THE J.EOORDKR is pcat.ianari r.vinn thuuudav ai'tisunodh .... nr .... n,lVll K. STITT, EOITOIt AHD rBOVBtlTOB. SUJfflO.UtTIOX U.VTKS. Ono o,t. 2 " ix Mouth H TurMitunths ' Thla prper i entered nt the llanttou pout ufnmt ng Hwmiid.uliuiR Alnllw.' T 1'. 1'ISHHK, NHWSI'AI'MIt ADVEU-J-J.tUInK AKBnt, 21 Mi.rwlm nt liiettitiiKi'. Kin l''riuiilteo, N onr nK''Ht 'l'tlin pnper in kept on flip In lit iifnci. THURSDAY, MAY 90, tunt. ISUITUUIAL. Thn Hnm-pmn Cniut decision Hint tli'j conHlittition does not follow Urn lliiX U ri'tit. Tim I'tiOhtitution is nil pcrior !o ii'id mIioiiM govern tilt Uiitf. It is tliu rock which anchors tlio htiituliirtl from ulncli tlio fluuis. Now Hint the Stiinemo Ooiul of tlm Unitu.l Suites tins decidad tlinl thu constitution iIooh not follow the ilaj;. it might ho well to wibniit Hid folloiWtiii oiieittion for ibt (Incision Dmn tlio cotmtilutioti permit lh l,' )Vcinmout of tlio I'nileil Htutca to Hctnl uiil nruiiim for norHiuont. Tlio majority of tlio members of iho United Sluice .SiifintuiM Court lurvo decided llml tlio constitution of onr oomitrv !uuh not follow onr imtiuunl eiiibloiu, thiit in, I lie cooati tntioii does tol follow Hit) flux, noil in liniiilini' ilown their iluclmuti Ihev rliiini Hint Hit) fruiters of tliu uoiihIi tution hu.l no thought of ilH applied (Ion to tunilorinl poFticahiotia, On M-roiul HioiiKlit it would appear thnl Ihit, is tine, mid Hint it was not (lo- hitrniul Hint Una count rv atiotild hrivo (lt'pomlmicii'H mi l follow tlm march of oniiiircH, Thuili'cihion m wiae in tliifi That HioiikIi our ling may ho Irailod in tlio diit, our conatitutioii raiiuot follow, and iih lotijr us it tonjiiitia in tact, Micro in Impu of tcclniuiiu;; our Hti.mlnnl. How often pi'isoni) who nro turner a of Mllllll Wivltll, Hint who Jo not 1111- (leiHlmnl Sotihlisiu, cry ont aitnuiat it nml dilute Hint bociitliata tinh toils vhIh up. Why, ble jour aoull lung lcforn .Socinliaiit comee, the trnats v v ill have ubaoilied thme aroall hold ins tirid this i-laa will hnvo uothinj; left to itiviilo except their bowls for IciIkvsh. HociulinU do wish n ilivin iin, I. ut it is a fair duUioa ot the product of their i.wn labor. Tttv lime Mitdied the qileilion auflieimtl lu h u that uuiler ikio ami vtpiitut ! mriiOKeuieut there in to bo bad au iilnml'inou to cat ai,d wear and a j;.'i.l ediiculioti throw u in for curb per on and tiu i iri'm of toil uwcaaur) to nhtniu it, Kociulila are not afnn.l of woiki that four bolonga to a differ ont ehia. Tilejfram: A (toed many of Hie (tut ik of pioiniiteiiCH in lecout Con iiii-HKiiH or otliHrwixo are Ketlin; lieh UlilU and U"UK- f Texan, ale iiiid to 1h. i i t i I i i o i i j , t i . ; liuiley ban made a li t of motiej ; Seuali I Vfht l.ith hi'Oli very Hiict'OMful ill bieciilnttouH, and even I'eltiKruw, it h nlle'iil, clemied tip about a ipiiulei of a million in a Ktuck deal not l tfr h,(). 1 b y t.d I'lber chfoiuo ciiiich and I ')-' "r-. lire uinkliiK tunc) mn:tey tLnt Uii't li ivo scarreU any li n or tbon'l.i In be HMihiu kii'ln HtiilinI lb ,")iit inent. That I he m ant in uiale lurK'e fortuiiDH under I lie veiy tueaturce which they opp.iMvl U uo aruieem in favor of tliu hiws whtcb they tie uiicd HKiii't, but uho.vrf that whil. iliey had the intelligence to undtr Htinid Htoo ii)iiiiuie aud inaku lai foitillie.i under ktich t'inditiou. they wfw not bliukleil to lbs laot thai thtMO liittnbiii'e.H whiuh thny nppoMul, wdio not in tlio iutcro t of tlio wbuV populiice. 4 Too many witleri on proHnwii) loik at thi' pi'wpeiity of groat bank i'K iimtilutiouM, and uiillioiKiilet' ilHU unil lotwaiithl o( lb iw-uiiiu million of humanity who U'iiKK-iutf tot n mcaKcr Riitence. While tlic men itiulomtood the ndvuntajjoe attch iuiaurn offerud to jKHipU who oonhl tak ;anain ot the nitunlion, they opped Iheui Uf untui) they were not be.tuUi ial lu the inajoiitj of humanity. Tha ('hiiivaa con-nl Kmeral l)u Vow and the preoidouta of tho Bit Cjin.uule prtMontod lVideu Mf Kiuliy an tdd'tMa and rNUuU Tal lied at MK). Aiieschaiist) aiinm it up luia WHi : 'Ollkial relnrua of tho receut nation til election in leuuinrk are h follow; Iliuliual putt) . (;.5(.l.l voleii, lew,. t.GT'i CouMtitulitiH 51.r33, lo, 7,Jli Modwaie. ai Jiln, loon 14,1.47. tSooial Datnoorau la.'.Ci, khui, UMi. Thn mo the tinioh in td e-k and wbli( aud thnj kii.w p!iiuil. that aoeUlitw in Denniml.. a . in tUw Iuropmn couulriew. H... . ij t OH lug Hilt cal furcc." a mMkhr Another liouier. Until M unlock, of l'j Donulo, n veteran i t publican editor, has Hum to Kny in lii paper: "Vhn the cold wnvo coino- :ind it will coinoj whan llnancial diutresH hitfl every bu-iue4 man in tho land, ami it will hit- whon Hih hovoii lonn kine are turned loow, nnd l hoy will be tinned, nil tho blooimiiK idiot who have blown their million- mid billiotm into theso bnloou itiihtH will do nntiihilittnd iih rpiich us a doll pa per house in a Texan tornado; whilo tho dUtrcHH to be brought, upon tho country will cause if not a revolu tion, Koinotliing very nunrly apiiroach iiiK one. Jtidginent day will count to all tlii)ne billion dollar bot'iir sclteinuH, and it will cnum with a force aud power that will rthnlio the Hiimicial ttorld fiotu end to end. and the fot- tuner, thai will be mviiIIomm1 up will tie counted by billion We have had panics before, but all of them combined will not bo a imichiui; to the one (but in bound to follow Huh t'liuiiiial inllitiou of cvthiiiK on (ai lb; nntl it will call out all tho cold- HtoriiKO put l lot 18111 in the country lo ua ve it ft oiii destrnciion." We'd like to heo a "wil l ejcd pop" who can bent that calmiiity wail, KmiwM Ayitutor. OOC" Altl)IIM -I II K ( III'M V, I'f.en the MerHlillclil Hun U. W. Towor, II II.XIcIMuiMon. W J. Ibitlcr nod ,1. S (joke, jr., have ot XnniEitd the (J io) 1! ly Oil , Djvclop inent Co. whime obj 'ct it in to develop oil, coal, copper and other iiituera Intidi) in Coon, Curry or l)oiila ixxititice, Thcv have Kuutied (be iipcesnary capital for dt-velopmcul work mid havo already hccitred 80t) mci cm of laud lich in i. dicaliotm of oil. Their expel I in nleo iixaniiiiing a iritct of 2lKX) aeieh, and if it 's an iep- reaeiiled Uoot county w 111 kioii know what it meant to have oil wella op million in theii liiidt-l. The (own council held a nieetiu; Inal Saturday nvouiut; at vthiclt inter out i tig dtfvalopiiiculft were oxpecteil A iiiii'iber of woman were pirgi'iii. hNo Hv. Ijom win actetl us poket wan for the hidii-H. Tho kiibject biullht up was the enforcement of the Stiuday cIomiik law in regard lo nttlooitx, and Itev. Kie wauled the council to are that the law with en fotced. Ho watt iufoimed tliroti-li tho town iiltorney, that Mich pioceed ing was outride the juriitilititioii of th council ie) an orMiiiod body. Lee icplied by piodticing a letter 'rutn the (lilficl nUuiiiey in which it was stated that it was the duty of lie- town ofHc'HiH lo enforce the law. Hen cacti eide retried their iuc, mid the l-tiblic MUXioii Iv j.tatt the next move And now Cornea Ihu lloit llial k uiiialdo ia likely to ooine to ih I'tnied Stnlnti next full aud hiicikI 1 1. ttinler at WiiHbington. Tliin i-i' will Hlixli out bin odiii'ntion and t'i tit tn for further diatinclion, but if he taktH on Xeely, of Cuban rettowi , polish (hti tiati'.e Filipiuoa hhoiild I c on thuli guard. CIO A Jfn'fwiary I'tpciiiiIdh. Fmiu the Coiiiiauner. "1 move yon, Mr l'reHidenI," naiil tho Htnall btudkhobler, "that thi cotnpnny appnipriate inoiiey unniih to buy a lifo boal," N'.tttlially the ino'ioti hid lo b '.pl'tiuid. for I lie meeting wh oii of dtrcclorH of u railway corporutiou "1 want tl,'' ep!aitn'd tho fcinil: -lockliolder. "mo tlial 1 can io.v u ltn wheti tho water i Mpieeaed on of our atock " W. M. jl. - -OOQ -Tlii Mil! mon Tntt. Surrm, Mny !ifJ.--t! Oiiffny, pro utoler of Ibu new miIiiioii parkiug coitibiuation oil I bo fa-1 lio Coa. hnh will iihI tint ,VI:i-Lt l'nvkeia A-.wcition, aaya that the dmtl ha been ptncliually ciudeled for the liliohi!Ht of 40 cnnie'lii'x on Hut coti-t from Alflkkn to nifo j int. The e lablihhmeiilM pmcbaMMl are tbo bug tl on ilia coa-t, oiilKtdt) of iIiom owned by tho AUiku 1'iicker A-o eiaiii-n. Tiie coui'iuiit will oierti uiid. i iln name i f tlie I'ltciWe l'aci, ing & Navigation Com puny, it b t capital of .Vt,M,iMj. It h;ad plnrti'is will be :.i Se tile. - COO lluu 'a Thlaf We tilfei One Hundred IXtllara He. ard for any caw of Caianti Unit cntile l bu cuied by llullV Culut b Cure. r. J. Cuinu Co., l'toa.,ToltHlo,0 We, tha uuderxigued, hait known F. J Cheufy fot iho laal lo tear-, aud bflitty hini rf welly bonoral lc ft alt bulue lruiiaotiona and Uiu.: eiatly ablt to ratty ont any obliga tion made by tkfir tirm. Wnrr k Toru, WUolalo lritgUt.i, t'olwlu, 0. Walpiko, Kikka A Mauvis, U i, .:,. ali DruggUta. IVUxlo, (). Half Calmrt' Cure i Ukeu in, i nail j, act iu directly uti the bloou ant) UtUfuu ttiiifaich of tha ytMu ftrtw T6c. pet boiiitt. 8ohl by ail DruggUU. 'iWliuuioiiila fra. Wall Street. Train I'aMn ltulilm Tudepmi h-ni. Thi brilliant oomatary 01 w of Hie I'reiidimt'q trnnnits norois wettnrn America, N hligltLly mat red by tbe linnnoial olouda in the cunt. Tho bnlli anil limra of Wall Hlreet have otn lighting for th 'wneeaion of million') of dollar worh of rail way piowi lien. Fortutif) hm'- bn made aud loal ; one looter ftlln deaJ at the " Ticker'' and the crup of atti cides will be recordud Int'-r. If (bin were merely a ti'ht between gntnbleia for iMmaesaion of each oHihi'h pioperty Iho common people well might Hays "go it boy.xlmcl; 'cm.,' Ah it !h, howuver, these num are prob nb'y lighting ovar the pm-nssi m of ot'ior peoplo'a projH'i'ty and gamliliiig with oilier po.jplo'a money. Wnou. to lido over temporary bankrniitcy, HOtnc-one borrosvn 9 lO.Wi.O'H) nt forty Loaix'y percent and tunin at eighty, nccording to reportH, there mn.l come a time of pnymont. Tito tin-d 1.V inent of thii enoriuotia interei-t mnt come from privalo fortunes or garni ling gain, fr no legitimate hii-doens ptotlticim minh income. will the hnrvHtt bot OOO KxchnngO! We look into tho era dlo and behold a male child. At the age of ten he ia a unia- kid with hall the, button off hii panta and an eye for iiinnuiioPH, At the ago nf 15 he it a devil in .t priuthbop, at 25 Hid pnb Holier of a country newapilppr, at the head of overy enlcrprixu calculated t iinptovt) the town or enrich tho bit-d-ncHtt ibeieof j at the age of 8S ho i.- at cuntcinted nml worn ont man will. hob'D in hm pocketH and a bald bead, at the age of Till h ia a oorpae in i cheap collln, and Ida only rennrce lelt behind are two caaea of lonj.' primer lyp",a Waahinglon bund prea and a anbrription lil of of 6iu de liiKjtient Mibncrilii'1-i tvh i line up u'' niiircb paat Hit collln aaytng: "H wn a public t.;)irit"d felloWi but !. couldn't mvo anything." o:k The So-tltle TiiO'Vi, an indope'i bvii ouriial, gave the following etpro: on iu regnrd to Koci'difin; Tbi'ni' jeul of M)ciali.)iu i not tne to t'e ik Mii oil or Miecrnil o'lt of ditcqait n b (lie beii'-tteiarn H of tli" oIigr'bv of wi-ati. It " re.iixitg t'.t be-t thought of th" Its' mill Is of the mo I enlightened ualioui f tho earth, OOO- Decoration Day. 1'iillimlnt! it tie pr- K'HIU r I OorntloU Dnv. I'midnti l'ont. No. Hit 0. A. Jl. i:t ntrel in MnnckVi Hull, ni U.:ie, n. nt May .1 ' )'."'. Hie priierH-luii fr:n tl Kir t Ktini ut 10 ii. in., lu 1 1- fiill. Tna KI ' . I l'in li pnrliie-iit Ilntul. J Cijilil ii linina vti .. ; e h. ,i l ;.. t.ti mi i'. kt u. a. it. 4 ii W. tt. C. C i," ft IIhIIiIiIII t Hi' lAip.ll I. ii. . ti I in.: im. 7 Mur,li in IIk Utfim li r,'. lit ciiint i'ii in Ui ct.. tl TllpH l--Ki line in timil m.J In. 'i. i ... ( : i e-r. Till' llflfMiiiMH tp-vU'i K Ml!! I n. 1. 1. i tl tllii-k'n Inill nt 'J p m. Oiiiliun villi be ditivctitl lt lu. . I., tna. All Olvlc iinti r) Btf ri'Htv ( llnl! ipM'e I 1 urn nut itiul mke imtt m tin' im..i, .uhui m tl'HMK'il. I t o itlt nn t-t K.iviii Hi'. 01 m rp ti- ii ciii ll ill' i'uili' lltlliu n. I.; t'i Ml. I UHll til hltll it I 111' ixt-ll' -1 VI ( i Vi- t . 'Iinlleiiti tlif iiiiiitti'iit nt tiir .ln!i tn in'."- t uti'lt lime nit In ( ire flu c hih ii I iiu oi,t will't ne -a hi ii'tui.t ii,'.! i .i I' ll llflrill 'lill i i-l'lltiirt, What We Can i)o Por Yo. twe I'lttwra f.r Hie Piliv ii ) . tlvl I In' ew ul Hi.' t. 1 1. 1 .i i.l lilt I (M'.tl ott. Iltr.ii.i le tl H )lM K'l'll T" III W'lli 1 .t lll I " - I I , jrtMi iii mm! '', io i i iii i. -..'..H-ii brnt tultit in ii.'t'O'. mi i. . it i fl'l.iui:ii I .UMItK li '. , i . ,.,,, Ul(fi r- in I'l.i'.i'U-iit in k I. c i i l'a .'i nt I'u.t u'.ti.i... ..!. k.k PiKIK'N lUttntum f ) Itm Pii.ih'I . I'ailli'.iii i t'uti In i il I . urik' III. unui ; . Wivlilt (I. .,.i..i,ii , . AlHi'iil In Ite i-h u ;tt Hie H .lli-llu w iHit' "f Hi" 'i in! . i u ,. .1 Hip Wel. unit i, 'i .! , n.l ,1 ri t'i 'incite,!, iiiitl t;o i . i ) 't.i 1-i-w.i im lt:. uii'lml it 'he 8itu t n "' 'i i Itm-mhr tul H i' 'i i Itn-iinlrr mtJ l i i ! i. . . in . , Itm IViUhiiiI l.M'i ii,. li!,nu' is: .. UttMM n ' k Ii ku. , all ti., ,,, it, m urullb tt'H.liiii; i.e ',; vmpm . ; " .; ' (He, tiiiioh it t tn, .'i ii nr- , : , ii, .ttn'tt ti n.ui.." i...,' tin iiku i , ii. iii nut. lire Tilt', I'l'l ll w mi 1 k I. , tl I till) ll' V "I till llilil ,11.1 tint 1 ,m,i i . . , ,' 1 a, . urn... 1. ni To Willi, j... ill. . r 1 11 li 1 11, -Mil it Hotel Coquille, Thin mvII kno. !" t"! "v' Detent nianetr.-nc nt and haa ovated throlle!l'", 'J'''" t'le ervico ii ii,.v i. M..tiini i i,'.'iron. Hample room- tuttrcittl men. J! tiiU'' liaufiM,rt(d tt boata and tniife r"' hiirge, Fine new bur I ?OOTf Tou Can't Expect to Get $2 worth vcr $!, but you can get yoi:r money's Vtrort'i at M. BHSUEPu'S Hftilcr In Etoott ami SIhicn Iteimiritiu tiuntly atnl inni itlv tloae at lowast llln (irictit. CLARENCE Y. LOWE, llntelon. tlriueii, Druggist and Apothecary, It Jan i ri'n of n new and f'i .nik of Di'ucjs rnd Chemicals, Patent ami rro;norry l'reparation To.l t Articles li'Mj;rel.tH ShsuIi'Sck. i.-KfM! . Ib 1 it'". Hi-os h-, SoArc X 1 CAMitr .. t.-'i'-, t, Ml Hllll ( I , uml 1 ii. n; irctto. i .i,ii;ln'il J. L.TlIOMPSONi F-rb Jill n ? OulhrcGtr.s 15 : : '; p ti, liing 1,1 tit. In .'.it 1" tn l'-istofO MU1 LfANU FACTO HE i ! ri !,'-.(. 1 1 . PtiNTirt'.'ci; ';d cut Hi Mr. ! II tit1 J Ofll to , it lu'iiii'.i nf i! ! lit.. i Ktylfa I Cl.K , ' I.l i ii iii ntii !i ..' ti'ii. it ..t Ii, I- lllj.t-,'1 t.) Mi. ll. nn i. Iilp !t Item-' ..xtiir, Hi it ill thfi 1 li,li',itt; !! I.tltt! , : i!.". a ., . n t l"H . .I'ti. " k.v .m..t.t t.i ..f , ll 1 I I ' i tnl It l.i lit i '.. t t'i UTI'I V till . I.t. I MI N, Oat HON Dorado TONSORiAL PARLORS r. B. HOYT, Prop. l imit.,! lu a, DUItMHl Hl'lKDINO, rirei Mart, iiiMitix, tiiiiitut; UAMIMn: ... ' ' l'A i At iTAM'WnH'UU KH, It I.'I I pi. 1! 't 'o 't'I'l j, f,if itv piwuii. aaaoiu l. aJka.klck,Jj V.. ...lut "I il'itVuMt. A' IIM 1 ,,. ., ivt'ittto I ,'. .' ,,, it.,!, .'uoiiv ' t'r,). tlar.i,' SrTrT . Hini or I ' i.ii. ,.l..i I vr...- i.ura or raAfTiccu, 2p.wi' iMftms wefts .in mca tf. a jjAtrio,,. . ,.,,iWii. ,...t. i .iithiit S Mtiar UWHH, ft, 2,i. u. i p.tMt offtca, sJSHiiere, a. US' v-!K? Mtl I'll I !'.! I I. !! .' . ll.'. Ml .l'i tl IHl'l I !.' M itlli' mi n tin . , Mn. ni ',,i i In.,..- .:. , S nt 1 1 j l.' lli'Ml ..( t ' I S . it ii r ,! r ' I'..:,, lu j t'ltiut't V I ll'lli .1, s 1 1 1 t, I'm li 1. 1 ul .1 In. 1 i u . it j i i mm h-'1"1' ro' rom' been thor -nuhly -'" nil to i fur com tied from uonnctciion wltb the uoiei. The Weekly Ortffonian ami this pantr Blve you nil the newi of borne, atatt, the Northwest and the nation. WAXTRn Cl "t'le, lellnhle prrron la pvi-rt - i'i 1 1 ) t" n'rt'eiit lame oi nitiiiny of h.iIiiI Him., ul niintHHonltWW nltjwr ,,'ir 1. mli'c irt,l:W l-r tlnv nliDelotoly nri'' in.'l ill ' Vli-"i nimiuht. Iitiftii-fldt'i tli llniili' n.'1 rt ii" rnniiDiii"iit n!ar pnia t-Hcli SiiHii.l 'V . 1 'I ' recifi ttnii'ev iidtfitfioed eieliwi U. : i'.v u.eliccna. IMHifMlborii M Clil'M..'. t;ik htkamku DISPATCH IIL'SHIJL PANTHK, 5tnt.ter Ijeaven Hniuliiii evciy mornina. cwpi Hominy, nt 7iM0 o'clock mid Cilinco tioim with tlm ttnin biiU btcniucr Mrl at lOttW a. in. ul CiKtillIf City Umv Ci.riHlllc City nt 12:80 p. tu., nrrlv tie nt llnndon at OK p. nt. Dn You rs Know iho News f3J"Yiiu can lm it all for 50c I-Vr ,TSon(l 31 on til In !lii CvHitlmtt Ti leemtu. ef Pertlni"!. tlr'if.ut. Ii tn tin-IniKi i-t i vi'iiitm tu t--I ,iiv pttMHkrtl in ll'ifi'ii. ll Piiniiilrn ml til Mtts nf ll.i' Ht.Oi- mill nt tl.c I in mi Trv it U r .i t. i I ' Ii. A i-iiii t'e 0 V I hf mailt il f.Kuii tut!. At1 H ft Tho Telegram, I'm: 1 1 tt Ii. tntr KXt'FH'fK. 7BA0E H.IA 3, Vsi.'J' COPV!ITr:TO t o. Afrnnspnilru ft tcl m .1 tli ''i-tlo'l i ,it ii'i ' tJ iii'i'it.iin, rifi-, vl nn i.iipjiim. m tmilillilv luilimtnlile 1 i.l .tt.tiiitrul -i' i ft!' My cmillilj Hl'il H.-t ni.pi . r l".'icili'l,il n.n ,iW iii Aitiurlcii. Wu li'.to n Wiiil. Ihi.1 m mill I'nliinn liken llirou..'! Munti (u , qnniai hviiuu in iiiu SOiEMTIFICJ AMERICA!, trntnufull i;l ' tlliutmnl, Inretnt rlmiluli'il (f iirMioiitiiiejnitriuii, w kir.Krtiinf.tKni yimri a 1-1,1 it Y nt Doua 0.1 iiibm, Bi'i inifii curii'suiiu iiav I l-A 'AlkS'TIt hvik trt'i'. AllJlXbtf MUNN A :0., Sttl WroaJnai, liov Vari. ? No. ' Prlco Qnty OlO.OO, i a b .ii'i i', Mali- in nil .-t.iiitl.'nil cii!vt'", l,',;!i jim and ccntii- lire. V.Viyl. r.ltotit 7 uiiii!ds. A Woifi.i. Hr.vTKB. U the jitvt lu t ciiiTlctl in Dtta-k- 1 ti".ir tlc.'tli r, tetul price mid .. .lil .si'tul it to you t'MitVM i I "n: i 1, St ii.l -t..uip for nth '.Ttrtie tU'.vrlbir.ti wii.pi l- ,. I f mi ..ainj; vttlual !j il.ii.nii.l1.;."! tj t'...iii:i,ii. The J, Su-'tn km i-D 7;cl Co. P0n i t ;on'. 'l-l f'iSS c s . VAL&ABL so" FREE SEND NAME akd ADDRESS for tVo N Et t-'it .in nf 1 lie Jiinpanum l.touotnUt acw ta I'.m. Our larje. profusely il lustrattH.Spr'ruMrkl Sum mer Citalivie. (.lecnb.n new fas!. ions, and living lowest Depattnunt Store prices for every ' to cat, tii, 11k, wear 01 use. V. It. Ill.ll.l-i 1IIM. J. M. C :. ! J ' -A r."rti4 C 1 . f - I i. matt ii.u i .. wU ..iv. j Basu'cr, Cregcrt. ' I (.' ' ' 1 .1 'i'O idii J.'t-i:!: w ; - , C . ,. .Ve, i n a j ll;n i i - j - ; :j '.; .,a t.t . '. i i i ' t-b" 'I-, C ' ll l'i flll' Ri'll S C; . ; -v .; I Will J't t. il I .IJvr '.Vuiit ii' l' - -J I X. I he. y, f, ... Wyz ) i. ? ,Wita.a ' ,4 ' .-'' - ,i 00 YOU KHEDHjiAj If Yo- Do '.!'., tl." time to 1 '"i ' ' t-surtii.!.'..! of Jl&iav. - j-c, Tinwai 2, Granites re CI :.v.. c, Crockery r.rv.l Wir.ors' Supi Hog. faint". 5iN. !fort nntl Window 'ji.s-i'"'!' in nv.' i:cT!os'. New Spring end coming in on T orif, V 1'' k r"r,,!l XiAdJ.O iJ v . tful Vi iihI P'Tii's! Orders taker, : :: : Suits, x- it Beady I Quod :, W. (.,'..' B fresh Dcr:.', ?:' Tn . b V. ; Gorcr. ' I ui'l i J i!'. op.V,.., '3 Iff ti V2 JP' W .... oeTTFD S ONt Du ,7 4 ,t -o ! Ip-TG-nAir- r IfiH lliJAHE. Ball bear ; N3 , MARQi'ciRy Wnoov.T?:v'. Popular Prices, etc.. etc. $4IIDER r m rm 5iAW2EKbcsi.lcsln'.ug ihcti'.... t.) r:ei' m !9t iedshSSSg'-'If; fa$! ai 1 iiM r f Y4 '8a & i'. '. . , .. c-. :. 'i i . ' 1 ".UaKlT ll ,. ' 1. rJr th.- . i I 6 VS I I litWWE iar. ,c ir a 1 1 u'e, Wnu ill iii lllfl litii-iin ct T! (Y 1 'a plnic M'tt. ( in1 ' 1 1 i 'di , : be ltt.di l - i;i.i i' 1 t A. McNAIR, The Santion Hardware Men. Summer Gccds every beat, 'i ' '; Oriita I'll l. tiiilR. na Hiii i - ii. I'luli-i wear to it I., m, n. K, n's Tayj ct zicido -nd Satisfaction ii .i i i Vno1!;;.. ' i li 1 n. i , . , Uiuiil. V'. 1 'i '..-u. ,ii .i 1 1 S;nt i a. i 1 1 1 v . i . i , i ii ,,i i..ii ., , cci'.', i .' i 1 1 Ft- I, 'U:;.l:jrson. r- L J. . in ; ' '.v ! ( il 1 kS;- . .lb I i . 1 : 3 iflvJJil! 1 1. AGENTS WfiHTE cue in c.-.v'j town to rule .I'tii e.tbibit ' yi t.ii!'e our ii..i!iu:n.-tiirr. .)li t 1 . iu M !r '69933 $1 to w 'i3toJ6 ordorinc fic :i u.t, as s 1 the t' i .clu ,1a not .s.: r .ni I t.'T'lUV frPlf .4 i f - 'A.a oau rt miii locb uuiuitJ -aa i. a t. " ,m In r I - ,. I . IV..I . ,t .' f.lf W toilny fui fr;cata!ojptM6ailulir, - . i.ofitf. yrtfiwDtJ. Hall s ) hiuily 1'ilN ttr the l?t. ' mm mm eo39 cacago, tt I It H ! ..f . t.