52 Times a year for $2. i Volume XVII. BANDON, OREGON: THURSDAY, JUNE 20, 1901 Number 25. Columbus Herald: The Iudianup- Sinclair Explains. J. W. Lawrie, E. R. Scheff, and A. Dairyville is making preparation to olis Sentinel closes a strong editorial travelers, from J. Baker, commercial celebrate on July 4th. thus: ‘’The foundation principle of Coquille, Ur., June 10, 1901. doing business i New Lake Creamery Butter at San­ For tbe best Strawberries enquire San Francisco, were American government and American E d . B ulletin . — D ear S ih : — In your in town this week. derson’s. at C. W. Sanderson's. issue of 7tb inat., you make a labored commou sense is that arbitrary power Come out and get a steamed clam Sol. J. Culver, of Camus Valley, ♦ 1 effort to lay tbe blame on tbe escap- should not be located in any body.” For Bananas, Oranges, Fresh Nuts on July 4th. wan io town last night on bin way to , ing of Landis to me. This is correct. No public man ia and Candies, etc., call at Magoon’s. Gold Beach. His son James, of Try G. H. Magoou'a for Fresh There are some matters connected good enough that he should be trusted A. G. Balch, of Coquille, has been Curry whs with him. Groceries, Fruits, Provisions, etc. with the case I deem of sufficient im­ with absolute power. Restricted visiting Bandon for several days past. Miss Rose Long, who has been tit portance to call your attention to. power only is safe in a republic. Or B orn .—At Floras creek, Curry James Rogers has recovered suf­ Tbe McQuigg boys did not see have we a republic? county, June 14, 1901, to the wife of ficiently so that he can walk aronnd teuding school at Forest Grove dur ing tho past three years, graduated Laudia burying the body. They said Capital Journal: Frank Hofer, one R. E. Cope, a son. slowly by the aid of a staff. yesterday and will return home im­ in tbe first instance that they saw a of tbe publishers of the Marshfield For something convenient, band A letter received here, last week, mediately. man about 6 foot high, dressed in Mail arrived Sunday, to prepare to some and economical try a Quick Meal 1 from Peter W. Culver, gave tbe in­ Co). S. S. Everson has made prep Mack clothes, who was fifty years old remove his family nud household stove —At McNair’s. formation that be was at North Cove, aration to change his residence and or more, digging a hole. When tbe goods to bis now home on Coos Bay Henry Clemens, of the Lampey ' Wash. will start in a day or two for Dnfer. body wan afterwards found and Coming over the mountain range to Creek locality, found time to give ' Lloyd Rosa who has been attend­ Oregon, to which place bis wife pre thought it was Landis. Drain he sustained a severe sprain of BandoD a business call yesterday. ing «'bool in Portland during tbe ceeded him a few r fishing, last Saturday and brought We carry a complete stock of Mason’s fruit jars at J. Denholm's. nesday evening, on tbe steamer Man­ iu a halibut which weighed about 50 Pints, Quarts, and Half Gallons. dalay. ’ Mr. Morse is tbe gentleman escaped, which pointed to him as the Tools, Cutlery, Doors and Windows TINNER’S SHOT IN pounds, and which be disposed of at Send in your orders. Do not be late who will I establish the electric light guilty party, and tbe McQuigg boys CONNECTION. then swore positively that it was I’ipe Fitting, mid I’lunibing a specialty. lb’cents a pound. plant, nt John on's mill, to supply every year. They willkeep. And Tbe Little Eaglets Hop. Landis they saw. -X, The Marshfield boys put up a good Bert Walker, who has been stop Coquillo and Myrtle Point with Then on section 1576, Hill’s Code, game' of bid', last Sunday, but they ping with his uncle, James Walker, lights. r The James Bros.’ new boat which which says: failed to take tbe couceit out of the in Curry County for the past two Bandon, “A peace officer may, without war­ Oregon. Coquille* team. They will have to months returned home last evening they recently built was towed to the rant, arrest a person when a felony lower river, Thursday, from do better- or give that job up. H.S. Scbwntkn.of Los Ang«les, who place, after receiving has in fact been committed and he Elbert Dyer and M. R. Lee, two of had charge of J. Kiernan's contract this her new boiler. Tbe work of baB reasonable cause for believing Bandon’s business men, went south for jetty work, which closed last tbe person arrested to have commit­ on the Mat.'dahiy for a few days stay- spring, arriv d here last Tuesday placing her machinery, building cab ted it.” ins, etc., will be completed itiimedi SALUTE BAND CONCERT in San Francisco, en< h having busi­ evening on a visit. Using similar language to your NATIONAL at sunrise. at 9:30, a. iu. ately, and they expect to have her ness to look after at that place. own: ”1 supposed the sheriff knew After the Bend Concert the Column will be The Ladies of the Presbyterian ready for the inspectors in July. Will tbe party into whose keeping church are planning and working iu preparatory to the Grand Parade C«pt. McCloskey’s new boat, tbe the law in the matter, and would do formed James Roger» placed a number of ter.tly to give the public an excellent which will end at the grounds where tho his full duty. If Gallier knew that photographs kindly leave tbe same at entertainment ou the occasion of their Echo, is at Lyons’ mill wharf, and is there was reasonable cause for believ­ LITERARY EXERCISES WILL BE HAD this office as Mr. R. has forgotten to festival. Some utuusitig features are receiving her machinery and having ing Landis guilty why did bo not ar After the Literary Exercises close Steamed tbe finishing touches put on her. She Clams and bread will be supplied for Lunch whom be bandeil the pictures. promised. is a large and commodious boat and rest him when bo attempted to es­ to all. while those d< sii ing more should pro­ will be disposed of at prices that will ...lauisb you, wh.le there are Bird Vowell and wife v.ho spent Following is the passenger list on when she is put on the run will be a cape. vide tbemBolves with well Oiled baskets. several davs here visiting friends left the Mandalay when she sailed on her great convenience to tho up river poo “I am not to blame for not calling AFTERNOON EXEKCISES. for tbeir borne it Coquille lasl Tues trip to San Francisco lust Friday: pie and the traveling public. They tbe sheriff’s attention to the law de­ To bo had in Dry Goods. Clothing, Shoei Obstacle Itace, Station Race, nud other goods that must be sold to make day. Mr. Vowel is quite lame iu his James T Green, C E Sawyer and expect to have her ready for her trial fining his duties;as ho asked no ques­ room for more. Sack ltnce. Foot Races, right arm from a fall he received ou wife, B L Hurst, Mrs B L Hurst and trip in about a week or ten days. tions. and I presumed he knew he Races for Boys, Old Men’s llace, Decoration Day. could arrest without a warrant. It W Condrou Eto„ Etc., Etc. Races for Giris, Foil S aie .—A large, gray hors», of Itesoltitioiis of Kexipect. is no new thing to arrest without a There is talk of getting up a Fut Row Boat Race, Sail Boat Race. gentle and kind disposition; is eight Man’s baseball team here, and if warrant. It has been done in foluny Real Rescue Drill by U,S. Life-Saving Crew. B andon , June 16th, 1901. years old, weighs over 1700 pounds ibis proposition is curried to a finish, cases here in this county before. Past Commander, W. B, Woods, and will work anywhere. Price $100, olher teams will tilt up light—when “It is an unfortunate affair, but not if sold soon. Apply to Belloui Bios.. the Bandon team steps into the other who departed this life, at Bandon, an isolated case, of a criminal escap in the evening Oregon, May 30, 1901, while presid­ ing by any means, and to try to make Langlois, Oregon. side of the scales. ing at ttie public exercises on Me the public believe I am wholly re­ Under the Auspices of tho F. D. BAND The chase after Landis, last week There will be an excursion from morial day, was born in North Wales, sponsible I consider unfair and not pu Coos River, proved to be as futile Coquille City to Bandou, next Sun­ iu 1846, came to this country at an warranted by tbe facts and circum­ as other efforts to run down the day, and tbe secoud baseball team of DEAL EK IN early age, enlisted during tbe Civil stances.” inurderer, and Landis’ wberealx uls that place is coining down with tbe War. and served in the 118tb Illinois Notice is hereby given that we, the under­ Very rospectfnlly yours. ar« as much unknown as they were. intention of playing a game of ball Infantry. He was a model soldier signed, have thia day bargained. Bold, trans Goneral Mcrclianc 3 W alter S inclair . The South Coos River Landis proved here. As Bandon has no regular and citizen to whom death came and f er red and delivered all our book accounts to be nuotber man. and interest in the Bandon Livery and Feed baseball team this will give tbe Fat denly and without warning. There­ He watt a Trust. Stable to M. R. Lee and Elbert Dyer. All '1 he center loaid of the schooner Mau's organization a chance to get fore be it acoonnts due to Cox 4 Conrad, J. M. Con­ Berwick whs just ready to drop out in and puff. Tbo drummer had got off at a sta­ rad, or Conrad 4 Buckingham are due and lteeovled, That Bandon Post, G. when Captain Pearson got bis vessel James T. Green, of Lampey creek, A. It.. express its sincere regrets, that t¡ tion to find the village two miles payable to the firm of Lee 4 Dyer. into the harbor here list week and be was in town Friday and Saturday in tbe death of Comrade Woods, this away, and tbe nbackley old bobtailed Dated at Bandon June 5, 11101. J. M. CONRAD. I ihs bad Peter Nelson at work this awaiting the sailing of the steamer Post has lost a faithful and worthy car waiting io convey passengers over V. R BUCKINGHAM. week making new irons to le place Mandalay upon which he took pus commauder and comrade and suffered the ebackloy old road whs in charge those which hud berome dangerously sage for San Fmucisco. James bus an irreparable loss, and lie it further of an old nmn who snt on tbe plat­ Notioe is hereby given to nil persons know­ weuk from wear and rust. Resolved, That tbe Post Charter form smoking with great compla­ ing themselves to be Indebted to Cox 4Con­ raised anchor and started out again. ran. J. M. (lonrnd or Conrnd 4 Buckingham Charles F. Lockwood, a former He has made bis bom« iu Coos county lie draped in mourning for tbe peiiod cency. “Does this—this thing run to tbe to come and settle immediately with the resident of Bandou, but who has been this visit, for about three years which of sixty days, and that a copy of these undersigned and save further trouble. living in Sun Francisco for several he said was a lung time for him to sesoluliotis be published iu tho B an village?’’queried the drummer as be LEE 4 DYER. This Steamer will give a regular 10 day Service between Coquille River, Oregon, and San years, arrived at Smith River, Del stop in one place. don R ecorder , and a copy be spread walked around the car. Francisco, California, for both passengers and freight. . P. TOPPING, ” It does when I want it to, ” was Norte county, a few days ago on a upon tbe muiutef of tbe Post. For full or further information apply to Captain A. Reid, on board steamer or Through an oversight we neglected the reply. ATTORNEY and COUNSELOR AT-LAW visit to bis parents. He was accom­ last week, to make mention that the J. W. F elteb , ) N. LORENZ, Agent, CoquUle. Oregon. M. R. LEE. Agent, Bandon, Or< gon. ‘■Oh, then you have got something Practices ip alj the Courts of the State. M. I. '-’ wift , !• Committee. panied by his four children who were pupils of the Bandon school, who E. T. KRUZ, General Agent, 207 Front Street, San Francisco, California. R. F. S hannon , ) to say about it? Perhaps you own orphaned some three months ago by completed the eighth grade examina­ OfUce on Second Floor in Concrete Build:ui.’ tbe old crowbait of a hor.se.” on First Street, tbe death of tbeir mother. B um « Ball Game. tion, in May, were all successful and J. M. UPTON, Life Insurance Policies apd Bonds bought A. W. 14171E, W. I>. “ I do. ” H. Neely, tbe Pioneer Watcbtnak each received a diploma. Those who or money loaned on aapie. There were a good many persons ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW PHYSICIAN ANI) SURGEON “ And the car? ” er, and wife, left last Saturday, for passed out of tbe eighth grade on Bandou, - - - - Oregon. BANDON, COOS COUNT!,OBEOON. from Bandon who took advantage of •’Yea.” BANDON, OKEGON. Port Orford, where they will make this occasion, were Misses Katie Me Office in tbe Eldorado Building, on First tbe excursion, last Sunday and went And tbe line. ’ ’ tbeir home for tbe future. Mr. Neely Nair, Frances Smith, Tressie Manciet, Street. Calls to nil parts of town and county to Coquille to witness tbo ball game ”Yes I’m the owner of everything I DELPHI LODGR, NO. 64, K. OF P. promptly answered day or night. Office on and bis wife have both been associated Mary Yaeger and Agnes Stitt. but ween the Coquille team and that corner of Lower Main and Atwater streets i n sight. ” with Bandon’H interests for a long W. Haydon, M. 1». f I DELPHI LODGE. NO,M. KNIGHTS - Dr. Strange, Dentist, will arrive in “Mighty bandy, isn't it?” continued of PythiHB, inetta every Monday^ time, but as he has property in Curry, Bandon on bis next regular bi-month­ of Marsh field. From reports brought J. W. STRANGE, DIGESTIVE, URINARY AND SKIN evening at 7:80 o’clock, in Castle Hall, in the neighborhood of Corbin City, ly visit on the afternoon of July 5, back this was probably the hardest the drummer in sarcastic tones. Bandoli. Ogn. G. BOAK, C. C. DISEASES. B. N. H arrington , K. of R. and 8. * “Yes, tolerable handy,” was tbe Office—East Front Street, bethinks ttmt be can do better iu and will be ready to commence work contested game ever played in Coos couuty, and was won by the Coquillo placid reply. “I also own the only Ki «•* ««MS «ivi B andon , O reoo H. that county w than here. I on tbe morning of July 6th. He will team by a score of 12 against 9. Non two stores in the village and tbe only BANDON, - v • OREGON. Arrangements are fast being com remain until and including all of July Anderson got a hard bit on the bead hotel, and if yon don’t like my style Will visit Bandon regularly on dates to bo HANDON LODOE, No. 11B, A.F. A. M ■> pleted for tbe celebration here on 19, and desires to have all who desire by a ball which glanced from the you’d better wait for tbe next train to supplied in the Local Column. July 4tb, and everything points to a ( dentistry call ou him during this bat, and Wm. Hutcheson was knocked come along nnd take you out of the andon lodg e , N o . ur>, a . f . a . m . '* Stated oommnnications Brat Snt- grand time. McCulloch and Kime‘g visit. His next visit will be in Sep down by a ball which struck him countxy.” M. Q uad urday after the fall moon of each 9 Orchestra will furnish music for the t«mber, i which only makes it tbe near tbe temple. He was unable to Pure, fresh, cokl spring water month. All Master Masons cordially * BANDON, OKEGON. W. M. fr M. P. Enterprisei V. CJ. London, ?• invited. By order of piped to any part of town, dance in the evening, and as they more necessary for those who desire stand for a short time after being T. J. THRIFT, Secretary. and to any part of the house, of Roseburg, president of the South ❖ are sparing neither money or time in good work to have it done now. struck. George Ferry, catcher of tbe *0 on application, in qnnnlitiea Blacksmith and tbeir endeavor to select and perfect Office at the Tupper House. Marshfield team had a finger broken ern Oregon District Fair Association, desired. Rates reasonable. : t themselves in tbeir music, dancers 11 Tagonmakci\ Bicycle riding is quite a pastime Ht tbe first joint, and Dave Johnson, waa in town Wednesday en route to Court Queen of tl»e Forest No. 17, W. H. LOGAN, Proprietor’ will be treated to tbe best. nmong tbe boys, especially tbe small catcher for the Coquillo nine, bad two Marshfield, where ho will make ar­ Foresters of A me lea. HORSESHOEING A SPECIALTY. M arr id .—At Coqnille City, Wed boys, some of whom are becoming or three fingers knocked out of place. rangements to bold the fair again tj"»OURT QUEEN OF THE FOREST.® T1,ou*»nda aro Trying It. this year. Tbe fair waa a success last Each team made a bard fight for nesday, June 12, Charles F. Lorenz quite expert riders considering the No. 17. meet« Friday night of each^ Tn order to prove the great merit of Wagons of all Kinds Made to Order in Concrete Hall, Band"». Oregon. of Bandon, to Miss Mary L. Skeels, length of tbeir legs. Bandou boys tbe gHrue, as in case Marshfield won, year and if the people of Marshfield ♦ i week, Ely iCrea-n Barm. the most effective cure \ cordial welcome Is extended to all vis- 4 for ’ Catarrh Job work attended to promptly apfl al) and Cold in Head, we nave pre­ W. W SHIPLEY. * of Coquille, Rev. C. A. Hyatt officia­ ride when tbeir legs are too short to it would almosl have insured final and Coo» county generally will take Kitiei! brothers goaranteed to give aatisfactjpp. |’ii/ G oktz . Chief Ranger. * wired a g'-iero’B trial size for 10 eente. work cea rep son able. ting. Charles returned to Bandon. leach the peddles when sitting iu the victory to that team, while as the hold of tbe matter and work together ♦ H knut Fin. Get it of your d. u^gi t er lend 10 cents to ttecretarv. the fair tlijs yeai will be the best ever ■»*#*«* « ***# Wff*-K«»>* #■«' Monday eveuing. accompanied by his saddle, others Hfe only able to bit the score now stands it is uncertain as to ELY B.IO3., W Warren St., N. Y. City. ❖ if i <• r * ❖ * <• s' -i •> -M bride, and shortly after dark the band peddles on tbe high places when where victory will perch, hence, in­ held in Southern Oregon. Mr. Lon I «n'Terc 1 fro.n catarrh of the worst kind ?Qf)O NEARLY to Christ inn man don ioforma na that a raise ol the or w,,niHn (,j look nf't r our ever siuco a boy, an t 1 never lioped for located him and rendered several astride tbe bar, but we have another terest tn tbe game will become more < BANDON I.ODOK No. 1»B, I. <>. <>. F ♦ cure, but Ely’s Cream Bnlni seem» to do * prowing hnaineaa in thin and adjoin- ft: --------- ♦ even that. Many acquaiutancf s have used ? i:ig (d>unt iex; to net ns Manager ami & pieces of music, The bride and rider who floes even more than that, intense as tbe schedule is completed. state appropriation was secured at ♦ : wot k can be done at Altogether tbe game whs hotly t'ue last aeaaion of tbo legislature, 1 > ANDON LODGE. No. 1M,I.O. O. F. J it with •xcelient remits.—Oscar Oetrniu, .j. Correspondent groom soon made I heir appearance for being the smallest boy here who your home. Enclose self-adtire-sed X meet" every Satnidav evening. which will materially aid in making 45 Warren Ave., Chicago, Ill. < stamped envelope for particulars to and invited tbeir visitors itt and rules a man's wheel, be stands on the contested, but passed off rather tbe fair a success. ^Visiting brothers in good standing ♦ General Manager,Corctoan Building - m Ely’s Cream Balm is the acknowledged «.cordially invited. K treated them royally, Being late tbe peddles, with hie right side to tbe btr smoothly as to differences, amicable 5 H N. RUSSELL, N. G. J euro for catarrh an I contains no cocaine, 4 opposite United States Treatary, < J Washington. D. C. A. W. K imi . Sec. boys declined the invitation but bied and his right leg under it while be relations being maintained on the A recoznlxed autho^y—Tbe Weekly mercury n<