Bandon recorder. (Bandon, Or.) 188?-1910, October 31, 1901, Image 3

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Br E hvin W abdmab .
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A man anil a woman were talking to­
gether In the woman’s home on the
Rue de Varennes. The man was say­
“So you refuse to marry me. That’s
foolish of you, but whether you do or
not, you haven’t the heart to a’^jy me
to rot in poverty while you luxuruut- In
adluence. Considering our old time re­
lations, the thing's impossible on the
face of It.”
“Ab!” returned the woman, “then
you have come here to beg?” She spoke
with a careless scorn.
“No. One begs when one has no pow­
er to enforce." he corrected with a se­
raphic smile. “Eve come all the way
from America to offer you my hand
and make an honest woman of you. If
you refuse to recognize my claims upon
you I’m in a position to take reprisals."
The woman did npt answer.
“If you’ve any trace of your old self
left. Marie’’—the man's voice was low
and soft, conciliatory, caressing almost
—“surely you love me still. Think how
you loved me once.”
The mesmeric, musical voice came
near undoing Marie de Guerin.
"Was it you I loved,” she said
dreamily, “or the man my untutored
heart took you to be? Ah, the weary,
weary months when I wanted you,
when I sobbed for you day and night!
Where were you then, Edouard Pey­
rac?” She seemed to be living in the
hungry past, but only for a moment.
The hot scorn of the present surged
over her and dried up the tears at their
source. "Now,” she said, ”1 do not
need you.”
She rose with an air of dismissal.
“Look here. Marie,” pursued the
man. keeping ids seat, “if you will lend
me a helping band from time to time
I’ll promise never to take a step to
harm you. Moreover, 1 shall be mod­
erate. You might—simply buy a pic­
ture occasionally. That would be the
nicest way. Yes, you might buy my
“It might be well to know whether I
am dealing with a blackmailer or a
bagman,” remarked the woman wea­
Edouard Peyrac flushed red, but he
conquered bls savagery and went on:
“I’ve not sold a picture for over a
twelvemonth, and I’m head over heels
In debt. I’ve been banging around
friends’ bouses for a year, and here
you are, rich beyond the dreams of av­
arice. You can't expect me to sit down
In silence.”
“Now, If you are quite ready to go?”
suggested the woman quietly, putting
her hand upon the bell button.
This time the man's anger got the
better of him. He scowled and looked
at her blackly. “I’m not. I think it's
absurd of you to smash your social po­
sition In the face like this. What will
become of it, do you suppose, when I
have a good, long talk with the fau­
“To a man of intelligence the solu­
tion surely can offer no difficulty,” she
said languidly. But she added with a
vague little smile, “If you could dream
how remotely my social standing inter­
ests me you wouldn't bother about It."
"I'm going to give you a tew days In
which to think this over. Perhaps In
the meantime you will care to send me
a note.” He laid bls card on the table
slguificantly. “In return for a check 1
will send you a picture. Now good
The womau rang, and he was shown
out. As be got into a tiacre be thought:
“By Jove! What If she means to turn
devotee again? What if she doesn't
care a rap about her social standing?
She always did talk nltout saints and
miracles and feast days better tlinu
anything else!" Then he remembered
her dainty, fastidious taste; be recalled
the sybaritic room lie had Just left.
“Oh, no!” he concluded.
“Pierre,” said Marie de Guerin to the
servant In the hall when the door had
closed upon Peyrac, “I expect M. le
Cure in a half hour. I will receive him
In my boudoir.”
So a little later she rose from the
desk at which she was writing and
greeted the priest. Pere Darville was a
man whose eyes were kind and whose
mouth was flrm. He looked the man to
do without swerving what ids con­
science told lilm. were It even to cost
the happiness of nil lie loved. In fact,
that Is why Mlle, de Guerin bad sent
for him—she had seen bls face and it
bad appealed to her.
He sat down In her little blue anu
gold boudoir with the ease of a man of
the world who was ns much at home
among the cushions of a woman's sanc­
tum as on the hard seat of a confes­
“I wrote for you, father, because 1
need help. I—I have not many friends.”
The woman's voice was listless, tired.
"I will help you If I enn, my daugh­
ter. My whole time belongs to each
soul that comes to me. Are you a child
of the church?”
“Once I was. I was an orphan, pre­
paring to enter a convent, when love—
or what I mistook for love—came into
my life. I balanced the flashing jewel
and the paste diamond, and I threw
the first away.” The woman’s hands
weighed in her lap like spiritualized
marble, and her hair, so much of It,
seemed too heavy for her head. "The
man for whom I gave up everything
would not give me even bls name.”
There was a pause. No Interruption
came from the priest.
“Since then I have tried—God, bow 1
have tried!—to forget. It la an awful
thing to bate living, but to be afraid of
dying because of the other side”— She
settled her hands a little more tightly
toget her.
“But, my daughter, there always re­
mains to us. even to the eleventh hour,
the wny of penitence and of renuncia­
tion." The priest's voice was level,
just a little als>ve the whisper of tile
“Ah, 1 know." the woman broke In,
"and It Is Just Is-eause of that I have
sent for you I have only begun to tel)
you. father."
Pere Darville gave a quick, upward
"A year ago nn uncle who had allow­
ed me to suffer penury and a servile
dependence all my life died. He died
suddenly and without a will. The law
gave bis fortune to me because I
chanced to be Ills sister's child. Two
months ago. In a secret drawer, I
found a document- a confession writ­
ten by my uncle and evidently intend­
ed to lie made public iu order that res­
titution might be effected.
"My uncle,” Marie de Guerin went
on. “was a creole, and for years lie
was the trusted agent for an aristo­
cratic New Orleans family In America.
He turned their fortune round and
doubled It. It appears, and managed
their affairs In such a way that he
came to be Indispensable. The family
finally dwindled down to one repre­
sentative, a young man who seems to
have trusted my uncle blindly.
"When the war between the states
broke out. the young man—Caton tils
name was—enlisted promptly In the
cause of the sonrh. My uncle was sent
over here with money to Invest. Paris
received him with open arms. The
Confederate colony was then In high
Slxeil Fortune Needed
Bar it tUmSte.
Because of the difficulty of getting It
to America aud of keeping It ullve aft­
er it arrives a good giraffe is quoted at
Next to the giraffe in the aristocracy
of cost come the rhinoceros and the
hippopotamus, worth from »4,000 to
$5,000 each. If a dealer could breed
these animals, he could get rich, but
the big mammals rarely breed In cap­
tivity. Altout the only place in America
where hippopotami have been known
to raise their young Is In the menag­
erie In Central park. New York.
A chimpanzee of size is worth $.’>,000,
and when oue reaches the intelligence
of the late Mr. Crowley, Chico or Jo-
lmtina lie Is beyond a fixed price. The
monkey kind are most uncertain prop­
erty. The animal man says they are
certain to die. But the ordinary ones
can be bought very cheaply.
One can buy a nice young baby ele­
phant for $1.000 at times, but a really
good animal is worth from $1,800 to
$3,000. An elephant does not command
tin* maximum price because of the
beauty of Ids countenance, the ele­
gance of Ills figure, bis Intellectual en­
dowments or his size, but because of
a sweet, sunny disposition. A mean
elephant Is about the most evil of liv­
ing things. Sootier or later lie has to
be killed, usually after lie has slain
two or three keepers and done more
damage than he is worth. Of two ani­
mals of equally good disposition the
larger and finer commands the higher
price, of course, but the most magnifi­
cent beast with an Inclination for mur­
der Isn’t worth ns much as a very com­
mon one that Is trustworthy—that Is,
ordinarily so. for the sweetest tem­
pered have days when they seem In­
spired of sntnn.—Junior Munsey.
A I.ucky Imitation.
She croeted to her writing de»k and an
looked a tecrct drawer.
favor with the court. lie was sought
out by the business men also as the
possessor of a large sum of money J
lie suffered some disasters.
News from the Confederacy became
more and more gloomy. But his busi­
ness ventures here were fabulously
"There's no royal road to fortune,”
breathed Pere Darville half to himself.
“It’s the same old dirt rut. Impossible
to travel over with perfectly clean
feet. But go on. If you please."
Marie de Guerin moistened her lips.
“Together with the news of tile fall
of New Orleans catne also word of the
death of this young Catou. He had
been taken prisoner In the first engage­
ment and died in prison, asking that
word be sent to my uncle to take care
of his wife. It appears my uucie kne
who his wife was—In fnct, In the docu­
ment here he explains how he happen­
ed to know.”
She crossed to her writing desk, un­
locked a secret drawer ana, navmg
spent a few seconds iu turning over
various packets of paper, returned to
her chair, banding the priest the docu­
ment In question.
“You will see,” she continued, “that
tlds wife was far away, not easily ac­
cessible. Besides, she was a half sav­
age. an Indian a Mexican or some­
thing. and—well, my uncle drugged bls
conscience and turned thief and scoun­
drel. Toward the end of his life, how­
ever, he seems to have been in terror
of dying without making restitution.
In the document there”—she pointed to
the priest's lap—“he swears that ev­
ery cent of his money belongs to this—
this woman, that it was all made with
her husband’s fortune. In order that
things may be righted he gives names,
dates, localities and all facts necessary
for Identification.”
Pere Darville looked grave.
"The confession bears the date of the
morning my uncle was stricken down.
He hail a kind of fit and never fully re­
covered consciousness. They said he
was constantly asking for something,
Imt that his speech was so Incoherent
they could make nothing out of It.
Doubtless had lie lived he would have
induced some one to go on a mission
for him to Mexico.”
"Doubtless." echoed the priest sol-
"Well, the months that have passed
«Ince I discovered this document have
been months of torture to me. I knew,
of course, there was only one rightful
thing to do—and 1 was not strong
enough to do It. Now I have decided.
And if you will find a place for me,
father, I «ball enter a convent. I could
tench, you know. Besides. It was my
first choice.
Marshal Gourko, the famous Russian
general, was a terrible autocrat. On
one occasion an Impersonator of cele­
brated men was performing at a thea
ter in Odessa. One evening he received
a mysterious message, which read:
“Study General Gourko.” In Russia it
Is better not to inquire Into matters
that one does uot understand, and so
the artist spent nn hour In privately
Impersonating the autocratic Russiau.
Just as the evening performance was
about to commence an order of arrest
signed by Gourko was presented to the
impersonator, and without explanation
lie was led through the streets to the
marshal's palace ami Into an apartment
where the terrible man was seated.
"They tell me that you Impersonate cel
ebrated men.” he roared
ate me!"
Giving a hasty look at Gourko. the
performer turned to the mirror to
"make up." It was an anxious time,
for if the marshal should take excep­
tion to the representation he had tin
limited power to Inflict punishment.
The Impersonator dragged himself to­
gether and turned to the marshal a copy
if Ids own face nnd overbearing man
tier. Gourko burst Into a roar of laugh
ter, and the dangerous moment was
With Sony tnndlt*. und Bottles ot
Haiti water He Fooled the Public
nnd l.altl the Foundation« ot a
Substantial Fortune.
“Talk about your self made men,”
said an old timer among a party of
horsemen gathered in one of the speed
way Inns, "I don't think any of ’em
can equal the early experiences of Tim
Hartman, who died iu St. Louis many
years ago, leaving nearly a million dol­
lars to be fought over by his heirs. He
made bls first good sized pile on pat­
ent medicines, then he picked up a
great deal more on real estate, and at
last he rounded out with speculation in
Montana copper, but be was known as
'Doc' Hartman to the time of his death
by his few intimate friends.
"But the story that I’m going to tell,
and the one which be often told him­
self. concerns his very earliest experi­
ences In the accumulation of money.
Tim Hartman started life with $1. lie
kicked around as a barefooted boy—
and a pretty mean one, too—in a little
town In Connecticut until be was 18
years old. and at that time be bad be­
come so fresh and so full of wind and
general cussednes« that Ids father one
day told him he was uo good, never
had been nnd never would amount to
a picayune. The old gentleman. Just
to carry out the bluff, told Tim that be
had a good mind to cut him off with a
dollar and make him earn his own liv­
ing. Tim straightened up nnd called
the bluff. He told the old man that be
would take the dollar and get out then
and there and hustle for himself. The
old man handed him a crisp $1 bill and
told him that he’d be glad to see him
make a fortune with it.
"The first thing that cuss did was to
go about In a few back yards that he
knew of and gather together a lot of
empty bottles which were of uo use to
anybody. Then, for 10 cents, lie bought
a large cake of a kind of white soap
that was then, and still is, on the mar­
ket. He melted this smip nnd, nfter
borrowing an ancient pair of candle
molds from an old granny in the neigh­
borhood, made two beautiful looking
candles of soap. lie next filled bls bot­
tles full of choice rainwater. Then he
made for himself one ot those little
three legged tables like the cbuck-a-
luck and shell game den use outside
the circus, and struck out on foot for a
county fair that was being held about
40 miles away.
"When he got there, be put up bls lit­
tle table outside the grounds, where
the crowd was pretty thick, lighted one
of Ids soup candles and began to extol
tlie virtues of 'Dr. Hartman’s Famous
Grease Eradicator.’ contained in the
bottles set before him.
" 'Now, ladies and gentlemen,’ he
would shout In a stentorian but plausi­
ble voice, 8111* marvelous liquid, so
harmless that It can be drunk with Im­
punity by the smallest infant and yet
so penetrating that It will seek out nnd
destroy stains aud discolorations from
the most refractory substance, was dis­
covered by accident by the famous sci­
entist, Dr. Hartman, the eminent schol­
ar, while he was wanderlug o’er the
wilds of Patagonia. It Is colorless, you
see. ns the wnters from heaven, aud
yet observe the effects of its startling
“At this point Tint would reach for
his sonp candle and. Inverting it, would
smear a lot of the grease over the
sleeve of his coat
“ ’Now, every one of you knows, la­
dles and gentlemen,’ he would continue,
reaching over and uncorking a bottle
of Ids rainwater, ‘that there is nothing
so penetrating nnd Ineffaceable as the
grease from a candle, and yet it is a
stain that we are all likely to suffer al­
most every evening of our lives while
toylug with that common article of the
household, the candle. You will ob­
serve that my sleeve is smeared with
the nnnoylng substance. Behold’—
“Here that country bred fakir would
spill a couple of drops of his rainwater
ou the soap and with a rub or two
would product a beautiful lather. An­
other swipe and the soap would have
entirely disappeared from the sleeve,
leaving not a trace.
“ ‘Now, we make this famous eradi­
cator In such enormous quantities,’ Tim
would continue, ‘that In order to Intro
duce It Into every home In this broad
land we will dispense with It at the
absurdly low price of 5 cents, a nickel
a bottle. Step right np! Step right
“Then, when the public was surging
forward to purchase the rainwater,
Tim would pause occasionally to drink
a bottle of It, Just to show that It was
absolutely harmless.
“Well, the stuff went like hot cakes.
When Tim's bottles were al) exhausted,
he bought more, and when the fair was
ever be went to another and another
uutil he had traveled all over the coun
try. Then, in some way or other, 1
don't know bow, he got hold of some
old patent medicine, and, being n gen­
ius, of course he made a big go of it.
So that's the wny Tim Hartman almost
became a millionaire.” — New York
Ii May Be lllnhtly Termed ilir Para­
dise ot the I'ai-lrtc.
Picture nu Island set iu a reef of coral
of myriad hue
the lagoon of u light
green, outside the white foaming break
ers the vast m enu of Intense blue. On
Shore are great bunches of coeonuut
palms lifting their plumes in stately
magnificence, then there arc laues of
trees blossoming iu red and yellow flow
ers. aud uestllug In their inld-t are the
low thatched bouses of the natives.
The delightful ami healthy climate of
the Island brings to maturity all the
products of the tropics, which are no
where found In greater fullness and
perfection than here. The wayfarer Is
soothed by the fragrance of sweet
smelling Howers ami deliglited with the
nbnmhince of oranges, bananas, bread
fruit an<l cocoanut which give a peren
ulal supply of food to tlie natives.
Tahiti may be lightly termed the
"paradise of tlie Pacific” or even the
world, as in no nt her place Is there so
much variety of scenery.
At every
turn the constaut surprises keep Hie
traveler In a delirium ot delight. Some­
times the sea lies before him, tlie
waves wreathed in a foam of white
breaking the silence In it continuous
roar; on the other side tlie high, steep
mountains In forms of towers, domes
and steeples pierce the clouds
ami then a silvery band of water falls
from perpendicular heights to tlie tur
bulent stream below. Then you pass
under the sheltering shadows of tall
interlacing trees which excel even the
grandeur of our elm. Farther ou you
pass through laues lined with bananas,
mango and groves of cocoanut.—Over­
land Monthly.
IInt For All That He Hud Traveled
“Fur and Wide.**
"Have you spent all of your life right
here in tills one place?” asked a st ran
get of au old fellow lie came across
seated ou a rail fence whittling in front
of it log ami slab cabin in one of the
back counties of Arkansas.
“Not by a denied sight!” was the
terse reply. "I been hyar the better
part o’ tlie time; but. la, 1 bev traveled
fur an wide!"
"Ever been nbroad?”
"Well, not eggsaekly to say abroad,
ouless you call it goln abroad to go
from here way over to Petersville. I
been over that- twice In the hist 40
year. It's 30L miles to Petervllle, an I
been furder than that, fur my ole wom­
an an me went clean to Hogback ridge
on our wetldin tower, till that’s 41 mile
from here. Then I been over In Pettis
county to see my wife's folks twice, an
Halt's twenty odd mild from here. Then
I been over to Rocky lllll ez menuy ez
lour times, an Hint's 18 mile Ez I say.
I beeu here most o’ tin* time, but then
I've traveled fur an wide all the same.
I've seen tlie big four story mill over to
I'etersville an tlie engine kyats over to
I’etivllle. I rid three miles on ’em, an
it's all I want o' tlie pesky things. I’ve
seen a calf with two beads an a feller
that could ent tire and dance on broken
glass In Ills bare feet. I see a man
tiling om e nn a boss race fur a purse o'
$<¡5 Yes. sir: I been fur nn wide, an I
reckon I've seen the biggest part o'
what there is to see In this world, an 1
('ou t lot ou doitt uo more gaddln
about."— Lippincott's.
Does not and has not affected our ability to
ship goods anywhere. All orders, large or
small, are promptly filled..............................
♦ Sugar la lower, Granulated 55.15 nnd 55.25 per 100 I In*.
♦ Hains and Proviskntt continue firm.
♦ Plentiful
Stocks of everything.
♦ Smith’s Cash (Dept.) Store
No. 25 Market Street, San Francisco.
The Strike...
A Career r'lxiiuu Juke,
Tlds is a true story about one of the
mayors of Kansas city. He was mayor
when the Incident occurred, not so very
many years ago. Two newspaper men,
both very good friends of the mayor,
were about to leave town, and they
nsked Mr. Mayor to help them cele­
brate their departure.
It was a hot day iu summer, and nft­
er au hour or two of convivial indul­
gence the mayor of Kansas City was
very much under the Influence of liq­
uor. Tlie newspaper men were feeling
jovial, but they were still able to walk
around It finally became necessary to
do something for the mayor. Seeing a
fruit wagon pass, one of the newspaper
men ran out and hailed the driver.
When lie drew up to the curb, he was
nsked whether or not be wanted to
make $2. lie replied that lie most cer­
tainly did.
It wns then explained to him that a
drunken mini w ould be stretched out in
Ills wagon, face toward the sky. mid
that he must drive through all the bust
Hess streets of tlie town mid then take
the man home.
Not knowing w ho his passenger was
to be, the driver consented, mid the
joke was carried out to the letter.
Through the streets of Kansas City the
mayor of tlie town, stretched out on mi
open wagon asleep, was driven, and
there was a placard that announced the
cause of Hie strange plight fastened
on the back of the wagon. Tlie mayor
was not reelected. Chicago Chronicle.
The Leuend of tlx* Snowdrop.
An old legend gives the following ns
the origin of the snowdrop: After Ad­
am mid Eve had been driven from the
garden of Eden Eve was disconsolate.
One day as she sat silently grieving mi
angel appeared mid sought means to
comfort her She longed for the flow­
ers, but the fast descending snow was
wrapping the barren earth In a robe of
As the angel stood and spoke words
of hope to the weeping, repentant wom­
an he caught a snowflake, breathed
gently upon it mid said:
"Take form, pure snowflake, bud mid
blossom and lie a comfort to humanity,
now and forever."
In a twinkling the snowflake changed
Into a beautiful (lower, ns white and
When the World Will lie Fnll.
pure as the snow Itself, and when Eve
If we apply to the future growth of
beheld the newborn blossom gladness
mid hope came io tier heart, nnd she
the world's population the rate of In
smiled through her tears.
crease that obtained during the nine-
Having fulfilled Ills mission of love,
teentli century—one person per hun­
the ungel departed, but where he had
dred per year—we obtain the following
Tlie Giraffe*. Timidity.
A giraffe Is very timid on hearing stood there Immediately sprung up a
Millions of
No. of persons to
slight sounds, but is Indifferent Io loud circle of perfect snowdrops.
one s<]uare mile.
ones. A writer In The Leisure Hour
1900.............. ..............
l.C - : ur. . ..........................
An .Ftillnn flnrp.
says: “Noisy sounds, like a man walk­
2000.............. .............. 4.32H or.. ..........................
ing by with hebnail boots. It does not
To make au tvollan harp construct a
2200.............. .............. 31,6u2 or.» ..........................
notice, but a lady coming In with hard­ box of very tlilu pine, cedar or other
2250.............. .............. 52,0.3 or.. .......................... 1,001
ly more sound than Hie rustling of her wood, five or six Inches deep, seven or
As there are 52,090.000 square miles
dress makes it start, with pricked ears eight Inches wide, with a length equal
of land on th*' earth, nnd ns we are to
and eyes distended.
We remember to Hint of the window in which It Is to
consider 1.010 persons to each square
well, nfter a terrible explosion of gun
be placed. Across tlie top. near each
mile ns the equivalent of the world's
powder on a barge on tlie canal, ask end, glue a strip of wood half an inch
being full. It follows that we want a
Ing the keeper of tlie giraffes of that high nnd a quarter of mi inch thick
world population of 52.000.000,000 of
day how tliey bail taken It. and lie said for bridges. Into the ends of tlie box
persons to fulfill this condition.
tie was surprised how very little notice Insert wooden plus, like those of a vio­
A glance nt the above statement of
they took. They Jumped to their feet, lin, to wind th«' strings around, two
growth In the world's populntion shows
but almost nt ome lay down again pins in each end. Make a sound hole
Hint the necessary growth from 1,000,-
when tliey found nothing happened. In tlie middle of the top mid string the
000,000 In the year 1900 to the 52.000,-
"But.” lie added. "If 1 were nt night­ box with small catgut or first fiddle
000,000 of persons wanted for our pur­
time to creep along that gallery In my strings. Fastening one cud of each
pose will eventuate In the year 2250, al­
socks they would be so scared that 1 string to a metallic pin In oue eud of
most 350 years abend of the present
believe they would dash themselves to tlie box nnd carrying It over the
time. when, ns the Illustration suggests,
bits.” They fear the lurking foe. aud bridges, wind It around the turning pin
it may be necessary to bang out a no­
a bing bang scares them less than a In the opposite end of the box. Tune
tice to the effect that the world is full
faint, rustling sound. They are Iu that the strings iu unison nnd place the box
to the utmost limit.-Cosmopolitan.
respect very deerlike.”
in the window. It is better to have
four strings, but n harp with a single
Lntlnu a Living Os.
string produces mi exceedingly sweet
A Bit of Realism.
Only the very few among us run any
An Instance of tlie way in which the melody.
risk. In the course of our peregrinations
acting of a play grows may be taken
and vicissitudes, of being Invited to
Orlffln of the Word “Cnnnda.”
from Ellen Terry's playing In "Mme.
such objectionable dinners as It was
On April 20. 1034. Jacques Cartier
Nans-Gene.” In the play in question
the lot of Bruce, the explorer, to eat.
the washerwoman duchess Is having a sailed from St. Malo, Brittany, with
Such very nasty feeders as the Abys­
lesson from a professor of dancing. two ships and 01 men, for Labrador,
sinian* of Ills day are becoming ex­
The business of the play requires her skirted Newfoundland, named Clialeur
tinct. Fancy sitting down to table and
to be awkward in her attempts at danc­ bay. crossed the eastern end of Anti­
seeing the meat walk alive Into the
ing. and the actress Is awkward, de­ costi and then headed for France
room! That was their custom. And
lightfully awkward. She has put on a again. Tlie next year Cartier returned
they ate It alive, too. the brutes!
long riding habit In order to become with three ships, thought he saw In
The wretched ox was tied fast, bend
nccustoined to manipulate her court the St. Lawrence the wished for pas­
and legs, and then, by n delicate In­
train Iu tlie dance and Is so milt h trou­ sage to India and was only undeceived
cision on both sides of the backbone,
bled with It that finally she tucks it by the freshness of the w ater on reach­
near the liauuches, tlie attendants were
her arm while she is learning to ing the mouth of the Saguenay. Then
“1 shall say mass tomorrow also with able to strip Its skin away, to enable
the steps. The train keeps slip wns revealed the majestic size of the
a special Intention. I shall ask the good them to cut slices from the poor ani­
ping off her arm and has to be perpetu­ continent, for. with the exception of
God for the pence and happiness of mal again and again without touching
ally replaced, und tlie episode Isa cause the Amazon and tlie Orinoco, no Amer­
Mlle, de Guerin.” Thus spake the l’adre an artery. The guests ate the meat
ican river gives one such a sense of
of much boisterous amusement
Autonlo ns lie sat at solitaire by old raw and quivering to the music of the
power nnd grandeur.
Jose's table in the warmth of Mexico. roars ami bellowing of pain of the ox
As the Frenchmen Inquired the
facturing city she was playing the part
That morning the special intention had of which It was a part.
names of the Indian villages along the
been the repose of the soul of Henri
This Is hideous, and even the least
Evart* and the Author.
She was lost In the assumed character banks they were answered "Canada."
Beausolell But ns be slowly laid one particular of men may be excused for
When a popular young author came so thoroughly that It wns real to her, a Mohawk word meaning village, but
card upon another, now here, now shirking nn experience of the kind.
to see William M. Evarts while be was nnd the ex washerwoman, with her which was applied by the Frenchmen
there, he thought of Inocencio. Whnt a
secretary of state In behalf of a consul­ mind harassed and worried t>y the try to the country.
clear, starry soul was Ids! What an in-
A Bird With Four Feet.
ship for which he was an applicant. Ing conditions of her artificial court
strumiKit for good he could be! What
This little creature, still to be found Mr. Evarts congratulated him on the
II iih Mud. Not Holes.
stubborn fnltli he was capable of! A In South America. Is a relic of bygone fame which be had acquired, but has life. Instinctively returned to the habits
"There used to lie a famous charac­
shadow fell upon the table.
ages. It Is known as the crested lioatzin, tened to add, “Although you have lau­
"l’adre." Inocencio said, standing aud the adult bird Is about as big as*a rels on your brows, I suppose you can't tlon. finding the fat coll of stuff across ter In our part of the world nnmed
her arm. she instinctively began to Frank O'Connor." said a Cincinnati
there straight nnd tnll aud brown, “be­ peacock.
browse on your laurels.”
wring It out. The response of the audl man. "and the stories of Ills doings and
fore I decide upon my future 1 must
The young birds, when batched, have
sayings still form a Inrge part of the
ence wns electrical. Every woman
go far away. I must see the little four legs, the front pair being reptilian
A More Vital Matter.
nnd man who had ever seen a wash staple anecdotes of the country which
Her last letter does not show In character, nnd have strong claws. As
“Did you ever think what you would tub recognized the sincerity of the ac he used to permeate.
her to be happy.”
they grow older these daws fall off,
“One of his stock expressions has
The player pushed the cards from the legs become fattened, feathers do If you had the Dnke of Westmin­ lion Tlds moment of creative Instinct
wns recorded In the actress mind and passed from local to national use. If
him. pile liy pile, leaned back in his grow on them, and they develop Into ster’s Income?"
Village Pastor—No, but I have some­ lias been repeated ever since - Cosmo .-iity one did a particularly clever thing
sent nnd ran his fingers slowly through wings
or said anything that especially struck
times wondered what the duke would polltan.
his thin, gray hair. Then he looked up
These nestlings are the nearest np
him. O'Connor would sav. 'That shows
do If be had mine.—London Baptist
and smiled.
proacb to a reptile that can be found
almost Iranian intelligence.' nnd now
Grn*.e<l In me Fna.
among birds, and tliey can climb and
The Bloodstone.
[ to be continued .]
It Is not usual for a ship on the high when far and near I hear that expres­
dive aud swim with great facility.
Bloodstone, which Is really green seas to elect to cast anchor on the deck sion used It conjures up memories of
Cleaning the Clock.
chalcedony spotted with Jasper, Is ac­ of a passing strainer, but Hint Is what my genial old friend.
Fxtreme. tn Iceland.
▲ fanner has an ambitious son, 12
counted for by the following legend: a four masted schooner did oner* III the
"I'p In Ontario nt one time III fortune
In Iceland nature seems to de­ At the crucifixion a piece of chalcedony
years old. who, being left alone for a
Atlantic. Tin* two vessels grazed In compelled O'Connor to accept a job on
few hours the other day. tried to clean serted all her ordinary operations nnd lay at the foot of the cross, and on It
the fog. and the "catted" port anchor a farm, where a friend one day found
the clock. He easily got the clock to to have worked only In combining the dropped the Saviour’s blood, from which
of the schooner caught In the steamer's him. the sweat pouring off Ills brow
pieces, but his difficulty lay In putting most terrific extremes which her pow­ time the stone Is said to have borne
deck "by a fluke." It fastened .to nn and a spade In his hand.
ers can command. Nor is she yet si­ red spots, which are supposed to In­
them together again after cleaning.
engineer's stntcrootn In such a manner Frank!’ lie unkindly called. 'Are you
At this tnsk be was only partly suc­ lent. After the lapse of nites the tire of crease and to deepen In color when
ns to bar Ills exit; but. fortunately, the doing very well digging out postholes?'
cessful. nnd upon bls father's return the volcano still bursts out among the danger Is near. It Is also said to revive
chain parted Just ns the room was be ‘Fin not,' wns the tart response of
regions of eternal snow, nnd the Im­ the spirit« nnd to Inspire to great
home be eagerly exclaimed:
Ing ripped Into fragments. The schnon O'Connor, who wns nothing If not lit­
“Father. I've cleaned the clock and petuous thundering of the geysers con­ deeds, to cheek excessive bleeding and
er followed the steamer to Its d's.tliia eral. 'I'm digging out mud nnd leaving
I the boles.’ ”
got enough works left over to make an­ tinues to disturb Hie stillness of the Inst, but not least, to render Its wearer
tlon to recover her nnelior
surrounding solitude.
other one!”—Exclinn"»
Invisible nt will
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Aualirrlntt III» AtTrcfion.
The young lovers sat beside the wa
Tlie rapids and the nearby
whirlpool had n strange attraction for
tlie romantic young girl. She had heard
the story of the uuhnppy Indian maid­
en and tlie young brave who bad gone
to tlieir doom, clasped In each other’s
arms, to tlie slow music of the “Swan
Song.” That seemed very beautiful to
“Jack," she said, "if you saw me
struggling in tlie water near the edge
of tlie falls, would you jump In after
“What would be the use, my dear,
when I can't swim?" lie answered.
"But at least we could perish togeth­
er,” she replied bravely.
“Yes, there would be no doubt of
that,” lie returned, shuddering at the
sound of the cruel wnters.
“But haven’t you often said you
would die for me?” she asked, piqued
at Ids coldness.
“No, my dear,” replied her practical
lover. “If you'll remember, I’ve al­
ways told you that I had an undying
love for you!”—Smart Set.
nickeiis nnd Ills Titles.
Charles Dickens bad great difficulty
In choosing titles for bls various pub­
lications, says The Golden Fenny. The
following Is ii list of no fewer than 14
suggestions given by the author to Ills
adviser, Foster, for the title of one
book, out of which, need hardly be add­
ed. No. (’> wns chosen:
1. According to Crocker.
2. Prove It.
3. Stubborn Things.
4. Mr. Grnndgrind's Facts.
5. The Grindstone.
C. Hard Times.
7. Two and Two Are Four.
8. Something Tangible.
9. Our Hard Headed Friend.
10. Rust and Dust.
11. Simple Arithmetic.
12. A Matter of Calculation.
13. A Mere Matter of Figures.
14. The Grandgrind Philosophy.
When a man Is going up hill, people
dig ditches In front of him; when be
starts down, they get out of bis way
and give him the whole road.—Denver
We refuse to le| any one question
the good sense ot a woman
spanks her children when they we 15.
—Atcblson Globe.