S-— — t i . i v 111E RECORDER JH«re Cou» Tried Frene h tuent« W. C. T. U. COLUMN CLARENCE Y. LOWE, DO YOU NEED ANY HARD WARE? According to some of the «pokes Bandon. Oregon, men of the coal trust, the people are It »Ü»LitHMD The next W C T U meeting takes paying now only a just price for their place Tuesday, at 2:30, P. M. at the *VERT thl ’ muay aftimoox 'yO'll We nr® •,il* d«4ng bufciurss st I be Old sympathy with aud encouragement of M. E. Church * V Stain’, and can pleas« ,uu. Clive us a Cull ... ST ... aud «xauiiue our the striking miners last Summer and The Liquor Devil, Fall, and are suffering the proper DAVID F. STITT, Pacific Christina Advocate. penalty imposed by offended provi­ I m just in receipt of a new and Tbe lain Bishop Peck wrote tbe SDITO* AMD PBOPBIETOB. dence. The misguided people of the freah ktock of Now is tbe time to purchase Hardware. Tbe undersigned bas ‘‘middle class,“ says President John following vivid account of what cal­ in stock a large assortuieut of Drugs and Chemicals, sou, of the Bell Creek Coal Company, amity and ruin intemperance brings SÜBBClUPrïON BATES. must make cash alonemeut for their upon a mau, a family, a nation: Patent and Proprietary Preparations *2 00 “Intemperance cuts down youth in pna ïaar......... sin of a few months ago, an I be puri­ Toilet Articles, . 1 00 Glassware, Crockery and Miners’ Supplies. Hix Months... its vigor; maubood in its strength, fied by suffering — until, he means, Dracgiat» Nundrie«. 50 Three Months- and age in its weakness. It breaks they recognize the inalieuable right, PaaruMEs, B kushbs , B ponoeh , S oaps Paint*. Oil«. Doorn asi«l Window«. the father's heart, bereaves tbe doting Thia paper ta entered at the Bandon post of tbe “upper class,“ chief among N uts axd C andies . tinsh D p in connection . Mr«. Laura. S. Webb. ortJoo as Heoond-olaas Matter. CI khfh , Tohan ud and Cl^arettea. whom are tbe coal barons, to rule mother, extinguisher natural affec it «..suin'. TkwFrwW,-, - ----------- -- Deun.e Pftinta. Oils. GI hhm ?«. and Painter’* Supplied over them, rob them, and do in all re­ tion, erases conjugal love, blots out cralie * Inb. of «.rtbtru Ohio. filial attachment, blights parental THURSDAY. JAN. 29, 1903. “I dresded th, dungs ol Ills which spects as they please with what they The Bandon Hardware Man was list approMhlng. I noticad Wins call their own. “It caunot be helped,“ hope, and brings down mourning age of Cardul, and dscidad to try * bot ­ EDITORIAL. continues tbe righteous Mr. Johnson io sorrow to tbe grave. It produces tle. I sxparlsnctd »ome relief ths weakness, notBlreugtb; sickness, not first month, so I kept on taking it lor Great Britain bas tbe dumps over “that the suffering falls on tbe inno­ three mouths and now I menitruate cent as well as on the guilty.“ He health; death, not life. It makes |be Coban reciprocity treaty. with no pain and I shall take it oil and wives widows; children orphans; considers it better that a million peo­ on now until I have passed th« climax." The »tregon legislature is not turn Female weakness, disordered ple should suffer than that one should fathers, fiends; and all of them pan bling over itself to elect a senator- menses, falling of the womb and be allowed to defy or annoy tbe sacred per« and beggars. It feed, rheum­ ovarian troubles do not wear off. Fulton has 32 votes, Geer 17. and coal trust “I can scarcely consider atism, nurses gout, welcomes epidem­ They follow a woman to the change Wood 17. Neither Fulton nor Geer of life. Do not wait but take Wine any price too high,1* he adds, “if tbe ics, ioviteechoiera,imparts pesiHence, •re likely to prove very attractive for of Cardui now and avoid the trou­ suffering of this Winter shall give and embraces consumption. It covers ble. Wine of Cardui never fails gome time at least. to benefit a suffering woman of this class of people a truer perspective the land with idleness, poverty, dis­ any ace. Wine of Cardui relieved ease, and crime. It tills your jails, At last a lead Trost has been as to the rights and duties of al). If Mrs. Webb when she was in dan­ Bed Room Suites Curtain Poles nod Fine Wall Paper nnd launched upon tbe sea of business. Ibis shall be a sn hit ary lesson for the supplies your almshouses, and de ger. When you come to the change and Pieces. Window Trituiuines Hon«e Liuiug. I Dealer in Boot« and Shoe« of life Mrs. Webb’s letter will This almost makes tbe complement of misguided people, the suffering will mauds your asylums. It engenders -------- SEWING MACHINES AND BABY CABBIAGE» -------- mean more to yi>u than it does controversies, fosters quarrels, and ore trusts complete. There is tbe Coal have served a noble purpose.“ Aud Repairin^neatly and promptly done at Cabinet$hop in Connection. Mattresses“"*1 now. But you may now avoid the lowest living prides. trust, tbe Steel trust, the Copper President Collins, of Glen Jean col cherishes riots. It grows your pen­ suffering she endured. Druggists Fam it are Repairing and Saw-filiug a Specialty. sell $1 bottles of Wine of Cardui. trust, tbe Iron trust, tbe Gold trust, liery says that tbe suffering of the itentiaries and furnishes victims for Cut and Fitted to Order- All Picture Framing i I \1 nfTRTA 1^ I M O and ever so many other trusts, and pnblio will be “an admonition to all your scaffolds. It is tbe life-blood of Midbb bizeg and we£ of NWL4 nnd WWnf SWJ< Meats Urlivered to person* living on tl}Q petent management and fins been thoroughly ren­ of Section No. : 3, in ’lowuauip No. 29 8.. lliwr. or along the Mage Route judicial ermine. It bribes votes, dis Germany reminds ns of a cat play humanity and lawlessness of the coal­ Range No. U W., and will offer proof to ovated throughout. The table service is equal to ing with a mouse. She has Veu- mining and coalcarrying combine. qualifies voters, corrupts elections, allow that the land sought is ru<»re valuable for its timber or atone than for agrtonllnrai any in Soul horn Oregon. Sample rooms for com­ 60 YEARS* ezuela in her power and the poor lit­ Men were u< ver worse mistaken pollutes our institutions, and eu purposes, and tn establiah his claim io said mercial men. Baggage transported io ut:d iiui.i EXPERIENCB dangers our government. It degrades land before L H. Hazard. County Clerk of tle weakling being unable to defeud They are so blinded by their own Cooa Connty. Orer>n, at Coquille, on Mon­ boats and traits free of charge. herself, the former insists upon greed and hypocrisy that they have the citizen, debases tbe legislature, day, tbe 30 day of Murcfi, 1903. He names Fine new bar lu connection with the hotel. as witnesst-s! A. E. Hadaall oi‘ Parkersburg, throwing bombshells at tbe latter uo conception either of tbe character, dishonors tho statesman, arid disarms Oregon, Nathan Burklow, of Bandon. Ore presumably to see her squirm, but or, when fully aroused, of the power tbe patriot. It brings shame, not bon gon. G. B. (5 x, of bandoil, Cr»goL». R. IL of Ban ion, Oregon. ostensibly to make Venezuela respect of the “great midrib» class.“ As to or; terror, not safety; despair, not Rosa, Anv and all claiming ndvetsely hope; misery, not happiness; nnd, T rade M arks the above-dt'SC!’l>e>l land« are requested to her. She may cow that nation, but the lower “class,“ those too jioor to D esigns file th'dr claims in this omc© on or before she can never win her respect by such buy coal, these spokesmen for tbe coal with tbe malevolence of a fiend, it said 80 day o: March, Hk‘3. C opyrights A c . Anyone sending a sketch And description m»y J. T. Bmixpiii. cowardly conduct, and neither will trust consider them not at all; the surveys its frightful desolation, and, quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an janlfi Register. invention Is probably patentable. Communica­ unsatiated with havoc, it poisons Germany win the respect of other sooner they freeze to death, being tions strictly confidential. Handbook on Patents sent free. Oldest agency for securing'patents. nations by her wanton conduct. Can moneyless, the lietter. If n million felicity, kills peace, ruins morals, Patents taken through Munn A, Co. receive special notice, without charge, in the is now supplied with a fail aud complete stock of blights confidence, slays reputation, fiermany respect herself under the of them should freeze to death thia Department of the Interior. aud wipes out national honor; then week, tbe Baers and Johnsons and U nited H tatk L and Orriuc, Roseburg, t circumstances? ” ____ ___ A handsomely illustrated weekly. largest cir­ culation of any scientific journal. Terms. (3 a Collinses and Markies would roll curses the world, apd laughs at its Oregon, Doc 23 1902. A Rnfficit-til uonte t nifid'ivit having been year; fonr months, 9L Sold by all newsdealers. The Democrat« and Republicans their bulging eyes heavenward and ruin. It . £ »r SE s <4 < f iSJ‘?i. Sen- pfaad of attending to business nnd these poor wretches, unlit to lie en all villainies, the fuller of all crimes, untdn t ion 30, and o.f N «»f NEl.|. We carry a complete stock of working for the best interests of the trusted with tbe Almighty's bounties- tbe mother of h II abominations, the Section 31, Touituiup 29 S.. Rnnitp M W . by E itvartl V. Siuith. conteatee. in which it ig people aud that of tbe state in geoer Tools, Cutlery, Doers end Window^ tinnfk ’ h shop in But mean while tbe revolt is rising, devil's best friend, and God’s worst «llegf-d ’hui s iid entryniMn ii.is not l»«-en on tl.e 1« h :<1 or in.pr.'*v?d it in any way for over al. they are having a pitched battle and socialism is passing from theory enemy.“ Tipe Fitting* and Plumbing n speciulty. CONNECTION. four y^ar«, that tbe only time h* resi led to control tbe legislature. It seems into practice. Detroit is buying coal -•-coo-------- upon the land was in the» Rnmnier of 1896 he hnw not retutni d to it since; that he tbe Democrats had the majority on and selling it at cost. As soon as tbe Every Bottle of Chamberlnin's Cough and baa itlmndoord the land end gold tbe ini Keuiedy Warranted. joint ballot, but tbe Republicans con­ bill making foreign coal duty free is nrovenwnrs to o»be»s and liaa removed from Crecen Bandon, • his Hecti<”i of tlie country; n* d that siiid trol the lower bouse, hence, to accom­ passed, Chicago will do the same, We gartuitee every bottle of Chntu alleged Hh*enee from lb« said 1 n»d i»> not P. 8. HOYT, Prop due to hi.« e?iipl(»yn war in wbieh the United Stat» « may be ei; I’itged ns a pijviuo giddier, officer, poaninn ocrats, in order to maintain tbeir ma­ who pick up loose coal in th'» coal­ content». Thia is the beat remedy in or marine, eaid parti«* ar« hereby notified to nr»p 'et»u:g. Oregon. Tho said contestant having, in u proper do ought to purge tbnt legislature. citizens at $8 a ton, about $3 less than WANTED.-A TRUSTWORTHY GEN- affidavit, filed November 15. 1932. si t forth Will Keep on Hand nt all Times û ol which ahnw tbnt after due diligence tbe dealers' price, nnd several ' loads tieman or lady in each county to maun e facts bnsincH8 for an old established Iname of sol­ :*er«»nal service of this notice can not be fi!OO Be tv nr it «1OO. of soft coal were also appropriated. id financial standing. A straight, bona fide made, it is hereby ordered and directed that Two I'Hpem for llie Pile« of One. You weekly cash salary of $18.00 paid by check eu *h not:oe bo given l»y due and proper Get tho Sewn of ilio World mid The readers of this paper will be Unless tbe Bitunlion is relieved, other each Wednesday with all expenses dirco publication, J. T. Re^i der. the Local Neu» Thrown pleased to learn that thoro is at least cities will do ibe same. These acts from hoadaaarters. Money advanced for J. H. Hooni Receiver expenses. Manager, 340 Uaxton Bldg., Chi In ns u Ba* gain. one dreaded diseaso that science has are great crimes, crimes not only cago. beeu able to cure and that is Catarrh. against tbe coh ) trust and its allies, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATIO n ' Fresh Vegetable", Poultry, Egg*, Butter nnd all Farm Produco, and n To those who pay np arrearage« nnd a [Timber Land Act. June 3, 1878 ] Hall’s Catarrh Cure is tbe only posi­ but against high heaven, in tbe eyes Timber Land Act June 3, 1878. year in advance. aud to all new subscri ­ U niixd H tatxs L and O ffice , Rueturno. of tbe Baers, Johnsons, et al. but in U nttmd S tatbs L and O ffice at R gskdubo . tive cure now known to tbe medical bers who pay iu advance, we make the O hfgon . December 16. 1902, fraternity. Catarrh being a constila a great emergency tbe People are a O r boon . January 19, 1903. Nutice is hereby given that iu coninliatme following proposition comprising several Notioe is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of th»« net of Congie*« tional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure law unto themselves; if coal is any with tbe provisions of the act of Oongre4 > of diffe rent couplets to select fioin: Juno 3. 1878. entitled “An net for the »»nle I will pay highest market price for beef, pork, muiton,woo), hides, etc. is taken internally, acting directly up­ where to be had they are going to of June 8. 1878, entitled ”An act for the sale of timlier land-« in the St »tea of California, P m OB or I’UflLIOATlONS PER Y mab . of timber lands in the States of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington ierri take it, and pay only a reasonable on tbe blood and mucous surfaces of R andom R ecobdkb Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Terri tory.” ns extended to nil the Public Land |2 CO tory,” as extended to all the Public Land States by act of August 4. 1892. Wesley 8 m Francisco Bulletin £ 00 tbe system, thereby destroying the price for it. This is socialism in ac­ States by sot of August 4. 1892. Edwnr t E. •Mack, of Parlmrsburg, C-unity u£ Cot»s. Portland Evening Tulegram fi 00 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. foundation of the disease, and giving tion; nay, It i« a species of anarchy; Oakes, of ParkerMhiirg. County ol Coos, •State of Oregon, has this day filed in this uf Weekly Oregonian 1 no [Timber Land Act June 3, 1878.] State of Oregon, bns this day filed in tins flee his sworn ntat.em« nt No. 4161, f-»r th»j pur­ [Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878.] l|ie patient strength by building up worse, according to these spokesmen office his sworn statement No. 4333, for th*4 chase of the Lot* 3. 5 intlon when it reaehes here through any said 18th day of April, 1903. ita tii»:l>er or Alone than for Agrirufnral than for agricult-nrar pin pones, «»liil to es­ J T B ftdofs , purposes nnd to entablifib hia el«im to said tablish bis claim to said land before L. H. ing them of millions. These corrnor janl Register. J. T. Barna», journal. e laud before L. H. Hazard. Connty Clerk of Hn7ard, County Clerk of Coo* Connty. Or­ Jsn29 . Kegúrtor. ants would be wiser not to add these Tbe regular examination of appli Recorder nnd Telegram otic y»ar. S'» 50 Tuesday, the 17, Coon county, Oregon, on............................ .. egon, al Coquille, Oregon, on Tuesday, tbe day of February, 1908. •-4th day of March. 1993. He names as wit- For a weekly newspaper the Weekly Ore NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. cants for teachers, certificates—county insults to injuries already become in­ He name*« as witneeaes: Edward Ohnian. ncsM*: B. L. Hirst, of Bandon. Oregon; gonian leads in the Northwest, and give« ___________ Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878. ui r»ikerMbu*g, Grego«, _____ W. D. Meek, of Samuel Hunter, of Bandon, Oregon: Ed sod «tq»e-T-wiJI be held st my oflfa» i»i tolerable—Portland Ttletyram. [Timber £»&