I ******»*»«»»»»»»»»**»»**»* win«w turn it will 6« u«xt. It might CHOICE MISCELLANY HIS NOSE WAS SAFE. ON THE VERGE OF SUCCESS A be her for all she knows, and she Is practicing the golden rule and doing AlllBUloia lleeonilaa Scarce. The E«ir Steward and tha Anda- But Hl« Nerves Were la a State of Cold Chill Collar««. clou« "Grafter.” for other* what she would like others to THÜ “MAGIC EYE” OF THE SAULT "In live or six years it will be hard rettler. “I was sitting on the veranda of a to get alligator skins,” said William STE. MARIE INDIANS. A man walked Into one of the up- do for her. She deserves to have her Mr. Charles Whymper, the well I town college clubs one morning and sat far western hotel one afternoon,” said Itaquet, "for the reason that they are known engraver and animal paint er, grave smothered under wreaths and told the following anecdote some ye: garlands of flowers. You are very rest­ Au O il Guide'« Explnuatlou of the down in the smoking room. His air of the Boston drummer, "and was lazily all being killed off. Ten years ago it ago: “I dined at Mr. No-and-so's at I think that every girl, be they rich less,” continued the nurse. "Try aDd Indian Whitefish Hunter’s Method assurance was hardly in accord with smoking one of the nicest meerschaum wns no uucommou thing to get a skin Highgate last night, and ns a mark of or poor, should be taught to know how compose yourself and go to sleep, that's of Getting His Glistening Catch bis tattered clothes. It was early, and pipes you ever saw when out of the from ten to twelve feet long, but now none of the members was about, II« tall of my eye I saw that a native down it Is a rarity when we get one eight honor bis eldest daughter was i ;n- I to be of use in the sick-room The gen­ a dear.” From I'nder the Rapids. rang the bell, and the steward re­ at the other end of the veranda had his feet long. ed to me to take down to dinner, S lie's tle ministrations of those who know "The first time I fished In th» Sault spouded. gun sighted at me. They were a wilt! »»»» “This comes from the use of alliga­ a bright girl, and 1 got along very nice­ how to move about in the sick-room Ste. Marie rapids.” said a well known “It seems good to get back into the lot around there, and I couldn’t tell tor leather In the making of valises. ly with her and Lady Bletherlngton on I don ’ t believe the above is much whether he meant to Bhoot me or the Formerly about the only demand for the other side until the ladles were on and w hat is required of them is very overdrawn, for Polly has seen cases just Lake Keuka sportsman, “I landed In club again,” he remarked. pipe. The chances were in favor of the the skins was for shoes, but now there "Yes, sir,” said the steward. the eve of retiring to the drawing different from the impetuous and irri­ about as bad. It seemed ill bad taste an hour twenty-one brook trout that "I used to be a member here, but I’ve pipe, however, and It seemed a good are few shoemakers who use them. It room. I was talking about the beauti­ tating way of those who are novices in weighed forty-five pounds; so I was ful scenery near the house, the views the art of caring for the sick. How the and wretched tact on the part of nurse ready and willing to believe anything had hard luck and can’t afford It any cliauce to test my nerve. I made up was a fad. and the fad has gone out of my mind to let him shoot and to pre­ date. But when valises of the skins from the windows, the fine air. when latter do make the patients writhe, al­ and visitor, and one could not help I heard or read about the possibilities longer.” “Yes, sir; I'm sorry, sir,” said the tend a careless air, but I'm telling you came In the demand increased by leaps t though they know that they are doing feeling that they bad much to learn of those waters or the astounding Mlsa ---- suddenly said. 'I think I In the ten or fifteen seconds of waiting and bounds. There are hundreds of prettier every day. don't you?’ their best for their comfort it irritates before they should ever be admitted to things that men who fished In them steward. "By the way, I’m a little short of car the sweat came out at every pore and alligator hunters along the coast, and “What could she mean? 1 did them lieyoml measure. Instead of sooth­ the sick room. The girl who has been were able to do. fare this morning.” said the nervy my heart pounded my ribs sore. I felt their work Is showing plainly. For a dare to answer her, so I said: ‘1 ing the sick to peaceful slumber by brought up to know something of the "Consequently I believed what they stranger. “Could you let me have ten a sort of tick at the bowl of the pipe, long time there were plenty of gators your pardon. What did you say?' needs of the sick room moves around told me about the heard the crack of the gun and knew along the bayous and the marshes close "‘I said I think 1 get prettier every gentle and quiet ways that are restful quietly, has a cheering and encourag­ Indian fishermen marvelous feats the cents until I call here again?” of the Sault Ste. that the bullet hnd passed through the to town, but now we have to go to and at the same time encouraging to the Th» surprised steward reached Into day.’ ing word, doesn't relate ghastly stories Marie could perform in the way of his pocket and banded out a dime. pipe. I got a brace with my hands and west Louisiana and Mississippi and There wns no mistaking her words, invalid, they make them feel that they “Tliank you," said the man. "Now. feet and waited for a second bullet, elsewhere for them.” so I answered, 'Yes. Indeed, you get are much worse off than they really that can be construed by the patient to netting whitefish. Few who have tour­ Mr. itaquet then spoke of the discov­ prettier, and no wonder In such fresh are. They whisper aud look as solemn be identical with her case. They know ed the great lakes have not heard of I’m also a little hungry, having had no and It went through the bowl after the air ami'— Just then she caught her as owls and as doleful as if they were when to be quiet, and they give the those same feats, witnessed them and, breakfast. Do you suppose you could first. I sat there until his fourth bill ery that the back of the alligator, long let had hit the pipe aud knocked th? supposed to be useless for leather pur­ mother's eye, and. with the other la preparing to go to their funeral. They patient every opportunity to rest; they of course, could do nothing but go gather me up a little luncheon?” The steward was stupefied by such a bowl off the stem, and then the shooter poses. is now used in the heavier va­ dies, she left the room. As she went admit strangers to the sick room when administer the medicine according to away believing that they were all they sauntered up to me and laughingly lises. Formerly only the skin from display of nerve. out she looked over her shoulder with the doctor’s orders strictly forbid any the doctor's orders, and if he objects to seemed to be. "Particularly will they marvel, as I “Ami a little whisky with a dash of said: the under side was considered of any such a withering scorn in her eyes that outsider entering to excite the patient. visitors she has the courage to say so “ 'Excuse me, stranger, but I thought account, but now all parts of It are did. at the Indian whitefish fisherman's bitters would not go badly with the I knew I had put my foot In It some­ and stand firm. . The doctor ’ s word is magic eye with which he seems to food." It was Imitation.’ of service.—New Orleans Tlmes-Dem- how. Then It flashed upon me that 1 Their tender-heartedness gets the better “ 'Same as you are,’ I replied. look down through ten feet or more of The steward fled ns one of the mem- ocrat. had misunderstood her ^>he hail drop­ of them, anil rather than offend some law and must be obeyed. She keeps foaming, rushing water and see white ­ "My gibe hurt him, but he was man everything picked up in the room as hers entered. The stranger saw the ped an 'h.' What she had said was not would-be sympathizer, they ignore the enough to tell everybody about my fish that to the white man's eye would The Name Sounded Well. new arrival and rose hastily. a silly compliment to herself. The sen­ physician’s orders and let this particu­ well. She doesn’t have a half dozen be invisible five Inches beneath the There Is a man with a cottage In “1 am too early for my friend,” he nerve, and tlie boys chipped in sufli- tence really was. 'I think Highgate lar friend and that oue in. They ex­ glasses standing round, or old flowers I surface. cient nuggets to buy mo this fifty dol­ It would have been strange prettier every day.’”—Chambers'Jour­ plain the case to them in audible whis­ that have been brought in and left to If I had not marveled at It, hnving said as lie walked toward the door. lar smoker. Say, do you know what Casco Terrace, in Maine. He Isn't the "I will return later.1 Then he added only man there nor the only man with nal. wither in the vases with the foul water pers aud that they believe the patient witnessed more than once manifesta­ in an undertone, which the doorboy happened to me when I made an ex­ a cottage there, but he Is sul generis, is really much worse ott’ than the doc­ to send out disagreeable odors that are tions of Its alleged power. That was heard: “Too bad, too bad! That stew­ cuse to go up stairs after my old corn all the same, for he has Inflicted on Knew III« Stun. A story about the late James G. Bnt- tor dreams of and he will find it all out unbearable even to a well jierson. She before I talked with old Guide Gnrron. ard was easy. He'd given me the club cob? 1 had no sooner got into my room himself a really brand ne.v and beauti­ 'The astounding feats of the Indian If I’d asked for It. It’s a wonder those than my knees gave out, chills galloped ful joke. And he Is the only man in tersou, president of the Travelers’ In when it is too late. The patient tosses doesn’t weary the patient by pressing surance company of Hartford. Ex-Gov­ restlessly and imagines all sort of un­ him to tell her of something he would whitefish netters of the Sault Ste. members wouldn’t stay away.” The up my spine, and I’ll be hanged If 1 tlint part of the state who Is unaware ernor Waller of Connecticut wanted to canny things. If the doctor should like to eat. She uses her own judg­ Marie that the guidebooks and the man of nerve walked down the street didn’t faint away and lie there for ten of it. The permanence of the Joke de­ obtain n charter for a new corporation come in at that moment he would find ment, and knowing what an invalid is hotel keepers and stcamboatmen Insist with his head bowed In deep thought. minutes. It had suddenly occurred to pends on Its being kept from him, and which be represented, and the opposi­ that the patient’s temperature had usually allowed she prepares dainty oil telling tourists about are performed “How to get that luncheon without tne that the bowl of that pipe was only the secret is being preserved until this tion cnlled Mr. Batterson as their stnr taken a sudden jump, and there were dishes and serves them so tastefully by two Indians In a canoe. One occu­ paying for It” was his theme.—New six Inches from my nose while the fel­ writing with perfect unanimity. The low was doing bls shooting, and I have man looks with complacency on bls pies the stern and manipulates the York Tribune. witness. He was asked by bls own symptoms for the worse that he could that it tempts them to partake of the paddle to keep the canoe’s head point­ not yet got over touching my nasal neighbors as they bring visitors dally side only two questions. dainties. There is no s|M>tted table ed up stream. The Indian in the bow, organ now and then to see if it Is to view his cottage, and be Is happy In "You have lived In Hartford a great not account for. CATHERINE II.’S RULES. lineD, but the tray is covered with the standing upright, uses a pole to aid in safe.” many years, Mr. Batterson?" the thought that Its beauty has incited » » » » whitest of napkins, the glassware and propelling the canoe or in keeping it "Y'es, sir." The rules. Inscribed on a tablet now them to admiration and envy. But The visitor who has just run in to see if silverware are sparkling and bright. steady. “Are you In favor of grnutlng this in the Hermitage, the famous St. Pe­ INDIAN PRAIRIE DOG HUNTS when he reads this, he will discover "Lying ready to his hand is a dip net she could do anything for the invalid or charter?" The prettiest dishes in the house are tersburg Museum of Art. are ns fol­ The Little Anlmali Are Deemed a that what has brought the hosts of to help the family, if she is as unpre­ used, and if it is possible when serving four feet in diameter, fastened to the lows : “No, sir.” strangers to gaze on his cottage Is not Dainty Dl»li by the Navajoee. Here bls lawyers rested, leaving the pared to euter the sick room as the it, a dainty rosebud or two or three vio­ end of a pole perhaps fifteen feet long. I. Leave your rank outside as well The Navajo Indian, while he cannot the cottage. It Is the beautiful golden rest to chance, knowing that Mr. Bat- nurse, will have many incidents to re­ lets are laid on the tray just before it is The fishing Is done at the foot of the as your hat and sword. be prevailed upon to eat a rabbit, is name that blazes over his porch. The terson could keep Ids end up in any ver­ late of how she knew of just such a case taken into the sick room. It gives rapids, where the water bolls and tum­ II. Leave your right of precedence, greedily fond of fat prairie dogs. Large man does not know Spanish, but he bles furiously. With his pole the In ­ bal battle with ex Governor Waller. and he died, and the doctors never did knows when a word sounds nice, and them, if not a taste of out of door life, a dian in the bow keeps the boat moving your pride and any similar feeling out­ communities of these small animals the Spanish word “vacuna” struck him The latter began by asking: abound on the western plains, and the side the door. know what was the matter with him breath of fresh air and the fragrance of about in the rapids and gazes constant­ “Mr. Batterson, you have lived here III. Be gay, but do not spoil or gnaw Navajo has resorted to many Ingenious as sounding Just nice enough for a nice and treated him from the first for some­ the garden they are for the time being ly into the water, which Is often ten many years?" methods for trapping bls coveted dain­ cottage like his. Unhappily "vacuna” anything. thing else. It was downright murder, feet or more deep. deprived of enjoying. They know as "I have.” ty. One of them Is by the aid of a bit Is not so nice a word In meaning as In IV. Sit, stand, walk as you will, "Suddenly the Indian In the bow will “Well, sir,” added Governor Waller, ami this case looked like it was going well how to shake up the pillows with­ of mirror placed at the entrance to a sound. In plain, rude English It means without reference to anybody. "It Is my wish that you may live in to be a repetition of that most doleful out jarring the poor pain-racked body. seize the net handle with one hand, burrow. When the animal ventures "cowpox.”—Lewiston Journal. V. Talk moderately, not loud, so as Hartford many more years. That Is nil, affair. The patient's fever is rising at Such a girl carries sunshine into the never ceasing to manipulate the canoe from his bedroom, deep under ground, with his pole in the other nor for an not to make the heads or ears of others he sees a familiar Image mocking him sir.” Savage Diplomacy. a tremendous rate after this startling sick room and dispels the gloom. ache. Instant removing his staring gaze from Thus wns Mr. Batterson's opportuni­ bit of whispered news. “Dear me,” During the recent convention of col­ at the front door, and he hurries out to VI. Argue without anger and with ­ the water. The net Is not more than ty to talk shelved. Governor Waller whispers the nurse, “now just look at confront the Impudent intruder, when lege presidents and scientists who in Ills hand before he has plunged It out excitement. knew his man.—New York Times. BRIEF REVIEW. he is pinned to the ground with an ar­ make up the Association of American that fever. It is rising again and I’ll perhaps ten feet distant from the boat, VII. Neither sigh nor yawn, nor ________ z Agricultural Colleges and Experiment row. have to give her a good strong dose of thrusting It at the same Instant to the make any one feel dull or heavy. The Pulpit Versus tlie Bar. But the most effective method ta Stations Dr. G. W. Atherton told a Russians’ Table Manners. bottom. Then he gives It a peculiar fever medicine, poor thing. ” She pours VIII. In all Innocent games, what­ what the Indians call the rain bunt, As story of Captain Pratt, the distinguish­ An eminent American lawyer, now The Russian has no fixed meal time. twist, draws it up and, surrendering ever one proposes, let all Join. deceased, was sadly given to Intoxica­ out the dose and almost strangles her soon as the stendy downpour of sum­ ed educator of Indian youth, which tion. On one occasion lie entered a charge in giving it to her. “You see, He eats when he is hungry, which is the care of the canoe for the moment IX. Eat whatever is sweet and savo­ mer rains begin every Navajo who can convulsed the other delegates. Some church while a minister was bolding she can hardly swallow,” she says with often. He has about six square meals to the Indian with the paddle, be ry, but drink will) moderation, so that walk repairs to the prairie dog village one had referred to a resolution “In forth on the future punishment of the a sigh, as she settles back in her chair a day. He has at least a dozen lunch­ draws the net up, never without from each may find bis legs on leaving the with hoes, sharp sticks or any digging due and proper form reduced to writ­ three to half a dozen glistening white­ wicked. Implement. With these they hollow ing.” Dr. Atherton replied briefly in and begins to rock to and fro. “I’ve eons—a little bit of salt fish or some ca­ fish In It, frequently weighing five room. Fixing Ills eye upon the lawyer, who X. Tell no tales out of school. What­ out trenches that will lead the storm the quiet, contained manner befitting viare. or a piece of bread and cheese, pounds each. been wondering whether the family was reellug near the door, the preacher ever goes In at one ear must go out at water Into as many burrows as possi­ the president of Pennsylvania State washed down with a nip of fiery vodki. “The wondering spectator, seeing the other before leaving the room. exclaimed, “There stands a sinner will go into deep mourning when the ble. Soon a little stream is pouring college: “The gentleman's reference to He never passes a station without a nothing but the boiling water, the sud ­ end comes, ” she whispers. “ I think against whom 1 shall bear witness in Whoever offends ngainst rule X shall down each smnll home, and the Inmate, a resolution ‘reduced to writing* sug­ glass oftea — marvelous tea — with a thin den start of the Indian and his quick nothing looks richer or more mournful- the day of Judgment.” uever again be admitted. much disturbed, pops out tp see what gests to me the story of an Indian boy At this the lawyer folded Ills arms, like than heavy crepe, but those little slice of lemon floating in it. You get a and dexterous plunging and drawing Our grande dame will call these rules the matter can be. Many of the aul- and Captain Pratt In the course of planted himself as firmly as lie could nuns-vailing vails, or love-vails, as some fondness for Russian tea and forswear up of the net w-lth its Invariable load her Ten Commandments. mats remain under ground until they some cogitation over the boy’s disre­ of whitefish, can do nothing but ac ­ and, addressing the mail iu the pulpit, people call them, are much more styl­ bemilked decoctions forever. The table are drowned, and their bodies float to gard of the precepts of civilization Cap­ electrified the whole congregation after ish. 11 costs lots of money for a family manners of the Russian—such as you knowledge to himself the necromancy tain Pratt asked the boy of what be the surface. Tlie Terrapin Disease. of the Indian ’ s piscatorial art. I know this fashlou: After such il bunt, in which many was thinking. ‘If you please,’ answer­ to go into deep mourning, but I guess see in hotels and buffets—are not pleas­ that I did, and for two seasons gave The terrapin is thought to have much “Sir, I have been practicing In the ing. He sprawls with outstretched el- myself away to the fascination of that influence In causing sickness, and the pounds of prairie dogs are generally ed the Indian, ‘I was thinking of a criminal courts for twenty years, and they won’t have the -younger children Ixiw on the table and gets his mouth mysterious fishing. ‘ Then one day I terrapin disease is either a rheumatic secured, there Is a feast for many days dream I had last night. I dreamt 1 wear black only for a little while. One I have always found that the greatest down to his food rather than raise the marveled at It greatly to Guide Garron, affliction about the chest and ribs or In the Navajo huts.—New York Com- went to heaven, and when I got there black dress would do for them. ” The rascal Is the first to give state’s cvi- I saw a great big blackboard, and. merelal Advertiser. patient moans at this. “Poor dear," food to his mouth. He makes objection­ the shrewd and cunning old French­ possibly some pulmonary trouble. The deuce.”—Seotsma n Captain Pratt, your name was there in association of the terrapin with diseases continues the nurse to the visitor, “she able noises in his 'throat. He has a man who knows every rock and eddy in this portion of the body doubtless big letters. Yes, sir, your name was When Children Smoked- rapids and all the The Spanish I.nitKunae. seems to know that the end isn’t far off'. finger bowl and rinses his mouth as the and whirlpool of the Jorevln de Rochefort, who published there, written In your own baud.’ _ any other _ __ originates from the fact that the ribs wiles and tricks that guide | The Spanish alphabet Is perfect snve Wonder whether she’s expressed any rest of us do when cleaning our teeth in In Taris In 1671 an account of his trav­ Washington Star. for a single silent letter, h. Each letter opinion as to what she wants to lie laid our bathroom. Then he squirts the knows and a whole lot that no other I of the terrapin are not free, as in the els In England, tells the following: one does know, and Garron ’ s little case of most of the higher animals, but has only one sound and pronounced as The Lord Mayor’s Coach. water back into the bowl. In time one black eyes twinkled._________________ are united Into one piece. “While we were walking about the spelled. The written language there­ out in? I heard her say once that she The coach In which the lord mayor town (Worcester) he asked me If It wns “‘Ah!’ he chuckled. 'Zat mageeck An Indian who was 111 applied for re fore Is. with a single exception, freo had a whole suit of fine linen under­ may get used to this. the custom In France as In England of London rides from the Guildball to hye. He von gr-r-rand homboag! ’ fief to a sliaman and was asked, “ Did wear-pure linen, every thread of it and from redundant letters. The chief dif­ the law courts was built In 1757 by a Poverty of English Clergy. “Then he explained in his voluble you not when a boy tie strings to the that when the children went to school ficulty In the language to English every stitch in it by hand, that she subscription from each of the Junior they carried In their satchel with their and picturesque patois the apparent terrap'n ’ s tail and worry the creature? ” While the Bishop of London has said speaking people Is the Inflection of Its had packed away in lavender—that aiderman or such as had not passed the books a pipe of tobacco, which their The patient admitted that he did. verbs. These move from one mood and she wished to l>e buried in. Seems to a gixid deal alxiut the jioverty of the mystery of the Indian whitefish fisher- mothers took care to fill early In the civic chair. The repairs to the coach man ’ s magic eye. Whitefish are natu- I “ Well, ” said the medicine man, “ that tense to another by terminal changes, me I heard her say it was her wedding English clergy—pointing out among morning. It serving them Instead of have In one year cost as much as $3.- while English verbs move by auxllla- suit. Never been worn but the one other things, that 4566 livings averaged ral denizens of the still, silent wate-s Is what is the matter. It Is the terra- breakfast, aud that at the accustomed OttO. The design of the coach Is mag­ of the great lakes. To get from Lake Pin ’ » turn now. and the terrapin Is pay- -rfes. In Inflection Spanish follows Lat­ £150 a year, and no fewer than 1341 hour every one laid aside bls book to nificent, but can hardly be considered in, of which It is a beautiful and rich­ time, and then it was packed in laven­ benefices were worth only £65 per an­ Huron to Lake Superior these fish Ing off old scores. You have the terra- light his pipe, the master smoking with graceful. It consists of a pair of gro­ must fight their way up the fierce and pin sickness, and all your ribs have der and laid away for this event. I ’ m ly endowed daughter. so much so that them and teaching them how to hold tesque marine figures which support It adopts no word or phrase from other sure she never thought it would come num—he did not touch on an aspect of stubborn Sault Ste. Marie rapids. In grown together and to your breast­ their pipes and draw In the tobacco.” the seat of the driver, with a large doing this they travel by easy stages, bone. ” clerical poverty, which is well illus ­ so soon, however, but believed she languages. shell as a footboard. Behind are two In England at the time of the great They can brave the rapids but a short The shaman administered the proper might live her three score years and trated by the reasons just given by the plague It was reported that no one liv­ children bearing the city arms, The The Time For Planting Bulb«. ten, our allotted lime according to the rector of Beale for resigning his livings. distance at a time, when, almost ex- remedy prescribed iu such cases—I for- ing In a tobacconist's house fell sick of perch is double and terminates In dol­ hausted, they d«op into the shelter of Ret what It was — and the man thought There Is no definite rule to lie laid Scriptures.” “Oh, well,” murmurs the The lienelice is not worth more than the disease. This caused a great de­ phlns’ heads. Outside the coach Is or­ down as to the length of time in which interested visitor, “the Lord moves in £129 per annum,yet the rector has spent the friendly rocks that pile the bottom be was cured. mand for tobacco. Hearne says in bls geous with gilding, and Inside are of the rapids. I ----------------------- bulbs should lie left in cold storage. a mysterious way His wonders to per­ during his tenure as much as £150 on diary, “I remember that I heard for­ painted panels, historical and symbol­ “Huddled sometimes by the score be- Doina Hl« Beat. As a general thing, top growth will not ical. relating of course to the city of begin until root growth Is completed. form. We’re here to-day and there to­ the rectory houseout of his own private hind these rocks, getting wind, as 1» I in the early morning I went to the merly Tom Rogers, who was yeoman London. Up to the year 1712 the lord beadle, say that when he was a school ­ means. Much the same story might be were, to overcome another stage of postoftice in an Alabama town to In- morrow; we're cut down and withereth This nearly always takes from six mayor rode In state on horseback, aft­ weeks to two months. It Is therefore like the grass and the flowers of the told of many a country clergyman who tbelr journey, the whitefish, If the wa- quire for mall, but found I was half boy nt Eton that year when the plngue er which there was a carrlnge drawn raged nil the boys of that school were ter Is not too deep, can be lifted out an hour too early. I was walking away generally safe to begin bringing Octo­ field.” “Yes, and some people pass out has brought himself near poverty by by four horses. The present cumber­ ber planted bulbs to the living room in in the twinkling of an eye, others have self-sacrificing expenditure on his by the hand of the fisherman, they nre I when the colored Janitor who was obliged to smoke every morning and some coach, weighing nearly four tons, that be was uever whipped so much In so nearly exhausted. The Indians as sweeping out called to me and asked: December. Those desired for later a slow ami lingering death as if the “cure.”. well as the white fishermen know this "Was yo’ procrastinatin’ around yere his life as be was one morning for not requires six stout horses to drag It flowering enn be left In cohl storage, good Lord was giving them time for re­ along. smoking.” and, knowing well the location of these | arter yo'r mail, sail?” Canada Advertised in Schools. where they will remain dormant as to flection and to atone for all their mis­ sheltering rocks, have only to thrust “ Yes, but I see I'm too early. ” Two Slana. top growth. By bringing bulbs to light Tke Sotlstaatlon In Traveling Alone. In more than 3000 schools in Great "Yes, sah, too airly. An’ was yo’ a One who is on the lookout for curi­ and warmth at Intervals of a week or deeds of the past. Do you know, some-k Britain the boys are studying text their nets down behind them and draw "Oh, the pleasure of eating alone!” stranger In dis town?” ten days we secure a succession of times when I see people suffering books on Canada which set forth her them up filled with fish. wrote Charles Lamb In one of his most ous signs and advertisements can easi­ "The cunning of the Indian led him "Yes.” bloom which makes It possible for us to greatly (here she gives a significant expansive letters. We are not quite sure ly find them without going far from "An’ haln’t yo’ no one to talk to?” brighten our windows with their beau­ ook at tlie lied) I feel that it is God’s history, explain her system of govern long ago to give visitors the Impression how Rerlous he was In the exclamation. home. A dweller In a New England "No." tiful flowers during the greater part of udgment cast upon them and they are ment and lay stress upon her natural that he could penetrate the troubled But change “eating" Into "traveling,” village quotes two which appear on “Den. sah. If yo’ don’t keer to elimi­ and there may be found thousands who carts that often pass her door. winter.—New Lippincott. just getting a little bit of the punish­ resources. These books are supplied depths of the rapids with hls gaze and discover the whitefish on the bottom. nate about do street fur half an hour The first comes In sight accompanied ment here on earth that is meted out to free by the Dominion, and Lord Strath­ Tlie wonder of It spread, and It has I yo’ can stop right yere, an’ I'll do my will echo the cry. Thackeray thought iCnay. there wns nothing to equal it. Louis by a Jingling of sleigh oells which, cona, Canada's High Commissioner to them when they get on the other side. ” been one of the fondest and best pay- best to considerate de reciprocity of de Theodore—It’s all right, darling, 1 Stevenson, In the Cevennes, made the summer and winter alike, decorate the mother country, will give valuable have ruet your father, and we took to “Well, I must be going,” whispers the medals next spring to the scholars who Ing fictions of ‘Susan Mary,’ as the na- | sltuasbun an’ make yo* feel to home!” same discovery, for his donkey cannot the trappings of an old white horse. tives give you the pronunciation of the one another nt once He even went so visitor, "and if you need me at any be said to count. It reads: “Home Made Bakery. Mixed • / “A Mine Day«* Wonder.” far ns to borrow $10 from me. Surely time you’ve only to send for me. If pass the best examination on them. Sault Ste. Marie.”—New York Times. Jean Paul Richter, though be did not Pickles and Brooms a Specialty.” ■ The memorable reign of Lady Jane live In touring times, was too accom- he can’t refuse me your bund after the worst comes I suppose you’ll need The aim of Strathcona and his country­ The second Is In gold letters on the An Anecdote of Genin«. I G re y | g said to have given rise to the men is to impress British youth with that. watchers to sit up with them. If you pllshed an Individualist (of the sentl- sides of a gay red wagon drawn by,a The following anecdote of I^lgh phrase, “A nine days' wonder." Lady mental kind) not to harp on this music Edith—Dory, I’m afraid you've made do, put me down for the first night. the advantages of the Dominion as a pair of black steeds. This is It: ‘JB. Hunt was once related by "Orion" I Jane wns proclaimed queen of England a mess of It. Pn told me about the $10 I'm a fine hand when it comes to sitting field for emigration. al string. "1 hold the constant regard Ware. Tin Ware. Confectionery 4 Horne. Horne on a bitterly cold day July io. 1553. four days after the death that we pay in all our actions to the Crackers." ■ nd said I'd better let you slide; that up all night. I’ll bake them a cake, . to winter went to see Hunt, and found of Edward VI. After the lapse of a judgment of others as the poison of our you were too easy.- Boston Transcript too. They’ll need something in the bun in a large room with n wide, old period of nine days, on July 19. she re- peace, our reason and our virtue.” Hl« Tender Spot. / house, |Ms>r things, and at a time like ylelded an albino moose, three or four fashioned flreplace. He hnd dragged llnquislied her title to the crown, thus I’rejncl iced. "An «musing libel action," says the Translated Into plainer speach, Richter ’ s “So you won't take my medicine?” that you don’t want to have to stop and albino deer and two pure albino squir- his piano on to the hearth, close to a terminating her reign In the short space words may read thus, "Unless you can London Globe, "has been started by a | large fire, leaving only room for hlm-|of a week aud a half. A noted Eng- said the doctor, who hail boon called In think what you’re going to fix for the rels. have your own way life Is but a poison­ German violinist. A paper ventured , ... I wlf and bls chair, and was playing ||sh historian says, “Thus we come to ed against the patient's wishes. watchers to eat. Do you like fig, car­ to state that when he mounted the puddle.” In connection with golf and its ex- w)th the greatest enjoyment. the end of the diary of that short and "I will not." replied the patient. amel, chocolate or eocoanut cake best? pensiveness it is interesting to note that Curzon, Stanley, De Windt, Miss pintform he carried all before him. "jfy dear fellow, ” cried Horne, "are troubled reign that from Its length is “1 suppose you're one of these poor, It’s just as easy to bake something that Kingsley, Landor and a host of smaller As. however, the violinist has a mark­ deluded beings who believe In throwing everybody likes. I would stop to si>eak Chicago lias invested in grounds close you aware tlint you are ruining your «nhl to have given rise to the now men and women have acted on the ed tendency to obesity, a subject on to $1,000,000 piano forever and ever in that heat? ” (1620) popular phrase, ’ A nine days' physic to the d< same assumption. And ns In Inrger which he r thing, but she seems so travel, better known as exploration, so take It nn an unmixed compliment. restless and it would make her worse. ----------------------- valuable Philadelphia Press. Bilk Is the strongest of all vegetable I "but It I* delicious.” also In the less stately yet more pleas­ Henca the notion "_________ Humility. Be sure ami semi for me if anything Ancestor« or the OatrleB. or animal threads. It is three times as Humility Is the means of progress. urable “trips" of common life. After Cheated. happens,” and she tip-toed out, mak­ Hit Until Way«. The ostrich Is a descendant of a genus n full purse there Is nothing so good for strong as a tlaxeu thread of the same Mistress (arranging for the dinner)— When we realize how little we know, First Artist - Congratulate mo, old ing more noise in her efforts to lie qulet size. we sbull yearn and strive to know the vagrant as a free band.—C. Ed of bird which In prehistoric times at­ Didn't the grocer send the macaroni? man. I've Just sold my masterpiece to than if she had walked boldly out of tained an enormous size. In the allu­ Cook—Yes, mum, but 01 sent ft back. more; when we feel how Imperfect Is wardes lu Speaker. Banker Parvenu for five thousand dol­ the room. The patient gives a sigh of vial deposits of Madagascar evidence It is said that $0,000,000 will be need­ Every wan of them stlma was empty.— our character, and not till then, we Straight forward. ls rs. has been found to show that ostriches relief. The nurse steps up, gives an­ ed for the repair of our warships during London Fun. shall make earnest efforts after our He— You mustn't believe every beg­ fourteen and fifteen feet in height once Second Artist- Glad to hoar It. The other dose of fever medicine and wliis- the next fiscal year. Improvement._____________ gar who comes to your door. miserable skinflint deserves to be swin­ lived on the Island. A man's labors must pass like the pers, “What a beautiful disposition the By the command of the shnb tne Per She—But this was no commou beggar dled sunrises and sunsets of the world. The slan government has arranged to send He was a sea captain who had lost ev visitor has who has Just left. How At ■ French Tabic d'Hot«. The Lord Mayor of London's fund for There Is li i thoughtful and how anxious she is to thè ustionai tneinorial to Queen Vie­ next thing, not the Inst, must be bls 150 young Persians, the sons of well erythlng In a shipwreck. She—Ob, hdrrors! Here Is a snail In care. hotie than ■ born personages, to Europe at the ex He—How do you know be was? this salad! help the sick ami afflicted. She never torta amounta to £126,200. piielty le F.- pense of the state for educational pur She—He told a straightforward story He—Sh! If the bead waiter beard fails to lie in evidence at the house of Why Is It that gloves worn by pall- Is nothing I poses. The towns selected for their so­ about how his ship went to pieces on yon, he'd charge ns for a portion of mourning, and is never too busy to at ­ The Missouri apple is arriving in St. benrors are always too long In the fin ­ preme. I.-il journ are London, Moscow, St. Peters the coast of Switzerland.—Philadelphia snails.—New York Commercial Adver­ tend a funeral, for she never knows Txiuis at the rate of 40,000 barrels a day. gers?-Atch Iron Globe. burg, Berlin and Vienna. tiser. Frees. BANDON RECORDER. FISHING FICTION.