• - ■ -........ ==■- ----- .- THE RECORDER DAVI» M. STITT, Ignorance and the uninformed often confuse Socialism with Anarchy. Below are a few cases given from Democratic aud Republican sources in which tbe proper distinction is made: SDITO» AND PHOPHIETOU. From the K. G, Daily Times. (Dem.) IS PUBLISHED JiiKKÏ Til U BSD A Y AFTERNOON .... DT .... SUBSCRIPTION DATES. Ono Year...................................... f 2 00 Six Months............................................ 1 00 Thro« Months.............................................. •’() This paper is entered at the Bandon post office as Seoond-class Matter. P. FISHER, NEWSPAPER ADVEB- L • Hsing Agent, 21 Merchants’ Exchange. San Frnnoiaoo, is our authorized agent. This paper is kept on file in his office. ___ THU RSI) AY, OCT. 10, 1901. — editorial . Tho British war office is expecting tbe speedy collapse of Boer resistance in South Africa, but there is nothing strange or startling in tbe expection, as it is a well known fact that this same expectation has been held out during tbe last two years. Rev. Dr. Reed Mackay, who found the Biblical text from which he preached victory to tbe Shamrock's crew, was very ingenious as an ex­ pounder of scripture, but a second or third rate prophet. He should re­ member tbe injunction “That tbe scripture is not subject to private interpretation.“ Each failure to cor­ rectly interpret proves tbe interpreter a stranger to the Spirit of Truth, to which alone tbe interpretation of scripture is permissible. Senator Mitchell is trying to con­ vince tbe Postmaster General that Portland is the proper place from which to ship a portion of the mail which goes io tbe Orient. At first thought one might think that Senator Mitchell wished quicker delivery for mail from the country contiguous to Portland, or that he was working for a special benefit to that city, but by probing deeper tbe cause is apt to bp discovered in the desire of some transportation company to get a pull at the governments treasury. Senator Mitchell has long been charged with beiug in with the corporations Dividing the Oriental mail contract between several companies is not go ing to put money into Uncle Sara's strong box, and the wily senator well ppderstands tb is fact, ^he Commoner: Newport has just bad a “dog reoeption.” This must be >vbat we have known as tbe “howling sjjfell” set. Exchange; The Pension building at Washington is overrun with rats ped the women clerks are talking of going out on a strike until govern ment rat catchers are appointed and perform the necessary work. To the readers of this paper who will send their name and address for a sample copy of the New York Fam­ ily Story Paper they will receive tbe opening chapter of Miss Laura Jean Libbey’s best story, “Betrothed For a Day.” Do not miss this opportunity to secure free tho opening chapter of this grand and intense love story. Do not wait until you road thoroughly this paper but write at onco, to, Munro’s Publishing house, 24 -26 Vandewater Street, New York City, N. Y. —ooo---- Coast Mail; The Graham property on tbe hill near the I. O. O. F. come- fry has been purchased by the Rev. Father Donnolly, who ia authority for tho statement that a thoroughly equipped hospital will be established there. This is something of which Marshfield is badly in need. There is no reason why so many people should be obliged to take an expen sivo, disagreeable and, for one seri­ ously ill, a dangerous, sea trip, to reach a hospital where tboy can bo properly cared for. There is plenty of medical and surgical talent hero, and with a properly equipped hos­ pital and a corps of trained nurses tho worst cast's could be cared for at a fraction of the expense involved in going to San Francisco and Portland. Coquille Bulletin: The electric lights, which were put in by Frank Morse, were turned on last Monday evening. Tbe lights are good, and Mr. Morse's patrons are well pleased with them. Tbe plant, which is sit­ uated at Johnson’s mill, is now in foil working order, and has the very latest machinery, and is up to-date in every respect. While the lights are now as good as ape furnished any place the present standard will be kept up nnd those who have not al­ ready bad their residences and busi­ ness bouses wired, will no doubt see the advantage and superiority of electric lights over coal oil or gaso­ line, and they will not be loDg in prderiug them. Mr. Morse and crew are now busy finishing the wiring that is to be doue in this place; and as soon as tbe poles are brought up from tbe lower river tboy will com­ mence to get Myrtle point lighted. Which will be in a very short time if the we1 tier is at all favorable. • I wi> They See The Difference. li Vl. I . . .. » X. * I ». . i . There is ao word which is so often misunderstood as “Socialist.“ It really means one who studies and works for society, for the people, and so far from being a reproach, to call a man a Socialist is to credit him with the purest and deepest of philanthropic feeling. From the Chioago Tribune. (Rep.) Upon every occasion when anar­ chists break loose aud put in practice their "gospel of force," there is a popular tendency to include Socialists also in the general condemnation. This, however is a mistake. The So­ cialist would have the state control everything; the anarchist would abol­ ish the stale and have the individual control everything, which would mean chaos. From Taeomn, Wngb , Daily Nowg. (Dem.) There may be a disposition on tho part of some people who have not fol­ lowed the question to confuse in their minds the doctrines of so called So­ cialism with the destructive policy of anarchists. Of course, no one who has given any thought to tbe great social and economic questions which are now pressing for a solution would be in danger of any such confusion of mind, but to many newspaper readers tbe terms Socialism and anarchy may have much the same significance. Socialism is simply the application of tbe principles of natural right and justice and equality to the economic questions in which society is inter­ ested. When applied to matters of government, we cal) tbe principle democracy. Socialism is the exten­ sion of the principles of democracy from politics to economics. We are steadily grafting Socialism upon our democracy and giving it more and more recognition in politics. Munici­ palities all over the world are dealing with the problems of Socialism. Tbe public ownership of certain utilities, such as the light and water service in Tacoma, is a step in tbe line of So cialism rather than what we term democracy. The question of trusts is one which is now uppermost in the raiuds of tbe Socialists in this country to-day. But Socialism and anarchy are whol­ ly distinct and they are diametrically oppose to each other. A man canuot be a true Socialist and advocate an urchy any more than lie can be a fol lower of Jesus Christ aud at tbe same time be a murderer and assassin at heart. — OOO---- - A Typical South African Store. O. R. Larson, of Bay Villa, Sun days River, Cape Colony, conducts a storo typical of South Africa, at which can be purchased anything from the proverbial "needle to an anchor." This store is situated in a valley nine miles from tbe nearest railway station and about twenty-five miles from tbe nearest town. Mr. Larsen says: “I am favored with tbe custom of farmers within a radius of thirty miles, to many of whom I have supplied Chamberlain's remedies. All testify totbeir value in a house­ hold where a doctor's advice is almost out of tbe question. Within one mile of my store tbe population is perhaps sixty. Of these, within the past twelve months, no less than fourteen have been absolutely cured by Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. TbiH must surely be a record.“ For sale by C. Y. Lowe. Oregonian: Tho yachtsmen of tho United States have in tbe past half century spent more than SI,500,01)0 in keeping the America’s cup on this side of the water. The money has gone into tboconstrnction and sailing of the yachts Magic, Columbia, Sappho, Madeleine, Mischief, Puritan, Priscilla, Mayflower, Volunteer, Vig­ ilant, Defender. Columbia, Constitu­ tion nnd Independence. Since tbe cup is still with us, with promise of remaining here indefinitely, it is con­ ceded that the money has been well spent. Bibilicul Prophecy of Sham­ rock. From tbe Chicago Tribune, I ALDON B 3IAUIÍKT, THOMAS ANDERSON, Prop. If You Do Stoves, Ranges We are still doing business at The Old A curious illustration of bow a Stand and can please you. Give uh a Call and examine our Bible text may be found for almost on Hand at all Times any occasion is furnished in the ser Fresh Beef, Pork, Mutton, Smoked Meats, Lard, and Farm Implements, Etc mon preached last Sunday by Dr. Reed Mackay to the crew of tbe yacht Etc., Now ia the lime to pure-base Hardwure. The undersigned bas Shamrock on a text taken from Isaiah in stock a large assortment of Fresh Vegetable*, Poultry, Eggs, Butter and till Farm Produce, nnd n xxxiii:23, which reads: "Their tack- lings are loosed; they could not well strengthen their mast; they could Glassware, Crockery and Miners’ Supplies. not spread tbe sail; then is tbe prey I will pay highest market, price for beef, pork, mutton,wool, bidos, etc. of a great spoil divided; tho lame Paint*. Oil». Doors and Window*. take tbe prey.“ Dr, Mackay said T1N8IIOP IN CONNECTION. this was a prophecy of victory for Shamrock, tbe last clause Leing es­ The Bandon Hardware Man. pecially applicable to Sir Thomas Lipton, who is still lame from the ef­ fect of a recent accident. Tho clergy­ I-.7* In connection with tho Market Mrs. Anderson conducts a man’s discourse was greatly admired LADIES’ FURNISHING DEPARTMENT,constantly add- by tbe sailors of the lush yacht. tf?" ing now goods to her stock of Jackets, Cloaks, Ladies’ Americans may be less inclined to Underwear, Shirt Waists, Shirt Waist Sets, Collars, Cuffs, accept tbe inspiration of the text as ¡rif" Ladies’ and Children’s Ilose. Dress and Furnishing Goods, Oneita Union Suits, and applied to tbe present occasion, and Wonderful Bargains in Underwear and Hosiery. Particular attention given to new and latest styles. may charge Dr. Mackay with tbe ministerial shortcoming of having preached only what bis congregation New, Fitted wished to hear, but judgment on this point should be reserved until after the races. If “the lame" should hap­ pen to “take the prey“ it would be a Suits for M» n, Youths. Bovs and Children. strong argument on the side of Dr. _ Constantly on H»»nd. Men’s Furnishing ♦ Goods a Specialt New Hats. New l ifs. New Shirts, Und&rwaro, Mackay's wisdom in tbe choice of a ami Sh'»es. Boots and llubb* r Go »ds. text, if not of his biblical exegesis. Grocerien, Jhty, Grain, Steel and b'eed. Oregonian: Famine prevails in some portions of Russia year after give a regular 10 day Service between Coqaille River, Oregon, and San year. This condition now exists in This Steamer will Francisco, California, for both passengers and freight. nineteen provinces among tbe most For full or further information apply to Captain A. Reed, on board steamer or populous in the empire. This means N. LORENZ, Agent. UoqnUle. Oregon. M. R. LEE. Agent, Bandon, Oregon. tbe utter destitution of hundreds of E. T. KRUZ, General Agent, 207 Front Street, San Francisco. California. thousands and the necessity of gov eminent relief for them for at least nine months. Systematic efforts for You the relief of these people—as indus­ ---- AT THE----- trious and economical as any upon Two Papers for the Price of One. Y om earth—are in progress. Notwith Get tlic News of the World and CARL XELKtkV, Prep. standing this, suffering from hunger the Local News Thrown and its deadly ally, typhus, or, it is tn as a Bargain. fitly called in Russia, the "buoger fever," will be past computation. of all kind on hand. 3 < Ji r-422î ï ï oia S To those who pay up arrearages and a - IProiD's. Oregonian: Tbe inventive genius year in advance, and to all new subscri­ of man is constantly manifesting its CORNED BEEF, bers who pay in advance, we make tho following proposition comprising several power in tbe world of material thing. PICKLED PORK. different couplets to select from : A conspicuous example of this mani P rice of P ublications peb Y ear . festation is found in turning to ac­ BUTTER, J3GG, and $2 00 P andon R ecokdeu count, through mechanical invention, 6 00 S.tn Franuiico Bulletin FRUIT aud VEGETABLES the product of thousands of acres of r. oo Port laud Evening Telegram oí all kinds. wire grass that grows upon the marsh O vc ^;< ibs . 1 50 Weekly Oregonian lands of Minnesota. Five years ago Meats Delivered to perrons living on tho Appeal to Ronson 50 JOEÏN <1 «KHN. Pioyiieixtr. this grass, being ionutritious, was River, or along the Stage Route Our Oir. r. The Bulletin is one of the leading papers worthless. Now it is harvested and This well known l»>t, I is now under new mid com­ of the West, and is a daily published in San manufactured into twine aud various 1 Francisco, and gives all the news. Ouruffee petent niiii'iiy.'m-'ht :>nd has been thorimghly inn­ articles of furniture, and has become I ificlud 8 the Sunday Bulletin. Ari' ovated throughout The table service is equal to one of the most valuable products of Recorder and Bulletin, one year.. $6 00 any in Southern Oregon. Sample rooms for coil;. “I raflbred the torture. of tho damned tbe state. One company in St. Paul with Recorder and Bulletin, one mouth 50 protruding piles brought on by constipa­ m«rcial men. B iggngo transported to and from alone hns 6000 men working on wire tion with which I was aflllcted for twenty | The Portland Evening Telegram is issued years. I ran across your CASCARETS In tha 1 six times a week. It gives all the now» that bouts arid trains flee < f charge.— grass products. TbiB is tbe largest town of Newell. lit., and never found anything to equal them. To-day I am entlroly free from is woith reading aud up to time of going to Fine new bar in connection with the hole!. single industry in the city, nnd prom­ piles nnd tool lllro a new man. ” in» hs , much ot it being 21 hours fie-her than C. H.KriTZ, 1111 Jones St., Sioux City, Io. ises further expansion. Our pine­ viheu it rcauhei here through any uth.r needle industry in Southern Oregon CANDY jotirna’. is nnalagous to this in that it converts W. CATHARTIC al Recorder and Tel. gram one y< ar $5 00 * For a weekly lio^sp per the Weekly Oie into articles of coinmereial valuo a I I goinau leads in the Northwest, nnd givo« heretofore worthless and practically i al! the news usually contain- d iu a weekly VRAOS mahk OUmUtD inexhaustible product of the land. paper. also Sausages, Generous supply of fresh Groceries Hardware, Tinware, Graniteware, LADIES’ FURNISHING DEPARTMENT. The A. McNAIR, New Srping and Summer Goods coming in on every boat. Ladie’s Orders taken for Men’s Taylor made Twin-Screw Suits. Fit and Satisfaction Guaranteed. Ready Made Speedy and Elegantly Steamer, Mandalay, W. C. Sanderson. CAPT. A. REED. AMERICUS CLUB PURE WHISKEY What We Can Do For DORADO” Fresh Meats Hotel Coquille, PILES "UOMHAND FAMILY” is a large, eigbt-page, 48 column monthly journal for the home nnd family. It has splendid nerinl stories; bright, thr.lling shoit stories; brilliant sketches; beautiful poems; a boys’ and girls’ page; reliable ar­ ticles for tbe faimer, mechanic, professional man—for everyone, in fact; it has tbe newest and latest fashions for ladies fully illus trnted; in faot, "Home And Family” is all that a journal for tbe People, everywhere— in town, city, aud country—should be, and for a short time the subscription price will be only Iff cents for a whole year’s sub. scription. "Home And Family” is well worth CO cents a year, and later on, that will be tbe prioe. Send 15 cents to-day, nnd secures year’s subscription. Postage stamps aooepted. Get one or two friends to do the same. You will be glad that you did so. Address:—"HOME AND FAMILY” 25 Church Street, White Plains, N Y. TRESPASS NOTICE. Notice is hereby given to all persons not totreapARs upon the premises of Dr. Kenyon, Hitunted between Floras Lake nud the conn ty road, in Northern Curry, by removing, cutting, or destroying timber upon said land. $25 reward will be paid for informs tion leading to a conviction of trespass as stated above. Dated at Bandon, Oregon. March 14. 1901. PETER NELSON. Agent GKO. P. TOPPING, ATTORNEY and COUNSELOR AT LAW Recorder and Weekly Oregonian. .$2 50 It is the duty of each person to seek in­ Pleasant, Palatable. Potent. Taste Good, no formation along all lines that, tend toward Good, Nover Sicken. Weaken, or Gripe. 10c, Xo. 50o. bringing about bet ter conditions nud greater ... CURE CONSTIPATION. ... Sterling Remedy Company, Chicago, Montreal, New York. 813 I prosperity for the human family, and for *in_TA.RAO Sold and iniarantned by ail drug. the purpose c f giving our render« a chance HU* 9 U’HHW gists to CUBE Tobacco Habit. to inform themselves we give them the best —Appeal to liens.>n. Any doctrine that does not appeal to the highest order of rea­ soning is not safe. Recorder and Appeal to Reason. . $2 00 I , (Hr. Bryan’* Paper.) The Commoner ha« attained within six months from dftto of the first issue a circu lation of loo.ooo copies, a record probably never equaled in the history of American periodical literature. The unparalleled growth of this paper demount, rates that there is room in tbe news «per field for a national paper devoted to the discursion of political, economic, and social problems. l*o the columns of The Commoner Mr. Bryan contributes bis best iff< rts; nnd his review of political events as they arise fioin time to time can not fail to interest tLvse who study public questi >ns. The Commoner’s regular subscription price is JI.00 per year. We have arranged with Mr. Br.van whereby we can furnish his paper and the Recorder together f. r one year for $2.25. The regular sub’d ipt ion price of tbe two papers when subscribed for separately is $3.00. WILLIAM MCKINLEY Ills LIFE AND WORK, Practices In all the Courts of the State. Office on Second ou Life Insurance or money loaned MOTNHLY WEATHER REPORT. nA HR. CUBBY COUNIT. OBBUOM. SErTBMBBR, 1901. Mean temperature 57. 10 Maximum temperature RS, on 17 Minimum temperature 44 on 0. 1U. Pecipitation 8.58 inches. No. days olear 111 Partly cloudy 8 Nq. of days cloudy, 3 Dnte of thunder storms. 21. Prevailing wind N. W, Remarks. Elevation 1342 ft. JOSEPH HARE. Voluntary Observer BIPANS TABULES Ths Cemmcner. BT Floor in Concrete Building G in . Cw ahles JI. G bohvenob . Firat Street, Rolioies and Bonds bought Pre-'iden’s life long Friend, Comrade in on same. war and Colleague in Congress. Was near his side with other great men when his eyes Ilan , A. F.A .M. £ becomes a contributor to this fund. Millions I) Stated communications first Sat- E of copies will be sold. Everybody will buy nrday after the full moon of each £ It. Orders for the asking. Nobody will •X month. All Master Masons cordially K refuse. Elegant Photogravure Portrait of invited. By order of W. M. ® President McKinley’s last picture taken at tbe White House. You can easily and T. J. THRIFT, Secretary. quickly clear $1.000 taking orders. Order lleware of Ointment. for Catarrh that outfit quick. Chance to prove success, secure yearly contract and become Mana­ Contain Men-ury ger. Send 12 2c stamps to pay expense of as mercury will surely destroy the << Court Queen of the Forest No. 17, wrapping, packing and mailing elegant prospectus, 'Taking 10 to 50 orders daily. sense of smell and completely derange Foresters of America. 50,000 copies will be sold in this vicinity. tbe whole system when entering it JpOURT QUEEN OF THE FOREST.i Address through the mucous surfaces. Such No. 17. meets Fridnv night of eacli^ THE CONTINENTAL ASSEMBLY, 4 week. in Concrete Hall, Bandon, Oregon.g Odd Fellow’s Building. articles should never be used except *A cordial welcome is extended to all vis-* Sacramento. Cal, W. W. SHIPLEY. S on prescriptions from reputable pbysi Siting brothers * H knrt G oits , Chief ltangef. 3 cians, as the damage they will do is Fin. Secretary. tenfold to the good you cau possibly derive from them. Hall’s Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O., contains no mercury, and is taken internally, acting direct­ ly upon tbe blood and tnucuous sur faces of tbe system, Jn buying Hall's Catarrh Cure be sure you get tbe genuine. It is taken internally, and made in Toledo, Ohio, by F. J. Cheney & Co. Testimonials free. Sold by Druggists, price 75c. per bottle. Hall's Family Pills are tbe best. DO YOU NEED ANY HARD-WARE? E l D orado A Good Anyone senrltn? n »ketch nnd description may qmekly ascertain, free, whether an Invention is probably patentable. Coonnunicatioiis strictly confidential. Oblast agency for securing patents in America. VVe have a Washington office. Patents taken through Munn &, Co receive special notice in the Lo-atmi In EL DORADO BUILDING. Pint Htr.et, MANDON. OREGON SHAVING, SHAMPOOING AND HAIR CUTTING AT STANDARD PRICES, HHthroom newly fitted up with PareeUln Tnh. Hot or Cold llatli. IK rent«. 1 beautifully Illustrated, largest circulation of any scientific Journal, weekly, terms f3.00 a year: fl.&Oaix months. Specimen coplea and HAwn B ook on P atents sent free. Address MUNN & CO., 30 i Broadway, New York. Ten for five cents, at Druggists. Grocers, Restaurants, Saloons, News-Stands, General Stores and Barbers Shops, They banish pain, induce sleep, and prolong life. One gives relief! No matter what's the matter, one will do you good. Ten samples and one thousand testi­ monials sent by mail to any address on receipt of price, by the.Ripans Chemical Co., lo.Sprucc St., New York City. CLARENCE Y. LOWE, Bandon. Oregon, Druggist and Apothecary, MW In just in receipt of n new and fresh stock of Drugs and Chemicals, Patent and Proprietary Preparations Toilet Articles, Driijt'giMM Snndrien. P erfumes , B rushes , S ponges , S oaps N uts and C andies . Cigars, Tobaccos and Cigarettes, Paints, Oils. Glasses, and Painter’s Supplied ----- THE STEAMER----- DISPATCH THOMAS WHITE, Master Leaves Bandon every morning, except Sunday, nt 7:30 o’clock nnd makes connec tions with the train and steamer MyrI at 10:30 a. m. at Coquille City. Leaves Coquille City at 12:30 p. m., arriv- ng at Bandon at 4:30 p. m. Two Real Bargins in Real TONSORIAL PARLORS Estate. P. B. HOYT, Prop. lor mankind SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, Storv nnd a half honse|5 room®i fire place. Large lot near center of town, f 150. One «tory honse Fi rnorns: lot and a half Near woolen mill, $125. Both of these aro real snaps,oall on J. M. UPTON. Bandon. Subscribe for the Recorder Do You Know tho News X-.?”You can have it all for KAn Per Gioitili ■’<«• jionth in tho F’venimg Telegram, of Portland, Oregon. It ia the largeat evening news- pape publirthed in Oregon; it contains all tin news of the state and of the natiot Try it. for a month. A sample o >py w 1 be mailed to you free. Address The Telegram, PORTLAND, ORF. Ask your Druggist for a generous IO CENT TRIAL SIZE. Ely's Cream Bairn contain« r.o cocn’nc, ni Tcury nnr any other Injurious drug. It ia quickly Absorbed. Gives Itelwf at onco. It opens nnd clennses tho Na»nl Pn-snrcs. A days fniiii’r.ination. *>.d 1’- ■ I ffi. !«»> •’ 1 , <■ 8 pi i«09 of Ta-uo and bn-- 1». b U L..X; v u. ; I1...I Size 10c : r.t l»ru or ' y m H. 4 „ ~ . ELY HRunUuK . Warren btts«U New lorlc. 2 5o< rr« ». Ycu Can’t Expect to Get $2 worth fcr $1, but you can get your money’s worth at M. BREUER’S Dealer in B»otM nnd Slioen Repairing neatly nnd promptly done at lowest living price.- J. L. THOMPSON, Shaving Parlors and Bathrooms MiinviiiR 1.» Cento. Ilntlm 23 Cent*. Workmnnahip np to date in any­ thing in my line. ----- Next Door to Poitoffioe. -rrz