teeming with oil? It can lie fouud al­ UNDEFINED. PRECIOUS STONES. most any place you wish to bore. • Y es, Who can define love? Not the little child The Methods by Which They A m sir, Texas and California will lead the Who liftfi hid tuft eves from his mother’s knee. Tested by Experts. TO DISPUTE A BILL IS TO MAKE THE NOVEL PENALTY A JUDGE IM­ Three Klnu« lie Cort* \ Ifiorla, Fulfilled with innocent tranquillity, itiii I oil-producing States, aud we are not In a lecture on precious stones re­ Sor that poor knight who went where Venus ONESELF AN OUTCAST. POSED UPON TWO MEN. Victoria ascend il t!.e throne at an In­ afraid of the wood or any other famine cently delivered before tbe Industrial smiled auspicious moui-nt. K'ugsbfp had fall­ on this coast. It’s God's own country, Ind strove, by after suffering beguiled, association of Berlin, Dr. Immanuel en Into a miserable disrepute. The rhe Brasilian Capital la the Easiest and when one thing gives out, there’s Both Priaonera Were Cundeinued to To sing the meaning of its mystery; Frieillaender said that the testing of last three monarchs who had sat upon Nur can he tell whom love hath crowned or he Flace In the World to Get Credit Miss Helen Gould is again heading a pretty sure to be something else to Jail I ntll One uf Them, u College from very pain of love undone made wild. diamonds la comparatively simple. The our throne had done little to make and the Hardest Place In Which to Graduate, Taught the Other How to Sot the wan nun who at the whitedChrist’s feet common test for hardness suffices. If their office easy or glorious. George III scheme for the advancement of man­ spring up to take its place." “There Read aud Write. Dodtte a Debt. Offers the world as one poor sacrince the stone resists strong attacks, it is bad obscured whatever virtues were kind. This is the announcement that would never be any wood famine if you Nor the sad tide that follow» where the iwett, "Rio is the easiest city In the world certain« to be genuine; If it does uot, his by an obstinacy of opinion which one of the daily papers makes concern­ people were only progresssve enough to Along In the seventies the late Judge Swift moon allures it from the circling skies. to get credit iu,” said a. New Orleans the damage la Insignificant, as only au not from time or joy or suffering lost us a vast colony und which might ing the subject: “Miss Helen Gould, plant trees instead of cutting them all Arnold Krekel was holding court at Kay, brought that we may know thia tnan who lived for awhile at the Bra- Imitation lias been destroyed. This well uar* enslaved us to a foreign John 1). Rockefeller and Andrew Car­ down and neglecting to plant others to Jefferson City, relates an old timer, h knowledge thing. capital, "but It's the worst place test, however. Is doubtful with rubles. power. negie are going into the saloon business take their places," said the stranger, a When there appeared before him two —Theodo8ia Pickering Garriaon in “Brown Book tlllan In the world In which to dodge a debt. If a ruby can be affected by a steel men charged and indicted for a viola­ of Boston." George IV hud died unwept and uu- in the worst part of New York. Miss little sarcastically. All business there is done on the semi- file or by quartz, it Is surely not gen­ tion of the Ijilted States laws, one of pltled. As he bad made his distin­ Gould and two eminent eo-adjutors innual account system, and you can uine. but such a test with a topaz Is s fiom will be called Brown. He was SNAKE, EGGS AND A JUG. guished office a scandal, as lie laid have decided, after long and careful Polly agrees with the stranger. There charged with cutting timber on the A Mocvaain'a Appetite and Lack of get anything you want and have it Hable to Injure a valuable stone. made Ids throne ridiculous by a deplor­ The test for hardness Is of no avail charged without difficulty, but the end able levity of taste and conduct, so he consideration, that there is always is no excuse for not planting the trees public domain. Brown was about 40 Sense Led to 111« Death. of every six months is settlement day, with emeralds, as this stone is uot had forfeited the affection of his peo­ room for more, and if their present to take the placesof those that are being years old and had been reured on the A party of Jacksonville mechanics ple and alienated their sympathy long [dans are curried out, and there seems destroyed all the time. In some sec­ Imrder in Arkansas and never had any were at work on the Matanzas river anil If you are not on hand with the much harder than quartz and in addi­ cash—well. 1'11 give you a little experi­ tion possesses the quality of cracking ipport unities for schooling, hence was before death overtook him. ‘'There to be no reason why they shouldn’t lie, tions of this State and around some of raising a sunken dredgeboat. They never was an individual,” proclaimed the doors of the saloons of Gould, Rock­ our most progressive and nourishing unable to read or write. In his en­ lived on board of the big lighter on ence of my own to show you what hap­ easily. For examining rubles and emeralds pens. deavors to get a living lie had cut tim­ The Times but it few weeks after his efeller, Carnegie ad ordered. 'You said that you de­ SOUTHERN MOUNTAINEERS. The whole matter was settled hur­ can indulge in the dangerous treating little woman. On each side of the jug handle was sired them to the number of eight and society. He did Hits In a kindly tone riedly. Mr. Beeves was at tlrst disin­ fad without being much the worse oil' mid manner, suggesting In a mild form an egg on ills inside, aud lie could a half.' he added, 'anil I accordingly The Part They Played In the War clined to accept, as other engagements for it, except in pocket-book. Here Between the State*. that both might have been useful mem­ move neither backward nor forward, made you eight pairs and one boot, a BRIEF REVIEW. prevented him from rea< king Glasgow they can enjoy a quiet smoke while practically riveted in position. He was right, which, if you desire. I will ex­ It Is odd lo think tliat the southern bers of some community had they in time for a rehearsal with the choir. they are indulging in jokes and anec­ sought honorable means and methods soon found In this peculiar situation change for a left.’ ‘But, good heavens,’ mutmtaineer was not discovered until Diary of Major Andre Discovered. “Don't worry about that, my dear dotes and stories. When they leave to by the cook, who speedily killed him. 1 protested, ’you ought to have known tbe outbreak of tbe civil war, although The diary of Major Andre, after lying to secure a livelihood. sir," said the agent. "You will And go to their different homes it is with The reporter was shown tlie skin of there was some mistake! Why on he was nearly a century old then, und Tlie court seemed puzzled how to as­ the choir perfect.” hidden for a hundred years, has been sess the snake witli a crease still In the earth should I order half a pair of It is really startling to realize that a punishment that would meet the clear heads and steady feet. So inter ­ The concert was a success, and In discovered in England. This interest­ middle from the tremendous pressure, wlien one speaks of tbe southern moun­ due course "Hull, Smiling Morn!" was esting will these new saloons be made ing find was made by Lord Grey while ends of Justice and protect tlie govern­ and he was also permitted to gaze on boots?’ He shrugged his shoulders. taineers he speaks of nearly 3,000.000 ment, its lands, its wnrds ami society. ‘That was not for me to Inquire,’ he called for. When tlie soloist rattle to that [lersons who have been in the he was going over a lot of old family [M-ople who live In eight southern Finally, sitting upright in his chair, the Jug whose handle proved so fatal. said. the lines requiring an echo, lie deliv­ habit of wending their way iuto the —Florida Times-Union and Citizen. "I realized that tbe fatal reputation stales Virginia and Alabama and tbe ered them in bis best manner—“At other resorts that do business behind papers that probably hail not been dis­ looking over his glasses as both men for eccentricity which Americans en­ souiberu stales between and occupy whose bright presence darkness flies closed doors will tie no longer tempted turbed since the conclusion of the stood before him, In a voice little loud­ Wimt I m n "I.lcli Gatet” er and more positive than usual be joy world over was partly respon­ a region equal in area to the combined American war of independence. Lord away.” Imagine ids horror when the but will find themselves strolling into A lieli gate Is a shed, generally of oak, sible the for the muddle. Still It was an ureas of Ohio und Pennsylvania, as echo repeated Ids words In the broad­ the new retreats from the busy world. Gray’s great-grandfather was a com­ said: "Mr. Brown, it Is the sentence of the over the entrance of a churchyard, be­ Inexcusably stupid blunder, and, after big. say. as tlie German empire, and est Scotch: mander of British troops in America at court that you be confined in the Cole neath which tlie bearers paused when vainly arguing for an hour, I put him richer, perhaps. In timber and mineral It is safe to say that no diabolical “Flees awa’, flees awa'I” that time, and Andre served on his county jail until you are educated to bringing a body for interment. deposits than any other region of sim­ schemes that are proposed and fostered Yet Sims Beeves averred that not a Here the clergyman met the body on notice that I would only accept one ilar extent iu the world. This region staff, and this accounts for the diary read and write." The Judge then turn­ pair. "When I returned, I sent back the until the wicked purpose of the villain person In the audience smiled or ap­ being in the possession of the present ed Ills eyes upon tlie other prisoner at and read the introductory part of the other 15 and considered the Incident was aud Is an unknowu laud. It bus peared to see anything Incongruous. is carried out will be brought to light, burial service as he preceded tlie funer­ been aptly called Appalachian Ameri­ When tie talked over the matter with and you will not hear of the now so [>eer. The diary is apparen tly the orig the liar and. possibly in a louder voice, al train Into tlie church. Examples of closed. I heard no more about it. In ca. and tbe work of discovery Is yet a bnilie after the concert, the good man common knockout drops being given inal, but in order to make sure that it said. "Mr. Jones, it is tlie sentence of old llch gates are still to be seen in fact, until exactly six months later, going on. tlie court llint you be confined in tlie when 1 received a bill for 8'/2 pairs of assured him: to the unsuspecting in these resorts of is not a copy, Lord Grey is sending over Cole county Jail until you have taught many country churchyards. In Wales rldtug Tbe Amerlcau mountaineer was dis­ boots at $15 each—total, $127.50 to the United States to secure samples “Tbnt's nothing at all. You were a Miss Gould & Company. they are more modern and are usually covered, 1 say. at the beginning of tbe Mr Brown to read nnd write, and I gold — and a polite notification that 7M> little wrong In your pronunciation, and of Andre’s handwriting, none of which etij war, wben tbe Confederate leaders tin upon tlie keeper of the Jail to built of stone. the echo was correct. You see, It was can be obtained in London. The diary afford you every facility possible with Some of tlie old lieli gates are formed pairs awaited my pleasure at the shop. were counting on tbe presumption that “ That made me furious. I sent the a Scottish echo."—Youth's Companion. To Polly’s mind Miss Gould A Co.'s is a story of the campaign, day by day, 'lie safe keeping of Ills prisoners.” with one wide door turning on a cen­ Mason and Dixon's line tbe divid­ manner of dealing with the saloon ques­ during the years 1767-1778. It simply The lawyers and spectators In court tral pivot and self dosing by means of man my check for $15 and told bls ing line between the north anil south Took Him at Illa Word. a rude pulley wheel in the roof and n messenger to sue me and be banged. tion is better than Carrie Nation’s and formed, therefore, the plan of “Men on newspapers often have her little hatchet. It is certainly a but interestingly told from the soldier's looked witli astonishment at each oth­ stone weight inclosed In tin iron frame, But lie didn't sue me. They have a and marching au army from Wheeling to er os the sentence was concluded, and standpoint, and is accompanied by lunch more effective method down peculiar experiences." said W. A. ftilr- a primitive but effective piece of ma­ some |>oiut on tbe lakes and (bus dis­ there. chlld of Chicago, "ami such n one be­ more peaceable and womanly way. Andre himself with a skill that would ilie marshal led the prisoners out of chinery. severing tbe north at one blow.., Th** tlie courtroom She will win by gentle measures and make him the equal of any hydrograph- "Within a week every tradesman fell a friend of mine some time ago. In Herefordshire they are also called It was t lie seCond teisn of the court plan seemed so feasible that It Is'StrfP-'- witli whom 4 did business advised me The friend In question was city editor cause less bitterness and ill-feeling than er of to-day. The diary ceases too early liter lids Incident when the marshal "st allage." or “scaUenge gates.” “Lieb courteously that he had closed iny ac- to havF materially aided the sale of of a great dally, and in the course of Mrs. Nation, who moved like a cyclone to throw any light u | h > ii the motives reminded Blown ami Jones Into court, gate" is derived from the Anglo-Saxon courft—meaning that my future cus­ Confederate bonds iu England, but his manifold duties It fell to Ids lot to carrying destruction before it. The which prompted the tragic ending of It was announced by tlie court lieli. a corpse; hence tbe north country tom was uot desired. Moreover, the when Captain Garnett, a West Doin' take to task one of Ids reporters. The correction of the evil may lie slower his career, but it gives interesting and Brown bad completed his educa- "lyke wake.”—London Answers. foreign colony all gave me the cold graduate, started to carry It out be gol reporter In question was an English­ and more gradual, but if properly man­ glimpses of the personality of one of the Hint lion-ready to graduate able to read shoulder, and when I dropped In at the no farther than Harpers Ferry. When Bunkoed. man, slow of thought and action and aged the temperance saloons, carried to and write. Judge Krekel looked over be struck the mountains, he struck en­ "His name was Alexander, and his club the frost was something awful. miserly of speech. Through the tirade the successful completion that Miss historic figures of the Revolution. til« glasses nnd asked that the prisoner weakness was tin* horses,” said tbe re­ “At last I sent for a particular friend. emies who shut at bls men from am­ to which lie was subjected he said give him an evidence of his being able porter. "Surprising as it may appear, ‘Look here,’ 1 said, ‘I want you to tell bush, cut down bridges before him. Wales a Pioneer in Iron Trade. nothing, and when It finally ended be Gould al ways does everything she has anything to do with, will revolutionize Byron wrote in his “Childe Harold” to read Browu stood up and read a he won sometimes and enjoyea a brief me frankly why I am getting this ta­ carried tbe news of bls march to the left tlie presence of Ids superior with­ the saloon business and close the doors that he “stood in Venice on the Bridge few paragraphs from n newspaper to nodding acquaintance witli fortuue. boo.’ ‘Because you haven’t paid for Federals. aud Garnett himself fell out any comment. the satisfaction of tlie court, when lie with a bullet from a mountaineer’s "But, as the result proved, he did of many that are prospering to-day. of Sighs, a palace and a prison on each said. "Mr. Clerk, will you let him sit Wlicii (lie bookmakers got it back your boots.' he replied. ‘But thlB Is squirrel rifle at Harpers Ferry.—Scrib­ again, lie took to drink and In tbe end monstrous! ’ snld I. ‘ You know very some tall thinking. City editors when George Washington and his little hand.” Merthyr has got something at a table and write me a letter?” ner ’ s Magazine. wont about trying to pick out a good well that I never ordered 8'/2 pairs of 'riled.' as is well known, are not par­ hatchet were al) right, but Carrie Na­ almost as famous, according to the Taper, pen, ink and a seat were fur- iu which to kill himself. boots. ‘Of course not,’ said he, ‘but ticularly choice or economical In the tion and her little hatchet are a terror ulslied Brown, who went to work to place The Honorable Board. “ History of the Iron Trade of Wales. ” "lie bought a drink In a cheap hotel, you’d best pay for ’em all the same. It language they- bestow on their unfor­ to evil-doers which is not believed will write a letter to the court. For some Sam Rawson occuslonally said a good tunate reporters, and among other be lasting, many noil-sympathizers of Penydarran works have been cleared time Hie poor fellow struggled with and tlie quality of the liquor led him ruins a man here,’ be went on to ex­ thing, and one of these occasions chanc­ away to the last brick, and now on one things the Englishman bad been told tlie task, and in the meantime Jones to believe lie had found tlie place. He plain, ‘If he allows any bill to pass set­ ed to be the town meeting. The peo­ that lie was no better than—111 fact, Carrie’s believing that a few imprison­ side stands the electrical power-gener­ was very nervous, fearing he would wished to do no man injury, but auy tlement day. No explanation is per­ ple of Sam's village could not under­ was—a crazy man and that bis proper ments and convictions on the charge ating station, and oil the other a pros- fie compelled to go back to Jail and one who sold tliat sort deserved to find mitted. and everybody Joins In cutting stand bow the money appropriated for habitat was a lunatic asylum and not of malicious mischief, attended with lierous theater. From this spot went "take up school” again. Finally the a dead man on tin* premises. He hired Idin. It seems bard, but we have to do tbe roads bad vanished with such poor the ball bedroom of a Chicago board­ fines, will end the reign of terror umong away the first rail that was ever made clerk said. “May It please your houor, a room, small, bleak, well calculated to It to sustain this credit system. If we results. ing house which he occupied. the evil-doers that she has created. A in Wales—that for the Liverpool and Hie prisoner can write, but cannot form make a man willing to blow out the didn't, we’d all be ruined by bad ac­ A stretch of road running past Sam's gas, even if he had an aversion to It. counts.’ "The Englishman took this part of well-known temperance worker re­ Manchester Railway, the cable for the sentences to make It intelligible.” house was In notoriously poor condi­ which Alexander had not. ” 1 groaned In spirit but I sent the the city editor’s remarks as his text and marked theotherday: “CarrieNation’s "Mr. Clerk.” said the court, not tak although Sam declared that be “He plugged the apertures, closed shoemaker $112.50 and told him to let tion, acted upou them. He promptly went heart may be all right, but her judg­ bridge that spans the Menai, and from Ing bls eyes from tbe court docket he had paid liberally to have It put in it started the first locomotive engine. tin* transom, bung his coat over the me have tbe rest of my boots. I was to an asylum, had himself thoroughly was looking at. “you will dictate a let­ order, and there was genera) in­ keyhole, turned out the gas and lay so mad I could have worn out tbe good examined by three or four alienists ment 1 b pretty faulty." A prominent ter for him and see what headway he down. terest when Sam rose to make bis state­ member of the W. C. T. IL says: “ Mrs. Then he lighted it again and whole 17 on his anatomy, but 1 pre­ and secured from them an official cer­ Russia’s Great Railway. makes witli that.” The clerk dictated a ment before tbe selectmen. wrote n few foolish letters of farewell, served my outward calm and was tificate to the fact that he was sane. Nation has done us more harm than “I’d Just like to say one thing,” be It is nine years since tlie Transsibe- letter that the prisoner wrote quite so lim'd Is It for even a tired mortal to promptly reinstated socially and finan­ With this be appeared at the office of good. It remains to lie seen what the readily, which subsequently was pass­ drawled, heedless of the fact that be rian Railroad was commenced, and at quit with no word. Then he put out cially throughout the towu. Later on had Interrupted Ills [taper the next day. und, entering iiarvest of all this will be." Others ed up to tbe court, who read tbe same, an indignant neighbor. the present time 3240 miles of rails have the editor's sanctum, lie slapped it express themselves the same way, and after giving the prisoners a short the light, saw dial the gas was flowing I used seven pairs of boots as Christ­ “1 don’t want to make any fuss, but mas presents to friends and gave tbe I'd just like to ask tbe honorable board down before Ids astonished and dis while Carrie Nation has her followers been laid, showing an average of 360 lecture both were discharged and fn*i*ly and lay down. "He noticed that it was ten minutes one odd one to a one legged beggar mayed superior. 'Now, you go ami get who would delight in Joining her in miles a year. The connection between walked from tbe courtroom free men to 1 o'clock In the morning. He fell on the plaza.”—New Orleans Tlrnes- of highwaymen”— one,’ was Ids only comment and for her raids on the saloons. They would Europe and Vladivostok is now fully —Jefferson City Tribune. That was as far as be could get A asleep, certain It was all over. (Obliv­ Democrat. once that city editor capitulated.”— assured by means of the steamship serv­ roar of laughter swept over tbe town like to see every woman favoring the ion.) New York Tribune. Flal» Tlint Change Color. meeting and showed Its effects In the t'nnppreclnteil Efforts. tern iterance cause wearing a little gilded ice in the center of Siberia. The jour­ It has been found that certain "He woke. The sun was streaming Unselfish goodness Is seldom appre- red faces of the “highwaymen.” — A P m I r of Lover«. hatehet under her little bow of white ney from the continent of Europe to prawns, common along the coasts of In. It was high noon. Yes; he was Two Amerlcnn men In Venice spent ribbon. Surely the white dove of peace Vladivostok occupies about eighteen England, change their color nt least alive. He could not understand it. elated In this world of ours. There was Youth’s Companion. their first evening loafing round tlie would not pereli on their standard. days, and from London to Paris three twice every 24 hours In order to bar There was no gas in the room, yet it that man In tin* electric car, for In­ Compinloii In Mlaery. lagoons In a gondola It being moon Miss Gould’s way of dealing with the and a half weeks, as against six weeks inonlze witli tlie stronger or weaker was still turned on. ne finally discov­ stance. Having rung up three fares In “I am not especially sensitive,” said Ills efforts to stop tbe car for the Indy light, of course, and all the rest of tlie saloon question will doubtless bring via tlie Suez canal. When the line is light prevailing near the surface or in ered that In hotels of that sort they that sat ou the opposite side, he tossed the man with the billiard ball pate In sentimental, charming tilings It is al finished it will have a length of 5282 the deeper water. As evening ap turn the gas off at 1 a. tn. ‘Bunkoed!’ after her the umbrella that belonged talking to friends with scanty hair better results. ways In Venice. be said and went cheerily on bls way. ” miles, and a still greater saving in time proaches these fish lose their distinctive to the little gray whiskered man on tils who bad been telling experiences, “but “Here comes a gondola.” stage wills flay colors, and all assume a transpar —New York Sun. will be effected. right. Neither tbe gray whiskered man 1 confess It rankled when an absolute The people of Sweden are wideawake pered one American to the other, '‘that ent azure hue. The change begins with nor the conductor liked tbe thoughtful stranger hnlled me as ‘Old Baldy!’ I Both nt Rent. probably contains a pair of lovers See when it comes to realizing the value of The fifth centenary of the death of a reddish glow, followed by a green “I suppose.” said tbe stonecutter, Sarnarltnn for his altruistic efforts - was sprinkling the lawn one hot even­ bow absorbed those two dim figutes tree planting. Tlie residents of Orsa, tinge which gradually melts Into blue ing last summer and had laid aside hat evidently are In each other Gondolier, Sweden, have sold in the course of Chaucer will occur October 25th and an I lie day and night change has become "you’ll want 'Requfescnt In pace' at tbe Boston Transcript. and coat I was somewhat astonished bottom of your wife's monument? ” other gondolas, the witchery of the twenty-five years $4,600,000 worth of attempt is being made in London to so habitual that specimens kept In per on looking up to see a stranger hanging Accepted. “No.” replied the bereaved Mr. Beck; moonlight and tlie place—to all of It timber of!'their lands, and replanted so induce the court of common council to petual light or perpetual darkness nev over the picket fence Intently watching ” 1 am a self made man, ” said tbe they are oblivious. Oh. what a spot for Judiciously that they will draw just as erect a statue to the poet in the guild eribeless undergo the periodic altera "make It 'Ilequlesco In pace.’ ” "That means '1 rest In peace,' doesn't pompous Individual, with bls chest ex­ me. I continued to play the hose, but sentiment! The nir Is full of Itl” hall or the library. The author of “The tlon of color. when I looked up again the man was panded. ii r And as the two gondolas glided past much revenue from their forests during Canterbury Tales” was a Londoner by still there studying nnd with evident The other looked at him critically. the next twenty-five years. ’ Tis a pity "Yes. nnd I want you to sign that Dlrlnry Repartee. each other tlie Americans beard tlie "Your excuse Is satisfactory,” he amusement. I glared at him. unmistakable accents of a fellow coun that the jieople of California are not as birth, but no suitable memorial of him "I think," snld A. Bronson Alcott In 'Husband.'“-Catholic Standard nnd “'Hello, old Baldy!’ he shouted, said. —Brooklyn Life. exists in the city of his nativity. one of Ills conversations, "when a man Times. tryman, “I'll see your three and raise wideawake to the value of tree plant­ making a profound bow. Ilves on beef, he becomes something you five.”—Philadelphia Becord. ing. Tin* destruction of the trees is Adversity’s Round Rebln. It is the law in Maine that double like an ox. If he eats mutton, he be- Before 50 the most healthful occupa­ " ‘Are you spenkfng to me. sir?’ I de­ going on all the time and then* are tion Is that of tbe clergyman. The manded. Mot Anllonn, “ This la a cold world. A man can't bounty for bears must be paid when the ■omes sheepish, nnd If be feeds upon get a job unless he has a good suit of doctors and tlie lawyers are close to­ " ‘nello, old Baldy!' he repeated. "You have quite a number of the very few trees lieing planted to take animal's nose is shown, and in New pork may he not become swinish?" " ‘Why. you verdant chump,’ I re­ gether. After 50 years, according to poets.” said Goodby. who was inspect­ the places of those that are la*ing cut Hampshire the money is payable on "That may be." said Dr. Walker, clothes." the figures, it Is more healthful to prac­ plied. rushing toward him. with the ing Woodby’s library. “All, there's down, and even the roots that might exhibition of the ears. Some enterpris­ 'but when n man lives on nothing but "Well, that's logic.” Browning. Do you understand him?” possibly send out new shoots are dug "Logic? He can’t get a good suit of tice medicine v tbe law than It Is to nozzle. Til turn the hose on you!’ vegetables I think he Is apt to be pret- “ ’No, you don’t,’ he answered, re­ preach. "No; I don't.” snld Woodby. clothes unless be has a Job." up. “ What are you people going to do ing sportsmen who live near the Imrder •y small potatoes." moving his hat with a flourish and “Ah,” said <7oodby, continuing Ills for fuel later on, if you keep cutting of the two States get a double bounty The Retort Courteous. A Pound of Core. The forests of the Philippine Islands making another low bow. 'I'm the lim­ examination, "have you Freed?” your trees down?" asked a visitor to by collecting on tin* noses in Maine and “No. I have nothing for you," said cover an area of shout 40.000.000 seres it,’ be said. I then saw there was not “My son." said the family man, “Is “Certainly not. What's the use of this coast recently. "You are cutting on the ears in New Hampshire. nnxious to become a pugilist. I'm do­ tbe housekeeper sternly. “Aud don't The Island of Mindanao, with au aren a hair on Ills head. We went off to­ praying? I ain't anxious to under- ' all your trees down and not replenish­ you come here after dinner again.” of some 20,000,000 acres, has Immense gether and bad a drluk.”—New York ■tend him.”—Philadelphia Becord. It is a Christmas custom in Atlanta ing my best to prevent him.” Bun. ing them. Judging from reports there “ Beg pardon, lady," replied Hungry "Let him go ahead. ” said the friend tracts of almost nnbroken forests Jnveniir IHarou mice turn t. will come a day when a coal famine to release all prisoners charged with of the family, “and have some one Hawkes, “but I didn't suppose you’d The pubric prfnter~of Minnesota beat In tbe course of tbe demolition of tbe Elsie—Mamma, there'«i a funny old will strike this State as well as other offenses against city ordinances. pound him You'll find a pound of have dinner over dis early in de day. gasometer in the old town gas works all records by Issuing the laws passed man In this Pickwick 1 >ook that's al [daces. What are you going to do cure worth more than an ounce of pre­ Yon ain't very stylish, are you?”—Phil- at Mayence a large bale of cloth, well i by the recent legislature within two ways telling Ills son to lieware of the The |>eat ls>gs in Sweden, many of vention Philadelphia Record. then? ” “ Oh," re[4ied the Californian According to an apparently authentic preserved, and a great number of days after adjournment. They consist widows. Why Is Hint? them eight to ten yards deep, cover an carelessly, "this State can always tnke article in a French periodical, not less French bayonets and cbassepot rifles of 481 general laws, 14 special laws and Mamma—Well, a widow is supposed Candy makers calculate that the 2 constitutional amendments. They care of itself. When the wood gives area of about 8,048,000 acres. to i>e skillful hi «.itching a husband. price of their products should be put at than 20.000 aristocrats are at present were found between the Inner and out­ comprise 140 columns of type set In confined In the prisons of Europe. Rus ­ er containers of the gasometer. They Elsie—Gracious! I wonder If I’ll out resort to coal, and when that gives double the cost of the material, which nonpareil and agate. When "made up.” have to be a widow before I can get out there will be oil for fuel. Haven’t A prizefighter is at his prime at from will allow them a fair return for rent, sia stands first, with 12,000 blue blood­ must have been there for at least 30 they make 20 pages of an ordinary dai- ed lawbreakers. years. married.—Philadelphia Tress. labor and interest. you heard how the Pacific Coast is just 20 to 26 years of age. I ly newspaper. BANDON RECORDER. if»; irs til A UNIQUE SENTENCE. POLLY LARKIN : QUAINT WAYS IN 1110,