is rocked he is the relics of ancient civilization like tills for a cursed tin soldier," he month it becomes chronic and is thou incurable so shaken up that it is a wonder if he by all liuown mean« escept the Fuitou Com­ said wrathful))-. “lie knew we wasn’t room in the waist. This passage was words pregnant with a certain mean tlie bones of prehistoric men. pounds The kidneys nre not sensitive. The*-« is not seasick. I am sure any good is often no notice of tho trouble till It has spies—Spanish spies nt that. Do we llnisl with stateroom doors, but no one ing. He stood up with a Jerk, for the But the Londoner does not come, look like Spaniards, hey, mi' an’ you. stood in it, and the forward deck was possibility tlint suggested itself appall time that he can spare from lunch American baby would rebel at such already fastened. If you have kidney dlNeasa In the first stage the Renal Compound will curs treatment.—Record of Christian Work. It quickly. If it is of more than 8 to 10 months Andy? Whut if we was next tin- pow deserted. Finally Reardon, less impres­ ed him. be devotes to a walk up Cheapside, tlie A YOKE Al'BON. “Andy! Andy!” lie yelled, running to Strand or Ilolborn, “to look at tlie Btaufiiug it is the only thing known that will dor house? We didn't know it. Did lie sionable than the others, grunted and easy to make and pleasing in appear- eure it In proof that nothing else will we cite think we’d go monkeyin’ wit' death started forward, to be baited liy a pe where tlie others were yet raiding the shops.” Tlie day’s work done, he takes a nee. The shaping is given by tli« COSTLY PRICE FOR A BATH all medical works »s evidence that to this time culiar crunching sountl which made larder. "B’jee, do you know what tills the first train home. On a Saturday there has been nothing that cures Chronic like that if we’il knew it. hey?” shoulder and underarm seams, and tli« Bright’s Disease. The stockholders of the Juhn “Ah, break away. Choky, an’ mind them look askance at one another. But. ship is? She's a regular floatin' arse afternoon he prefers a matinee, a game apron may lie trimmed with torchon It Was Mo Much a Pound, and the J Fulton Co , business and professional meu of Woman Was Heavy. San Francisco, ars the first people In the world yer lint,” growled tlie other ragged one after all. it was only the landing lad­ nal; that's what she is!" of tennis or cricket or a few hours on lace or witli a wide ruffle of embroid­ to announce a positive cure, presenliug a "How do yon make it?" placidly "When I was connected witli th« definite sententlously. Tlie seemingly lio|ieless der. whicli bad succeeded finally in tlie river. I do nothin me him altogeth-" ery. For a practical little apron in el percentage of recoveries (87 per coni), effort to lower tlie water made lilm ill stepping down through the bilge of the asked tlie Bwkeye. Sudden heavy er, hut tlie fact remains that tlie Brit tlier white or colored wash stuffs this hotel at Lake Minnetonka several yean and giving out the lists of the cured, all among purely chronic, well-defined cases If you have meals mail«* him sodden. catboat. Private Morley looked over ago. ” remarked a hotel man, "we had humored. ish museum is to him an abode of the is a most satisfactory model. any kind of kidney trouble, there is only one “How? Look at lier freight She’s as a regular summer guest a woman thing to take. The Renal Ci impound for Bright's dead, which lie regards witli tlie same “What were you doin’ there any­ the side. Disease is |l; for Diabetes, 11 &U John J Fulton loaded wit ’ machine guns under her from the south who was remarkably "Oh!” he cried. “She’s smashed to how?” asked one of the soldiers curi­ repugnance as a tomb.—Philip Gibbs in Co . tou WashiTgtuu htreet. Sau Francisco, forward hatch, an’, b'jee, she may have Velvet« In Lltfht Weight«. stout, weighing something over 20C •ole com|x)unders Free analvses for patient«. pieces, an' she's sinking!” London Mail. ously. dinnymite in the other hold. ” “Then we belong here, sure enough," Velvets come in such light weights pounds. One day she called a bell bo? Famphisl fra«, Ws axe ths solo agent«. “We was a doin’ tlie Jersey summer “What!” said Andy. "Are we up replied Reardon, turning and walking that the modish shirred skirt is possi­ and inquired: resorts from Cape May up.” answered FARMER IN WINTER TIME. ble in this material. The deep dahlia “ ‘What do they charge for a bath?’ ag'in dinnymite ng’in? That reminds Choky, witli a tleree grin. “We was aft. "You go forward, Andy, an’ see if me.” And he fished from bis pocket a “ ‘I don’t know,’ said the boy, ’bu shades are lovely in velvet and look Steady Jtilot Are l-'erdliiK th«- Shirk a walkin' along Sandy Hook an' got on you can tinil anybody!” well with a trimming of black, lacelike I'll find out.’ Morley and Archer followed the dirty clay pipe. and K.rplns Warm. to gov’nieut ground without k nowin' But Reardon fell on him and snatched The mortality among babies during th, “After being gone a short time th« The great steady winter Jobs oil an passementerie. A visiting costume in it. An’ there we was a-sniokin' our Buckeye into the waist. Reardon en­ three teething yearn la aomethlng frightful it away. tered tlie cabin and explored system ­ The cenaus of 1900 ahowa that about one I d American farm in the north nowadays velvet of this color in a dark shade has boy returned and said: pipes nil’ us siftin' up ag’in that little "Don't yon see? Don't you see?" lie “ ’Seven cents a pound.’ every seven succumbs. are feeding tlie stock and keeping a skirt shirred except on the front red lions«* an' a ton of dynamite be­ atically. He entered one room after is apparent. With baby's The cause almost screamed. "Here we are, float­ ” 'Wbatf warm. And keeping warm nowadays breadth. It is trimmed on the liottoin hind us. Then they goes an’ says we're another, but saw little to Interest him. bones hardening, the fontanel (opening in th« in’ round on a big ship, full of powder means hauling coal. When I livid in by two bands of a filet passementerie, " 'Seven cents a pound,’ said the bo) akull) closing up and its teeth forming, all Spanish spies. B'jee, if I had Hint On tlie lookout for mon. he was care­ an' guns, an’ the Americans an' Span­ the country, it meant cutting wood. It ending in a fringe. For the top is a a second time, while the woman's fad these coming at once create a demund fot feller that took us in—if 1 had 'ini liero less of mere fittings, and he was too that nearly haJf the little bone material ________ iards huntin’ each other all over tlie meant for our large family constant little bolero, with deep shoulder pieces, became scarlet as she made tier waj eyatemn cautious to rummage until lie was sure are deficient The result is deflclent in. In. in tills boat an' his little ticklin’ gun leevlahneaa, weakness, sweating, fever, dlar- of liis ground. One thing he did not face of tlie eart’. B'jee. there may lie teaming day after day from the woods sloping away in a curve under the to tlie clerk's desk. baynit wit’ 'Im. I’d—I'd”— rhoea, bruin troubles, convulsions, etc., that one of them after us now!" And lie " T want my bill,’ she exclaimed prove terribly fatal. The deaths In 1HW1 undel “Yes! You'd, you'd—what?” some­ leave untouched. That was the rack to the wood yard and a wood pile that arms. This Is trimmed with the passe­ three years were KH.yUS. to say nothing of what derisively inquired tin-one named of bottles on the saloon buffet, lie rushed out on deck again to see. must have covered a quarter of an menterie and fringe and is over a blouse ’I have been grossly insulted and shaf the vast number outside the big cities that Now. it so happened that some five acre. It meant toward spring the com­ made up of ecru lace ruffles. The novel leave your bouse.' drank to himself in a pier glass and were not reported, and thia In the United Andy. miles away to tlie north of tlie Lotus, sleeves are in one piece down the In­ “She stated her grievance, the boj States alone. “Well. I'd give ’im tlie he-enps!” re­ followed the others forward. In the where the morning haze laid not thor­ ing of men witli a horse power and When baby begins to sweat, worry or cr, out In Bleep don't wait, ami tlie need U buzz saw to cut tirewood, and tlint was side seam. The outside of the upper was sent for and explained: plied Choky after a collapse or explo­ oughly cleared, there rode a dim. gray neither medicine nor narcotic». Whut the part swells out in a sort of funnel “ 'She asked me what they charged almost as interesting an operation as sive utterance. system la crying out for la more bona vessel whose commander anil crew laid thrashing. shape over a fall of lace, and the cuff, for bass. I told her I didn't know, little material. Sweetman'B Teething Fo*sl sup­ Sweetman'e “It is all very well for you fellows," sworn allegiance to tlie government. plies It. It has saved the Ilves ot thousands There were other stirring days when instead of being close, as might be ex­ but would find out. I asked the stew­ of said tlie other soldier. "If we do get They begin to improve within babies, She had been there since daylight, for the lake had frozen bard and tlie ice­ pected. swells out, too, a little toward ard and lie said 7 cents a pound.’ Here la what phyalciana forty-eight hours. ashore, you can prove you nre only lier commander carried certain orders, house was filled, involving ice cutting the elbow. Paris Letter. "As the ludicrous blunder of the boy tblnk of It. tramps. But witli us it's different. I’ve NM Washington St., and tlie eyes of lier officers were on tlie nnd more teaming nnd more precarious dawned upon them both the clerk and San Francisco, June 2, 1K02 been thinking it out overnight. It freighter. But tlie men on tlie Ixitus hitching on behind loads and going tlie guest made tlie hotel office resound prescribing Gentlemen — I am . your E km I In lint» Even More Beautiful. would have been better. Morley, for tbe multitude ot baby tr-jubles due to Im­ had not noticed lier. so engrossed were back in empties. And early in the win Hats grow more and more beautiful witli their laughter."—Milwaukee Sen peded dentition. A la rice percentage of in- you and me to go to Fort Leavenworth they with their personal comforts. The tentlle lile and tatalltlee are the rest'It of ter there was tlie momentous and gory with each week. I’lumes always are tinel. and work out tlie sentence they gave slow teething Your to.»d au ppi lea what the sight of lier now sent chilling paralysis killing of pigs. Oh, that was indeed a models of grace aud are fascinating, dem-lent system demsnd», and I have had us. We didn't do very much after all. Mr. nolan'i Carriage. Into tlie spine of Mr. Choky Reardon, stirring time! They kill a pig every eurprlalns euccesB with :t- .n acores of cases but in addition we have a charming But breaking tlie Jail nml coming away Mr. Ilolan, through the agency ot thle diet, slven with tbeir egular food, has who, when lie could get back liis volee. second, no doubt, in Chicago now­ variety of small toques on which these make it desertion. It's desertion; that’s not tailed to check tlie infantile dlBtreaeeB. butter and eggs, bad reached that Severe! shrieked the name of liis Maker in a adays, but that is mere mechanical ot tbe more eeriouB caeer would, I cannot of course be used. For these what it is. And now tills Spanish war stage of prosiierlty where he was able teel euro, have been tetal without It. it can­ shrill treble and called on Ills fellows to routine, witli no quality of sport In it. fur is much liked and is seen both mak­ to set up an establishment with a horse not be too quickly brcuitht to the attention Is on it may come to them condemning look, in tli«* pnnle ilmt ensued many There was nothing so very slow ing the entire turban nnd combined ot the mothers of the country. It is an ab- us to be shot. Oh, I wisli we'd never tilings were said. Some of them were about the country winter in days as with velvet. The soft, pliable moleskin, and carriage, and nobody begrudged eolule necessitv. left the Jug. and If you hadn't come L. C. MENbKL, M. D. blasphemous; most of them.were total him Ills success. late as the civil war. I suppose soap­ which is such a craze, is admirable for along persuading us tlint"— ly Irrelevant. Tlie two deserters were "But what’s the reason your wift Petaluma, Cal., September 1, L9M. making as a domestic Industry Is as these last and is rendered doubly beau ­ “Now. look a-liere. young feller,” In­ particularly distracted. Private Archer Dear Sirs—I have Juat tried the teething dead as household spinning. In those tiful by touches of ermine. Tips nnd drives round in a carriage with the let­ food in two cases and in both it was a suc­ terrupted Choky. "When we saw the ran about the deck and cried a little. ter C on it? ” inquired one of Mr. Do cess. One was a very serious case, so criti­ times of wood tires and wood ashes all wings make the accepted trimmings chance to break them bars an' cut Private Morley tugged vainly at a cal that It was brought to me from another self respecting families made soap. and are both good. The torpedo shape Ian's friends. "You’ve not changed city for treatment. Fatal results were feared. loose, who was it begged to go 'long? fourteen foot steel lifeboat and cursed In three days the baity ceased worrying and Our family had an outstanding kitch­ is peculiarly well adapted to fur and is your name, Terry?” An' then, when lie finds tills boat on the the day lie entered tlie service. Andy, commenced eating and is now well. Its action "Naw, man, ” said Mr. Dolan gayly; en expressly for that use, with a big a favorite, but there are models enough beach, who tells us to get ill It an' sail this case was remarkable. 1 would ad the Buckeye, said tilings about botli of “me name lias stood me fifty years, an' In vise you to put it in every drug stbre In this cistern-like hogshead behind it in which to suit all styles. round to N’York? Why. you. you chick­ them wliicli might have led a stranger it '11 last out me tolme. But the car city. Yours, ashes were leached and convenient en llvered ration stealer! ’Twasn’t our I. M PROCTOR, M D. to tlie facts to believe that they alone riage was a great bar-rgain at slcond tubs for holding the soft soap. A very fault if tli«' storm blew us out. near An Attractive Blouse. , were to blame for tlie affair, while hand, man, and the *C* was on It. Sweetman'B Teething Food will carry babj handsome substance is soft soap of the over to Spain maybe. An' you a tollin' Choky Reardon grouped them all. lilm The illustration presents an attrac­ 'Twud cost a bit to change it to a *D,’ safely and comfortably through th« rnest dan­ proper consistency nnd complexion, and gerous period of ehild life. It renders lanc­ us you could sail n boat!” sei.’ included, into a composite anatlie of the ok you. Some of the new sack coats end well thro«- rojm ;>.f nga..a.wl. had never «•<• some cii® stggertel (li..t. - w '-V- k ' *!!. < i ►rvtdk-r. Y . nor the shirt either. Take them off day there happened to be a pack of plaits back nn«l front allqwed to flow For the dog It is given' as 25, while Then the Buckeye, who had been ward part ot tlie ship, although the ail' hurry. Quicker! Quicker! Quicker! staghounds dn the road from Ixmd->n loose, Of quite nnotlier nature nre tlie sheep, goats, pigs nnd ents nre grouped “ret,” “Ixive,” etc. Finally the name gazing intently ut tlie drifting ship, Bwkeye and the privates had searched B'jee. if you had Barney Sullivan at to Brighton, along which Lord Orfords whole back coats reaching to tlie knee, nt 15. Among birds the disparities In for the small man was decided upon, and, dressed In his Sunday best, lie cried i tt well. In fact. It seemed evident that yer back, you'd know what it is to coal picturesque team was merrily fleeting while the most fashionable are n re- length of life arc very remarkable. went to church with father and mother, "Why, I can't nee a soul altonrd. Give they- w.-re the only human ts-ings on In a rush. That's right. Andy, you There followed the strangest chase rival from the middle of the fifties, Willie a goose mny live to be 30 years where he was to be baptized. As the another yell. All together now!” bring it from tlie bunkers while tlie tlint ever mortal man witnessed. Tlie With the nildltion of a watteau plait of age, a sparrow 25 and a crow 100, minister n-peiitor of a small pantry need by the the front?” Tlie pride of tlie trade was fastening save cords, which nre but Important Ralph Edward felt! At last left and little more of driver. 1x1 rd "Fever nothin'!” exclaimed CliokT scullion for tin» storage of pots and on him. "Tliere. now. keep it up. I'm seldom secured, nnd nre usually accom­ The swan and the eagle also are very he was somelxxly. Orford took to horses niter tlint. long lived. "An' her wit' lier steam up! r.-i off to the machine. An' you soldier, you pans. a noise which produced among panied by n big turndown collar, often By supper time bls face was sadly In nothin'! I run a freight hauler ouee on them a tableau of grotesque attitudes. that knows so much aliout runnin' a with drooping tassels or cord orna Write» and Dram, n«rd of washing, but when mother the I >ope. an' Fro pawed coal. too. on Choky recovcred first and called hoarse boat, you conic up when I call you. Conqarrlnx n Trltle. msnts. Kippax—And who is your favorite started to wash her son’s brow he cried a gulf boat. Fever nothin'! They're all ly, "YVbo's there?'’ Then, ns no answer I'll want you on dock when we start. William Simpson, a British artist, author. Mm. Softly? out in dismay: below, an' they don't want us. l^t's was returned, he Walked to the door Come, Ixiy." who accompanied the army during tlie Why They rnrSed. Mrs. Softly—My husband. “Oh, don't wash my forehead! I'm row around to the other side." Crimean war. said that Ixird Cardigan, (TO BK UONTtNUKD. ) and threw It wide open. On the thresh He—Their engagement is broken off. Kippax Pardon me. I didn't know 'fraid you’ll wash my name away!” They got down to the oars ag■>in nml old crouched a pale faced boy, who at tlie commander, examined his early he wrote. She—For what reason? painfully worked tin1 cntlmat around sight of them retreated Into the obscur­ sketches of Balaklava with "a vacant Her Bread. "Why, he told her one night that Mrs. Softly -Oh. but he does, and so the I hiw of tlie steamer. The Debt Was Korgoltr,. ity of the closet. Walter—Have you ever made bread stare,” curtly remarking. "It is all when he was nt liis work her face was Slcely—checks! Town and Country. As they passed lier forefoot they wrong.” Still Simpson perwevered and •ver before him.” Trotter—Why haven’t you been in to There was n short silence, then a sud­ before, Marie? look«'«! up nml saw her name, Ixitus. see me lately? Quite niffrrewt. Marie—Ob, yen; I used to make it foi was rewarded in the end “witli tlie den movement of the pots ftml pans, •Well?” gilded on th«* bow. When they swung Balia w^ Well- er the truth Is I was after which the boy walked forth and ny fatlier until his doctor made m< pression of Ixird Cardigan's highest nd- “Why, he's a cartoonist!”—Yonkers Teas Sc she has fallen In love with to tlu'Wa ristard »id«' she (minted routh miration." "The real ¿ruth was," lie Statesman. afraid that you might regard my visit gazed fearfully from one to the other. stop. ! :tn English nobleman. they saw a flight of lading stairs adds in his simple way, “that In tin1 as a reminder of the money you owe He was probably sixteen years old, nnd Jess—You don't tell me? reaching from a port aft yf lier waist, me. Money is not the balance of power, last sketch 1 hail taken greater care Ills features, like his clothes, were not Teas-Surely you're heard. Time never drags nor dot's life ever a plain invitation to boarders. Trotter Wliy, aiy dear fellow. I gentlemen. There are those scale« In than In tbe first two to make liis lord­ seem monotonous to those who are al- of American cut. Jess-No. I merely h«*rd «lie wai "Well, tills la-ata me!” exclaim«-! "Pardonncz, mol, messieurs,’’ he said. which an ounce of Integrity Is worth a ship conspicuous in tbe front of tlie ways working, thinking, learning nnd 1 engaged to nt^rry one. Pbllndelpbln forgotten all ntihut It. Sorry It troubled Reariloif "One«' 1 went in to sleep In a brigade.” you. « ton of gold.—Schoolmaster. "Je cbercbe umn cousin.” Tress. growing.-Maxwell's Talisman. € & © © Circumstance © Brights Disease w Save the Baby.