o » o o © o BAN'hON RECORDER. ••«••••••••••••••••••••••J justice to the other b iys III their em­ ¡•1.............................................. •'“if! ploy. He wasu’t a bit plews-d and did MGNTNIMG IM THE ROCKIES g. u|« < offllnuoua, llullllllgi Awe luxplrn^ |'er(urue, as far as appearances were con­ cerned, of everything lovely, but a flaw it; the heart, hatred, envy, vice, the evil trio that battles faith, hope ami eiiarity. It is a grand old river and you will never regret seeing it at its beet, which is right after a big storm. But you say you are afraid of land­ slides and of the curves and twists and turns of this road from Cloverdale up. It is all nonsense, for never was a road lietter managed; there are fewer acci­ dents oil the California Northwestern Railway than any road in the Htate. There is more care taken for the jier- soual comfort of the traveler and the little courtesies shown that help to make travel a delight. There is noth­ ing to fear but everything to enjoy. I ant,getting away from my subject. I was telling you about the beauties of this country iu November. What a not hesitate to let them see it. Tbe next week be failed to come to work, but sent a note stating that he wax ill He didn’t couut on tbe Arm being inter* ested enough in ills welfare to send up one of tbe boys witbin the next day or so to see how he *as getting along. Tbe messeiiger bad to nqiort tiiat tie was not very siek, for lie liad gone on a week’s bunting trip. Nothing was said, and tbe following week lie walked into tlie office with tils throat tied up. “Did you enjoy your hunting trip, B----- '.’” asked the manager of the much surprised boy. “You bail better keep on hunting, for we have a Isiy in your place who is not afflicted witli tbe hunting fever,” and he turned to the desk and went on with the letter he was dictating as though there was no such inde|ieiident boy in tlie room. BI<; PIE faqtoiiies NEW SHORT STORIES METHODS By WHICH THEY HANDLE THEIR IMMENS PR®OUC<. Ten tu Fifteen | huu»aud rM* WDdu Mud Baked lu u Xlffht—The < ruale, llir Fillies uud the Froetl«®—A bee­ lute t'leaallneee in the Shupe. GET CLOSe TO THINGS. The Mr. Lo«l(e Buuahl tks Book. M young man with a richly bound volume under bls arm bad been climb lug the brow nstone steps of the fash tollable residences along Massachusetts avenue lu Washington. He reached the vestibule of each and liad then de­ scended wearily to tlie sidewalk. It was plain that he was discouraged as be made bis way to the doorw ay of No. 1765. To his surprise the door, Instead of being thrown ojien by some cold and livefied minion, disclosed as it turned on its binges a gentleman of slight frame and student-like black whiskers who apparently had hap­ pened to be near at hand. “I have here a work which ought to be in every «w ell equipped library," be­ gan tlie caller. The black whiskered gentleman made as if to close the disir. This did not surprise the other, and he proceeded as from force of habit: “It is a history of the Revolutionary war, the best written and most author­ itative now on the market, Lodge's 'History of the Revolutionary War,’ " The man at the door seemed less in dined to bur the entrance—in fact, be bade the book agent enter and led him to the reception room. The young man's spirits went up like tbe thermometer in August. He grew voluble; his praise of the work was extravagant. There was no book of its kind in the same class with it. Everybody knew that its an thor was perhaps the most scholarly statesman of the day. “You are the kind of man 1 ought tc help along," murmured tlie gentleman seemingly to himself. “You may send me your history.” And the book agent, wondering great­ ly on tbe mysterious force that had been evoked, nevertheless retained pres­ ence of mind enough to poise a pencil over tlie order blank and ask: “What name, please?” “Henry Cabot Lodge,” was tlie an­ swer.—Ba 111 more 11 era id. Kxiterleuevil Shopper's AU%lee to the Quirt Womaa. Tlie modeat, uuassumiug woman liad been trying for some time to get tbe attention of a clerk, but they all seemed to be busy, and she bad Hut tbe ag gressiveuess to crowd In and grub one. Tbe experienced shopper, having com pli'tatl in r purchases, had time to give a little sympathy to tbe quiet one. "Do you want to buy something?” the asked. “Yes,” was the reply, “if I could only get the attention of the clerk.” “Ob, that’s easy!” asserted the expe­ rienced one. "Just do as I say.” "But they're all so much more stren­ uous than 1 am,” pleaded the quiet one. "I'd rather go without than be as un­ womanly and disagreeable as some of tlie women are. I really can't tight for attention, yon know.” "Not at all necessary.” explained tlie experienced sliopper. "Do you sei* that tray of trinkets over there?" “Yes.” "Go over and stand by it and pick up n few of them for closer examination. Put them back, of course, but Just paw tlie collection over without any effort to get hold of a clerk. Reach out for anything you see, as if you were more interested In wlint's on the couuter than in what’s behind it.” ”1 don't see what good that’s going to do.” “Try it and you’ll find out.” The quiet woman did as directed, and within two minutes n floorwalker was at her elbow. "Do you want anything?” he asked politely. Rile said she did, and lie made it his business to get a clerk to wait on her. "I told you so,” whispered the experi­ enc'd sliopper. "Sometimes it isn’t necessary to touch a tiling. If you just show a desire to get close to tilings that are easily carried away they’ll take you for a shoplifter every time and get a clerk for you so that you won't have any excuse for hanging around.” Tlie quiet woman gasped nnd felt guilty all the rest of the time she was In tlie store, but she had to ndmlt that she liad learned something about prac­ tical shopping. Brooklyn Eagle. CHOICE MISCELLAN1 Seasoning the Uslh Salt baths are common, t>yt a pepper bath la something new tu most («opte. Such a bath is recommended to pa tienta of tlie L oh Angeles Instituís of Suggestive Therapeutics as a health ful stimulant mid to promote perspira­ tion. It Is simple mid cun be taken by any one at home. Here are the direc tiftis as furnished by Dr. F. W. Ray burn: “We I d our practice lay much stress upon keeping nil the avenues of elim­ ination in perfect working order, In order that the skin may do its full share the pores must be kept open mid free from all effete matter. Now. the ordinary scrub does not do tlila. One must |ierspire freely. Many of my pa- tienta object, mid for many mid vari­ ous reasons, liut I have found that they unanimously agree ns to Its efil ency after a few trials, it stimulates mid lu.lps «iHallxe the circulation also. "Upon retiring fill your tub with wa­ ter as hot ns can comfortably Is* Isirne. After tlie water lias ticen tin mil off put in a teacupfill of sen suit mid a tn- blespisinfiil of cayenne pepper. Fold a cold wet towel nlxiut tlie forehead mid remain In tlie tub nlaiut ten minutes. After getting Into lied drink a glass ful of lemonade, hot or cold, ns pre­ ferred. In tlie morning yon will fully realize the need of your morning scrub, followed by n cold sponge bath, in which you have dissolved sen salt. After a brisk rub with n rough towel you will feel new life, vitality and vigor tingling through every vein and artery. I know whereof I speak. 1 take it twice n week myself. Oftener would not lie advisable.” Loa Angeles Tillies. A visit to on<- tu t« largest fie con­ structing plants in a city would make tbe average housewife who prides her­ self in her baking green With envy. The maker of old fashioned domestic pies cannot easily conceive of a system by which a barrel of apples and a bar­ rel of flour cau, figuratively speaking, start at one end of a long bench and leave the other end a thousand or less finished pies, but this system is in use iu all tlie large pie bakeries. The baking force goes on duty at lu o'clock at night. During the day girls 1 found out on making inquiries that have been paring and slicing apples and pumpkins, and tbe foreman has lie bad lust every plant — and lie liad been spicing anil sweetening the cook­ had wveral excellent |s>sitions by this ed fruit or mince, the custanls and same indifference. Boys are not so other prepared filling which have also scarce that they can shirk and be inde­ been cooked by steam ill large stuae pendent. When you hear a boy com­ stew vuts. When the bakers go on plain tiiat he has to work too bard you duty tlie tilling is in place in front of can rest aw- ii red that he takes no inter­ tlie great dougli board in tubs holding est in bis work, that lie is disposed to a half barrel each, and tlie stewed ap­ shirk and will uever be a success until ples in full sized barrels. At one end of the bench is a great stack of Hour, be learns to put fortli liis very best near which stands a pall of water Into efforts, devote the same attention to which a saucer of baking powder has his employer’s business as though lie been dumped. The dough mixer at­ owned an interest, cease grumbling and tacks this heap and makes in it a deep attend to his duties cheerfully mid depression, into which the water is willingly. poured. The embankment of tlour is rapidly twill'd iuto tlie water and stirred with the hands until a thick, BRIEF REVIEW. pasty doujli has been formed. This is shoved alcng until a tall heap is form­ ed at tlie iuixer’s right, and the knead­ A Wonderful Carving Women Hotel lleiit«. In a museum attached to two almt- er, a spry young fellow, working with "Swell women hotel Is'iits,” accord­ an instrument resembling a plasterer's houses at Kirkleatham, near Redcar, trowel, cits off large masses and rolls ing to tlie Pittsburg Dispatch, nre lie erected in 1676 by Hir William Turner [ them until the mixing is completed coming a grave concern to many of tlie big uptown hostelries in New York, it Kuiglit, Lord Mayor of London, is a and the« chops them Into chunks of seems that many of them are well Knew Pepper Would Succeed. wonderful carving of Ht. George and the 1 suitable lizes for forming bottom crusts. inclining, but they run up bills under a The late William S. Pepper, who for Dragon out of a single block of box wood, I Tlie men lieyond roll tlie bottom crusts misapprehension of tlie cost. When a tbe work of a |sxir prisoner, and valued ' aud place them in the pans, which are many years conducted Pepper's hotel, statement of account is presented they at X2ise-|H>wer in per­ open at the smol,-w end. out of which church fairs. covering unnotleeulilv. Iu Ho hi (uitl, that of a man Imprisoned on tlie charge Reduced gentlewomen sell tlieir so­ when you can take your eyes off the petuity, Our present yearly output of they squeeze tlie frosting on the fancy Moravia and Galicia there are regular of murder and being sentenced to cial Influence, acquaintanceship and river. Rinset and gold flecking the 225,000,000 tons of coal would give that pies. The fancy pies and tlie plain hair markets to which the women death and afterward reprieved with ones do not come together again until river as far as the eye can reach, toning knowledge of good manners in the horse-power for only a little over half a take their hair for sale. out liis knowing it. The man. named they meet in the delivery wagon alxiut up the emerald tints of tbe valleys and day.” guise of chaperons. Jose Espero Cuellar, luid. in circum­ 5 o'clock In tlie morning. Suiierstttlous persons buy relies of hillsides atid the deejier, denser green Wonderful Hat«. stances of great provocation, murdered Tlie top crust pies go to the draw­ Oldest Twin Sisters. prisoners condemned to death, and ale of the forests. It reminds you of rifts Abraham Lincoln was a man whose a faithless sweetheart, nnd, although plate ovens and the pumpkins, cus- normally curious persons liny personal of sunshine on a cloudy day that break Uigioubtedly tlie oldest twin sisters keen wit and pleasing humor extricat­ he was in jail, trial for the crime had belongings of notorious prisoners from through the «miber gray like a llena­ in the United States, if not tn tlieentire turds, meringues and tarts to tlie older ed liim from many an embarrassing lieen conducted without his being pro­ fashioned ovens, where they are jail employeea. situation. On one occasion lie was pre­ duced or even knowing that tlie case dle t ion. It makes you feel glad that world, are Mrs Eveline Tilton and Miss died witli long, slender shovels, Astrologers and fortune tellers sell sented witii two fine hats, each by a had come on. Even when sentence of you are living in this great, lieautiful of the larger drawplate oven is pulled Emehne Perrin of New Hampton, la., rabbits’ feet, madstones and moon­ different luitmaker. neither knowing death was pronounced nobody deemed “ I ALWAYS KNEW THAT PEl'PEX WOULD witli a steel hook a plate of iron Half an world of ours. Rushing by great trees who celebrated their ninety-second stones. GET AHEAD.” tlmt tin* other liad made such a contri­ ft ills Immediate duty to Inform the Hairdressers and ladles' maids are laden with hollylierriesgiving tbe ruby birthday this year. These two women Inch thick or more already heated. Tlie bution. In tlie course of events they person most concerned. One day, frequently offered money for locks of tint and the Christinas glow. It is the were born in Vernon, Conn., May 22, thermometer In front of the oven shows it all over the country that Billy Pep­ called upon tlie president, and It so some time after, reading a newspaper per had good stuff in him and was a tempeniture of 550 degrees. As lialr from the heads of famous society flinshiiig tou“h—it is perfect. 1H11. Enieline Perrin remained with happened that both called at tbe same that liad been allowed him, Cuellar many pies as will lie on this plate— bound to succeed. beauties mid ixipular actresses. her mother, Hannah YVright Perrin, about 100 at a time—are placed on it time. there read file announcement of Ills re­ “ Time wore on, and I did go away The big hotels sell unspoiled scraps of When both found themselves in the prieve and, petitioning to see tlie gov But how Polly did crave and long uutil the latter’s death in 1854 at the and It is puslieii into the oven. The to tlie city and. met with a measure of food to cheap restaurants. age of 77. Miss Perrin has lieen blind hands of a dummy clock at tlie side are success. My oid friend, when lie heard presence of the executive they asked ernor of tlie prison, learned for tlie Florists sell four leaf clover for good for a great bunch of those ruddy holly­ how be liad liked tlie lists they had first time all tlint liad happened. luck New Y'ork Press. berries, lugger, brighter and more lieau- for eiglit years. Kite is a devout Metho­ set to indicate tlie moment at which the that I owned a hotel, remarked that sent him, and. taking advantage of tlie he bad told folks so nnd announced his baking will be finished. Another plate dist. Her sister, Mrs. Tilton, became tiful than have as yet lieen offered by opportunity of securing a statement of A Yankee Trick In Mutch«*«. Is then drawn out and filled, and tlie intention of paying me a visit. A Fashlonnble Woman's Contesslon. the flower venders to tempt your nick­ blind a year ago. She is a Presbyterian. proceeding is repeated until the night's superiority of one or the other make, "Will you let me have a few match­ "He had never been to town, so I Nobody finds ft more difficult to spare work is finished. Tlie pies, after tiaking. wrote him when lie got here to ask tlie president was asked to state ills es?” asked the cigarette smoker at a New French Coinage. time for reading than the very Idle, yet els and dimes from your never t would be $10 to start. pressly mid emphatically forbidden. now that you don ’ t feel disappointed According to a Paris physician, who The walls are white, nnd the floors of have seen one. Lots of people in these museum, tlieir value aggregating many 1*110111 I’en, tlie chief town of ids na Bmootlilcy—Ah! I told him Ills sal 1 could not help get him a place. I ary would be $10 to start.—Philadel­ thought it would Is* an easy matter, has noted tlie hour of deatli of 2880 per­ concrete are dustless. Every scrap of parts go all the way to Jacksonville to millions of dollars, and there are nisi live Jmigie. nnd put b”o .“lelirzaJ. J'f< " for he seemed unusually bright and sons, ills ol>servati<>L> cavsrlng a period anything that caii sour ts'rtaiiy washed see a live alligator. I wonder which some notes which were recovered by among a troop of Ills fellows. The lat­ phia Press. divers from the sunken wreck of tlie ter. however, refused to recognize tlie quick and anxious io do Miiiietning for of several years, the maximum hour of from tlie vessels used for Alling, from kind of a tourist feels the most sold Wer nit Deaf. British war ship Eurydlce. “city dude,” who liad for so many Mrs. Newllwed—I made a big butch himself, i told him I would do all I death is from 5 to 6a. m. and the mini-i the cooking vats, from the trays and —Indianapolis Sentinel. years lived in luxury and liad lost liis from tlie benches, and they are all ster ­ could. I pictured the young man in mum from 9 to 11 a. m. of these biscuit today. A »I'oJU-rJr.v. ■ft ltd ilhbits. “TiiV/'Sf l U|H'HI TMiy'nlid ilized with stemn or liolljqg wafer Mr. Newllwed You did Indeed, dear. glowing colors and Anally found tlie Reason For'the Distinction. "It was one of tlie most pathetic killed hltn after a desperate struggle 1 lie shortening, sweetening nnd spic ­ -•■Mrs. >’, m »'M w 54—S ot di you ktrow vl/ustien I l ad !'«<>■:* bsditug fut, «>-place Tbe silk or stovepipe hat is said to Í Senator Walker of Australia told a plays I ever saw.” said young Mrs. Tor how big a batcli I made? where lie could advance, and a num­ have lost caste so generally in London ing are carefully and accurately weigh­ story during n recent debate in tlie up­ kins. A Mew Pearl »apply. Mr. Newllwed -Oh. I thought you lie r one place for a Ixiy who was indus­ KK'iety tiiat of the 800 men engagtil ed In exact proportions. Tlie 'baking per house of the commonwealth on tlie “I don't se<' why you go to tlie mati­ Ralph Dubois. professor in tlie I nl Is timed to a constant temperature, so said "botch.”—Philadelphia Ledger. trious, progressive and anxious to learn. there a few years ago in its manufac­ that there is absolute uniformity, nnd policy of n "white Australia.” A mis­ nee if It makes you cry." varsity of Lyons, has Informed the "Just because I feel liad is no sign French Academy of Science tlmt lie He came up to my expectations for ture only one-balf that number are all tlie mixing nnd flavoring, while sionary in China was endeavoring to Mot There. convert one of the natives. “Suppose I haven’t bad a good time. Charley done on a large scale, nre so conducted me Christian me go to heaven?” re dear. You know how much you enjoy has found a menus of acclimatizing the "Yes,” said the star boarder. “I've alsiut two months, and at the end of now employed. pearl oyster nnd reproducing pearls on tiiat time walked in and announced ns to insure n uniform quality. — New got an nttack of dyspepsia.” marked Ah Sin "Yea,” replied tlie going to the races and coming back the coast of France. He exhihiteil sev­ When a man ceases to love the wo­ York Tribune. “I’m sure you didn't get it here.” tlie fact that he had lost ills position. missionary. “All right.” retorted the i with tlie blues.”—Washington Star. eral specimens of living pearl oyster» innpiMsl Mr» Stlntem promptly. He said lie didn’t know tlie reason, man who |>ersistsin loving him he feels heathen, "but what for you no let Chi­ which had lieen cultivated In the .Med Carry brightn^s with you to the naman into Anatralla when you let “Certainly not. The doctor said I butaat any rate lie didn't care, for they as if he were the star of a continuous Posted. iterranean. Moreover, while the usual home. Worry should have no place him into heaveu?” "Ah.” said the $ot it from eating something."—Ex­ were working him too hard for the hanging |ierformance. “Now,” said the lecturer, “suppose rate of finding pearls Is one In l.'Jisi to sbange. under the roof that shelters your wife missionary, "there’s no labffr party In you liad been called to see n patient 1,500 oysters. Professor Dubois lias suc­ wages lie received. I investigated and Terrible llevenve. If you are telling your l>est story and and children.-Maxwell's Talisman. with hysterics^ some one, for Instance. ceeded tn getting one out of every ten heaven I” found that he hail grown careless and who had started laughing nnd found it Husband—You don't appear to like negligent, always got to work later the other fellow yawns, lie sure to fin­ Freely Admitted. Twelve Mil«*« an Ilnar. Mrs. Sweetie. impossible to stop — what is the first ish; It may put him to sleep and out of Rhe — Women may gossip sometime», The Kstent nt Ills Inlerext. than the others and was the first to At the tieginning of the last century tiling you would do?” Wife—The horrid thing! I lintc her! Ilia misery. *ut they have letter control of their "They say your new son-in-law Is a quit. More than that, he was a born the royal college of Bnvariaff pliy- Next time we meet I‘ll kiss her only "Amputate his funny bone.” prompt­ handsome fellow.” tongues than men have. slclans sought to forbid steam railway ly replied the new student. once, nnd I shan't nsk nftcr her baby.— eomplainer and Insinuated to every- After a high-ball liecomes a high rol­ . He—You are right. Men have no con "I never looked to see.” ixsiy that lie was given too much to do. Stray Stories. travel lieeause It would Induce de­ trol whatever of women's tongues.— "That’s strange.” lirium furfosum «mong tlie passengers It is a rule of the Arm not to give their ler, there are two of a kind that may 1« Kansas City Journal. A Sml Ksperlenee. "Not nt all. My daughter picked liitn duece high. ------------ 0---------- and drive the spectators crazy, while clerks a long vacation the first year, "Did you have a pleasant voyage?" Hit, and nil I had to do was to pay for Knowledge ought to bring us liappl and when he asked for two weeks they an English quarterly said that It would Dlvlrilns Her Wrl«kl. "No," sighed tlie beautiful American him.”—Cleveland Plain in—«.. Ix>vealways finds a way, hut later we •ess. whether ft brings us nAney or as soon expect tlie people to suffer “ Don't stand on that delicate table to heiress. "It wns one of lie saddest ex not; for ©Mwledge is life, mid no man told fiim plainly that It would lie im- may wish lie had minded his own Iniai- hang tbe picture. Martha. It’ll break. tliemselves to lie tied to one %f Con­ periences of my life. There were two The Flnlah. livesQin tills age wtio has not knowl­ |x»dble to grant his wish; that even if iiaaa. greve's rrx kets ns to trust tliemselves counts and a duke nlionrd. but tlie 0 Flanagan Pliant You’re too heavy.” iwat did , yez