* HIE RECORDER is mm-isaiD (fill TMUasilAY AFTKBMOOM .... BT.... DAVID BC. MTITT, intron a « d raopniKToa. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Oni Year....... Hix Months... Thru* Months. .«a 00 .. 1 00 . KO •kvsKk. aitai * or usui*. W. C. T. U. COLUMN CLARENCE Y. LOWE, DO YOU NEED ANY HARD WARE? Bandon, Oregoa, The next W O T U meeting takes place Tuesday, al 2:30, P. M , at the We are ,till duina bn.inre« al Ih, Old Stand and oan pltMM ,uu. Giva aa a Cai! “When I had an attack of tbe grip M. E. Church. aud axamiua our last «inter (tbe second one) I actually The < igarette and the Ceni Ing cured myself with one bottle of Cham­ Battine** Baa. la jna*. in receipt of a naw and berlain’s Cough Remedy,“ says C has . H. S towell , M. D. freak «took of Now 18 tbe time to purchase Hardware Tbs undersigned bas Frank W. Perry, Editor of tbe £n I give the following reasons for in stock a large assortment of terprue, Shortsville N. Y. “This is • Drugs and Chemicals, opposing tbs smoking of cigaretts by the honest truth. I at times kept boys: Patent and Proprietary Preparations from coughing myself to pieces by 1. It lessens the natural appetite Toilet Artioles, taking ■ teaspoonful of tbia remedy, for food and injured digestion. The Glssswsre, Crockery and Miners* Supplies. Dr«Kglatn Mandrie*. and when the coughing spell would boy who smokes bus a bad digestion PcarvMEs, B ccshes , S ponozh , S oaps I’aiat*. Oil*. I)«or* and Window*. ooine ou at night I would take a dose and a poor appetite. Beoauae of thia T1N8HOP IN CONNECTION. N uts and C andikb . and it seemed that in tbe briefest in­ interference with appetite and di­ Cigars, Tobáceos and Clgrarettes. terval tbe cough would pass off and I Paints, Oils. Glasses, and Painter’s Supplied gested and asaimiiated, cellular activ­ would go to sleep perfectly free from ity ia checked, and the growth aud The Bandon Hardware Man. cough and its accompanying pains. J. B. BílStlER. SL Louis. Mc- development of tbe body seriously in­ To say that the remedy acted as a Sick stock or poultry should not terfered with by thia early poisoning most agreeable surprise is putting it eat cheap stuck food any more than 2. It seriously effects the nervous sick persons should expect to be very mildly. I had no idea that it cored by food. When your stock system. We often bear about tbe would or could knock ont tbe grip, and poultry are sick give them med­ “tobacco heart“ of tbe adnlt. If to­ icine. Don ’t stuff them with worth­ simply because I bad never tried it bacco ia strong enough to effect the less stock foods. Unload the bowels for such a purpose, bat it did, and it and stir up the torpid liver and the beating of tbe adult heart, bow much seemed with tbe second attack of animal will be cured, if it be possi­ stronger must tie ita effect on th ble to cure it. Black-Drauglit Stock coughing I be remedy caused it to not and Poultry Medicine unloads the heart of a yon ng person, long be foie only be of less duration, but tbe pains bowels and stirs up the torpid liver. tissues have become fixed. The rush It cures every malady of stock if were far lees severe, and I had not of blood to tbe bead, tbe dizziness, taken in time. Secure a 25-cent can osed dne bottle before Mr. Grip bad of Black-Draught Stock and Poultry tbe unsteady beatiug of tbe heart, Medicine arid it will pay for itself ten bid me adieu.” For sale by 0. Y. Bed Room Hui tea Curtaiu Pule, and Fine Wall Panar and tbe distressing dreams—all show how timecover.'Horses work belter. Cows and Piece,. Window Trimming». House Lining. Dealer In Rest« aad Shoe* give more lnilk. Hogs gain flesh. -------- SEWING MACHIN KB AND BABY CARRIAGES -------- seriously is the nervous system ef And hens lay more eggs. It solves the Repairing^neatl, and promptl, done at fected. This effect on the nervous Cabinet Shop in Connection. Mattresses and Spring*. problem cf making as much blood, Schooner Capeiaed. Invent living prices. system is sufficient to produce tbe flesh and energy as possible out of Furniture Repairing and Saw-filiog a Specialty. the smallest amount of food con­ S eattli , March 12.—The fishing most marked changes in tbe mental sumed. Buy a can from your dealer. filaee Cot nnd Fitted to Order- All Piotor- Framing 11 M DPftTA 1^ I Ni. activity. Recent statements from the UiaSS Biaea and weigta kept on bind neatly dune. U ’CLR I I1M and sealing schooner George W. Pres­ University of Michigan, Northwest ­ cott, of Victoria, was capsized and A Foil IJne of Burial Casket«. Burial llobea and Good«, and Undertaking Bappliea Conatantl, Kept on Hand. K. LEWIN, Prop. completely wrecked Monday morning, ern University, Yale College, Union College, together with scores of other 30 miles off tbe Columbia River, tbe NOTICE OF GUARDIAN. nearest port being Astoria. One mem­ institutions, aud hundreds of tbe Notice in hereby given that the nnder most eminent leaders of tbe country, Higued bn« hied Inn tinnì nocount ns «be ber of tbe crew, an Indian, was lost. guardian of > noma Webster, an innane pet- All kinds kept, The entire crew bad a narrow escape all testify to tbe fact that cigarette tarn in tbe County Court of C< mmi County smoking interferes with scholarship. Oregon, and that the County Judge of said BOLOGNA 8LU8AGE. HEAD-CHEESE from death. Conntv has appointed Monday. April 6th Hud VEAL nlwfiye on hand, News of the accident reached Se­ If it interferes with scholarship of 1*103. at tert o’clock A. M„ mh tbe time and at the Comity Conri ro<»n» of said Countv at young men over twenty oue years of CORNED BEEF, attle this morning on the arrival of I Coquille City, Co«Cognty, State of Ore­ tbe steamer Montara, from San Fran­ age, bow much more seriously must it gon, aa tbe . lac«' f< r the aettloment of the PICKLED PORK estate ot «»nd Maonta Webster, and tbe cisco. Tbe Montara picked up tbe interefere with tbe mental activities hearing of obidJtivH* to said final account if any. E. E. PAKKI8H, c^'oQiiillc CJity, Ol'ejx’oii. crew and brought them to Seattle. of those under this age! BUTTER, EGG, and Guardian. 3. It lowers the moral tone B ojb fib 11 For more than 48 hours the Prescott J. P. TUPPKH, Proprietor. FRUIT acd VEGETABLES notice for pubmoation . end its crew floundered in tbe waves. who would not tell a lie on any other Timber Land Act June 3, 1878. of all kinds. » Frequently .they were washed over matter, not for a fortune) our best U nited > taths L* nd O ktlob at R okkbukg , This well known hotel is now uuder new ami com­ Meat, Delivered lo persons living on tba board, finally they were compelled and noblest boys, do not seem to ties O hegon . Jnnuary 19. 1903. petent management.Hmi bus been thorongbly reu- Notice i« hereby given that in compliance River, or along tbo Stage Route to tie themselves to tbe deck and itate a moment to tell any kind of a with uvutetl throughout. Tbe table service is equal to the provisions of the act of CutigresH await assistance. For 66 hours they falsehood in order lo keep from their of June 3. 1*78. entitled "All act. lor tbe sale any in Southern Oregon. Sample rooms fur com­ 60 YEAR*’ timber landa in the States of California, were drenched to the skin, went with­ parents tbe fact that they are smokii g <>f Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Terri mercial turn. Baggage triiii?| orted lo and Lorn out food and every minnte expected cigarettes. They bide tbo cigarettes t«>rv,” as extended to all the Public Land boats and trains free of cio.rge. States by act of zSugnat 4. 1892. Edward E. They smoke then: away from home. to be dashed to pieces. Fine new bur iu couneciiou with tbe hotel. Oaken, of Parkerxbnrff. County <>: Coos, Tbe Montara was sighted yester Th«y try in every way to conceal tbe State of Oregon, ban this day filed in this office bis sworn statement No. 4333. for the day morning at 8 o’clock. Tbe crew truth. Indeed, they will du all mau- purchase of the SE *4 of NWki of Section 11 in Towuab’p No 28 8., Henge No. 14 was taken aboard. They consisted of ner of things in order to deceive those No. West, and will offer proof to «Low that the who are nearest and dearest to them. four white men and 18 Indians, un­ land »ought w snore valuable for its timber 4. It creates a craving for strong or atone than for agricultural pnrpo«es, and der command of Captain Ramlose. to eatHblish Ins u Ini in to sard land before L. " An rone sending a sketoh and description may ascertain our opinion free whether an Captain BariDg, of tbe Montara, sunk drink, Tbe hot smoke from tbi H. Hazard. < utility Clerk of Coos County. quickly Invention Is probably patentable. Communica­ Oregon, at Ciiqniite, on Saturday, the 18tb tion* st rictly confidential. Handbook on Patents tbe schooner after tbe crew was taken cigarette tends to make tbe mouth day of April, He names ns witnesses: sent free. Oldest agency for «eenringpatents. Patents taken through Munn A Co. receive and throat dry, aud creates a peculiar Ed. Hadavll. of Hrkeiaburg, Ottgon; N. E. ° fpicud off. notice, without charge, in the Barkiow, of Banditi, Oregon; A. Carlson, of sinking sensation in tbe stomach. The vessel was caught in a heavy Parkersburg, Orqxor.: Andrew Perkins, of Oregon. cross-sea and was completely over­ Water way temporarily relieve ibis Parkersburg. A handsomely llluMtrated weekly. largest cir­ Anv «nd all person« claimin'! adversely of any scientdflc Journal. Terms, |3 a turned. The entire crew was washed dryness, aud may temporarily cheek the above i]e«crni*d lands are requested to culation yoar; four months, *L Sold by all newsdealers. tile their claims in this office ou or before tbe sinking sensation. But with tbe overboard, but all save one succeeded This 8tearaer will cive h regular lOdny Service between Coqnilln Kiv«r, Oregon, and San said 13th day of Api il, 1903. Finncisoo, California, for Loth pa*t»oflKorM aud frvixhi. ■in swimming back and clinging to tbe moral tone lowered abd the mental J. T. Baino«'», }, Kegister, wreck. Tbe loss is estimated at fCOOO power weakened, tbe desire to yield Jan‘29 E. DYEll Apent, Bandon. Or pon. The Prescott was an old schooner to tbe first temptation is strengthened, SWAYNE «t EOYT, Agent, 936 Battery Street. Hau Franci*o<», California. NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. that has seen much service in sealing because of the flimsy excuse that the Timber Land Act June 3 1878. boy must have something to wet bis along the California coast. U nited S tate « L and O ffice , at B ose throat. And so it gives on, from bad bvug O kkg ' N. January 19, I9G3, to worse. In other words, the’ boy Notice is hereby given that in compliance A MS,000,000 Fee. with the <’f the act of Congress who smokes more easily accepts an of June 3, provlsios« 1878, entitled. “Au act for the P. B. HOYT, Prop. Nzw Yoax, March 14.—New York invitation to treat tbuii one who does sale of tindier lands in the States of Cali­ fornia. Oregon, Nevada, and Washington lawyers believe, says the Herald, that not smoke. Territory,” as extended to all the Public Located in EL DORADO BUILDING. FJrst Street, BANDON. OHEÜON if the Panama canal treaty is passed 5. Il is a filthy and offensive habit. Land State« by aot of Auenst 4, 1892, War reti C. Barker, of Parkersburg, County of by tbe United States Senate, William No matter how stealthily tbe boy Coos. State of Oregon, has this dav filed in SHAVING, 8IIA1ÜPOOING AND HAIR Nelson Cromwell, of this city, will re­ may do bis work, sooner or later bis this office his sworn alaiernent No 4328, for CUTTING AT STANDARD PRICES. Will Keep on Hand at all Times the purchase of tbe SEV4 of 8WW of Sec­ ceive tbe largest fee ever given to a clothing becomes saturated with tbe tion No 31. in Township No 27 8., Range Bathroom newly flttrmu>¡i Teiu«rü-, eJ Ti-rilsaS, Oregon. It is tbe larRmt svenimi news­ pipe published in Oregon: it contami all th. news of tbe state end of tbe natiot Try it for a month. A «ample • 'PT W I be mail-d toyou free. Address The Telegram, rORTLASn, OKK. J. L. THOMPSON, Shaving Parlors and Bathrooms «having S3 Cesta. Bath* S3 Cesta. Workmanship op to date io any authority—The Weekly thing in tn y line. - —Next Door io Pos to See — Notice for Publication. [Tlinber Land. AM Jane ». iBla.J UwrrxD H titxs L axd Orricx, BonsuBo. O mook , Feb. 12. 1WH. Notice i« herehj given that in compliance with the pruviaionn of the act of C.mgreM of •lune 8. IH7H, entitled "An s'* for tbe »ale of timber land in tbe Stale« of California. Ore gon, Nevada, and Waaliiiigion Territory.” hr ■«tended lo all tbn Public Land Slat«» br »ct of \nun.I 4, 1H92, Koltert E L. Be- dtllion. of Bandon, oonnlv of (,' uoh . Slate of Oregon, haa tbia da» filed tn tbm offioe hi, «wont .tatement No. 4M0. for the pnrebaae of the NWt< of SWS of Section No. 34. in Townnhip rtamber >|Hoiith. of Rnnge ntnulter 14 West,and will oiler proof to show that tbe land -owcht ia more trainable for ita timber or ,tooe than for agricatoral Crpoaea. and to eateblub bi. claim to «aid nd before C. T. Blomeorotber. U- 8. Com- miMioner at bin office at Bandon. Oregon, on Wedneadav. the 20th da, of Ma,, 1'jiJL He names «« witne*-ea: A. G. Hoyt. N. K. Barkiow, R H. K<>»a. John Anderaon, all of Bandon. Coo« Conntv. Oregon. An, and all peraon, claiming adveral, the above-described bind" are reqneated to file their claim« in tbia office on or bef >rn said 30 da, of Ma,, 190S. 1. T. BniDoxa. feblfi Register. office her «worn atatement No. 4484. for the pnrebane of the of NEW of Section No. 10 in Townnhip Ño. 29 8.. Range No. 14 West, anti will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for if« timber or atone than for agricultural purpose«, and to efetHbliab her claim to anid land before L. H. Hazaid. Oonntv Clerk of Coos County. Oregon, at Coquille, ou M >nday, the 1st day of June, V.NJ3. She names as wituemiea; C. Long, o’f Bai d«>n, Oregon; J. F. Haun of ParkeraburggOregon; W. C D oh k of Park erabnrg, Oregon; Cash Doyle of Parkers burg, Oregon; Any and «II persons claiming advor«ely tbe above describid lands are requested to file their claim’» in tbia < ffioe ou or before said 1st day of June, 19014. J. T. B bidgks , feb26 Register. NO I ICE FOR PUBLIC ATION. Timber Land Act June 3, 1878. U nitsd S tatbs L and O ffxok , R oububo . Oregon. February 20th. 1903. Notice ia hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June 3. 1878, entitled "An act for the «ale of timber land«, in the States of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington i erritory.” as extended to all the Public Land -8(**!v» by act af Augx*. 4, 1892, Sarah Fahy, of Bullards. County or Coo«. Slate oi Oregon, Las Ihia day filed in this office ber «worn statement No. 4485 for the purchase of the KE*4 of NE*4 of Section No. 5, in Township No. 28 S., Range No. 14 W., wBl offer p;v2, Nel. It«« inua-en, of Bandon, County of Coo«, State of OreRon, h»H tbi« d»v filed in thia office bia «worn atatement No. 4284. for the por- ohnae of tbe SEI. of NEJ. and EH' of SEI. and 8WH of SEI. of Keetion No e in Town- ahip No 29 S.. lt«u«e No. 14 W., and will offer pr<~f to «how that the land «ought 1« more valuable for ita limber or, atone than for agricultural pnrp'Htea. and to eatabliab hi» ulaim to «aid land before L. H. Hazard. County lerkof Cooe County, (»regon. al Coquiile, on Saturday, tbe 111b day of April, i'ju3. He names aa witneeaea: A. E. Hud­ nall. of Parkersburg. Oregont Nathan Bark- low. >>f Bandon. Oregon; H. Buderman, of Park-raburg. Oregon; U. H. Rosa, of Ban don, Oregon; Any and nil persona claiming adversely the above described landa are requested to fit» their claim» in this oflioe on or before an id lltb day ot April, 118». J. T. Bunx.ua. jnn29 Kegiater. KOTI'tS F9»! MW IOVTiaW Titular I.und, Aet June 3, 1878. United Staten Land Oflioe, Roeeburg Oregon. February 24. 190B. Notion la hereby given that in compliance with the proviaioha of tbe aot of Congress of Jnne 8. 1878, entitled “An act for the «ale of limber lande in th« Stale» of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Terri­ tory,** as extended to all the Public Land Staten tty aot of August 4. 1892. Guy Drew, of Parkersburg, County of Coos. State of Oregon, baa tbia day filed in tbi« office hie sworn Statement No. 4B09, for the purchase of the 8WW of NEU of Section No. 22 in Township No. 29 8., Range No. 14 Wen,, and will offer proof to ebow that tbe land ----- THE STEAMER----- sought ia more valuable for iu timber or ebine than for agricultural purpoaee. and to «■tabliab bis olaim to «aid land before L. H. Hazard, County Clerk of Cooa County. Oregon, at (outline, on Tueuday tb» 2nd day of June, 1903 He name« aa wtUieuaea: THOMAS WHITE, Master A. E Hadaall. W. 0 Parker. W. A. Doak. aud 1. A. Doak. all of Parkersburg. Oregon. Anv and all persona claiming adversely Leaves Bandon every morning, except Sunday, nt 7:30 o'clock and makes connec­ the above described lands are requested lo tion« with the train and steamer Myrl at file th-ir claims in this office ou or before 10:30 a. m. at Coquille City. »aid 2nd das vt June. 191*. J. T. Bnniosa, leaves Coquille City at 12:30 p m^ arriv mart Register. ing at Bandon at 4^0 p. m. DISPATCH NOTICE FOR PUI1LICA1 TON. [Umber I.and Act June 3. 1878.] U iitsd S tatus L and ornca, ilosauvao. O bboom . December 80. lfiOt. Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the pro» laiona of the act of Congress of June 8. 1878. entitled “An aot for tbe eale of timber lands in tbe Blates of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Wellington Ter­ ritory.” as extended to all tbe Public Land Statea by act of Augnst 4. 1892 Stephen 8. I.itlle, of Bandon, County of C< mm >, State of Oregon, baa tbi« day filed in tbia office his «worn ataiement No 4220, for the pnrebaae of tbe 8EU of NEW of Section No. 5. in Township No. 29 8.. Range No. 14 W., aud will oiler proof to show that tbe land »ought ia mure valoable for ita timber or alone than for agricultural purpose«, and to eu- tnlillab bis claim to said land hefore L. H. Hazard, County Clerk of Cooa County, Or­ egon, at Coquille. Oregon, on Tueaday, tbe 24th day of Marob, 1908. He tiNiuea a« wit- neeae»: B. L. Hirst, of Iinudon, Oregon: Samuel Hunter, of Bandon, Oregon; Ed Stephens, of Bandon, Oregon; R. H. Boss, of Bendon. Oregou. Any and all persona Haiming adversely tbe above described land« are requested to file their claims in this office on or before «aid 24th day of March, 1908. j. T. B vdoss , janR Register. NOTICE FOlt PUBLICATION. [Timber I.ami Aet, June 3, 1N7N ] U nitbd S tatbs I. and OrwMiB, ivuesacao, O bkoo N, January 8th, 1903. Notice is hereby given tbst io compliance with tbe provisions of the act of Cougrere of Jone 3, 1878. entitled. "An aet for Ibe sale of timber laud» in the Htaiea of California, Oregon, Nevada, nnd Washington Terri­ tory." aa extemied to all the Public Lind State« by net of August 4. 1*92. Chris Kas- Tun««en, of Baudot!. Couuty of Coo«, Stato of Oregon, has tbia day filed in this office bia »worn statement No. 4257. for tbe pur ch««e of tbe WW of N W« and WUof 8Wj< of Section No. 38, in Township No. 29 B-. Range No. 14 W.. and will offer proof to abow that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or atone than for agricultural pnrroses. and to eetahliah bin olaim io Mid land before L. H. Haaard. Connty Clerk of C