M ion RSffef fk J t 0 & 7 "v. A avlFJ vfUKS. J.,! . 52 Times a year for $2. 32 Times ft year for $2, Volume XVI i. BANDON, OREGON: THURSDAY, MAY 30, 1901 Nunilmr 22. LOCAL NEWS. 1 i) i hoico Rrocories call Hi ala- H, UN At. Unnclon, Mny SO, 1U0I, t- .mil Mr. Tlnrrv Hunt, n son. A Holumn moved out to Dyer's ,, ...i liwl..v ti Ittiiil lniru di tlm 71,1 SI ..AWW..1,.. W ....... '"M" .V - . jii 'toanmr Mutidnly loft San May 28. Mn H. W. Dtiulmm, of Coquille j i i . i , ,ucr putt oi lasi woou. 1 it Dyor tins started up tho lulo driver nun in joiuk " iuu&u w :. i- il... ...l,.,.-r I 1 lii'llom, of Floras crook, gave i..i . n a business call last Mqnduy j t i -uik homo tbo anruo day. I-ciry Hood, of Marshtiuld, enrao ( ,i . f r a ihit tho lattor part of hud vet I, nUirriiiiK homo Sunday. 1 nullowill colobruto July 4th, I, ,n, fovonil cemmiltees aio hard ii- 1 1, nial.ii. k tho iiocos-'&ury prop l,r ti i 1' Stewart and wifo, of Now tit Saturday afternoon and I i town, roturniiif; home tho r i r 1 MinUf and Mifs Kdnn - . mniriedut AJnislilield, on ' , ' !,i-t wool;, Uev. W. Horn- f " . r,.- tin ami wife who havo I .; m noil this locality for , ft l ist Monday uiuiiiing ,.r i f tho stall'. , ii mid wife havo movod i . , ii- M Cutin mill and Mr. t i i I. at tho lirooiuhuuillo i.- vih.oh tailed up yesterday. If H I. 'Oil. Who Hpi'tlt F-OttlO t - - M'i'f,' lior dnuchter, Mr. ' ' , i t this placo, returned t, iii- in M .sshtli'ld ist Mon i i ' . M O. Uiink proachnd a mo ii . I i i inn:) here last Sunday iu i" i 1, chapel. Thorn was u law ii' atl"iiilatico and tho n is able and appropiiato. 1 I ! nit wl-'t is toai'hintr Iho Ii ..v.1 soliiiiil h.ii an attoudanco i ' , ilt. Hun, ai ho is f;1'"1''"' 1 .h mi arlont .vmkur in tho i- . m.d i.- niviiij; yuoil mt- i A Ihi),'o, yrray horso, of .. I. ml disposition; is oiu-lit '. .Willis mir 170(1 pounds i i i ! iitiy whoro. I'rico !jl(0, ii . Apply to lJulloui liios.. ' . Oi-.K.,Ii. ' . I n iilmll, wifo and dnuk'h i i aii.o h'-io from llivorton a .s -,n. will loao forTacoma. ."n. tniuiirow niornini,'. ! .. -' 1 C'i.us hay and Ihonco 1 I ii'iind hj sli'iuurr. il K'ction was visitrd hy a hoavy llnTili'istorm, lust Haturtlay, from t! uihoast. C'onsidi'rahlo rain ite i i-l hy a slight hail showor, i . iVti rui omin' up against a . - i' I'K i.i.rlliwi'st wind. 1' ili.-;i,nf I'm tlaml, uhu c-iiiijo 'i ' t.'iko tlm lu' Iliick, to tho M i Kivor, loft hero with tho ,n. r hy afternoon and soon 'i from viow to tho North- ' " !- -.a Taholl. II. W. Dun i 1 1 .' urh y Bonk and I'ipor Johnson ' ' .ti d the tun's crew. - ! .v el. ally provm that any 1 i -rlli.iwl in Dairying, cither !'' r -iiitill sealo. cannot ho sue i -f.l without tho Now .Method of 's.l i iintf Ci-wim from Milk. Tho i' I.i'. il is tho recognized separator ' i ui.u-l.ini's. The Pionoor Haul v .n M re i f M:iif hllclil is aent. ii i,- s Ldckwood cntun iu from I l, . r Copper district prior to I. ..itnro of the Matidalay last ; I . i San Fraiioieco and bent s"v" ! . -tuples of ore to tho parties, i no is empioyou nun isuwaii-1 - i-i .itm fiom them beforo going ' !. mountains again. Thiiftamo up from Dairy- mi. re be , euvairod in toach- - ..nl, last Friday overling, to I i -, '.n Sat unlay, that being tho I when a number of pupils of l: Ion sc1..k.1 who had not tnkon -xnmi'iiition required to pasa t , tl . ' ' i-igi.tn grauo, wouiu con- p' ' I" tan ex'imiuntion. J 1 W C. T. U. gave a reception r r- ! Saturday nveuing to all pnr-, -M.l.-id taken the td.HlL'0 not ll.. : 1: .. ... ii i . ii.. "r of pwMms in ntndance. 1' xeic.sosconbi.te.lof i-ongs and r-m.ii..i8 and light refreshment... Tl.ich games were resorted to amusement, anil altogether n very . .ii... was had, To Day is Decoration Day. Ailtim l'ershhaker ws ainotiR the visitors in town vostorJay. Why dou't you hritij; in thoso hooks borrowed from the library T JumcsP. Knssol, of I-'lorns Croek, was doing business iu town yestorday. Mib.D. H. Perkins and children took a trip up to their old homo yes torday. Mr. anil Mrs. Hor?fall wont to Marshliuld yostuiday to lutnain over Sunday. For Clioico CJrocerios of guaranteed stronnth and purity go to Mugoon't? grocery. T.J. Ihrift returned houie yestor day having linishid his labors as deputy assessor. Tho Pioneer llardwam Stor of Marshlield is ngeut for Do Laval Cream Separators. Andrew Johuson, of Two mile, one of tho early pioneers of Coos county was in town yesterday. President MnKitiley and parly loft San Francisco last Saturday fur Washington, D. C, direct. 15. F. Tuppor is doing a milk de livering buinm now aud has takon ou tho appeal anco of a veritable rancher. This isni' oT Iho lisoiaura went to press Woduesday afternoon in order to give tho force a ohuuco to observo Doonrati' n day. Work on tho new schooner, at inrivli,)nrK is progressing linelr, and the vo-sel will ho in frame, by the hitter part of this weok. Kememhor tliat D.iudon is going to colohr.ito July 1th. and that tho com mittfos have altmi'ly eouimnncod to lay plans for that occasion. Assessor Ijawreneo has linishod the! i wotk of assessing Coos eoiinty exrept he pinpcity at Cuqnille City which ' place he left to he assessed last A Vby hoy camo to tho homo of L. C. Gibson and wife hist weeK, also one came to lodge with Thomas Lock wood and wife about tho same dale. Word by telephone reached here about oeo o'clock yesterday, that the steam laundry and two or thteo other bnildit.gs had lim ned down at Marsh liold. Kov. M. O Uriuk is cairying on I rotracled meeting hero this week and announcement is made f .r ser vices each ovenipg ,0 '""1 including Friday. Khler C. IS. Crumley will preach in Swift's hall, to-nigol, and each evening during tho remainder of this wool; and on Sunday tnotoiug, and also in tho orening. Mrs. C. IS. Crumley, enmo down last Monday to meet iet liu-l.anil, C. E. Crumley who was a pi-s(nger from Snn Franon-co on tho steamer Matidalay thii ttii up. Sales of Do Laval Separator to dnlo beat all previous records. The Pioneer Hardware hlom of Marsh lidd is kept busy MippljingllioGioal D anil for thoso iVouduiful Ma chines, W. II. Wnght and wife nnd child ren, and Frank Dnvidson at rived hem last Sunday, from Fletcher, Idaho, on n visit to Mrs. Wright's j nnd Frank's parents, Mr. and llrs.j IS. J. Davidson. Albert Pbelin, of San Francisco, j was in town over Sunday. II bad goue to .Uailifteld to visit H. H. Heed's family, aud camo heio with Henry Hoed to yisit Mr. Peed who was on a visit to her daughter. Mrs. Heed is Mr. Phelin's aunt. T. W. Clark retuinod homo last Friday from San Francisco lwvintt come liv way of Oregon City. From him wo lenrnod that bin i-on, Ciny, h in new .ilex co. wiui an uiivir, to . -.i . i.. .. i. . . , i situation it; hu ,,iiP0 wheio he gols hoard nod $30 ll)0Ill ,U1, instruction in the BMwy- ,irofession. As ouo of our prominent oitiwn. necotapnnied liy his wife was wend ing hi way to church, last Snodny I,., mut nnothur hroiher sauoieriug llou0Wlirti from attendancflat Sunday helj0o. Viaionn of reward fuid lo ,0 ,nPnninglinK with thoughts of lltj0,rttjou in the mind of th cbnicb Kojn, i,rother. so much so, that wben .(lW ti,e bomowani uouou w shiper. he loft his boiler half to r ami oiler nitliel Ol'IBIinnii nioue, u.i he put op ami s-ou i.n . to arre-t tho hom-ward bound a. loe IS. Duly. U'linii tie lRso raui tti ..,-,01 be nrovml to Uo one of our worthy eiiw. o l.a Imh-o , on Ito ; .tieets hero evory day for tt. Pi ' mi eoks or more, and ouo U W . borrowml a Iwx.t from "J ' enptorer only n day or two previoo.iy to go c!amig( m. (Vlurdersd For His Gold. 'Flu' Uodyol IS. 12. Snly l-'ottiiil Kurioil ii lio 3IcJuiKK I'lnco. M. I. l.AMIIS II Till: ML'lllKIU:it Lat Saturday news reached this place, of n foul murder t lint hnd been commute 1 on the railroad, at Cudar Point, a mile below Coquillo City. Since that timo thero has boon nil manner of reports tljing around, and it is h;ud to sepnrnle tho false fioui the true, but as nearly as wo havo been nblo to gather tho circumstauces tliey are about as follows: It seems that IS IS. Daly, who camo to Coos, from Plackwoll, Uklahomo, had been working several months ou Coos Hiver and had boon paid ofl, loceivittg S17D, and that on Sunday May It), ho nnd M. D. Laudis had started together from sonio point on the bay to go to Cdquillo, after which time Daly had net been seen until his body was found. Tbo body was discovered by Jesse McQuigg, a hid about 17 joins old, and his vounger brother, who it ap pears were out after tho cows on Fri day morning and discovered n man covering something in tho bitish near tho railroad. The boys kept hidden from Iho man, supposing that ho was biding money, ami Friday evening they made search to see what they rould tiud, and uucoeril tho bud) of Dalv. Young MeCJnigg staled that the man whom ho saw winking at tho place where the hotly was found was M. D. Landi-, who has been engaged in dealing in real estate, for some time, at Coquille, nnd subsequent discli.snios confirm the stnteinout. Afur searching tbo scene of the murder the particulars point to tLe conclusion that the victim was lirst knocked senseless with it club, then shot in the bad: of tho bond, after which, thu mniderercut tho jugular vein in tbo thioat of his victim. '11111 killing took place on the rail road, and tl.u blood maiks i.eie deft ly, covered up mid tbo body removed to the tiiish whcio it iw; left for aooio time, but the u.niderer visited lite' scene agalu on Friday imuuing, on ttuich occasion ho moved the body to the place win re it was found ami at wt.icb place im wan been ly the .Mi (J ,igg bovs. The liiuiderei is reot ted to havo taken a walk ngaiii to the same local ity on Salniday morning and win told that a dead body had beoufuuud aud whs iu a shack near thu railioad. He weul aud took a h'ok at tho body, ami when l.o did so turuid pale aud shook like an aspen. Laudis, after i,ning Iho body, we.it to the ho'el whero be boarded, at Coipiille, but sjuii stopped qt at (lie buck dour and loft. Suspicion had fallen upon him and three or four men hie leported lo hae been tot to watch liim. Hcporl siijs the followed him to the edge uf toviu then let in mil to tell that ho was icing, while another mau who went after him, followed two or thruo miles ami thou went back for help to ariehi lam. Jinnevir those reports may bo. it sttttufe that a mituable failuio to act promptly gave the muiderer nil tho chance ui-cessury ) get away. A ioahkI of 351) ban been ofl'ered for his iiiptuie, f50 by Cook county, aud iflUO ly thu sheriff. An active search is going on aud although muuy ruuiM are going the rounds it ap pears that the must antbentiu repeit it that Laudis eroaned Coori hay at Uay city, ai.d that be naa wen at Hajnen Slough, by a man, of whom h ouquired the way to the Umpqun ralley, and also enquired of tho mau whether be had seen any poiauus rid iug along thai way in eitliei direo tiou. Auothr report is that he was wen on Joe Nay lougb bridga nud that be ia upioed to be in the neighbor hood of South Slough. Later word leport the reward to hive been raieed tf5(XJ by Daly' rel- ... . i i a. fn ativei wbu'b mnktm a total oi ooo now offered for hU oapinre The objoet of I he murder mjouj ti. have beeu robliery a when the dead tuau waa exhumed it wan fount) that all the pocket had Uo turned Iu aide out aud there wa uooe of the umney found which wa known to Lave Uen paid to decea-ied. Yeaterday near m-ni D tvid Carey telephoned from Pun 'a for four moo. from thia plae, to proceed to Han ilolph Ui intercept Laudia who i sHtd to be making for tho Hiver in that potion in onUr to eroes to tbo &ontti tiJ. J- U. Coiua.l g.ilhered np Ks-e and weut t aid iu tlmcup'ure. W. S. Marshall, of Now L ike gave linmlon n isit yesterday. Mr. IS. J. Davidson is expected homo in n fow days from Josephine county w hither he wont Bome woaks ago. Pert Patterson hnd Iho misfortune locut his right foot severely, lust Snturday, while bnrking logs iu Tay lors logging camp, back of Prosper. It requited livo stitches tp fasten np tho wound nnd it will bo several days before Pert will be nblo to do service again. Uuiryiiis on tin- t'oniilllo. Clmrles (Irmcn in 1'orilniiJ 'IVIeerniu. Clennlinoss is the dnirymau's motto, nnd is religiously ohservud, anil once a brand is established, n ready, prof itable and continuous market lowntds his efl'orts. Thero aro many cream eries on Coos Pay and in the Coquille Vulloy, for Ibis is tin ideal dairy conn try. lwo examples, however, will sullico to illustrate how dairying is conducted by private individuals who havo made it n btudy nud acLiovod succosi thereby. Judge J. II. Schroeder, whoso 1200 acre ranch is locnted some six miles up from Coquille City, ou tho Coquilio Hiver, is operating u dairy of his own using htenui power. After experi menting for many years with various bteedp, ho finally settled upon the gray .lorsoy, as the most proiitauio animal for dairying putposo-. Ho now milks 25 cows; obtaining 000 pounds of milk per day producing u fraction over l.J poumls of butler a day per cow. The animals footling on pastnto altogether. Tho butter is sold in San Francisco, tho nvornge price obtained is 17 cents per pound: cost of shipping 50 cents per hundred. The net profit last year, season of ton months, wns SGI per cow, and that was when ho sold milk to creamery. Sinco then, opt luting bis own cream ery, ho expects increased profits. These aro very conservativoestimatos, in fact, $75 not profit per cow a year is not uncommon. In addi tion to this must bo lockouetl tho in cionso of stock. With the hkimmod milk ho feeds 22 head of calves ami 27 bogs. Tho latter, a cross of the Dcrkshim it ml Holland China, ate ready fur market in niun months, weighing from 150 lo 200 pounds, usually transported alivotoSau Fran iisco. Put lliie men nie employed in the woik on tho faun, oicln.ril ami daiiy. Mr. Schroeder has a line large burn anil silo ami during the U inter months feeds his block ou hay ami corn silngo. T. P. Htinly, i-ouip nine miles down the mer river from Coquille City, is another onterpiising and successful ilm i) limn. Ho niilkti 21 cows aver-, ago 70 gallons daily; stock all pasture fed since middlo of April- His also is tho gray and some tod Jersey stock; 70 gallons mill;, 5(10 pounds, average 1.J pounds butter per 100 pounds of milk. Au'rngi prico for butter 20 cents per pound. His average month ly return per cow is 8.17. This, however, is not from butter alone, but also from sale of milk at li.mlon. Showing that the peiceiitage of profit from sale of milk, is greater than from but lor. Mr. J f unly also has u silo, aud dur ing Winler mouths, counted as 20 weeks, feeds buy, corn hihige, heuta and carrots.. J. Fretl Schroeder is nuother mic cestui dairyman. These men have done much im proving block amf sotting tho pace for successful dairying in the valley. Want ii Canal. A subscriber bunds us the follow ing with u request fqr publication. Tbo object sought is n mofct worthy one if practical: "h is about three miles ftom North Slough to Thu mile Inku. nud a move will be made by ottlur along tbik section of country in well as otheis to build n caual from Ninth Slough Unit would oo nri wo t with thu main lake ami tap JSol and North lakes. I'tiis would lie n great heuufit lo all settlers and tlm community at huge. Iu the oveut of a caual being built, this route would be popular with sportkiueu, tourists nnd all lovers of Mtuuery, litit pniliculurly beuelicieut to thoe who have ranches in this sec ii. m. giving them an outlei for their pio.luctu and mi encauragutuDiit to tiratiiih out on a Inrger settle iu tho oultivaiiuu of their html. It is twenty minute!, drive from tho lake lo the ocean lieuoh. Thu eion of country has no equal for those who wiah lo lud a vocation ami rest fiom the worrit and trouble of the day. Hvurbody should take u dyep interest iu tho direction of this canal being built, as it would bo the um ns of mutual heuellt to nil." Mumnneld Sun. oni: to iMiijim.i.i: iiivi:it. 'I he following "CMe lo the CiKnills Hiv er," Mrttteii hy "K, II. I'.," npiwiiritl in tins Coquillo Cltj HorfllJ t".vo iMBes since i Thy II.khN ttmt lertii from in.itintnln hoiiilit To (jraiK thi-Hd fertile plains Are uurlhv tlieniM for artist's btnh Or ihhI's onvctitt atialus. 1 love thco where thy sti'tn nru tint AJou n tlu' moutitniii slile, Anil uheiu thy ttnmitiit unlets inett Thu ocean's ruatlesi tltltf. 1 love thy dreamy quiet simile Where ureeii vine ninplis hiri(il Their tani:lt it IhiiiuIih iiIhiic IIu-kIhiIiS NVhi-rb linpi'' loeis treail. I love thee when tho nioruiiiK sun 1'irst linrtts iistn the sicie To ml... thy mist in pearly ulitte Above a frilice of cntii. 1 Invc tint. mIii ti tho mofliiliPitniM pniut I he I ii i nl son pi) vn I ti.V bial T In. nuipli H rolie.l iu ellmv uuwiis llui luoiiulsia'o vol il s lit uiott. Aiutulnu ulcht'ri ilienmy cuitnins full To won thy wave to ret, 1 luvu to trace the slurry Renin, Hritiht iiiiinirM on tky luinst. 1 love tliiu when, tilth inlhlcr mini Down by (lie tomi sen Sii-ladf n In ot ze from the IleM Stteep HCtitly oier me. Von, tlio' 1 fi.ia Moulil nolo thy ehrinus Alnr.i bontituoim iiiu unfolil 'Till in n innai ol lilisn I troail Kre hnlf thy I'liiirim me VoUl Uiveitnn, Or . .Mny 7. IU01. TOWN ELECTION. Town ISi.ection. Hmon. ('ounty or CoOS, S'l I'lT UK OllCUON, Ma 27, 1901. On Monday the Town Election came olT nnd although thero was con siderable interest taken everything passed olT quietly. Following is tho unities of the enndidutcy for the several ollices with their respective votes:: Fur llei'onltr, J. U Tllir-irnON :v, A. I). Jiuntsi; , r.i For Mariihdl, HOXAbl) CH.UII.HSjO.N' 7,". A. (1. HIIIOKaON , For Ti uetrvn, A. W. H1.V1: I'UTUIl ni:i,on .1. W. PLblKIt , IIMIUUT I)Yt:it , M. lltlHl'ICIt at. h. smith , SI. II. 1,KK ..r.r, ..in . 10 .1.' . w . itt ..(Ml a. a-iiuriw.. w .- iticiiAttDiKHf. ir. MA HI Mi won. AKamiD, Mm VlSelir l'mkiirttbarir. .InrcenHnli. lit ilajs fioui Sail Franst-co to C M A' I Vais Htli.RU. Mny a'. Soli r OeuflniiKii, J.tfubauu, Iu thin I'lilliolni.i. .Mny ar Huhr May I'l iwtr, Oniliimlisoii. to Sun l'liuicincii. niti;si'As .vyici:. Nntiue ia hert-liy tiivi n to all eeranni. imt In tlein litll the iiroinist'Kuf llr. Iteliyoll. situnti .1 Ii. tueen I'l.iriiM Ijuke iin.l the coun ty ioiiiI, in Northern Curry, hy rMuuvmu. euttliiH, or ilestri.vnm linilier ii.ii siuu hinil. lewiini will I..- ". iJ for inf.iniiH lion Itiailiiu to a conviction of ti idi-n- a stiil.Hi shove. Daleil at llanilnn. Oreumi. Jlnreh II, 11(01. I'll I Hit Ni:i,M).N. Avent Two Real Bargins in Real Estate. Ktorv nnd n hnlf honses r rooml lirr ilnoe. I.nruo lot iiunr ovliUr of tour, $M. One ntnry houw 5 rnoinsi lot ami a half. Near woolen null, Itntli of these nru resl sntil'S.Ciill au J i;i'IO.N. Hhiii1..D. oi:o, r. Ttn'i'iNii, AT IOIINIJV AMD COU!W:,tB AT UK l'ruell. In all 11." CitutlB "I Hi fctut'. I (Bleu an feoond VU,r In Cutorole HaUdiuv ou First Htrwt , M,lf Ii.surnnoo I'otlr les mnl lloiiilaiiikUl or nione) li.sntil on sums. 0 llHinloii, - - - - rK'in. i m.i.i'iii i.o not':, mi. ui. ii. oi' r. f I i:bl'M l,OuT,K.KO.4,KNliinf ilJ i.f ljiliisi. i nits evrry MoiiUaj J T t.vtilillli.' p Z..HI o'cloek, III Cnslle HH. i llni,.l..i, i en. O. IUiAK, O. C. g 11. N. HAusaoiToa, K. ol 11. mid n. g iimx i.nm.K. Hu. iut, r. A. l ! I )ASIK)N1,()I)(JK,N.U6,.V. K..M. J S 1 i Kt iled o.Miiiiiuniostliiu tlrl Hut lurdny lifter the foil ruixm of f"1- ? iii..iith. AU Mhst-r VfiVtm .rXiai f, invited. i ..r.i. r of W. U. 4 r.i. llUtlr'l. Hwrotury. J i. ti-.i. wr - J ( .mil ymiil "I ' I'uliat No. 17, St, m I'umlrn f A H.e. lui, f ( otmi ni v.t-tTw THE rOHBHT.f 9 i ,'. 17. n.. . is IM'lu? aiilbt f s.-hjjj Surrk, in C..I.CI..B llsll, Uniulou. (tuK"U 5 oordisl weh-.Hu l nieudVd to oil ns-f lllliiM l.r-'ll.rs W. W HUiHI.KV, ft J Hay ant. Otitet MKi.f. J, J I'm. K. r. tsr. AlMJI It A Mil ll I.OIM'I. SO. IR, 1. .'. ". I r I IIVIHM UllMIK.Kb. IM.l.O.O. I'. 13 metis vrv Koits rnin. j Visit Ui ur.iinsrs in noun sisavinn urdiallf uvuiu. A. W. Kims. tica. Spring has just received a full line of Spring Dry Goods, also a Large Assortment of Men's Boss's and Children's Suits. LATKST STYLUS AND LOWJCST PRICES. " A Large Stock of Fresh Groceries Always on Hand. Orders Taken for Tailor Our hardware pep a rtment Is iiovr Hiipiilleil with n full nnd uoirpUtte stuck of " Hardware, Tinware, Graniteware and Miners' Supplies. Wo onrry a otmipkli) aUwU of o Ti.NMiifs .sum' in Tools,-Cutlery, Doors mul Windows. UO.SMIIM ION. 1 "' I'llllliBs mid I'llllllhtllK u Sl'll'lHllj'. LEDGERWOOD h COHSOW, Bandon, LiJ?- AJLjl Spring and Summer Goods. Now is the time to buy. IliroS', will bo iliHiiopud of nt ticoH Hint will natonish jon, uhilt tlmo are Other .bargains loom for more. Full Stock of Fresh Groceries V alvays on hand. N. L'OREZ;.. DUAbKll IU J& cibcs?.! B-Ccaclsa? iKcfiijgCf The New, Spoady and tlegasUly Fitted Twin-5prcw Steamer, CAIM Mils' Hteaincr will nive it r.'inilr 10 iluv Servli-e lielwit n ('uj.iill. Uiver, OrvK'iU, and Man i'runinsoo, CalifoinlH, f.'i hotli iuiMiio,tra iimi frolKhi. l'or full or Huttier IN'.'iiniiti"ii H h to Cupula A. Heed, ..ti board stoamarof ti. 1.(J1II;NX. Acviit o.u lle, Oieemi. W. II. I.KK, Awn Ihmdf.n. Ch-SKf I'.. T. lHI (letieri.l Auent. -.ill front Hiruvt, Hui limitnw, Calltorutn. .1. SI, ttl'lJO, S VnOHKUV ANH C(Jt)NHI2I.01t AT LAW 3)ANROa, OOOa UOUMTT, OHMKlti. QMee in the i:idorsdu?luildni, ou I'm I Htreei. V,'. Uayilon, .11. . I)IOE8'i IVIi. I'liINAIlV AXI) 0KIN DISKAMliH. Offlee-Kast Kroat 8liet, IUnihin, Oaaoo.N. BANDON ...Water Works... l'nre. fresh, cohl prinf water piped lo i".v part of town, ao.l to any part of the lioilae, on applicalKui. in (piantiiiea ilaalied. Hut no leaaonahle. s : W. H. LOGAN, Proprietor ThuMsaud Try I ii ic It. fn ordor to unva th grant ingrlt of K.jr' f-'r-ii H liiau. tbo mo t olUoliia aura f r ( t.rh and ( uU hi Head, i nnta pre. ..ir.'. t i:: i'H lr.1 uiza fir 111 ueiita. iVi it of ji.urd i t er kti.it It . out to Y.1,1 V, ;o:i., ..i . ereuKt., . V. City Isn?ralf.i):iit,t4riUi)f t!n worst Xin 1 'it biwm u ley. ao I I navur h'pil fi r t ..r, but ISl's l n am liatiu Html ta du ieutiMl. M-iny MvjMajuwnaea ure uwi ! it with ataal'" il laaullJ. Uagar Ostruiu, . 4 WailWi A .o.. 0Uum(, III. j yif Oaam Italm in the Mkuwletlfil anr (or aaurih ainl WHiUtiw uo uisMlna, i hie.i-Bry uar anv laJarlntM tlrn i'rioa, j Ui ta. At drutuiUU or I r laall. Goods! Denholm Mnclo Clothing. Perfect ftt Oniri.n tact Oregon. is mv stock of To be hail In Dry GihhU, ClotliliiHi iiihI oilier gomla that mult laiautdtattMl A. HEED. a. w. uiaK, m. n. I'll YSl WAX AND Si ' ' iiA.viioN, ,,(i:u(r, Oalla tn all imrls of town and 'J pruiitly answured day or n'ul I ' ' ournar of liowor Mufii "'id '.'y - 'i..l jT W. STRANGE, DENTIST, HAN DON, Will visit Hniiil'.n rejQlarly "i, i' s. lupjilled iu tlia IjodhI C.ii(iii,u. pktkr'niso::, Blacksmith and I agonmakerx HOtlHKil01UiU A BVKC1AXTY. Wnoiiiuf nil Kludi ilnda to Ordif J.ih wod attandad a iiauiiUy a4, til urk iriiHrauiaad tv kv aaiiaiastiuat 1'V tut rtCMjiinlil. 1 'tt Conn YEsM.i to tUireniax wmu 3 yvw r a,HIU., , , ,mi ure w. O'.s.UInc il I ..1U.U '4 I ii8 C-'.iiiiu-s-. tu asi iu 9uuuMr and f Ouirsaanndaull wuik van ba ilofla at ..,. I....... V,,l .1 ;4Artuul ' sIswm4 aaaiw fur i..rtlalara to Mfvrrsl Maaaiwr. (ttuanraa HlliU" eupoap Utilud MlaM Tr f a.liiutoii, I). O. I