Bandon recorder. (Bandon, Or.) 188?-1910, August 21, 1902, Image 4

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MlUUtioU WtHCU Villi id' hUlbu**
is ruBLiaHitD
The merging of interests is to get
away from competition anti lessen the
the cost of distribution of the product,
.... BT ....
aud at the same time lessen the places
of labor and strengthen competition
between laborers, thus entrenching
capital by forciug labor to como to
its terms or starve
In the face of these facts is it any
One Year..........................................
«2 00 wonder that Is or organizations are
Six Months.................................................... 1 00 forming all oyer the couutry in order
to cope with the situation?
Three Mouths................................................
If it is to the interest of capital to
This paper is entered at the Bandon post unite iu order to obtain and take ad
ollioe as Seoond-class Matter.
vantages f conditions, it becomes
necessary that labor shall orgnuize,
—— ------- —— as the freedom and welfare of the
laboring masses depend upon thoir
being able to resist tbeeucroachments
English lords and generals are hob­ which capital is making upon their
nobbing with Oouerals Delary, Botha , resources.
and Dewett, in London. These mon j When it comes to a remedy there
command the respect of their recent I is but one, and it can be found under
no other system outside the social
In the strike region of Pens'1 vm ■■ system wherein the perfect brother-
the courts have been called iq
<> uood of man exists. It cannot be
enjoin persons from feeding the st ai t found in a system that engenders
ing strikers. American liberty is get­ strife and puts a premium on fraud;
ting low down in the scale when a that barters iu crime and sells virtue
man dare not give a hungry human for gain; in which greed stops nt
being something to eat or fear of nothing, no matter bow appalling,
when the thirst for gain is on, but it
will be found where equity abounds,
Some one »
nqu nuj. “What where selfishness has been eradicated
will Morgan do when combinations
aud where love and respect for other
have obtained until there are only persons and their rights exist.
two comp ’ ie, left- That is an easy
ri<.idem, hie will forthwith proceed Monday Wept. 1, Selected as
.to make the twain one, and theu he
Official Labor pay.
will retire from business. Then we
S alem , Aug. 14—Governor Geer
shall have a social system. One in
which every one’s interests will be celebrated bis return from Crater
Lake by issuing the first Labor Day
proclamation ever issued in Gregon
Charles W. Fair and wife were yestorday. The Goveruor having
both killed in an automobile accident,
clitned the hills of Southern Oregou,
in France, last week. Life was hard­
aud instilled with the mountain roads
ly extinct before their relatives had
and hot weather, realized, as he never
gone to law over the property which
did before, that labor needs a holiday.
they left. It makes a great difference
The proclamation reads as follows:
iu this instance which died first, and
?Whereas, The Legislature of Gre-
as there is but one person who can
gon bas set apart the first Monday in
testify to that incidont, a tine oppor­ September of each year as a legal
tunity is oflered for the briber to try holiday to be known as Labor Day:
bis band in settling the dispute. Un­
“Therefore I, T. T. Geer, Goveruor
der the true brotherhood of man, per of said state, do hereby reccommend
feet social conditions, such squabbles
that ull places of business of what­
could have no place.
soever kind, as far as possible, be
The Seattle Humane Society is closed on Monday, September 1,1902’
showing some push in that it bas un­ and that the day be devoted to an ob­
der consideration the preparation and servance of such exercises as may
presentation of a measure before the contribute to a better understanding
next legislature, tbo nature of which tietween labor aud capita), the great
is to compel negligent fathers to labor moving forces behind modern indus­
and support their families. This is a trial development, and it is especially
commendable project, but most likely urged that, employers co ojierate with
it will entail on the part of some one their employes in a mutual observance
the task of keeping that class of men of the day in such manner as will fit­
iu employment and it will bo difficult tingly recognize the reliance which
to do that outside of adopting Social each must place upon the other be­
isui uUieus (be statu prison is called fore the best results from both may
Into requisition. Under Competition be expected or attained.
a man who is forced to work by the
“In testimony whereof I have here
strong arm cf tbo law, is not likely to unto set my hand and caused the
prove an efficient op profitable worker. great seal of the stato to be affixed
Morgan is after the shipyards on hereto. Done at the Capitol, in the
the Great Lakes. He is in the merg City of Salem, this 13th day of Au
ing business again. He is not satis­ gust, A. D,. 1992.
T. T. G eer , Governor,
fied that other men shall have a busi
uess avocation because there is com­
Kufs anil Commerce.
petition in that. Morgan is a Social­
ist. He understands true business
From the Oregon Journal.
principles. Ho sees the waste in un­ Tn France, more than anywhere
necessary competition, hence, bis so­ else, the science of economy is carried
cialistic proclivities impress him to almost to a fine art. The common
obviate the waste of competition by sewer rats of Faris are raised to clean
combining tbo interests that compete. the flesh from bones that are to be
There is but one legitimate objection used in manufactnries, but that must
to Morgan’s combining scheme; it not be boiled to clean them. When
isn’t large enough; he only wants to full grown rats are killed, their furs
in those who have large capital are used for fur trimming, thoirskins
interest aud make those of small for gloves, their thigh bones for the
holdings servants of the combination. highest grades of “ivory“ toothpicks;
He should take all into bjs system or their tendon-’ and bones are cooked
in the end be will get taken in.
down to make those beautiful gela­
tine capsules which our physicians,
The. Hay The Compass Points.
according to Popular Mechanics,
Remunerative busineas is for the often give us modicine in, and their
favored classes; those who have large teeth are used for tipping fine burn­
possesions by which they can control ishers for bookbindersVuse.
business interests. The merging of
the harvester interests into a Har­ Peoples Press: Can a man be a
vester Trust and the consequent dis­ Christian and lend his endorsement
charge of ten thousand agents, clerks to evil by bis silence? Think yon
and other employes used iu tbo sale when you passively submit to an evil
and distribution of Harvesters, shows system that you can also shirk re
sponsibility for (hat system? The
which way destiny is pointing.
This small army of employes is no coming generation will inherit groat« r
longer needed by the Harvester trdBt misery than that suffered by the poor
hence, they must go; they are turned of the present, unless the system is
changed. Has the noble race of man
out to seek situations aud must come so degenerated that wecan unfeeling
in competition with other laborers ly rob those yet. unborn of their free­
dom—aye of (bell very lives?
for positions that are already filled.
----- 4 •
........ ——
This merging of interests bns not
tate of O hio , C itv of T oledo )
increased production, but it has de
L ucas C ounty ,
Creased the price of hnndling the
F rank J. C heney makes oath that
product This will not necessarily de he is the senior partner of the firm of
crease the price of the product, lo the
F. J. C heney «& C o ., doing business
consumer, but it will enable the trust
in the City of Toledo, County and
to eave a larger per cent on the in­
State aforesaid, aud that said firm
vestment although the former price will pay the sum of One Hundred
is maintained. It also restricts com­ Dollars for each and every case of
petition upon the sale of the product Catarrh that cannot, be cured by the
while it. e ntails the number of poai use of Hall’s Catarrh Cure.
i'o:.. i:
i i
Ilins I i V
'Vi HKeep ou Hand at nil Tinies
Fresh Beef, Pork, Mutton. Smoked Meats, Lard,
Sausages, Etc., also
Clippiuti* from the Younc CrnHuder.
“Tommy,” said a teacher to a pupil
in a juvenile class, “what is eyntax?”
"I guess it must, be the tax ou wbia
Key” replied Tommy. The teacher
thought he was eutitled to a credit of
100 per cent.
“But you say they won’t allow a
fellow to throw himself head first
from a bridge?“
Yes, its the only kind of a dive the
police will interfere with. Sei.
Tobacco bas hastenod the death of
at least two presidents of the United
States and one emperor of Germany,
and done serious injury to many thou
sands of other victims, both old aud
young — Millbrook (N. Y. Round Ta
Acknowledge» the Corn
Fresh 5 ogetables, Poultry, Eggs, Butter t;od all Farm Produce, nnd a
The Bandon Hardware Man
In connection with the Market Mrs. Anderson conducts a
w ing new goods to her stock of «Jackets, Cloaks, Ladies’
i-tr Underwear, Shirt Waists, Shirt-Waist Sets, Collars, Cuffs,
Ladies’ and Children’s Hose.
Particular attention given to new and latest styles.
AT THE-----
The New, Speedy and Elegantly Fitted Twin-Screw
- Prop's
Hotel Coquille^
Thia Steamer will pive n regular 10 day Service between CoQuilie River, Oregon, and San
Francisco, California, for both passengers and freight.
For full or further information apply to Cnpt. W. H. Batchelder, on board atenmer, or
<L ’oquille C.'ity,
N. LORENZ, Agent. Coqudle, Oregon.
M. R. LEE, Agent, Bandon, Oregon.
E. T. K1UJZ, General Agent, 2U7 Front St reel, Sun Francisco, California.
J. J*. Tl’PPKR, Proprietor.
This well known hotel is now under new ami com­
petent managemeut.and bas been thoroughly ren­
ovated throughout. The table service is equal to
any in Southern Gregon. Sample rooms for com­
mercial men. BnggHge transported to and from
boats and trains free of charge.
Fine new bar in connection with tbo hotel.
Tu the Circuit Court of the State of Oro-
goh in and for the County of Coos.
Chris Long, Plaintiff.’
Suit in Equity to
Alvin Munck, Julia - Foreclose a Mort-
Munek, and Harry
M. Campé, Defend- |
To Alvin Munck, Julia Munck and Ilnrry M.
Campe the above named Defendants.
In the name of the State of Oregon: You I
are hereby required to appear and unswer
the complaint tiled against you in the above
1 li
\ U U Jl
entitled suit, in the above named Court,
(this Summons being served by publication)
on or before the, last day of the time pre­
scribed in the order for the publication of
this summons, which prescribed time is six
weeliHa the last day of wliicli will be Friday
1 be .r»ih day of September l‘.K)2: the date of
first publication of this summaus bGng Juiy
the 24th, 1902, and if you fail to
so appear and answer the said com
plaint, for want thereof, plaintiff will applv
to the Court for the relie! demand« d in the
Moats Delivered to persons l^virg o;i th’
said complaint in this suit namely:
For a judgment and decree against, the llivei,, or along the ^tage Route
defendants Alvin Munck and Julia Murick
Vie oairy a compiute stock ut
his wife for the foreclosure of a certain
Mortgage beating dale
17th day of
August 1*99 aud recorded in the oftice of
County Cleri» <4 (’ >”S Covaiiy on the 18th
day of August 1899 in Book 15 of Moi tgagc
records page 444 made and e^y^utid by said
defendants to this plaintiff, and tu secure
the payment of certain promissory notes
and the f«)ih>wing sums which plaintiff also
askc, judgment tor and wb.ich are mentioned
in s i k Tmortgage namely: Against th? said
T rade M arks
m fvndants Alvin Munck and Julia Munck
D esigns
<»n t he first Cuimt, for ilm t»i;m of $J»2ü80
opyrights A c .
and interest thereon at the rate of ten per
Anyone sending a sketch and description may
cent per annum Iroth the
v t,v of De­
quickly ascertain our opinion freo whether nn
invention is probably patentable. Connnuntcfi-
cember, lhilb Against the said defendants
¡tons strictly confidential. Handbook on Patents
on the second count, for the sum of $1,47 95
sent freo. Oldest agency for securing patents.
and indeiest theieon at t he rate of ton per
-.n through Munn &
<fc < Co. receive
V--—- notice,
- --- . without charge, in the
cent per annum, from the
dav < t Octo
her 1900. Ar.d ¡.¡.gainst the said defei dan s
on the third couh», for the sum ¿4 ’‘#Í20 0‘.V
with interest thereon at. the rat¿ ot eight
A handsomely illustrated weekly. Largest cir­
culation of any scientific journal. Terms, $3 a
per cent per annum, from the several d ites
year; four months, 51. 8old by all newsdealers.
of tiie payment • of the several sums aggre
galing the said $120.69 as in the c.-mplaiut
CO 2G1 Broadway,
more fully s.»t. forth, being the taxrs on the
Branch Office. 62f> F St.. Washington. D. C.
premises covered by plaintiffs mortgage, for
Bed Room Suites
Curtain Pules and Fine
Wall Paper and
the years 181*9, 190) and 1901. For the sum
and Pieces.
Window Trimmings,
House Lining.
of $225 00 Attorney’s fees and for the costs
and disbursements of this suit; and that the
usual decree may be had. that the lands of
said piaintiffs covered by above mentioned
mortgage to secure the payment of the
Furniture Repairing and Su.v tiling a Specialty.
aforesaid sums, namely : the lot number six
in Block No. one. in the Water Front addi­
I O Jr.Cut nnd Fitted to<) d» r- All
tion to the town of Bandon, Coos County,
aild ueigt.s kept <>n h o-d
Oregon, be sold in the manner provided by
of Ben:.! Cu d.i t s. J
id Goods, and Undertaking Supplies
law to satisfy said judgment, and decree t<*
Cm a..xt
u llu.ijtl.
getlmr with the accruing costs. That, tbo
above named defendant^, Alvin Munck, Ju­
lia Munck and Harry M. Campe, and each
k-- s w - r
<>f them together with all per.-tons claiming
under them, be forevor barred and fore
closed of all light, tide and interest in ami
to said lands and every part thereof, and
that mortgage lien of plaintiff be adjudged
the first, and only lien against, said premises,
and that plain iff have a deficiency judg- !
ment agairst said defendants. Alvin Munck I
and Julia Munck. That the overplus, if i
any theie be after applying the proceeds |
properly applicable to the satisfati* n of said ’
judgiuynt, be paid to the defendant. Harry !
M. Campo, ftsthe puichaserof said premises •
■a ’
under a trust died, and that the plaiotiif ¡
X. <
have such other relief in the promt: « n as by I
Far many years we hav« sold our Whiak let and Cigar« to Wholeaslcrs onl y
law i rovided aiid to the Court muy seem j
and our brand« are preferred by them, aa they are »uperior to all other«. Ir
meet and equitable.
order to give the Consumer tho benefit of the large profit« of Dealer nn«l
JIiil«llei&an, we have decided to now «ell direct to th«Conaumer our Moat
This summons is published by ord; r of j
t ubular Draode of Whiakiea and Cigar« at losa than wh<«le«--1o prlMS
the Hon. L. Harlocker, County Ju ge of
Coos County Oregon, made on the 24th <1 \
With every quart bottle of our famoua 10 year old Queen CitvC’lub PBFcfiyc
of Julv 1902 at Chambers in Coquille City,
an<l on« box of our juatly celebrated genuine Cuban Hand-Made 10« «tear
requiring this summons to be published for
Havana Cuban Speciale, we will give ABSOLUTRLT FHEK.'neof tho hnr.d-
six consecutive weeks in the Bandon Re­
Hhnving 15 i'eiii’w.
«omestopen face, extra heavy nickel Gent'« Wntche« ma«1c,<no lady«) «tem
wind and eet, genuine American movement «nd case, best timekeeper c-n
corder. from July 24th 1902, the date of the
earth, doe« not tarnish and will la«t a lifetime, 1 extra fine Vienna Meer­
first publication hereof.
Cintili« Ä.» Cent*.
schaum Pipe, 1 genuino Meerschaum Cigar Holder, 1 gonulne Meerschaum
Cigarette Holder, I pretty loather Tobacco pouch, 1 elogant extra heavy
nlrkol match box, 1 pair pearl euff button«, 1 ball top collar button, 1 n<eck-
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Jo holder, 1 pair sleevo button«, 1 double chain and one beautiful charm
3l’k 1IAI
Miners’ Supplies
C reaoit
Stkntlftc Bmerican.
I o
Household Furnisnmgs and Deao
rations of all kinds*
Cabinet Chop in Connection.
Mattresses a"d .„'""X?’11'1"
E l D orado
If you Haven’t a regular, healthy movement of the
bowels every day, you're ill or will be. Keep your
bowels open, and bo welt. Force, in tho shapoof vio­
lent physic or pill poison, is dangerous. The ninooth-
est, rani, st, most perfect way of keeping the bowels
clear nnd clean is to take
Shaving Parlors
and Bathrooms
(ll jewelry heivily 14k gold plated. All these 14 piece« with onebox of our
famoacCubanBpeciala and ono quart bottle of our famous 10 ysar old Queen
City Club Pure Rve cannot be bought for !e«« than (12.00. We «ell the
Whiskey and Cigar« in-ft ||B V
Qf c 0
cludlngtheltprizesforUilla I iJJfv I amination, while Wblske.
and Cigars alone cost more than we ask for ths entire lot Our Whlakey if
an Abaoletely Pure lOycnrotd R»e and our Cigar') genuine Cuban band-
msdo.eleai* Havana,mado in our own factory These cigar« are far better
an anything ev«r
ever a<lv«rtiM<l
a<! vertised before w»
We Oatrantee
Guarantee tue
the gonae
goods aim
and rer.m<n
refund „ ,—, —■
tnj FmOBcylfnot
moncj _
An Extra Tremium of an elettint Pocket knlfa with two blade«, 1 cork-screw, 1 cigar cutter ana 1
at rrnreaeated.
r? nreac at ed. lilt- . glssa vuwr
,.. If
i * *3
j . vi
— r
"V—.* packftgo.
’ • 1
------- ------
97 !•««*••
ii lant in
in mirnnrw
advsnre wiwi
with <>tuv>.
ordur. Good« «ent • In
WholMal« Price Lleta of Liquors and Cigars.
Responsible agents wanted
Or<10l today.
431 North Clark fit*. Chicago, IU,
P. B. HOYT, Prop
First Street, BANDON. OKEGOX
Hnthmoin newly lltmil np wltli 1’orcelaln
Tub. Hot ««r Cold Ballis '.’3 colli“.
?ORRALEOR RENT.—Ono ncro lot in
. Bandon; Good hou^e with five rooms nnd
out-boones on lot. Enquire nt this office.
|4 i -! vch Bindon every morning, except
i. ! y. at 7:*!0o'clock and mskes connee
• (•• with th. train and steamer Mvri a;
l ’0 a. m. at ( .»quill» f’ilv.
L.- mv »-»- r..qril*». Cift utiiinn p. m. arm-
a nt Baadcuat 4;o0 p in.
Pleasant, Palatable, pot. nt. Taste Good. .^Oood,
Nover Ricken. Weaken, or Grip.-. 10, 25, and M cents
per box. Write for freo sample, and booklet on
health. Address
----- THE STEAMER-----
t i<
Now is tbo time to purchase Hardware. The undersigned bus
111 stock u large assortment of
“I beleive that alcohol, to a certain
degrw, demoralizes those who sell it
and those who di ink it. I believe from
the time it issues from the coiled and
poisonous worm of the distillery un­
til it empties into the bell of crime,
death and dishonor it demoralizes
everybody that touches it. I do not
believe that anybody can contemplate
the subject without becoming preju­
diced against the liquor crime. All
you have to do is to think of the
wrecks upon either bank of this stream
of death—of the suicides, of the in­
sanity, of the poverty, of the ignor-
a nee, of the distress, of the little
children trigging nt the faded dresses
of weeping and despairing wives, ask­
ing for bread; of men of genius it bus
wrecked; of the millions who have
struggled with imaginary serpents
produced bv this devilish tiling. Ami
when you think of the jails, of the
almshouses, of the prisons, and of the
scaffolds upon either bank—I do not
wonder that every thoughtful tuau is
prejudiced agaiust the damned sluf!
called alcohol.“- Robert O. Ingersoll
----- OGO---- -
.. tredpa
y road.
and Farm Implements, Etc
I’aintw. Oils. Doom anti Window a.
Demoralization of Al
c* tallol.
A Cure For Chole 11 Infantum.
We me etill doing buxine““ nt Tie Old
Stand and can please you. Give us a Call
dud examine our
I will pay highest market price for beef. pork, mutton,woo), bides, etc.
A prominent liquor journal has a
column with a head "What we would
like to see.” Among other things
which it says would make its heart
rejoice are these:
“The Knights of the Royal Arch
elect the Mayor of Clveland and cut a
great figure iu politics whore their
interests aro threatened.’’
“All Anti Saloon League, Law and
Order fakirs and temperance orators
given twenty-four hours notice ly
law to get out of town or go to jail.”
The toughs and bums of Ohio may
long and wait for this, but will die
without the sight. As old Governor
Allen of Ohio used to say about tlie
fulfillment of the hopes of the copper
head element of liis party io the time
of the civil war, “it is a—barren ideali­
ty.”— The American Issu^
If You Do
Stoves, Ranges
Tinware, Gianitewaie
Generous supply of fresh Groceries Hardware,
Glassware, Crockery and Miners’ Supplies.
“Our friend is well aware that there
aro very few fraternal orders that
will at the present, time receive u man
engaged iu the liquor business, and
they are becoming fewer day by day.
Another feature that the Knights of
the Royal Arch will soon put into op­
eration, will be a plan of insurance
on the line of the Royal Arcanum
Knights of Col limbus, and other
strong insurance bodies Liquor deal­
ers are barred from all associations of
this kind, and have to pay double
rates in the insurance companies that
take him as a risk. Two of the larg­
est companies in this counlry, the
New ïork Life and the Mutai Life,
will not accept a liquor man at auy
rate. The above tire ull facts, ami our
learned friends know it.”— Liquor
Trade's Review.
They Will Never Wee It.
“Lust May,” says Mrs. Curtis Ba­
ker, of Bookwalter, Ohio, “an infaut
child of our neighbor’s was suffeiing
from cholera infantum. The doctor
had given up all hopes of recovery. I
took a bottle of Cbamberlaiu’s Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy to
the house, telling them I felt sure it
would do good if used accoyiling to
directions. In two days’ time the
child bad fully recovered, and is now
(nearly a year since) a vigorous,
healthy girl. 1 have recomeuded this
Remedy frequently and have never
known it to fail in any single in­
stance.” For sale by C. Y. Lowe.
---- GOO-----
Appeal to Reason: Rear Admiral
Beresford of the British navy bus ad­
vised that government to build eight
24-knot. liners capable of use in war
to be leased during peace for a share
of the profits. Wise Admiral! He
F rank J. C hf . nev .
Sworn to before me, and subscribed sees the folly of depending tipou syn­
in mt presence, tills (ith day of De­ dicates stronger than the government
for transportation facilities in time of
cember. A. D 1886.
A. W. G leason ,
' - fai . -
Notarp Public.
augmenting the number of applicants
for positions briugn a stronger compe­
tition between laborers.
This would not tie milch of a men­
ace lo the welfare of tbo laboring |
claesea, were it the only institution to I
thri ideu the public good, but when ! Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter
we set one class after another of' and acts directly on th.” I«1.... 1
busitiesK inlei eats merging, and each i and mucous surfaces of the system,
iu it* torn curtailing its force of di“ I Send for testimonials, free.
tribniera and senaing them out. to
F. <J. CntrNi v A Co. Toledo, O. •
cott;:-tn for the positions that oiler a l Sold by Druggists. 75c.
’'■«•!'' o d it meens somethiltg end ’’ I Hall's Family Pills me tim be-t.
The next W C T U meeting takes
place Tuesday, at 2:30, P. M., in the
Methodist Church.
K< >
You Can’t Expect to Get
$2 worth fcr $1, but you
can get your money’s
worth at
Healer in
IB ooím ns:,! Shoes
l<rpnirir._-.n< ally and promptly don- at
lowest living prices.
by our new invention. Only those bom «leaf are incurable.
B altimore , Md., March 10. tool.
Gftttlrmen : — Being entirely cured of deafne* •. thank« to your treatment I will now give you
a full history of my case, lo be used at y< tir discretion.
About five year« ago my right ear kegan to sing, and this kept on getting worse, until I lost
my hearing in this car entirely
I underwent a treatment for catnrrh. for three month«, without nnvsucce««, consulted a num-
)>erof physicians, among others, the m’st eminent car sbccialist of this city, who told me that
only an operation could help mo. nnd even that only temporarily, that the head noises would
then cease, but the hearing iu the affect«. I «.’ar v. <«:il I be lost 1 ,revci.
I then «aw your advertisem nt acckett ally ma N. w York paper, and ordered your treat
ment. After I had used it only a few <i \
«nlii. t«>your directions, the Uu4aetCeased, and.
to-day, after five weeks, niv hearing in t ie
•.*■'.d « ar has been entirely restored. I thank you
heartily and beg to reuiaiu
Very trifle \ .ir<
i . A. WERMAN, 730S Broadway, Baltimore, Md.
Our treatment docs not h.i‘ r¡i te w<th your usual occupation.
ut a nomina",