Bandon recorder. (Bandon, Or.) 188?-1910, September 19, 1901, Image 1

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Volume XVII.
A. W. Hughes, of Marshfield, was
in towu Tuesday.
Try G. H. Magoou’s for Freeh
G. D Caldwell, of Walla Walla, was
Groceries, Fruita, Provisions, etc.
in town last Saturday.
Special—24 Large Stamps Photos
Dr. J. J. Caldwell, of Port Orford,
25 cents, at Wrenshall's gallery Ban­ was a visitor to Bandon last Monday.
The cannery has begun operations,
Dexter Rice and wife of Roseburg, but so far. the run of salmon has been
were in town, the latter part of last light
Amos Johnson and wife of Port
B obn .—To Mr. and Mrs, E. M Orford were among the visitors to
Blackerby, at Bandon, Sept. 17, a town, this week.
E. A. Philpott is at work applying
Now is the time to secure an Atlas a new coat of paint to N. Lorenz’s
<c»f the world, cheap. See the offer store building.
made elsewhere.
The steamer Mandalay is expected
Adam Pershbaker, the Prosper to return from Ban Francisco Mon­
mill man, was among (he visitors to day or Tuesday.
Bandon, last Monday.
The County Sunday School Con­
For a bad taste iu the month take vention convenes at Coquille City
Chamberlain’s Stomach and Liver next Monday, Sept. 23.
Tablets. For sale by C. Y. Lowe.
W. W. Gage was in town yesterday
A fresh lot of Choice groceries at having come down from his fishery,
Magoon’a store. Headquarters for near Prosper, on business.
fruits and nuts. Corned beef kept.
J. W. Strange, the dentist from
Mrs. E. A. Philpott and Mrs. Geo Coquille, has been doing work in
Lorenz returned home last Monday town during tbe last week.
from a few day’s visit to friends at
Robert Bullard bpa made arrange
ments to ship 20 cords of matchwood
The Socialist Club here has chosen from this place to Portland.
Tbos. Buckman to represent them at
Hon. Binger Herman arrived at
the Salem convention called to meet Roseburg last week. He will spend
Wednesday Sept. 25.
a couple of w«ek3 jn Douglas and
A. G. Thrift, principal of the Ban­ Coos counties.
don school, arrived from Dairyville.
Marshfield is undergoing agitation
last Monday, and school will open, on for the early closing of stores of
Monday. September, 23.
evenings. The hour to close will be
Hon. Binger Herman isexpocted to 7:30 or 8 o’clock.
visit Coos coutity in the near future.
Ralph Cope, of Floras Creek, was
Business interests, friends, and old in town last Friday and took home a
associations induce hie visit.
nice bedroom 6iiite from the Bandon
W. C. Sandarson has received a Furniture C o ’ b store.
¡urge new catalogue of custom made
J. A. Bowman, the Dairyville black­
clothing s'implee. Call and order smith was in towD, Monday night,
Jtefore choice samples are taken.
having come up on business. He re­
Ueorgo W. Canning made arrange turned home yesterday.
ments when here to leave bis two
Tbe woolen mill here was getting
pjljldreu with T. J. Stillwell. They short on wool this week, but a sup­
will attend school in this district.
ply is coming by way of Coos bay
Thomas Robinson returned, the and will get lmje by tomorrow even
latter part of last week, from Hum ing.
boldt connty, California, where ho
President Theodore Roosevelt took
hga beeu stopping for some months tbe oath of office last Saturday after
noon, at Buffalo. Judge John R.
The Gospel meeting, of the ’.V. C Hazel of tbe United States District
T. U . will be held in the Presbyterian Court administ- red tbe oath.
church. Friday evening, Sept. 20, at
Joseph Nay, of Sixes, was in town
7:30, as Rev. Gilespie will occupy the last Saturday being on his way to
poiise on next Sunday ovening.
attend the funeral of bis brother
H. Clausen, M. Clansen nnd R. Marshal) Nay who died on Friday, at
Dean, of Ferndale, Californis, were bis home on Kentuck slough.
in the Coquille valley, the latter part
The San Francisco strike has af
last week, looking after locations. fected tbe lumber interest on the
The Coquille valley is attracting con­ ri/er quite heavily. All tbe mills
siderable attention on account of its have their wharves filled while
large, dairy possibilities.
schooners cannot move till tbe strike
E. Lewin, of this place, went to is over. All tbe business interests of
Coquille City the latter part of last tbe coast are suffering.
week to tax« charge of themeat pack
J. H. Roberts, of Portland, was here
ing hnsitiess for Mr. J. Cnrren of last Thursday night, having come to
that place. Mr- Lewin's Knowledge, this place to have a look at the bark,
pf the butcher’s art, makes him a Baroda, with a view to making a bid
bandy man to have around a meat to launch her. Mr. Roberts is the
party who successfully launched tbe
Mrs. Zach Boice, of Floras Creek, Columbia lightship, some timo ago.
was in town last Sunday night on
Mrs, T. T. Allen and son, of Bixes
her way to visit her old home and River, were in town Tuesday having
friends, at Booneville. Missouri, where had business which brought them to
she will spend a couple of months, this place. T. T. Allen has rented
|>efore returning. Mr. Boice accom­ his Sixes River farm, to J. C. Morris,
panied her as far as Coquille City, re­ of this place who will move down iu
turning home yesterday.
a abort time, while Mr. Allen and
The San Francisco Bulletin Co. family have rented tbe Pallaske
offers to old and new Subscribers to property and will move to Bandon in
the Daily Bulletin a Copy of Rand a week or two.
McNally & Co’s unrivaled Atlas, for
VV. H. Logan, and W. W. Sbiplev
the price of ?1 50 to which will be are at work building the additional
added a few cents, for expressage wharf which Elbert Dyer haB been
Subscriptions taken for the Bulletin making preparations to construct.
«nd Recorder at 50 cents a month.
Tbe wharf will be extended to deep
The Grand Army Post, of Bandon, water, that portion east of Pacific
ih preparing to receive visitors next street to the cannery being extended
Saturday evening and the W. R. C. to correspond with tbe line of tbe
has been making arrangements to lower wharf. This will give vessels
give |be post and their visitors a feast. better landing and loading facilities
Members of the Marshfield, Myrtle while it will give a large increase of
Point and Coquille posts have been wharf room.
invited and are expected to be in at­ Tbe Btrike is ended, the terms
have not yet reached us, but it is
Josh VVesthafer, ctf Loogootee, Ind., almost certaiu that the porporations
is a poor man. but be says be would remain masters of tbe situation.
not lie without Chamberlain's Pain These strikes are a waste of time and
Balm if it coat five dollars a bottle’ euergy, besides being dangerous ex­
for it saved him from being a cripple. periments. A strike made through
No external application is equal to tbe ballot box on a Scientific Social
this liniment for stiff and swollen ist platform will prove effective, and
joints, contracted muscles, stiff neck, when strikers will sthnd shoulder to
sprains and rheumatic am| muscular shoulder and vote right, and see that
pains It has also cured numerous justice is doue, they will receive
pases of partial paralysis. It is for proper reward for their toil.
pale by C. Y. Lowe.
Robert Goetz bad tbe misfortune to
A pleasant surprise party was given sustain the fracture of his left arm,
in honor of E. Lewin, last Thursday last Friday afternoon. He had seated
pvening, at bis home. The evening himself upon the feel of the hose
passed pleasantly in songs and games, cart jn the towu hall and was watch
and those of the invived guests at ing a game of bund ball which was iu
tending enjoyed themselves to the progress, when the reel turned causing
fullest, while those who failed to at­ I him to fall backward to the floor. He
tend missed the good cheer which fell upon bis arm breaking it between
had awaited thepi. A nice supper the wrist and elbow. Dr. Kime
was served near midnight after dressed the arm and Robert is around
which ail repaired to their homes ' on tbe street, but it will be some
Well pleaded with the evenings enjoy- time before he will be able to use his
I arm again.
Number 38.
Miss Bell Rich, of Coquille, arrived
here last week to be in readiness to
assume her duties as teacher of tbe
primary department of tbe school in
this district.
Evan Morgan and wife have come
from the Siuslaw to visit Mrs. Mor­
gan’s parents, 8. J. McCloskey and
wife, at Norway. Mr Morgan arrived
here yesterday to stop for a time.
Coast Mail: Mr. and Mrs. John
Flanagan, Mrs, G. W. Rennie aud R.
E. Rhine went to Portland on the
Alliance, on their way to visit the
Exposition at Buffalo. Mr. Shine
will extend bis travels as far as his
old home at Bandon. Ireland.
School! School!!
All pupils who will attend public
school this term are requested to
bring their old school books and be
in attendance to morrow (Friday) at
9 o’clock at tbe school house for the
purpose of making the correct ex
change of school text-books.
The school bell will be rung at 8:30
and 9 o’clock as usual.
Bring all your old books.
Pupils who advance to the upper
are expected to bring chairs to ac­
commodate themselves.
The Wizard Oil show is in town
this week. Geo. P. Topping, Earme
Boak, T. J. Thrift, young Slater and
several other person# Lave drawn
The government has built a boat­
house for the use of the lighthouse
keepers. Repairs at tbe lighthouse
have been delayed and tbe workmen
laid off until material cau be shipped
from Sau Francisco.
Word reached here last Friday
that a portion of the wharf at Cor­
bin City bad been carried away tbe
day before while the workmen were
at dinner. About 50 feet disappeared
with tbe donkey engine, ami other
apparatus, aud the wharf has been
breaking up ever since. Tbe wharf
was out about 1300 feet and nearly
completed. Residents acquainted
with tbe coast expected it to go dur­
ing the first storm but were slightly
surprised to hear that it broke up
before tbe storm came.
S ummer G oods !
has just received a full line of Spring
Dry Goods, also a Large
Assortment of
William McKinley is Dead
Men’s Boy’s and Children’s Suits.
The American Bcpiiblie 1«
Bobbed of it« Chief
= PRICES. =“
A few hours brings wonderful
A Large Stock of Fresh Groceries
changes. Last Wenesday tbe tele
phone brought high encouragement
Always on Hand.
of hope for President McKinley’s
recovery, on Friday, without any
previous warning, the sad news of
bis death.
Tbe following telegrams give tbe
touching scenes which mark the end
of life to this notable man for whom
a nation mourns.
M ilburn H ouse , B uffalo , Sept. 14.
—William McKinley, 25tb President
of tbe United States, died at 2:15
o’clock this morning, from the effects
of an assassin's bullet.
Found Natnral Gan.
The death of President McKinley
came in the small hours of the morn­
In sinking a well on William ing, under circumstances of peculiar
Button’s place, in Northern Curry weirdness. Many hours he had lain
and some fifteen miles south of this unconcious, with all Lope of his sur­
place, at the depth of twenty feet, a vival abandoned. As early as 6 o’clock
vein of natural gas was opened up lust night the doctors had pro
which was of sufficient volume to trounced him a dying man, and soon
burn with a steady blaze, when a after the rigors of approaching death
match was applied, until the flame, began to creep upon him. The ad­
which blazed up six to eight feet, was ministration of powerful stimulants
smothered out.
was maintained until 7 o’clock, but
After tbe discovery the work of with no effect. It was seen that the
sinking was continued to a depth of end was near at hand, and those near­
forty feet, tbe last few feet having est and dearest to tbe stricken Presi­
been sunk by boring with an auger dent were sumuioud for the last
made for that purpose.
When the well bad been sunk to
Tbe President came out of a stupor
this depth, one of the workmen who about 7 o’clock, and while bis mind
bad lighted a match to examine the was partially clear there occurred the
dirt that was being taken from the lust endearments, tbe last submission
well, dropped it into the hole that of tbe sufferer to tbe will of the
had been bored from where the dig­ Almighty, the last murmured expres­
ging operations Lad bion discon­ sions from his dying lips and tbe last
tinued. This lighted tbe gas which
good byes. In this interval of
exploded with a sound like a pistol consciousness Mrs. McKinley was
shot, the force of the explosion being
biougt into the death chamber. The
sufficient to blow out one side of tbe President had asked to see her. She
came aud sat beside him, held his
Tbe nature of tbe rock through
hand and heard from him bis last
which the well has been digged is
words of encouragement and comfort.
black shale which slacks when ex­
Then she whs led away, and not again
posed to the air an 1 also a kind of
during his living hours did she see
gray sand rock much like the s.and
rock found in the l’eusyIvauia oil
The President himself fully realized
fields is found also.
that bis hour bud come, and his mind
The workmen became afraid to
turned to bis Maker. He whispered
proceed with tbe work, but Mr.
feebly: “Nearer, my God, to Thee,”
Button who lives at this place, has
the words of tbe hymn always dear
gone to his ranch aud intends to have
to his heart. Then in faint accents
the work of developing continued to
he murmured: “Good-bye, all:good­
see what is coucealed beneath the
bye. It is God’s way. Hi6 will be
surface. Tbe increase of gas developed
done.” With this sublime display of
in sinking the last fifteen feet was
Christian fortitude tbe President
very perceptible.
soon after lHpsed into unconscious­
This is tbe second time that natural
gas has been discovered in that neigh
Tbe members of tbe Cabinet, grief-
borhood, tbe first having been
stricken, were gathered in the large
found a number of years ago
escaping at a spring which flows out drawing room of tbe Milburn House.
of the earth, a few miles distant from The time bad come when they too
would look upon the President for
the present find and situated on tbe
tbe last time iu life. They ascended
same ridge.
the stairway, one niter the other,
Change ¥#nr School Books. noiselessly approaching the threshold
of tbe chamber where the dying man
Every district officer in tbe county lay, and gazed within. Those who
has been furnished with a copy of came first turned back appalled and
the Text Book Circular issupd by tbe overwhelmed, and did not pass within
State Board of Education, giving all the chamber. Secretary Wilson re­
necessary information relative to the mained below, unwilling to have im­
change of School text-books recently printed on bis memory the picture of
made by tbe state Board of Text- bis expiring chief.
Book Commissioners.
Buffalo, Sept. 14.—Tbe following
Since the time in which tbe text­ report of tbe autopsy upon the ro­
books now in use can be exchanged maine of President McKinley waB
for flie new ones of like grade at issued at 5 o’clock.
about half tbe regular retail price
“Tbe bullet which struck over tbe
expires December 31 of this year, I breastbone did not pass through the
especially request every school officer skin and did little harm. Tbe other
and every patron of our public schools bullet passed through both walls of
to attend to this matter promptly and the stomach near its lower border.
thus make the expense of this change Both holes were found to be perfectly
of school books as light as possible. closed by tbe stitches, but the tissue
Besides the veiy inportant item of around each bole bad become
expense, the new books are far su­ gangrenous. After passing through
perior to tbe old ones and our children tbe stomach the bullet passed into
should have the benefit of the change the back walls of the abdomen, bit­
as soon as it can be made. Very ting and tearing the upper end-of
Respectfully, W. H. B ench , Supt the kidney. This portion of tbe
bullet’s track was also gangrenous
Water Cure for Chronic Constipation.
the gangrene involving the pancreas.
Take two cups of hot water half 30 Tbe bullet has not yet been found.
hour before each meal and just be­ There was no sign of peritonitis or
fore going to tied, also a drink of disease of other organs. '1 be heart
water, hot or cold, about two hours walls were very thin. There was no
after each meal. Take lots of out­ evidence of any attempt at repair on
door exercisp— wh IU, ride, drive. the part of nature, and death resulted
Make a regular habit of thia nnd iu from tbe gangrene which affected tbe
many cases chronic constipation may stomach around the bullet wound*,
be cured without the use of any med­ as well ns the tissues around the for-
icine. When a purgative is required , (her course of the bullet. Death wits
tako something mild and gentle like unavoidable by Hny surgical or medi-
Chamberlain’« Btcinacli ami Liver i cid treatment, and was the direct
I result ot the bullet wopnd,
Tablets. For sale by U. Y. Lowe.
M onday , S ep *. 9.
Secretary Gage bas been naked to relieve
tbe money market by New York financial
Tbe last efforts to settle the steel strike
have failed.
Prospects are that the Willamette Valley
prune crop will bring good prices.
Governor Geer refuses to discuss oandi-
daoy of Judge 8. A. Lowell.
A buried forest bus been discovered under
the lava on Mount Hood.
T uesday S ept IQ.
Emma Goldman wasairested in Chicngo.
Strikers at McKeesport attacked nonunion
men to-day.
Naturalized anarchists can be expelled for
violating their oaths.
Precautions are being taken in Europe to
protect the touring rulers from anarchists.
Disturbances in Morocoo are increasing.
French reservists indulgo in revolutionary
Representative Tongue favors a law to
keep out foreign anarchists.
Oregon hop crop will be between 00,000
and 05,000 bales.
Finest breeds of sheep in the world are on
tbe Oregon ranges.
Government orop report Bhows tbe short­
est corn crop on record.
Orders Taken for Tailor Made Clothing.
Household Furnishings and Deco*
rations of all kinds*
Bed Room Suites
Curtain Poles and Fino
Wall Paper and
aud Pieces.
Window Trimmings.
House Lining.
Maîtresses “nd
Cabinet Shop in Connection.
Furniture Repairing and Saw filing a Specialty.
an^ ^'hted to Order- All Picture Framing
33 Size« and weigta kept on hand
neatly done.
A Full Line of Burial Caskets, Burial Robos and Goods, and Undertaking Supplies
Constan! ty Kept tu Hand.
W ednesday S ept .11.
Emma Goldman was held in a Chicago
court without bail,
Emperors Nicholas and William met at
The steel trust is starting up more idle
Tbe Grand Army votorans held their an­
nual parade.
Is now supplied with a full aud oomplete stock of
Governor Gape is asked to settle the
strike at San Francisco.
Tbe Sunday olosiug law for barber shops
has been declared constitutional,
TRunsDAY Sapf. IS.
Tbe President had a sinking spell at 2
o'clock this morning.
We carry a complete stock of
All tbe physicians and nurses were sum
TINNEE’ff »nor IN
Tools, Cutlery, Doors ar.d Windows.
The President rallied abont 4 o’olock.
ripe Fitting* and Plumbing a specialty.
Solid food administered daring the day
disagreed with him.
The reception to the Czar and Emperor
William was closed by a winner on board
the former’s yacht.
Prince Alexander Wittgenstein, of Russia,
was killed in a duel.
Admiral Howison was disqualified from
serving on the Schley court of inquiry.
Nouunion men were, with dificulty, landed
in a Pitsburg tin mill.
Tbe National G. A. It. Convention held a
McKinley praise meeting.
All the union plumbers in Spokane, Ore
gon are out on a strike.
A number of teamsters at San Francisco
want to return to work.
Astoria will give financial aid to the
strikers at San Francisco.
will be disposed of at prices that will astonish you, while there are
F riday S ept . 13
President McKinley's condition took a
To bo had in Dry Goods, Clothing, ShoeH
decided turn for the worse and vice Presi­
and other goods that must be sold to make
dent Roosevelt was summoned to Buffalo.
room for more..
There have been several small fights be­
tween the foroi s of Colombia and Venez­
uela. S A.
C. Krnger, a eon of Oom Paul, nnd Cap­
tain Peferie, of the Transvaal Republic
have surrendered.
Emperor Nieholns finished his visit to the
KaiBer and proceeded to Paris on a visit to
Judge E. L. Torrence, of Minneapolis
Wisconsin, was elected commander-in-
cheif of the Grand Army uf the Republic to­
Lieutenant General Miles nnd party,
direot from the east, arrived at Seattle, to
Pacific Coast forts.
m iici
Tbe San FranoiRCo Bulletin gives the
pronunciation of murder Czolgosz's name
as “Schloss.”
A. W. KI.Ì1 11, M. I».
A telegram received at New York from
Berlin stated that an anarchist had started ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW
from tbe latter place, having avowed to
come to this oountry and assassinate vice Office in the Eldorado Building, on First
President Roosevelt.
Calls to all parts of town and county
r ATUiiDM S ept ' 1<
promptly answered day or night. Office on
President Roosevelt was sworn in at
corner or Lower Main and Atwater streets
W. Haydon, M. I».
Buffalo, yesterday, and announced that
McKinley's policy would he curried out. DIGESTIVE. URINARY AND
The members of the will remain
for the present.
Office—East Front Street,
'Die President's death bad a depressing
B andon . O beoon .
effect on New York stock market.
There will be no extra sessions of Con
visit Bandon rigulnrly on date« to be
gress. but Hoosevt It mny change bis Cabiuet
supplied in the Local Colunin.
before the year is ended.
•: i •> -f <• <•
Ci i
s :■ .
Tho remains of President McKinley will
be interred at Cnnton, Ohio.
: IIASDON LOI1GK No. 133, 1. O.O. F •
The great steel strike has been settled.
l’nre. fresh, cold spring water
; I > \NDON LODGE. No. 133,1.0.0. F.
For rejoicing over the death of the Presi­
piped to any part of town,
' ! > meets every Sntindav evening. J
dent, u Walin Walla inan was fiued $25.
anil to any part of the house,
¿Visiting brothers iu good standing.;.
S un DA y S ept . 15
on application, in quantities
..»cordially invited.
a -
The death of tbe President was the thome
desired. Rates reasonable. : :
)1. N. RUSSELL, N. G.
of sermons throughout the land.
v %• .
•; < ; ; -. ;■ •>
Tbe English court has gone into mourning W. H. LOGAN, Proprietor- * . <■ . •> -J
Memorial servioes were held in many
•: > •: <•
•: : • <-
•• < .: ... .y
Oregon churches,
This Ta Your Opportunity.
I’. !•
for one week
receipt wt ten cent®, eftfth or fitflrar*»
The Nnval Battalion camo home from the a On
generous mmplo will be mailed of < he . I DELPHI LODGE. NO.Gl, KNIGHTS
cruise on the Phiadelphia. Henry L. Eirly most popular C rrh and Hny Fever Cure
1 / of I’vtl’!
dit d of Pneumonia while the ernsier was off (Ely’s (’ream Bahn) sufficient to demon ... evening nt 7;.’JU u*ei,.«*k. in < astR» Il II,
Bandon, Ogn.
E. bVER C. 0. .>
st rate the grcnt in rits <•! the r< medy
the monih of the Columbia River
*■ B. N. H ahkingt ix, K. of k.nnd 8.
ELI' BRO i lull-S,
+>*■ CC <• e •» i
S’ +
6G Warn u bt., New lork City.
» Court Queen of the Forest No. 17, >.
Bev. John Reid. Jr., of Great Falta,Mont,
Forester* of A me ica.
>> recommended Elv’s Cream Bahn tn me. I
Wrenshall & Wrcnôh II,
can emphasize h’.s étalement, *‘Itisapo3’-
♦poniTQI EF.N OF THE tire cure for enter! h if u* cd no directed. ’ —
‘¿V / No. 17. inputs Friday night < f
¿week. in Concrete Hall. Bindon. Oregon.4" Rev. Franch W. Foole, Pastor Central Pres»
•> V cordial welcome is extended to all vta-.<* Church, Helena, Mont.
Siting brother«
Ely’s Cream Pu’m is the acknowledge
* H kni :% G oetz ,
Chief Hanger.
Fin. Kecretarv.
J cure for catarrh nnd coir tins r.o mercury Kot ni > ii’ii• ■!.
niM ’»-,-
Upr any injurious drug. Price, GO cents.
Hardware, Tinware, Graniteware,
and Miners’ Supplies.
is here and so
is my Stock of
Spring and Summer Goods.
Now is the time to buy.
Other bargains
A Full Stock of Fresh Groceries
always on hand.
...Water Works...
j Photographers,