■ ?. n n :: tt « « « « tt tt n n tt « « By HERBERT E. HAMBLIN « n Merry <- "Gosh almighty!” be roared, so loud tt that I beard him above the noise of native platinum I FOR THE HOUSEWIFE MODESTY OF THE GREAT. ILAKE, MsrriTr lE^aariae aaa H4H>K NKWH “ •• papers the gale. "Couldn't the firemau get Ta« “EaM»” M«t»i« Kalra. i, d S'ru.a UlaAalaaa aa» Darwla Fait Th«m- MUFFII i WR1TÌN« an< WRAPPING... * *• GSJ let«ltl»«»t DI.hwa.hlBa, This raeaU»< Sabaiau«-«. aalvaa “Oraiiaary rareaaa.” down an’ open the switch 'thout callin’ tTIWNE .. .. .......... Household work, especially kitchen OARO STOCK Ou the slopes of the L'ral mountain-' a man all the way up from the hind Iu "Studies In Contemporary Biogra­ work, may be so much simplified by a end? Mebbe you think it's fun to and in Brazil. California, A uhii . i phy,” by James Bryce. there occur two ...Straw and Binder»' Board... I Canada aud many other countries a pe­ Uttle method and beginning at the stories which caused some of the critic« nr», Mrv^i waller round In this snow.” I told him to cut the itigiue off and culiar substance know u as native piati right end! The woman who starts to to express astonishment at the “mod­ Tel. Mele lint. «J HAN ERANCMba waali diahe» wbeu they are spread all bold everything on the eastbouud track I num is found. Thia la an alloy of the esty of the great ” The stories are tt till I got buck from the Selden water I metals platinum, palladium, iridium over tlie kitebeu table makes herself these: plug. As we pulled over the switch I osmium, rhodium aud ruthenium, to- uuuecessary work, How mauy false “Meeting Mr. Gladstone in the lobby I getber with a little gold and iron. All motions d s she make and what an and seeing his face saddened by the I i Harry shouted: » jiuiecess. y number of steps she takes of these except the last mentioned are "Hey, Davis!” troubles in Ireland, Mr. Bryce tried to Davis looked up, squinting comically the “noble” metals. They do not tar­ Ibe will reach for a plate, scrape it. divert hla thoughts by mentionlug a re- Crop the knife, wash the plate, then CupertpM, Uut, bn » into the teeth of the storm. Harry nish In the air and are not soluble In recent discovery—to wit, that Dante Oo Your Ankle, or Limb. Swell? Herbert K. Hamblin threw him a kiss and yelled, "Turkey!" I any slugle acid. The most plentiful Jeat tlie process, perhaps picking up had been saved from want in his last Are Your Eye. Puffy? We ar. The conductor's reply was luaudible, metal occurring In native platinum la liislies indiscriminately as to kind or years by a lectureship at Raveuna. Mr. th. Sole Agent» for the Only llse. and. no mutter hrrrr much she may I that from which it takes Its name. but we knew what it was, the most Gladstone's face lit up at ouee, and he Thing Known That Cure, tho common expression In railroad use. This metal Is of • grayish color and hurry, she is working at such u disad­ said. 'How strauge it is to think that Kidney Dhaeasea That Cause vantage that It is uo wonder dish ­ When we got back from the water I with one exception is the heaviest sub­ HE train was reported half an behind the two bead curs in the siding. these great souls, whose works are a Dropsy, vlx.t Pulton Compound.. hour late. We eluted the cab I bad the brukemau cut these two off. plug. 21, the mail, waa waiting. We stance known. Its fusing point is ex­ washing has a terror for her. Contrast this way of stepping around beacon light to all the generations that windows and dropped the cur­ and I "stoked” them out on the main followed ber, getting good wheeling tremely high, and thia property, to­ have come after them, should have had tain. Harry y.ut the blower track ahead of the engine. I ran ahead until she got so far ahead that the gether with Its freedom from tarnish­ —and It Is no exaggeration—with the cares and anxieties to vex them In their It !• now well known that drepay la not tn way another woman will prepare for causes It to be largely used for the ing. until snow drifted in lielihid ber again. We the two cars behind the engine ou a quarter of u turn to carry off the daily life just like the rest of us com­ Itself b dlaoBse, but ia nearly nlwaya a Nyoip- lier work. Slie clears the sink, scrapes I manufacture of crucibles and other tom of kidney diaeuse that BccuiupauieK the gas. We lighted our pipes, cocked our were over the switch. 1 backed them loaded the tender at the Holton coal mon mortals!’ chronlo stages heretofore Incurable. Hence, heels oil the lioiler butt uud listened ill In on the siding, leaving the other two platform, piling on top big lumps that vessels required by scientists to stand and piles each kind of dishes by them­ “The words reminded me,” adds the np to tho discovery of the Fulura Compounds, selves; her towels, plenty of them, are comfort to the liowllug blast without. out on the main track. Then I came couldn't blow away. My watch drop­ a very high temperature. It is also author, “that a few- days before I liad dropsy was incurable. It Is now, however, As I sat and puffed ou my fragrant old i out with the engine and went back ped out of my |>ocket on the shovel. 1 sometimes used as a substitute for gold clean and at hand; plenty of hot, soapy heard Mr. Darwin, in dwelling upon curable tn nearly nlno tenths of all cases Here water In the dishp.n and the drainer lu photography, and when deposited in threw it Into the tender, aud Harry after the rest of the train. brierwood my gaze became riveted on the pleasure a visit paid by Mr. Glad­ ta an InterestLug recovery, to which we refer by I had a four mile back up in the tossed u heavy lump on top of it. After a thin film on the interior of the tubes clear to receive the clean hot dishes, stone bad given him, say, ‘And be talk­ permlssLon. the only thing visible, the steam gauge, which require very little drylug after of telescopes it forms a dead black we hud found it and stepped back on Mrs. Peter Goy hen lx of WS Fillmore street, like a spectral face suspended iu the teeth of the blizzard. I couldn’t see a ed Just as If he had been an ordinary Francisco, became alarm lug y dropsical. Center of the uniform blackness. The thing and never knew where I was. I the engine he asked, looking at the surface, which preventa the light from their two successive hot baths. First person like one of ourselves.’ The two Suu Her physician had finally to tap licr every few the glasses are washed, rinsed uud being reflected by the polished sides. days. She was lapped nearly forty^imes Mud soothing bum of the blower, the didn't dare go fast, for I expected ev­ clock: , Palladium is of a lustrous white wiped while the silver soaks in the men were alike unconscious of their crew worse from day to day. Tne physician "Is that all ’tis—10:15?" warmth aud sense of coziuess, combin­ ery minute to hit the train, and I could dually told ber husband that she had Bright’s color. It Is the most easily fused of suds, then tlie sliver, each relay being greatness." I looked at my watch — 11:37. We not force myself to go slow enough to of the Kidneys, that it was iu tn ad­ ed with the hypnotic effect of my fixed It Is only the little who think them Disease vanced chronic a'si-jaud beyond medical aid. wiped as soon as rinsed and drained, the metals found in platinum ore, and hail left the curtain up while coaling, stop without punching a bole In a new» gaze, set me to dreaming. Her beurt also gave her the usual trouble and selves great. They are like those who Tomorrow would bo Christmas, and pujM'r. Snow aud coal dust swirled up aud the engine clock, less than two feet I can even be volatilized. A curious while tlie next is In the dishpan. The do not know much and therefore im­ she was in Much a serious condition the relatives sent for. They pul her on Fulton's Com­ mother was with us. It was ber first under the foot of the curtnin. blinding above the boiler, had frozen up and I quality which this metal possesses Is waters are changed frequently, as are agine that there Is not much to know. were pound. It stayed on the stomach, the first I j that when heated to redness it is the towels, and in thia way dlshwasli thing that had done so for a week The second visit since uiy marriage. Katie, liet us, and tlie lioller might have been an Stopped. week the dropsy declined a little and the Im­ During the next hour we nearly I ¡Mirous to hydrogen gas, allowing It to Ing becomes [flea san ter work, and the Tlie great do not think themselves so, provement poor little heart a-flutter ut the pros­ ice cream freezer for all of its effect on waa then gradual till her recovery just as the learned are overwhelmed by wus complete. Thia case was examined into pect of u visit from that dreaded in­ the temperature. I tried to Invent a stalled In big drifts twice. This set me I pass through somewhat in the same array of shining glass, silver and china their Ignorance. by representatives of the San Francisco Stax spector general, her mothcr-iu-hi w, bad suitable reward for the yardmnster at to thinking aliout train 19. She must manner that blotting paper permits the is a delight to tlie eye, proving that and the Overland Monthly, and the geuuiueursi of the case and the recovery were fully attested slaved herself nearly to death. Three- Tabor’s for not giving me a shove, only be nearly due. I looked at my watch— I passage of water. The silvery white there can lie a satisfaction even in dish­ Snake la a Street Car. lu their columns. year-old Bob liud nearly wrecked his to remember that engineers seldom 11:37. It hadn’t turned a wheel since I color of palladium and Its freedom washing. and it is done In much less Mrs. Thuinas Chiistol of 426 Twenty-seventh The snakes with which I have gen­ • that lump of coul hit It, aud now I had I from tarnishing render It useful for time and with far less effort than in a mother's wonderful patience by hla have a chance to get square. Suu Francisco, wus ulso swollen with erally associated have mostly been the street, making scales and division marks on haphazard way.—Cooking Club. dropsy, us the result of chronic kidney disease, The crew hud tied a red lamp to the no time on the engine. persistent efforts to render ber labor to more than seventy-five pounds beyond hei little chaps, such as the lively two foot Seeing me looking at my watch, Hur- I scientific Instruments. A mixture of futile, und I had “flggered" ou the run, brake rod of the head car aud gone weight, aud hud to be moved in slteett garter snake that I had In a Kansas normal Aa directive Dimin. Room. and was close to death's door although she had for a mouth to make sure of l>eing back to the calioose. Long before 1 got ry asked ize if it was broken. I told this metal with mercury is sometimes physicians. She was put on the Fulton A white and yellow dining room la City street car one day. I had picked four home on this the greatest Christinas back tlie lump was transformed into a him it was. “That’s nothing,” said be. used for filling teeth. Osmium is a Three weeks showed improvement him up in the suburbs of the city, and Compounds metal which possesses two remarkable and in six mouths she wus well, aud peimils decidedly something of a novelty, miniature Iceberg, but I didn't happen "So ’ s the record. ” I tried to grin, but It that ever wus. For a wonder, 1 had before taking the car back to the busi­ this reference. I properties — It Is the most refractory is difficult for decorators aud home to hit hard enough to smash uuythlng. just then sbe plumped into a cut at the not figured in vain. Everytliiug had Ii you have dropsy don’t temporise. There is ness section of the town I buttoned )ul.v one thing known that will cure the clirouic come out exactly us I bud hoped It We found the drawhead of the other foot of n slight grade that was tilled of the metals, resisting fusion at the makers to get away from the Idea that him in the Inside pocket of my coat. cut noy dim-use that is behind it and that is most intense beat, and it is also the car banging to this one by the link and a dining room should be treated in a twenty feet deep with “the beautiful.” would. I* would get home early enough r uiton’s Compound. The Reuul Compound for Now. anybody who has ridden over for Christmas dinner mid late enough pin. We got it up in the tender after I had no longer any need to worry heaviest substance known, being twen- markedly dignified if not a somewhat the streets of Kansas City knows tliut Bright’s and Kidney Diseases, |1: for Diul elt a. |1.5U. John J. Fulton Co.. V Washington to preclude tlie ¡Missibillty of being sent awhile and coupled it. I culled the about following trains. I was anchored ty-two and a half times heavier than subdued and heavy style. Yellow and San Frauclseo, sole compounders. Send in places it seems as though the cars street. water. Together with Iridium, It oc ­ flag, and Davis, nearly frozen, climbed white is not necessarily flippant, and good and solid. I bad a full tank of I for pauij blot. Vte uru the sole agents lor this out aguln before the next day. were climbing up the roof of a barn. city. A curling wreath of blue smoke float­ alssird. He said there wus no flag out, coal. We wouldn’t freeze, und there I curs principally In a peculiar variety of when the room to be treated is In the When I got on the car it was full, and lug across tlie face of the gauge arrest tlie tall lights being in plain sight from was water enough for a long siege ex­ native platinum called osmlrldlum. country and has a green and shaded i This mineral differs from ordinary outlook Hie effect is really charming. so I had to grali a strap in order to ed the Hellish course of my thoughts the yard, and he commenced to criticise cept for those leaky flues. (TO BE CONTINUED.) i platinum ore In that it contains a An apartment of this sort in a cottage stand up. Presently a seat became va­ and directed them to the boy ou the my solution of the recent difficulty, say­ larger proportion of osmium and Irid­ that is perfect in harmonious effect cant beside me and I sat down. As I other side of the eub. Hurry Mcrvin ing I should have backed the whole The mortality among babies during th< ium than platinum. Osmlrldlum Is throughout has the wall puneled to did so I glanced up gnd there was my train down into the yard and demand ­ hud been on the roud only a collide of ASKING QUESTIONS. thiee teething years is something frightful. found in small particles, varying in within seven Inches of the tops of the poor little snake hanging to the strap The ed the services of a pusher. There monttra, mo-i ut which time be had census of 1900 shows that about one io seven succumbs. been tiring for uie. lie was bright, may’ be n time for all things, but that Tbe Art of laterrovatloa shoald Ho weight from one-sixth to one-third of doors, and all the woodwork is painted I had just left. Various other people every The cause is apparent. With baby's noticed him at the same time, and the Devoid of liaprrHorace. a grain. These particles are extremely didn't seem to me to be the time to lis ­ Ivory white. Above the paneling is a pleasant and willing. It now occurred bones hardening, the fontanel (opening In ths ”lk> not ask questions” is the worst hard and are used for pointing non­ stenciled frieze in shades of daffodil, ensuing exhibition would have enabled skull) closing up and Its teeth forming, all to me ttiut I rather liked lilm, hut that ten to switch sliunty railroading, so I coming at once create a demand fuf orange and chestnut. The rug is in any person in the car to secuv a job these I knew absolutely untiling about him. shut him and drove him buck to his piece of social auvice which age can wearing pens. bone that nearly haJf the little Metallic iridium possesses a white tones of brown and dull soft blues. as a circus acrobat at a handsome sal­ systems material are deficient In. The result la It wasn’t so very many years ago that doghouse. By the time they got the give to youth. A man who never asks weakness, sweating, fever, dlar- I was u strange isjy on this same roud drawhead back into its place In the questions is the dullest fellow in the steel-like appearance. The knife edges The tilts] flreplace is In yellowish ary. After they had escaped I put peevishness, rhoea, brain troubles, convulsions, etc., that myself, and this was Christ inns eve. 1 ear and we got away from the .siding world. He had better ask too many of dellgate balances and other bearings brown and the chair seats of chestnut tlie snake back in my pocket. The prove terribly fatal. The deaths In 1900 under conductor was a hero and stuck to his three years were 304,98«, to say nothing of we bad been four hours coming a little which require extreme hardness are than too few. We can defend ourselves brown leather. Filmy fabrics in daffo ­ made a pretense of getting a light for the vast number outside the big cities that my pipe at the gauge lamp and leaned over four miles—a magnificent begin­ against curiosity, but no armor avail* often made of it. An alloy of 10 per dil aud white form the window hang­ post, but be put me off the car and were not reported, and this in the Uuitud kept my nickel. — W. S. Dunbar in Out ­ States alone. ning truly. against indifference. We must resign cent Iridium and 90 per cent platinum ings. A flue old silver lamp adapted across tlie boiler. When baby begins to sweat, worry or cry "Our turkey ’ll be cold, Alec," Hurry ourselves to be bored to death. has been found to be very little affected for electricity Is suspended by long sil­ ing. 'Where are you golug to spend out In sleep don't wait, and the need ii neither medicine nor narcotics. What the What is the secret of the art of ln- In volume by changes of temperature ver chains above the hospitable ruupd Christmas, Harry?” I shouted above remarked jokingly after we had start­ No Room For Him. little system is crying out for la more bone terrogation? Putting aBlde quick sym­ and Is the substance of which the table, and a more charming and invit­ the uolse of the gale mid tlie slutting ed again. material. Sweetman’s Teething Food sup­ Several relics of exceptional value "Frozen.” I replied slowly. pathies, which He at the root of every standard meter kept In the Internation­ ing dining room, especially for warm and of unusual interest to archa?ol- plies it. It has saved the lives of thousands of the curtain. of babies. They begin to improve within I couldn't get them going over twelve social art, we believe the most essen­ al metric bureau at Paris is made. weather, can hardly be imagined. The tire glowed brightly in tlie bowl ogists were discovered in a small town forty-eight hours. Here is what physicians tblnk of it. of his pipe once, twice, before he an­ miles an hour, and from that we ran tial quality for those who would rxcel Rhodium and ruthenium are metals of near Nuremberg, and as soon as the DM Washington St., A Cradle Rocker. swered. He leaned against the lioller down to about the speed of a slow in it is directness. The art of asking little practical use. The former occurs San Francisco, June 2, 1^02. news reached him the director of the For any mamma who Is given to such Nuremberg Historical museum went Gentlemen—I am _ prescribing _ ___ your food tu on his side so that I could barely dis­ walk. She didn’t steam very freely, questions so as to' learn, Instruct, please in platinum ore to the extent of 5 to 0 the multitude of baby troubles due to tra- cern his features In the dim light mid which was to be expected. The weath­ and Influence is not the art of beating per cent. The latter is found only in unhygienic actions as rocking herself to the village and Introduced himself peded dentition. A la ___ rue . percentage _____ _ of . in- er would have chilled a boiler Jacketed about the bush. The questions which osmlrldlum and averages about 5 per or her child there could be no more replied cheerlessly: fantile Illa and fatalities are the result of to the mayor, saying: slow teething. Your food supplies what ths with a foot of asbestus. She kept call ­ offend and silence are the questions I cent of that mineral. The metal which quaint piece of furniture than the mis­ “Oh, In the bourd’n’ house, I guess. “I am In charge of the museum at deficient system deirîHnds, and 1 have had Where else? They’re ngoln' to have ing for more water, so I was not sur­ which suggest some ulterior motive. It ranks next to platinum in price is «ir­ sion cradle rocker. It’s old tlmey Nuremberg, and I’d like to”— surprising success with :t. in scores of cases prised when while oiling I discovered this diet, given with their regular foed, has roast turkey an' eraulierry sauce an' is a found out scheme which makes coniuui, which occurs in hyacinth aud “You’re too late, my good sir,” in­ not failed to check the infantile distresses. bor flues to be leaking badly. After men angry. Anything of the nature gome other rare minerals. Uranium Is plum pudd'n’, I hear." Several of the more s»rious rases would. 1 terrupted the mayor. “ We ’ ve already sure, have been fatal without It. It can­ 1 booh knew his story—a stepmother that I never passed n water plug, and of a trap keeps us on our guard. If remarkable for its high atomic weight, got here several merry go rounds, a feel not be too quickly breugnt to the attention three months after Ills own mother's the plump vision of my Christmas tur­ we once fall into one we resolve it the heaviest known.—Chambers’ Jour- of the mothers of the country. It is an ab- bearded woman, a theatrical company death and. I mentally added, a red­ key faded in Inverse geometrical ratio shall be the last time, Suspicion kills nai. composed of apes, a troupe of trained solute necessitv. L. C. MENDEL, M. D. headed stepson. He had picked up a to my progress. confidence. Interrogative hints are ut­ dogs and a band of Hungarian musi­ Daylight showed us a white Christ­ terly useless. The average man does guueral idea of tiring while beating bis Petaluma. Cai.. September 1. IMS. SIR JOHN SOANE’S WHIM. cians, so you can readily see that we’ve Dear Sire—I have just tried the teething way on here from Wisconsin, ami. bap mas with a vengeance. The storm was not dislike to be questioned. He hates got no room for your museum. ” food In two cases and in both It was a suc­ pening to arrive nt our roundhouse to be startled, crossed, interfered with, The Practical Juke a Celebrated Maa One wan a very serious case, so crltl- And with these words he nodded to cess. Played on Posterity. cal that It was brought to me from another just us a man was urgently needed, reproached, wearied or betrayed. He the director and went away. city for treatment. Fatal results were feared. One of the most famous of postmor­ be caught ou. hates the questions which are not ask­ In three days the baby ceased worrying and commenced eating and Is now well. Its action tem Jokes was that perpetrated by the "They’re callin’ us,” he concluded, ed with a simple intention. Natare and Deformity. in this case was remarkable. I would ad­ and, giving the bellrope a Jerk. There are questions which are asked I donor of the celebrated Soane museum Nature is very particular to conceal vise you to put it in every drug store In this Stepped down to hook up hiB tire. not because the asker wants to know, of pictures and other valuable objets her deformities, and all that is worth­ city. Yours, ' M. PROCTOR, M. D. I. When 1 got coupled up and but because he intends to tell. Others, d'art to England, the late Sir John less or ungraceful generally drops off step|>ed up in the cab again. 1 said: while ostensibly directed to find out a Soane, who died In 1837. In his will enough to api*eul to the lover of old from a tree unless It be an injury to the Sweetman’s Teething Food will carry bab> safely and comfortably thruugh the most dan­ "We ex|M*et to have a little time man’s opinion, are really intended to Sir John made provision for the open­ furniture and quaint enough to inter­ trunk. From such effects the tree nev­ gerous period of child life, it renders lanc­ our house tomorrow. Harry, und reflect upon his character. Some men ing of the gums unnecessary. It is the safest est anybody. Until baby grows Into a er recovers. Go Into the forests aud plan and a blessing to the baby to not wall should like to have you come up and inquire as to their neighbors’ projects ing of three sealed cupboards on cer­ famous pedestrian it is big enough for how often we see deformed trees, some for symptoms but to commence giving it th« tain specified dates In the presence of take dinner with us.” in order to put difficulties in their way. two. The little one may kick its pink bent and twisted, some parted till tlie fourth or fifth month. Then all the teett the trustees. will come healthfully, without pain, dis Strings of meaningless questions are I *Le In 1866, that Is to say toes in the shut In end of the rocker “Thank you, Alec,” he replied, or lancing. It is an auxiliary to theli will.” poured out by those who desire to pre- almost thirty years after the death of while mamma sits at ber ease in the original trunk becomes like two, tach tress regular diet and easily taken. Price 60 cent tend an interest in some subject which I *•>*’ testator, the first of the n^sterlous chair end. It is rush bottomed. The crossing and recrossing the other. This (enough for six weeks), sent postpaid on re There was an Inch of snow on the was done by depression or injury to the celpt of price. Pacific Coast Agents, Inlant they neither know nor care anything I receptacles was with much ceremony ensemble is very complete, but just rails when I got my orders to "run as Drug Co., Mills Building, Ban Franciaoo. about and breaking of seals opened in the whether maumm will take to knitting tree in its young and tender years. Na­ an extra, keeping out of the way of all ture has no power to right a broken We believe the conclusion of the mat-1 presence of a commltteeftf men, with regular trains.” But Davis, the just to I»e in the picture is not easily ter to be this: The art of interrogation I the then president of the Royal acad- determined. The old homemade rug is law either in the animal or the vege­ ductor, said he had a nice, light MERRY MEALTIMES. is a serious branch of the social art. I eniy, Sir F. Grant, at their head. In- right in line, and so is the austere china table organism. Punishment follows, ning train, the cars all londed and deformity results. The Table No Place For Fault Find­ Well asked questions sre of the essence I stead of a priceless treasure or some cat on tlie mantel. Mission furniture whlsklinxinis and straw lints. I ing, NaKglsf aad Strife. of agreeable intercourse, but the in- I evidence that would throw an entirely la delightfully simple for the sitting glad enough to hear It, for there were The DIEereaee 1a Two Words. Has it ever been your lot to sit at a terrogatlve mood will not justify an new light upon some doubtful incident room or for the nursery. 175 miles of Iron, slippery with the Did it ever occur to you to think of table with a group of young folks who Impertinence, an interference, a verbal I In ¡»olitlcal history the contents of ths heavy falling snow, between old 18's the difference In significance of the two ate the meal in silence or, with a few assault—nor, for the matter of that, a I cupboard proved to be worthless ac- pilot and home. If 1 averaged the Coacersisg Fites. words “seems” and "appears?” We bore.—London Spectator. I counts, letters and stationery. maximum of freight train speed, twen­ The common bouse fly Is above all say “it seems to be true” or “ft appears constrained remarks, looked askance at ‘ Twenty years pased by, and the In- the head of the family before ventur­ ty miles per hour, 1 would arrive home things else a scavenger. No doubt the crest that bad smoldered after the flies were Intended to serve a good pur­ to be true." Are those expressions ing on any remark? I have seen such by 9 o’clock In the morning. l>ut it was ODD NOTIONS OF WOMEN. identical, or if there be a difference / gave him a bucket of fire. disappointment of 1866 was again pose by destroying filth and waste, but a sight on more than one occasion. a bad night, and I should never lie what is it? able to keep them going nt that gait, sUII raging with uudlminlslied fury, Doctors have told us over and over Rosa Bonheur treasured a small lead fanned Into flame at the prospect of in their work they are liable to do seri­ There is a difference, and it consists again of the beneficial results arising so I promised myself not to I; lek If I the sandlike snow continuing its end- image of St. Anthony of Padua as a breaking the seals of the second cup­ ous harm, to say nothing of the con­ got home by noon, a very liberal nl lets horizontal drive. board, at which' rite there were pres­ stant annoyance which they cause. It chiefly in the strength of the expres­ from a meal eaten with a contented lucky charm. sion. If we read a story and say, frame of mind and with cheerful sur­ Iowa nee. ent among others Dr. Alfred Water­ Seventeen would be due In half an Caroline Herschel firmly believed that is believed that files are effective dis­ “That story seems to be true,” we roundings; but, sad to say, there are It was a hard pull out of Tubor’n hour. There wasn't time to get to the house, R. A., and Sir (then Dr.) B. W. If she met a cross eyed beggar in the seminators of disease germs. Coming, mean that it has the semblance of truth Junction. When tlie yardmaster bap next siding ahead of ber. but there morning It presaged the discovery of a Richardson. Like the cupboard mention­ we will suppose, from a heap of offal and we infer that it Is true. If we many households where each meal la peued to lie feeling just right, lie would was a cross over switch a mile ahead ed In the well known nursery rhyme. Sir a constant acene of bickering, nagging new star that night let one of the switch engines get In be- where 1 decidl'd to back over and let John's second cabinet proved “bare" which contains the germs of typhoid say, “That story appears to be true,” and fault finding. fever, they enter the dwelling house George Eliot was a slave to the In­ of any sensation, the contents being we mean that the statements made in hind n train mid give tier a shove foi her ¡M bs . My flag, the head brakeman, This Is not only the case where there half or three-quarters of a mile, but had gone back to the caboose, a trip fluence of the hunchback and club­ chiefly composed of letters relating to and light upon some article of food. Is it or the incidents related go to show are young children, who require a Davis was no crony of tils, so wj' over the top of thnt train that I would footed man and did no literary work certain long forgotten family quarrels It not reasonable to suppose that they Its truth. reprimand occasionally for careless In other words, “appears" refers to ness. but I am speaking of those homes didn't get Jt. that had not even th« merit of being may bring.with them some of the mi­ not ha ve takeu for a controlling in* upon the day when she saw one. el e- nute organisms which develop this the actual presentation of something Lady Millais, the wife of the great It was a fearful night. The gal»' terest In the road. I commenced interesting. If some of those author­ where the girls and boys are well into to our view; "seems” refers to an Infer­ their teens. Wrong la that parent, ei­ howled and the snow drove horizontal whistling for the switch as soon as painter, was convinced that the crack ized to be present at the opening of structive disease? If the fly could be confined to hla ence of our mind as to the probability ther father or mother, who chooses the ly, like a sand blast. The wind was on I got to it. Ten minutes after 17 of doom would sound for any one who the third and last receptacle of mys­ the fireman's side, which made It pos was due Davis ein«rç~! froæ tini stepped on a ersek tn the sidewalk. hour when all are assembled round tery were dubious about the profit that proper place, width, as I said iu me be­ of a thing being trua. Harriet Beecher Stowe bellved that it would accrue by lotting the light of day ginning. la that of a scavenger, he Bible for >ne to look out. but all i e«»<:lu whirling snow, seeking information. the table to mention some half forgot­ First -ry*» Cast Ia Aassrlea. see was an Impenetrable white mteen His faculties seemed to have become was bad luck to throw away a tooth­ fall upon the contents thereof after would serve a valuable purpose; but. It was a good man, Christopher ten grievance or to And some fault. made visible in otic small s|s>t by the benumbed. 1 bad to go into all the brush which had outlived Its useful­ sixty years’ darkness one at least, Sir like some human beings, he may cause Sower, who made the first punches and If any trivial tiling lias lieen done trouble when he goes outside his ap ­ headlight. I had been easing tlie tiirot details before he could understand ness and, to the anguish of her house­ B. W Richardson, looked f'-werd matrices and cast the first type In Wiulig or any uuiy otmiied wail until pointed sphere. — New York Tribune. tie when she sllp|Hsl for I should need that J tainted to me uFaseman hold, preserved every one that she had with unabated Interest to that day in America. The anvil be made them on dinner or tea Is over before you «-old. *!! the baud ■ liud IWIore 1 got home I out ahead to protect ever used. 1896 when the last seal would be Is still preserved. They were for n blame or reprimand. Let tin- food us when crossed aaeeotaah. Until she nearly stalled. That wouldn't over. which God gives us for the purpose of Queen Victoria cherished a number broken and the mystery solved, but he. To make an excellent succotash take German Bible which he published. do, so. I gave her a bare taste mid I carried the man out half a mile, of superstitions, and, among them, she alas, died just two days before the one pint of young lima beans, one pint “The price of our newly finished Bi­ nourishing and sustaining our bodies leaued out to hear the gratify big gave him a bucket of believed that the removal of her wed­ ceremony was performed, and the fact of corn, half pint of cream, a level ta­ ble, In plsln binding, with a clasp, will have the opportunity of accomplishing lire aud told him crunch of It under the wheels that end. which cannot is- the case If that Sir John bad played a practical to burn fence rails or anything _________ be ding ring would surely bring calamity blespoonful of butter, salt and pepper be 18 shillings.” he said, “but to the Harry gripped my shoulder nnd could get bold of to keep himself and that a pet Manx cat would bring joke upon posterity wsa duly confirm­ to taste. Soak the beans and cover poor and needy we bare no price. every mouthful is swallowed with el shouted: warm, but umier no circumstances to good luck to the royal household.—Ev­ ed by the presence of a collection of them with boiling water, add one tea- John the Baptist sent the message to ther a sarcastic word or an un<-ompll "Merry Cbristmne!" mentary remark. More indigestion, perfectly worthless letters and papers. erywhere. desert his post until called In. spoonful of salt and boll thirty min­ Christ, ’Art thou he that should come, nervousness and other derangements I wished him the same and many of After a lot more whistling, fuming utes. Add one small nip of baking or do we look for another?' and Jesus are caused by the too common fault of them and notlcetl that It was Just 12 and fussing I got the train backed So Ml«« aympothetle. Shs Ost ths Wool. soda and drain. Scald the corn and sent back word, ’The poor have the uncomfortable mealtimes than many by the engine clock. She hadn't slipiwd over, and we clisuxl the cab tight and A gentleman whose one glass eye “A young American girl, on her first since I gave her the sand, but was puff ate our lunches. While gnawing at trip to Italy, entered a shop In search has served him for years had the mis press It from the cob. measure one pint gospel preached to them.’ ” people would suppose, and It is our Sower’s German Bible was printed Ing along with suspicious fnedotn. for the kiln dr’isl Ismrdlng house sand­ of black darning wool," says a writer fortune to drop it. It smashed to and add it to the beans, add cream, positive duty, which we should all try in 1743 and was the first Bible pub ­ to remember, to mnke those hours of ws were not up the grade'yet. I told wiches and laughing at Harry's non­ tn Harper’s Baur. "She spoke no Ital­ atoma. This happened when he waa butter, snlt and pepper. Stir continual­ lished In America In any European the day cheerful and agreeable to the the brakeman to go back on top of tlie sense a I »out white or dark most 17 ian, the clerk spoke no English. She far away In the country. He inquired ly over the fire for firs minutes and language. serve. train ami see If the caboose were com­ children and to set them an example came puffing along, almost noiselessly, pantomimed darning a bole and point­ of a friend where was the nearest Blas »«tat»». A» Kqalaa Paaale Solved. ing. He went off growllug. but he like a polar bear towing a string of ed to her stocking. The clerk brought place for him to go and get refitted. which you would lie the first to notice “Papa." said small Elmer. “I know Aunt Margaret—And If you’re good- and approve In others. - Scotsman. went, which was the main thing. From Icebergs. “Why don’t you call upon the girl white darning cotton. She showed why some pistols are called horse pl» real good—you'll go to heaven. the luick of the tender he gave me I had lost nearly a gauge of water that ber stocking was black, and black you were flirting with all last night?" Little Dorothy—Oh, is that all? I what I expected ms] dfeaded, a signal through the leaky flues while lying darning cotton was produced. But she his friend Inquired. "She has a flrat tola,” Prayer of the Ceavrrt. that the train bad broken In two. I then*. A broomstick Inspection showed wanted wool. A long pause, then claas reputation for making eyes.”— "Well, my boy, why are they so call­ .’bought maybe you were going to give A south sea islander nt the close of me a quarter.—Puck. whistled the flag back to protect the less than six inches In the tank, and 'Ba-ar bleated the American girl. Sbe Punch. ed?’ asked his fsther. a religious meeting offered the follow rear ami kept on. I took the cars I bad the nearest water plug was five miles got the wooL” “Because they kick." replied the little Ing prayer: “O God, we are about to Arter a Baraala. to the next siding, four miles away. 1 «way. Again I worked the whistle philosopher.—St. Ix>uls Poet-Dispatch. go to our respective homes, Ix-t not It W»s ■ Draw. The new woman had applied for a had two more cars than the siding coni. After awhile Davis catn» ahead. Red Golcb Joe—Did you say that the words we have beard be like the "John Henry, I'll thraab you soundly marriage license. Less Rv»e»ai«e. would hold. I backed them all in hard He was mottled up In all the old rags tbar fight between Scar Faced Sam an' fine clothes we wear soon to be taken tf I ever catch you telling another “ How much? ” she asked In a busi ­ "He said he'd rather face father agalust the stop block. Then I cut the the calHiom- lockers could furoMi ami off and folded up in a box till another Lasso Bill wuz a draw? ¡than elope” nesslike way. two head cars off, pulled them out of was a ¡HTsmbulatlug mountain of story that Isn't true.” Brimstone Ike—Yes, an’, unforcbln- Sabbath comes around. Rather, let I “ And what did you say? ” “ And yet. ma, I heard you say to the "Two dollars. ” replied the clerk. the switch and luicked down the main snow and k-e. He was mad at last aa Itly fer Sam. Lasso Bill drawed fust.— thy truth be like the tattoo on our minister that I had great imagination.” "Mske It I1.8K” sbe said, “and I’ll I ”1 said that father would rather have Baltimore American track with them until the engine was mad aa I had lieen all night bodies Ineffaceable till death.*'—Carl» —Cleveland Plain Dealer. , M elope.”- Cleveland Plain Dealer. take two of tbetu."Chlcago Post ton's Magazine. tt u « n Christmas on the Rail « DROPSY a n « n n n « « T Save the Baby. ■ *