r.j:iE." RECOKDEK ih runtmiini) 1!VKK Tlip'jIilJtAT .MTHltNOON DAVID K. ISTIT1 EWTOn a.n i) riiowitrron. HUHXOMITIOH IiATKS. Una Yo.tr Hix Jlontlm... T Urea Mont bo. .$3 00 . 1 00 . M Tblg iicpor is onterml at tit I In in Ian pott ofTloe M Htoii(l-olnHH Mutter. L.tu'i I'lSHHU. NKWSl'APKH A.DVEK- tlniiiL' Auout. 2t .Merolmhta' Kxchnnup, Han Prnuoiaoo, in onr nnthorixed nyuut. TliUimper in kept on ftlo in Ilia oflto. TlIUliSDAY, MAY 2, lbOI. C'lii'iMtmiiH ESoim: Ti'otCH. Tho past Mfht or ten duya lina been vnrinlilo. ltuin, anow, bit!), fro-M.mid HUiishinn thrown in, lias becii the piornm. A heavy frost (jreelod n t Lib murniiiK'. itio 2Gtb, tho barometer registering 1W. J. C. Out k imil Lib lluines onch took n bono load nf IttHjiling, etc over lo tho Sutilli fork of JJIxob Inxl wool; for .Sonrln ntid Thompson, tho ui'utlcnmn f i oin W'iikUiil-Ioii. who propoau to int no tho bed of (ho South fork tlio com i u' season. IWei(, Senrltt, Thompson ntul Alluti (Jollier, of Corpiille, inn on tlio tioalli fork nl tho pienml tiino making pinpoint ions- for tint SuinmeiV run. J uudnrHliinil Mr. Colier will miporiuteud llio woru for Stntls mid Thompson, Ciuoro (J net in, jr., who look noon trnct of Seat la mid Tliumpaoti, IbhI full, to build u lluino 18(H) feat k'liL'th, bus been bny tho pnnt two inontliP, with Uiu fii of (wo men, now iiii; mill lloatititr llio lumber down to tho rnino, liuinhod flouting tho lum her down Inst woe It, and in harrying tlio II ii mo to completion na fust aa poBbiblu. J. C. Chirk Inii tlm fotindttlioD luiil for a now dwelling 20x80. Jeff Gibbs to iisiihtinj,' him. Farm i iik mid Gurdnuing Ih the or tier of Ihu day now. d Haiuca gut through Inbt wimk plowing and how HiK Mr, Avery'a field, linvinr muted tho Mini . Whilo bitching bin loam to it burrow bint wet!; the liortra.iook fiighlul Hiuiiethiiig mid lit out at lively mle, mid when KTiirtd, JSd found liiumt'lf iniiina a t-rt of hitmen iih they wero llioridly toru (opiet'oa.u It Ik reported (bat tho llurriaon JiroH. bave ktrutk a bulge ofqitnttion Poverty jjnlrh eight incbeit thick which in i toll in fmt gold. Huwtrtte) llni report is yu nioitor uaa be on tin ubJu (o nscetlain. Uncle Hubert Lowo made, a trip to Port Oifurd hint week tit king I bo inuil down fur liuiry Guerin. And, by tbo way, liuiry him aotno of the liiidht lloiaford calves I have seen in Una roctiou. Mr. Avery oatue very nonr loosing oiio of hiti bokt Miilch vows IohI week from being choukixl on a potato, be ing iinablu lo lelievo I lie nuiiual from iIh millet ing iilone, ho aecurod tho beli of J. U. C'lmk Had W. J. Holme and t lion the tul way to relievo her wan to iiuu tbo potuto down her throat wlib a liroouibautllo, alio Huuie joit wouKj n bnllot down n gnn burial. MoDKTAlMELR. liilly Pmith, mii Amoricau pngnlUt. wiih knooliiul out and killed nt Loo don, April 'iii, by 1'ugilmt Hubert. Hinith lingeie.l in an uueouaviou t'oiiililion nearly two daya before death reunited, Tho I'uited SUtoH, Spula &nd Dor many bav gieu Yuueauela notice that thny will not l en poet tkadaoiaiuu l)f her uourla. Ureal Ikiluiu nod Holland are about to tuktt a Iiki Crouioe while other tmtiotm will gib ably follow their aftioo. The United Btnlee ha goue farther and reHerveM the right to review tLe action of Ven esuelu'e Coui'tl. An encbange remaika that the groattut import from tha l'Uiliipiu at pronent ia aiuall pot. i roni uapeiowo, Arties, come news of a trip e tailed oootet whieh ia making tU approach on ita way arounu lite alio. The bank of Uilbeit tifrt., of Salem cloaod ita doora lnt week. Litiga tiun U given rnt the cnueeof Ihetronb le. DepoMiom will probably lm paid in full at buine time in the future, ooo .lleiiitiofa oruivvr nd Uni'bor Couutittteo Coming ( Oiceou. Hit.La:jto. Or.,'ApTil M. -llepit. .. '! ... ;.. .. ... rvuminv linijiig im III I Celt)! Of ft I': t'cBt;ii; tlio I'ntnrv. Fr.w The Poftlaad ONHoolnn. tWneral ,Iamea H. Wilcon, In hia. book on tbo Ueleatlal Kuipire, rejiorta that the pxtmit ot tin. Clunene work able Ofiul beda and the ipiatitily of Ilia mineral contained in them vaatly ex ceeda that in any otb' t pnrl or the world. Jlotb the antliineitu nn I the liitnininoun vtq-ietien abound. Tbo coal of Southern Shnn !ii i not- only the flneet nntbracite, but exifta in Udck In'da of great extent. Cleoeral Wilaon aaya that, even a the ineiean ing eont of coal baa lit ICnglHinI her former suproinaey in the metal trndoa to tlio United Statea, no "in turn the timu lll donbtloaa count when with (bo exlmaation of (he American coal ineaaurea lha mipremnfy in the metal trnibw will imaa on (o Cbiiii, (he cnal riPBKtires and iron deposit of which are commonly hcljevod to he thmnost exlenaivo and Ilia most enduring in t Ita wot lil." Very likely this predic tion may oomo 1 1 tic; but loi.g before that dny arrives tho Middle Kingdom, in which llioau onormoiiM coal dejioa ita lie, will bo dominated by wbit men. When tho molal wnrkiuguoild of Jinropo logins to exhaust its coal depoHila it will he hi ire to got bold of tint Cbinono coal boda. Tlio Indiutin of Porn, lltu Aatecu of Mexico, lout their eountrtuH in greedy while men Meek ing for gold and m I vert and the ChiueHH will surely loie Iheir con I j boda lo white men when t lift o couieH to bo a coal furoinein thomotnl wml; ing countiies of Europe, liropo will develop and iililie Uhiua'a coal bndHi for alia oatniol wnil for Obiua to do no. 31crc War ICiiniorx. Jjovston. Anril 20. William T. Stead, in art interview with a repio Mutative of the IJaily Mail yestetday, aaidt n. ... 'The Uoer aro calculating upon Unglnnd'a becoming fmbroilod with ItrthMfl, or miiiio other eomplicnticn If I am not mistaken, we nro on the vnrge of a at firm acrttft the .Atlantic that will rudely nbatter our peaceful calculations. When Ihu United b'lntee Cotigresa meet-', tho Clayton Dnlwer liealy will bo lorn into shreds nnd thrown lulo our faces. We hIiiiII havii to chooso betwoeu lighting or eating bumble pie. Tho lit hi herious diacufteinn of tho pohibilily of hiicb a war will lo more lo keep tho Boers in the Held t linn all tlio aneccheH of all tbo pro DoeiH in e.ihtonco." OOO .Uore Trouble in ( liiiin. OCO- Ttilpgrami lmmigranta are nniv ing unmeroualy (Uih month, and Ore gon's population will be inoteaaed by KPVerul tholiMinda thereby, l'tobiild) more imn.igranta ftave comn to the I'acifio North went during (he pant few weeLn, largely in cntieefpioncn of the low lioti.eM'eki-ra' tatea on the railronilc, than during any etpialperi od of time in lha paid. In a i-huil time 11101 of (bene tiewci'inetti v, ill be voluntary immigration agent, whom goott it porta or uregon will lu'iug many othere. Oregoti'a ttoiiuljitiou ought to iuereHHo at least 60 per cent during tbia tleeade. Xlnlo I'nir I'rcmlunt .;( (tut lotler from lion. T. K n.i man of the lljiueeomn. 1 and liatlxiix, etntiuM ih .1 1 lea will leaeb C'aliforui . 13 aud Oth' ti the Intti'i , iiionth. Mr. I'. il I Ml t tt'f iength ( 'I. 1, v . f ! Ui Urt liU- : ..I Im , 1 1 .! leruVi"!. 1 "i ii 1 ! 1 1 ' l'urtlaj.. I ...ii. Villi ep li.it r 1 . 1 . . "Iliup )ta bt n . . ' u, oltair u liver 'intuit 1 ' June I lite t It. 1 hi. . Secretary M. D. Wiadont baa just received fiom (bo pi inter tho State Fair Premium List for 1001. Our lU.IKHI ia offered fur pieiitiuina on livestock and fnun productM, and is by far the Inrg' sl ninl hunt premium liat ever offered in thia atate. The list has heou thoroughly tvvisod, and draught up to date in every depatl meitt. New premtniua bavo heeu added, and otbera incroabetl on art! plea most worthy of merit. On iron an boart now of aa complete and liberal pieiiiinuia ua any state in the union, and if bard work aud honest (Toil on tbo part of I bo management coiinta for au thing, I ho fi.ir iUelf will rotnpain favorably with Uoho of Ider atatea, aud a ill be the best evet held thia aido the liocky inoiintains, QOO - releciaiiti It ia reported that Ueuernl iu Chief Count von Waider see and our (lenetnl (JlmfTfe a to eii' gaged in a diepulo over the po sinn of the gate to the aacred city of ektn, which each wuiiia, presumably, a rube, though aa good (or bad) Christian soldiers it ia nut lo be sup posed t hut they reverence it aa they might tbo gate to tho colesUM city guarded by Saint Peter. Though von alderaeo is uomiiially (Hi dlee's su perior iu command, the Aineiioiud Ueuernl ia nut likely to yield up ant- thing that be believe belongs louim, nor ia be afrsij of Uiug emit uinr tialed for diaobedienca to the orders of lha excessively aristocrat io old sub war lord of Urmany, OOO Ongouian: At bo dinner given luitt night to tbo Washington aud Uregon uteutttera ol tho reutenaQ calvhratiou of tbo acquisition 01 tuo uregou country by tho lion. II, W. Cortx.lt, Id the Uoi. I, Portland, a uawa waa adopt od wfcicu, it ia believe,!, will cover aa nearly aud full) as any other posaih'y could the distinctive oUejevla and hUtoibal purpo i of tha centauats oelebratiou of l'Jt.5. The legend that ia to lead tlu 1 it If pugs of alt tbo lil eratura ou lha mt'jiH't ia Bnaut's fatuoua bulMtats " hero ltdla the Origon." The tiatue is then to fol low "The JetWI aud Claik iVliteu uiai and Amenrau Pfccttiu Exiiusi ti.'U." Ibis waa adonted liv tl... , uuantmoua toice of tho geutlemeu preaaut, It is believed no better uaiuo could bo auggaatetl. OOO Dm Nona Kevordi Mr. Itauo Mi- aur. the well kuowu pioueer luiubt-r-uia of in rtberu UuwMdt county, inlands to wake a uutuber of chatig in Del Norte omul) bn ho pur baaeUMttue a'.tKW ttcres ,.f re.l,.,., Thero is aaid to bo morn trouble brewing iu China because of a famine provaihng iu a district inhabited by Hoxetri, and another uprising is feared. War is 11 cold blooded murdering proposition at bent, aud famine not iiifterpieiilly results from such strife, but tho m us t cold blooded, hoarllesn, thing we have seen iu pi int lately is tho following fi otii tho I'ottlandTulo gram : "AiiuIIkt 'liner' iiprininu' U ropirtei, 1)0- online h fniiilnu i rtvulli in thu illHtnct. wlikli lliey inlinblt. 'Hie mircHf aerate lleatlieiit l.'nii't tlisy ni'-fililj- stiitnt toiltntli In tluir own cuuiitry? If not limy tutist lie bliut. ilisl'snll." OOO Jioino Capital News: Oregon's sec lelnry of statu has compiled an olli cial list of chirks eiiipl.j.ed by lilil general as?endly of tho Oregon legis lature, with pay in each cane as made up by tho aecieinry oT statu, making a total of $'JH,U0U. Tlio ponliem of the '.IU members is ? 111.800, mid theie witu liW clerks, ninny of whom were rehitivo't of the members. Idaho's lolotis know very little about tlio Hue nitot njioiMling money, as praclicoi in thu good lepublicau statu of Oie gnu. 000 Hotel Coquille, .tons crititi:ar. rioprii'toi-. This well known hotel is now under new and com petent niaiiiiKeiin ril and has been thoioughly ren ovated throughout The table service is equal tq any in Huutlieru Oregon. Sample rooms for com mercial men. UaggngP Iransjiorted to nnd fiont bonis and trains free of charge. b'inonew bar in connection with the liotel. Vou Can't Expect to Ggt $2 worth fcr $1, but you can get your money's worth at M. BRtBUBR'S IN-nlrr in Hoot nisi! Slmc llt'palring neatly nail prmniitly ilono nt louct I i v fut: prices. The Weekly Oresonian ami this paper nil ih rewn of home, state, the Northwest and the nation. CLARENCE Y. LOWE, llitmlun, (tropon. Druggist and Apothecary, Is Jus! n receipt of it new nnd frt'!i fctuek of Drugs nnd Chemicals, Patent and Proprietary Preparations Toilet Articles, DriiisiM Mijiidrios. I'r.in UMr.K, linusiiKH, SfoMiKs, SoArs Nuts and Canmi s. f'lunr. Tli,ieen Mint f'lirim flr. I'aintH, Oils, f J 1i.m-.k. nnd I'nini. 1 sSriiIic' u'.vT.n r,i.,l,li. ri'linlitn eernon in everr'nimili l repre'ent la rue company of lll llnnnclnl repntii Hon I '.!: snliu v per year, pnj utile wwklt: 51 er uiv iiuwniiiri) mikh an. I nil iiH-IH'H ntrrtlt'lit. Iiotia-lidi', iletliinle8nlnry.il" ciiiiiitilnsloiu sslnrv pniil eneli Hnturdnt anil expeme money ndvanceil ei'cli uetk. Ktanualu IIouhk, iKU Deatborn ht Clilcne'i. - TII11 STJUMKH DISPATCH IIUSSKL PAXTKIl, Mnslcr Lenves llnmloii every inoriiinc except Sunday, nt "tflOoVlnck nnd tunics connec tinnt ltli the trnin nnd steamer Jljrl at 10::!0 a. in. nt CoijuIIIb Cily. Leaves Coquille Ofty nt l'.'iBO p. m., nrriv- nu' at llandnii nt i;.",0 p. in. Do You Know the News -jrYntt can linve it n(l for 50c E't'i" Joitllt IV r .T! Oil I It What We Can Do For You Iwn l'MPes r, 1 1- lli I'llro of tlin. Vou llt llio l.ws or tli' Win lil unit tlm I imihI Tliiuttn III n u llMrgnlii. To tUoss who pnv op nirrmnpe nnd a yi ii r in lulvntidc, ninl In nil in-vv siilisuii tiers who pnv In ndtAiiue, we make the Mloufiuu ptupusiti.iiKXMiipr sttiuevotiil dill' r-'ttt (KiMpleU In , Icot front i 1'uicu er I'tiJite.Ti.iKit fell Xlxn. Hvmxim ltuoniinra C'-' 00 Hut PrmtelMi ItnllilJit UQJ I'urtiniui t-.vrtium 'lidturaui fi no Wut'kiv UiKtutii.iti 1 nil Aupettl to Kvnituu M dill' Cfffl'. The ll'ilti-tln U tine of tha leiul'uu pa,s)rs of I tie Wt.,1. nnd Is ii ilittlv iuUtitmI iu San IVniieUen, nnd ntvts nil Hie turns. (Juroffeo liieliitli H Uiu Sumlny Kultuiti. IU'irder nil 1 Itllllelill line Tear ft! 00 ltitnirUir nii.l Itinli tin, une iu.ii.ili M The I'orllniul Kveiilnit 't'eleiirniii Is Isnmil six limes a weuk. It uies till the news that is wnti li reiulinti ninl up to tiniH uf Ktiinit lo prest, inueh ul tt bnlliR 31 Ill-urn fui.lier thnn wHrii it rraubo lime throiiisli any utlei junrnal. Ittwirder and I'sleurHin one y nr. $" CO r-'nr a weekly tiUKiper I tie W'kly Ore unulan le.id In tlm N.irthwent, ninl nlvi. all til Itewa usiiully eotitsiatil In it ueekl) psr." lUennlar stitl Weekly Oretfuiilan. .V) It Istlwi'uty of .oh wrin In stek la fiiriiialhiii slimu nit line- ill it lend imwir.l i riiiKii'll tl' tivi let onntlittiiiis unit utesn i piu-erll fur I tie lniainii fmnily, mul f.a the (mriVMeef ui v Int, oar n-sdetH a ihanei In mlDtiu tlii'liiM'lves Me itlve tin n the Ii. i ,psl In ltea.in. Any d .. tilin' tint iW ant sppvnl In Itio Inulnnt imler i f r -a sottiiiii is nut xsfo. lieciriiei ntul Aptsnl In tie. is.. a. . j.' (XI .mw'iu ;. .. J. L. THOMPSON. Shaving Parlors ar.d Bathrooms o ISulhi HT) Cettt.M, Wi'fkinansliip up to tlatu in any thing in my line. N'Xt lJjiir lo P.mtufllje. 2 MANUFACTUKHI In the Ilvenlini! Telesrain, of I'lirtlinid. OreKoti. II in (lit li 1 1: Hint.' a pnpe pulili'tlip il in nii ci'ii: 11 eiiiilinm all Hi. neuH nf lln Htnte inr.l nf the lui'iiil 'I iv il fur n li' until. A vmi i'e u 15 w 1 he laili d t" nu tue. Ai!i.n..H Tho Telegram, run i l.i.mi. our. CO VZARr.' KXPCfilNOi;. i:ti:!: i.onun:. cosTii.'.ornji M) I'll ui'OHl Ilmlder. Ih now iii-.'i.mi d In tilihl landeiii lioineH of the Intent htyles uonrinitiiitiiz nr't-elnHii w ork tin) nt l i p in ever purl tonl.tr. tieliiu experiem-i il in the art nl li 'iiKn liailillni-, is iireiisieil In uire iitNfm timi in nl Utii-v i.f Ins husiues't, divine .unntius a siHieniiujr, , l.t, lietpj ciintMtln.i lisnd it l'n 1 1 l.uii'nf It ii i ii 1 Cuiikets nl liu em C uh I'miin. (Hill. I' llll'l'IMI. Ar.i.i.,. Il.iv tv li w.i in, Oartats I L R VI T0N80RIAL PARLORS P. 8. HOYT, Prop. 'it.ii in t:i, DotaMii) m'n.niNci. Ml-1 Mint, II.IMHI.S, UIU. (.UN I SilAVINO. Sll.VMl'lKUXO AND II UK IT I l'.NU At tjTAMKll p.,i l;s, liltlli-..nin iny mi , ii mill rnriel.iln lull, lint r t nlil lliitln, :.1 ci nli.. jW&SaSSH TRADE KAZKC, ?F?ryT ousicns, k ' COPYRIGHTS c. A", fino rn.tlni n uleti h ninl ilenrrlpllnn ilv 1" ' rl llll, flt. uln-tliel litl Ill, , III . Hi IB l-i, 1. 1. i imlentiilile I iiiiiniinilriin'iiii. ,tn. tlr V- t'i.l...,li ,. oii,..,t nteii- r f. ri-riiriii! eiitt'titd in n .mi. yu li-uo ii Uuililiik'"ii t'tli'-. I'nleit. I .I...II throUKll .Muiia .V lo K.JlO It'ciil imtiou in tlio SOlENTiFIG AMERICAN, tonitiriillr llliiitritfHl, Inrve-t rlreultlon nf jiiY .cHMitlllc liiurn.it, ii kir,teiti,'.iii yeirt fl. .lu liiniitlii.. Seriin. it isinl.. 3;in,l I(.mi, llool. u. I'atkvi-, ont free. Altarcj.4 MUNf-J 4 CO,, 2111 Ui'uuiImiii, Svw Vurk Livery ar.d Feed Stable, J. M. CONIJAD, pnoj.., Bandon, Oregon. OViii'Mi Drntiii'j mid Jlutditi 11 -l(f(tll(( Comrmrcidl Mrti 1'romjttlnand Suilu Utlhrrvd a( miv Point. Cood Ki(,"j, (Jeod Tenuis lietlsoiialile Itnlea Will I'liriitt-li ai d IHIIui't Wond oil Sliori Siil he. V 1 a il ftlti sprjapllvprocani, CR KOriS. 8-tiolm M.tkt Nolico for PuLIScalisn. Iti Dtru's i Itii'i.ii.riai. (ihk.i .v. Mau li ::t, iihii vtrrii'i: n iit:ui:r.Y (it-UN v.im n Ihe MtoHitiit nsiiiril sett ir hss Hied U. it leu nf til" liil lit". n t i tiiiike tiiini nr. mi in siii.iit ,.f lil elaiin. snd Mini i-n.l .. win ii. iiinne nenir t , it. im uii c. nut ("rrk. CntM (Vniiitt. Orrie'K. nl Ciiiui.lr I til. tll'lll. nil A1HV I.I ItH'l. ijii WKSl.tYS. XIVt'K. in ht1t. t; Nmamrier the Mii nf KVi rt4nrith'ain iTnJ Urka. U 'VrATC!IT LAWYERS Of tl YIA.SJ' rRACTICtX A' ...20.000 PAItNIS rnCCURtO IhROUCH THEM. vV lirrvifai AloUrj chrc (1 Wi tl I vt wr t i...i. f. r nt rerw A'loOl.uiut' a ii,4V. I (VlEtt lV,r-,t t t.uuuii I htm. a. a4ik. IkiUifulOr C. A. SNOW Sx. CO A PATCNT LAWVCnS, it nASHINQTOI, 0. C.V Vio.'p. o. 5. ratrst Office. f It, NU of li.SK! uf NWti. .So . -ti n , ii. t w II. I tie iniiues Ike fiillnoinu iiin,ie tn nrie una eiiiitinujiiiiii rmuieiitf uisin hiiu t'Ullits (ill u ksiJ IstiJ, till l. I,. Dliiima. ii r..ikrliiirtj, Ute.'ou. A tiuenU. of 1'nrkirs hu'u. Ort ton. I) (' Itniidleiniui. nf I'nrkeri tiiitv. Oreiiiw, If pieufll, nf Strkertnru wtKU. I. T. Itatnoas. niMtal liegi.ter. il uuitHf- He itifi rn. Adocsto tliut a I ... . Ul bo built iu o4er t m . t v harb' i i i ill ty li .i.i ., .f i l.i,!. i i .i tl'lt HAliK OK llkh' f.-Veti Kiieri,.r I lituM raiirbe, PU ritetikike i.nt.ala r .at;..! iweatV n aeetl ot C"iu, nrrr ".nil in ! ri dur nml Hr IiiuIicii Tlm Snnili ball nf ilie S..11I1 Ksst unsrier suit the li.l Unit f Ike nih t qumti t ut (et tion IU ni loariiHiup feiuth. nl rniiiit) 14 We-l ul Wtllmimiiui Mirutian. Kr oniititiou ol Mile ut iiii apply m t itiuk, -, iiu.viiit.v wti.t t in;ii itiii'ttiiT. aAX Hiaa vvaT(. eatawai, Isirli, Mean IvtucwMlare 14 Mi mam iuipMalam at, am a Uiutwut hHBitaraiajw i a la, f . I'. i ii i!ii. HKSiaeUia. I 1 . , aUttlw ilXKMt BAMB. Nuiuiiinry i.)b.vir FJoticc For Publication. O lNn t'una Jtr lluututftiu. Ohm. s Jjsirli :'l. VOI'ICK IS Ml l!KH Utl S 4 Hie t,ill.,ulv. Il.ii,,.,j , , , u llvinoe nf kls Ulti lit! i. to linik,. l.i. il i. , in Mitpiri . f Ins e.nn. . ut.tt lb a . ,,t I , f Hill lw ii mle U-iu,,, . H. ttM ,i,l f . ,, Clerk, CiH's t'.miiM, tins on, M n ,, ,. t tiy. tlreniin. mi ,lv , iul, ttii on tils tl. 1-. Nn. m m (i tl ,. SV ' ,.f N V l, of Stt t nf S,M a a .N 4 ot Ne. h I'. ?s ! I,, 1 1 . Us tisuies the , , ting u,,,,s t ertivo tin, etiinii ii.,ii ...... eiiliiHl.iiif wii, i, v. j,. v j , nn ILiifl'til'iinii l mi. Aiuti.M r ! . i ti. .nf Hu.lar.ts tr.... On.lsve Sei i. f 'i . r 'i ,1;- o3jox J . .il' iVri K -V" 'P-r ooos t . I"aiu3c uiai.i .USP 'I. 'OH 4vA l,m,'T,,"' k 'jjjiI tit Jivjajiotti 'iiuu jjjjod ijiatiAiB .Cioiuioktiu 'SU3Qtm 3H1 AO 3MO ja(tnit oip uo .won so)nl puu eoa Jl) dlt 0.)itunj jftiut 3tm 0IW ' S 'fl 'tStri 'S11JJ 33J53IK3 ' a o -d '03 1001 ONV SWUV SN3A31S 7 oip jo oiitfoiirity atp, joj iUilii pujvj 'ultras. iiirfMii, linlUrds, Orrcntt. luttJs l.-li.tl . Id. j. r. Piie , It. Liii r Ask youc Driiggltri 10 CENT TRIAL SIZS. ATARRH VALUABLE Ely's erc3fi5Cciailmvt ll J t - ,, e stii . . it. .r., cru,. I, sj .1 i: -' . tjun I,,', n .. , It iwwnB sitl .v,. lk .NsmI I .mso, .. Istss.. II- I, MM) U4 IT....... , ct T.-i .., . . I x ; i- i ,i. COLD N hi VtttlWHM. It. -; and for the N'-ut K a K'lnon of The Umpor urn hcooonilat Dow in l'(c. Our larip, profu?elv il lustratedS.in.v and Sum mer e.ita!o;u J?scnb the new fas' ions, and ijvins lowest DtTartmont Store prices for everv h.m to eat, dr.nk, wear "i use. -.miii a. J.vwnr. POfl!f'i,.".5.' lulSWi DO YOU NEED AiNY HARDWE? Tn Tnk We nr0 '"" du'"B ,'u''1""", nl Tl'0 Old t X Oil JLO y1nnd nndenn plfSFSMiu. Cive ns a Call nnd ijniuino onr Stoves, Rapges and Farm Implements, Eto Now is Hie time to pn.cl.aH. llar.lwt.ro. Tlio iiD.1oi8iBnl bns iu Htock a lnr;o ussorl merit of Hardware, Tinware, Graniteware, Glassware, Crockery end Miners' Supplies. I'aintH. Oiln, IloorH ami Window. ,:,,, ..soi.vKi,:,,,. A MCNAIE, The Bandon Hardware Man Hew Spring and Summer Goods coming in on every boat. T U"" n,ia FainiiliinB Gondi, Oneitn flilnli Suits, nnd JjelU.lt b V'qnderful ilnrciilns In Underwear nnd llosiety. Orders taken for Men's Taylor matfe Suits. Fit and Satisfaction Guaranteed. T? on rKr TTci t! O Kl,,B for x,e"' Y""M' mid Cldldren. JCwCiiU.y IfiCiVXC Cniistiintly en Hand. .Men's r'ninmliliu! Guods il Sixcinlt -. New It'lts, New Ties. Svw Mlilrts. UadJrwaro, ninl Snfis, Hunts and Itnliber Oomls. Groceries, Hay, Grain, Snd und Feed, W.C Sanderson, THOMAS ANDERSON, Prop. Will line . iiii Hand ill all Tiaiei Fresh Beef, Pork, Mutton, Smoked Meats, Lard, Stiusagos, Etc., also I'Vesli Vegetnliles I'onllrv, Mu:-, Uutler and all Farm l'loilnee, and a Generous supply of fresh Groceries I Mill pay Idgliest ni-rlut price for lieef. perl;, mnitnn.vM'ol, Id les, ele. JUADIES' FU1LXISJIING DKPA llTilENT. l-fj Iu en'it ectii'ii with tlio M,,il:i-t Mr. Ainlrfnn cnndiieis n LADIES' l-Ur.N-JMlJNa DKl'AH'I'MZXT.eonstai.tly ad.t I if" in;,-new u'o.iil- tn lief s-toik of Jaein'th, C'o.iKv, hiu'n 1 l-ff' Underwear. Sli'tt Wni-ls, Sbitt Wuist StU, I ollnrn Ci.tV-. Jjinl i.'s-.' and ( liildreu'h Hone. .'iT;?- J'ar.icuUir ulltidhn ijivii lo new mid lntfl xlylrn. lf AMBRICUS OLUB lUi-iE WHISJlEY -A'V THK- "EL DORADO" mm. ,v. navn M mm m 71 mv m tn 1 1 1 ji-,' . m 'hmji I ,W'v. ' I'll VtVM. "k-.-.' , fAKV. UJT if?" nuF BETTER 1 I Ip-TR-Datf HifiH finAni p. yj i w uni i-, i i ivji i j rnu i, PALL BEARING , MaRQUETR VDOD WORK, Popular Prices, etc., etc. RIDER AOENTS WAITED one in each town to ride and exhibit n sample 1901 model V SIS'S'S. of our .manufacture. YOU CAN MAKE $10 TO ao n w ttK oesiucs Uaviug a vhcel to ride for yourscu. 1901 Hodels SiMBS $10 to $IS 00 ft f0B Models M $7 to $12 500 Second Hand Wheels in fi We ship any bic7clo"oN "aPPROVAL. to onj-Qne xcdhout a ctitt t.;w. it in admnco aud allow !0 DAYS ?m TRIAL. S5- no risk in ordering from int. viv.i itot liced to Pity r.nl II .1,- l,t..U., .1.. . ' ..'...7. ' " TW"-r 4 n?.8 n-"S' ftusr pmcts . t.d titi Wrt .i.l' it?'11 ,rc' b" "?vtr Utut ttiualcd auJ U ...lllrn f-r r-t WE WANT II r!l ..HSi "h.t51.- . ,n B.ilsi'BVK"!'! excoaoce tor blA-.-i. . . V ,,wn to oistrtoote c'.a:-juei i-r rtleloday for frce catalogue and cur ep.iaUffcr. J. L. MEAD CYCLE G8.? Shieago, 'l.ll . ,v N at ac t tl Clrfii. n r niiMii u i