Bandon recorder. (Bandon, Or.) 188?-1910, June 20, 1901, Image 2

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    tnnmuBuntt; bits of pastebosurd tied together witli a
I*!—........................................................ !*!
*’ piece of cloth he ha«! torn from his
Which Takes Plaea Aft­
î* : wearing apparel.
He hud no stamp,
er tlie Creatures' Birth.
.« :
■ Ui! but his captain hud placed the neces­
Flatfishes keep their white and blind
¡ti; sary mark upon the bit of pasteboard,
In case if fire if the burning articles ; ♦
ïsîs Tint ■
side ou the muddy or suudy bottom
are at one«* splasl <• I w tli a solution of
and it came safely over land ami sea
and pretend tbut the upper and spec­
«»alt and ullrate of mnmouia an In­
and reached the one it was intended The Amount of Movement That M«y kled side is a part of that bottom. Thia The Keaurreel Ion ut a Supposed
combustible coating I* formed. This Is
Mead Lawyer Waa a Mutual Sur-
Be Crowded Into Fifty Seconds. tliey do to avoid observation, for in
If you think there was only glory for without delay. Another letter was
a preparation which can lie made a* | slid no work for the members of the received from u boy in Manila w ho lia«i
prlae lo (lie < omiuunlty and tu the
The Greatest Successes Are Often spite of their awkward shape they are
home at a trifling cost and should be
Brought About hy Accident.
swallowed at sight by pertinacious ene­ Victim of the Tricksters.
kept ou hand. Dissolve 20 pounds of Red Cross, «luring the last few years, run away from his home in New York
"Life in a mining camp when it Is
"A queer thing about moving pic­ mies. to the munifest discomfort of
common suit auil io poumls of nitrate there is where you will find you are and enlisted under an assumed name,
said an expert operator 111 that both. A greedy cormorant curling up •now bound.” said a prominent mining
of aiutuoula in 7 gallons of water,
und attempting to swallow a plaice,
l'our this luto quart bottles of thin mercy,” theothei «lay, she said: “There Statesand he wanted his mother and Hue to a New Orleans Times-Democrat which tries to be as disobliging as pos­ man of t lilcago the other day, "is a
dreary time, and men will do anything
glass, and
am. —
sible, affords an object I cbsou not soon for the sake of a little amusement
a great deal of satisfaction as well to coming home all right. He tol«i her produce as to tlie time they occupy forgotten ou the way not to behave at
mdy for use.
tightly corked nnd sealed to preveut make up for loss of time and tlie ordeals that he lielonged to a certain company while on the screen. What is known mealtimes. But the bird usually suc­ Tlie story I am going to tell you actual­
evaporation, and lu case of fire they that one must pass through. I remem­ and that she would remember him by a as the ‘standard exhibition film’ is 50 ceeds In Its object, and the flatfish, In ly did occur, ami at that time we all
nil«’'* be thrown near the flumes s to as ber one incident tliut put me to l>e«i little incident. “ He hml entered the feet long. It is used almost entirely spite of is-rslstent efforts to retain Its welct med the Joke as a godsend and
made n hero of Its perpetrator.
ik and liberate the ;as contain
natural flatness, at last disappears
"The winter of 1893 rested an appall­
t least two dozen of tie
It was a soldier from one of tlie Eastern huiles of the Red Cross and that he had other effect»« that are got up in the down the round, elastic throat of the ingly heavy baud on the C«eur d’Alene.
lie ready for an enter. sney.
cormorant. With a view to avoid un­ Buried many feet deep under a mass of
Is connection It is well to re- States, a mere ixiy, and lie laid in tlie a gun on his shoulder, which frightened studios of the experts who make them pleasantnesses of this kind, soles are fleecy snow, the country lay prostrate.
r that water ou burulug oil scat Presidio hospital dying from nostalgia, her.” Strangely enough the little oc­ n specialty. Every theater goer has wont to hide themselves in tlie sand, So Intense was the cold and so heavy
flame, but that tloiir will extlli- or, in other words, pure homesickness. currence, one of many, did call the boy seen them, and I will venture the as­ keeping only their eyes above the sur­ the weight of the snow that it was pos­
t. Salt thrown upou a fire l'he mention of home or parents brought to mind, ami she wrote to him, possibly sertion that the average man will de­ face to act ns sentinels.
sible to work none but the richest
iilniney Is burulug will help to a torrent of tears, and Ills constant cry giving him some very good advice.
clare they take at least three or four
In reality the dark surface of a sole, claims. Ingress to and egress from
the blase.
minutes in passing before the eye. As plaice or turbot Is Its side and not its that bountifully rich territory was a
was, * 1 want to go home! I want to
re once gets under headway, a go home!’ ” “Can’t you do something
u matter of fact the picture Is ou the back. It Is true that both eyes are vis­ feat that none but the hardiest man
becomes a necessity. A silk I
screen less than one minute. You can ible, which Is not the case when a dared essay, for It was an even chance
erehlef moistened ami wrapped for that Loy?” asked tlie “angel of distance, quietly folding its white easily figure It out for yourself. The mackerel or a conger is laid on Its side, that dentil from exposure might be the
wings over the country, but still this ordinary 50 foot film of the kind to but this is simply owing to the fact
the mouth and nostrils prevents
lot of the one who attempted it.
.flocatlon from smoke. Falling this, done all we can, and there is nothing lady finds plenty to do with other which I refer Is put through the repro­ that one eye of a flatfish has since tlie
“Wallace at this time was a thriving,
■lece of wet flannel will answer.
members of the Red Cross.
ducing machine at tlie rate of 10 pic­ creature's birth passed across what we busy, prosp«*rous town where the arti­
.mould smoke fill the room, remem­ sickness an«l it’s going to kill him.”
tures to tlie second. Each picture is may call the bridge of its nose to keep ficial excitement of a mining boom ev­
ber that It goes first to the top of the Dll' posted the “angel of mercy” to
three-fourtlis of an inch broad, which company with the other eye.
erywhere betrayed Itself. The shutting
room and then to the floor. Wrap a Colonel Girard to see what lie could do
makes the 10 meusure exactly one
The wandering eye begins its migra­ down of many of the mines had left a
blanket or woolen garment about you. in tlie matter, and after hearing tlie
foot, edge to edge; in other words, the tion at a very early age—so early, in­ large number of men living in Wallace
witli the wet cloth over
film travels a foot a second—50 feet, 50 deed. that It Is a little difficult to detect witli nothing to do. Time hung heav­
The Healing Snake.
story lie went witli her tx> tlie ward to
in your bauds nnd
seconds. What gives It the effect of it on Its Journey. A plaice n fifth of an ily on their hands, and nothing was of
i to the window.
taking up so much more time is the Inch In length nnd 5 days old carries too small Importance to attract Interest
ear lu mind that there is no inore want?” asked tlie Colonel, whose heart healer that the serpent was regarded immense lot of action that is usually one eye on each side of Its nose. When provided It held out the hope of killing
mnger In getting down from a three
crowded into the brief period it Is In three-fifths of an Inch long and about a few hours of the dreary time of wait­
story window than from the first floor soldierly grull'ness. “ I want to go calities of Ireland connected witli tra­ view. Until the moving picture was 2 months old. the left eye has crossed ing.
If you keep a firm hold of the rope or home,” said tlie boy. “ You are not ditions of these reptiles destroyed by St. invented 1 don’t think anybody had over to the right side. Lemon soles
"Just at this period the most promi­
ladder. Do not slide, but go band over able," replied tlie Colonel, while the Patrick were esteemed places of heal­ tlie least Idea how much could be done when one inch long or 2 months old nent youug lawyer of the town fell 111.
boy buried his beail in his pillow mid ing. To these spots, generally holy In 50 seconds. It seemed hardly time have tlie left eye on the edge of the There wasn’t anything particular the
gave vent to a storm of tears. “ That's wells, the people of the poor and igno­ enough to turn around in, yet when head, but when double that size and 0 matter with him except a heavy cold
Onr of Solhern’n Joke».
tlie experts began to study Its possi­ months old both eyes are found on the and impending fever; but, being some-
t Inveterate Joker, Sotbern tlie very strengthening,” said tlie Colonel, rant classes still resort as pious pilgrims
bilities tliey found ft was ample for
net' hud made an appointment with ironically, us lie turned to the nurse seeking relief from their infirmities. hundreds of little pictorial comedies right side. A side assumes its lopsided what of a hypochondriac, he at once
Toole, the comedian, to «line at a well und asked how long lie had lieen there. Tliey drink of tlie sacred waters und that liave slpce delighted audiences all aspect by the time It has been hatched lielieved himself to be In n dangerous
2 months. When a turbot Is half an condition. He promptly took himself
known London restaurant. The hour Securing tlie desired information he circle aliout tlie fount on their knees
over tlie world.
Inch In length, the right eye Just be­ to Ills bed In the rear of his office, de­
of meeting wns fixed mid Sotbern ar- stroll«-out of tlie room followed by tlie while repeating prayers; and it is a
to peep over the center arch of the
rived some few minutes before the np- “angel of mercy,” who waited until curious fact, as we are informed by mi A subject is selected, generally calling bridge, at three-quarters of an Inch It nied himself to all but two or three of
pointed time, Au elderly gentleman tliey had got beyond hearing and then old-time traveler in Ireland, that this for from three to four people, ai.d ev­ Is half wav across, and at an inch the his Intimate friends. Installed a nurse
to look after his wants and promptly
was dining at a table at some little
ery detail of the ’business’ or action is
distance from that prepared for tlie usked, “ Well, what are you going to circling was formerly done “ groveling carefully worked out In advance. Sup­ (inssage is complete and the two eyes gave himself over to that luxury of be­
two actors. He was rending a news- do about tliut boy, Colonel Girard?” on tlie hands and knees or even lying pose, for Illustration, that n comic bur­ look out from the left side of the bend. lieving himself to be really ill which Is
Longman’s Magazine.
so dear to the hypochondriac’s heart.
paper which he had comfortably ar- “ You get a nurse and see about getting flat on tiie ground and wriggling along glary Is the topic. The business, In
"The three men who were his friends
ranged before him as i be was eating him ready for tlie journey and I will like a snake.” This must undoubtedly skeleton, might run something like
and who were admitted to his apart­
his <1 biuer. Sothern walked up to him liave tlie necessary papers ready to have been a relic of tlie ancient rites, this: Old gentleman dozing in parlor;
etui striking him a smart blow between start him oil' to-morrow evening.” though the people had not tlie slightest enter burglar; old gentleman awakes; It Nnrcl, SVus Hard nnd Stony Land, ment took advantage of the conditions
surrounding him to perpetrate a prac­
the shoulders said:
Back she flew to the sick boy to tell idea of its origin or even that such a burglar hides; enter policeman, search­
mid No ISxHHKcrntioii.
tical joke that has since become fa­
"Hello, old fellow! Who would have Him tlie glad tidings, and for the first religion ha«l ever existed in their island. es the room, collars old gent; they
She was on tlie witness stand in her mous In the northwest. They gave out
thought of seeing you here? I thought time in many «lays lie smiled and
In the same way they still oil Beltane fight and roll on the floor while bur­ own behalf, being also defendant in the the news that the lawyer, one Jack
■y3(k_Bjyer”— Tl:e assaulted «liner
(Bel-tiune, or Bel’s lire) kindle glar suddenly emerges and leaps out action. She was a sturdy widow, hard Greene, bad died, and as his mourning
turned ardqjml angrily, when Sothern
fires ” on the summit of every of the window. That doesn't sound working, shrewd In a deal and garru­ friends they received th«* camp, which
exclaimed: "They you n thousand pat-
hill mid semi flaming wheels rolling particularly side splitting, but in the lous. A landlord was suing for back called in a body to express Its regret.
dons. sir. 1 tlmugtrt ,.v«'U wore an old
Juinds of Intelligent comedians It can rent on a little farm she had abandon­
“In the meantime Greene, In the next
friend of mine n faniHy man whom
Then everything was hurly-burly down their sides, though Ignorant-that be made really very fuuy. The all es- ed.
heard nothing, the visitors being
I never expected to see Ini'«' I hop«* until time to start for the boat next tliey are celebrating a day consecrated sential tiling Is to crowd It in'o 50 sec­
"You say that the land was hard and naturally quiet lu tlie presence of
you will pardon me."
day. Everything seemed to go wrong,
onds, and to that end each lilt of ac­ sour ami sterile?” suggested the attor­ death. One of bls friends went to the
The old gentleman growled a reply,,
Irish ancestors, who observed it in a tion Is carefully timed and made to ney for tlie plaintiff.
local undertaker and. informing him
anti Sothern returned to his table, Slid there was so much red tape to be precisely similar manner.
■•'¡'kit’s what 1 said, only 1 wasn’t so that Jack was dead, purchased a cof­
fit into each other bit like so many
where he was presently jolne'l by
well geared cogwheels, The old gen­ persniffity about It, and i’ll say more”— fin. Alleging the hard winter and con­
started foMhiGxiat thut was to connect
Toole, to whom lie said:
Colleges and Culture.
".hist a moment, please. VVe want sequent hard times, lie beat the under­
tieman's startled yawn, tile burglar’s
“See that old boy? I’ll bet you bait with the overlaH'Ltfain. But reclining
The easier and better way of retain­ glance around the room and every evidence, not opinions. Did you raise taker down one-half In his price. The
a crown you daren't go and give him in a chair in the back of the covered
step, movement and gesture from be­ anything on this land of ours?”
undertaker, however, got even by sup­
a slap ou the back and pretend you wagon witli the “angel of mercy” and ing, restoring and greatly broadening ginning to end Is calculated with the
"Land of ours!” with a sniff. "You plying a plain pine box paluted a deep
have mistaken him for a friend.”
the nurse who was to attend him, sit­ the culture studies of a college course is utmost nicety, ami at last after dozens never owned a thimbleful of It. Yes, I
"Don«*!” snkl Toole, and done It wns ting on either side of him, fanning him, to recognize the culture value of our of rehearsals the act is attempted be­ did raise things on It. It took two hills black. This was placed In Jack’s office,
and In the dead of night lumber care­
Immediately with a result that may
giving him stimulants and speaking own language and literature. A broader fore the reeitrdlng machine. If every­ to raise a bean ami a whole row of fully weighted to the weight of
be lmaghi<*d.
encouraging words which they did not and saner and more “humane” and body is lucky, it goes through oil sehed- corn to rake a nubbin. I raised a cab­ Greene’s body was packed Inside It by
feel, they made the long drive from the thorough and loving study of tlie liter­ ule time, but tlie slightest hitch is fa­ in. I raised a pigpen, and I tried to the three conspirators. The lid was
Mr«. Gilbert and Aiianstla Daly.
"The pleasantest recollections of my Presidio to the ferry. Noneof the party ature of our own race is the obvious way tal, and if one occurs the film is spoil­ raise a goat, but It starved to death, then sen-wed down, and the following
stage life are those connected with the lielieved they could make it in time, out of the dilemma. And it is more ed, and they must try all over again. poor tliiug! That ground wouldn’t raise day John Greene, followed by the en­
tire population of the town of Wallace,
governor." sold Mrs. John Gilbert. "We and tliey knew the sick boy could than an escape from a dilemma. It is No wonder It seems Impossible to fu­ dog fennel or even Canada thistles.”
"Don’t exaggerate, please. You say Ida., wns laid away In the cold, cold
never called him Mr. Italy—that Is, we never stand tlie disappointment or the a better nieiyns of broadening ami deej>- ture spectators that so much could
the soil was sour?”
transpire In 50 seconds.
gt ound.
older ones, who knew him well.
long drive back to the Presidio. “He eningour culture than we have ever
“I couldn't exaggerate about that
“But some of the most telling effects
“About ten days later Jack, having
"He never bothered much with Jim
ground If I was a lawyer. In the morn­
I.ewls and myself. He had more trou­ won't live through the night if we do it gradually. We had one generation In composition pictures." continued the ing when the «lew was steaming off in entirely recovered his pristine health,
ble with John Drew and Ada Rohan. not get him off on this boat,” said the or moreof rhetoricians and dilettanti as operator, "liave been the result of acci­ the sunshine you'd think you was liv­ appeared upon the street. To say that
dent and were entirely unpremeditat­
bls advent cr«-nted a sensation Is to put
They were young and needed looking nurse to tlie driver, who renewed his
el lorts to make the distance in the few teachers of English—the slipshod, easy ed. That was tlie case with a film that ing next door to a pickle factory. I It mildly. Three or four superstitious
after, you know.
I had a hand In preparing and that kept my sugar in an airtight Jar.”
miners, thinking It was bis ’lia nt,'
"He was very set In liis ways, nnd If minutes allotted to them. “ Saved,” old tomfoolery of general “ English lit­ afterward made a tremendous bit and
"Pshaw! That's ridiculous. I sup­
he took a fancy to a piece of stage fur­ said tlie “ angel of mercy,” as they erature” courses. We now have a gen­ proved to be one of tlie best sellers pose the ground was so hard you could straightway took to their cabins on the
hillside and to prayer and fasting.
niture he Invariably Introduced it Into drew up at the ferry; “ we’ve got just eration of accurate and narrow English ever put on the market. In gettlug not blast It?"
The only woman in the camp bad a fit
every play. He had a pair of large, seven minutes.” She dispatched one pliilologians and text-tinkers. Pres­ up tlie picture our principal purpose
“Nuthlng of tlie kind. I’m here to
dark blue majolica vases which were man to check the trunks, while they ently we shall have, let us hope, a gen­ was to Introduce a large and very in- tell the truth. But I’ll tell you how of hysterics and fainted dead away.
Greene, however, stopiied the general
tlie l.ane of my life. They wore alw ays
eration of broad and mellow scholars telligent bulldog I owned at the time, h.’iid Hint ground was. I had to crop paulc that his appearance was precip­
placed near a doorway in such a man­
who know their subject technically, of nnd we sketched out a simple little my set onions out with a hatchet, anil a
ner that yon had to have the dreadful ambulance and hurried him to the gate. course, but who likewise know it “ hu­ scene In which a tramp steals a pie big gander I bought broke his neck try­ itating by stepping Into the Crystal
Palace saloon and there absorbing Ills
things always on your mind or you
them. 11 is chair would not go through manely.” There is a new culture and from a kitchen window, is pursued by ing to pull a tuft of spear grass.” The four fingers of 'red eye’ In a perfectly
Would rt II lute them.
the dog and Is last seen trying to scale landlord did not recover.—Detroit Free natural and earthlike manner.
"I had complained several times to the gate. They pushed and pulled, an adequate one in this direction. the back fence with the animal hang­ Press.
“It was hard to tell whether the town
the governor nnd begged him to put and finally had to seize the chair and
ing to his coattails.
of Wallace or Jack Gr«*ene was the
Bedrooms and Breathing.
them In the storeroom, but he hail tak­ run around to the freight gate, the boy into our inheritance.
"The training of the dog was the
While no scientist, I think, will rec­ more astonished by the explanations
en a fancy to them, and they remained. laying back, white as deatl), and only
main trouble, but I finally taught him
Eruptions of Vesuvius.
less than seven cubic feet of that there ensued. At length, when
"Well, one day I did knock one of his quick breathing and drawn face
to lay hold of anything red, and we
them down, nnd it wns smashed to bits.
Signor Matteucci, who has been study­ sowed a big piece of flannel as a mark air each minute for an adult. Dr. Iteed those present had become convinced
The governor never said a word, but showing the agony of the suspense he ing Vesuvius for many years, recently to the back of our tramp's coat. Red gives ten as the smallest amount that beyond cavil or doubt that It was
he looked volumes. He wns arranging was enduring. At the last moment made a report on the activity of the photographs black, so It couldn't be will meet the wants of the body. All Greene in the flesh and not Greene In
the Interior for a new play a few days another obstacle sprang up—the busy volcano. From July, 1896, it kept con­ seen In the pictures, and after a good of this, of course. Is not absolutely the spirit—although by this time It
must be confessed that spirit in great
baggage-masters paid no heed to the
later, nnd in onr
many rehearsals the dog learned to used, only needed that purity may be plenty was In Greene—they sent for
on n lounge
one sent to check the baggage. Back
dash out at exactly the right moment secured. The average room—12 by 10
“ ‘Tom,- he snid to the stage band, went the “angel of mercy” and a)>- the How of lava ceasing in September, and nail the marauder, whose cue was mid 8 feet high—even if the room Is the three conspirators.
" ‘What did you do It for?1 was the
'Hee that tlmt lounge Is good ami strong, pealed to them. “ Please check this 1899. Tlie deptli of the crater was then then to rush for the fence and consume empty, will consume only 9G0 cubic
for Mrs. Gllberi t Is very gawky, and It baggage; it’s for a «lying boy, and be over 600 feet. Last April tlie lava rose the remaining time in making an ap­ feet, or enough to supply air for one question addressed In blunt nnd simple
terms to the ringleader.
would rti'n the scene if she smashed It
must get off on this ls>at,” site said. It to within 240 feet of the top, when ase­ parently desperate effort to scramble person for about two hours. Now.
“ ‘Well. I'll tell you. You see we
when st
over the top. At last we got every­
“Thai was nil, but I that lie had its effect ami the next minute she gan. Some blocks of lava were then thing all ready, gave the word and such a room, the doors and windows wanted to run Jack for a town office
knew bow Hint vase was broken.”— was speeding back with the checks, projected 1800 feet perpendicularly into started the record machine to take the closed to keep out the supposed “poi- and we thought In this way we could
and saw tier charge safely on the Ixiat
souous night air,” It is not strauge that get a line on how be stood with the
New York Herald.
community. But’—and here he slapjied
witli his nurse, with just two minutes tlie air. One Hock weighed thirty tons picture.
"Immediately the little comedy be­ the stench of vitiated air Is overpower­
i’lioi-ii-tice nnd the Pen.
to spare. She got back home almost and Signor Matteucci estimates that it gan. The tramp appeared, looked ing to one who enters the room after r wild of newspaper clippings down
on the bar In front of the astonished
Our worthy forefathers were fond of prostrated by tlie nervous excitement took 010,000 horse-power to eject it.
around stealthily, saw the pie, hooked breathing the pure nlr of heaven, such and aggrieved Greene, ‘Jack, you won’t
rhetoric particularly of funereal rhet­ she had been enduring and went to
It and was having a feast when out
do. Just read those obituaries and see
Deepest Well in France.
oric-ami were not always quick tc
Itarlicrn of Spain.
sprang the bulldog and seized him by
what the people think of you. Why.
perceive the divhlltig line between the bed, crying and laughing by turns
The barber's business in Spain Is pe­ after such a «end off as that we
sublime nnd ridiculous. 'I hey seem, and wondering how her charge would in the <’<>al mines of Roneliainp, Upper the coattails. He thereupon sprinted
moreover, to have regarded the extraor­ stand tlie awful strain he hail lieen Heine, which was completed in Decem­ to the fence and was about to carry out culiar In that he Is called upon to ply wouldn’t dare to run you for the office
the rest of the programme when, to our his shears on donkeys as well as men. of picking fl«*as off a yellow dog that
dinary as contributing an addl'd nnd under, and whether he realised how
kindred element to the Impressive. near he had come to being left, The ber, 1900. Its depth is 3600 feet ami its consternation, the boards gave way, for it Is an Important Item lu the care wns locked up on the town farm.' ’’
Many of their epitaphs show this, but dream of the soldier boy must liave utilizable diameter is thirteen feet The and he came down hang on top of the of Spnnlsh donkeys that they should lie
Larky Dog,
few more completely than that of an tieen sweet and peaceful that night, for abaft is walled from top to Isittom ami dog. The film had about ten seconds to sheared ns to the back in order to
Briggs—The Dudleys seem to think a
estimable matron who perished un­ every turn of the wheels brought him lined with copper where it traverses run, and it was occupied in recording make a smoother resting place for man
timely In Newburyport In the eight that much nearer home and mother. water-liearing strata. To complete it, one of the liveliest scraps that ever or pannier. So. while the master held great deal of their dog.
happened, There was no hippodrome his animal, one of the barbers plied
Griggs—Naturally; be Is something
•rath century.
sixty months were required. At thirty about it. Both parties were out for some enormous clacking shears and lit- they never quarrel about, as they do
Her tombstone on the crest of th»
burying bill Is yet easily legible, with was at her |>ost bright ami early, and of the rock is 50 degrees Fahrenheit; at blood. Win n tlie fence fell, the bull- tered the ground with mouse colored their children When the dog exhibits
dog hail promptly transferred himself hair, lenvlng the beast’s lielly fur cov­ Rome bad trait, neither can declare
no more trouble than scraping a bit of speaking words of encouragement here
lichen here nnd there nt.d kneeling tc and there, aiid beatowing smiles that the bottom the temperature is 117 de­ from the tramp's coattail to the tramp’s ered below a fixed line and for a small that he took It from the other.—Boston
push away the loug grass and intrud­ are like lieams of sunshine in a sick grees Fahrenheit, although the highest calf, while that unfortunate person additional price executing a raised pat­ Transcript
of tlie air in the shaft snatched up a broomstick and tried to tern of star points around the neck.
ing daisies. Thus It rends:
room. “ But what of the boy?” you tenqs-rature
Lots of Company.
The tonsorlnl profession is an Indis­
(without artificial ventilation) is 88 pry him loose. They rolled over and
Sacred to the Memory of
ask. " Di«l lie live to get home and did degrees._______________
Stranger—You must find It very lone­
put about f't times as much action.and pensable one In a country where shav
Mr». Mary Mctlard
I will
Tlie rtrtuoua and estimable C’ormort of Captain he entirely recover his health?”
animation In the last ten seconds ns Ing the whole face is generally prac­ ly on these hills.
Among tlie black hunters of kanga­ had tieen crowded Into the preceding ticed among all the humbler orders,
Shepherd—Lonely I No. I don’t. Why.
William Mcllard of Newbury Port, who midNt tbi quote a few words from a letter recently
laudable exertions of a very m *i:i and doMNi
roos in western Australia are twenty­ 40. We finally pulled them apart, and not to mention toreros and ecclesias­ there wns a man an a 'oss passed yes
Life, In which her Christian PtofcMrion was well
11 is a professional busi­ it wns not until the negative wns devel­ tics But the dlscomforl to which the terday, an there’s you today.— Punch.
•domed, and a fair copy ol f every to ci al virtue which he says: "I owe my life to you, for seven women.
displayed, was. in a state of health. Suddenly I would havedDsl if f f could not have ness and there about 12«. persons who oped that we realized what a prize we barber's customers submit Is astonish
Summoned to the Skies A sni atched from ye ea^ei
There 1« no law to prevent a woman
bad accidentally secured. That ear­ Ing Instead of being pamptred. sooth
embraces of her friends (and the throbbing heart! reached home I have entirely recov­ make it their regular business to hunt
nest and Impromptu wind up has con­ ed. labored nt with confidential re from planting heraelf In front of a mil
of her disconsolate family c< onfem'd their fairest ered my health, and”—but it is not for and rapture the animals.
in one moment
prospects ul sublunary bliss were
vulsed audiences all over Christendom spectfulness and lulled Imo luxurious liner's show window and wishing she
dash’d) by Swallowing a Pei a at her own table, Polly to reveal the rest of tlie letter.
made fully as much of a hit In Eu­ harmony with himself, ns hnppens In had a bank account of her own.—Chi­
Whence in a few hours she Mtavtlj
hraitbed I m
Petroleum waa first discovered in the rope as It did at home.”
America. a man who courts the razor cago News.
bmil stray on the Sth day of March 1778. aged 47.
You would l>e Interested ill the vari­ United States in 1859, and lias since
In Spain Ims io sit upright In a stiff
This Mournful Stone a; a faithful Monument
The fastest cruiser tn the world has chair and meekly hold under Ills chin a
bove and a solemn
ous letters tlds Indy receives not only inaile millions for the Standard Oil
of Virtue fled to Realm
I.aeoalc J oat lee.
Monitor to ail below the St
recently been completed for China brass basin full of suds ami lilting Ills
from the soldier boys, but from their Company.
“Why did you shoot the plaintiff'»
her Husband.
The new cruiser la to be known ns th* throat by means of a curved nick at «log?”
mothers, wives, sisters and swis-thearts.
-Youth *« Companion.
Some of thè screws uscii in watches Hal Tien, of 4,400 tons, and under nat­ one stile
"Because be tried to bite me.”
If she did not have a level head, it
ural draft will have n speed of 23.0
Benrdle«« Sol dieru.
"Even a dog Is entitled to a fair trial
would be sadly turned l»y the various are so stilali tliat it tnkes 380,000 of knots per hour. At this rate she could
Modern warriors gene »rally wear half sentiments penned in black and white thein to welgli a pound.
"Dear.” said young Mrs Jellus. "I You should only have tried to shoot
cross the Atlantic In about four and a thought you ought to know There'» a him. Twenty five dollars.”—Exchange
on their frontispieces. It Is thought to
half da vs.
give them a martial appearance. But for the kindness shown “Tom, Dick
mnrrle«) man «ho Is violently In love
A man walking day and night with­
Alexander's Invincible soldiers were all and Harry,’’ as the case might be.
with me.”
"You can convince a woman that th«
bare faced.
He compelled them to But she has one letter that she values out resting would take 428 days to Jour­ against the pistol carrying habit makes
"What?" lie crltd "Who 1» he?"
earth Isn't rotimi.” said the breakfast
•have for a sufficient reason viz. lest so highly that it has found a place in ney around the world.
“If I tell yon will you ve me those cynic, "but yon can't convince her that
it unlawful for any person except a
the "ontsldc barbarians" of Asia should her cabinet of war curios and trophies.
pence officer to < ra y n deadly weapon earrings I wanted?" 1
the druggist doesn't make 50 per cent
•else them ty their beards and so cap It was written by a soldier boy on a
The chance of two finger-prints lieing less than 20 lucim In lengtli or four
"Yes. VV bo Is it?”
profit on postage stamps.”—Phlladel
tore them.
cartridge-box in lead- pencil, and the alike is nW one in sixty-four billions.
“You.”— Philadelphia Pre»«.
pouuds In weight, r
phla Record.
Aa Australian's Book lu Boston.
An Australian woman has written a
book about Boston. It must be inter­
esting If not valuable, judging by the
following extract from a review of it
published in a Melbourne paper:
“Australians who read the book will
get a fair idea of a center which has
to be understood by any one who wish­
es to comprehend American literary
development. Containing as It does
Faneuil hull. 'The Cradle of Liberty.’
and the Bunker Hill monument, that
marks the spot where
Tlie embattled farmers stood
And fired the shot heart] round the world,
Boston Is historically by far the most
Interesting city in the new world. It
Is the only one laid out with the irreg­
ularity needed for urban picturesque­
ness. it lias on one side Cambridge.
with Harvard university, and on the
other the village of Concord, with Its
memories of Emerson, Thoreau and
“Though the most select, not to say
supercilious, of American cities. It is
distlnguislie«! as having once possessed
as its leading divine Phillips Brooks
and as its mayor the still more famous
John L. Sullivan, the prlzetigbter. At
all these and many other peculiarities
of the Hub Miss Allston pokes fun
In an irreverent but good natural and
amusing manner.”
The Book Buyer in publishing this
extract adds:
"We liave heard lately that Austra­
lians are much like Americans lu many
traits, Imt that information about Bos­
ton Is British to the core.”
Collette Statistic«.
Somebody has been gathering college
statistics, nnd It Is found that there
are In this country 44 universities or
colleges which contain more than 1,000
students eneli. Fourteen of these In­
stitutions have more than 2.000 stu­
dents each, and in each of six lead­
ing universities there an* more than
3.000 students. These six are: Harvard,
4,288; University of Michigan, 3,700;
Minnesota. 3.410; Georgia, 3,295; Chl-(
cago, 3,183. nnd California, 3,025.
Northwestern university lias 2,97V
students this year; Cornell, 2,77^;;
Pennsylvania. 2.507; Yale, 2,542; Ct>-
lunibla. 2,521, and Princeton, 1,30V.
There probably are over 100,000 stu.-
dents in tlie various universities an»|
colleges of America at present, anjd
the whole number of persons who afe
being educated in the schools and col­
leges combined is given as 16,738,203.
Asid«* from all other considerations
this general tendency toward educa­
tion means one thing—labor l’n this
country must be dignified socially, it
is going to be Impossible for all the
boys and young men who arp now In
the schools and colleges to go Into pro­
fessions. Many of them will have to
work with their hands. Manual labor
will still have to be done even after
everybody Is educated—Chicago Her­
Earth Hunger the Can«? of War.
The greatest wars in history have
really been commercial wars. The lie­
role struggle to the ilettth of the an­
cient world between Rome and Car­
thage was for the control of the trade
of the Mediterranean, and the wars of
modern history were fought In the
main to secure the command of the
lending trade routes. Our long wars
with Spain, France and Holland were
of this character, nnd the rewards of
victory were reaped by our manufac­
turers and our merchants. "Earth
hunger” Is an almost meaningless
phrase at the present «lay. except with
reference to commerce. Even Russia,
whose Industries are still in their In­
fancy. looks forward to the time when
sh«.* will produce for herself ull her
manifold requirements and so become
rich.—London Telegraph.
Lona: Term« In Indian OlHce«.
The Holton Recorder has nil interest­
ing account of an election held by tlie
prairie band of the Pottawatomie In­
dians on their reservation In Jackson
county the other day. The chief of
this l>au«I for many years was Shough-
ues-see, who died some months ago.
At the election recently Mish-no, a son
of Shougb-nes-see, was elected to the
position. Among the other official»
elected were Mas-quas, principal speak­
er; Pac-ten-maw-gah, assistant speak­
er. Kack-kack, brave and speaker for
young men; Wah-wah-suek, a coun­
cilman. Mas-quas has been principal
speaker since 18t>7. Kack-kack has
been brave and principal speaker for
young men more than 40 years. The
leading speech on this occasion, says
The Recorder, was by Kack-kack.—
Kansas City Jourual.
Weatern Horae« Scarce.
There seems to be a general opinion
among the horse raisers of the Black
Hills that the government will hove to
lower the standard of horseflesh for
cavalry purposes before any great
number of horses can be furnished.
J. P. Gammon, a horseman of the
Black Hills, states that It will be diffi­
cult for the government to get the
necessary number of western horses
for the new regiments to be shipped at
Fort Meade. The contract price is not
high enough to attract owners of good
horses, as they can get as good prices
In the opeu market and not be subject
to severe horse Inspectors. Gammon
states that the number of good horses
on the Black Hills ranges Is limited.—
Deadwood (S. D.) Cor. Omnlia Bee.
Doctor« Are Rometlmea Handy.
King Edward's doctors, 32 In num­
ber, have Just been appointed. This
number Include« surgeons, oculists and
dentists nt Windsor nnd Sandringham
and In London, Ireland and Scotland.
It may be Hint a "divinity doth hedge
n king.” but there are those xvho still
think it prudent for the royal person­
age to have a doctor handy.—Boston
Boble« In Greenland.
The be«) of the baby Eskimo Is not al
ways one of eider down There nre
times of fnmtne now nnd then when
the condition of the Ice makes bunting
Impossible, and old and young starv»
to death. Cases have been known on
both shores of Baffin bay where ba
bfes have been enten by stnrvlng adults,
bnt Infanticide In Greenland Is nn
known because of a belief that tlie
•plrlt of a mm-il'-red Infant turns Into
an evil spirit
ini Angink tliat for
ever haunts tlie entire village an«'
bring« endless misery and distress.