BANDON RECORDER. SIMPLE F1SHEE FOLK RESTING IN MIDAIR. mentis at Palates Peaaeaaed Same at tbs Larsteat Bird«. hr rWE LARGER FOOT, HORSE WHISPERERS. S«e If This Shoe Saleomaa*a Theory Fit« Year Case. Berre) Method« That Were l'«ed by Irish Aalmal Tamer«. YOU HAVE SIX EARS. CHOICE MISCELLANY SrMl VMI» ■«•«•«. THE ORGANS OF HEARING ARE A Taking the fact that Joseph Joachim, “The question of which foot to fit “While 1 never have seen It explained Ireland, aa well as tbe far north of WONDERFUL SET OF MACHINES. the violinist, has used up a Stradivari In prlut," said one of the ornithological first is an important one to us,” said tbe Scotland, bad—possibly still has—its WhatTeaayaen'« Father KaeimAboat us violin in bls career as an artist ii a shoe salesman. "It may seem strange to sharps of tbe soo, “ it is a wonder to Emperor Paul*« A«aaaalaatl«a. “horse whisperers,” though tbe “broth- - They Include Twa Hammer«, Twa text, an English writer sees the danger A Pathetic a»S Tva**a laeideat That me persons should express amazement you, but it is rarely tbat we do not ex­ Shortly after the assassination of Anvil«. Twa Stirrup«, Bls Canal«. in tbe not very distant future that the lllaatratea tb« AttitaSa ot tb« “V b - at the ability of certain birds to bang perience some trouble in fitting one erings'' which give such permanence Emperor I'aul of Russia Tennyson, the Twa Small Shall«, Sla Drama and great instruments of tbe past will soon «nd *H*lllslltv the Scottish per” tlaaaea—Tbe Hardy Coarase poised in tbe air without wing motion. ----------- - to ,---- foot while the other is easily covered. J •»erson is tbe hardest to t isted The bearing apparatus is far more the cabinets of millionaires, where the “ St. John ’ s, N. F., lives by its fish ­ Moscow. Several Russiuu officers of tbe mountain tops, these birds huug ilt, and consequently many shoe clerks perers” ba vs been lonely men, whose wouderful than moat people have tlie artists cannot use tbein. high rank whose names he did not eries; nothing worth while is produced Not only will the masterpieces of poised as motionless as if perched on always try a shoe an tbat foot first. It1 secret has generally died with them. •lightest Idea of. It is a marvelous there, but, according to tbe unsopblstl- know were also guests. During dinner Btradlvarlus, Amatl, Guarneriua and Solid rock. True, their wings are out­ is not true, however, according to my says the Golden Penny. tated stranger, there is a noisy and collection qf instruments for receiving, their pupils go Into oblivion, but there a guarded reference wus made to tiro stretched, but even through glasses not observation, that there Is any inflexible emperor's death. “Why do you speak vituperative wrangling over the wealth Tbe most famous “whisperer” of magnifying and recording sounds or will be no adequate Instruments to tbe slightest motion is perceptible. rule as to which foot to try first. It is so gingerly alstut a matter so notori­ tbat comes down from tbe coasts,” says take tbeir places. Thirty years ago u They remain In this position for many true, nevertheless, tbat In ■ majority modern times was James Sullivan of vibrations, us tbe learned term them. ous ?" cried Tennyson Impulsively, lean­ a writer in the World's Work. “There No horse was ever What you do when you speak to a good Strad could be bought for at most minutes, sometimes for an hour, mak­ of cases if you succeed In fitting the left Dunballow. are some few factories, to be sure, but ing across his neighbor, a Russian ing a careful scrutiny of everything be foot you will have no trouble with tbe brought to Sullivan which he did not friend is to throw tbe air into vibra­ $2.500, whereas now the same Instru whose breast was covered with orders. they are too Ingeniously managed by low them in their search for prey. right. My practice is to try both feet permanently tame. Ordinarily restive tion. Your vocal organs strike tbe air, inent cannot tie bought under $10,000. half. For instance, a certain brand of "We know very well in England that Tbe remark by Joachim that tlanki Then, with a slight tilting of the wings, before I pronounce a pair of shoes a animals he would master In a few min­ and the Impulses thus caused reach tbe the Emperor 1’uul was murdered. tobacco, made at St. John's and ex­ they fiup slowly away, or, having perfect fit. Then I am cure of avoiding utes. For exceptionally vicious horses trumpet shaped bits of flesh and gristle who could not afford Strads should buy Count Zolroff knocked him down, and clusively consumed by fishermen, is be took about half an hour, during you call ears. You have altogtber six Gusdagnlnl violins has driven the price Benulngsen and Count Pahlen stran­ sold in the French bland of St. ITerre found what they were seeking, dart any mistake glowing out of peculiar­ of the instruments of this maker up which time he shut the stsble door aud ears. gled him.” There was a strained si­ for half what it costs the Newfound­ like a bullet toward it. Tbe eagle, ities of foot formation. No two per­ from $250 to $2,500. Tbe 8trada aud hawk and other species have this same sons have feet formed exactly alike, forbade any one to open it till be gave land ‘ bay noddle, ’ and the manufac ­ The flaps which are stuck on to each lence; then the ambassador abruptly the signal. When the door was opened side of the bead are tbe outer ears. Be­ t’remonaa seem to be tbe particular faculty of poising apparently on noth ­ turers pay $15,000 yearly to the pro ­ and the shoe salesman who thinks so changed the subject. As the guests and is governed accordingly will meet the horse was still lying down and sides these there are the middle ears hobby of the rich collectors, while filed out into an adjoining room Lord prietor of a rival concern to induce ing. “These birds move about until they with many comphlnts. Sullivan by his side, playing with him and tbe iuuer ears, all of which lie in many of the artists prefer the stronger St. Helens drew Tennyson aside. him to keep bls plant shut down. At “For some timt I pondered over the as a child does with a puppy. There cavities in the bones of the bead. All modern Guarneriua. Paganini. Vieux- “Don't go into the uext room,” he St. John's, too, is the aristocracy of tbe meet an uprising current of air. It may come from Immediately beneath problem of fitting shoes to feet, and es­ was no tying up of tbe foreleg or any that the flaps do is to collect and con­ temps and Ysaye have by preference whispered, “but fly for your life. The colony—merchants, middlemen, law­ them, from wind deflected by striking pecially as to why the left foot should other visible means of coercion. How centrate tbe vibrating currents of air, used the violins of this maker, being yers, physicians, officeholders, tricky man next yon, across whose breast stronger players, while Joachim ami a cliff along the sea, or may come be considered the standard by which bis ascendency wus obtained no one so that they may strike the ear drums. you leaned, was Count Pahlen, and and abusive politicians and colonial Sa ra sate prefer the sweeter toned from a great distance, where a rush ­ could tell. knights (the visitor may observe on a These latter are really tbe middle to be governed. Tke only rational the­ Zoboff was also at the table.” He gave A successor of Sullivan named ears. Tbe outer ear narrows as it en­ Strad.—Philadelphia North American. a few hurried directions, and Tenny­ signboard above a little corner store. ing wind struck the side of a inoun- ory I have ever been able to evolve is a — Being tain and was turned upward, a very simple one when you coiue to O’Hara became almost equally famous, ters the head and ends in a ring. A son ruahod off, threw hla clothes into a ‘Sir Thomas Morburn, Grocer. Cheap The “C«p‘«” Home Roa. portmanteau and fled Iroblnd fast Teas’). There is neither sympathy nor on the wing most of tbe time in search consider It. Niue out of ten persons and was often urged to explain what membrane is stretched over this ring, Compulsory baseball is the latest or­ horses to Odessa, still in evening garb, mercy for the fisherman here, though of prey, they have learned to utilize you meet are right handed, as we say. was the secret of bls influence. But much in the same way as a piece of der in the Duluth (Minn.) police de­ though the cold was intense. He lay there b a most enthusiastic reception these uprusbing air currents for tbeir About one person in ten. or perhaps the O’Hara treated his questioners as Sam­ parchment is stretched over tbe bead partment. Tbe patrolmen nre to re­ did tbe Philistines, deluding them of a drum. i hidden for weeks and at last, in the for what he takes from the sea. He is own purposes. Coming to one of these per cent is even less than that, uses his son port for baaeball the same as for target and beading to tbe wind, they fix their with various and unsatisfactory an ­ regarded as legitimate prey, is most Tbe ear drum Is a true drum, for it left land. If you will observe persons disguise of a servant, was smuggled pinions at an angle which will permit swers. At one time, for instance, he marvelously lied to before election and can be tightened and slackened by practice or drill. Thia outdoor exercise who use tbe right hand when they are i on board an English frigate. abused, ridiculed and reviled after­ them to rest there and scrutinize some­ standing and talking they invariably i said the secret lay In “rocking” the means of levers madt^for de for that purpose. la expected to keep the officers in fine ‘— ward. But through it all he preserves thing that has taken their attention rest their weight on tbe left foot. And, horse—putting one hand flrmly on bls The tightening and sV'kenlng A Kind Actio«. are done physical trim, working off surplus and with the other grasping quite automatically to suit tbe various flesh, hardening the muscles and inci­ When you rise In the morning form a a bumble faith In ‘all those set in au­ perhaps on the plain below. Thus, vice versa, a left handed person will crupper, 1 dentally teaching them to catch what­ while they seem poised on nothing, the rest his or her weight on tho right foot. his shoulder and then swaying him to sounds. resolution to make tbe day a happy one thority over him.’ ever comes their way. “A doctor of tbe outporta—the inci­ air current rushing upward buoys Tbe result Is that with right handed and fro, gently at first and gradually This Is bow it Is tightened: In the to a fellow creature, says Sydney i One veteran of the department ob­ Smith. It Is easily done—a left off gar­ dent is related because, though it may them. persons the left foot Is probably a frac- 1 Increasing the motion till you throw middle ear are four tiny bones, the “You see tbe same thing In mid­ tlen larger than the right foot, and the 1 him. At another time he protested that most peculiar looking bones imagina­ jected very strenuously to the new or­ ment to the man who needs It, a kind appear an extraordinary case, it yet plan was to bite the animal’s ear. ble. The biggest is a little odd shaped der. He had never been in a game In word to the sorrowful, an encouraging aptly Indicates what has for years ocean when ships are followed, by shoe clerk must Inevitably find this to his I his life, yet be performed a feat at the expression to the striving. Trifles In been the attitude of tbe ‘upper* classes flocks of gulls, in some rare case clear be a fact sooner or later.”—New Or­ Both these nre well known jockey bone called tlie mallet. It looks like a preliminary game that probably had themselves as light as air will do it, al toward the fishermen, without whom across the ocean. When the ships start leans Times-Democrat. 1 tricks. The most stubborn horse, they lllllputian version of a lobster's claw. never been equaled In tbe history of say, will lie wholly subdued by being Miuute muscle) are attached to it, so least for the twenty four hour», anti Newfoundland would lie waste and out the gulls fly here and there, some­ tbe great national game. There were times away on high and again skim ­ deserted, the shame of the fair earth — thrown twice or thrice, and if you can that it may act as a lever to increase if you are young depend upon it It ROMANCE IN VARIED GUISE. get a vicious horse’s ear between your or diminish tbs tension of tbe drum three men on bases and two strikes on ming the surface of the water In a doctor of the outports was once call ­ will tell when you nre old, and If you him. Then he cleared tbe bases and are old it will send >you gently and ed to a little white cottage where search of food. As tbe hours and days DeBnltlon of the Word Is Susceptible teeth and bite hard you are his master skin. One muscle relaxes tbe mem­ brought in four runs without so much happily down the stream of time to three children lay sick of diphtheria. pass they tire, and then you will see of Wide Dlvcraldcatlou. and he your submissive slave from that brane, another pulls It taut. as touching the ball. The four Irones form a chain to con eternity, By the most simple arltb- He was the family physician—tbat is them poise for rest on the air current What is romance? Even the collo­ time forward. As to the idea that tbe He got his base on balls and, not metical sum look at the result—you to say, the fisherman paid him so rising from the stern of the ship. The quial use of the term is varied. When “whisperer” works by kindness. It neet tbe drum skin of tbe outer ear with having played before, <** ««««t send one person, only one, happily much by tbe year for medical attend­ onrush of an ocean greyhound creates we say “you are romancing’’ or call stands to reason that that method sup­ the drum skin of the inner and so to second, despite tbe fact that there was a swiftly rising air current in Its wake. ance. But the Injection of antitoxin through tbe day; that is 365 during the anything romantic as distinguished poses tbe entire education of the ani­ conduct tbe sound. Tbe next bone to • man on that base and another at course of the year. And suppose you Is a ‘surgical operation' and therefore This curls over like a wave and rushes from what is real or what is true we mal to be In your hands. If you have tbe mallet is the anvil, then come tbe third. The opposing team of police got into the vacuum made by the steamer, not provided for by tbe annual fee. live only fquy years after you com­ mean one thing, but quite another only half an hour to do your work in, spherical bone aud the stirrup, which “ This,* said the doctor, ‘will cost and on it the gulls are carried along when we apply the term romantic to you must show overmastering power looks exactly like Its namesake, but it so excited trying to get him out that mence that kind of medicine you havr without effort and at the same speed natural scenery. And in this applica­ as well ns kindly feelings. A horse Is by far tbe (post important of tbe every man on the patch was able to made 14,600 beings happy, at all events you $2 an injection, John.’ " ‘Oh, Isa, xur!’ was the ready reply. at which the ship Is traveling.”—New tion we must distinguish between the whose temper lias been spoiled by four. By means of this alone one can cross the plate, and the kicking veteran for a time. Now, Is not this simple? It was informed that be bad made a home York Press. is too short for a sermon, too homely *1’11 pay you, sur. Go on, xur.’ effect upon us of that which we call chronic bad treatment looks on all men hear. In a fashion, even If all tbe others run without hitting tbe ball. “ ‘ But you know my rule, John — no tor ethics, too easily accomplished for romantic because of human associa­ alike as tyrants and bullies. be gone. pay, no work. I can’t break it for you, you to say, “I would if I could.” tions with certain sights or sounds and SCIENCE SIFTINGS. A bony, gristly tube joins tbe ear­ Sluglug lulu the Phonograph. you know, or I'd have to break it for that wildness of nature which we call drum with tbe back of tbe mouth at A young woman who makes her liv­ EFFICACY OF THE ONION. half tbe coast’ Uranus is the only one of our system romantic because of its absolute dis­ Forest« aud Human Vitality, tbe side of the soft palate. Hence the ing by singing Into phonographs talked “‘Oh, aye! ’Tls all right. I wants of planets which rotates backward. One has but to look back through bls sociation from anything human. Apply It Outside and Inside and Care four bones are always In a bath of air, the other day about her job. “In this tory to see how closely related is the un cured. I’ll pay you when I sells me Glycerin has the property, extraor­ a Cold. Keeping out ef mind the use of the quite naked, as it were. It Is owing to work," she said, “there Is one great dif­ forest to human vitality. It was in the fish.’ dinary among liquids, of not evaporat­ word in artistic and literary criticism, The Idea of an onion cure may not this that people who are somewhat ficulty, and that is the absence of an “ ‘ But you know my rule, John — cash forests of Thessaly that the early let us try to find what element of strike the fancy of the (esthetic. How­ deaf are able to bear better wbeu they audience. When a singer comes out ing. Greeks received their energy that later down.’ The star Canopus surpasses the sun reconcilement there is in the diversities ever, the experience of those who have listen with tbeir mouths open. be/ore a big audience to sing the sight “ The fisherman had but $4, no more. flowered Into genius. It was the forest tried it is that it works wonders in re­ In brightness by more than 10,006 of colloquial usage. Now we come to the inmost ear. of all those persons is frightening to dweller» of Germany that conquered Nor could he obtain any more, though times. In all that is generally called ro­ storing a racked system to its normal which is made up of three parts. The her. but at the same time it is inspir­ decadent Itonx- and later gave to Spain the doctor gave him ample time. I am The equator of Mars Is inclined to the mantic in the cases above mentioned state again. There are three kinds of first one Is called tbe vestibule, or hall, ing. It keys her up. It takes her out the vigor that swept back the Moor sure tbat he loved bb children dearly, plane of its orbit about 25 degrees. there is the common element of doses in the onion cure, or three onion and It has a drumbead to which the of herself and beyond herself. She does and brought under her flag almost the but, unfortunately, be had no more That of the earth Is Inclined 23 degrees strangeness. We easily revert to what cures, as you choose to put it. One is a chain of little bones la attached. better than she would have thought It than $4, and there was no other doctor whole known world. But today what must have been the original sense of diet of onions, the other is onion plas­ The hall leads to tbe other parts, possible to do. Ringing Into a phono­ 24 minutes. for fifty miles up and down the coast. Is Greece, wliat Is Italy, what is Spain? the word In Its connection with those ters and tlie third is onion sirup. both of which consist of tortuous tubes graph is hard because there is nothing The different worlds of the solar fam “ ‘Four dollars,’ said the doctor, ‘two They have beet» stripped of their for­ mediæval modifications of the Latin It is claimed l>y those who believe in along which the sound passes. One there to Inspire aud Intoxicate you. hi lly are at different stages of tbeir evo­ children. Which ones shall it be, ests, those nurseries of vigor, and their tongue known as the romance lan­ the onion cure that a bad cold can be part Is made of three semicircular stead of a house of people eager to 1 h * lution. If the moon is n waif of the decay has set in. Everywhere the law John? guages. The Saxon or Celt would broken up if the patient will stay in­ canals. The other Is shaped exactly as pleased you have an empty room and a “WMch ones? Why, of course, after past, Jupiter Is a world of the future. holds good. It is in the forest that the have found his native tongue sufficient doors aud feed on a liberal diet of a snail’s shell. All these make up a big cylinder. You can't put Into your The electrical charge of the gaseous for all ordinary needs, but if be manhood is nourished which builds up all, the doctor had himself to make the onions. It need not be an exclusive peculiar labyrinth, and all are com­ volte the brilliance, the exhilaration great civilizations. Rut cities nrise, choice. John couldn’t So tbe doctor ion is .00000000034 electrostatic units. caught the Roman air in any way, by diet, but a liberal one. For instance, pletely filled with a curious fluid. Tbeir and the sympathy that come of them­ The number of molecules in one cubic chose the ‘ handiest* ones. The other trees are swept away, and the Inevita­ travel or refinement of taste and habit, an onion cure breakfast includes a walla are lined with the soft, pulpy selves when there are human ears lis­ centimeter of gas under standard con­ he would, to meet the newly developed ble decline sets in. Forests once de­ one died. poached egg on toast, three tablespoon­ nerves of hearing which communicate tening and understanding. Some ot “ ‘Well,’ said John, unresentfully, the ditions Is 3.0 multiplied by the nine­ need, borrow the graces of the Roman stroyed cannot return, and over all the fuls of fried onions and a cup of coffee. with the brain. Owing to these com­ the best singers can’t sing Into the speech—that Is, he would romance — Luncheon of sandwiches, made of Bos­ sites of ancient civilization are blowing day after the funeral, T s'pose a doc­ teenth power of 10. plex and winding cavities, a great ex­ phonograph at all solely on this ac­ Such common substances ns sugar, Harper's Magazine. the desert sands.—Arthur Goodby in tor have a right t* be paid for what be ton brown bread, buttered and filled tent of nerves is exposed for tbe recep­ count Others can’t sing into it unless does. But,’ much puxsled, * 'tls kind o’ glucose and chalk having been found New York Times. with finely chopped raw onions, sea­ tion of sound. they have taken a glass or tro of queer!’ to absorb sunlight all day and to give Rockefeller and the Bangs. soned with salt and pepper, makes tbe Now let us see what happens when champagne. The persons who can sing “ The Newfoundland outporters are Servants In Holla. It off in rays during the night, the dis­ In former years John D. Rockefel­ second meal on tbe schedule. For sup­ Into phonographs so as to do them­ “Twice a year, on April 23 and Oct. hardy, courageous, boldly adventurous, covery of some means for rendering ler’s supervision of Standard Oil com­ per the onions may be fried as for somebody says “Hear!” to you. Tbe air is thrown Into vibrations, selves justice are few.”—Philadelphia 26,” writes a young Bulgarian woman simple lived, God fearing, warm heart­ those rays useful in Illuminating houses pany affairs took in even the smallest breakfast and eaten with a chop and a which spread out and out until they Record. living in Sofia, “our streets are full of ed—a physically splendid race of men. at ulght with little expense seems a detail. On one occasion, according to baked potato. touch tbe side of your bead. There servants, and people bargain with them Cowards and weaklings have for four possibility of the near future. Ida M. Tarbell In McClure’s, com­ The strange efficacy of onions is well Radium a« a Stimulant. for service. During the winter season hundred years been tbe unfit of the menting on a monthly statement, be known to thè singers of Italy and tbe fleshy flap on one side collects and One of the correspondents of tbe magnifies tbe vibrations. they are very cheap, ns the peasants place; they occur, of course, in the best Bearded Womea. called a refiner's attention to a dis­ Spain, who eat them every day to im­ Down tbe ear funnel they pass until Scientific American states that be re­ send all their girls to the city to be regulated families, but do not long sur­ Bearded women have existed at all crepancy In regard to bungs, articles prove the quality of their voices and they reach tbe membrane of tbe drum cently passed through a peculiar ex­ hired, they having no work for them vive, for exposure kills off tbe weak­ periods of the world's history. Even worth about as much in a refinery as keep them smooth. Onion plasters are of tbe ear. They strike on tbe mem­ perience in tasting a small fraction at home. The price paid differs. One lings, and In tbe midst of mauy dan­ Herodotus, the “father of history,” pins are in a household. “Last month,” prescribed to break up bard coughs. brane, which adapts itself to tbem. of a grain of radium. It acted as a can get a girl for her lioard, or pay up gers tbe cowards lose their lives. Chil­ gives us an account of one I’edasncs, he said to the subordinate official con­ They are made of fried onions placed Then the vibrations are communicated, powerful stimulant, affecting both the to 20 laser ($4) a month for one who dren learn to sail a punt at six or seven "who lived above Halicarnassus,” a cerned, "you reported on hand 1,119 between two pieces of old muslin. The through the bones in tbe middle ear, heart and kidneys, and it was several cooks, washes and Irons. Girls nre of­ years old, and at every age they are en­ priestess of Minerva, whose chin regu­ bungs. Ten thousand were sent you plaster 1 h kept quite hot until the pa­ to tbe membrane covering tbe entrance hours before tbe pulse became nor­ ten thankful to enter n good family for couraged to play at tbe highly danger­ larly budded with a large beard when­ at tbe beginning of this month. You tient is snugly in bed, when it is placed to tbe labyrinth. mal again, while hallucinations of the their board. For the men there Is very ous game (called copying) of prancing ever any great public calamity Impend­ have used 9,527 this month. You re­ on the chest to stay overnight. Onion If you keep your mouth wide open mind were also an accompanying fea­ little work, and the papers are full of about on floating ice. The skill ac- ed. Bartel Garetjl, a woman of Copen­ port 1,012 on band. What has become sirup is a dose that can be bought of tbe air vibrations pass direct to tbe ture of the experiment. We may add suicides on account, during the dull qulrcd In leaplng from one sinking hagen, had a beard reaching to her of the other 580?” Apparently Mr. any druggist and Is claimed by some to little bones. Tbe impulses of tbe air for the benefit of those persons who see seasons of starvation.” block to anotheY would make the waist. Charles XII. of Sweden had a Rockefeller’s idea was: Take care of be unequaled as a cure for a cold in tbe are not Interrupted by first having to In this substance a new foe for re­ trumpeted river driver look like a female grenadier In his army who pos­ the bungs and the barrels will take chest. strike the membrane of tbe drum; that formers to battle with that the French The CaadlrSah ot Psset Sound. blundering child. As men, they know sessed the beard as well as tbe courage care of themselves. All this is probably quite true. For is all tbe difference. chemists. Professor and Mrs. Curie, Very queer flsli are caught In the wa­ their punts as Intimately as a cowboy of a man. Margaret, duchess of Aus­ to be done up with onions, both inside People could easily converse with have placed radium on tbe market Hud ters of Puget sound. One kind is called knows bls horse, and they will say of tria and governess of the Netherlands, King Billy« Decoration. and out, would be enough certainly to their ears sealed up. If the two control tbe supply. Its consumption the candleflsh. It is dried and packed their boats In a gale, T thought she'd had a large, wiry, stiff beard, of which A story told by tbe late Commander cliase out any self respecting cold.— speakers each held an end of the same won’t be extensive from tbe fact tl>ut In boxes like candles. We are told the not live through it t’day,* with tbe she was very proud. Of late years piece of hard wood against their teeth it is quoted at 30,000 francs, or $6.000. fishermen use them to light their homes same unconcern that a cowboy might Albert, duke of Bavaria, reports having Edward Barrett. U. 8. N„ shows that Table Talk. even the faintest whisper could be un­ per grain, equal to $2,721,000 per troy ■nd that at one time all the boats on say of his horse, ’He nearly throwed had a young lady governess in his plated ware when no longer useful for Whittier and Hla Admirer«. pound. derstood. the sound used them Instead of sperm me that time.’ Tbs race Is truly hardy household who was “the proud pos­ mess purposes on war ships can be de­ Few poets had more admirers nmong voted to tbe service of diplomacy. Ac­ Yon will see from this that what are oil lamps. By putting the heads of the and courageous. It was John Butt, sessor of a very large black beard.” women than Whittier had, and this ad ­ Saving« of SolAiera. cording to this story, some American commonly called the" ears are not es­ fish downward In a candlestick and with a broken collar bone and a split navy officers, wishing to conciliate an miration frequently took personal form. sentially necessary to hearing, after Tbs annual report of the auditor for lighting the tall, which, in conjunction forehead to show for' it, who survived African potentate named King Billy, One day his sister, In her slow, Quaker all. tbe war department shows that during A Bad Habit. with the backbone, acts as a wick. It two wild, snowy nights and a day on a “Sixty-eiglit,” murmured a young li­ presented him with a discarded soup fashion, was describing these erup­ Well, however tbe vibrations are re­ the year enlisted men of tbe army burns like a candle. They eat this flsh, twenty foot ice pan, over which for ladle and a lot of gay ribbons. This tions. “Thee bast no idea,” she said, ceived, they finally strike against tbe made 121,709 deposits under the act of •nd when cooking It is so fat it fries many hours broke great seas, heavy brarian ns a woman waiting for a book leaned forward and touched her so delighted the dusky sovereign that “of the time Greenleaf spends in trying membrane covering tbe entrance to tbe May IS, 1872, amounting to $3.751.616, itself. with jagged fragments of ice, snd it cheeks and lips to tbe top of tbe brass when he came aboard tbe ship to make to lose these people on the streets. ball of tbe labyrinth. Thence they and that 158,179 deposits were with­ was a reckless Green bay skipper who guard about tbe desk. a visit In state he wore the ladle tied Sometimes he conies home and says, make tbe fluid which Alls tbe labyrinth drawn, amounting to $4,802,190. u|M>n Aa Ancient Wark on Anallna. let tbe wind blow the masts out of bls The greatest work of antiquity on "Beg partion.” said the woman. "Did on the front of hfs ample person with ‘Well, sister, I bad hard work to lose vibrate. These vibrations act on the which tbe depositors received $262,378 the variegated ribbons and also wore a him, but I have lost him.'” To this fibers of the auditory nerve, the filters In Interest. angling is said to be the “Ilalieutlca” of schooner rather than reef her, because you speak to me?” Whittier pathetically added, "But I can which coat the inner ear. Along this During tbe year tbe sum of $743.139 Opplan, a Greek poet who flourlslied in he bad been told tbat bls crew thought “Ob, no; I'm just counting tbe per dilapidated stovepipe hat. never lose a her.” the time of Severus, A. I). 198. from him ‘nervous’—a mad sort of courage, sons whose lips have touched that rail nerve tbe Impressions are communicat­ was placed to the credit of the perma­ widen we learn that many nrtinces in to be sure, but. proof positive for all this afb-ruuuu. You are the sixty ed to tbe brain. In this manner tbe nent fund ot tbe home under the act A belief lives strong in the hearts and fishing thought to be modern were time that he was no coward.” eighth.” The Mtatr«««' l««r««»r. sensation of sound Is produced, and of March 8, 1883, being the amount re­ known to ancients. We also learn The London Globe prints a “char­ you know tbat somebody said “Hear!” tained from pay of enlisted men of the Tbe woman started back in disgust minds of the majority of mniikintt in­ Caaalua M. Clay ■« s Flakier. United States army on account of 12Vi from Athenew that several other writ­ • nd hastily wiped her lips on her hand cluding persons of weak digestions, acter” which an English servant leav­ to you. General Cassius M. Clay fought many kerchief. that a quick, brisk walk taken before ing kindiv gave her mistress: "In an- cent fund, fines by general court mar­ ers had written ‘rentIsos or jroems cn end helps ser to your letter, it s not a bad place; tial and amounts due deserters at large fishing some centuries before the Chris­ uuew tn ilia day, Uauaiiy wild iris lung ”“I was unconscious of what 1 was a seal gets sp au The T»»I4 Bath. bladed knife, meeting pistol or rifle doing,” she exclaimed. the stomach to digest the food. Now- tbe Mrs. understands her duty«, and is tian era. A tepid bath at about 90 degree • nd dishonorably discharged soldiers. - equally with that trusty weapon. Ilia “I suppose they all are,” was the la­ this is exactly whut it doesn’t do. Ex­ alvei and obliging, but troubles about Fahrenheit taken just before retiring. Washington Poet. ercise spreads the blood throughout the getting up early In the mornings. There In a tub where the whole body except physical strength was gigantic, His “Tsrsoit" lle conic reply.-Youth's Companion. body. For the pro|>er digestion of food is plenty, and If you don’t mind a place Clerkley—Isn't thia earlier than your was accustomed to the use of weapons, Tbe Big Schooner a Failure. the face is immersed. Is an excellent usual time for going home? the blood is needed in tbe stomach. where only one other young lady Is substitute for sleep, says Henry Ben­ and he was always cool and never loot The Philadelphia Inquirer represents EnaH«h Estimate at Emeraoa. Barkley—Yea, but my wife said If I his judgment. For example, when an A single short work of Emerson's, Few realize this Important fact. After kept besides yourself, you might give nett Weinburgh In Perfect Health. To that tbe seven masted schooner Thom came out by the 3:45 she’d meet mo adversary shot him and he supposed he the essay on “Compensation," la enough a long, exhausting walk, bicycle spin tbem a month’s trial. I like more so­ be exact, be says It is the only substi­ as W. Lawson, which was launched with the carriage. was done for he inflated his lungs to to convince one that this was a man of or any severe physical or mental strain ciety, which is why I am leaving.” tute known to science for nature’s July 10. 1902, is an acknowledged fail­ “I didn't know you kept ■ horse and tbe full, conscious that he would live true genius. We have never rend any­ take a good half hour’s rest In a com sweet restorer. “I have known cases ure and is to be dismantled, her elab­ carriage,” as long as he could bold his breath; thing in Thoreau approaching that and fortable armchair or lying on a sofn Hla Warrow Lente. of prolonged and chronic Insomnia to orate machinery to be taken out and “Er—er—It's a baby and carriage.” then be drew bls knife and did his other works of Emerson in originality before you eat a substantial meal. “If I had my way,” said tbe man of ba cured by this form of bath. Sleep, her hull to be converted into a barge. bloody work. That was when he killed or beauty. But Emerson Is the beat of high principles, “there would be no with the exception of the heart bests, With all her elaborate machinery for Eapltclt. Turner. After all, speaking musingly, the American writers. Was it Henry Already There. money In politico." is intended for perfect rest. The bath tbe handling of her sails she has prov­ Van Qulss—Where does young Chlp- reviewing his life, he confessed to a re­ She—I beard you complimenting her “But," said Senator Sorghum, “If you above named will come near enough ed to be a very difficult craft to man­ James who called him “the unfallen aton work? porter when he was above elghty-four man?” One cannot Imagine an Intellect upon her girlish appearance. What did didn't put any money In politico It producing thia result to answer many age. It looks as if the limit of tbe I Ftta-Bll»-In a wholesale grocery con­ that he was opposed on principle to tbe Isn't likely you could have your way.” months for sleep in cases of Insomnia.” fore and aft rig bad, therefore, been which failed to admire “Compensation” ■he say? cern. sass ed in the seven master. duel, thinking It a savage way to aettle or which was convinced by its trans­ He—8he said, "Ah, but I’m sure I •-Washington Star. Van Quiz»—I know, but for whom? a difficulty. “But there are some cases cendentalism. — London Saturday Re- shall look much older when I'm forty.” II« Want«« tee »•«•«. Fatal Plana. Flta-BIle—Oh, for a gambling house. for which It seems to be the only reme­ view. She—Hub! She means she’ll look “Here, waiter!” said Mr. Meddergress Ihers and the Feet. ■he—I believe every man Is the archl —New Orleans Times-Democrat. dy,” he added. much older when she admits she is “Handle. dear, those shoes look tight. to the attendant In the city cafe where How do they feel on your feet?” forty.—Philadelphia Press. he was breakfasting. "I see you got tact of Ida own fortune. Baaely Deceived. A Very Btnehy Reasan. He—Tea, but the trouble Is most men The Beraamat Tree. “ Perfectly comfortable, mamma. ” (To some 'fried soles* on this here bill o' “ Did you believe him when he “Tea, I know It’s an expensive and spend so much time on the plans that There is but one spot in the world herself) “ If she bad asked me bow my Hl« Titte. fare. Bring ’ em on. I think them was be loved you? ” useless habit,” said the old smoker where the bergamot tree can be culti­ “How did be get his title of colonel?” j feet felt In the shoes she would have the uppers I got fer griddleeakcs a they have none left for building.—Ex “No. I didn’t” lighting a fresh cigar with the stum; changs. vated with profit, a fact of some impor “He got It to distinguish him from | had me!"—Chicago Tribune. minute ago.”—Judge. “Did you believe him when he told of the old one, “but you can't think tancc, since Its essence la indispensable hla wife's first husband, who was a i of hla great wealth?’ What a solace it is." A Hard Subject to Haadte. In the manufacture of numerous per Kntaral Inference. captain, and hla wife’s seconJ husband, "A solace for what?” asked tbe otlw fumes an<1 medical preparations. Tin I “No.” Dauber—I will guarantee to paint “It was very affecting when I asked who was a major.”—Exchange. , "Then there’s no harm done.” anything called for. spot referred to is lteggto, in Calabria, old Blnks for his daughter. Why. I “Tea. there is. I was goose enough “Why. for the—or—discomfort anti that extremity of tbe Italian peninsula Dealer- Good! Do me a speaking an op ­ wept myself." An evil speaker only wants to believe that the ring be gave me craving yon feel when you’re not amok of a dumb waiter.—New York Which is fnmlliariy known aa “the toe [was a real diamond.”-C1eveland Plain portunity to become an avll doer.— “Did be kick as bard aa all that?"— ing. you know."—Chicago Tribune. ef tbe boot" f Chicago Pont Quintilian. A FLIGHT FROM RUSSIA. THE NEWFOUNDLANDERS ARE EAS­ ILY IMPOSED UPON.