Bandon recorder. (Bandon, Or.) 188?-1910, May 23, 1901, Image 1

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    )m 11 il II Hi 11
C2 Times a year for
52 Times a year for $2.
Volume XVII.
Number 21
1 r Choice groceries cnll nt Ma-
(i. S. 'J wnmbly nnd w ifo of Empire
I . woro in town this week.
Yv I'. Mitchell mid J. V. Morrcll,
, f 1' rtluud, woro in towu lust h'
1 ..v
M' Kuto Lenburt wont to Plonia
ere-1 Inst Monday to visit friends for
n t w ltiys
J H.ikor nnd T. V. Lovojoy of
v J'nmcisco gnro Handou a cnll
i t - iIim W. Mnjnry enmo up from
( m I'.ty Inst Monday for a few
t ' tnj in liandou.
1 i-l Srhctter nnd his daughter,
vr 0 W. Getty, of Empire City,
liandou tho Inltor pint of last
v,( U.
Aslni'd Town Talk: A residence
v t ,.f JacliFonvillo, owned by Hev.
I. M J'tui-., wus dcrdroyed by the
I 1". Topper was in from tho ree
i , , n lu-t Tuesday making pur
i f "i plies. Ho is milkiug 1
. ,,i I lunch.
' i i b 'ice. of Florn.s crock, enmo
i I i i w. la t Saturday, took in the
.,ii- i, i Oxjuillo next day and
i "ii.. on Monday.
, V Uaolilnfr, of Mytll"
I id down to Dr.iiyvill. (I.e
i ' .1 hist week on u visit to
i 111 'tucklt-IT and family,
l'.ly. and 1'rof. Guntnve
., i down from Fuby'a mill,
' j tn nee tin it fi iend
j h oil' for his Stia Fran
!, j.'i. isiia Dcr nnd daughter
' j Hungers on the Meam-
i '... I.v.t Monday, to Kan
. . v h. re ihey will It'll!
: . ; . "i fur a few weeks'.
, ' i i -. A. John-oil, Dun
t I. ft 1'r.jiU'iieks, Thomtt
1 1 '(M,HiuUiik and John
'. gi'IBllil tho Blenilldl
,.i:i.;ig here laat iSattir.
i n
I'uri.'t win has
fat her a (.airy.
, f ". ;h- pu-t yoir will move!
.(.i in a fe.V day, where
i :i :;'' of il. 1 Gll'DOO'i.
Lis wii' lefi
isc.i on the uteihUt I'
d bust Mondny. Thi.
i . iimrried Miiue three
V r. d 7(5 and 73 yeinc,
1 1 ma the o'doKt.
u r M mdiiluy had a freight
: i n.i.n up from Sun l'lim
t p. When ibe (tiihd for
mo hbe eaiiiul out f2tXI
. liit.j eat-'l'B of rilllllioli 1 1
'if III iri'l'llhllfCUB fn i l.l
ii.i.d teu p'lweiigro to
. cr mly proven Hint uu.
. .: il in Dainiiiif. eitber
irn...!i fcVtile, cilll liot lie U j
. I., ill tbo New Method of
,i ., Ci. .mi from Milk. '1 h
i i-. ;;.e i. foj,'hi7.H,l separator
l ' 1 1 1 1 The Pioneer Hard
i ' .r .M.iivhtieM in aent.
. . .ili in of tho Fire Depart
!. I i.i.v excepted, look ihtfir
:.!i.l went toCoipjille lu-t
wi.Ij the e.curioui.U, din
, I.. i. ie at the proiuiueut
u .he ner. Tbev report u
: sr.p and u )iiod tiiu ul
u I i'.ey provid to be to.) wet
IJaMbnll LeltyiKt to pull oil'
I., i scheduled for thut day.
Mii.d iy iheUoipjillnand MiiihIi
i.i. to pluy at Mttrnbtivlil
M II ivens. an oxprt miner.
r ti,
i. . -pi nt -...lue rix weeks look
in I tlu ltHiidi'lpb lienpb, wu
' i. r to Sui. Fiuneii-eo on the
:,'... . wl.'ii i.he hailed I ant Men
Mr. H.n. ns hud come up to
U,e ieiis i.f U. F. Allon'.s black
' t, 1 ininii. machine. It ap Le and Mr. Allen could
t .iei us io tue mill: no i' of mtikin;,'
t but he returned tobantmu
ing the inacbine a fake, '
n ...
1. lio IIKellllocMl 01 lue
i .t
". h tn he repr"fcenletl invest
r v m hev iu it.
i t' J. Unit, oloeed his seiies of
r itice lectures hero last annday
, vvl, llBnt eddies!
with au excellent addie!
. , ..
, , . ,1. . ....
s 1. .1 11 si 1 an
f 4ti membeii. Aa to
ii will ieult from UU viit to
1 r. n.aibh to be seen If the
.t. 11 piesses forward iu a"
t, . iie.rg.'tie maon.r, gulden
,., all tlii.ii. it will bea
- I u in all tLinif. it will
t -'.ivii bnt if it Is roaongei
1 .. u ,rJ way oouibiued witli
1 ...1, .. -,,. ii ...ii ai-ioii
an evL'U,o for it, exi.teuce.
For pieplant coll on J. 1J. Marshall
.t Hon.
T. II. Chupman. of Gold lioach, nr
lived heio Tuesdny.
E. S. Lowo nnd wife, of Drain,
woro in town Thursday.
John Ilowey. of Gold Iioacli, gnvo
tliii place n is-it last week.
lleuicmber that on next Monday
the town election comes oil".
l'leiiso return thoro hooks you bnvo
taken from the public library.
The ti); lirick id ready for her trip
to l'oitlaild anil may Mart today.
T. I'. Hunly, of Lampey Creek, was
doing bui-inobh in town last Monday.
M. O. Brink will preach a memori
al sermon next Sunday iu tho M. E.
eh n ich
II. II. Mcl'hoiRiii, of Mnrshiield
gave liandou a budiuesti call last
Tho rending room is open tbe.-e
evenings nnd you tiro welcumo to it
Captain Tabell, of Astoi in, arrived
hero this weol; to take tho tug Brick
to Pull land.
Tho l'ioneer Hardware Store of
MHihhlield in iiRent for Do L'lval
Cream Sepanilorri.
Mrs. Lyman J. tinge, wife of St-c
ictnry (5as;e, di-d at Wtmhiugiun, D.
C. last Friday evening.
liporgo F. Topping has been on
the sick lint thin week. Ho is sufiVr
fioni n sigo of la grippe.
E M. (Jul Her, deputy tdiei iff, enme
down fivni the county feat yesterday
fin a lnrl viftt to Bandon.
Miis Hilda Wiikemnn, of, Empire
City, having spent a forlnighl
ing hee brother Andrew, leturned
linnie lust Monday.
Baiiiloii will celebrate and hi range
meiits are under way to get up n
rousing old time here on Julv till.
James Diuilap. of Norway, left for
Cape N i ue, btft week, thli being his
third liip to the Aln-eati gold tieids.
Jus. C. Muit.iyand Vidor IJ Slinw.
of San Finnrisuo, visited liandou
iril'ivhimls thi week Hi the intent of
Sau Fraucisco vho!esule tiriiie.
(Juplniii Korth. mneter of the
msuooiihv CoiintliUii
put Inn vewiel
on thu beach, lart Monday, to make
nm slight re-mli e to the inditor, owl
to lepaint the hull.
Sale i f Dd Laval Separators to
dale bent u'.l previous recoidn. The
l'ioneer Hardware Store of Marsh
field is kept busy supplying tl (Jrcnt
Demand for these iVonderfnl Ma
The steamer DispatSli has been put
upon the beach nud ia undergoing
repair, repainting, etc. preparatory
for the summer's run. The Favorite
has linen placed on her run, while the
Antelope took tho Fuvorite's place.
The passenger list on the Mntida-
lay when she ail-d lust Monday, win.
Sim. EupUe.nia Dyor and daughter,
Ethel, L. Y. Lovejoy. John Black
lock and wife, Harold Haven-, Mrs.
C. Ouiiiuii. besides three who pur
chased tickets at Coqnille, wboe
iinmes wo were unable to obtain.
Bjii Ynndeear returned last Mon
day from a vi-it to Jloseburg whither
In went to prove up on a timber
claim. He lode over fiom Myrtle
1'i.iui on horseback, ami as it rained
on hiui each day going and comiiiK.
he bad lather a diMgieeuble tup, al
lliongb he found the roads iu rather
good condition except tJippwy fioiu
the nu us.
W. A. Woolliever, distiict deputy
head consul, and O. S. Brown, of
Grunts Poss who have been here
for tho past three week
iu the ii.troat of tbo Modern Wood
men of Ami'iicH, expect to organize u of that order here on June 5tb.
The nauie-Obf over 10 pi rsoua have
been secured each of whom intend to
become uieiut'era.
Tho roadiog room bus been aup
plied with daily papeis. giving lue
lutiot news, nud much otber good
literature has been added. It is open
.,.. ..iTunint- nnd all l)rOl' Hie
cordially invited to avuil thetukeive. ,
..... ....!!. 'I-I....A iru fllllUr
. i i.... , . i r nH a hih iiuivt-.
oi m ui' j' ;
oua books that can no tasen oimv
and rad at leiaiire. nud the manage
iiaiulj in nlnoe more iu the
,iLrury S6t aSl opportunity affords.
..... ,. mi.
Mai-abfield Sum The Marsbfiel.l
jiaruw -
baseball team have had the
ploughed at the rare track
i,..o..i.ii inimi nttvii li au leru "'-
7- . . , ttj
, 1 1 111 u 11,, n , ,mh ..- . .
1 .1..
ron ui"i ni """- - -- ,
11 ... 1 1. u. ii.akiiiiia. nun iv mv
- , . .
,laie of tb acheilnled game iu -
Held their grounds will be in flrat
cluaa hau. A grand .laud is lao
cmaaanap-. ih
so ee " .
palron of lh game, and iw 9,
J priiliei inn iu'v .
. .... 1. ... . u hi ii.vh na u Ln..
if not tb bt ball S""0"011 ,u"
- x i-
looked forward U).
lieiiMiuber the SlilUtto Beuioi; Mncliinn
nt Ur. Corsou's.
Jsuk-s lingers whn wai roiwrteil acrlouslr
III. Inst work, ix gome better.
Sits. MoKinlvy, wife of 1'resIJent McKla
Icy, r.'iioili'il to b out of ilnntn.
Jsiuei Cilbsmi, of Gokl llencli, who was
token to tin? nmyliiin nt Sj'nlein, n short time
neo. iliiul iu n tow 1)11)3 nfttr his nrtivnt nt
thut plnce.
Keer lolmtoa nml Cnptnin ICee.l innile
a voynae to the Rli-Hiiior .Mntul.ilny. iu n
lenky Imat, last Siimlav ntulit. The steamer
wns Ivlnu nluve PnrkcM wharf a nil hy the
time it wn ri-ncliril tho boat wns full of
WHtcr niul sunk ns tilt- irlies ot out.
W. II. l'nok, llm iniiiiiis opfrator, hn
imrcUnaeil suiub valunlilo bluek ssnd miiu's
in the llliniiM ililiiict. fiom 1'rock, 1'ntrier
niul Shell'tir, anil ii lunklnn tircpnrntiiiiis fur
vxtviuivo inhibit: oprrntioiH. lie Inn ilU
powil of the l'.iirit. mine to tin lllliniU pnrt
who is Hxpeotcd to srrtva soou I'ort Orford
Why don't you bring in those books
borrowed fiom the librnry?
For Choice Groceries of guaranteed
strength and purity go to Magoon's
The rtcnnior Matnlalay is duo here
ft cm San Fiancisco by Tuetiday or
Hev. V. Horsfall will hold services
in St John's chapel next Sunday,
morning and evening, at the usual
Bev. 51. O. Brink came down from
Coquillo yestmlay nnd eoiiiinenced a
protracted meeting in the IK. E. chap
el here, last evening.
J.A. Cox, of Floras Creek was in
town lat muhi having come up lo
haul a piano to D.iuyvilln for Miss
Hannn Willard of that place.
Mrs. Cur-oil carties n line stock of
miliiiiiery consisling of Ladies Hats
Bibboiis', OuitHiiif1, etc. Sln bus ad
ded Sewing Machines to her block
and can give . von a baigaiu in that
article. Call and examine her goods.
ExehntiKe: France is ediU'iiling
its felons iu the penal colony of New
Caledonia in (ho South Pacific, ocean.
One of the cultured rascals is editing
a pHpi'i- for his associate in th" colo
ii y. It is a good idea. McKiulev
should li-t Marie ll.iniiu try his hand
at the biisiui rf.
Corpiiilo City had its scene of egg
(blowing last wei-l; when a couple ol
its cilizcris received a shower of audi
mi-hinsfroui a rabble that should be
WUedJinv;nt ty JvajijeUii i ujng
home fr im a t. uierHiice lecture and
are supposed lo have been mistaken
for llev. Hun'i r niul wife. It is tn
be hoped that the p rpetrutois will
be mil down nnd punished lo (ill ex
tent titling th offence.
S5mlle; Git; i'ia Willi
Coal M1.
J-'roni tUn (V.nut Mull.
Miss Loin Miller, who is employed
in tho family of ltndolpb Amsiein in
Soulh Malshlield, lost a gH'Ilt pint of
her linir mid snstained kmho severe
hums. Monday, by the ignition of
M.iiie onl oil which she was pouring
into the stove to tho lire bmii
It biutii'd betlei so suddenly that
it i-1 1 lite to hair and seme of her
clothing but Mis. Maiming, wl o was
present. iii'tHiiily thiew aoii.eihing
over the girls head bud miiutlieied tbo
Il sines.
The girl's lelt baud and tho left
side of her fare wi le painfully but
not seinnuly binned and no i-cam are to ii'Milt. Dr. McCnimae waB
called i.nd lelieved her siifl-'iingH and
ilm uin ivsuuieil her uutieu iu u
couple of days.
But for Mis. Mantiin'g pmiuptand
..frlcieut action, another tingmlJM
would have been chargeable lo the
coul oil habit.
The quarterly foi tho Oiegon Ilia
lorieal Society Nj. 1. for December.
191)0. has been ieceive.1. This oom
pjetes Ike til st volume, which is of
great hirtorical vuiue. The eoub'iits
of this volume aio aa follows: "Ihe
Oregon Trail." by F, G. Yoqugi illuu
truted by a nmp of the immigrant
road from Independence and Council
Bluffs to Oregon City, ami numerous
hulf tones showing different fcreues
along the route. This i one of the
most imp jituut articles jet published,
d iM ,bt( be-iuniug of
u move-
iiieut which il is hoped will nault in
permanently mat king thu iipiiiigiunl
loule fiom Ihe Mh.ouri to the U il
lamelte nveia. "A Day with the dw
(J.dumu." by the lai Jes.o Apple-
. .. IT W r'..I ( Ln It
rT - ..
'hi rev s irii'ine lu iuh j , u-i-.
r ,- SilM1-,ltt.w ..rb-C.i.i
Hr.w ..r ii, . i'i.iuumi ... 10 isiem
-- -
mi--- ..... - . . . .
' JoHiiiiin .inner. i uki"""
pUl;iK.. al),) -p i,juei-rs 01 tne l hciho
gd ,li,cmieut relating to "Tu
(Jr-goi, U uigruK WW." P
mhU of conlenu bv which tin-it
t J.iuiniin Miller. "I'l uriim l
I l.u
j fiuingly deeritiei " J no ieg "i
jVal, dumber.- Alrea all ....pnriHt
. ... ...... 1.1 A.. . .. ... ... I-....I n
aiKiui iu i'iiiiiruH . ' "
! im. ivramy. "7?""
I ft r. . ..i..i i.'...kiM ... 1 tilt ii.iit.
j-criioJ. wjiiii.
Teiiijie ns lift' Keception.
Tho Woman's Christian Temper
ance Union league, of this place, will
givo a reception in Bosa's hall, at 8
o'clock, sharp, on Saturday evening.
May 115. to those who signed the
pledge not to use intoxicating liquors
as a beverage.
A good piogram has been arranged
and light lefieshineuls will be served
in the way of ciitertniniuent.
The guests are respectfully re
(pleated to attend eaily.
aiuiu.nh 'i in: I' v.
1'roni the .Myrtle I'.ilnt Knteriimn.
Win. Lester returned to (his placo
this week after an absence of seven
teen months in tho Philippines. lie
was a member of Co D. Uoth U S Y-
W. E. Lundy departed Tuesday
morning for Capo Nome, where he
has mining interests. Ho will join
Sam Currier and John Giles and the
three will engage in milling together.
Ho will take a steamer nt Seattle
which sjils for Nome the IlOth.
E. A. Adams, formerly engaged in
business nt this place, arrived here
with his family Sunday from Grants
Pass. Mr. Adams will probably re
main heft pel if.aiientlv and engage
iu business again. They have many
friends who nie glad to hoo them re
turn. A. H. Black ,t Co. this week
shipped US.000 pounds of evapointod
apples to the l'oitlaild ii,ilket. The
apples vvi-re put up by Black iV Co.
Inst fall, and it is safe to say flro
equal to anything ever put up u. the
state. They also shipped 5H0 gallons
of vinegar as a sample.
From t lie Ooipullo Uernl.l.
J. G. Bliss, of Los Angeles, Juli
foinia, is in this county looking over
the locality with a view lo locating.
Hi seems very well .leased with the
looks of our seel ion.
Jesse N-irton, who has beon iu
eastern Oregon for some time prist,
lorived in thi" section a few days ago.
W e piesnino bo will, us usual, take
an active part in the training of
horses for the coming intii.g season.
The Pent t boys me putting in u
chute lit. their mine ill tho edge of
lowu to fucililati) the l.iiudlii g of
coal. We hrpo to no the bojs de
livering Ibis line fuel in towntn largo
qniititilius in the mnr fiiluie. Our
esperfeuewl tcwumnau, J. O. Wilson,
the machinist, tolls iu ibi-i is the best
steam coal ho has over run across o:.
this const.
Lawieiice llairison, of Little Bock,
Aikaiiaas, a biotber of our old friend.
B. J, Huiiifon. of Mjitle Point, is at
liosebiiig and Geo. Collier has gone
lo meet 1 1 1 tn and bung Imuseit ami
family in. There me eight in the
family am, L'nclo Ben has miulu nr
langeiiients for them to locate for
the time beiug near ths l'oiut. These
brothels liavn not syn each other foi
18 years. This will doubtless bo a
happy meeting.
hde winking in Ihe logging
camp of Mat son V Anderson, on Coos
rivi r, Salniday, llm 11th inn!, Gun
Holm leeeived an injury from which
he hiif-inro died. It n ems Mr. Holm
was diiving a dog or wedge into a
log when a sliver fiom the siuue
struck him iu the neck cuttinfl the
carotid artery slighlly. and making
quite an insesioii in the inti I'tor jugu
lar vein. By holding the woui.d
firmlv with bis hand he checked the
flow of blood to such (ill extent that
a clot funned nnd pi evented his
bleeding to death at once, but later
on, vi hen the leaclion took place, the
,ioiinl bioke afiHiili and while all
possible was done lor dim. these ef
fort pioved fill ilo me! ho pasbodnwuy
the following Thuihday.
Town IM'imary.
At h meetinu of the mtiwiiH of llmidon.
(Jreiii.ii, on FridHy viiiau, Uy IT. IU01,
OMlledAT'P "0' IKUi.illlitlliil ndl-
Jte fur lteurder, iliimhnl null I rimtmi.
of the towu of llttudoii, (Iwrtie 1'- Tupplne
w elMlid ctMpuiHii ami II. K. IlMriliiKtoii
A. I). Morn wnii diolariHl tho unnniiiiunn
oboUv for low n llei'oider.
A. (!. Fri4!kii Duuald C'hurlewa
were dneliiird lb Cndidt for 'town
Uu uioiiou lb f.'llnulng were ileeUraJ
lb oudld.ite for 1 ruUi
A VY Kiu. 1! 'J
11 S tiuiitn. t Hfr.
M It liM. & ltiebrdoli,
AOllovt. Vlllne,
J V, Fuller.
il.vel. neruudMl mid eairM tlmt thu
I'.iwu f I hi nd u iilfhinto the tlb o( July,
toed. eoui.dtd d nlU llmt m 0010
witti-eof tti'rt) lx- ii'litl l lank at! ar
MNUtuilita for mud el. bralitm.
Uu m t.u b iueHt.uu then ndjoorud.
'IIIIAl'Vks MM H'll.
NiMiw I brby uum iu all wnntm ml
(0 lrr npon ib' rr.-witifiol iJ.Kw-u.
Hlium.d Uleen floraa Uku ami ibn oun.i-
toad. 111 N..rb-"i Uifrt. by niu.'vmii.
oulttuu, or drt.'f'i'ia Uiuhor ot.n aaiU
Uaj 1i r'irl lU PW fur iufoinia
tinu M ui t a oumiuii uf Ui. a
i.tMiso.N A sKi:i,i:io.v,
Anlhor I'tikiionn,
lteho'.J tliif nihil ' Twin n ukull
Oiick of rtheroil spirits full!
This narrow ct-ll Wii life's rotrentj
t'lus spico win thi)iiht's niKtcrlons mnt
VVhut bontiU'oiii! plclurt'S lllleil this spot
What ilrcnuit of pleasures louu forRntl
Nor love, nur joy, nor hope, mir four,
Hns left ouo trace of ricorJ lino.
Heuon'h this molilfrlim cntinpy
Once shown tho btii;tit niul limy eye)
lint slnrt not nt the itlsmnl volJ;
If socnil Uivo Hint v iuiplojt',1,
If with no lawless lite it uleuueil,
ltut through tho dmr of khiilness bemueil,
That evo kIiiiII be forever briulit
When Mars mill suns hnve Ion Ihelr IlKht.
Here, lu thU silent cnvcrii, hiini-
The ii'iulv. H.vlft niul tiiiiifiil Ioiikuoi
If fnUi hooil's honey II iIimIiiIiiiiI,
Anil, wheiolt ci.uhl not prnii. win clinitieJ
If bold in virtue' cnue II unjke,
Yet aeiitle coucoul never bieke,
Tbnt tuneful toiiKUs shall pleuil for thee
Wheil ili-iil li mivilU uliruitj.
Say,ilul lliesn fliiKers iltho tho mine,
Or with its eiiviiil rubicB shine?
To hew the lock or wear the uein
Can notbiiiu now uvail to thitu;
Hut if the piKe of tiuth they tmurfit,
Ur comfort to thu iiiourui'r bmuulit,
These hnuilsa richer mini sliull chiim
1' li ii ii nil Ihat waits f.u wealth or fume.
AvaiU It whethjr biro or shod
These fiet the p.ilh of duly trod?
If from the In. Airs of joy they lU'd
ToKoiilhti allltotioii's huuihle bed
If Hinndeur's guilty hiibu they hpnrnedi
And hiiuia to virtue's hip returned,
't lies.- feel with numls' vviiius shall vie,
And trend the pal. mo of the fky.
Decoration Day.
Folliiwini; ii the proKriiui for Decoration
Iliindon 1'osl, No.fiO. (1. A. It. will meet
in Mnnck's Hall, nt V'W, n. in., May IW. l'Jillj
The procession will form on Tirsl Ktriet
at Id u. in., iu the rollowinu outer.
1 t'iro Depiirtiiii'lil Hand.
L' Caildren btnriiiK wreiilhsef llovvers.
(I liandou Post (1. A. It.
I llmidi.u W. It. (!. C.rpi.
r. llnndoti I'lie Department.
. It Oilieiifl.
7 March lo tho tjenieti ry.
H Decoriitiuu 01 (Iriivos.
!l Tups
IU lUturii lo town ni.d brenl; rnnka for din
'1 he afternoon rervieis will comiiienco in
.Muiii'li's IIhII lit 'J n in.
Oii.tion will he delivered by ltev. A. Du
ll nil.
All civic onl. ri nie resp.rtfiilly Invited tn and lake pall in tho unit
Tl e stiiiiniT I'avnrltc. Ill older In nccoiii-
mod..te 1 1 ople livini! iiloiiu tl'e rivi r, v ho
1.1, I,, ullnicl tlie i xeiulsi s. will leave (.-
nullte mi lliu inoriiliii; f tho IHih in tune, to
fetich llanilon heforo I lie iroeesliin forms,
nnd villi stun upon her letuili upon close
i.f ntleriiooa exerulms
m.vki.m; Minii,
Mitv l-Sohr Mnv ITuviir, (liiiliuniisoii.
11 ds fgnn Hail Fiuniiiiico, to Aduui I'ersh-
Slay Coriinhlnii, Kortli, H dujn
from Sua I-'rnncUoa, to Adam Perslilinker.
May lll-Slmr Mnudnlay. lieul hours
from Kan Francisco.
Mht r.l-Sehr Otinflneii, Jacobsmi o dnjs
from Saa Frnniin'o. lo (' .M A Co.
hvii i n.
May '.'J-Htmr HuVduhiv. Hied, to Knn
Two Real Bargins m Real
Klorv mid a half hoiisir. ronne.1 flreihice.
I.arxe lot item ui nler of town, if IM.
On.' story Iioumi (i ri-uiisi lot and a half.
N'eur woolen mill. :? I
Hoth of tlivNe are real suniis.onll on J. ,
UI'ION. Iliind
ii:ii. I',
U IOHNI5V JiM COUNhi:i,Olt AT li.W
l'ni lli In nil At Cumin of Hi" si.ile.
Oilliioon Si omul I'Iimh In Concrete lIulldlUK
on First Sin-it,
I,lf liiauranui' 1'ollnieaHiid It.. nd l.ounlit
or money hnmd on ainuu.
II.111.I011, - - - - rei.oii.
? , ,,111:1- mi. in. it. or r
2 k
1 Kl,l'IIII.OI)(li:.N().0liIiNl"".'IK2
11 of ! iIiihm rmetii every -vi''"'"')-
? evenini' Hi 7:U o'olouk. Ill anlli llMll, Z
I i llHUdoli. 1 Ian. I; l'"-' 1
' II. N. IUUIiIIIUTIIS, il. 01 ....... ... fp
I IIA.Mtu.N l.lllllil), No. llfl.A.r.A. SI
w ; .. ... . 1. 1 11 5
X I ) AN DUN l.i'l'ii Im ill',' -' " .
I M ilril ci.iiiiiiimloallol.a If" n"i
ihiIhv cfK'r lha fall 111. u f ea.-h .',
luoiith. All .Vlaler .MaBoim oordlii'lj ft
iuited. Ily order of vv. ji.
4 ". J. IllUlr'l'.tM-iratary.
t J iA
5 ( out! JUii "I lli imi'i "" 6
l' l of .Vine Im. &
lr 'Oi itr ii kknTJI- tub Ff)iti:sf.
tl X. IT. iii'el" Friday nielit ' I narl.J
Swrek 111 Uaii' Hull. Unriiln. (liH'"-
. V eoidial welcoma I tileiided to all vi-
,lm hrolber- W. W .Sit 1' .KV.
JIliliM U"TA t.hlul Itai.H.r. J
fc I'm. Hei-ratarr-
I itAMin.s i.niKii; .so. laa, 1. .. v i
1 INDON MiDOrTso. in.I.O.O. F.f
ineeli' -very Wirtoeaunv iviMiiK.i
Viailliili brnllm ia aood atauUlnn i
oorUiairym.itfU. nUiBJKLUS (J
A. w. Kiaia. Hm.
has just received a full line of Spring
Dry Goods, also a JLarge
Assortment of
Men's Boy's and Children's Suits.
rz TRICES. -
A Large Stock of Fresh Groceries
Always on Hand.
Orders Taken for Tailor Made Clolliinrj.
Is now supplied with u full nud isuuptele utook of
Hardware, Tinware, Graniteware
and Miners' Supplies.
Wo enrry a coniileto slock of
Spring and Summer Goods.
Now is the time
will ho dinHjNod of nt price Hint
Other bargains
tiKiiu for more.
Full St:ock of Fresh Grccerfes
always on hand.
DBA f, Kit I.N
The New, Speedy and tlegantly Fitted Twin-Screw
ThU Klouiimr will cive n nvnbir Kidav H-
I'rHin-iwo, ( if or ti 111. for
For full nr lurtlur inl.-riiii'tloii npply
U)I!KN.. -Uil. C.MU'lle. ()rK
K. f. Hlll'Z. (leiicral Atent. W7
,1. .VI. ITION,
iunikin, ixj.H u.iturv, imn.i'N.
Oiling In the i:idornd lluilJii, on Firat
Hi reel.
W. Uayiliiii. .11. t.
J 1 at Front iiliwt,
IUniion, (llllillilN,
...Water Works...
l'nre. fresh, cold spring water
piped to any poll of town,
and to any pail of the houae,
ou application, in qiiHtititieri
ilchireil. ltiiles leiiHouable. : i
W. H. LOGAN, Proprietor'
Till I Your Opportunity.
n, rncoii.t ot ti n orits. coali or htampi,
a KecoroU'i lumjilo v. Ill l luallwl of tho
most popular Catarrh nnd Hay Fever Curo
(Kly'a Craam Dulin) miffioiaiit to ikiueu
Btralo tho ure it n.erlta of thu riiumly.
ELY JIKOriir.ltH, I
CO Ni'urrm tl., Kuv York City.
ltev. John IteM, Jr., of Oiiiral!,Morit.,
mcoiunnwleil l'.ly'i. Cibmbi Halm to Mia. I
can 6iniibnnli li.'i Htaleiooiit, "It iaa jrfu
live our fir catarrh if uad wnjlreatad."
ltav. 1'rtiicU W. l o'.. Poater CuutruU'ra.
ChMMh, HelMut, at-iit,
Jllr'a Oaant la!n if tne r.eimldet
cure fer iwiunh awl tgnleliia no laamarj
nor miy lujuileua drug, l'rlaa, tQ teSHj
Goods !
lVfWt at
Tools, Cutlery, Doors and Windows
I'lpc rillliiji" anil l'liinilniiB sin'elnlly.
is here and
is my Stocis
to buy. t?ZZTSl
will nl..niMli jini, while Iheie am
To lie had hi Dry O00.N, Clothlui!. bhnivi
nud other pioila that mint lold to maku
rvhw hetwei.n Coiiiill' Hlver, Oregou, and Sun
hnlb pieuwiiveri iu.u fieifiut.
to Captain A. Held, ou hoaid attainf r er
M. 11. IjKK. ahui. naiiuoii, u-n"-.
Front hlmet, Hhii Fraiiolaoo. CaltoinlH.
A. W. US.12U, 31. I.
HAMXIN, (llli;(10.N.
OalU lo all leirt of tawn awl aottutj
Iiroiiujlly nnanereil day or niiibt. tlBuje on
i-oiiurof ljoiver ill 'i 1 11 mid Atatr "j"-'
11AX00K, - - OHUtlON.
Will visit liandou rruqlarly ou MM to ha
nupplled in the Irfinal f'olumn.
Blacksmith and
J Vagonmaker
Wagoiia of ull Kindi llado to Order
Job work atumdrd tu urompily and all
urk yuaraoleed tc nivw aatlalafUetl, 1'ri
iv roiiabl.
- ex &rc ;
Ar.nv VUllll.V 1.1 rt.ri.-lli.l.
-Sill It 1 . .
ur iiuail ! uioa .11 r i.-ui
rwl,i.' l.ilii.i 10 'l i" nd K'lj'.in
hui C-.ui.lirs; to aul 1, - M
(! ,n muuildvBll oiV 1 1. bouia. tool -
rixiuped uelai '
C in-ral Uanaeel 1
oi Uttik-d ; "
VVaabinntaiii, P. C
a- i.e at
I "
lMH')i I