Bandon recorder. (Bandon, Or.) 188?-1910, October 24, 1901, Image 2

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—*• ;*
| • id S *i 1 POLLY LARKIN
i * i
A Sluiflnu Eurtbworiu,
■ al
■ Wl
We have heard *f a good many crea- |l**!>«»«»a»«»«»«»«»«««»«»«»«»«««»«»«.M«»«»Ma»« .«al
tures which slug. Including Mr. Run­
kin’s singing serpents in the valley of
Diamonds, yet Mr. Annandale has as­
sured us that there exists hi the Malay
peninsula a being which the Malays de­
scribed under the above heading.
It Ilves lu a burrow lu the ground
and cheerfully zings, or at least chirps.
But the Malays call everything Hint
creeps a worm, and the beust which
they really uieafi Is a large kind of
cricket with a voice.
In the very same part of the world,
however. Is a real earthworm, a huge
monster three or four feet In length,
which was discover«?«! not long ago ami J
which really has a voice, or nt leas d
can produce a sound, The Latin name
of musicus has been given to it on that
When It Is foraging ubout near the
surface of the ground, the numerous
sharp little bristles implanted In Its
skin, which enable It to hold on to tli<
earth, strike against stones ami givt
out a musical sound. This Is ratliei
more like twanging a “Jew’s harp'
than singing. But any sort of soum <1
from these silent, gliding creatures II s
singing.—London Express.
Encouragement goes a long way to­
ward helping people to make a success
of this life instead of a failure. The
people who most roundly and heartless­
ly score you when you have failed in
your efforts to accomplish what you
have set out to do are the ones to first
pat you on the back and say with more
emphasis than truth: "I told you so.
I knew you would come out all right,’’
when success crowns your efforts.
They know it is a lib, ho do you, but
the bit of pleasantry must be taken witli
a good grace and a smile. The success­
ful party can afford to smile and accept
the congratulations for what they are
worth. Undoubte«lly tlie person is
pleased at the turn of ufiairs for liis
friend, luit he stretches tlie truth when
he hints that he predicted the success,
when on the other hand you know
lie had so openly expressed himself in
regard to the folly of tlie undertaking
and the lack of good sense shown in
following up the scheme.
t the old school of doctors when leeches
were used so frequently. "Don’t have
much call for them now?” I asked the
druggist. “But that’s where you are mis­
taken,” he replied pleasantly. “There's
hardly a night but what 1 use several
of the ugly little customers. You see,
many young men, after the busin«*ss of
the day is over, put in the best hours of
the night in general carousing. They
get mixed up in discussions and possi­
bly drink, and very Ubon it leads to
«piarreling ami to blows, and then they
make a rush for the nearest drug store.
They don’t kxik very pretty when they
come in with buni]>H as big as a hen’s
egg disfiguring their faces and making
them kxik like anything but respecta­
ble citizens with their bruised and
bl«xxly countenances; but 1 give them
a g<xxl strong dose of bromo-seltzer, a|>-
ply one or two leeches to their bruised
countenances, and by the time the ugly
little monsters get through their ghast­
ly work of absorbing all the bruised and
black bl«x>d, the bromo has done its
work, too, and they wash their faces,
tidy themselves up a bit, and “Richard
is himself again,” and goes home l«x>k-
ing quite respectable, otherwise he
would be an unsightly-looking being
for days to come and everybody would
know that he had been in a broil and
not living up to the golden rule. You
see, leeches are not nearly so out of
date as you thought.”
Thia Hit«
Brain I
Chinaman l'«e« «'or «he Emeracney.
Onily Tanka I'erforuied In Keeping
lite Lamp* Bright.
Conn.rl That All Yoanir Maa Enler-.
Ins Bunlae«« Should Heed.
The duties of the lighthouse keeper
»re many aud Important The top of
Hi. tower is usually a tiny room, all
glass windows Th«* lantern is In the
center of tin* room. It is a great prism
of glass. In shape like a beehive. The
lamp Is set Into this, aud the lenses
magnify the comparatively small light
5f th«* lamp and make It a great b«*acoti
teen far olf over the waters. Should
the luminant he a flashlight, there Is
mm-hlnery to be wound up every few
hours to cause It to revolve. At sunset
the keeper climbs the Bleep steps lu the
high tower, takes down the curtains
that darken It throughout the day aud
sets the lamp Inside the lantern. At
midnight the lamp Is changed. A fresh­
ly filled on«* Is put In the place of the
Irst lighted one.
When storms are raging or fogs pre­
vailing. the keeper stays awake to
wind tin* machinery that keeps the fog
signal booming over the wnter. Many
ileepi«*ss nights are thus spent by the
light keepers In devoted vigil of the
aids to navigation. At the gray of
dawn the k«*eper Is again climbing the
steep Iron ladder to the tower top. Be-
fore the red rim of the sun appears the
lamp is extinguished, the fine prismatic
lenses nre covered, and the huge panes
of glass that form the walls of the
room are curtained. The large lamp Is
?arrlcd down the flights of an almost
perpendicular ladder and when filled,
trimmed and cleaned Is ready for the
sunset hour. The work of the keeper Is
not concluded with this feat. The most
perplexlug portion of the dally routine
Is now to be performed.
The light keeper must give an ac­
count of bls stewardship. A record Is
kept of every gill. pint, quart and gal
Ion of oil that Is nightly consumed by
the lamps, the fractional parts of inch­
es of wick burned, the lamp chimneys
broken and the general consumption of
ill supp|f«*s furnished yearly In large
quantities by the government.—Worn-
hi '« Home Companion.
“Mv son." said the fond but wise
parent, "you arc leaving me to go out
Into the world. I have nothing to give
you but advice. Never tell a lie. If you
wish to put one In circulation, get It
published A lie cannot live, but it
takes on«* a blamed long time to fade
out of print.
••Always read your contract. A man
might consider he was getting a sine­
cure If he were offered a position pick­
ing blossoms off a century plant; but,
you see, he wouldn’t have a remunera­
tive occupation If he were paid ou
“Be not overcrltlcal. Even the most
ordinary sort of a genius can tell when
the other fellow Is making a fool of
"Remember Hutt the young man. like
the angler’s worm, Is rather better for
being visibly alive.
"Be careful in the choice of your sur­
roundings. Environment will do a gr«*ilt
deal fora man. For example, flour and
water In a china jug is cream sauce; In
a pail on Hi«* sidewalk it Is billsticker's
“Don't forget that there’s a time for
everything nnd that everything should
be done In its proper time. Never hunt
for bargains in umbrellas on a rainy
"You may make enemies, If you
know who they are. don’t mention
them. Silence is golden. It saves the
money that might otherwise be spent
In defending a libel suit. If you don’t
know who they arc—well, abuse lav­
ished on a eon<*< tiled enemy Is like char­
ity Indiscriminately bestowed. It’s a
good thing wnst«*«l.”—New York Com­
mercial Advertiser.
gh. drink th« •««'■ Mlt breath, Shebail.
Glory ot day, glory of <Uy,
And hope waa a: rung, and lit« m young.
**My love will tome era eet of «in;
O'er the dark aea furrow »porta the oold «pray.**
"The aea la high, Shebail, ShaUaUi
Breakers at play, breaker» at play.
And lite is long when love is gone."
He ne’er will c- me ere act of aun;
O'er the dark sea furrow sports the cold spray.
"Thy love i» gone, Shebail, Shebail.
Everybody knows what It is to have
Pead and away. d«ad and away.
And lit« is long when love i. gon«,"
I word on the tip of the tongue and yet
But tile waa done ere Mt ot nun;
jot be able to speak It. The word Is
O'er the dark a. a furrow »port» tlie cold if-ray.
—A. Foster in Longman’» Magazine.
Lnown perfectly well, ami yet we can­
not for the lite of us give it utterance.
More often than not it Is a common
word in everyday use. But It will not
be spoken when wanted. What is the
An Obliglna Man Who Made an Em-
Itarraiiluu Mistake.
iccret of this "word forgetfulness?”
A young editor took an apartment on
Doctors call it aphasia. They cannot
South Twelfth street. The landlady
ixplain It. but say It Is a little hitch in
said frankly to him: “I will tell you,
the working of the brain or Intellect.
sir, that my husband Is a worthless fel­
I'll«* Chinese, who have done so many
low. I have to support him, anti he
quaint and clever things, recognized
sometimes comes Lome very late,
the difficulty thousands of years ago
drunk. There Is no other objection to
and Invented a very ingenious way of
my house." The editor said this was
making the best of tilings
no matter and thought no more of It
They manufactured a number of
until a few nights later, when a great
words and sentences Hint meant abso­
uproar In the street awoke him. lie
lutely nothing, mere sound without
looked out of the window and saw a
lense. When a Chinaman In th«* courst*
man lying on the doorstep shouting l'ib-
of conversation conies to a word that
aki things. "The husband,” thought
he has on the tip of Ills tongue, but can
the editor. “I’ll go down and let him
not speak, be just makes use of the
meaningless phrases Invented for that
Ilo ran forth In his pyjamas, grabbed
purixis«* until be recalls the word h«*
JnckNon and the Tailor's Hill.
I ant just coining to the point of this
t!.e husband by the neck and. Jerking
wants anil goes on with the conversa-
A gentleman In Pennsylvania has a i
him into the hallway, proceeded to drag
queer dix'ument which came into hl la article when I say that the lack of en­
bfan up stairs. But the man made
The trick, for trick It Is. Is much In
family’s possession many years ago couragement from those who should
strong objections to this treatment. He
us«* In public speaking and certainly Is
and shows an Interesting phase of An­ lx? the ones to aid us with good words,
“I was on a farm once,” lie contin­ an Improvement on th«* " ‘er—er—era.'
howled oaths and abuse, kicked, strug­
drew Jackson’s character as well ns a if nothing else, is responsible for many
gled, eveu pulled out a handful of the
glimpse of the simple times of Ills pres­ failures in this world. Polly knows ued, “where they raised leeches. There roughings and throat clearings that so
young editor’s hair, but this was In
idential term.
one little lady who is a clever short was a whole bog filled with the blood­ plentifully besprinkle our own after
vain, for tin? youth Is strong and of a
It app«*tit's that n clerk In the state story writer, but she is so afraid of her thirsty little monsters in all stages, jinner orations. The speaker preserves
determined mind, and he was bound
department contracted a tailor’s bill for fat Iter’s criticisms that she never thinks from the baby leech up to the great­ his dignity and gives himself time for
that he would do bis landlady a good
$64.50. nnd the tailor, finding himself
grandfather. 1 had always been curi­ thought.
Very often tlie greater the desire to
unable to collect the amount, laid the of publishing them. To one or two ous to know how they fed them, and
He bad got perhaps three parts of
matter before the president In an ap- chosen friends site shows the result of this is the way they did it: When apeak tlie missing word the greater the
the way up stairs wltb bls burden
her dreamy, fanciful stories ami putting
difficulty or sheer Impossibility. Th«*
p«*aling letter.
JniiHiiene l*ea.m«it« Who Are Kepi
when two heads were poked In the dim
Jackson promptly decided that this them on paper, ami then they are con­ feeding time came they drove in a lot man In the Arabian story could not re­
Track ot by Label«.
light over tin* balustrade, aud the land­
was a matter to which lie must attend
When the .Japanese peasants get lady's voice said, “Why, Mr. Blank,
personally, so he transmitted the tai chance to fall into her father's hands. days of usefulness had passed. In an though I k * was In danger of Ills life.
themselves up for a pilgrimage to a what nre you doing?”
lor’s letter to tin1 secretary of state, The first story she ever wrote she handed instant there was a commotion in the Titer«* are many cases on reeprd of sol
city for the purpose of laying In a stock
The editor panted as he took a fresh
with this strong recommendation:
of finery, they present the quaintest ap­ hold and nt the same time ducked a
to her father to read, ami she had rea­ lioggy waters and the slimy things in dlers. even officers, forgetting the pn«
Ckr <t> Meat« In I-ondon.
Referred tu the secretary of state. If on inquiry son never to forget that day. Her all sizt*s were soon clinging to the p<xir word nnd being shot down by th -it
pearance Imaginable. The women gen­ sharp uppercut: “I’m bringing your
own sentries At th«* critical moment
the fact stated be true, unless the clerk pays up
“Speaking of cheap restaurants,” said erally tuck up their petticoats well
father, who is a matter-of-fact every­ I>easis and draining their life blood. By the nil important word Hint they
his debt kt him be forthwith discharged.
a gentleman who has just returned above their knees, either leaving the husbaud up, ma'am. He’s drunk again.
The government would become a party to such day business man, who glories in facts the time they were satisfied the poor
I’m sorry to say.”
thought they knew ns well ns tlielr own
swindling provided it permitted its officers to be­
animals were almost too weak to walk. names escapes them. They struggle to from a visit to London to a Washing­ legs bare or else swathing them in
From the other head on the landing
come indebted for necessaries and not see that and figures and not in literary lore,
ton Star writer, "reminds me of a din­ white bandages which form a kind of
they paid their debts out of their salaries.
having no taste for books, magazines If they survived they would lx* given a recall It. but the very effort makes It ing saloon in the Whitechapel district leggings. Their hair Is done In the usu­ these words then Issued In a deep bass
Honest men will pay their debts. Dishonest
voice: “What do you mean, young fel­
chance to recuperate and go through more difficult, and they pay with their of London where a relishing and fairly
men must not be employed by the government.
I or papers beyond carefully reading the
al elaborate Japanese style, and gener­
A J.
substantial meal may be had for a ally an artificial flower Is stuck In at ler, by ‘drunk again?’ I’m this lady’s
market report and hastily scanning the ordeal again later on. Meanwhile lives.
A man may sometimes be tor’ured halfpenny, or 1 cent in our money. the top. Il does look comic to see the busband. That man doesn't belong
This case is referred to Amos Kendall, Esq., the headlines of the paper, read the fresh relays of the wornout animals
and on $10 per month being secured to C. E.
and yet be unable to speak the word lie Tills cheap repast Is not served up in wizened face of an old woman with a here.”
Kloff, Mr. Gooch to be continued in lus office.
Instnntly realizing his mistake, the
most desires to utter. Spies bnve been the shape of a cut from a Joint and two large red nose hobnobbing over It. And
A. 4.
trash, and advised her to make better day to day."
captured nnd have gone to their death vegetables. It is a big brown pie, very this floral decoration Is uot confined to editor dumped ills charge out Into the
use of her time, washing dishes, attend­
In silence not b«*cntise they bnve not Juicy nnd very hot. The absence of tin* women. When you meet a party of street again. Then he returned and
An A«ecd<ite of Genernl Jnckaon.
been enger to betmy their co mtn des. beefsteak Is evident when you cut the pilgrims, you often see the old men also apologized lamely to the rightful hus­
Gcnerul Jackson, while on one of his ing to the house and doing the mend­
but because under the stress nml ex­ pie, but you find inside a liberal sprin­ with a flower stuck coquettlshly above band for his strange words.—Philadel­
Journeys to Tennessee about tlie time ing. He ridiculed every line, and ended
To Catch Fish by Blinding Them.
phia Record.
citement of th«* situation they have to­ kling of sheep's liver, onions and tur­ the <*a r.
of the nulliflcation excitement, arrived by saying he had always given her
at a Virginian village In a very impa­ credit for having a fair share of g«xxi
W. B. Mead, the New York million­ tally forgotten the Information they nips ami a plentiful supply of gravy.
At Nagano It appears that many of
How “The Autocrat" Topped.
tient state of mind, both with public af­ sense and was sorry to learn he was so aire, proposes to catch fish by tempora­ would convey. A celebrated ease of this For n halfp«.... .. extra two slices of the poor old dears from the country get
It was on the Common that we were
fairs and with th«* state of the roads. sadly mistaken. He never wanted to rily blinding them. He lias titled out klml was made the subject of n play bread and a cup of ten nre supplied. so bewildered by the magnificence of
The president was entertained as a hear of her spending her time so fool­ four boats, each seventy-five feet in produced in London some years ngo. Between the hours of 12 and 2 the poor the places they go to and the distrac­ walking. The mall, or boulevard, of
■ailed "A Question of Memory.”
guest nt the bouse of a lady In the vil­
and hungry from all parts of th«* east tions of shopping that they quite lose our Common, you know, has various
lage, and, although he tried to be ishly again. The girl took the manu­ length, and will send them to the Pa­ No doubt «'very reader will be able to end of the city flock to the dining room. their heads and consequently their branches leading from It In different
polite, the stnfe of vexation which he script ami crept away crestfallen, un­ cific Slope. In tills connection he lias recall Instances In which It«* has suf- Most of the patrons are shoeblacks, way So the ever thoughtful Japanese directions. One of these runs down
from opposite Joy street southward
happy and all the life and spirit crushed consulted leading Yale zoological pro­ feted from tills "word forgetfulness.” penny toy nun, costermongers nnd now
was in affected him visibly.
police have Insisted that every party of
Ills hostess, nt the supper table, wax out of her. Months went by before fessors and other leading scientistsand Dm* can often remember the initial let- nnd then young clerks whose salaries pilgrims Is to have a distinguishing across the whole length of the Com-
much alarmed to see the general swal­ she picked up her pencil again, then had them confirm his theory that the t**r of the word, but not th«* word Itself. will not permit them to indulge in a badge At Nagano It was the common mou to Boylston street. \Ve called it
the long path and were fond of it.
lowing with great rapidity a cup of al­ the old desire to put her fanciful and Yale submarine electric light Hashed It Is still on the tip of th«* tongue, even more costly dinner.”
est thing possible to see some auclent
I felt very weak Indeed, though of a
most boiling hot tea.
really meritorious httle stories on paper in the eyes of a fish will blind them, after on<* Ims given up the struggle to
dame rushing about walling. “Where Is tolerably robust habit, as we came op-
“Walt—wait, general!” exclaimed the that would insist on coming into her cause them to come to the surface and recollect It.
Mine Tnllorn Vink«? n Mnn.
my party? Where Is th«* purple Iris
Actors sometimes forget a word or
lady; "let me give you some cokl wa- mind and remain with her until she then land them in the nets which will
“Nine tailors make a man” grew out party?” or “Where Is the yellow towel posit«* tin* head of this path on that
of the old custom of bell ringing. The round the neck patty?“ And then she morning. 1 think I tried to speak
“No, thank you, ma’am,” said the had given vent toller feelings, was irre­ be hanging from the boat’s side. Yale own can give back to them at the mo­ ringing of bells wits formerly practiced would be told that "yellow towel round twice without tnnklng myself distinct­
sistible. She wanted to see how they scientists have told him that deep sea ment. But the wings reached and the
general, continuing to drink.
from a belief in their efficacy to drive tlx* neck party” was on Its way to tin* ly audible.
At last I got out the question. "Will
“But I don't see how you can drink would read in black and white. Then fishing will lie revolutionized by the strain removed they are again Imme­ away evil spirits. The "tailors" In the station or that the "purple Irises” wore
that boiling hot tea without scalding she would allow one or two friends, new method. Each boat is to have a diately word perfect and at a loss to above phrase Is a corruption of the still saving their prayers In the temple you take the long path with me?”
"Certainly.” said the schoolmistress;
who appreciated her feelings, to read separate electric plant of its own. The explain their forgetfulness. A whole word "tellers," or strokes tolled at tlie - Kansas City Star
"with much pleasure.” "Think,” 1
"No wonder you can’t, ma’am.” said the result of her dreaming and then dynamo, directly connected with a new pnrt Is sometimes forgotten. This usu­ end of a knell, in some places the de­
said, "before you answer. If you take
Jackson. "I am scalding myself.”
burn the manuscript, watching it crum­ typeof petroleum engine, is to be placed ally happens after a very long run. parture of an adult was announced by
Even lint« llnve Their line«.
th«* long path with nte now. I shall In­
“But. sir, why do you”—
Life's monotonies are a blessing, and terpret It ti nt we nre to part no more."
ble into pearly ashes with a feeling of with its switches near the engine, per­ During the run of “The Second Mrs. trim* strokes In succession. Six were
"Good gracious, ma’am!” exclaimed bitterness that was not at all compli­ mitting the engineer to attend to all Tanqtteray” Mrs. Patrick Campbell one rung for a woman ami three for a child. not In disguise, for they contribute di­
The schoolmistress stepped back, with
night found herself on the stnge as In­
the general, “don't you see that I want
mentary to the father who had so mer­ conveniently. Wires are to be run nocent of nny knowledge of her part as Hence It cam«* to be said by those lis­ rectly to longevity, health and happi­ a sadden movement, as If an arrow
to scald myself?” ’
tening for tin* announcement. "Nine ness The long lived man Is not th«*
The lady refrained from making nny cilessly criticised her work aud so cru­ from this point to different parts of the any member ot tlie audience. She mado tellers make n man.” As this custom adventurer, the explorer, the plunger, had struck her.
One of the grauite blocks used as
further suggestions as to her distin­ elly wounded her feelings when she Ixiat to supply current for a new porta­ desperate efforts to "find herself,” but became less general and the allusion tlx* mnn who has worries, but he who
had gone to him with her first little ble naval searchlight projector, to be It was no good. That performance she less generally understood there was an takes the world ns In* finds It nnd slips seats was hard by —the one you may
guished guest's comfort.
story. Crude it might have been, but used in finding buoys, etc., for general had to read the part through from be­ easy transition from the word "tellers” along through lift* with as little friction still see close by the gingko tree.
“Pray, sit down." I said. “No, no,” she
What We Mowt Remember.
to the more familiar one "tailors.”
heshould have remembered that “prac­ illumination and for four huge Yalesub- ginning to end.
as possible, forms easy going habits, answered softly. "I will walk the long
Names of people are the words that
Memory Is for the most part “a trivial tice makes perfect.” Polly is sure that marine arc lamps of several thousand
That Inevitable joker, Curran, took sticks to them nnd cares not one straw
fond record” of the affairs of everyday if she could get over her timidity and candle power each, which are to do th slip our memories most frequently. We advantage of tills popular saying to for the opinions of men who say that path with you.”
The old gentleman who sits opposite
see a face we know, and yet we cannot poke fun In a good natured way at Ills In* Is In a rut. He Is healthy because
life, nnd our intense desire not to lose fear of her father’s unjust judgment
actual fishing.
fit a name to IL We are shaken by the hosts on the occasion of Ills being en­ he has pear«* of mind nnd regularity of met us walking arm In arm about the
the remembrance of these unimportant
haud or slapped on the back, and all tertained at dinner by 13 of tlie Guild life; lie is happy because be Is healthy iniddk* of the long path and said very
everyday matters is one of the greatest that she would ere long be heard of in
Shallow Lakes for Fish.
the while wc nre hard at work trying of Tailors. Curran on leaving rose and and In a good, smooth, comfortable rut. charmingly. "Good morning, my dears.”
testimonies to the predominance of literary circles and would score a suc­
happiness over unhappiness in the cess that would make her father's in­
Professor Marsh of Wisconsin, speak­ to think of the name of the person who said. “Gentlemen. 1 wish you botlj which he prefers to the macadnm on —Oliver Wendell Holmes.
world. Do we not feel sorry from our come from commercial pursuits very ing recently of the pecuharittes of Lake Is doing It. Kings are crcxllted wltb good evening."
the sid«*s of the road Goldsmith's pas
Turning the Table«.
henrts for any one wlm has lost such slim in comparison with the results of Winnebago, said that it is remarkable royal memories, and It Is rare to find a
tor. who had spiritual charge of the de
"Turning tin* tallies," In the sense of
Self l*<>NHv«Med.
an Infinitely precious possession wllli- her literary achievements. .She is afraid for its shallowness. Although it is sovereign who has not a w’onderful
serted village, who ne’er bad changed bringing a countercharge against an
It was lafe and getting later.
memory for faces. But be usually has
out even wondering whether or no to risk it, however, and will, if some­
not wished to change Ills place. Is an accuser, lias a classic origin. In the
some one at his elbow who cbd Jog bls
there was anything in tlieir past lives thing does not happen to give her more
excellent example of the man who (lays of Augustus Imperator a regular
memory for names.
worth recollecting? After all. how few
makes the most possible out of the mo
Meantime the gas meter worked notonles of life.-St Louis Globe-Dem craze seized tlie men of Rome* to com-
It Is not always safe to fish for a
are the hours which any of us would confidence in her own ability, go on depth of only twenty-five feet. This is
pet«* witli otic another for tbi* posses­
blot out of our lives! Those perhnps writing out her flights of fancy and due to the fact that a lake’s outlet is name wanted. When Ellen Terry and steadily.
sion of the costliest sp«*cimens of a cer­
The pater endured It as long as he
during which we have witnessed or then watch them go up in smoke. She constantly deejiening, and that its in­ Henry Irving were In America one
Lemon Juice.
tain description of table made for Hie
suffered ncute physical or mental pain, is unhappy and her father knows it, let is gradually filling its bottom with year, they met a gentleman who, they could and then resolve«l on heroic mean
A little lemon juice In the water In most pail of Maurltana wood Inlaid
the moment when we engendered the but if he has ever had any regret for a sandy or earthy deposit. But Win­ knew, bad reason to expect that they ures.
“Phyllis.” he called from the bend of which fish Is boiled will make it desira­ witli Ivory—“tnensarum Insanla,” or ta­
worm of remorse which dleth not or his heartless way in repaying iter con­
could remember bls name, But this
nebago’s shallowness makes It remark­ they failed to do. So Miss Terry ap- the stairs, “has the morning paper bly solid, tlie too frequent lack of a ble mania, as Pliny called It. They were
those few minutes of humiliation fidence in him lie has failed to show it.
ably rich in fish; indeed, it is one of proached hint an«l said: “Sir Henry and com«* yet?”
boded fish. Sweetbreads left for an sold nt most extravagant prices. When
which, whether we trace them to fault
the most productive known. Shallow I cannot agr«*e as to the exact spelling
"No. sir," replied th«* funny man on hour before cooking In a bath of rather tin* men accused tlie ladies of sumptu­
or fnte, remain In our minds to "vex
Polly believes heart and soul in sp«*ak- lakes always have more fish than d«?ep of your name. Will you please put us The Daily Bugle. “We are bolding th«* Strong dilution of lemon Juice are made ary extravagance, the latter naturally
us like a thing that Is raw.” But how
white nml firm. A few drops of lemon retorted by reference to tlie money
small Is the part we would have taken ing all the g«xxi words when your ones, chiefly, perhaps, because there is right?” “Certainly,” was the reply. “It form for an Important decision.”
And the pnter went back to bed. won juice are de< iared to add a delicious squandered by their lords on these ta­
away compared to the part we would friends and loved ones are here to aj>- more vegetation on the hot fem of a Is J o-n-e-s!”
preciate them, and not wait until they shallow one. Vegetation does not flour­
Aphasia is divided by those who have dering If they would keep bouse or live flavor to scrambled eggs. But a quite bles and so "turned the tables on them"
retain ¡—London Spect ator.
new use Is In the preparation of rolled by «browing them metaphorically In
studied the subject Into “word blind with him.—Colorado Springs Gazette.
are hid under a coffin lid or lying with1 ish in deep water.
beef. This requires a rib roast, with their t«*etb.
All on
n Year.
ness” and "word d<*afness.” A man
folded hands lx?fore you, deaf to all the
An Obierver.
tlie bones cut out. The Juice of a lem­
A clergyman by the name of Mnthson terms of endearment and praise that
who Is “word blind” may be able to
Siberia’s Wonderful Growth.
A correspondent writes: "I was visit­ on is squeezed over tlie meat, ami the
was minister of Patterdale, In West­ would have made the pathway so bright
pronounce the name of letters, but can
Frlgga. fro« whom Friday Is deriv­
Hilx*ria is growing with wonderful not understand the meanings of the ing a friend sol»«* time ago and natu­ skin of II rolled up In It. The result is
moreland, England, 60 years nnd died
rally in due time wished to take a bath. a tender. Juicy, aromatic meat, very ed. was cither a god or a goddess, ac­
at the nge of 90 During the early pnrt for them on this earth. No one knows rapidity. The Russian Government is words they form. A man who Is "w
of bls life bls benefice brought him only of the heartaches and positive hunger very kind to its emigrants. This sum­ deaf' can understand ordinary soum. So. having let a goodly supply of water grateful to the palate. The Brazilian cording to time and country. As a man
£12 a year. It was afterward Increased for words of encouragement that some mer I met a train in Hilxjria. It was nnd music, but cannot understand spo Into the tub. In 1 stepped. with much beef Is h!"h’y esteemed for Its flavor, he was a great hunter nnd warrior, al­
to £18. which It never exceeded. On people bear in secret from day to day. taking fourth-class passengers a dis­ ken words. His speech Is often mere pleasure at tin* prospect of a delightful mid this Is because the cuttle pasture ways represented with a drawn sword
scrub, when n most matter of fact where lemons are plentiful an! eat In one hand and a bow In the other, tn
this Income he married, brought up It does not cost the parents anything tance of 24(10 miles foJ $2.25, giving to senseless Jargon.
voice said. ’Going to take a bath?’ My the fallen fruit, which flavors their the Scandinavian countries Frlgga was
four children and lived comfortably to praise the children when the occa­
called the “Venus of the North." and
wltb his neighbors, educated a son nt sion demands it. It d«x*s not hurt the each person a sleeping berth, and feed­ word has little to do with these more heart stood still wltb terror, and. vain flesh.— Wlmt to Eat.
the sixth day of the week was conse­
the university nnd left behind Ihm husband to show his appreciation of his ing some of the jxxirerones at the many serious forms of the complaint, We ly endeavoring to stretch nty wash rag
Wet WedtllnK Ila,-« Preferred.
crated to her worship.
feeding stations along the Siberian swallow words tinder the Influence of to the dimensions of a sheet. I glared
upward of a thousand pounds.
With that singular simplicity nnd In wife’s efforts, or vice versa. It does not Railroad. Over 600,000 emigrants have excitement or more often of fatigue wildly around nnd saw a parrot placid­ the sun shines on" is one that Is un­
Carried Weight.
attention to forms which characterize hurt the employers either to show that crossed the Urals into Silxria in live People getting better from n serious III ly blinking nt me from Ills cage In the known In many lands. A Breton bride
“What do you mean by saying the
a country life, he himself read the they appreciate the efforts of their em­ years. Siberia to-day l«x>ks just alxiut ness are torment«*d by the loss of com window.”—New York Tribune.
takes it unhappily when the day of her
burial service over bls mother, he mar­ ployes in their liehalf. To lx? sure, they as Dakota did twenty-live years ago. mon words. This Is particularly the The Fisherman*« Gamble With Death wedding dawns bright and sunny. Ilain defendant’s words enrried weight with
ried bls father to a second wife, and are paid for their services, and if they To give you an idea of the increase in case after Influenza. Oue of ottr lead
In bad weather, the fisherman's wife on tier marriage morn is held to sig­
”1 mean, your worship, that he swore
afterward buried him also. He pub- are conscientious they are going to do
Ing statesmen after an attack of this said, when the boats were out. she nify Hint all her ti nrs are shed and that
llshed bls own banns,of marrfnge In tht* Ix^st they can by their employer; trallic in Siberia the following figures malady suddenly lost the thread of his could never stay In the house because she will therefore have a hanpy mar- at me nnd then hit me wltb a brick."
the church with a womnn he had still, it makes the pathway through life given me by Prince Khilkofi'inay be in­ speech In the midst of a public dis of the clock. As It ticked she heard rled life.
formerly christened, and he himself smoother and their duties lighter to teresting: “The West Siberian Road course.
It Is said that the Erzn of Slmbrlsk
nothing but ‘'Wife, widow; wife, wid­
It doesn’t take a good resolution long
(that is, the section of 2000 miles from
married all bls four children.
"Word forgetfulness” Is. however, ow," over and over again. And. she call the day before the wedding the to find Its way to the bargain counter.—
know that their efforts are appreciated. the Urals to Irkutsk) in 1896 carried
mainly the result of careless observa­
There is not one of us, be it man, wom­ 160,000 passengers, 169,1X10 emigrants tion or of want of training What wo said, 'tls but the swing of the bob weeping day. nml the bride nnd her girl Chicago News.
Crle« or Animal«.
which name should l>e the true one.— friends weep as much as possible with
The ronr of a lion can be heard far an or child, upon whom the words of and 30,000,000 puds of goods.
never knew well we very easily forget “Cynthia In the West.”
the idea of getting the mourning of life
During the reign of Peter the Great
tber than the sound of any other living praise and encouragement, if nieilted,
An experienced police detective novel
over, so that only what Is joyful may leather money was In circulation In
creature. Next comes the cry of a do not act like a g«xxl tonic, stimulating
Gibraltar is to strengthened by a forgets a face or name. —Pearson's.
A Brenkfn«« Table Dectalon.
remain. In some countries this result Is Ruuia.
hyena, and then the hoot of the owl. us to renewed effort for lx»tter work, if
“I understand that Jenkins took the attained by sousing the bride with wa­
After thes«» the panther and the Jackal.
A Clam That Pearl Diver« Fear.
thirty-third degree."
ter. The Greeks think that a thorough
The donkey can lx? heard 50 times far­ it Is ¡xjssible. Then don’t sing them tle-ships can coal under complete shel­ the painfully smart boy's uncle.
All sorts of superstitions prevail
“Yes. Ills wife says It uiiist not oc­ drenching of the bride will bring her
ther than the horse and the cat ten
among the pearl fishers of Ceylon, aud
lasting good fortune.
"What Is this supposed to represent?" cur again." - Puck._________
times farther than the dog. Strange as but give them freely while the glow of a rock tunnel.
a large business Is done by sorcerers
“A locomotive.”
It may seem, the cry of a hare can lx* health is in their fac«*s and the sparkle
who sell charms to restrain the appe­
London Bridge«.
“An artistic girl.” said the painting
“But why don’t you draw the cars?”
Last year Uncle Sam turned out new
heard farther thnn that of either the of appreciation is in their eyes. Then
Here Is the history of London's tite of the sharks and to drive away
cat or the dog.
the words of encouragement will count coin« worth $136,000,000, of which $99,*
roses upon a sky blue frock. An In­ bridges in brief: Westminster bridge the diabolical stingrays. Another peril
for something in place of lx*ing a hol­ I 000,000 were gold.
artistic girl fr one who will wear blue was begun In 17!I8 nnd finished In 17444. which the diver dreads more tlinn ei­
A strange sight was witnessed st low mockery.
Only one city In Sweden would be ribbon with a pink frock. Some eyes Blnckfrlnrs bridge In 1760 and finished ther stingray or shark Is the giant
Bologna recently. A bellringer nt a
I.earn to keep your ears open and classed with our larger cities—Stock­
clam, that weighs n«*arly half a ton
might not sc«* nny difference between In 1770. W«>teij«x> bridge I d 1811 and
cburch was struck by a great bell and
"My, what ugly, slimy things they your month closed.
holm. which Is somewhat »mailer tlinn the two combinations, but there's all opened on lune 18. 1817: Southwark when full grown It will snap off a
thrown violently through the window
Pittsburg. Gothenberg Is about ns the difference In the world. One girl Iron bridge In 1814 nnd finished In man’s legs like a pipestem If the victim
of the tower on to the roof some 50 ar«*,’’ said Polly, peering curiously intoa
large ns Columbus, O„ hot the other has no warrant for what sh«* does. The 1819 nml the present London bridge chances to thrust a limb between Its
feet below, lie escaped with nothing
open Jaws, or at all events will hold
cities are little more than town«
other has all nature for her authority.” In 1821. being oix-ned on Aug. 1, 1831.
ing alsmt. "The «lay has gone by with discontented never rich.
more than a shock.
him until be drowns miserably.