BANDON RECORDER. FOOD IN FRUrr SKIN.S, Salrlllva Maalltl«« In Them Believed In Be a Hraln K«ul. I POLLY LARKIN. | dulged in woHi-mokiuga big pi|« twice a day. 1 remarked to him oue day that we would have to gel him au a«- ■utaut a« all the room« were now rented aud the work was too much for one man. He simply stared at me for a moiueut and then turned aud walked out of tbe room without a word. Hut 1 i noticed be quit smoking and for about •lx month« be never Indulged in Ids oue luxury. Then he got leave of afineuee for about two mouths and asked hi hi« ¡»eeuliar nasal voice for me uol to gel au assistant for he wa« going to his old home in Norway to get one. 1 thought that would be the la«t ol him, but in just two mouths to the day in lie walked with bis twin brother and announced that he had brought lii« asaistant. They were like a« two ¡teas In a pod. They both occupy tbe little Iiack liedroom, which contains the bed and two chairs and a Huy mirror on tbe wall; take their bread and black coffee in the morning, which Is made on their little coal oil stove, and their ten-cent dinners every night, winter and summer. They go to lied at dusk to save the expense of a tallow caudle. Their w hole aim in life is to save enough to go back Io the old country and buy a fishing smack aud outfit, and marry the two tlaxen-haired sweethearts that are awaiting their coming with a patience and faith iu their lovers that would make le«H-coustant lovers turn green with euvy. Their gain will be our lose, however, for uever was build­ ing kept so immaculately clean as ours under the Norwegian regime. fOR THE HOUSEWIFE CHOICE MISCELLANY NEW SHORT STORIES 4TNTS FOR FARMERS t'«brd« Weadta«. When tiny wgu »put« cume to light fa a favorite bl«k or dark colored «Ilk umbrella, they •“ be mended neatly by covering the »lace with black silk courtplaster. C9 the plaster In little round piece* «ifcbtly larger than the hole« to be meuffd- mol«teu aud apply on the Inaldc of he open cover. If th« umbrella 1« oatupted in a heavy «how er. the eourtpl$»ter must be applied once more. Iniileutally It 1« allowing an umbrella to try while it I* closed ■ nd lie away Inxhe fold« which cause* these tiny craft« and hole« in tbe cover. A still better way to mend these worn place*. If «tie can** to take th« extru trouble, is to darken with black Ink a glue whir* you know will defy molNture. Only a small quantity need be darkened. Agply till* lu a thin coat to «ome black sik cut out quite a little larger thau I* ugi'asary for the court- plaster. Apply o* the luside of the urn- lirella with the umbrella open aud set It aside still <>|>« to dry. In this way one can make «n umbrella last much longer tbau If tbe boles are neglected. It certainly proves economical to pur­ chase a good ugibrella with a quiet natural woisieu banbi.' whose appear­ ance I* always dainty anil refined, for the cover can lie renewed for a dollar, a good frame aud handle outwearing many covers. A Prwmraadr With • Tl«rr. Hum«« sradmt«* Frank«. A Naw IAr* For Potato Grower«. Among those remembered by the king in lii» UUtributiou of coronatlou honors wa» Sir Edward Bradford, chief <-omml»siouer of police for tbe city of London, who was made a baronet. 8ir Edward ba» held bl* present posi­ tion for ten year* aud ba* at all times diHpluyed au unfailing tact and a broad capacity for dealing with tbe complicated situations which are so frequently presellteil for bi* couaidera tion. Tbe chief commiaslouer ba* but otic arm. He lost tbe other lu a hunt­ ing accident «lieu be wa* a goisl deal younger than be la now. He was «boot­ ing iu ludla and came to close quar ter* with a tiger. He tired at the ani­ mal, but Hie bullet ouly Inflicted a alight wound. The tiger *praug upon him and fastened it* teeth In bl* left arm Juat above the elbow 8lr' Ed want had presence of rniud aufflcleut to realize Halt it would be fatal to struggle and in spite of the great pain actually walked a few steps beside bls captor lu tbe direction of tlie animal’* lair. He wa* fortunately prevented from continuing till* most unusual promenade by a couqtanion, who shot the tiger, but the bitten arm was so badly mangled that It bud to be ampu­ tated at the shoulder. One of tiie nota­ The Sense« «nd Fine Art«. Tlie tine art* are each distinctly as ble sights at the diamond Jubih*e of the Bis-lated with one of the senses. With­ late Queen Victoria was Sir Edward'* out sight there would lie no enjoyment management of his buge black borae In front of St. Paul's at tbe couc I uh I ou of painting, sculpture or architecture of the special service. Tbe animal wa* for us. Without hearing music would not exist. Without tuste we should somewhat restive, says the Brooklyn full to appreciate cookery, which In all Eagle, but tiie maimed eoihuiisslouer civilized communities lias been reck controlled him while be mounted by holding the bridle rein* between his oiled lu It* highest phases as a tine art. teeth. In till* fashion he Is said habit­ There are, therefore, two senses left ually to have handled bl* horse during that have at present no artistic repre­ his long experience a* a pig sticker In sentatives—those of Binell and of touch. India. During ¡he luter empire at Home the former wus cultivated as a line art. Napoleon'« H««e. and a symphony of scent* came to lie A story is told of a sudden ruge into spoken of In the same category as one which Naisileon I. fell oue day Just a* of soHtids. The fashion died out when he sat down to dinner. He liad scarce­ Rome fell from its high estate. but ly partaken of a mouthful when appar­ there Is nothing more inherently uh- ently some .Inopport line thought or rec­ surd or Impossible in a tine art of ollection stung his brain to madness, odors tlian iu one of colors. Touch is and, receding from the table without les?udifl^tuble. bu^tlie development of rising from Ills chair, he uplifted bis wireless telegraphy and through It of thought transmission by a minimum of mechunical means uiuy yet raise that senseoto tlie dignity of liavlng nil art corresponding with it* utility. They still tell the «lory at Villa Me did. ltouu*. of a "nouveau" student who when presented to M. 8<-buets himself Isildly tapped him ou the chest and. to the Joy of the "aucieu" student«, ex­ claimed: "I know that Joke, old chap. No um * trying It ou me!” Tbe Joke is tbe richer «luce It marks tbe pa ««lug of one of tbe best Joke« at Ibis fumou« Institution. For years it bad been the custom for the older »tu deuts to have oue of their number in a dress coat presented with all due wolem nity to tlie new students. Still another Joke 1« fur the older student* to capture a Couple of new­ comer* and after conducting them to their room* thrust them in and lock the door, leuvlug them face to face with a donkey tied between the la-ds. Each year tbe saloon of the villa 1» transformed Into a gala place, utid the *|«*ctator find* himself iu the midst of a country fair, an old time Roman carnival or the holdup of a family ot English tourists, lu which a young woman, who, by tbe way, wear* a lux­ uriant mustache, is borne off lu tri­ umph by a luind of tbe blackest bun- dlts ever painted. Time are more nutritive qualities How few cbildreu are taught the art bidden lu the aklua of fruit«, cereal« of saving. Every penny, nickel and mid vegetable« than the average per. dime gum foreou fee tionery- the cheap­ son 1« aware of. lu fact, the great bulk of the bralu building food* are In est kind of cake« ami caudle«, and the «kina of the fruit« and vegetable» worthies« toy«. Every cent fairly burn« their little hand« uutil they have In­ we eut. If. a* 8a varln says, "the destiny of vested it for the mere liiiieslhat give anti ai« depend* on their food." then loit the pleSHiire of a moment. The the destiny, whether a healthy long wily storekeeper has learned tiie art life or iusanity or suicide of every unit now-a-day« of coaxing the nickel« and »f the United State« depend« ou how he dime« and little brown coppers into or »be 1« fed. If the breed ao much depend« upon their ca»h-drawer« by wheel«of fortune, food. why should not every ¡icrsou ca­ grab boxes and the like. In the former pable of normal thought seek to pro­ the little purchaser lay« down hl« five cure such food as best sustains his or cent« and gives a whirl to Hie wheel of her normality? Brain starvation, fortune. If the hand» marking the through the lack of suitable bralu and time «top» at a certain figure he doubles nerve uourlshmeut lu our dally food, the amount slid gel« ten instead of five is the sole cause of the craving for cents' worth of candy; frequently be stimulants to supply, us they do. arti- only gets the nickel'« worth. They like ficiully and Improperly what nuture lias provided III a natural forui lu the the excitement of turning that wheel skin of the grape, which contains the however, and back they go the first best part of the wine; In the skins of time they can get a cent, to try their all fruits and vegetables, and if not In foituner. The next «nare is the grab the skins of the cereals, bow comes It I mix . Home are only a penny a grab, that stimulating properties are extract­ others a nickel. It is the biggest kind ed from them, us the inner kernel, of a swindle. The child get« a box with the starch, Is devoid of anything other four or five piece« of the commonest than a heat giver? kind of »tale candy and an article not It has been proved by chemical anal­ Line« the Clotheahaakel. ysis uud demonstrated by microscopic worth half a eeut. It pleaaes tlie child­ To protect damp clothes from possi­ experiments that the most valuable ish fancy for th« instant, and create« ble stulua from a clothesbasket that brain sustaining properties are resi­ Hie desire to try their luck again. It is ba* seen many years' usage I make a dent In all skins of cereals, fruits and not right to encourage till« folly, and loose removable lining, «ay« a corre­ vegetables, and us an Instance of the yet many parents are blind to the fact. spondent of American Agriculturist. I »»«» great difference to the health resultant They reason t hat is only a small amount use old sbevts and always have two on "Hut where, Polly, would you gel the hand. Cut a piece tbe size aud shape from partaking or rejecting tlie skins and if it gives Jack or Jill or Mary or here Is an incident that occurred In California youth to live thus frugally to of the bottom of the basket. Cut an­ Annie any pleastne where’s the harm? India, as told by an Indian officer: gain a certain object in life'?” 1 admit other piece as long as tbe circumfer­ A regiment was stationed In a part It would tie better for the wee folks in that they are few and far between, ence of tbe basket at tbe top and a« of the country where grapes were the the long run to teach them that “a still I have known, personally, several deep as tbe sides and four Inches more. chief article of food. The officers, one penny saved is a |>euny earned.” Ouce boys who were very economical,denied If the basket Is a round one, gather tbe after another, becume so sick as to be they begin to save, they will take the side lining after seaming up aud sew invalided us until, for service, but it same pleasure lu adding to the little themselves many enjoyments that their to tbe bottom piece, but If tlie basket 1« being considered remarkable that the sum tliat they had previously enjoyed companions indulged in and refrained of oval shape take two deep dart* at troops were all well a commission of in throwing it away for cheap, stale from all luxuries for the sake of an each end to make tbe side lining fit tbe Inquiry was instituted, when It was education. Yet they were favorites Imttom. Cut and bind two slits four candy at Hie confectioner». This year found that while every trooper In eat­ with young and old and, needless to inches from the top edge to slip the n arked anew era for a number of Polly ’ s ing grapes swallowed the skins the offi­ say, gained their hearts' desire aud handles through, turn over on tbe out­ cers followed the fashionable habit of little friends, both girls and boys, who have made a success financially since* side the superfluous four inches, which rejecting them. It was then ordered have passed many nickels and dimes leaving college. They simply know no keeps tjie lining from «lipping, and you that the officers should swallow the over tlie counter for the privilege of can alwuys have a clean busket, no such word as fail, but plod steadily on­ skins, which wus done, with the result whirling the wheel of fortune and matter bow discolored or old It is. ward, passing by obstacles I hat- would O — that they immediately recovered. delving deep into the mysteries of the The C'hanirlBK Fashion 1« Novels. Thus It will be seen that the skin of grab box of trashy odds and ends. makes less resolute nature faint-hearted A Handy Little Box. ° Literary fashions are ulm»*t us the grape, besides being a bralu feeder, Their father itsik the smaller sizes of and a ho|>eless failure. A long chocolate box makes a good (sissesses other healthful and nutritive foundation for this pretty pin box. changeable a* fiyihions in dress, and tlie yea»t-|s>wder cans and soldeied the qualities necessary to the sustenance of COver and line with silk, fixing it ei­ Wilkie Collins is today out of fashion. BRIEF REVIEW the human body. The reason why as tops on hard ami fast, after cutting a ther with vegetable glue or seccotlne. *rrue, ninny of ids novels have ac paragus. calibuge, string beans, lettuce, slit hi the top and arranging it so the Tlie little divisions iu tbe ends are for quired the fame of the sixpenny edition spinach and other green vegetables are money tuiuld go in but could not Electricity and Sleep. small plus. These are made by cover- But his is not a uauie to e.injure v.itli. so wholesome 1« that the skins are not come out. It was better than any bank and If reference is ever made lo him A eommuiiieation lately made in the It is as tlie pnslucer of sensational nov rejected. Our Friend. they could buy, for deft little fingers French Academy of Hi'lences by M. els df a type which long ago lost Its soon learn the combination of tlie not Leduc regarding Hie use of electricity A Tou«h Negro. freshness. Mr. Hardy holds that mod very well constructed toy banks. Now in inducing anaesthesia, or loss of cou- Stories of brute toughness and Ho­ ern writer* ha ye uo story to tell. Wil there is a rivalry between them to see sciousnese, is likely to Interest those meric endurance are tenderly preserv­ kle Collins bad. and knew how to tel! which will have tlie largest amount who aie specially concerned with the ed lu the folklore of the water front It. He, like tlie Ancient Mariner, b >lds — how, for Instance, Scipio Flanagan, when the banks are o|>en«d. Each one production of that state, says the Lon­ the reader with Ills glittering eye from "the biggest nigger in the business," ha« a motive for saving, for the amount don Chronicle. E'ectric currents have first to lust. So potent is his power supported the entire weight of ail im­ will go towards their summer vacation. apparently Iieen proved to lie capable that even In those stfirle* that are not mense packing case, weighing upward They are plotting and planning and in certain cases in causing the uncon­ his best one I* compelled to read on. of 1.800. on bls prostrate body. The jingling their cans, and while the banks His methods are not the methods of to­ scious state. It ap|iears that M. Ise ing pieces of card with silk. They negro held the band truck to receive get heavier from week to week the till day. But the admission Is not a con­ the case, which In the bands of half a of the coufectiouer misses the modest duc’s early experiments were attended should be the exact width of thè box, demnation, and many a modern novel­ with pain. He lias now made arrange­ but a half inch less in depth. dozen men was being balanced at Just ist who sneers ut bi* technique might. little sum he hail iieen wont to count ments whereby through the more Tbe lid I* a straight piece of card, a If he would, letfrn a much needed les­ the right angle to slip Into place. But It hit the edge of the truck and knock- on. Each week their father gives them gradual application of his currents, and trifle smaller tbau Hie box, as It siuks son from Wilkie Collins. — Ixnidon ed It away, and the negro unluckily a small amount to deposit and by the by allowing a longer iieriod for their inside the Isix and rests ou tbe parti­ Speaker^, lost his footing and fell Hut with the end of the week, as the number of action, pain may be avoided. It will tions. It is padded at tbe top to form Indian Servant Gtrla. great box on top of him. lie shrieked |>eunies, nickels and dimes have been be scientifically important to note any a pincushion and is covered and lined A new solution of the servant girl with silk. A tal» of ribbon is sewed to In terror and groaned. It was said, like deputed, there is a very perceptible further development« of this phase of each end, so that it may be easily problem I* being discussed in the large a siren whistle, but when a gang of difference ill the weight. It Is a lively 1 « cities of the west. Indian girls from fifteen men lifted the thing bodily and competition and the result is looked electrical applications. I do not for a rHlsed. ♦ —— o special training schools are being em­ pulled him out all be did was to screw foiwaid to with much Interest, at least moment suggest that M. Ix-duc’s re­ Case For Pattern«. searches are other than valuable, but ployed as servant girls. It i* said that Ids fists Into his eyes like a big child, by the Juvenile members ot the family. oue bears in mind the possibility of A pattern case Is a very useful ac­ the Indian girls who have been proper­ stretch bls long limbs grotesquely and cessory for tbe home seamstress. We »»•» ly trained are found to be perfect em­ return to work. Of course be talked hypnotic and other states influencing all know tbe inconvenience of au over­ bodiments of satisfactory domestic shout this feat for many a day.—Frank a certain class of patients, and it is very In another family where there is flowing box, with the0 needed »pattern Leslie's Monthly. desirable that in such researches central invariably at the very bottom. The service. Five thousand or more Indian one child the father, who is a shrewd girls have b<*en engaged from the vari­ exjieriinents should lie carefully insti­ case requires a strip of some heavy Old Delusions. financier himself, discovered that Ins ous Indian schools of Jbe southwest to material, such ns cretonne or deuim, act *as domestics in the home* of It Is Inexplicable how the old delu young son, although but a mere child, tuted. 1 yard long and012 inches wide. Three wealthy people In Kansa* City, Chica­ slon that a man cannot eat one quail had not inherited his desire to save. He Origin ot “Hobson’s Choice.” strips of tape are piit lengthwise “of go. St. Imuis and Denver. Most of a day for thirty days bolds Its own. thought he detected in him the char­ Mr. Har|ier tells us-all there is to tie this material epul distances apart. these girls areofroni tlie Chicago and Any man can eat one quail a day for acteristics of the spendthrift. To use told alsiut Thomas Hobson, the famous The tapes are fastened down firmly Haskell Indian schools. Tlie Indian thirty days. At Lawrence some years his own expression, “I nipped that carrier lietween Ijondon and Cambridge at spaces four iuckes apart and also girls a^e physically strong. They are, ago Will Upton ate two quails a day for more than thirty days. For tlie fault right in tlie bud, Polly. I got him who died in 1831. It was from him at the ends. Two long tapes are fas­ a* a fule, faithful, polite aud unobtru­ first week or two he starved himself a Imnk III short order and talked save— that the proverb of ^Hobson’s choice” tened at one end, to tie the case wbeuc sive.—Buffalo Enquirer. with the Idea that he must keep up an save save—to him, until he imbibed ansie, meaning, of course, a choice rolled up. Tbe er,” so own Imnk Issik and is as proud of it as per turn. ‘That or none,’ was his un­ ately on rising, another at night are manager decided it should liei-oiue tbe recommended by physicians. Try to called, 1« In the constellation of Ursa anything he possesses. Boys are not failing formula, when the Cambridge drink as little water aq, possible with ward of tlijj railroad, which is now Major, or the Great Bear. The stars ¡laying tlie expenses of Its nursing. wholly to blame, Polly, when they students, eager to pick and choose, meals, but take a glatsful half an hour forming the tall of the bear also form Every day scores of railway men cull the handle of the dipper. The first star grow up «|>endthrifts and don’t know would have selected their own fancy iu to an hour before eating. This rule op little Nikola Jewskaja uml assist lu In the handle Is Benetnascli, the second the value of a dollar. Foreigners know horse fiesh. Every customer wasserved persisted in day after day, month after amusing her. month, tbe complexion will improve Mizar, the third Alioth. The other how to save lietter t! an our own Amer­ without favor. aud the general health likewise. Water four, which go to form the bowl of the ican hoys. ‘ Basel«« With the Brik«. Salt for Sheep. dipper, are Megres, Phad, Merak and drunk with meals should be sipped, as Tbe festivities attending the wedding Dudbe. The two last named are called Experiments in the value of salt In well as taken sparingly. of Miss Josephine Malegkerand Frank “I have in mind a lank, rawlsiued “The Pointers,” because they point or the food of sheep have Iieen recently Kubee. which took ¡dace the other To Preserve Salad Dressing. juHle tlie eye to the pole star, which Is Norwegian lad who ambled awkwardly mail« in France. Of three lots of sheep, morning at tbe Polish monastery In To prevent tbe curdling of boiled into my office alsiut three years ago and distant 29 degrees. The top bowl stars one had no salt, a second hail half an salad dressing mix a teaspoonful of Green Bay. WIs., were concluded the ire 10 degrees and the bottom ones 8 asked for work. We had had trouble ounce daily, and the third had three- flour with tlie sugar and mustard while next morning at 1 o'clock. Following legrees apart with our window cleaners for some fourths of an ounce. The sheep taking all three are dry. Then proceed with tlie usual custom, plates were spun by lime; the work was so poorly done and Hie male guests for a chance to dance salt gained more flesh and had better tbe rule as usual. This will prevent A Bag Lot. the window cleaners, Japanese, were so tvlth the bride. As a result 101 plates Newitt — Yes. old Goodman's three wool than those without It, and the tbe dressiug from curdling. Never Wera broken, and $2*25 wa* paid out l>oys are a bad lot. Two of them at independent, that a happy thought sheep getting half an ounce did lietter cook it too long over the Are. Over­ for tlie liouor of dancing with tbe struck me. We would give this young cooking often curdles a dressing that least ought to be in Jail. than those getting more. tride, who danced two hours aud ten Norwegian the work of cleaning the would otherwise have been ¡»erfect. Brown — Some redeeming quality lilnutes by tbe watch. entire building, washing windows and •bout the third one, eb? At a recent auction sale in Isindon a When removing it from tbe fire, set Newitt—Yes; he’s already there.— keeping everything in order. He spoke love letter written by Keats to Fanny the pan* in a basin of cold water and Fish «nA Filar«. Catholic Standard and Times. English very Indifferently, but filially Krawne was knocked down for_$2l'2. stir it until it has cooled a little. This Every yaar the Uoiteti State« iisli Will r.voiee It more smoovii auuTTeamy. I made him understand what was In 1885 the same letter brought only joniinlssloner distributes the enormous Itooatlag Comfortably. wanted. You never saw such a worker. $71 at auction. As it contains only 68 number of 1.5UO.0U0.0UU young ttsb. or Bread Padilla«. “It wa'n't warm, but It was peace­ Soak a pint of stale bread in a quart alsiut twenty for every man. woman ful,” says the man who lived in the II* made friend* with no one, but at­ words, including address and ilgnature chicken haw. beerv«e hl? wife'« rela­ tended strictly to busitiesM. Friendly it brought a price of nearly $4 pet word of cold milk for two hours. At tbe ■ nd child In tbe country. And yet the tives lived In the house. Thus the sat­ overtures were received wiU'i a giuleiai at the last sale, That was ni'ich more end oi tnat time rnasli tne bread One. person who cutches flsh lias to en isfaction of the mlud transcends In Im­ grunt, but whether it indicated friend­ than Keats received for his works when Beat together three tahlespoonfuls of counter the same old incredulity. In sugar, a teaspoonful of salt and two the fish proposition not even figures portance the mere comforts of the liness or disgust it wa« hard to say. living. ________________ body.—New York World. eggs. Stir this Into tbe bread aud count.—Saturday Evening Post. There was never a gleam to lighten up There were 927,052 births registered milk. Pour the mixture into an earth­ his small, greenish, gray eyes; never a He Waaa't Dlatarlveg. en pudding dish and bake in a slow Thick blotting paper which <’a:«ida smile to pas* bl« thin li|m, drawn tightly in England and Wale« during 1901. Canvasser- Don't let me disturb you. oven for three-quarters of an hour. formerly got from England she uow These figures are equivalent to a birth over a good set of even, white teeth. sir— Serve with a vanilla sauce. jet« from this country. Busy Merchant—I won't. William, His eyebrows and hair were of the same rate of 28.7 |>er cent in 1000 |iersons liv­ La show the gentleman oat. — Chicago dull carroty color. We let him have a ing, which Is the lowest on record. "It’s wonderful.” said the meditative Railroad Time Folder«. Tribune. small iiack room in the building and The average person who picks up a Bishop Terregianl of Australia is said mail, “how one small word, insignifi­ gave hint twenty dollars a month. One cant In Itself, may Induce an endless railroad time folder does not realize Steel Slayaerapera. loaf of bread lasted him a week with a to tie the heaviest prelate In the world, train of thought, speaking volumes, in tbe enormous amount of work which An architect of New York says that cup of coffee without sugar or milk. He his alleged weight lielng 294 |sHinde. tbe preparation of micli a publication fact." with the modern steel frame a build­ limited himself to two meals a day and “Yes." replied the caustic man. “Take Involves. ing can be carried to a height equal Heariug, aa a rule, la more acute with the word 'but.' for Instance, when a The big Burlington *y«tein, for in to seven and one-half times the dlam to»k his dinner every day the year the right than with the left ear. woman says. t)f course. It'« none of stance, has a general time folder made eter of the base. By thia rule on an round at the same teu-ceut restaurant.