Bandon recorder. (Bandon, Or.) 188?-1910, May 23, 1901, Image 4

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OnoYcir ?i!00
'Bix MimtliH 1 W)
ThreoMoutlm no
Thin inpor In entered nt llio Iltindtm lot
olllco ns Sccimil-cliiMH Mutter.
tlhii(f Audit, 'XV .Mcruliiiiits'IljclmiiBP.
Hun Krnttcisco, In mir ntilliorii'd ni'iit.
Tills pnpor is kept on flic In ltl iifHre.
When yon read nn tirliulu ltd; it
for whiil it is. Whnii youhonr n man
or wumnu hpoiik, repent tho remark
lis it wub littered, nnil not in it
brought thoii(,'htH into your mind.
Uy doing t It in you will uvoid Ihu fault
of iintilvini? to uthor iipibuim Hint
, .
'which tluy Imvo not mud. Jt h no
uncommon thin-' for iiuruoiiH who
ro cnroluHS thii)l;crn to ivo theii
own UioiikIiIh iih IIiii langungu of hoiihi
other person. This lmlilt hriufa itH
crop of dissension.
Prediction linn hecn made I lint tho
next national cninpiiiK'ti "ill ho luid
'or won on Ihu tarilf (mention. Jt in
hoped that tho real ciiiiho of html
times will ho tho ihHiie, and that i
Miro and Biifu nnnuren will ho oft'eied
It it) doubtful if Undo .Sum can ro
cover lifter he tfelH another doso of
tariff, hut it is very likely that a largo
numliorof wealthy corimralioiis would
liku lo pull a veil of tarill or laiilT re
form over tho oven of volirn until
hucIi ntioim i.hull lmvo hound
their victims hand and foot.
l'ort (Moid 'I'ribiiuu: Charley
Crew, of .Sixo, met with a iioveio lie-
cidciil one day hist wcrt, and had a
narrow (Mcnpo fiom haing hit) neck
lirol.uc. J lo and JelT M ilftin weio
gnthoiing cattle, and in at in;
lo lieail an anluiiil Jell h iiooe was
L'oini; at full r-pced on u down frrmle.
mid collided wilh (.'lew's horce, Ihrow
iiK him violently to llio ground, and
with hlieh force thai the hurte lolled
completely over Cluirley. who lay tin-
concioiiH for an hour. .Mr. Umw m
quite t-evrtely hint, the piincijud in
juiiih luing in his i I'ck.thouhler ami
8. I), lleiald: l'nglmiil ih now iHh
i'liM-fng Iho propiiety of t-oiinci iptioli
in lepleuiVh her at my. So fur the
IJoer war him coat ?S0,000.000. nud
Merrio Knglaud is gelling tiled ol
tho empire husiuetH; and the day the
enforced enrolluioiit of soldier ho
gim the enipiio yill have an iillnel;
or rheuinalics in its legs.
(Invnrunr Nash, of Ohio, who crime
out to San FraiiPi'-co with his putty
to i-oii Iho hiuiiohing of the Imtthwhip
Ohio, which wimsjiccesfully Imitiohtii
last Snturday, gel in con I net 'with
poihuu 0"iil; mid hmlto go utider the
cam of a phyhicimi.
Hirain Cioflk.of VtUi. New York,
tho only surviving peimioner of the
wr of 181'J, cehlinitod tho lot mini
yersary of hi b'rlli. Tin is leported
to bo in good heallh i'iiiiiiileiiiiK Lis
great age i,nd lo hitvo in-joyed the
Occurtinu with thue who gntheied
Wound him.
Appeal t . Uenson: I seen
mod IruitiH to (o throtiKh luutiy
uiHiinuverH at the motion of oiui luau
ir at tho Nouuil of n horn, like, to
tunny tnochanicnl llgniei.. 'I'bey
would kill friend or foo at llio inoliou
of tho ooiitiolliiig mind. '1 Ley dure
iiot think or net of iLfir u volition.
All Ihu nuhle iinpuhte. of inutile, till
tho higher nllii'mlen of iiihii litid l
training Iimiii mibdued. 1 fad no
uleu that i'!'y oilier nniiuul eould m
reduoad to the muiuh level, but 1 it
nt a cireu two tigow himhiil
(o ii chariot o. which wait
mounted ii lion with it crown hits
head and a purple uilio uvei hi
hhouldets, followed hy two dou as
footmen. It was so lunch like uiaii.
Ho like Iho wuilil'k huloty. Tin
great audience e heeled i teco
nized its likuei. Tho laborinK
millions have cienlml nil tho wenlth
of the world, all its hoiihc, idiop,
niHchlnery, fooO, cloll iug mid mmise
iiieuls, which they lay nt tho feet of
tho capitalist olas, nud then fainisli
in tho bight of plenty. Thoy build
thrones, bet up a droim in it, crown
him, furnish him with wrvauts, and
then iow down to him In uluct sub
mUhiou. Corporations havo 1kii en
throned in this oounir.v, and at thoii
feet mo laid the productions of nil
labor, while tho poopl moan in mis
cry and woo vt wtl. Tiaiuwl nui
nmls. 1'oor, deluded lueclniuUiiiK.
Hypnotized from childhood by ttoeiug
thobtt thingu, it iii m hard to Incut;
jhobpoll that enaluves them, lluw
nd to think that mn havo never
been IihIiiwI to know their t'ghU.
(odogoodund uohlu ilmsl, Hn-lifld
Imi and ifuqblo ohm.
Jl'uic) nail. '
from Tho OipbomIhii.
I'reis and pulpit agreo in thentate.
men t that Now Vurk lino gone ''inon
oy mad," and both Kill ml warning of
a collupso that is citni(i to come
sooner or later, wheu tho bubble of
inlliition blown up po reukleftsly bursts
or is pricked by sharp (lesling. Tho
hattlo is ouo between fnuoy abiatioim
and teal values and Ihu longer tho
forces of tho former hold out tho
louder will bo tho repott and the
moro ruinous tho result whou the
liunucial bubhlu bursts.
A correspondent of tho 1'ittsburg
Dispatch, wiiling from Now York,
says: ' A I'euimylviiniii oil town in
tho height of tlio boom eould not bo
more money mad than this city, with
its speculative hordes, its wonderful
Blorii'H of fortunes tnndn in a luinulo
and ils gold lined Wall Mient, over
which tho ominiious shadow of a
lJhick h'tiday' is loweiing, slowly but
stnadily." Proceeding, this eoiio
spondent declnres (but every branch
of busiueKs has been infui-ed by this
wonderful elixir this chance taking
tho fever of which is every day
sending men into delirium and women
into bysli'ries and ninkinit a few of
tho more cool headed wonder wltnt
tho crash will be like. In truth llio
moncy-iiiad spirit bus swept, with tho
fury and indiscriminate character of
an epidniuic out beyond tho colony
of "bulls and hears,', and enriched
people who uevei rniiHlltcd u stock
ticker in their lives. It has ranged
from llio Maiden liiiuo jeweler who
soils a $1001) diamond hincclel to the
happy Iw'oker who hits mads a "quick
tin n" in Amalgamated Copper or
Northern I'aciiic, ami lo the old nnws
wumnu who is eagerly banded a dol
lar for a copy of the "stock edition "
Ii'arteudeis tell of chauipiiKiio having
been Huli-tllnteil for beer and whb'ky;
ntstauraiils rejoice in ready money as
forllieoining fur extravagant dinners;
llotists are selling more cut llowrrs
I ban evei before, and waiters in first
class hotels toll stories of gelielous
It is manifeid that these things are
the oulcroppiugs of a liulitions pros
polity- not Ihu legitimate lesiilts of
the lenl. 'J'iie grater part of the
iilipiuent gain in values that is behiud
this fno expeiulitiirn of money is
hpeculaliie nml tlilTofote (lungi ior.s.
In this stress, m uual, pieacln is of
moderatioii and prmloiioe fire Hbioad.
They include the l'resid'Mit of Ihe
l' (lite.! State-, who counsels "pi ml
euro in prosperity"; tho Vioe Presi
dent, who in u ;eceit address before
Iho Boston Homo Mm kot Club mii.Ie
lefoionce to tht) wiilutivo lUiiuia,
sayingi " I'Iib prosperity which II, is
country now eiijuya cau only be
jeopardized by ovorwigiTiiet. to dis
con nt the future or tecklessnvss in
ihu I'nj'iyine.'l of tho pitKent'iid
diugt "No laws run i mo good
fortune, either to the individii'd or to
the community, when one or lle
other oinliaiks mi n career of (pcii
Imioii " Dr. Uwight Iliilis. of
Plymouth Church, declares thai "the
incessant gambling' ou ail sports ha
wrought ini-llectnal denioi'ilisiitiou
to the coiintiy,'' slid aiUKi "The m
sane desiie to gel t iclt quickly is at
the boot of it all."
Uul Wheu wiw w Hilling ever heed
ed in u lime if niHil sscuh,tioiii or
wln-n was Ihe mentor nit thnnHed
for his pains T Much cuiitisellort,
hovvoier honored lh"ir nauies nr ex
alted l heir statioitK. are "..hi logics"
in Mto estimation of the money mad
iiiilltiMlde nulil what Ihey predict
conies to pass. Ttiert is s. turthitig
of u lull in the speculative fever nt
preaeut, but its uiicu'lie bus not heo
desttoyeil. The gninliliug spirit hint
been oh, Ucd, hilt tler is, liltforlll
nateiy, no evidence that it vigot is
illipu.ri'cl. The eHi;trnesn to get licb
quickly is yoke follow with tliadosirA
to gi t koiiielhiitg fin. nothing, nud the
two, hnruesded lo ihe car of liper
ity, ait being driven by speculaliou
n most i tH". , Jehu Thero i Hill
nun fur a turn in thueoursis A tutu
is btiotiwly advtbed by cool he ded
men. Will it bo Uikenf Li t Us hoptt
so. utlieiulse Hiw moii of Uanl
times so relent lekhlj diilleil iuto the
Ameitciin people but now tiy thai
glim old h.ukIii, "lSHiielice," will
tnt given tlietu to levied pan by p(if,
until all is atpuii I' HrniHl.
iiiunil Aliiiiiiiiliiin nt Lat,
It ii potihle thai n now era
hn opotiwl in the no of aluinin
ium, at all ovent for tilting.
'.M igntilium'' la the itanri given loan
alloy of aluminium and mngrininm,
tRVuntod -by r. continental sciential,
and tho riMirts upon it nro of the
most encouraging nature, sny.s The
Vnchlsuian. It is lighter than jmre
aluminium, it can liu worked and
turned like braw or copper, and il is
stronger than htrtci, It is stated that
it doos not oxidi.ii at all, fumes of
ammonia biilphutio acid not damag
ing it. It can be turned, mired,
diillod, nulled, and filed, ground and
polished easily. Tulifs working one
within llio other (dids without the
slightest fretting. Screw made of
it nt u very strong, with clean cut
threads, and durable.
Where- WpcciilaCon Tends.
IiiiIlHtmp. hit Soatlnel.
Watch tho tccoid of emN zzole
innnts and defulcatioiis and see how
many of ibm nro due to "invest
ments" in stocks, or j;rnin or nonie
thing of.o. Jfor the last JW or 1(1
years this Hpeculntive mania Lhb been
growing up under Iho name of hum
nuss and tho res ,i It is that it has per
meated ever; corner of tho country.
The people who lose nro not Oh much
in evidence an those who win. They
aie not udvuttised in tuo papers. Unt
if thoy wore till known they would bo
astly more coio-picHolls t hull the
winner , for there nro vastly more of
them. 1 1 lakes a great muiiy losera
to muko n lui'liomure winiwr.
Exchange: A woman i (Jlmlll 'd.
Mi'.n., hits been iiiiin iml ttuee times:
Her maiden uauut was I'artridg'-, hi i
filhl liuubaud's liiiliie WHS Kobbins.
tho second, Spanow, untl tho ptuseiit,
(inayloc and tl.ey live oi Juy street.
Thero nro two, one Hpanow
and two Qitayles One might iiliuohi
be forgiven f r smryi-stiug .li'tt the
lady is a bird,
Ituhbt If irsshberg, of Chicago, said
in n riHient aunu ui "In law ttiere tire
uo more slaves, and yet in ftict, in
net mil reality, thero ere manyi bluve
to tho captains of iudnstry, hlavos io
econoiiiical cuiulitiotis, serfs to Michti
lul cos loat, with hitishcr whips tliMi
tho tai-kuiBtei.i' and lnavter chums
than thoi-o of tho slave doulet bind
and crush the better, lofliir, nobler
spmt iu man."
Oregouian: Jit Secretary Ahjsr n.
ioportinl to have said that ho could
have en pit, lid Afuiituddo bud Ihu
ended the war hi the I'tiilipp.tics i" j
years ao.. I-i it p ..ih!o jUi l.e h oi
tiome of hiii peculiar km t i.! beef eon
tiacts iu ri-sene, iln pro lie ; i if
whi.'.i, hiiil he Lad I j opp a unily,
in wo. i'i iisvo seal lo y. ii, 1. 1 i,:, !
out nnioiig iho in. i 'I,' I.'-. Iho-. c. o
t.elll.i them it It q ii- !. t . ill. i'': The .1 i ,! i
the eli'i'iriciil woil.i is l..o in a itl
egiaiilli ue, v, bicli eo.d lo . a li.iu It.
t.llk lo New Yolk, vluic hii Vi ol.
are leuoMeii ou a w;.x cyni.dir - '.n
lar to those u-tl in a i.;iili,r
giiq it, sun wi.icti ecu it. i u in tot ii vi
i ll' at the Icihiilf) of t' it) recviier. Au
expcriilt.'lit was recently liieil hii-eu
New York nud Chicago, and the new
innovation was prot.oiiiu'i ,1 iih.tciet
o'-O -
Hotel Coquille
This well known hotel is now under new and com
potent management and ho been thoroughly red
ovoteil throughout. The table service is equal to
nuy in Southern Oregon. Sample rooms for com
mercial men. HaggBge transported to and from
boats mid Irains free of chhrge.
Fine new bar in connection with the uoiet.
jVoii Can't Expect to Get
.$2 worth fcr $1, but you
can get your monoy's
worth at
Jlt'tilcr In llout nml Mlioen
Uppiilriii;: lie illy mid promptly done ut'Hl living piicls.
tlrtllilnM. (ltKllll,
Druggist and
la Jus! in wfllpt of n ntw nud
fll'l.ll Mtocl. Ill
Drugs nnd Chemicals,
Patent and Proprietary Preparation'
Toilet Articles
PrayuMER, J'rt-sjiw, Spuxoi-., S iah
. '. and Cam i:. .
ri3:ir, 'I'nliiii'l'o i. il f U-nii'lli
I'nii'K.W.I .. VU .. h. l'i..n. t'- -i,. "
Shav'm Parlor
The W'ei-kly Ongontan anil this paper
give you nil the news of home, state, the
NortlmtM ana the notion.
ui f ' riiKnhla Dursoa iti
every ci"it'lv to tcWfBl ttirjie oonipitnT of
Muliil llii.o.iMnl n-imtntlonifiSrt sitUrT.wr
vfir, Bin il le is'klvt$3 per t'iv Hl.soinmv . .m.iiiii mt fttralolit. buns-flue.
di lhtnti1 wii'.n. ii" (.nitoisHion: snltirr pnta
encli Huttmhiv ni.d exielisi' ninlifV HilvsiiorU
rfOU wrrk. Sri:iliiil llLUsii, uenxuorn
K :iiioimi.
lietives Vsndun every tuornltiR. except
Hnmln. til 7::50 n'nluck nnd niakitu Ciitlliec
Hoik with the trnl'i snd stcBmi'f Myrl nt
10i.T0 n. in. t riwinille t'ity.
LeiivihCinioillfC'tlN iu ia:30p. ni., nrrlv
lie at llfttidnn nt 4t30 p. ni.
Do Ycu O
Know the News
iVi.o etui I. live it till f"r
iL'tw' .Tiotith
V r
in tin-1:-.
( i ; ii-. i
I ii'V
I II '
We re ct;il ili ii'K l.nMntM nl The Old
,i ,1 nud cntt ilnife tmi. 'ivc 08 a Call
unii'tii" onr
If You Do
nnd (
&fmrfc "RAnsres and Farm Implements, Eto
tut WW T W") " ti' -
Now is the Mmn to pmchiise Hurdwure.
in stock it ini?o flssortnu-i.t oi
Tho uiideisi,'iii;d hag
Hardware, Tmware, uriunteware,
Glassware, Crocksry and rviincro ciippnes.
-BM"" A. McNAIR,
The Eandcr. Hardware Man,
New Spring and Summer Goods
coming in on every bcac.
tiM nnd lYriiinliitiu Oemli, Otuila I i i it Suits.
V'unuVifnl lhirynitis in I lull rm 1.1 m U ltosjcry.
Orders taken fcr Men's Taylor made
Suits. Fit and Satisfaction
Hulls f r Mm. V'lailis
tlul.St' till I'' Hi 'i I.
..i.i lr vv 1 1 'It M. ."..'W 11. rviir-i. i .
' Hii.l Mi-.t . Ifcnits Bed Unt1'' r On .
(Ji'iifciiLS, Hay, Uruin, S'td und I'ctd,
'. nnd Oi Idrcn,
AT. I"u UHliiuc
Ready jkado
h I-;, cm If f, w
HII. I . Il 'l'. I
Gwuitx, Hay
W. C.Sanderson.
. MMl.
"v. ., I'm t ' . ' 1
t If
I'Hl I
I I-
' V.'::z, Lard,
t I.M !' I . l(rt III .1
i J-'iGS
::.. 1. 1 .tie.
A r.f an' tod
i it i Kotimn. -
What We Can Do For Y.l
I MM l'Hll fill" llir I'lll'l' l.f (In..
lift Iliv .Vuim l III. . il.t unit
llu t in ul Ni'Ua II.i .uii
Iu H H UK II til.
Wn otfer Ou Huudn d Dolhus
nurd for my nimn of ('aiarrli that
can not hit cured hy liallV Oulunh
V J. t'maiiv & Co., Prop.,ToliHhi,a
We, the uiiilvr!-iiieij, hive ltnou
P. J. CtmtHf' fm I be M 15 jew,
atid livliewi hicu perfect I j Uunurahlp
ni all liiiiu traitnaotioae and Bnan
'iully able lo catty out nuy oldiK
iiotia made Uy th"irtlrui,
W it & 7uvx, Uul aalo DruxKi!,
I''IhIo, I).
W hhuu, Km & SUavia, Wbolc
-ale Uuitfiii.U, TiiUhIh, O.
llttU'n fattrri. t'uw i taken ind i
ually, aotiiiK ditectly tipou Iho hi, t
and umeoua nurfacwi of lk yM
I'new Tfio. ixr Mil. Hold
irjfgUU. '1'itiiuouiaU fre,
ll-M'a K-tully Pill, are IL. t.
'fit ll.illtl' Wlto ll lli .1
ir in iliiv:i'i.v. nwi t i
lii-ri uhi rnv 1? H.liii
fi'l'.iiu leu iOHmti ii. ..
din. i. i.l i' . Ii'i.t i.i I
r. i.i.t i is in it'.ti -.
Hill t'rtitu i i i Hull, tin
t'urtlili.J i m lii'.n lelivlliill
W. !! tin .-.I .1 iu
Ap,ieitl Ui L..'.." ii
t)ni t)irr,
TIM It'illi'lin In. in. i, ! Iradinu h,i t
uf tlie Wrl. mid in i duly p'ibli'l.i-,1 ut i
l'ril.0llM. .Kill . h nil iliv 1.0V.M. llui llftll
itialudc bi' Kin., my Hijll.-itn.
Itin nd. r in t .uU tiu. t.ii,. i-nr . iVl
Hii.itiUr t.d I'm uiiii, inn. ii.t.iith rui
t tm r. it: ,i ,1 1:,, utiitt i ' ii in i-i' i eii.
H liuM'H a w,.-k. Il urn nil iii, !.,!, li.n
In Will Itl ii! nut tip u, llm, ,.f , . i,
pic", niuoli u. it .--li.a V ii.wr f:v li,., t;-.i.
KI'MTmP, sj v . . i ... . . , .
Mil" i hi i. v ii. v JZ.-tH I .I U k V It V I a V I
Zffl u'ir dvi i"." 1 - 1
-- m rrrhh? i -
ISi;t!.n 83 CAi.H. ."''' TBAD2 r , a, ' I ' ' r
.. COPV(?IOI!T3 Ac. I
' VV, f!.nnri,T,in 11,1 In it- lo ill I'v A"-oni . Ma; n .k. ', .t Um . I n n i I ! T. I ' .1 I 1 . f-n.. '
vn i u.nnih.up up io isi i..; qii.itm. ..,.. i ii. fn , m ...'Utrnii in. n . n i
il.l.i.!,. l.., iirotnii l i Hii-ii, i il, ii, i t!iii!i.wt'.i. - -,r. ,tv , li 1 ( ' , ' ' , e
tiling III my linn, iniii'.i m-it on, .i.., ;i,ti,..,i: ..i, u.i !
I,.,. ,,ii, i,,n, in Aiu'iii' w.i i, ... iVmi,ini;i in ii.tirx, i ,
Mi.. ilmir t-.i I ' .tiil.ii'i'. I'at,.! t.ik, n ', xuiui i to rin'lra 1 i 7', , i.- , . 1 ,'. .
j IKliil iml.i'u ill tl . ,. I
,,.,,,,,. euitKI!:;!.; ivflthi'j, ,
t .a t il... i..i, 1 tiKlutir.lIlv lii'islii'i l I,. .. r'r. ,1 u,n o I
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TGflCQfT.U PARLORS , N.v-: : r v,, j U f
P. B. G T, Prop. I y? y i ;;
j Oo you intitvl t:iiiijnrlileor I Aw' '"' A ,i ' Tvt.
i..,.',.i in : j, : '. I'.!' ",i,v . 'I r'st .:? i; sj. ,t iSt U.-t 8 .,'T',, f ' lh- ,' .. ','
n,.t m.i.i. it-,. ... , i;. .... ,S'ii:a 8 I '&'"' -'v. ' j
i '. lir I ,i-v ::,! ..,.M ,. 11 ' " ! i . .' "I '-I ' ' II vl"l I in. I . , H . . .... . I . .' . . i '
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-O 3.
I ..I
1 .II)
poH.rl'rtJ,OaKort. fio4li.1l.k.i.l
I rn.. "I .1 I (.BIW!H. lKlt'tt
t I. V a. ftttil V r i. ii I mi. lulTiti. llrki 11
Jfrf.K l'i r..t r ..-1, r td tnnir Ot
r.ii.i L-Mv-vtm or it tiv ftAcitoa.1
t Vi m fIW13 F'lii'ta T IrllUSH THIH.
r.l.N. Mv4b il-r, ,
"u'C A. SNOW fr CO.i
imtcnt uwvena, ft
SO. U. I, NtMrt Ot(l. WAMWaTON, D. C.S
vi u .Mil n t:ru Kit ui.iuui
wlifii il ri.,..
For a ww'.
tillitntl lidu
nil ttui t'Duit
llr. i
It I Ihu i:
formation j. -t
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Cia i i 1 1 . a ib
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.:;viiv I' ;,a:tmont
Moie pucis t..r cvory
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I1 llD-Tn-hArH-Hinu finAnF
all be-arinq.Marquetr Wqod vork,
Popular Prices, etc, etc.
one in i-ch town U v : t!.ibit l t.i't r'"
luock" of our 1 'mnaoture. YCU CAN f.
580ttK tijs.1 !..,!uvn:' i vlv
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