THE RECORDER is rusLisasD EVEKI TUUKSIIAY AFTERNOON .... BX .... DAVID K. NT ITT, See« Only Ills Stone. From the Evening Telegram. A gilded-nosed mole named Baer, president of one of the coal trust rail­ roads, says that “God in his infinite wisdom has given the property inter­ ests of the country” to himself apd a few others who “know bow to take care of them.” That J3aer is rich and a trust railroad president indicates that be ¡9 not altogether a fool. It is barely possible that be is not altogeth­ er a hypocrite. But he is a combin­ ation of the two. At any rate, he is a rpan—aud there are others—who needs a bard jolt. He looks at things from his point of view, and chatters like a stuffed magpie about “God,” when, reverently be it said, a more reasonable view is tLat there is no class of men on earth whom "God” must so utterly despise as that of which Baer is a type. “God” did not authorize him and his ilk to rob poorer people; and if there is any truth worth anythiog jn theology, he and they will be punished for their monstrous moral crime. “God” did not give Baer bis wealth; most of it he obtained by means worse than plain theft; if he bad bis juBt deserts be would be trembling before frowning justice. As the New York Herald says: “It is absurd to claim that the monopoly of coal, which is an absolute necessity of life in this part of the country, is as purely a private business as that of manufacturing woolen socks. In the first place, ethically and morally, these coal barpna have no right to this property (coal mines) at a’L “God’ did not give it to them, but to hu manity. But complaisant humanity did not object to their ownership un­ til they combined with certain rail­ roads to rob both miners and consum­ ers. This the people will not long endure, even if they have to adopt Socialism fay enough to take over the coal mines, or to compel their opera­ tion and to regulate prices at a basis of decent wages to miners and only a fair profit to the alleged owners. It is the mulish Baers of the country that are bringing about Socialism. Fortunately, we of the Pacific North west are not very immediately af ected by or interested in this contest; we use but little anthracite coal here and can get along without it alto­ gether; but in a broader sense we are equally interested with Eastern peo­ ple in this battle and its outcome. It is a notable one, and its results, which­ ever side wins, will be of widespread and far-reaching significance. W. C. T. U. COLUMN. The next W C T U meeting takes place Tuesday, at 2:30, P. M., iu the Methodist Church. n A fi )OTV M j VRKJET, THOMAS ANDERSON, Prop. DO YOU NEED ANY HARD-WARE? If You Do We are »till iloii'8 busineas at Tbe Old Stand and can please you. Give us a Call end examine our Will keep on Hand at all Timps Fresh Beef, Pork, Mutton, Smoked Meats, Lard, Stoves, Ranges and Farm Implements, Ete Sausages, Etc., also Now is tbe time to purchnse Hardware. Tbe nndarsigned bus They are near relatives, these two, iu stock a large assortment of and like to work together. The to SDITOB AND PROPRIETOR. Fro -b Vegetable«, Poultry, Egg«, Butter and all Farm Prpduce, aud a bacco habit leads often directly to the habit of liquor drinking. It is uo j SUBSCRIPTION KATES. more possible fur an inveterate, poi Glassware, Crockery and Miners’ Supplies. son soaked cigaret fiend who hits ar­ One Year.......................................... f- 00 I will pay highest market price for beef, pork, mytton,wool, hidus, etc. Six Months................................................... I 00 rived at tbe third stage to continue PnintM, Oils. Hoort» a»i- full or farther information apply to Capt. W. 11. Batchelder, on board steamer, or habit.— Chicago, Record-Herald. is waking a record for itself. In N. f.OKIiNZ, Agent. Uoqu'lle, Oregon. M. K. LEE, Agent, Bandon, Oregon. ,S. TUPPER, rroprietor. A professor at Northwestern Uni Franco, England, Germany, the Unit­ I'. Ì . ltlil X. General Agent, 307 Front Street, Ban Franoisoo, California. ed States and elsewhere, it is making varsity argues that the use of the This well known ltoh-1 is now under new and com­ cigaret is responsible for the smokers. its record of death, while disaster to petent managoiueut'.iiu.l lias been thoroughly ren­ Is il not more likely that weak minds limb and body is of daily record. Last snna^s. ovated throughout. The table service is equal to are responsible for the cigaret habit J I d tin (’if i-uit C >nrt of the State of Ore- week a man was killed and two women >u hi and for tbe County of C uoh . atty in Southern Oregon. Sample rooms for cotu- seriously injured at Long Branch. If —Boothbay Harbor (Me.) Registi r. Plaintiff.] __ E. LEWIN, Prop. ntercial men. Baggtif.o transported to and from the run of accidents keep up the ma Of course many men can smoke t’liris Lon^. • nit in Equity to vs Munck, Julia Porecluse n Mort- boats at ti trains free of charge. chine will soon have an unenviable cigarets without being killed by them, Alvin ¿.uncle, amt Hurry mige. „ Fine new bar in connection with the hotel. record. aud many men do, but no man ever M. < ‘dinpe, Defend-*| tints. J smoked a cigaret without being hurt Portland has awakened to thp fact To Alvin ?dunu’;. Julia Munck and Harry M. All kinds kept, by it, and no man ever will. New t '.ifipc the above named Defendants. that there is a Coos bay couutry with In tla ihuhd of tile St ate of Oregon t You BOLOGNA SAUSAGE. HEAD-CHEESE York Evening Journal. an enormous amount of natural wealth ar:’li rt !>v r r ri d to appear and answer end VEAL always on hand. If grown men cannot smoko cigar- the ■ i : i.’inl 1:1‘. d aeainst you in the above around it, and is talking of making euti!led* suit, hi (he above named Court. els without injury, and it is conceded CORNED BEEF. : hi Summon.-’, being served hj’ publication) an effort to reach out after jts trade. «>n <-r ¡ ' fort- tht lad- day of th»* time pre- by medical authorities that they can Portland has hitherto left South-west PICKLED PORK s r '> »1 in tiie ord r for the publication of not if they inhale tbe smoke, how ti.iw iiDim ti . which prescribed time is six Oregon to the tender mercies of San las! day of which will be Friday much greater must bo the harm to tb<- , . h th" Francisco merchants and it will be i y ot September 1D(»2: I lie date of BUTTER, EGG, and undeveloped bodies and growing first publication of I his summaiis beiiiR July surprising if she now scrapes the the 24th, r.)>2. and if you fail to FRUIT nnd VEGETABLES minds.— Salt Lake City Herald. • appear and answer the said corn- moss ofl her back and rustles out for of all kinds. plaint.* f n want thereof, plaintiff will apply The asylums and graveyards are copquest. to the Court for tin* relief demanded in the Meat» Delivered to person» living on th«> full of cigaret wrecks. The boy who aid c.nnplaint in thia sun namely; If you would be intelligent you surrenders himself to this habit may 1 or a ju Un t n' and decree against the River, or along tbe Stage Ronte We carry a complete stock drfi-iH-; Alvin Munck aud Julia Munck must use your faculties. You must possibly live to mao’s age, but lie will his wife for the foreclosure of a certain think, investigate, search out and date the 17tb day of BO YEARS 9 I .oarin« Tools, Cutlery, Doors and Windcwq never be a man - -N. 1”. Ewing Morigape Xn^UHt i ' j J and rt oriled in tlie office of EXPERIENCE strive to be useful. If you are swing­ lip«' Fitting« mul plumbing a *» pec in tty. Journal . C t.nty Civtk of Cot-s C< uuty on the 18th in B»»ok b'» of Moi tgnge ing along drifting on the current of It is bad enough for a I n to smoke ; • ol \u‘.’u . ‘ iC ! ,h) made .’.m’ »o.tcniid by said -TfluU ES V M ■■ i ■ *■ time, leading an aimless existence, oigarets at. any time; il is wo; a for . ioij.i .uta iu ih. •; pfainiiif, and to secure y i W ■ j k ■ ..¡e payment i tivate the talents given you, life is a rdk « iqns nable. to go into t he presen 'e of :: b.i ,i:.ess defend ”iitH \;v,fi Mimck and Julia Munck failure to you, and the world will be 11. u r- on vancement before you pass out. Patents taken tnrouch Munn A Co. receive tnd inilvr i tin i< on at tb»* rate of ten per nccitU notice, without charge, in the Fl.a i:, from th»’ l.»!h dav of Octo ceived at the War Department, the ately. The great danger of th habit Troops aye ready to be turned loose '.mi the ¿¡ sai(j !;;i d thud c-’ for thp snm uf is it always loads to exee.-..-. A 1' • with on the strikers of Pensylvania and A hsndiomely«! wMkly. LarrMt elr- niter» I. the" on at the rate of eight Newport, New London and Narragan- JForM. culation of any AclenllOc Journal. Term., 13 a per .-< i.l |.(!i aniuirn. from the several dates also in West Virginia. It is deplor year; tour month,, IL 8ol>h‘S and Fine Wall Paper nnd employed, but if the government will ?*.), lb ' > iuid liMJl. For the enin rlu- ‘ yearn 11 and Piece«. Window 'i’l-nnminu’«. Houwe Lining« impending and if the United Navy is more thoroughly disgusting than of and for tbe costs hi) A t ! ohh ".’ s -------- SEWING .MACHINES AND BABY CARRIAGES ---------- use the strong arm of power and force CLARENCE Y. LOWE, : tt, i>'ii iti ij ’ s o! this stnf; and that the co operated they would be absolutely the cigaret-smoking, swearing, ini the trusts, which aro bringing about iisiiiil j . >i • in "'A he had, that, the lands of Uandon. Oregon, Cabinet Shop in Connection. Mattresses ,,,ld •»'aiitl ills u. ivered hv above mejitinpe^ insufferable conditions, to a just and impregnableyto attacks of the com­ ptidont boy.— Salt Lake City Herald. said • iu»;’ •(■ r.> sfcnre the payment of the Furniture Repairing and Saw filing a Sp»’Cialty. bined navies of the world. Cigarets destroy thousands of chil­ alot -’ '«id suui.d, namely: equitable business policy, there will l<>* number six t lb1 Water Uront addi- nnd to Older- All bo no need to call out troops to quell dren atinually.— N Y Evening t bi!) t a tl;-* t<> ..-¡1 <)f iu Bandon, rd"Ö»."8 u \IDERTAKINQ Uldoo Size« and wei^ts kept on b ’>d C »os C.unify, Socialism In Colorado. Oru_Dfi, be ^old iu the mantier provided by strikers. The anarchists are the men Journal. 4 ’ul G<»od«, and Undertaking Supplies A Full Line oi Burial Caskets. I I a •>. to s > aid judgment and decree to- r. _ ii Hand. la just in receipt of n new and who are monopolizing the resources Of all possible places to put a cig­ 'ii’j with the accruing oosts That the freab stock of Eugeno V. Debbs, writing from ve niittied d lendabt-',/Uivin Mnnok, Jq- of the country and forcing a “do as I aret the worst is a boys mouth, lien i i .Munck aud liixrrv M. Campe, and each Denver to the social Democrat Herald derson, Ky, Gleaner. Drugs and Chemicals, want you to op starve” policy upon t C.t in to.b ¡her with ail persons claiming says: You would be surprised could •id th. ’ . 't. be iorever barred and fore Patent aud Proprietary Preparations labor. ail righ*. title aud interest, in and you realize wbat a tremendous change IntereMtiug iBroIiibitioa Fact* c :■ ’ d • :.<-il i.l of 1’ lids Toilet Articles, and ev< i v part thereof, and that r.iong lien of piaintiff be adjudged Oregon should be more careful and has taken place during the past few DruggiMtM Nundrie«. On the question of licensing li 1 tin hr- i and only lien against said premise«, not send too clean a man, nor one days. In this city of 200,000 the one that p in JK have a deficiency judg- P erfumes , B rushes , S ponges , S oaps with too decided views and too much pervading tbeme, go where yon may, in the State of Coonelicut the returns and men; ■ > !:.>* sait. defendants Alvin Munck N uts and C andies . show that this year out of 168 towns tod .Juibi V.nnclc. That the overplus, if backbone to the Senate next winter. is Socialism. The red buttons of our Cigars, Tobacco* and Cigarette*. thole be after applying the proceed* Such men are out of place, and will 94 declared for no license, find 74 for any i!' app- tblo to the SHtiafatb n of said Paints. Oil». Glasses, mid Painter’s Supplied not cut much figure in the present U. party are in the churches, the stores, license, a gain of three fi r no license. mroi.' mi i . dd a’, b |wil to the defendant, Harry S. Senate. They are being retired in the restaurants, and everywhere, a ! C i . , it- i.v purchaser of said premise« all the various states that happened stranger meets stranger as comrade, Only three of the largest towns have .1 - ii ii-t d «• ib-n 14 BEAUTIFUL PRUES FREF Courdv (>:• u hi. made on the 24th d«y With every quart hottie of our fatnon» 10 year old Queen CItvCIub PureRyr d'Julv l'.Hi? at Chambers in Coquille City, which left the impress failed in its There may be trouble from tbissource, cense places iu that stale, aro Boston, 'tcf.iiing and one box of our justly celebrated genuine Cuban Ha®d«N»de 10c clear t his .summons to be published for Havana (aban Specials.we will give AB9OI.UTKI.Y FREBoneof the hand expression, and if it indicates the but I am confident that we have a Springfield, Lawrence, Lowell. Lynn, six consecutive weeks in the Band >n Re­ •omc»» open face, extra heavy nickel Gent a Watches made.fne ladya) »tem Shaving 15 Cent», wind and »et, genuine American movement and ca»e, beat timekeeper on sufficent number of comrades scatter ­ from July 2Hh 1UQ2, tbe date of the earth, doe» not tarnish and will last a lifetime, 1 extra fine Vienna Meer­ title situation and ppnnper of doing Fall River and New Bedford. In the i corder. lint ha 545 Cent«. first, publication hereof. schaum Pipe, 1 genulno Meerschaum Cigar Holder, 1 genuine Meerschaum ed over the state who are well ground ­ Cigarette Holder, 1 pretty leather Tobacco pouch, 1 elegant extra heavy GEO P. TOPPING. business it is time to get back t bon- State of New York the local optical) nickel match box, 1 pair pearl cuff buttons. I ball top eollar button, 1 neck­ Attorney for Plaintiff. ed to keep the ship true to her oourse features of the liquor lax law apply tie holder, 1 pair sleeve button», 1 double chain and oqe beautiful charm pst purposes. All jewelry heavily 14k fold plated. All these 14 piece» with one box of our Workmanship up to date in any ­ famous Cuban Specials and one quart bottle of our famous 10 year old Queen and guide ner safely to her destined to the 930 towns. Jn cities liquor tax Cltv Club Pure Rye cannot bo bought for 1 than 112 00. We »ell the thing lu my line. Whiskey and Cigar» In-A <5 ! V QI c 0 n with privilege of ex Rockefeller and Morgan are the port.— Peoples Press. cludingtheltpriresforURfcal «^ J»w« amination, while Whiskey certificates are issued on demand. Jo ----- Next Door to Postoffice.------ and Cigars alonocostmoro than we ask for the entire lot Opr Whiskey 1» namrs of two very wealthy Americans. — goo ---- — an Absolutely Pnre 10 yea? old Rye and our Clgam genuine Cuban hand, townsit can only tie done after a favor made.elsar Havana,made in our own factory These cigar» are far better They are monuments each in his way- Bewnre of Ointments for Cot than anything ever advertised before We Guarantee the goeda and refund able expression of the Votes nt I he bal­ An Extra Premium of an eheant Pocket kttlfe with two blades, 1 tor Rockefeller is a monument of greed nrrli that Contain” Mercury lot box. In < ho St ate of Now York in tbe and about bis only le$suu to bumauity as murcury will surely destroy the year 1902 the sale of liquors is pro is taught in his example of monopoly sense of smell and completely derange tt r T'llar, healthy movement of th* hibited iu 285 towns, aud permitted ir \ .ii h iven't . u . j .u'ro III or will !..■• Keep »our by which ho has accumulated bis the whole system when entering it iu 549. Since 1898 there has beeu a I, 1, . . irtoiH 11,'niHflH» \ ( II. Force, In the shape of vio- 1 ntphv 1 ill i-»i danKt-ioUH. The »month* millions by bolding up the public. through the mucous surfaces. Such slight increase iu prohibition territory. (. , t> n. , t | ri ■ < t way of keeping ibo bowels clear and clean la to take P. a. HOYT, Prop Morgan is of a different, and we might articles should never be used except In that year there were 680 pertnis CANDY say a higher type. Ho is probably on prescriptions from reputable phy- sious aud 262 prohibitions.— Chris CATHARTIC Located in EL DORADO BUILDING, no less greedy than the other but hiB iacians, as the damage they will do tian Advocate. First Street, BANDON. OREGON capabilities are greater. His methods is ten fold to the good you can possi wanted .— a TRisrwournY <;i-;x. or lady in each ciliity to nrinn 'i- are no less disastrous to ths masses bly derive from them. Hall’s Catarrh tleiunn SHAVING, SHAMPOOING AND. HAIR bnsineaa for an old eatablial <>i| honae of sol­ that) the other but bis example of Curp, manufactured by F. J. Cheuey id financial standing. A atrnighi . Ii inn tide CUTTING AT STANDARD PRICES. weeklj- c:iy cheek combination is touching a lesson that & Co., Toledo, O., contaius no mer­ each Wednesday with all expens a direo Batli room newly fitted up with Porcelain will bring about a greater union of cury, qnd is taken internally, acting from headquarters. Money tor Tub. Hot or Cold Baths 25 cents. expenses. Manager, Ö4U Gaxton Bldg.. Chi effort thau he ever contemplated. EAT ’EM LIKE CANDY directly upon the blood and mucous cago. Pknsnnt. Pal it.iblc. Potent. Taste Good. Do HEARING Mev< r > icken. Weaken, or Gripe. 10. 25. and W cenw surfaces of the system. In buying p t- b<> . S’ 1-iie for free »ample, and booklet on A Cqrq 1 ur C hole til infantum. lieaUh. Adtirt : Hall's Catarrh Cure be sure you gpt srrtii.ixj R»nn»Y iowpamy , ciik ago »r xiw yoiii . L and OmcxAT CnunoN, by our new invention. Only those born deaf are incurable. “Last May.” nays"Mrs. Curtis Ba­ the genuine. It is taken internally, Aunn>it l|i.'j. ker, of Bookwaiter, »»bio, “an infant and made in Toledo, Ohio, by F. J. •VOTICE IS HEiiEBY GIVEN Hi I IN t hr following' luiirnt h : th i lu h til-.I child of our neighbor’s was suffering Cheney & Co. Testimonials free. notice F. A. WE.RÌVIAN, OF BALTIMORE, SAYS: of hi» inti ntimi to niiikc final proof SALE OH KENT.—One acre lot ip B altimorf . Md.. March jo. tipi. from cholera infantum. The doctor Sojd by Druggists, price 75c. per in aupfiort of iti» claim, atal that said pioof Ì 1 .’OK,boi: Good bonne with five rooms and Gentltmen : — Being entirety cured of deafness thank* to your treatmeut 1 will now give yo<| will la- madr brf'.r.- Countv <'l»rk of bad given up all hopes of recovery. I bottle. a full history of my case, to be used at your discretion. ont houc-es on lot. Enquire nt thia office, Count, nt I’oquillo City, Or.pon on October About five years ago tny right car began to sing, and this kept on getting wone, until I 1o»| took a bottle of C hamberlain’s Colic, Hall’s Family Pills are (he best. my hearing in this ear entirely 35. 1303, viz: I underwent a treatment for catarrh, for three months with.»ut any succc*». consulted a nunp JOHN W. GliEfiG, Chohra and Diarrhoea Remedy to ber of physicians, among others, th • most eminent ear specialist of this city, who told me that on hb H. E. No. 3007. for the NJ ' of N'W4. TRESPASS NOTICE. - THE STEAMER----- only *n operation could help me. • u I f si.-,. then cease, hut the hearing in the at7<- ted • r would be lost forever. I then saw your advertisem tit .iccidenoilly in a New York paper, and ordered your treat­ would do good if used according to Notice is hereby Riven to all persons not Soo. 29. Tp. 27 s. K . Il Wo-l. ment. After f had used it onlyakw di' i< cording to yout directions, the noises ceased, and Ho nnni.a the following ,vi:n,-«»o. t.. totrespHSs upon the premises of Ilr. Kenyon, directions. In two days’ time the aitnsted to-day, after five weeks, my heàrin n t i di«ca«.-d c ar has been entirely restored. I thank yotj Floras Lake and tbe coun­ hi, crmtinuoii» ro*iJ, ii.-.- upon nul heartily and beg to remain Very truly yours. THOMAS WHITE, Mastpr child bad fully recovered, and is now ty road, between in Northern (lurry, by removing. finn of .»id land, viz: I-. A. v. ERM AN, 730 S. Broadway, Baltimore, Md. Bullard», On gon. J L ■ vi : B t!:don every rrnminc. except (nearly a year since) a vigorous outtiiiR. or dfstroyine timber upon said of Oitr treatment doc^ ' inh rferc irìlìt your u/iuul occupation Bnllard», Orogon. S. 1 d iy. at 7;. ‘ Y0o ’ clock nnd make« r-»nner Bi land. ♦-'!> reward will be paid for informa­ in Dealer in Boot* and Mioea h il fhv girl. I have recomeuded this tion M U ’.ft 1 r V U. leading to a conviction of trespass as lard.«. Oregon, Abe Row YOU CIS GU.ÌE YOURSELF AT HOME ".t"“’ Remedy frequently and have never stated above. «on. ■ liring nearly and promptly done at known it to fail in any single in- Dated nt Bandon, Oregon. March 14. 11101. INTERNATIONAL AURAL CLlrt.C, US6 LA SAUE AVE., CHICAGO. III. ' nine orice». n PRTFW NFL8OX'. Al» ’ • r’auc For sale by C, Y. I^owe. Generous supply of fresh Groceries Hardware, Tinware, Graniteware A. McNAIR, LADIES' FURNISHING DEPARTMENT. AMERICUS CLUB PURE WHISKEY The New, Speedy and Elegantly Fitted Twin-Screw Steamer, andalay, CAPT W. IL BATCHELDER “EL DORADO Hotel CoquilleJ CITY MEAT MARKET, Fresh Meats, Best Quality Hardware, Tinware, Graniteware, ana Miners’ Supplies. nrnV'CGj & CORSON. Scientific American. Household Furnishings and Deao-’ rations of all kinds* MUNN&Co.3"""--«- New York Druggist and Apothecary, FURNITURE COMPANY. J. L. THOMPSON, ASTONISHING OFFERII Shaving Parlors and Bathrooms —o-- ms E l D orado TONSORIAL PARLORS ANY HEAD NOISES? BOOTS SIIOEN KEEP YGUB BLOOB GLEAM DISPATCH You Can’t Expect to Get $2 worth for $1, but you can get your money’s worth at M. BREUER’S DEAFNESS OR HARD ARE HOW CURABLE HEAD KOiSES CEASE IMMEDIATELY.