/ t THE RECORDER IS PUbLlHflEP LVERÏ TtlVKSpAY AFTERNOON .. Ml ... 4 • A Uberai Offer. The undersigned will give a free sample of Chamberlain’s Stomach The next W C T U meeting takes and Liver Tablets to any one wanting pluee Tuesday, at 2:30, P. M., at Mrs. a reliable remedy for disorders of the J. 8. Tiltcn’s. stomach, billiouaneas or constipation Don't Forget the Boy*. This is a new remedy and a good one. MARY W. LYON. C. Y. Lowe. EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. Navigated llogoqe Biver. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. W. C. T. U. COLUMN. They say the world is growing worse With every changing year, That we have nothing at ail to hope, And everything to fear, That reckless love of power and gain All love of good alloys; That alcohol ia bound to reign— But don’t forget the boys!— The boys who are learning to know b¡H wiles And to hate his very name, To see behind bis tempting smiles That the end is woe and shame; To tqru away from the offered cup That body and soul destroys. Such noble boys we must ne’er give up, No, dou’t forget tbo boyal I GUSS BARUE. E. BOBGERON. DO YOU NEED ANY HARD-WARE? Bandon Meat Market, If You Do Stoves, Ranges and Farm Implements, Etq EORGERON & BARRE, Props. Now is the time to purchase Hardware. The undersigned has in stock a large assortment of Will Keep OQ Hand at all Timea . We are still doing businetui at Tbe Old Stand and can please you. Give us a Call aud examiue our Hardware. Tinware, Granite ware G rants P ass , N ov . 4~ - Howard, Glassware, Crockery and Miners’ Supplies. »2 00 a well-known surveyor and engineer Une Year........ . 1 00 of Southern Oregon, together with a Six Months.. PpIntN. Olin, Doorn nn: it* .T sufferer County of (-<>os, according to tho plat of painted thereon cast its shape on the stricken laborers, or servants, or slaves course of tbe Rogne was wholly a : aid Ad.lition un tile and of record in tLe could ri'.'.ll/.'- tij.it ho is ailuwiiig stones beneath bis feet, tracing out • diiue <>f 1 Le County Clerk of C qos County, Wç carry a completo stock of poisonous tih!n to r main in h¡3 just as you choose to call them. Busi­ matter of guess, or, at least, that part tog tuer wi’b the tenements, hereditaments the one word “Saloon.” Standing bv stei i. la . >iJ<: «oc»» g. t r' lief. and ao;»t!t’on luces tiiereu.ntu belonging or ness will be run by corporations and of it from tbe junction of Gaiice Teels, Cutlery, Doors »nd Windows» (.'i.-n TINNER'S suor IN ìiì V mus ail kind cf there in the doorway was a man up­ in any v. i.se nppei t tinipg. con'.agior. ' individuality will be yes, just tell Creek with the river, to the mouth of ' . ’ - CONNECTION. 1‘ipe Fittings aud Plumbei# a specialty. Now. therefore, bv virtue of said exocu on whose brow God had once set the liess, cijl.ls n iid L .iiiy oil.’ r ail- tion. j.D.b'tneni older and decree, and in us where it will have gone. Will it tbe Illinois. compliance with tile command of Raid writ-. diadem of a noble heritage; but upon bo found atqong tbe hordes of serfs? L win, on th < loth day of November. 1902, Mr. Hunter made tbe hazardous his face were the marks of vice, It at the lu> ir of IL '»’clock. V M., at thv> £»ont journey down the Rogup in 21 days. do-’i of the (\»uiity Conit House, in Coquille was flushed, bis brow was het, and ‘ The day of large combinations is Bandon, Citv, n od .jnuuty and state, sell at public nearing its noontide. Now it is com­ He traveled in a flat bottom boat and bis eyes were blurred and rod. II» t i'iti), subject to redemption, to tlie hi-'.e -t bidder, for L’nited States gold coin. bine or break; the trust proposition is was accompanied l>y one man, though was the fallen image of God. and up­ • t a i i hand, al! t he right, title and interest not by tbe same one the entire trip, on hie forehead were the det p fur ­ It h all of the within named defendants here, aud the ilividiug line is being had on t!.e c iie of Mie mortgage herein, or as be did not succeed in finding a rows of a damning sin. drawn tighter and tighter as each co bad, in md to the al»ove described real man who was willing to stand by tbo But hark! What do I bear? Again ri v. or any part thereof, to Kakiafy said day passes by. There is yet a middle ut ion. judgment older, decree, interest. the craft during its wild transit over it is the same cry thfit I heard before, ground but it must give way as the >ts and all accruing costa. so full of paiq, distress aud agony; STEPHEN GA! LIEB, line of demarkation draws to the cen­ rapids longer than a few day«. JShevitY of Coos County, Oregon. Each day the topographer took bis “Ob, papa, com» home, come home; Ihltfd October 8th* V.U)3. ter. Tbe present trend indicates but G ko . P. I' opi ’ inci , Attorney (or Plaintiif. two future classes, tbo wealthy and bearings and marked down complete give me my papa; don't kill him ¡don't, « : con data relative to that portion of the O Lord, O Lord; my papa, my papa! “ ; ,7 .t n For many years we have »old our Whisk ias and Cigars to Wholesaler» cnlv tbe poverty stricken; capital on one tad our brand» are preferred by them, as they are superior to all cihor«. An »: with How pitiful, bow heart rending, this erder to (Ire the Consumer the benefit of tho large profits of Dealer and •Int bide; labor, its slave, on the other. At river. He found that there is blit one Middleman, we havo decided to Dow »ell direct to the Consumer our Most Papal ar Bread» of Whiskies and Cigars st less than wholes le price» ‘ AÎÎ1 A VD. present there is the middle class which fall on the Rogue betweeu Grants cry! How sickening the sight, point­ 14 BEAUTIFUL PRIZES FREf With every quart bottle of our famous 10 year old Queen ( ItyClob Fare Rye Stands lx tween, but as wealth com­ Pass and the sea. This one fall is at ing tbe face of God’s earthly paradise' and one box of our Justly celebrate-ifrenufni'Cuban liand’Madr 10c ele»» Mount Reuben, At this point tbe There stood the man upon the thresh Havana Cabaa Specials, we will give ABSOI4 TXLY FRSBoneof tho h.-nd- bines, a possible small per cent of •omest open face, extra h*nvy nickel Gent’s Witches made.( bo lady») ctoru wa ’ ers of tbe river made a sheer leap old of the devil's slaughter house; wind and set, genuine American movement and caso, best timekeeper on this class may stop tip, but the ma earth, doe» not tarnish and will last a lifetime. 1 extra fin« Vienna Meer­ schaum Pipe, 1 genuine Meerschaum Cigar Tloltler, I genuine Meorechaum ¡ority tin ■: : I1 l-.-n-k into tbe ranksof of 13 feet. While it offers some iu- there lay the boy at bis feet iu I i Cigarette Holder, 1 pretty leather Tobacco p.nch. 1 elegant extra lioavy nickel match box, 1 pair pearl cuff buttons. 1 ball top collar button, 1 neck­ tbe commou laborer, forced out of i t,»rf»reuce to the progress of the unspeakable sorrow and agony. T In tie holder, 1 pair sleeve buttons. 1 double chain and eno boautiful charm ill Jewelry heavily 14k gold plated. All these 14 pieces with one box of oui famous Cuban Specials and one quart botileof our ianir.u» 10 year old Oueen their prcsi i-t p-- . itioii.- by reason of salmon durinu their ascent, tbe fish gentle winds still fanned my brow, City Club F*jre Kye cannot ba bought for lose than 912.00. We »ell the Whiskey and Cigars In-AB|I V GT c 0 D withprivilegeofex- tho largo coml-im-s which will squeeze sxem to get over it with apparently aud the stars looked sadly down upon eluding the 14 prizss for V Hie I ^0»vf amination, while Whiskey and Cigars alone eoat more than we ask forth» entire lot O»ir Whiskey is out the profits of stnali business coll­ little effort At one point on tbe this scene of sin and misery. Again an Absolatoly Pure 10 year old Rye and onr Cigars genuine Cubsn hsud- ■ads,clear Havana,made In our own factory These cigars are far better et rut tu.d make it impossible fir Lower Rogue tbe liver narrows be I heard the sobbing voice of the boy. ------- ,------„ — . __ sed before , — Il ' han anything ever ad ------ vorthed before We We Gunranlee Gnnraniee 1ne tho good« goods and and rcniBdj refund „ I An Extra Kxtra Premium of <>f an elegant Pocket knife with two blade», blades, 1 cork-screw, cork 1 cigar cattaran id G _ 1 tween two high and rocky walls till "O, give me my papa; give me my ( flan MrtpwMtH, I IlfeC | « (la»» eutUr, eutter, if gJ 43 97 men» latent (n in Mirsnro advanco with c.rdor ordor. Goode Good» eent »ent ia plain packs«*- packs®». Write “ Cot them to exist. \\ i.en poverty’s ba wholeeale Priee title of Liquors and Cigars. Reeponaiblo agents wanted. Ord*» to-day- a lent physio or pill poi , . . est. euHi'’ t. nii’st. pci f« «t. a \ ny of keeping the bowels «• DISTILLER’S DISTRIBUTING C’O—Bept. IL, «31 North Clarfe 0t., Chlcato. rometer falls to tbo storm center look it has a width of but 15 feet. Tbe papa!“ ciear and eletta iato take Dealer In Hoots and Shoes But his cry for mercy was unan­ out for squalls. There are extremes river runs in this deep slit in tbe CANDY Repairing neatly and promptly done nt CATHARTIC of injustice whieL arouse indignation. earth for a distanced over atbousand swered for this carnage bonse lid lowest living prices. Beware bow tho animal is stirred up. feet, the walls on either side rising not give him back his papa. The CLARENCE Y. LOWE, to a height of 1500 feet. Gliding on father and husband turned with a curse upou bis lips, and with unsteady the river below, Mr. Hunter, tbe only SO YEARS’ Dandoli. Oregon, Telegram: Upon tbe trust propo­ EXPERIENCE sition, Senator Hoar expresses him­ white wan who has ever made tbe steps passed from sight into the self as follows: “The evils of trusts remarkable journey, gazed up at the "wine shoo," there to drink until bis are: first, destruction of competition; narrow strip of sky far aboA’e and saw soul was an fire and a drunken sleep came to blot bis memory while my EAT ’EM LIKE CANDY second, the’manngement of industries the stars twinkle almost at noonday. Ph n.-nnt, falaU.hh’. fotvat. Tart<-Good. f’J000?» soul cried, “How long. O God! Low Nover The whole voyage down the river Hick* n, W. i-cn. or Gripe. W. : •. nnd . » •’« by absent capital; third, destruction per box. V. r te for free sample, anti booklet on I» just in receipt of a new and was made with no serious mishap, long? “ liealth. Addro«S T rade M arks of local public spirit; fourth, fraudu­ fresh stock of STERLING KE31YDY CCMI’ANY, (HKUGO or NEW YOLK. To those who pay up arrearages and a D esigns The moon bid its face behind a though there are few who would care lent capitalization: fifth, secrecy; sixth C opyrights A c . year in advance, and to all new subscri­ Drugs end Chemicals, Anvono sending a sketch and description may bers wlioi pay in advance, we make the management for the privato benefit to undertake a similiar trip, and tbe cloud in shame, while tin* stars from quickly ascertain our opinion free whether invention 1« probably patentable. Communtea- God’s heaven looked down upon a man who accomplished it lias no par ­ following proposition comprising several t i< Uta strictly »nlldent lai. Handbook on Patent^ of tbe officers; seventh, the power to l’atout aud Proprietary Preparations. sent free. (»Ideat agency for securing pat eats. different couplets to select from i Patents taken through Munn A To. receive corrupt electiouB and in some cases ticular desire to want to do tbe trick widowed mother and a fathcrles'. glakdian SALE iir HEAL estate . Special Toilet Articles, notice, without charge. Ln tbe I’ hick or P ublications pjsb Y eah . Child. NoHco is hereby cjiviDi lli.it in pnrstinr.O'‘ i to corrupt courts; eighth, indifference over again. Drn<;»'ÌMtM Siui«lri<*N. $2 00 What shall we do?— Cumberland of nn orrh r made by the County (Joint» of B andon H ïcobç . ku to public sentiment. But how will the State of Cheron, for C’ ooh . 190?. in the . scientlflo ------ -------------------- >3 culation of any journal, . Terms, |3 a L, the venerable and distinguished Sen­ Denfiiena Cannot be Cured — N uts and C andies . B oo l’ortlatid Evening TelvRram matter of the Entnte of Mnoma Webster. yeitp; four mon ths. |L Bold by all newsdealers. —ooo----- by local applications, as they cannot ator vote when legislation calculated 1 M nn iiiKune person, the undersifti’edOoardian Cigars, Tobaccos anti Clgarette», Weekly Qrc«oui«n 'New York Appeal to Reason MUNN &Co.38,Bro“h"’ bington, "- ------ reach the diseased portion of the ear. Western Socialist: When a work­ <>f h aid Mnoma WebHfer, will sell nt Public Paints. Oils, GlaHses.nnd Painter’s Supplied] 50 to suppress tbe trusts is proposed? D. C. Branch Oita. 62* F 8U Washington. Auction to the. highest bidder, on the here There is only one way to cure deaf ­ ingman becomes a criminal or a men ­ —ooo— innfter described pretniaeP in or near Ban­ Our Offer. ness, and that is by constitutional ace to society the law steps io and don, in (Joos County, Ori'i/on. tut Saturday The Giant Food Trust. the !5th day of N ivcmbbr. 1902. nt I o’clock Tb 00 the retailers can buy ouly of tbe one cases out of ten are caused by catarrh, til tbe masses have savvy enough to snid block, n strip of land <>0 fe< t in width to l’ICKLED 1’ORIQ be opou an J used as a srie’t, commencing CUTTING AT STANDARD PRICES. For a weekly newspaper the Weekly Ore firm; It will make the prices and will which is nothing but an inflamed con­ vote for tbe abolition o.f private own­ on the c<'Untv road. We-t <»f. t1 nd adjoining goninn leads iu tbo Northwest, nnd gives the said land conveyed to said J. B. Mar­ allow so small a profit that the retail dition of tbe mucous surfaces. ership and profit. shall as aforesaid, and running along the Bathroom newly fitted up with Porcelain all tbe news usunlly oontnimd in a weekly BUTi’EIl, EGG, and Tub. Hot or Cold Hatha 25 cents. store with a small trade will not be W© id-’ of the s.’itl hmd sold to said I. B. We will give dne Hundred Dollars 'paper. FRUIT ami VEGETABLE» Marshall a>’ aforesaid from said Comity KXECUTOll’S NOTICI-:. ab!d to live. This will thin out tbe for any case of Deafness (caused by Recorder nnd Weekly Oregonian . .$2 50 road and par-ill' I with the land of said .T, B. of nil kinds. It is tbe duty of enoh (lerson to seek in ­ retail stores, and tbo larger sides will catarrh) that cannot be cured by Notice is hereby given that, by an order Marshall, and the West hue thereof and thence notil the name intei-ects (lie street, formation along all lines that tend toward enable the fewer to do business on a of the County Court, of the State of < >re»on. Ment» Delivered to person» living on th», y on said plat, ns ('heny street, nnd bringing about het tor conditions nnd great* r River, or along the Stage Route •muller profit, the saving going to the Hall’s Catarrh Cure. Send for cir­ ill mid for the County of Coo», made nt marked also all that land on said plat ■ f said town Chambers, in Ooqnillu City. nt. tho April culars, free. pro-periiy for tho human family, nnd for wholesale and not to tbe merchants. Term. 1002, Frank r'lnni was duly appointed marked reserved and 1.5ing North of said the pi>r|H>aei.f giving our renders n chnuco F. J. C heney A c Oo., Toledo, Q. n» executor, of tbe last will and testament, block four of the County road running Gradually the profits will be shaved TICKSPASS NOTICE. of Frances Flam, deceased. and that letter» along said block four, nnd which said hind to inform themselves we give them the oft’ until th« fewest possible stores Sold by Druggists, 75c. teslsmentorv have been duly issued to me. mark’d reserved rr aforesaid, h bounded on Appeal to Ronson. Any doctrine remain, ami they will be taken in Hall’s Family Pills are tbe best. the Boutherlv side by tbe County road afore ­ Notice is hereby given Io all Demon« no^ tbe snid Executor. idoes not nppcsl to the highest order of later. But the average retailer thinks to trespass npon the premise* of Dr. Kenyon. therefore »11 persons having claims said, and the East side extends to the quar­ Slinving 1.» Cents. section line running North nnd .South ! situated l»< tween Fluma Lake and the coan-t :soning is not. ante. be will be a big fish one of these days. WANTED.-A TRUSTWORTHY GEN- against tbe said estate, are hereby notified ter to present the same wi-.h proper vouchers through section 25, in t<»v. n«hip 28, Sonih of ; Recorder nnd Appeal to Reason... $2 (IO . ty rond. in Northern Curry, by removing, But lie will be Used to help concen­ lleninn or Indy in each county to muns.-e to Baths 25 Cents. I ent ting. <>r destroying timber upon «ai<^ said Executor within six mouths from range 15. West of the Willamette meridian. for >in old established bonne of sol­ trate tbe grocery btisiusss so tbe business The teruiM of »ale are cash iu hand on day i land. $‘25 reward will be paid for inform*- id financial »landing. A straight, bona fide tbe date of this notice. Grocery Trust cun handle it better. weekly «'»sh salary of f IS 00 paid by check Dated this 25th day of September, A. D. of sale. 1 tion lending to a conviction of treapas« ah , Dated this 9th day of October, A. D.. 1902, Workmanship up to date in any- staled above. We a.e living tn momeutoiis times, each Wednesday with all expenses direct 1902. E. E. PAPJCSH, FRANK FLAM, ’ L’ated at Bandon. Oie<’<«n. March 14, 19$«. thing in my line. but most people don’t know it.— Ap- from headquarters. Money advanced for Executi r of the Estate of Guardian of Mnon.n V't Inter. Frances Flinn, de ­ Pl i I U NELS<>N. A^enV expenses. Manager, iHO Caxton Bldg., Cbi- ----- Next Door to Postonico.----- J. J. Wiritsi i. Attv fur Guardian. jw-tj) 'o 7i'scrilDe ISTo’w. ( a