I'HE RECORDER FROM SOUTH AI RICA ... BY ... 1» mil K. NTITT, EDITuB. AMD rSOFBIETuB. SUBSCRIPTION UATEB. On. Year........... Hix Monlbs.... Thru Month... .<2 00 .. 1 00 .. 50 This paper •• entered at th. Bandon post office as Hooond-elaas Matter. THURSDAY. NOV. 36, 1903- EDITORIAL. CLARENCE Y. N «w W., of I .mg < haaubsrtaa*'» C»»*b Tbe crest and erowuiug ot *11 good, Life's Ansi star, is Bruibarbood; K.medy. l> FUBLINHKD »4LK1 IULIUliMÏ AFT^IIXOON BROTHERHOOD Bandon. Oregoti, For it will brink again to earth Her long-loot Purer and Mirth; We send ue* light on every face, A kingly power upon tbe race. And till it cornea, we men are slaves And travel downward to tbe dust of graves Cuuie, clear the way, ibeu, dear tbe way! Blind creed* aud king* have bad their day Break tbe dead branches from tbe path; Our bop* is iu tbe aftermath— Oar b< pe i* iu heroic men. Star-led to baiid the world again. To this event tbe age* rau; Make way for Brolbeibood—make way for Man. —Edwin Markham. Mr. Arthur C'bHptuan. writing from Durban; Nvtnl. Soott^ Africa, says: “A* a proof tbat Chamberlain’*Cough Remedy is a cure suitable for old and young, 1 pen you tbe following: A neighbor of mine had a child just over two mouths old. It bad a very bad cough, snd tbe parents did not know what to give it. I suggested that if tbey would get a bottle of Chamberlain'» Cough Remedy, and put some upon the dummy teat the baby was sucking, it would no doubt cure tbe child. This tbey aid and brought about a quick relief and cured tbe baby." This remedy is for The next W 0 T U meeting takes sale by 0. Y. Lowe, Druggist. place Tuesday, at 2:80, P. M , at the ----- OOO----- M. E. Church. W. C. T. U. COLUMN I'aaaata will get the Cunnl. GOING DOWN THE HILL. LOWE, Druggist and Apothecary, Is just in receipt of a new and freali stuck uf Drugs and MAS. CECELIA STOWE, Orator, Entre Nooa Olah. 176 Wanen Avena*, C hicago , I u .., Oct. 22,1902. For nearly four year* 1 suffered from ovarian trouble*. Th* duc­ tor insisted on an operation a* the only way to get well. I, however, strongly objected to an operation. My husband felt disheartened *« well ae I, for bom* with * tick woman ia a disconsolate place at best. A friendly druggist advised bim to get a Lottie of Wine of Cardui for me to try, and he did so. 1 began to improve in a few dayv and my recovery was very rapid. W i th­ in eighteen weeks I wa* another being, 3 •I . Denholm 9 s s Dry Goods of Every Description. Ladies Coats, Capes and Collarettes. Chemicals, Patent aud Proprietary Preparations Toilet Articles, llruggiata Nundrlea. P zbfvmes , B rushes , S ponoeh , S oaps N uts and C andies . Cigar*, Tobacco, and Cigarette*. Bninte, Oil*. Gltwae*. and Fainter’s Supplied FÌOOTS SHOES Fresh Groceries of all Kinds. Suita Made to Measure AGENT FOR WARNER S RUST PROOF CORSET. Our policy with reference to Paua A year ,«o bi* e,es war* clear, To-day is Thanksgiving, and the turkeys that are left over can be u>a seems to be the good Old World He bad a cheerful way. thankful that they were not selected plan of grabbing whatever we can aud Bat deep despair was iu bi* air, When I met him jeaterdav. bolding whatever we are able, with Tbe Moros have broken out again this difference, that the face of the He tried nt first to smile aud jest, in tue rntlltpiuee, but the only recog­ record is to be kept straight to justify To keep it from me, still His manner plainly showed that be nition that they will get will be from ourselves to ourselves aud to all anx­ W as aoina down tbe hill. Uncle Sam’s gone. Mr*. Stowe's letter show* every ious inquirers, and to give some sub­ Through tears be told bis bitter tale; woman how a home is saddened by Press reports are authority for tbe stance to our constantly reiterated Tbe story’s trite and old; female weaknes and howcompletely Dealer in Boots and Shoes Wine of Canhii cures that sick­ statement that tbe Washington gov­ claim that we are not in tbelsudgrab- A stumble, and tbe start was made; ness asd brings health and happi­ He'd loet hie slender bold! Repairing'iiHStly and promptly don» at This Steamer will give h reaalnr 10 day Service between CoqailJe Biver, Oreg ; ernment are ready to recognise tbe bing division of tbe nations of tbe “And, ob." be cried ia bilterne«*, ness «gain. Do not go on suffer­ lowest living price«. Francisco. Califoraia. for both pHHsenuar* «nd freight. earth. ing. Go to your druggist today rebels of San Domingo, as soon a* “It takes a mighty will and secure a fil.00 bottle of Wine While nobody will be deceived by E DYEK Agent, Bandon, Or* g<>n. To pot tbe brake on when you've ones tbey make a good showing. Tbe U. of Cardui. SWAYNE i i.il .1-, • ii-t-, to l-e bald Decem­ Some one recently Hiked the qnes Wbat we ueeded, in any event, was curate aa it did before. ber ltttb. at Pansma, which whb very loosely- tion, '*\\ h«t ia a friend!" Il is a per­ An ordinary machine ia oiled daily. Your 80 YEARS’ Ail Kinds ui Goods F- ff LaJie»’ J-ielt-u aud A Large Stock Juat EXPERIENCE T i« demands for » special session tied to Columbia, and with any couo- son who will inconvenience hiiubelf watch from which you export correct time should be eternised aud uib d once a year, bauiiuer Weur. Capos. Received. ,i ■ .r! every county and teiiHUce from auy responsible nation for you. If ia a num, aaya an ex- Do not neijact your wnteb, but bare it re­ GENTtf FUKNIaHING GOODS. might easily sever the Jooae bouiia chHtige, wbo will sit up by your bed- paired bv Arthur Bice, the reliable jeweler, who guarantee« all hi« wuik. WUICU j ■mr.l it lot uh logger republic. ai le when your frame has beeu tor­ B indon, Ore. Orders Taken for Tailor Made Clothing. . » a i«uuno£ Tue man wuo could -to the business tured by diaeaaea. It ia a man who < . AU » 8 Li ¡II JO H® 1». will come to you when tlie mnttenng was found iu lhepersouof iheFreucli- T rad « M arks Jl iL.B ib.AlU OIJUIÛ D esigns luau. who, as De Lesaep-.’ lieuteuaut tbundera of miafortuue grow) along i I U0J34O ®’4X C opyrights A c . the eky. Il ia tbe man who will way: Anvone ■ending? a nketch and description may '>:>o iu the stienuous days of French caual quickly Ascertain our opinion free whether an invention is probably patentable. Communica­ “ Don't be discouraged; I see you are s .. - .1 »t»*r ny '.»r»e liiii.ding, liecam*- periecily familiar «A« [¿I Soots and Sheas tion» nt rietly conttdcntlal. Handbook on Patents •ent fro«. Oldest agency for securing patents. ... -1 . i* hu'iri i-oi.'dii ion*, aud sucti in trouble; let uie help you.” It is Patent* t:U«en through Munn & Co. receive 1'orji ,iu bav*' uh V"1 «.lioitgut oi tpcclalHolktt without charge, in the > > ij ,., ■ r;. - . .. * a.-. • uot (he man wbo will talk to you iu a ,t. br.t ti... mmU other go«.da that must be Hold to lutiku Try a 25 cent bottle of them. For lu na a Bargain, From Russia com« th« details of llaudon and ail orderg left «ilk him for opera bonffe republic the strong right room for more. sale by C. Y Lowe, Druggist. one of the qnoer*-st cares of mistaking «oods or repair» will reovive prompt atteri* ■** <1 arm of the great American republic, To those who pay up airemages and a life for death. Serious mb the rouse tioa year iu advance, and to all new aobacri- A Jlnwamoth Holiday I »ewe and secondly, it would, wbat was of qlienees of the error promised to be, bent who pa,' in advance, we make tbo •til) greater importance to him, insnre Go to tiro following pro|x>r.ition comprising several Tbe December Delineator (Christ­ tbe building of tbe Panama canal and the story is not without its humorous different couplet it to select from i mas Number) represents the bigh- the saving of the M0,000,000 which side. An elderly Jew, of drunken 1’clCE OX 1’PBl.ICATIaNS PEP. YsAI. habits, living in Taganrog, fell ill, Tlio IPerftect Frodnot of water mark of beauty and utility, and ths French stockholders or specula­ — BOB------- B andon K zcoudlb $2 00 and to al) appearances died. After be Solootecl Oa.liiorn.ia. Wheat. tors were assured in tbat event, and possibly ot circulation also, in a wom­ San Frauoisco Bulletin 6 SO had been placed on specially pre­ La c . g Cut: fid Childrens Under­ Port hind Evening Telegr-am an’s magazine, having a first edition only in tbat event. r, oo wear All of this turned out precisely as pared boards to be washed, in accord­ Woekly Oregouian i no of more than a million eopiea. It M) contains 240 pages. To produce this hs had wished and foreseen. Aud ance with the customs of the Jewish Embroidered Silks, Katins, Lares, Hand­ Appeal to lteanon Our Offer. religiou, he suddenly moved and sat kerchief», Neck-ties SuRpendera, then to add tbe final touch to tbe farce mammoth edition 728 tons of paper Ladies’ Hose, Gentle- The Balletta is one of tbu lending pape up. Consternation seized the watch­ and 40 presses working 25 dsys were eornedy which had in it, too, tbe ele­ men's llose, of tbe Went, and ia a daily published iu Huu For Salo Exclusively by ers, and the old man himself nearly ments of a tragedy, the supple French ­ required. In addition to exquisite Francisco, nnd gives «11 tbe news, Our offe© died with fright at finding himself Ladies. Outing-Flanel Under-Skirts, includes the Sunday Bulletin. color work, clever fiction aud striking­ man promptly appears at the state G I kms - warn, Writing Tablets, Recorder and Bulletin, one year.. $7 00 ly illustrated arlioles, tbe number in­ department with bis credentials as stripped of bis clothing, and sur­ rounded by lighted candles, lint lie All kiud* of Notion’, and things too nu­ ICi-corder and Bulletin, one mouth 05 minister from tbe Dewly born repub ­ cludes a display of charming Winter The Pottluud Evening Telegram is issued merous to mention and save money. fashions, covering forty-two pages, lic. In a sene* this government was soon gathered bis scattered wits and six time, a week. It gives nil the news that Mi.s. Jmog C aktwkioht , Prop. letters from tbe foreign fashion cen­ a catepaw in the bat.ds of tbe clever begau to shriek at the persons who is woiiii reading and up to lime of going to press, mneb of it being 24 hours fre-lier Iliac tres and illustrated articles on th* Frenchman, but we may bug to our were making preparations for bis fin­ when it reached here through any other fashionable fabrics and trimmings, breasts the consolation, solemnly of ish. “Couldn’t you see that I was drunk T ” be shouted. “ If you are go fared ns, that tbe face of the record ie journal. a millinery, ato. Among the notable Recorder and Telegram one year. $5 50 C. GEHRIG Proprietor contributors are: Richard Le Gal* safe, and that while we may demand ing to litny ull the drunkards there For a weekly newsp iper the Weekly Ore OREGON BANDON, lieoue, with • delicate ronsance, A outright a concession of a ten-mile will be few people left on the face of gonisn le ids in the Northwest, aud give, MANUFACTUnBB of the earth. ” And having thus relieve I strip oa each side of the canal, aud Wedding Ring iu tbe Garden, con­ all the news usually contained iu a weekly To op-rate the Fairbank Washer is so simple that any person can learn to a.o it In paper. taining lyrics in the awtbor's best while, incidentally, tbe republic will his feelings he got np and begun tu thirty minutes, and any boy or girl, ten or twelve years of age, onn operate it. dress himself." —N. T. Advocate. be nothing more than our creature, Keoorder and Weekly Oregonian. $2 50 vein i W. A. Frwraw, ssitli gn Indian With this Washer the clothes ere rubbed with an even, stimdy pnasnre, which doe* Il is the duty of each iwraon to seek in s.i ijr xUacn bia hand tale, the Net of Leo: Albert Bigelow iiuuuity foruiaiiou alnug all Hues that tend toward not tear er injure them. Tbe water is forced through aud through Ibe clothe*, making oa anything in the record, because it Have on hand and will keep constantly I>ei%fniv«e Cannot biv Crfre«l Pai tie, with a delightful sketch found­ the trade and family ma, bumd* of the bringing atioat Iwller conditionsnud greater them absolutely clean, white as snow, and health al. ed on tbe foiDies of the collector: is as straightforward as pen, ink and by local applications, as they cannot for beat quality. prosperity for the human family, and for A Fairbank Washer will save clothe* enough in ™« year to pay its e-xi. and uloib- a Harriet Prescott Spofford, with a love diplomat)? oould make it. the purpose cf giving our readers a cbanoo that would lx worn out by the short, sharp process of hand rubbing, or by au ordinary reach the diseased portion of tbo ear. Good, drllveled free of charge st any Tbe country is now involved in it, There is only one way to cure deaf­ reasonable dlrtaace. s'ory of unusual interest; Andre* to inform themselves we give them the beet Washer, are comparatively well preserved. —Appeal to Reason. Any doctrine that Lang, with a clever travesty on tbe and Fanaina is the coming routs. ness, and that is by constitutional —TESTIMONIALS dr— Hample« can be found In the »nloone. does not appeal to the highest order of rea usual fairy tale; soil Gustav Kobbe, There does not seam to be anything remedies. Deafness is caused by an mining is not safe. F'nou IlPUXNUO, OoUOSADO. with an intorasting paper describing to prevent it, for tbe reason that tbe inflamed condition of tbe ruucou» lin­ NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. lteoorder and Appeal to Reason,.. *2 00 I have » Fairbank Washer. It is all we oonld expect in a washer, easy running the life of Mme. Emma Eamoa, iu her government being ao far involved it ing of tbe Esstacliian Tube. When Timber Land Act, Jane 3, 1878. and bandy for oleauing after the wasbiug is done, advantages not found in other machine*,, Italian home, with her portrait in bs* become a sort of teat of patriotism this tube is inflamed, yon bsve »rumb­ I! mitmd H t * tr > L and Orncr, at M ohb Mas. N. CowrroK. colors. There is also the third i natal- to sustain it. Nut one of these days ling sound or imperfect bearing, and tobg . Okbuoa, Sett. 12, 1DQ?.- - I have * Fairbank Wa.hsr; like it Very moeb, would ui.i do witlwat it for scribar Only 50 cents a year. Woman, tbo piquant narrative of whole affair is written, tbe genuine the result, and unless the inflsmtna- of »lane 8. 1878, entitled “An act for the anle F oom WranLiita, Okxaow. of timber lands in the State« of California, .. clubdom by Agnes Snrbridge |aod a facts and circumstpucra will be less lion rao be taken rn?f and thi" tube Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Tern I have a Fairbank Washer; the more I u*o it tbe better I like it. It washes easy torv.’ rn eitended ko ait ¿he LXtfiiic Land ana eieso. ....... ■ Ma». T>. AVawrar’«.............. remarkable photographic article by believable than any book of fiction restored to its normal condition, hear States by act of August 4, 18412. William D. I J. 0. Hemment. There are many that ever ba* been penned.—Oregon ing will be destroyed forever; nine Ma mh al I of Bandon, County of Cooa, State I have a Fairbank Washer. I think I o«a’i «et »luau without it now. of Oregon, has this dev filed ia thia office Mas. Jons C oluvs . beautiful art feature», among them 4 Journal. cases out of ten are caused by Catarrh, hia sworn statement No. 5707, for the pnr- F som B asdon , O iboob . chaee of tbe HE*4 of 8El4 of Section 81, in pages in colors representing Baby­ which is nothing but ao inflamed con­ Township No. 2H. Ix»ta 1 and 2 of Section A LADllS’ MAGAZINE. I have a Fairbank Washing Machine. Can say from srperienoe that it is the most A Rare Thin*. hood, Childhood, Girlhood snd Moth­ No. 6 in Township No. 30 Sooth, of Bangs A ffem| beautiful colored plates* latewt dition of tbe mucous services. fasnions, drewsmaki e-ntv mica ¡fancy oomplete family wasbsr we .ver Med. Would not be witboat the Fairbank Washer for No. 14 West, snd will offer proof to show erhood—tbe work of Bernard J. Roa- work I bouMhn rt hints ; hi turn. etc. Sub- We will give One Hundred Dullatu that the iand sought in Uiuiti v hi uh Lie for iU It ia said that nothing ia aura except twice tbe price of same. 8. I*- H tabcmw . to f Dr. Kenyon, Oregon. - It in - the 1-A largest _ „-ÍT evening nm- Located I. EL DORADO BUILDING, TH€ McCALL CO.. between Floras latke and tlie comi­ pape published in Oregon; _ 'S.-,. , it “ containa ‘ ’ 1 Turner of Deiiipaeylowo, P h , They’re fallible for Croup, Whooping Cough •ituatrd First Meras, HAS DON. OUCHON ty road, in Northern Curry, by removing, West d$t St, IfW YOU. nfwi uf the alate «nd of the nil th tbe best in the World for Liver, Stom Grip, Poenmonia and Consumption. cafring. or dealraving limiter apt.n said L'OR 8\I.E—100 acres of land; 130 acres Try it for a month. A aan’pte nut fut SHAVING. HH AM 1*001 NG AND HAIM I creek bottom, covered with alder and land. fi?5 reward will be paid for inform*, • Pf* I Lx? mailed to you free. Address »cb uud Bowels Purely vegetable. Try it It’s guaranteed by C. Y. lion leading to a conviction of trespass a* ■Almon brush ; 7 acres pl-w land and 12 CUT1TNO AT STANDARD PRICES. Th. Weekly Ortronian and this paper acres in pasture: boose and outbuildings ; Never gripe. Only 25 ee»ts ai C. Y. Lowe. Druggist. Trial bottles free. staled above. Tho Telegram, Bathroom newly Sited vy with Peree l.iW Dated at Bandon. Oregon. March 14. 1901. 10 miles South of Rondon, on Fonr-mile Civ. you all the urei of home, alate, the te'Vv’. £>rug Stoye. Creek: prie» 91,500. For particulars address Hegnlsr sizes 60e. $1.00. FUnTLAMU, OB«. Tab. Hat or ( »H Halbs ** eeats. PefER NEL8ON. A<*nt Northwest and the nation. You Can’t Expect to Get $2 worth fcr $1, but you The New, Speedy and Elegantly Fitted Steam r can get your money’s worth at “Chico,” M. BREUER’S CAPP. C. P. JENSEN. wiwBtcaswa CITY MEAT MARKET, ssssssæs Watches ! Fresh Meats, Bost Quality Bandon Meat Market, T. Anderson. Prop. Are You Aware Fresh Beef, Porh, fflnttcn, SraoKed ft eats, Lard, Sausages, Etc., also Think of It. Spring and Summer Goods. 0 a.rLlr Washer BANDON BREWERY, Beer, Porter and 'Ale 1 ¡T k ^LCS^S] ! macaz ^ e W I Do You Know the News I P 9. TraejsB.æM Shaner St., Poitl md. <>. eoe E l D orado TONSORIAL PARLORS