BANIKIN’ RECORDER. •••••*••••••••••••••••••• I TWO KINDS OF GRASS. P olly L arkin «•ft “His * if - made him what be is.’’ That is a bat I beard one or a party of ladies say on tbs cars the other day, and naturally Polly was on tbe alert couldu’t help it under the circum­ stances, for I happened to know both parties who were under dwciMeion. “Yes,” said the lady, “that is a fact. If it badu’t been for his wife be would be working in a blacksmith shop to-day with no more learning than would be necessary than to write his name aud spare biui tbe mortification of having to make a cross when it came to sig i- ing legal (tapers. Hhe was a school teacher, and bow she ever came to fall in love with him was a puzzle to her friends. Hh« fairly educated him after they were married by studying with him every night. In fact, she made an orator out of him, and eome of the finest and moat eloquent speeches that have Iteen beard in bis section of the country have been delivered by him." “Do you know who wrote those speech­ es?” ssked one of tbe group. “I sup­ pose he did." “Well, he didn’t. I happen to know that his wife wrote them." “Then he is meaner than I ever thought him to be, for he treats her shamefully, now that he is on the top round of tbe ladder, he is Indiffer­ ent and unkind to her." “There are others,” said her friend, knowingly. "But you know tbe old saying, ‘birds of a feather flock together.’ ” THE “ROUND ROBIN.” THE ANT QUEENS. THE EXPERT CASTER. MISTAKES OF BIRDS. Io O«e K bows Or«*** •* **>• ■«»•«*• Toe». they Liv« tn>s«r Than th« Workers ot Their C«a»maa!«l«e. Ciaaia* hi « riy ■« g«t m «»« czum , hut a rt«« Ar«. The» Ar« th« Resalt ot Coat««« With Civtllaatl««. How long may an ant queen liv«? In A "round robin” to one of those Th« art of casting is In Itself simple Probably iu a stat« of wild nature documents of which the name la fa­ their natural habitat some queens and may be readily acquired by any birds n«v«r mak« mistakes, but where miliar to moat people, but which un­ doubtless hsv« short Ilves, but by rea painstaking fisherman. Tbe rod passes they com« in contact with our civilisa­ •t HU Test «'or re»«. commonly few have over seen or son of tbe protection afforded them only through a quadrant; It starts par­ tion and are confronted by new condi­ “ Talk ab>ut self-improvement," said a certain revival meeting of col- At signed. Every one knows that tbe and the seclusion cufurecd by th« allel with the water and. coming to tions they very uaturally make mis­ ored folks In a church In North Caro- a youug girl the other day, “the very thing which bears ao singular a name tbe perpendicular, stops. Tbe motion takes. For Instance, their cunning In Una the minister announced from the subject makes me tired. You cannot is a communication—letter. remon­ workers they probably live much lon­ is a quick, rigid jerk as fast as It can nest building sometimes deserts them. pulpit: “My tex' is 'Let de woman I’aru ex|>ect a girl w ho stands behind a coun­ ger than otber members of tbe com ­ strance, warning or the ilk«—the sig­ be made, ami tbe rod does tbe rest The art of the bird is to conceal Its in silence wid all subjection.’ You ter all day answering questions galore natures to which are written around munity. Within artificial surroundings The motion forward is at tbe beginning nest both aa to position and as io ma will done fin’ it In de aecvu’ chapter, uutll her head is muddled to the extent the clrcumferenee af the circle which they attain a comparatively long life. a gradual feeling for the tension of tbe terlal, but now and then it is betrayed 'leventb verse, ob Clover.” At this that eh« to positively stupid, and meas­ Incloses the body of the epistle, or Tbe oldest emmet queen known to sci­ line—thst is, when It is about to into weaving Into Its structure showy mention of an unknown epistle a good radiating therefrom like the spokes of ence was one preserved under the care straighten. Once this is assured tbe and bizarre bits of this or that, which uring off yards of ribbon, etc., to think brother plucked tbe coat tails of the a wheel from a hub, ao that the re­ of Sir John Lubbock, later lx»rd Ave­ movement Increase« in rapidity from give its secret away and which seem very much of self-culture or improve ­ minister. Tbe latter turned round, sponsibility of signing to equally bury. A number of yearn ago during butt to Up, tbe result being much tbe to violate all the traditions of its kind. tbeu again faced the audience. "In ment. No, if they are all like me, all shared. No one signatory can be ac­ same as driving at a peg with a long I have th« picture of a robin's nest be­ a visit to this distinguished naturalist spite of de Interruption," be said, "1 they think of Is getting home, taking a cused of being either the first or the handled hammer—slow at the start fore me upon the outside of which ar« repeat de tex’ am from de secou’ chap­ cup of tea and going to bed with a nov­ at his country seat. High Elms, Kent, last to sign, of being tbe leader or the and quick at the finish, the bend of the stuck a small muslin flower, a leal ter, 'leventb varae, ob Clover.” Again el—not one of your dry historical ones, the writer for the first time saw this rod being first at tbe butt and gradual­ whipper in. from a small calendar and a photo­ the coat tails were plucked, and the but something that is out and out The moot famous example on record venerable sovereign living In tbe In­ ly ascer ting to the Up. graph of a local celebrity. A more minister glared at tbe plucker, only to genious artificial formicary which bad probably is the remonstrance which In casting nothing to left to chance Incongruous use of material In bird ‘trashy,’ as some people would term turn once more to the congregation. was sent to Dr. Johnson in connection been prepared for her. She was then by the expert caster. He knows exact­ architecture It would be hard to And. “Brudder Johnson," be said, “objects them -a love or detective story, for In­ with his epitaph on Oliver Goldsmith. In tbe prime of life, as It afterward ap­ ly where he wants to put his fly, with­ I have been told of another robin’s nest to de tex' 'Ix-t woman l’arn in si­ stalled. If 1 get one that interests me The doctor had prepared an epitaph in peared. being seven years old. in a foot or two, and puts It there, the upon the outside of which the bird had lence.’ We all know dat Bister John- I can read until one or two o’clock in In tbe summer of 1887 Sir John was feathered barb traveling past him at fastened a wooden label from a near I-atln, but some of bto friends, who sou am not a slleut woman. But I the morning; in fact, I seldom stop un­ had also been friends of Goldsmith, again visited, this time at bls town from six inches to four feet above the by flower bed marked “Wake Robin.” done repeats dat de tex’ will be foun' til I have finished the story. But as After greetings be water, as be may elect, although it may Still another nest I have seen built took exception to it on two grounds, house In London. In de secon’ chapter, 'leventb varse, ob for reading anythiug solid, excuse me. tbe first being that it did not quite do was asked about bls royal pet. go above the shoulder if desired. In upon a large, showy foundation of th« Clover." Here Brother Johnson rose The only thing 1 take any pleasure in “I have aad news to tell you,” be an­ some long casts one may see the fly paperlike flowers of antennaria, or ev­ justice to the author of the “Traveler” to tbe minister’s ear and whispered beside reading stories is going to the as a writer, and particularly as a poet, swered. pass below the hip. Indeed the degree erlasting. The wood thrush frequently earnestly. “Ob!” said tbe dominie. und the second that It should be writ­ “What? Is the queen dead?" of command one can gradually acquire weaves a fragment of newspaper or a theater, and I’m very much like an Tbeu to the gaping people: “I asks ten in English. The party of friends “Bbe died only yesterday. I have not is really wonderful. white rag into the foundation of its Bister Johnson's pardon. Her bus­ old lady friend of mine who is honest were gathered around Sir Joshua bad tbe heart to tell tbe news as yet A single cast where flab are located nest. "Evil communications corrupt enough to say that she enjoys a cheap ban’ says I made a mistake, be Is dat Reynolds’ hospitable if somewhat ill even to my wife.” Is, aa a rule, sufficient. They will rise good manners." Tbe newspaper and triflin’. My tex’ will not be foun' in show and will nearly split her sides served table, and though they found Having offered my hearty condo­ at once, and if the fisherman to an ex­ the rag bag unsettle the wits of the de secon’ chapter, 'leventb varse, ob laughing at the Orpheum and be bored themselves In general agreement on lence, 1 asked to see the dead queen. pert at dropping his fly he can bring birds. Clover, but In de secon' chapter, 'lev- to death at the opera or when she has these two points, no one had tbe cour­ ' Sir John led tbe way to the room fish to the a(>ot from some distance. The pho-be bird is capable of thia euth varse, ob Timothy. I kuowed it to sit through an entire evening listen­ age to be willing to “bell the cat,” or, ' where his artificial nests were kept One may frequently see flsh attracted kind of mistake or indiscretion. All the wm »ou» kind ob gruss." in other words, to take the lead in . The glass case which contained tbe from a point so far from the fly that past generations of her tribe have built ing to some big «tar and the accom­ tackling the formidable Johnson on special formicary In which the old ant they break water two or three Umes upon natural and therefore neutral BRIEF REVIEW panying troupe giving a pay from Real Doctor!«*. these two rather delicate matters. “At | had lived was opened up. Lying in one before taking the hook. On the other sites, usually under shelving and over­ Shakespeare. Il’s not to my taste, I Doc Judson hsd never taken so much last,” says Sir William Forbes, “it was of the larger open spaces or rooms was band, a fly awkwardly dropped will be hanging rocks, and the art of adapting Russia’s First Newspaper. as a single course in medical study, can assure you. People get through Idnted that there could be no way so I the dead queen. Bbe was surrounded taken with a leisurely grab, tbe fish tbe nest to its surroundings, blending Tbe Russian Press has just celebrated good as that of a round robin, as the by a crowd of workers, who were ten- simply sucking it in, and the exbllara- it with them, has been highly dev el but be was in greater demand than the the world Just as easy and sometimes better than they would if they were regular practitioner of Crowville, who tbe two hundredth anniversary of its sailors call it, which they make use [ derly licking her, touching her with tiou of a spirited rise to lost. The more oped. But pho-be now frequently had a degree and a framed “dlplomy” wearing themselves out trying to im­ existence. The first Russian newspa­ of when they enter a conspiracy so as their antenme and making other dem­ expert a fisherman is at fly casUng the builds under our sheds and porches, in his office. prove and better their condition by per was the Moscow Wjedomoet, or, to not to let it be known who puts his onstrations as if soliciting her atten­ more thoroughly he enjoys the sport.— where, so far as concealment Is con­ “I’d ruther trust to Bill Judson’s doc­ pouring over dry books, attending lec­ cerned, a change of material, say from tion or desiring to wake her out of Collier's Weekly. give it the full title, “the newspaper of name first or last to the paper.” toring than any that’s learned out o’ tures aud the like. None of your self­ Tbe idea was at once accepted, the sleep. moss to dry grass or shreds of baric Poor, dumb, loving, faithful military and other noteworthy matters medicine books," said Old Lady Sim­ would be an advantage to her. But sne There was no response. improvement for me. Life at best is which ocour in tbe dominion of Mos­ address to Dr. Johnson was prepared creatures! THE TYPHOON, mons. departs not a mite from the family tra­ short, but while I am here I am going cow and the neighboring countries. and all signed it In tbe form proposed. Their queen mother lay motionless be- When pressed for a reason for this This very interesting paper is still ex­ i neath their demonstrations. A Chi«»«« Le*ea< of the Orisia «f ditions; she uses the same woody to aim to get all the fun I can out of it ” Tbe Czar issued a ukase authorizing tant and is preserved among other preference the old lady had one unfail­ Thia Fierce Storm. mosses which In some cases, especially "They do not appear to have dlscov- She sighed wearily and as though the tbe foundation of tbe paper in the mid­ valuable manuscripts in the library of ' ered ing answer. that she is really dead,” remarked This very odd bit is by a Chinaman: when the nest is placed upon unevenly “When Doc was away one time I was fuu was somewhat of a fleeting dream. dle of December. 1702; tbe first number Halgh Hall, near Wigan, the seat of i Sir John. Afterward he wrote me of “A little schoolboy while on bis way sawed timber, makes her secret an took with rheumatism in my side, an' I appeared on January 15, 1703, and 1000 the Earl of Crawford. It begins, "We, another queen which died at the age of to school one day picked up what open one to all eyes.—John Burroughs had to let daughter Jane send for the the clrcumscribers,” and tbe signa­ | fourteen. Tbe ants dragged her body seemed to him a small white pebble. In Century. I could not help but compare her copies were printed. Tbe paper was tures, written around the circle which dlplomy doctor. He give me medicines about with them when they moved uu- He put it into bls pocket. It proved to practically the creation of Peter the an’ said the rheumatism would give with another youug girl engaged in the incloses the address, Include those of i til It fell to piece«.—H. C. McCook in be a snake egg, and in time through Great, who occasionally contributed to APHORISMS. way to ’em. It did give way leetle by same business, that of measuring yards Gibbon, Burke, Joseph Warton, Sheri­ Harper's Magazine. tbe beat of his pocket it batched out a leetle an’ finally wore off, leaving mu of ribbon from day to day, fashioning it. The number dated August 15, 1703, dan, Sir Joshua Reynolds, George Col­ young repUle. No legacy Is so rich as honesty.— weak as a rag. the same pretty little bows, answering contains tbe latest news about tbe man and half a dozen others which are “The boy fell tn love with It and car­ Shakespeare. A SNAKE STORY. “Well, now, when I have one o’ those ried it from day to day to school with the same round of questions, eome of new buildings of 8t. Petersburg. The nowadays but little known. Johnson A grateful dog Is better than an un spells an’ Doc Judson 'tends me he second oldest newspaper in Russia is took the remonstrance iu good part, M« b Who Co«« the Veaomo«« Rep­ him and fed it with a part of his own them stupid queries, but she was al- grateful man.—Saadi. comes in, gives one look at me, mixes but as to not writing tbe epitaph in the German St. Petersburg Zeitung, of lunch until it became too big to be car ­ tile« to Bit« Them. We first make our habits and tbeu up a glass O' hl« herb Stair, an* tn lesw'n eey. th» m « uo oMIgin* *«rl, «aulllug which the first number appeared In Latin, declared that he would never “Men can become accustomed to ried, when he made a nest for it at our habits make us.—Emmons. twelve hours he has that rheumatism and apparently happy. If she rebelled consent to disgrace tbe walls of West ­ January, 1727. For the current year snake bite just as they can become ac­ home. The retrospect of life swarms with h’lstlng all over me from head to feet, at fate nobody knew it or was any the minster abbey with an English in­ “But one day it suddenly grew to lost opportunities.—81r H. Taylor. departing in a half dozen directions an’ wiser, for she kept her secret well. Her licenses are in existence for the publi­ scription! The whole story la emi­ customed to anything else,” said a man enormous size, and upon tbe boy ’ s ar ­ who bad spent much time In studying no chance for my mind to dwell on any aim in life was very different from the cation of 1076 newspapers. Of these nently characteristic both of Johnson To be happy Is not tbe purpose ot the habits of reptilian life, “and in not rival home he was frightened to death. our being, but to deserve happiness.— one spot an' say, 'It’s tbe wust tbar.’ other young lady, for her one idea was 868 are in Russian, 109 in Polish, 47 in and his times. “ When the monster saw what he had a few Instances which have come un­ That's what I call doctoring!” Fitch. No one has yet been able to give a to improve herself in every way. 8be German, 8 in French, 1 in English aud der my observation the snake bite baa done he was sorely afflicted and re­ the rest in various Russian dialects. satisfactory explanation of the strange Fortune may And a pot, but your studied tbe dictionary and seemed to really become not only pleasurable, fused to be fed, but Immediately put on A Lawyer’« Apology. term “round robin.’’—London Globe. mourning by turning his color from own Industry must make It boil.— take as much pleasure from it ns the Nearly all of these papers are of very but a kind of physical necessity. You Some years ago there was an old Rousseau. recent date. Three-fifths of them are see, the poison Is stimulating. It works brown to pure black. He crawled be­ judge on the bench tn Berks county old lady who said “the dictionary was not ten years old. In 8t. Petersburg Break!«* 1« Geatly. When a person is down In the world like an opiate of the kind adminis­ side the grave of his departed friend whose decisions, in consequence of nu­ her favorite of all the books because This Is a true account of one person's tered by persons who fall victims to and lay there for seven days and an ounce of help is better than a forty have not reached their fifth year. there were so many nice little short merous reversals, did not always com­ idea of “breaking the ue’S gently.” pound of preaching.—Bulwer. nights. mand universal respect. One day in stories iu it.” 8be made a practice of The mortality among Russian newspa­ The cook, whose home was off in the the pernicious habit of using the nee­ No man ever did a designed injury “At the completion of tbe seventh dle, or of taking tbe stuff Internally. a case in which he was sitting one of learning tour or five new words every pers is very high. country, appeared before tbe "powers I have known a number of men who night he came back to his late home, to another but at the same time be the lawyers lost patience at his inabil­ night and writing them in the various above" with a letter in her band. would make snakes bite them every but tbe boy's old mother was so en­ did a greater to himself.—Home. ity to see things in a certain light and ways they could be used aud making “I’D have to go home for a couple of day, and they simply couldn’t get along raged at him for killing her only son Considers Suicide a Natural Deed. When a man has not a good reason in the beat of the moment remarked A race of Asiatics who consider sui­ days, mum," she said. “My cousin’s without It. Their energies would begin that she picked up an ax and chopped for doing a thing he has one good rea­ that the intellect of the court was so sentences of them. The result was that just written to me.” And she banded his tail off. son for letting it alone.—Thomas Scott. dark a flash of lightning could not pen­ she bad a better command of language cide a proper and natural deed, and who over the crumpled bit of paper with an to lag. They would feel drowsy and “With a fearful scream and a lash of To be perfectly just Is an attribute lifeless. By allowing a snake to bite than any of her girl acquaintances, help near relatives to a speedy death audible sniff. etrate it For this contempt the judge them they could relieve this condition. his bleeding tall be felled the house of the divine nature; to be so to tbe showed a disposition to be very severe even those who had much better op­ upon request, lives in the extreme “Dear Mary,” It ran, “you had bet­ Tbe poison would stimulate and buoy and made his way to the Moo Soon Ban utmost of our abilities is the glory of with the offender, and It was only aft­ portunities in life. Hhe was a member northwestern part of Asia, and is now ter come home at once. Your father Is mountains, where be never shows him­ man.—Addison. er much persuasion by friends of tbe of the public library and read all the known as Chukebec. Waldemar Be- very sick.” And It continued with op, having the same effect as a dose of morphine or cocaine or other kinds of self but once a year, just about the latter that he yielded and decided to new books that that were being dis­ goras, a member of the Jessup North many particulars of tbe Illness. ’dope’ has on persons addicted to its time when he lost his tall, to come out LITTLE BARBADOS. accept a public apology. Tbe following At tbe end was a postscript which, use. Of course they are careful not to and make trouble for tbe people by cre­ cussed by literary people besides tbe Pacific expedition, writes of these peo­ day the lawyer, accordingly, appeared like the old joke of a woman ’ s P. 8., get an overdose of poison, always ex­ ating storms called tbe typhoon. This The lalaad Coatala« About th« before bls honor and made amends by criticisms in tbe magazines and papers. ple in Harper’s Magazine. Mr. Begor- had the pith of the matter. PraaUeat Peopla oa Barth. Frequently after she had finished read­ as saw strange things among a people tracting enough of it to keep down the he does to square himself for losing his saying: "So long as you'll be driving up from None of tbe great nations of th« valuable tail." “I regret very much that I said the ing a book she would write her own lit­ never before visited by white m< n. He the village you may as well brin^the dangerous consequences of tbe bite. earth is half so proud of Itself as th« intellect of the court was so dark light­ tle criticism of the work before reading relates one incident of a woman whose undertaker along with you in the wag­ Often men addicted to this ugly prac­ little colony of Barbados, a mere speck L.«a*e Aaatomy. tice are forced to tantalize and goad ning could not penetrate it. I guess It those of othersaud would then compare husband had expressed a wish to die. on.”—New York Times. The modern Interest in science In the Caribbean, which calls itself the snake up to tbe point of despera­ could. It is a very penetrating thing.” notes. Hhe stated that she found this a Hhe held his head in her lap while his tion in order to make It bite. But through “observation” has become "th® little England of the tropics.” —Philadelphia Ledger. Napoleo«’« Magic Table. great help. Hhe lived too far away to two sons strangled him with a lasso. Alone of all England’s West Indian they will strike after awhile. It is an more or less of a mania. Even the chil­ Napoleon's magic table is one of tbe walk to her work, but for exercise she It was a eheerful scene, the suicide jok­ awful thing to even think about, isn't dren are bitten by it. The Little Chron­ isles, Barbados has belonged to Eng Th« T«ola ot the Egyptian«. greatest curiosities front the time of would walk several blocks morning ing with bis last breath. it? But this world is filled with curi­ icle says that Geòrgie, aged five, takes land ever since it was first colonized The ancient Egyptians had tools for the great emperor, who bad it tn bis ous things and curious persons, and a great interest in physiology and anat­ by white men. It I ihb never been coi» atone working equal to anything in use and evening, but when she boarded the study at the castle of St. Cloud. After quered by the enemy, as the other« A Historic Razor. among the wonders of a coarser kind omy. today. They used both solid and tubu­ car it was always with a magazine or a the death of Napoleon it waB bought In One day some members of the family have been. This fact naturally give« is the man who takes the snake fang book that she read diligently and with Charles Morton of Bardstown, Ky., lar drills and straight aud circular London by Baron liehausen, Swedish Barbadians ■ good conceit of them* aaws. The drills were set with jewels, interest, closing it many times reluc- is the proud poeneeeor of a razor that is ambassador to the court of St. James •hypo.’ " — New Orleans Tlmes-Demo- had been studying a dissected porcu­ pine and making drawings of tbe selves and Indeed makes them jusl probably corundum, and even lathe antly, no doubt, but Bhe was too much something over 150 years old, but is in at that time. It is now owned through crat about the proudest people on earth. bones. tools had such cutting edges. So re­ of a little business woman to loiter or a splendid state of preservation, and is Inheritance by one of the foremost Glaser Beer. When Just before the Crimean wai Not long after his sisters took an old markable was the quality of the tubu show her feelings. “Business before far superior to the razors of modern families of the Swedish nobility. In­ An excellent ginger beer may be pre­ lounge apart, and Geòrgie watched England was hesitating whether slit lar drills, it is said, and the skill of pleasure,” was a motto she never lost times. The razor was formerly owned side the drawer of the table Is pasted pared In tbe following manner: Take them. Presently he came running to should attack Russia the Barbadian« the workmen that the cutting marks sight of. When she was able to do so by Judge Veneble of the colony of Vir­ an old slip, on which is printed a de­ two ounces of bruised ginger, two another member of tbe family, his eyes sent this message to the cabinet: In the hard granite give no indication “Go ahead. Don't be afraid. Bprba she attended lectures and musicales, ginia,and who was apromiuent patriot. scription which in modernized English ounces of cream of tartar, two pounds on fire, his cheeks flushed and bis of the wear of the tool, while a cut of reads as follows: dos is behind you.” of lump sugar, two lemons cut In slices locks flying behind him. a tenth part of an inch was made In and she would deny herself many pret­ Judge Veneble was appointed judge of “The Emperor Napoleon was highly with the rind left on; put all these Into “Comet Come!” he cried. “If you King George was offered an asylum the hardest rock at each revolution, ty little conceits in wearing apparel, so Kentucky county by Patrick Henry, delighted with this extraordinary work a large pan or pitcher and pour two want to study pbyserology now’s your by “little England” when Napoleon and a hole through both the hardest dear to every girl’s heart, to enable her Governor of Virginia, Kentucky then of art. It formed the surface of one of gallons of boiling water on them. Let chance. The girls have got the lounge Bonaparte proposed to Invade Eng and softest material was bored perfect­ to attend the opera when some star being a county of that commonwealth. tbe tables in bis study and was always this stand for several hours, strain It, all to pieces!” land. ly smooth and uniform throughout. Of with other fine and much-talked-of The razor was made in Sheffield, Eng­ shown to all foreigners of distinction and when quite cold add a tablespoon­ “If you were driven from England,” the material and method of making the singers were to he heard. Hhe loves land, in the year 1751, and is very who visited tbe imperial court. It Is a ful ot brewers’ yeast and let It remain She Was Aahameg. the Barbadians wrote, “come here. You tools nothing Is known. the laces, ribbons, aud all tbe dainty heavy, the blade being extremely thick painting whose resemblance to what it in the ginger beer for twelve hours. Mistress (angrily)—Bridget, I And will be safe with us to protect you.” When England was suffering hei finery just as much as tbe other girls and broad, with a large wooden handle. represents is the most elusive ever pro­ Then skim off the yeast and bottle the that you wore one of my evening Byro«’« Joke HI« Publisher. duced by the genius of man. One may beer. Press the corks very firmly down gowns at tbe bus drivers' ball last worst reverses in South Africa th« she mingles with from day to day, but Byron once sent bis friend John Mur­ lack at this strange production of art in and tie them. It will be ready for use evening. It’s the worst piece of Im­ Barbadians were not worried. They Railway Ties. ray a present of a Bible. It was placed she has a purpose in lite, and improv­ different lights—tbe pieces of money, in a week. pudence I ever heard of! You ought knew that if matters really reached a oa tbe bookshelf and left there for ing herself iu every way is of more The annual demand for railroad ties, the fragments ot broken glass, tbe pen­ to be ashamed of yourself! crisis "Barbados would go in and finish years untouched till at a dinner party, consequence to her than all the frivoli­ says the Pittsburg Dispatch, is 400 for knife. water and cards retain an equal­ Grim ■!*««. Bridget (meekly)—Oi wuz, mum, Oi the business," as one of their newspa­ the verification of a text being re­ ties of her friends combined. Rain during a burial Is considered an wuz. An’ me young man said as if Oi pers seriously put it. each mile of track, and tbe average life ly Illusive appearance aa U>e observer quired, tbe Bible was referred to. A moves round the table—but it requires excellent “sign” throughout tbe West ivlr wore sicb a frock In public ag’in of a tie is seven years. It is an unusual page had been turned down, and it was a very minute examination to discover India Islands. If one measures his own he’d break our engagemint.—London H« Didn't Cader«taad. found that in the verse “Now. Barab­ Home of the girls who are not in sym­ acre of forest that has 300 trees that all the truly magical wonders it pos­ height with a rod which has been A little fellow out West Roxbury Telegraph. bas was a robber” tbe word “publish pathy with her call her an “old prude" will make three ties each, and it takes ses» ♦ used In measuring a corpse for the way some ten years old. perliaps st” bad been substituted. Tbe poor lit- and state openly that they have no fifty years to grow a tree that will coffin he himself will die within the twelve, bested bis grandmothers the Would Leak It. tie pleasantry had lain hidden all those Chick»«..fifty.___ ■y?a- A «trc^w-wlsh- th® -band of t —PL^tagripher "Ecg--pAi-d«iu,--s!rr but other day ntlber. neatly All three pattaMM lofty ideas, that they make three tics, Theerfcr“, tw-«>ntv- ... It is related that when Colonel David long years. corpse is believed by tbe West Indian can’t you look a little less stern and were at tbe table when one of the la­ are not In keeping with her station in five acres ot forest are necessary for Electric railways Bremner Henderson was a lieutenant to be a sure cure for all pains and severe? dies casually mentioned the name of Too Smart. life. Hhe has a wise little head and every mile of track In the Twelfth Iowa at the battle of Immediately tbo Bitter—Never mind how stern I look. tbe family nurse. ••Once when I wan a Miaaimtippi pl- «411 not argue the question; In fact she included, there are in the United States Corinth he noticed a soldier whose gun swellings. This photograph is for campaign use. I little fellow wanted to know who the lot,” said Marie Twain. “I got out of fi—u ahsUrkwtng valuable tons Sa dis­ about 25O QIM) "jli*e of nyuj. Li>i?eetr doggwr and which ¡ v.trseu to" *“"T«Sy r.«'ft«l. am a candidate for Judge."" Go ahead?— iauy was. vitiTilHruutna imsocAtitlj .x- work aad bad~to bustle for a new Job. cussing the theme with those who are work. The poor fellow, In the belief “Your little brother s«ems like a play­ Chicago Tribune. marked that it was the nurse that took I talked to a number of captains, but determined to only see the other side Floating Islands. that he would surely be killed with a ful boy.” care of tbe boy when he was born. none of them wanted a pilot. Finally An island 125 feet by 30, in Lake Gar ­ useless weapon In his band, became of the question. Hhe knows, however, “Yes, he Is. He’s very playful. When “But why didn't mamma take care I met a man who said there was a va­ Th« Phyalelan'« A grant. field, in the Southern Berkshire town woefully excited and began to tremble sister was married he stopped up the cancy on his boat that I might fill if I that their existence in life wouidsimply “So you have decided to get another of me? I was her baby, wasn’t I?” of Monterey, floated three-quarters of a as with an ague. chimney, threw pepper in the fire, put queried tbe little fellow. "True,” says could qualify. He asked me atiout my be intolerable to her. One of her asso­ physician.” “You Infernal fool,” shouted Hender brandy In the lemonade and turned the habits, my religion, my birth, my ciates in the store remarked after a very mile recently to the other side of the "I have.” answered Mrs. Cumrox. grandma; "but. you see, mamma doesn't son, forgetting conventionalities for tbe garden hose on tbe minister. Oh, he's schooling, and so on. Then he snld: warm and spirited discussion during her pond. Lake Quota, in Pittsfield, also “Tbe Idea of his prescribing flaxseed understand bow to look after little ba­ moment, “here, why don't you pick the playful all right.” ‘Now, for tbe main thing: Do you absence recently that she would be has a floating island. Real estate in that tea and mustard plasters for people as bies, particularly the first one. and we tube out with a pin, same as you do have to have nurses who have learned know where the snags In the river willing to wager that she was slipshod section seems to need nailing down. rich as we are!”—Washington Star. when you’re shooting prairie chick­ 1« Mad« a Dlgcreaee. bow in the hospitals." That seemed to are?* ‘No, captain,’ I said. •I don't.’ in her home life and neglected the Mother—Goodness me! Is that Irene The Ueru.ana are far in advance of ens?” The word prairie chicken in the He swore. ‘Wants to be a pilot,' be What a happy world this would be if settle it, but all of a sudden tbe little housekeeping for her study and read­ ear of this native of Iowa sounded so at the piano? muttered, 'and don't know where the the rest of the world in caring for wild every man spoke as well of his live fellow blurted out. “Well, then, who good that it immediately brought him Little Bon—Yee, ma. took care of Caln?”—Boston Traveler. snags are ' T know where they're not,’ ing. Hhe was mistaken. They kept no birds in their towns during the winter. neighbors aa he does of bis dead ones! to himself. He at once cleaned out Mother—Well, go and a'sk her what said I. But my smallness cost me tbe help, and she was not only one of the Shelters from snow are built in public his gun and went into tbe fight she Is doing. If she Is practicing she Bia«df«ld. councilors at home but bail her share of job." parks and private gardens, aud plenti­ Never suffer tbe prejudice of the eye At the end of tbe battle tbe man who can keep on until the hour la up, but if Niue persons out of ten would prob­ the work to perform. There was a Th« ▼•ndetta. to determine tbe heart.—Zimmerman. fully supplied with food. In the spring had cleaned out bis gun had been shot she is playing tell her to stop. ably give the derivation of blind as The cross Is a threat of death, and place for everyth ipg, and the home aa many of the birds build nests In these In tbe hip, and Henderson bad received Simple, hat Baseattal. coming directly from blind and fold Butt« Capahl«. th« Corsican who finds It drawn upon well aa in her own attic was neat and shelters. a shot in bis left foot. When the two Rising Author—Is my manuscript from the practice of folding a cloth "He ’ s a remarkably frank man. ” fils door knows that be must look for orderly. Thia gir), who has devoted happened to meet afterward. Colonel round th« eyes, as In the game of hard to edit? “How so?” so quarter. The vendetta neither herself to self-improvement in spite of Tbe Homestead mills produce, with Henderson said, “Well, old boy, that Editor—No; It requires only a sec blind man’s buff. Tbe word has. how­ "Why, th« heiress asked him If be steep« nor knows where it may atop. the environments that have caused about 4000 men, three times as much prairie chicken saved your life if it ever, nothing to do with fold, but was sure he could take care of her •nd’s work to every other page. It la not confined to two persons. The other girls with lees ambition to become steel as the Krupp works produce with ildn’t your top.” Rising Author—Erasing a word on it? means felled or str*k blind and might when be proposed, and he said he was juarrela of Individuals are taken up by Editor—No; putting it la quotation be writ ted bllndfelled. In the same indifferent in eome cases and hard and 15,000 men. sure be could If he bad her money to whole families. Not even collateral way the word buttery is easily con­ marks. John—You are always busy when I do It with.”—Chicago Poet. The use of electricity in every day branches are exempt, and women must embittered In others, to a favorite with fused with the common term butter, all except the few who cho^ to con­ affairs to developing enormously in Eng­ eome in. Gave Hiss ■ Tarn. take their chances with the men. Charlee-Well, you always come in The Doctor—You regard society at with which, however. It has no con­ Work!** Well. demn her because their own life has land. Tbe usual price to 2j cent a unit Voreeeaolaea. when I’m busy. The Querist -What do you think of merely a machine, do you? What pari nection save In tbe minds of tboa« who been so devoid of anything that would “Fortune knocks once at the door of the doctrine of tbe survival of tbe fit­ of th« machinery do you consider me. do not know It to be s contraction for raise them out of the drudgery of every The French sold in America in 1902 bottlery, a place where bottles ar« kept every man.“ for Instance? test? “Yes. but she's generally very clever­ day life. They are to be pitied, and more than SHOO,000 worth of automo­ Tbe Egotist—It is all right so far. I The Professor—You are one of the and over which the bottler, or butler, yet who is to blame In the matter? biles. presides Chambers’ Journal. ly disguised " «Tiles sw Post cranks. -Chicago Tribun«. am still alive.—Kansas City Journal. The Mlalaler Flaally Go« th« «•■»•• i a aa*a¡i aaa~¿a••*•••••••••!