i? ( MASTERS OF MUSIC, where he bail caught a glimpse of GOLD CANNON BALL8. M AFP IMMSKSS.ao O>A4«M.S* paying tellers * errors . SERVANTS IN ECUADOR BLAIE, grasses of tbe »bore death leaped In a India, when be found a round ball of I Make* With Ttela Pteaae et Ueala*. officials were rarely willing to rectify but would be compelled to take up with < > By MARVIN DANA o flame. Four of tbe men on deck fell metal. It was black and looked like He * drove of them, probably far outnum HarAa'a Ureee Salt aa* Sarrhlr* mistakes bad little baala In fact. < > beneath that murderous Ore. Major un old iron round abot, but when the Hia* •■« BeeSbevea'e wua Walk»., added: "How la It that there exlata In bering your own family. For example, «¡Id man lifted it be wa* struck with the mind* of many the idea that pay with a cook you would have to receive < opi/HvM. 1*7», Marvin Dana O Howard tumbled in a heap. By him All tbe great musical composers bad ing tellers are inclined to reasnt even her husband and children, and perhaps it* Immense weight. He carried It toy tbe clerk. Sergeant Flynn stood for a moment home and found on scratching it that their own peculiar ideas and manner I tbe suggestion that they make errara also her father and mother, into your it wa* ■ lump of solid gold. It weighed of working. They had their peculiar HE sun blazed down on tbe helpless In tbe shock of surprise. In eight pound* and Ita sale made tbe traits, tbelr moods, tbelr eccentric hab in counting money ? I have never louse to bod and board, aud each would Here Are Home o? the Convincing known one wbo made the slightest bring along all hia or her portable prop­ tbst moment tbe dying rnsjor stag­ white street* of Manila with a its, such a* are generally said to mark claim to infallibility. Who baa net erty. consisting mainly of domestic Facte That Caused us to Take gered to bl* feet and cried aa be fell Snder rich for life. fury that to the perspiring sol There are many more of these can­ tbe genius. lu “Musical Education" M. beard tbe ancient aud oft told story of peta, such a* pigs, chicken«, rabbit*, the Agency for tho Fulton Com- • gain: diers wa* more annoying than a teller wbo waa asked by a person for dogs aud other “live stock.” The bus­ "For God's sake, sergeant, keep ber non ball*, each worth a small fortune, Lavignuc tells of their peculiarities. pounds, the First Things Known Spanish bullets. Nergeant Flynn bad lying bld or burled In the recesses of "Haydu wa* a very early riser,” be whom he has cashed a check if he bad band may have some trade which he that Cure Chronic Kidney Dis« •lgbed gratefully as be entered tbe going!” The sergeant seized a cowering Fll tbi* jungle, and their story I* a curious writes, "and yet be never worked ex­ not made a mistake? As tbe nerratlve follows during tbe day, but at meal­ kitchen of an English resident, with cept in Aill dress, lu which he was one. At tbe end of tbe sixteenth cen ­ the usually runa tbe self satisfied money Ipiuo and thrust him toward times and when night comes be return* whose cook, Bridget Maloney, be was wheel, bidding him. with a fearful tury Akbar, tbe greatest emperor Hin­ like Buffon. He began by shaving counter behind the desk to inclined to to the bosom of bl* fsmiiy and yours. on term* of ardent friendship. FWt, tot it ba diBtlnetly understood that dustan ever saw, was at tbe height himself carefully, powdered himself become Indignant and replies tn a It would be considered downright In­ •very one ot the o a sea below had been diagnosed curSe, to bold tbe boat on her course. Be it said in deference to tbe *er The terrified native did bi* duty in of hl* glory. At tbe bead of lila con- aud put ou his finger a certain riug, a poui|tou* and abrupt manner that he humanity to refuse them food and shel­ by one or mor« physician« aa chronic and in­ geunt'* taste and Bridget'* charms tbal sheer dread of tbe sergeant’* biasing quering army be summoned Ahmad- sapphire, I believe, surrounded with never make* mistakes. The consider-1 ter. and not a servant In Ecuador curable; Mcend, note tbe eertatnty of there- the damsel was not a typical cook in eye* and frightful word*. Then Flynn nager to surrender. Tbe city and ita brillianta, which bad been given him ate party then state* that the amount would work for so mean a master or •ulte ae abowa by the recovery also of the the matters of age and weight, only in darted to tbe Nordenfeidt and tired a rich treasure were then under the rule by tbe great Frederick, unless it was paid him exceeded that named in the mlstreaa. Tbe children of your cook friends they told wbo were similarly afflicted culinary skill. Bridget was hardly more volley toward tbe foe in ambush, one of the Princess Cande. Knowing that Prince Esterhaxy. That done, be shut check, but the teller still maintains' may be utilised for light services, such with auppoeed incurable kidney dincase«. than twenty-five, and her face was fait M. W. Spaulding* President Spaulding Saw volley only; then tbe gun jammed. resistance could be but abort, and in himself up In a quiet room and wrote that there can be no error either way,1 a* running errands, weeding the gar­ ■nd her waist as trim as any to be seen , San Franciaco, had a recovery in his own | den and tending the baby, but the nu- Co The sergeant did not hesitate in this bitter rage against the oppressor, she for several coasscutive hours, five or as he never makes mistake*. . family and told several other« who recovered. on tbe dancing green at Donnybrook. Adolph Weske. capitalist, Sad Francisco, crisis. He took off tbe feed cases; be caused all tbe treasure of gold and •lx, without stopping. "Where ls the teller who upon being merous brood to apt to be “ light finger- But, though her eyes were blue as tbe recovered biuiselr and told two friend« wbo re* “Mozart, tbe gentle and pious Mo­ told be bad made an pulled out tbe empty cartridges with ■liver to be melted down. She cast would fail an»» and incurable, ah cracked whip, though It's mesllf says gray faced, native. He drove tbe trem­ Their origin or purpose 1*, however, no doubt that be would have found after Lavoisier bad explained tbe real will sleep contentedly on tbe stone* of I bling Filipino to tbe wheel, then trouble* develop law ibt» form about it a* shouldn’t.” .. . * > a.». a . 1 I the 8th to Kith month. The above cases were totally forgotten. It 1* only known them in tbe trepidation of tbe railroad nature of fire, which was from time to .. the patio or the straw Of tbe stable. I incurable by all other known means. People “Yes, sure an’ I know ’im," tbe ser­ sprang back to bls post at tbe Norden­ that they are very old.—Chicago Chron­ if he bad dared to try, but be had such time put forward with success in tbe The danger 1. that rome of the stranger geant assented wearily, for he had no feidt and discharged another volley at icle. a dread of tills mode of locomotion that defense of persons on trial for murder hanfere on may not be as honest a? I reached tbe serious stage. Fulton’s Rtuul All this time tbe foe admiration for his prospective father- tbe enemy. no one was ever able to induce blm to and received Its last support from I the cook herself la supposed to be, and »V8)h‘’’jobn “ in-law. “But what Is tbe matt her wld maintained a brisk fire, but Flynn Charles Dickens. Hl* success In this WILD ANfMALS. set foot In a car. seemed to bear a charmed life, Aa yet cases are known where thieves and I Washington street, Sau Franctaeo, sole cum- •im?” direction throws a pleasant light on “Gluck composed violently gesticu­ even murderers thus gained admission w‘ u’ "Nothin’ at all, at all,” was tbe vig­ be bad no wound. The Beater* Set Meet ot Their I.Iona lating, walking up and down and act­ the progress of civilisation. One won­ to the Inside of the casa with dlsas-1 A chance shot from tbe bank struck orous retort. “It’s all thot frl'nd av From Natela. ing all his characters, often in tbe opeD ders what would have been tbe fate of trous results.—Philadelphia Record. yours. Pirate Casey be unme. Faith tbe wheel and shattered it. A groan Dealers in wild animals get most of air, on the lawn, in a garden. Von Liebig bad be opposed himself to an’ tbot limb av Satan d ha red to call burst from the sergeant's lips as be lheir Ilona from Nubia. There the na­ "Beethoven also undoubtedly found such an error In tbe sixteenth century me father a dhrunken scaly wag, an' ’e saw tbe catastrophe. Tbi* was a dis- tive* search for a lioness with newborn PICKINGS FROM FICTION. a powerful auxiliary to Inspiration in when Kepler could only eave his moth­ — tbrltened to knock 'Is 'ead off av 'Im. cubs, kill the mother and bring up the motion and walking. Whatever the er from going to the stake for witch­ The mortality among babies during the Sure tbot’s a rale nice thing to 'ave Most of US look best at a little di» I tales taethln* year» la somethin* frightful. young beasts on goats' milk. When season, every day after dinner, which craft by satisfying her judges that she The census ot 1900 shows that about one In aphoken av au agid parint. It ye’re a kliey are two months old they are taken was at 1 o'clock, according to the Vien­ possesst-d none of the signs essential fence from one another.—“Paul Kel- every •even luccumbi. man, ye’ll knock the 'ead off av Casey The cause Is apparent. With baby's to the coast on the backs of camels and nese custom, be set out for a walk, to a witch. In those days Kepler did ▼er/’ Steniwr In I bones hardening, the fontanel (opening in the fer love av me.” M l** shipped to Europe. Lions are also ob­ and with big strides twice made the not dare to say that there were no 18 only in higher circles that worn-1 sgun) closing up and its teeth forming, all "But, Bridget, ma vourneeu,” tbe ser­ tained from Abyssinia and Senegal. circuit of the city of Vienna. Neither such things as witches.—W. A. Shen- eu can lose their busbands and yet re-1 the comlns at once create a demand for material that nearly half the little geant replied in in ucb dlstres*. "be me main bewitching.—"The Gray Wig.” Formerly the Atlas mountains furnish­ cold nor beat nor rain nor hall was able stone In Cornhill Magasine. are deficient In. The result Is •owl, I can't do It” No man wbo Is not an egotist Ot I I eevlohne»», weiikncm. awt-atm*. fever, dlar ed the tlnett lions, but the species now to stop blm. Then it was that Ills beat i a ........ ..- A i A ., A I rhoea. brain trouble*, convulalona. ate, that “Au’ ye dbare to sit trere, eatin* the Pbrea*l**y. no longer exists except a few speci­ of fancy attained its full ardor Worse 1* ever sure of a womans lovri^y, (rrribiy fatal. Th* d«*aiha in law under He cake I made wld me own 'anda, an’ Phrenology Is usually thought to till sbe bas told It with her own lips. — | Ihw year* wm an.sw. u. aa> nothin* of mens In menagerie*. Adult Nubian would enter a restaurant, sit down for the vast number outHide the big cltleH that let me father be insulted be a man not Hons are worth $1,000 apiece, while an lnstaut and ask the stupefied waiter have been first expounded by Gall and “His Daughter First." were not reported, and this In the United 'alf the soixe av ye! Ye’re a coward, Senegal lions range In price from $500 for the bill, without having ordered Spurzbelm and to be a comparatively Wbeu in doubt go to churcb. for I state» alone. Mike Flynn!” When baby begins to sweat, worry or cry modern so called "science.” But it there's nothing that lets a man thinkionT to $750. anything. Ills clumsiness was pro­ out in sleep don't wait. wait, ..i and the need 1$ “Sure, I’m not a coward, but I'm not Tigers vary in price from $375 to $1,- digious. He usually broke everything can be traced back to tbe sixteenth better than a long prayer and a slow I neither medicine nor namotica. What the golu’ to lick Casey, not for nobody.” little Is crying out fur Is more bona '1 material. ..... system ’ 500 apiece and more, according to tbe he touched. Not a single piece of fur­ century at least, for In a book pub­ sermon. -“Adam Rush.” Sweetman's Teething Food sup “Thlu 1 repate me remarks, Mr. variety and rarity of tbe animal. Si­ niture in his house, and any article ot lished at that time by “Mayster Jhe- There are sixteen ounces to th« I piiaa it. It has saved the lives of thousands Flynn, ye’re a coward, wid no more They begin to Improve within rome of Bruynswicke" to a profile of berian tigers, for Instance, sell at the value les* than anything else, was safe pound still, but two of them are wrap- |"Xx-*eb|«ht hours. Here la what physician« •phunk than a squeakin’ rat. an’ ye latter figure. They are large, beauti­ from bls attacks, and many times his a head on wblcb are moat distinct­ plug paper in a good many store*.— I think of it. can whistle fer a wife whin ye want 3934 Washington 81.. fully striped creatures. In tbe winter ink pot fell into the piano by which he ly marked phrenological attributes. “Letters of $ Self Made Merchant.” San FranclBco, June 2, oue, but It'll not be Bridget Maloney, they grow a long, woolly winter coat. was working, which, religiously pre- “Imaginative” occupies tbe place now Gentlemen—I am _ prescribing _ your food In I used to think that marriage made I’m thlnkln’. She'll have no man wbo Some full grown tigers are captured In served in tbe museum at Bonn, still given on tbe chart* to "ideality;” men old, sour and suspicious. I find the multitude of baby troubles due to im- . peded dentition. A targe percentax« of In- '•su't 'eart to defend an agid parint.” “ fantasia" takes the place of tbe mod ­ pitfalls, but most specimens of these retains its indelible traces. Although I was mistaken. It 1* not the wife; it I ranni, mi and r.ialiti<•» are the result of “Burst an agid parint!" cried the animals are caught while small cubs he had always lived in tbe midst of the ern "marvelousneaa," “eatimantia” of ls the money market.—"Ixive and the I ;,o.w. Y,iu' fo?d «rappilPB what the * I deficient «y«tem demand«, and I have had sergeant recklessly. He rose to hi* while “cogitan- and raised on milk. i high Viennese aristocracy, in which “construct! veness,” Soul Huilters. I surprising success with in «core« of ease« feet and attempted to bestow a chaste _ The hippopotamus, the rhinoceros drawing room dances were beld In tla” is given instead of “hope.” The I b'lleve in havin' a good time when|^*’ tn.“"' regular foed, ha« salute ou the damsel's lips, an effort to «heck the infantile diHtresHeH. and tbe giraffe are difficult to secure. high honor, be never succeeded in danc­ author states that tbe brain bath cell* you start out to have it g If you git I I not Several of the more serious cases would, 1 that resulted In bis being soundly or chambers, and each cell contains a feel sure, have been fatal without ft. It can­ It is practically Impossible to capture ing in time. knocked out of one plan yon want to 1 not cuffed. Under this treatment his ardor be too quickly brought to the attention part of the understanding, and that a full grown beast of these species, and git yourself another right quick, be ­ “Herold composed while walking, of the mother« of the country. It 18 an ab- cooled, and he retreated toward the the young one* are hard to rear. A humming or singing, often in tbe these parts may be expressly seen in fore your sperrits bas a chance to fall. •olute necesalty. door. With his hand on the latch he L. C. MENDEL, M. D. baby hippopotamua will drink thirty Champs Elysees, and often passed bls tbe figure of the bead. Phrenologist* —"Lovey Mary.” turned to say: pinta of milk a day and a baby rhi­ best friends by without recognizing can at least disclaim against their Petaluma, Cal., September 1, 1943. “Per'aps I nlver told ye, but It's beliefs being newfangled. — London Dear Sir«—I have . just tried the teething _ noceros almost as much. Thus It re­ them. How Climate Has Cteaaged. ~. food in two cases and In both It wa« a muc - truth I’m tellin', tbot Casey saved me Chronicle. quires tbe presence of a large herd of cesB. One ,wau a very serious case, so criti­ In Switzerland a mean temperature “ Gounod composed especially at the lolfe once in a fight. Casey can mop cal that it was brought to me from another goats in the wilderness to supply milk table, or at least in his bead. When he equal to that of north Africa at the city for treatment. Fatal results were feared. up tbe floor wld thot howly parint av Hat Btleaette. for such creatures. A hippopotamus Is wrote, everything was absolutely clear In three days the baby ceased worrying and preseut time to shown by Its fossil yours, but I'll not lay me 'and ou ’im." Tipping tbe hat Is a rare thing among commenced eating and is now well. Its action worth from $2,500 to $3,000, a rhinoc­ In his brain. His manuscripts prove “Be all tbe saints, I never saw a man men when there are no women around. flora to have prevailed during tbe mlo- in this case was remarkable. I would ad­ eros slightly more, while giraffes sell at this. vise you to put It in every drug «tore in thl« so chicken hearted; afraid to stand up A few fine old fellows cherish tbe habit cene or middle tertiary epoch. An­ city. Your«, $2.500 or more, according to size, age “Wagner liked to write standing up of tipping to each other and to stran­ thropoid apes lived in Germany anti " M. PROCTOR, M. D. to a man no 'Igher than the stomlck The bullet* tang their fong ot death all and condition. I. about him. Franc*; fig and cinnamon trees flour- before a large table desk like tbe cash •v ye! Sure, an’ yer an ornament to gers when introduced, but ordinarily Sweetman's Teething Food will carry bub, Isbed at Dantaic; in Greenland, up to desk* in the shops. His scores were the army. Did ye Iver see tbe loikes aster beyond remedy. Of no use now tbe band never touches the brim. In safely and comfortably through the me«t dan Jamaica Crocodile*. written without erasures, in a superb business offices there is no sort of eti­ 70 degree* of latitude, magnolias serous period of child life. It renders lanc­ av ’Im,” she continued, addreasing an to bring back tbe screaming Filipino ing of the gums unnecessary. It is the safest There nre a good many crocodiles In calligraphic band, admirable for it* quette. Men in tbe sweep and rush of bloomed and vine* ripened tbelr fruit, plan and a blessing to the baby to not wait Imaginary audience while pointing the wbo dived into the hold. There was tbe more distant reserves of Kingston clearness and firmness aud worthy of while in Spitsbergen and even in Grin ­ for symptoms but to commence giving It the no help for it — tbe launch must go un ­ business have no time to give thought finger of contempt at Flynn—“a sojer harbor and at tbe mouths of tbe Ja­ a professional copyist. fourth or fifth month. Then all the teeth to hats. But certain decencies should nell Land, within little more than 8 will come healthfully, without pain, dis- for tin years an' nlver a scratch on the guided as chance might direct. Tbe maica rivers, but they are exceedingly “Berlioz, wbo played no instruments prevail. On entering a private office degree* of tbe pole, swamp cypresses treaa or lancing. It Is an auxiliary to their tinder skin nv 'im! Sure, If Iver 'e’a sergeant turned grimly to bls gun and wary, and a most cautious approach Is but the guitar, flute and flageolet, nec­ regular diet and easily taken. Price 60 cents touched at all, at all. It'll tie In tbe fired another volley, while tbe air look at tbe bead of tbe occupant. If ■nd walnut*, cedar*, limes, planes and (enough for .aix weeks), «ent postpaid on re­ necessary If one wishes to get close essarily worked at the table. back av ’Im." Then again she turncil about blm was hissing wltb tbe rush be baa bls hat on, keep yours on; if his poplar* grew freely, water lilies cov­ ceipt of price. Pacific Coast Agents, Inland enough for an effective shot "Franck, who was tbe head of a hat is off, remove yours. The removal ered over standing pool* and Irises Drug Co., Milla Building, San Francisco. of missiles and tbe deck on wblcb be to the disconsolate sergeant: Just as tbe lion bas bis jackal and school, scarcely composed at all till stood had become slippery wltb blood. of your hat to a compliment and a lifted their tall head* by tbe margin* "Not a word more will I apliake to tbe shark his pilot fish so the crocodile after 9 o’clock in the evening. Now at last a bullet sought blm out courtesy and does not indicate that you of stream* and river*.—Edinburgh Re­ ye. March out ov me kitchen, ye loaf Ancient H c