rr ■ ' -r - ■ — ■■ * F - ----- >BBBBBB>y I *¿«1 we arw K°i<*g to do with our two THE origin of coffee . NEW SHORT STORIES TO MOW DOWN YANKEES oldest boys We have forbiddeu them '* playing cards, smoking aud Ibe like, Sky «a« B«rrr D«S»a rr«d«ctl»a la The < h«la shot Caaaoa th«« Was olly arkin Llstua's Ckesse Ad. 'I; th« United stat««. but not long ago we were informed ou CURIOUS LEQtNDS THAT FLOURISH l«v«at«d hr a Uearalaa. “I remember very distinctly,” said IN THE ANCIENT TOWN. As to the history of coffee, the legend BOOK covers : good authority that they were practic­ A double barreled eannou designed to an old gentleuiau In the Waldorf-As ­ I runs that it was first found growing ing both aeereily. My husband look toria to a New York Press uiau. "tbs sweep down whole regiments of Union Al> af th« Cl«th Far Them 1« Mad« . it« rt«t«r».t«ry of th« a uuu of world renown. Tolu aud 1 puulabed them both severely. They of books is made from cotton fabric, I when, finding some small round her Str««t et tb« Bav«*- Immediately after war was declared I ries, be tried to eat them, but they were were schoolboys together. Tbeu I went an Iron worker uarned John Gilleland, yet one would not say so on seeing th« cussion was, ‘What shall we do with cried aud promised him to do better, our boys? ’ First oue mother, then an ­ Its Every old city bos Ito legends, I bitter. He tried roasting them, and to Etou and lost track of him. I studied then employed in one of the Athens but still we worry about them.” finished product Borne of it looks ex- stories, its peeuilar customs aud its I these he finally steeped in some wster law, and when 1 returned to Glasgow ___ w like __ coarse linen. Other styles other, gave her opinion, aud each of actly Tom had hung out hta shingle as a foundries, decided that he could make have an appearance of the finest kind them bad a grain of gtsid iu her meth­ "You should have tried my bue- characteristic quarters. Ot all the cit- I held in the hollow of bls hand and green gitxer In an obscure street. He a cannon with two barrels which should of silk, while others bare various sorts od; but when it came to Mr». B----- , , lea ill tlie uew world, Mexico has clus­ found the decoction as refreshing as if be more eff.-ctlve tliau a dosen of the of tiuUiuis that look ilk« can­ who hi kuown far and widt as the most band’s plan in regard to breaking the tered w ithin it more of legend, history, he had partaken of solid food. He hur­ was competing with well established usual kind. The death dealing Inven­ firms aud for three years plodded along boys from smoking aud playing canls. vas, watered silk and a thousand dif­ devoted mother aud with the l>e»t be­ tradition and quaint customs aud peo­ ried buck to Mocha, from which he had almost unnoticed aud with only a small tion was to be charged with Iron balls If there la one thing we are both a unit ferent design«. I been baulahed, and. inviting the wise haved aud most lovable children for ple than any othsr. Almost every number of customers. But one day th« of a nouexpliMlve nature, to which was When tlie clotb comes from the mills in disc« uraging It la that twiu evil, these stories men to partake of bls discovery, they Glasgow papers bore an advertisement to be attached a long stout chain, ao It is treated In various ways to pre miles around, every word she uttered smoking and eard-playiug. My hue­ street has its story* were ao well pleased with it that they that when the two barrels were tired something like this: pare it for the dyeing process, which is was good advice and listened to with band discovered the boys oue day , cover all the (arnut of the picturesque. made him a saint simultaneously the balls and cbalu “ Thomas I.ipton will sell at market the most important Different kinds of interest, her hearers heartily concurring playing cards with some friends in the | the horrible, the sentimental and the The story is told that coffee was in­ would mow down men by companies. price good cheeses filled with coin ot pathetic. sizing are used in the different grades, in all she had to say. except Mrs. M----- , troduced into tLe West Indies in 1723 barn loft and smoking. He never let The cannon was cast. When It was the kingdom. The cheeses have been who remarked tartly, ‘ The good old and after thia is done it Is ready for in Ito early hstory the City of Mex­ I by Chirac, a French physician, who entirely finished the inventor Invited a the color machines. Bible is my authority, aud it says de­ them know he had seen them but stole ico was divided Into wards, or quar­ gave a Norman gentleman of the name prepared especially aud are laden with number of his friends to a pine thicket These are really the same sort of ma­ cidedly and plainly enough for most quietly down and came to the bouse to ters. each oue of which was the special I of I>e Clleux. a captain of infantry on threepences, sixpences, shillings, halt on a hill on the outskirts of the city to chines that calico Is made on. They people, ‘Thou siialt not have any other talk It over with me. We decided it home of some trade or profession. I his way to Martinique, a single plant. sovereigns and sovereigns.’ ‘This astonishing announcement at­ see it work. The double barreled thing are built of great steel rolls or cams God before me,' aud again, ‘Train up a would never do to punish the.. , for There was the ey, aud if they don't they know pletely taken aback wheu that ulght at is Plateroa, th® street of the silver­ year, when be gathered two pounds of each Christmas he would conceive and mud. tearing up small tree» and ferent flniahes arc given In a s*-<*ond I’-haaHatfiiieiif la .Af —-u m. ■uippar ib«ir father remarked that he smiths. Even today there are more coffee, which he distributed among the some brilliant scheme along lines that earth, and Anally came circling back to process, tl . <■»«.»•. i.. uiiuiign rdren turn out badly it will be through had change«! his mind about their Jewelry sh«ps on this street than any inhabitants of the island to be planted appealed to the public.” the caunon which held the other ball very heavy and massive steel rolls no fault of miue, for I have refrained playing cards and he had brought home other kind vf business, and here still by them. From Martinique coffee trees with chain attached. Tlie Inventor was which have been engraved with the de­ from making Idols of them aud I have a pack and prop ped that they have a are to be : fund the most fashionable In turn were sent to Santo Domingo. struck on one arm by the ball, now M€*Kinley*a Good Xatore. Jewelry aiy art curio stores of the city, Guadeloupe and other neighboring is­ sign that Is wanted. Fine lines run­ The late President McKinley's rela nearly spent, and knocked senseless, game. He heaped coals of fire on their The strft it of the coffin makers still lands. ning diagonally across the clotb will not spared the rod, as each aud all of tions with the newspaper correspond while friends feared to go near, sup­ heads by telling them how much be The coffee tree is an evergreen shrub, exists ayd Is now very appropriately give a silk effect, and there are many them, from the oldest dowu to the baby ents were almost always cordial, and posing that the other barrel might take other Impressions that may be stamped luau testify.’ Hhesaid this In a tone of appreciated their having carried out known /s the Street of Death. It la a growing, In its natural state, to a height he never seemrsi half so anxious tenings. There in olden much below this it requires artificial ih it was me times was the great temple of the Az­ past her bouse on that “cool Septem­ old denth dealer was missed from Its same thiug, and it was all right forai for si the last to leave, and one of the girls shade, which materially increases the tecs, which was, with its accompanying ber morn.” Not because she was bed­ place near the old city hall, and no one /rn«v iiruunnio ridden on that day, as lias been assert­ remarked as she started for home that week, then it began to grow tiresome, base or pyramid, larger thau St. Pe­ cost of production and does not produce seemed to know what had become of it. but still their father was euthusiastit as marketable berries. It is owing to ter’s at Rome, the largest church build­ ed. Mrs. Abbott, who went down to she never had such a good tjiue in Finally, after diligent search, it was Invite her aunt to come and spend the her life. It is no wondir that two of over the game; he never got tired lug lii the world. There, too, was the this particular requirement that coffee found In a Junk shop. From this place day with her, falling to Induce her to her boys ran away from home to seek Then oue ulght he brought home some palace of Montezuma, in fact, two pal­ has never been successfully produced it was resurrected, and tlie city council leave the house, remained and watched their fortunes. I am sure they fouud cigarettes aud told the boys he bad no aces, both noted, one the old, in which In the United States.—Success. made an appropriation sufficient to with her the “dust brown ranks” as peace aud comfort that had been objection to their learning to smoke, were quartered Cortez and his officers, have It mounted and placed near the a building whose vast size excited the they passed. Jackson on reaching Mar­ strangely lacking iu their owu home. provided they smoked at home. Tke 1 MAKING BREAD. Conf<*e sacred book or taking an rival a district visitor entered one B----- gave the whole keynote to her “Is It of great consequence to you to oath. Yet, unfortunately, the draft bull any time than go out. I make their of the Alameda, the largest and most rise till light—Exchange. house where the new thermometer success in raising her family when she get these pictures?" queried McKinley often receives very rough treatment at hung proudly in the middle of tlie room said, ‘Make home happy -for the boys rooms Just as attractive as the girls’ fashionable park of the city. It wuh At the Theater. Being assured that It was, lie Invited dangling at the end of a string. The I make It the dearest aud most attractive and try to cultivate a love for the re­ along this street tint the army of Cor­ One of the most anuoying things lu the photographer to come along and his driver's bands. So long as the ani­ visitor complimented the owner upon plaee ou earth for the eutire family, for fined and beautiful. They know they tez, the great conqueror of Mexico, the world is to go to the theater and bring his cameru at once. Then both mal's life is not taken ill treatment it and inquired If she rememltered the I therein lies the secret of holding them can bring their friends home any time, passed cn the "dismal night” when lie sit back of a man who has been to see Mr. McKinley and his wife posed as counts as nothing among these people was driven from th« city by the Aztecs. I who regard the brutes as sacred. Instructions. I together. Encourage them, itoys and and they are always welcome, and they On this street, too, occurred some of I the play and insists upon telling bls many times as the photogrupher asked “Aye, that I do," was the reply. “1 companion all about the performance them to, greatly to the latter's delight will sit around the table studying to ­ 'angs un there and I watches un until I girls, to make a confident of you, and gether, playing games, quietly enjoy- the most desperate fighting on that ter- I and what’s coining next. Tlie other Sudden l.«p«e off Memory. rible night. There the Spaniards were night at one of the local playhouses a and profit as a matter of course. I never tie too tired or too busy to listen ’e gets abovfe 60.” "I Haw the whole thing,” said the “Quite right, Mrs. ---- ,” said the to them when they want to coufide iu Joying music and singing songs, all of able to do nothing against the tlger-llke I man was greatly annoyed by the occu­ passenger with the nose glasses. “I was The Limit ot Patience. lady, much pleased that the directions you; but should it happen that you are which are Joined in by the rest of the ferocity and fanaticism of tlie Aztecs. standing on the front platform when pant of the seat in front of him talk Up in New York state lives a pension On the opposite side of tlie Alameda I given bad taken root. “And what do uuable to give them the time, then set family when the boys desire it, and Ing in a loud voice about what was claimant who has sounded a note of the car hit tlie wagon. It was all the is Avenida Juarez, named after the I you do when it gets above 00?” going to happen on the stage. Finally, warning to an overcautious govern­ fault of the blamed driver. He started an hour in which they can come and that is nearly all the time. Then I al­ “Why, then.” was the uithrsons and par Admiral Watson always prohibited I boy confident from his mother’s side, continuation of the great public drive. I row behind. “I was simply saying came along. BRIEF REVIEW. swearing on the vessel where he hap­ and she doiibtleHH is unconscious that ties, and They have made Evidence the Paseo de la Reforma. “Did you see how this happened?” lie what I thought of the actors, They enougli to have a thousand claims pened to be. and if any luckless officer by her own act she has caused this al­ Many of the streets have very curious are making so much noise that I can't lowed, if Not then it will have to go asked. enforced an order from the bridge with ways to be deplored estrangement. Faking at Bench Shows. names. For instance, there are the I hear one-half of your Interesting "Me?” said the man with the nose and an oath be was called upon for a pri­ Knowiug the evils of the corner gro­ If the British Kennel Club will now Street of the Ixist Child, the Street of I valuable conversation.” — Philadelphia to the Judge above me. for i cant not glasses. “Gosh, no! I don’t know a vate Interview with his superior. But cery, where meu of all descriptions and wont sjtend another cent to get Peace, the 8treet of the Arts, that of I another matter in bls squadron trou­ congregate to driuk, |>oH8ibly carry on enforce the idle which it lias recently the Wood Owls, the Deer. Sorrow, tlie I Press. more than I have now furnished, tills thing about It.”—Chicago Tribune. made, says Outing, disqualifying dogs Sad Indian, the Holy Ghost, of Christ, I bled the admiral. Ills was the flag­ Thing of calling for the Same thing Aa She Understood It. A Donbtia* Father. ship, and yet her men were sometimes their games of cards, playing for stakes, that are “faked," a much needed re­ of Jesus, of the Sanctified Virgin, of the over again will have to stop right now. telling Htories and using language that Mr. George Manville Fenn was in the last to finish the execution of a form will tie instituted. Faking, which Purified Virgin, of I>eatb and the Lane I A pretty rosy cheeked country girl I wont put up with It. I'll go without the Heform club one afternoon, says a command to carry out a maneuver. no deceut boy should hear, I made up means preparing dogs for exhibition by of the Rat. All of these have stories I entered one of our large department my pension first.”—New York Tribune Ixindon Journal, when be noticed that One day when the seamen were behind my mind early iu my married life that trimming or dyeiug, or plucking, baa connected with them. Many of the I stores. It was bargain day. and the an old gentleman, a friend of his. was In getting down from the rigging he the home should be made so attractive become so univeral in England and so streets have names that sound Impious I crowd was greater than usual. She A Joke From the Beach. bad wandered about from floor to called a captain to him. Notwithstanding Ida twenty-two years looking rather perturbed, so he In­ that they would not think of the cor­ to northern ears. But there is no more “Why Is It." he asked, “that here on ner grocery as a place of amusement, or cleverly done that it is very bard to thought of impiety in naming them floor, a little bewildered at the magni­ of service on the bench. Ix>rd Juatlce quired If there was anything the mat­ the flagship, where we ought to be the any other place for that matter. They say just where it begins and ends. The than there is in calling a boy Jesus. The tude of the establishment the largest Mathew still preserves that elasticity ter. “Well,” said tlie old gentleman, she had ever seen. serious festure of the practice is, of quickest, the men are behind the other of spirit and love of a Joke which lias “the fact is my son has got a play naturally dislike anything that Is coarse i oouree, its harmful effect u|>ou the Street of the Holy Ghost was original­ Seeing her, a floorwalker approached distinguished lilui all through his ca coming out tonight, and I fear It will ships?" ly the Street of the Church of the Holy I While the officer was seeking for an and do not seek companions who pos­ standard of the breed concerned. It Ghost. So on with the other streets I and said, “Is anybody waiting on reer. One of bis remarks the other day be a ghastly failure. He can write Inoffensive reply a volley of oaths came sess these traits, vet on more than oue stands to reason that “faking" does not bearing sacred names. This curious, in­ you?” created great merriment in the court pretty little plays when he likes, but “Yes, sir,” said the girl, blushing to of appeal. A learned king's counsel this one Jie has written Is a nonsensical vs uome to me to sea ••ot advauea the breed, and that it sec­ floating across the water from the cap­ I »«»«»I ■■■ a»»j» congruous use of sacred names is to be I ■ the roots of her flaxen hair. “He's out­ if they might bring a certain boy home tain of the nearest ship. | side; be wouldn’t come in.“—Philadel­ was arguing the question as to what Is sort of a thing, and I’m sure it won’t -wen. yoa see. admiral, our men with them who had never had any ond grade specimens are awarded blue frequently noted In Mexico. an “accident" and was putting in­ do at all. However, I suppose I must The streets of Mexico commemorate phia ledger. don’t get the right kind of encourage­ home training and really no chance in ribbons through the clever “faking” of stances of what be considered would go and see It.” The sou's name was their owners the breed, in due oourae, the names of many famous rulers. They ment. sir.”—Exchange. properly come within that term and William S. Gilbert, and the play was life for self-improvement. The last re­ becomes distinctly lowered. Trim- also record the names of desperate I what, on the other band, would not 'Trial l>y Jury.” quest they made of this kind my young ­ characters. There Is the Street of Don ’ •» Pceellarltles. ■ relaad'« Wondrrfal Li«»«. m ng, or plucking, or dyeing does not Juan Manuel, who coxamltted murder I A maD wil1 run as fl,nt as he can to •'Suppose.” said he. “some one were to est boy said, "He ’ s not like any of us, Whether or not I relaud Is the finest ,C1OT««. prevent the puppies of the faked ani­ hit me In tlie eye and my eye became country In the world for growing flax, mama, for he’s never had a chance, aud mal from Inheriting the faults which in defense of his own honor, which he I rross a railroad track In front of Q Hack In consequence, the fact of It b"- “Cloves,” said a physician, “make an 1t believed b!i -rife bad trifled with. Re ?raln Then he will watch It till It la beyond dispute the finest tutLc I Would just title to let mm see what a mining black could not be called an ac- excellent and bandy remedy for nau­ world for bleaching linen, an operation nice liome is like and that It does not were covered up for the delusion of the port says that the honae where he lived |8ws out of sight. Then lie will wslk lldent.” "Perhaps not." said the ¡ord sea, for the headache duo to train rides was haunted and for very many years leisurely away. He seems to lie nil which requires from six to eight weeks, pay to be rough and use bad words. bench show Judges. Justice, "but you would doubtless ex­ and for slight attacks of seasickness. it remained empty because no one right and probably Is. That is a man. according to the nature ami weight of I * u , ,, , A woman In a street car will open u plain It on that ground."— Westminster I went abroad last year, and on the the fabric ..I — ___ .... _____ Au «•»«>** «bout a home Is that it is Hix monster apples gathered at Pui- dared to live In it the fabric. Nowhere else can the snow tvwt »he first day out I began tn f»el -"erette. ...J'. eatche! and take out a purse, take out » plane to.«et aad sleep la and tL«u There fo also the Street of the Rgv«n, I uaut, S'oriolk, England, measured thir­ - . • white fiokdwd -fabric ue turned out to the approaches of seasickness. I took a dime and c I om * tlie purse, open the out of as quick as he can.' My boy rival the Irish bleach. France, Bel­ teen inches in circi’-i'ference and where it is said there lived an old man Th« America« Aeeeat Preferahlr. a clove every hour all the rest of the gium, Germany and the United States had his way. He brought his friend weighed together three (tounds and two who had sold his soul to the devil. Here satchel, put in the purse, clone the Mark Twain was talking about tl:c day. and by midnight the attack had he lived with a raven which the com­ satchel and lock both ends. Then she American accent. have all eutered into competition and ami I found all the lovely qualities ot ounces. left me, and it «lid uot return again. mon people believed was the devil In will give the dime to the conductor, retired unsuccessful. The quality of this boy lying dormant; be had had “It has changed.” he said, “and fot My wife Is much given to Indigestion, disguise. One day the old man and the who will give her a nickel back. Then the water, the climate and the inherit­ nothing in his life to bring them out. In a cemetery at Middlebury, Vt., is the most part It has changed for the particularly when she eats pastry, but ed experience of the Irish bleachers My boy’s home life was a revelation to a stone erected by a widow to her lov­ bird disappeared in the course of a ter­ she will open tbe nab*bel and take out better. Tlie nasal 'ow' 1« gone Bn I »»perience lias taught her that she the purse, put in the nickel, close the rible thunderstorm, leaving behind must all contribute to the result which here and there it would be as well If It may now eat pastry with impunity baa had abundant practical demonstra­ him. I have encouraged him to con e ing busband bearing this inscription: them only a few feathers and a aus­ puree, open tbe satchel and put In the had remained. The last time I went to provided that she swallows a clove tion that Ireland now occupies and baa to the house and he has readily taken up “Beet in peace—until we meet again." picious smell of brimstone. So the street purse, cloae tbe aatchel and lock both church the clergyman rend out his text now and then for several hours after was called after the raven because th« ends. Then she will feel for tbe buck!«* alwaya occupied the first place In the with the lietter side of life and dropped the meal.” Endeavors are being made to anialga- people did not wish to take the name ot at the back of her belt—Kansas City like this: whole world for bleaching and finish­ the coarse vein that fairly shocked “ ‘He that hath yahs to yah let him Journal. ing linen. us all at first. I am proud to think “tot* th* Austrian, French and Hwies the devil tn vain.—Modern Mexico. Sick Herring«. yah.’" that my youngest boy, whom I natu­ Alplue clubs for the purpose of securing “Why,” said a youngster to bls elder Wa*a«r a«d Thirteen. Precarious la Spot«. as (• Mob«. Alcohol 1« McdlcI«». brother, “do herrings have so many Bobby—Do I have to go to school. rally expected the least from, should mors control over the guides. In the life of Richard Wagner the You can't punish a uiob unless you Our own opinion, which we have fre see the diamond beneath the rough »’id Bother? punish It while it Is a mob. A man Is number thirteen played a curious part qucntly set forth, is that alcoholic bev­ tiore Illnesses than other fish?” "Who says they do?” asked the Authorities of British Columbia have not the same man while he Is tn a mob He was born in 1813. the numerals of Mother—Of course. Bobby. uiqMillshed surface.” established traveling libraries for the as be Is while be Is an individual, and which, added together, are equal to erages are of value In certain forms of foutb addressed. Bobby—Why. mother. I heard you disease and that their value depends "Why. thia book says that thousands benefit of the numerous lumber and this is one reason why It is so difficult thirteen, and be received a name the not so much upon tbe alcohol, but U|>on tel) father last night that I knew en­ One of the ladies asked her in what kpon thousands of them are cured ev­ letters of which when added to those of tirely too much.—Detroit Free Press ever to punish and individual for what mining camps in the province. the vinous ethers which these bever manner she made the home ao attrac­ be did as a part of a mob. This dis­ his family name are also equal to tbir ages contain or should contain. No ary year.” tive, saying she bad tried to make home Fls«r«a It Oat. A little enthusiasm greases one’s tinction is not fanciful; it Is a real dif teen. Moreover, he finished "Tann medical man doubts that Intemperance Bileaee la Oaldaa. Jolk—When may a knothole be said pleasant for her children, too, but they elbows and lubricates the whole mental ference, and public sentiment and pros ha user" on April 13. 1800, and it was In alcohol la an appalling factor In the “Of course,” said the beginner, “to be to be not whole? ecutlng officers and Juries recognize It. performed for the first time on March apread of crime, disease and poverty must have a different vein running machinery. successful in politics one must know Polk—Whst are you talking about? whether they know It or not For this 13, 1881. Twenty-two years later be and ft Is undoubtedly tbe duty of the how to speak.” through them, for they never wanted Jolk-The answer Is: When only i> to stay home a minute longer than died, and again the mystical number reason It Is generally useless to Itope It does not do very much good to lock medical profession to eodeavor to stay “Better still,” replied the old hand, part of the knot is not. for the punishment of men after a molt was dominant, for be passed away on the curse of drink by every means In they could help. "We don’t know up the Jug after a fellow in paralysed. "he must know how not to speak ”— Feb. 13, 1883. has dispersed. - World s Work. Its power.—London Lancet Exchange. BANDON RECORDER. £»»<£*•■■•■•■•«•■•■•«'• •♦•«•• •••••••• ««a1 • « P (JIB CITY OF MEXICO : L n|il 1 i f f- 'J t I t *■