Bandon recorder. (Bandon, Or.) 188?-1910, May 02, 1901, Image 1

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    5 HT1 01Pt
)21Times a year for $2.
52 Times a year for $2.
feunie xviii.
Number 18.
ST r
'" ' "
JLoico groceries cnll nt Mn-
Baud ouiertiiina on Saturday
RFahy, sawyer in tlio Prosper
j70 Bandon n call Inst Sunday.
"fiLino bq. I C. T, Kiloy, o(
Point, worn in town lust Sut-
H-Neolyis soiling ber onluo
goods nt cost to closa out Ler
JjMunck, who nvo Snn Fran
sbnsinesa cull, retinuod bouie
?Dixon, of Minneapolis, Min
a book agent, was iuterviowinj,'
nans this neck.
'f Barklow and wifo unci S. A.
If BoaFcrook wero doing busi-
town last Monday.
L -Barrows went to rnrKera-
esterday, wliero ho will lilo
rtheshipjnul tin's tcntoti.
erJDorinolly of Marshlield will
irvicea'next Sunday, May Gtu,
Cat hoi lie church iu Bandon.
yj.VBicnp. who lives iu tlio
fjliou'poa tuilo t-onth of town,
jrjjanitoBick during tlio pimt
bnudwill fjivo a opn air con
extlSatnrdav veniiiL' at 8
Como out and hear tho
iltyonwflwliu owns tho ranch
bMiehTlit-low ll,t Bonnet placo
ingiOutMhis month from Liu-
dw.Fox, of Ashland, was in
itimluy?iin I O. W. Sti'ihmis,
ringjfirotu tho Bntuo place, was
ilipnBuMlliio Sled Trust wero
rJsTngWfor their health when
Tthiitfcoiiil'iniitioii. and as a
sTeelllnis lulMinced tfl! per ton.
Logati! and wifo who worn
(HinTtown for n few days have
tojBeiir cu-ek wliero JIr. Lo
llupt'Ua tirm of hohoul next
'daJonrim': Of cnurso, Hit
ffinbWdibfi )iiii'l iH(l in A In
Jjn2tM,iht:iV)i0 steal fn.m
"l laHdifun.l will ! nil glossi d
nwitntmti thing in I In- line of
tedSCIuun. Chuns Ware. Al
itaUouery. Tt ,vs XuIh, Can
cgoto Mrs, JI. Neely. Sin
g tbemjut cot.
Jay uigljt th P. D. 11 tu. I on
f Thjs'is the U.ind'rt tir.U hall
iboys 'bavu worked hard to
Wsuccoss, an 1 everytlnug is
u'furlafph'asa it tiiiu.
jusaenger I tl on tho bteamer
ay,-frotu Fraueisco. tin's
!ns follows: A. l Linegai,
P.LinPgar, ,f A. F.trington,
liors'aml Alvm Mtiiiul;.
lf(repprrn"nt,itii'U of iho Mn
i'dirofof", visited llm
jfjodgo; last .Satnrdey niylit
iccasiou of mmho new uiembei's
litiatujTiu the l,ittr lo Uo.
12ja? boon nntned for tho
tlotBllio bust ball season iu
mnty.TgOn that dato a con at Myrtle I'oint bo
UnrbbuVld and Myrtlo Point
KanVnintz, of C iquillo City.
Bandon Inst Sunday hnvuig
i iwnl I ?r n day on tho lieacb.
pleaanro was curtailed by
lain which visited this
IljoltiytLo photographer, has
Sdjtojreniain until Moiulay.
h?bforo going to Coquillo
y98r last chance; call iu time.
rtMH) photos for 50c. Other
rfjwwt at reasonnblo rates.
rttfXwiove uiado a rouud dip
AJbetwet'ii Coqnillo and Ban
tiVHsediiy, with tho steamer
wlMing iu n second appear
fapMit 10 o'clock at night
JiwkVYalc, tho pioneer corn
ier and his outliit on
MWlwearlv proven that nny
Mnnfeeil in Dairying, either
ietMa)I scale, ennnot bo sue
wjthgit tho Now Method of
HMfifteain from Milk. Tho
iSio recognized separator
MltiiMia. Tbo Pioueer Hard
MiirslilieKl is aueut. !
Mail la'ny made good
.! lj tat Inn Stln, t
. . ... .
91 iiuioigni naiuniiiy.
ori n ilet-LI .i I at C'ros-'
1 il l I1 .
Irr 1 13 1 and returniHl, '
ing. April 2S, having
naVil mi i linllrs '
,ln. I . . wi I .. .. 1.,
Tho camping Benton is hero.
John Blacklock bad business at tha
county seat last Saturday.
Pleaso return thoo books you hnvo
tnken from the public library,
0. W Olive, of Marshlield, was
looking mound Bandon last Tuesday.
I M. lj. Hurst of Coqnillo registered
at tbo Tapper honso Inst Monday
I evening.
i J. D. Lowo gave Coqnillo City n
' visit Inst Thursday roiurning homo
next day.
Tho Pioneer Hnrdwnre Storo of
Marshlield is ngent for V)o Laval
Cream Separators.
C. T. Hiley, of Myrtlo Point, went
to San Francisco on tho
look nfter tho schooner Mizpah after
that vesso reaches tbo city.
Tho steamer Argo cnuio in last
Monday evening having been delayed
on her trip up by heavy head winds.
Sho brought up GO tons of freight.
John Medio, who has boon liing
in Bandon for rouio tiiuo past, has
moved on his plnco bolow Parkers
burg. Ho has built n new house on
his farm.
C. F. Alton and Dr. Cook who havo
been looking around tho llaudolpli
blncksand deposits for sonio time left
yesterday, on tho Mnndalay for San
J. L. Roy and family, from Coqnillo
City, are camping on tho north side
of tlio river, opposite town, hnveing
comn down to fish and enjoy a season
on the bench.
Sales of Do Laval Separators to
dato beat all previous records. Tho
Pioneer Hardware Store of Marsh
field is kept liusy supplying the Orenl
Demand for these Wonderful Ma
chines. All pei sons having bool;s nut of the
Bandon library are requested to bring
thorn in immediately as tho Li'uai'.v
committee wish to adjust tho library
and put it in bettor condition for
public utility.
Unbelt Vall:er took charge yester
day morning an po-tmasler of th
Ban-lon poMotlice. J). F. Topper
win has tilled that position long and
well, will movo to J. P. Topper's
ranch below town.
O. S. Onodonongh and family, who
havo been residents of Bandon for
several year-, left yesterday for Sun-
nysi'le, Washington, where Mr. Good-
enough puri'lowd a small farm when
be visited (hat stale a year ago.
Di puty Assessor T. J. Thrift oame
home Monday evening on a short vis
it to his family and to liuMt up his
work on Two mile creek. He is off
again looking up the assessable prop
erty of lesidout on the lower river.
Tho ronfeieiice, of Latter Day
Saints, which closed on the 10th of
April, at Independence, MNsouri, ns
signed Klders A. M. Clino and C. U.
Crumley to the Oregon dislpcl. and
D. L Harris, who labored in Oregon
dining tho past two years, was given
tlio Kooky Mountain mission.
Mrs J. A- Hnpert and daughter.
Belle, left yei-terday morning, for
Portlnnd wheie they will make their
fntuio home. Frank and Miss Kthel
Uuperl havo boon in Poitlnnd for
some mouths attending school. Mrs.
Rupert mid family havo left many
friends hero who wish them succensiu
their new homo.
Clinton Mnlohoru, of Floras creek,
was in town Tuesday afternoon wear
ing a beaming countenance which
was easily accounted for when upou
tho arrival of tho steamer Favorite
onoof Myrtlo Point's fair daughters,
put in an appenranuu and tho. pair
wnlked off together without bhowing
any biirpriso at the meeting.
Tho Livery stable has changed pro
prietorship. V. It. Hiu-kiimbmu hav
ing taken hold with J. M. Conrad.
Messrs. Conrad fc Bncl.inghnui will
put tho bu-iueos on a good running
basis and will soon bo able to give
the public first dais sot vice. They
are prepared to do all kinds of loom
ing and hauling, and ask a fair shnro
of public patronage feeling couiUont
that they enn servo tho iuterosis of
tho public.
A change in river transportation
took place hero yesterday morning.
David Perkins ami John Moomnw
bought out W. H. Pauler's iutorrwt
in tho trnnsortation business. The
steamer Dispatch will lie kept on her
present run, ami jt Is expoeled I hat
the Favorite will run from Ooqnille
to liaudon and return, after sum curoe-
off the lHoh where she Ims Itoen put
in older to have her hull repintl.
Just whwt arrangowht will obtain
between Cnnlain Utturga Ltuuve Hud
thfi new uinuigemaot Iih uot yet
been settled. Cptnin Putr MUd
fauiily will movo to their ranch below
For pieplant call on J. B, Maisball
Sc Son.
I. Lnng, of Gold Beach, was in
town last night.
There are several men nt work on
the new schooner nt Pnrkorsbtirg,
Don't loso your opportunity. Mrs,
II. Noely's goods are going rapidly.
For bargains go to Mrs. H. Nooly
She is selling out all her goods nt
Next Sunday tho Coqnillo City
band will give nu exclusion to this
W. H. Logan has bought tlio house
nod lot lately owned by Mrs. J. A
For Clioico Groceries of gnnranteed
strength and purity go to Mngoon's
L. Almnyer. of San Francisco, reg
istered at tbo Tuppor Houso last
Keeper II. Johnson gavn Coqnillo a
short, visit yesterday roiurning home
in tho evening.
J. D. Stewart, one of tho pronmieut
dairymen, of Southern Coos, was in
town jesterdny.
Gustavo Schulz and Charles (I.
Fnby, from Fahy's mill, wero in town
Tuesday evening.
Mr. nnd Mrs. H. Neely are making
preparations to move to Port Ortord
in the near future.
Charles Fitzbugh, of Port Orford,
was in town last night, on bis way to
Baker City, Oregou.
lid ward W. Fahy was in town yes
terdny having come down lo seesoiuo
friends off for Snn Francisco.
Mrs. H. Neely has a nice lino of
Veiling. Tidb's, Stnnd Covers, Corsets,
ttc, which she is s'dling at cost.
Miss Marie Bossen has been en
gagod to teach the New Lake school
and will commence the term next
Milo D. Sumner, enmo over from
Marshlield yesterday for n short visit
to old friends. Ho letuined to the
bay again lo dnj.
V. V. Yolkmar, of Myrtle Point.
took passage on the steamer Manda
lay for San Francisco, (o seek a loca
lian iu California.
Charles Hall who Ims bpen living
nt tho McOi.un mill moved his family
to Fisbtnip, to day. Mr. Hall has
purchased a fiitm in that locality
George Belloni, of the Star Ranch,
Curry county, was in town last night
Belloni Bros mo milking about KM)
cows at pre-ont which number will be
incieased to about ICO during the
Mrs. Cordon ennies a tine slock of
milinuery consisting of Ladies Hals,
Itilibotw, Cm tains, elc. Sim has ad
de.l Sewing Machines lo her stock
and can eive you n bargain iu that
nrliele. Call and examine hor goods.
Dyer and Shoemaker nro having
their Bandon broomhandlo factoiy
put iu cunditiou for thorough work
and will s'ait up iu a week or ten
days. Idlgar Bosfen stnrled in this
morning to rebuild tho furuacn.
Alonzo Davis, of Now Lake, took n
ttip up to Coqnillo City to day. Mr.
Davis is thinking of putting n separ
ator iu his daiiy and will visit one of
the dailies on tbo lower liver to in
spect the woiking of olio of tbese
A. T. Stonehonso nrrivod hero last
.Monday, from San Francisco, and
galbeiod up the apparatus stored
b'roby tho Barnos' Dog nnd Pony
Show company when they made their
way down the coast last fall. The
apparatus was shipped to San 1'iaii
cihco on tho steamer Maudulay.
Tho piiKBonger list on Iho Mnnda
lay wLon fcbo ivunt to sea yesterdny
was as follows; C. T. ltiley, W F.
Volkmar, G. K. Murphy, Geoigo
Muiphy, A. S Cook, C. F. Allen, L.
Altmayir, H. A. Dickson, Duncan
McLeod, N. J'latlaiid, Matt Flutland.
J. M. Byors, A. T. Stonuhoiise, Mis.
V. G. Cox.
Chariot; and William Strahan and
W. W. Hen. of Gold Beauh. ai rived
hero Tuooday oveniug iu a grsoline
boat. Tho engine stopped on ilium
iu coming iu over tho bar making the
venture rather interesting for a few
minutes. Tho cause of the stoppHge
was a lurch iu the boat which jottltd
tho engineer cuiisi: g him uninten
tionally to shut ulf tho supply of gas
olino, aided to which the author
eliaiu which was unfateued. ran out
and had to m pulled in. Koopor
JobuHun und orew from tu bfw Having
ntntion iimd,4 m nice ran down in th'
lifeboat, but by the time they renebed
tho teen, the erew of tbegintoiiritf vos
el had their Ixwt uoder coutrol mi thnt
MaUtatiM km uot necuMMry. The
crow took on u tank of gnoluiw m
tor lay nnd iuft f'jr Huguo Hiver.
Tlie pili'ilriver wliicli is bcitic built to re
pair the ulinif is ahout completed.
Mrs. Jniues G(-llo lm Ihwii Ki-riotislv HI
for n mul I In n ciIiIck! conUltlon.
Wont f niui Itotfue lliver gives ont tho In
fottmttioa that Ihiro hns ticcii nn rim of
Kiilnion la thnt stri'iini worth luriitidnlns
so far this season. The run in Into in sl irt
Tho Misses Feriy, of Hiverton,
are piepariug to open up a
milinery store in tbo build
ing alongside tho Pioneer Watch
maker's plnco of business.
Tbo new steamer, Arctic, being
buill at Heed's shipyard, will be
lnunched nt high tido on Thursday.
Tho stem iron and oilier necessniy
material anived on the Areata, and
tlio wnys nie being prepnied for tho
launch. Tho vessel will tnko only
tmflicieut lumber for ballast, as (bo
orders nie to get her to the city at
once, so thnt luir machinery can be
fitted, and that she can sail for Cape
Nome on or about her advertised tune
Capt. Hnns Herd will go below on
her, and intends redlining as soon ns
possible, to commence work ou
another vessel. Coos Bay Nctrn.
llyiuoiit'.-il (toiids.
A two-in- ono proposition camo off
nt Bennot Beach, last Tnesdny, April
liO, wherein John Blncklock, former
ly of Cniry county, but now of Snn
Francisco, led Mrs. Joyce to Iho nl
Hev. Georgo Gillcspio ofliciatod in
Iho ceremony that legally bound
those two souls together, whose henrls
will now pulsate In unison with the
aspirations of renewed interest in
The newly wedded pair will make
but a short slay in Coos, and whim
tho stenmer Mnndalay rolurns again
they will bio themnelves nway tothoir
San Francisco homo.
The Itucoimr.n wishes them n pros
perous voyage on Lifu's troubled
iiou.nd 'i in: ooirxTV.
From the CorpiillB City ISuiltitln,
Sheritr Gallier informs ui Ibnt this
year beats (lie record for tax paying
Taxes nro coming in rapidly. This
speaks a whole lot for tho tax payois
of I be county.
On! Harry had Hi .misfortnno to
brenk bis light )pg, last
the Palmer ranch on Cherry creek.
Ho was helping lo removi an old shed
ubi'ii it foil catching him under ii.
J. C Wilon ricuived u new boiler
for his mm-liine shop, in this city.
Monday. The one which he has been
using being too small. Ho disposed
of the old boiler lo Fred Von Pegert
and Pinktou Laird, who will operate
u small creamery on the J. C. Laird
farm a few milo abovo town.
From the Coast Mail.
Dr. Pellon, who was formerly phy-
hienn at Iho Heaver Hill mine, wes
ono of the iinfortuiirituH who perished
iu Iho recent blizzaid in Iho Arctic.
D. II. FraiiKhaiiser, agent for the
Singer sewing machine ai rived on Ihe
Alliance from Puitland, having been
assigned to Coos conniy at bis own
request. He expects to movo hi-
fumily beio mid locate peimancnily.
C. II. Mcichiint received a telegram
Thursday, direoling mi immediately
commencement of woik on the steam
schooner which is lo bo built hole by
the Pacific Shipbuilding Co., for 0.
A. Hooper & Co., of San Francisco.
Work was nccordingly rommenred
Friday morning under direction of
A. Ileuukeudoifl', master builder, iu
clearing nwny n placo for tho cou
striiction of the now vessel.
Tbo Launching of tho now stenmer
from tho Bay City sdiipynrd, which
was to have taken placo laht Monday,
was unavoidably delayed by tho non
nriival of tbo stem iron from San
FrnncUco. This is a heavy band of
iron, weighing two tops, which is
fastened on tho fiont of tho stem
from top to bottom, to servo as n pro
tection fioui possible bruises. It is
xpoctrd on the Areata und the
launching will take as soon as
it is fastened in jiokitiuii,
From tMi Coca Hay Noun.
IhIjii Mniitilii hiii Jimmy Ferry nre
I run i-icl I nu tho ooal Un'n tm lti J. U
Ferry iirniwiiy, ut ttiu ld uf lalhiiiua
klouiih. 'I l,t-ri Ntt niuk d.tlurniit vklim of
oiimI there anU the Ii llotious in, lliut the
cual llclu mn Lo woiUU inotlmbly.
'I no o( It lirn-l miroo li.ra i-, r leu
Ml in Sou Hum Urriiou wrr iliuul in
ill II lt,U(.h ji-alniUHV. linfd w. II. Kol,l 4
Kjii' eamp, near Wwt .MiralUlt'tU. 'I U
Imiii lo of on of lb (rrM U iienrlv uiu
ftt to Ui-wu'in-. mid itiv ! of lira two
In-Ui ktiuua AO.OOU feel.
Work It to be (x.iui.iiiti at iw on n
U-niu ciiooiir, H tli MkiabMId hii jmU.
Ut 0. K lioor k Co., of Hh Frsneiaou.
l b mo will U Uitl iu tU iNMnt lul, U
lwu Um vmuk-1 uuw ui Ui awiM of eon
s(iucihu (ud ttn old ii'iU. lit l'ifUi
WiipbuildlUH Cu. will build tk veetd. muA
br diiut-umuiia vill In K 18J fl , Lui,
3i ft., Ui . ib of h,.;d, n. , ft.
Announc nnnt.
Having opened tho Old Central
House 1 wish to stale to the public
that I mil prepared lo accommodate
persons desiiiug board nnd lodgingso
by the day, woek, month or by th
single meal.
The house linn been Ihnrughly
renovated and relilted nnd is within
live mimitts wnlk from Iha Boat
Landing, and iu convenient to tho
bench, while a lino iev of the bar
and ocean is had fiotu the bluff.' uear
This bou-e is m a quiet part f f
town where tho test of guots will
not bo disturbed, while the table will
bo supplied with the best tho market
affords and the commit of guests will
uecaielully looueil ufler.
Cut!. Nn.sox, Prop.
si a it i m: moi r.s.
April 2. Stmr Mnudiilny, lli-cil, t3 hoiitia
from Snn Frnnoisoo.
April W-Slr Ari;o, Huittiesi UK ilnys from
Hun Fotnclsco.
Mny 1 Schr Albion, l.iirson, 11! ilajsfrom
Knn FrnncUco,
April Schr May Flower, Oudiunnsoii,
to San Francisco.
April W Schr FatUcrsburK, JorKcuscn to
San Fjnncisro.
Mn t Schi Oonfii..'M, Japghson, to t-nn
Mny 1 Stmr Mnuilnlny, Hinl, to Hnn
Mny 'J Sehr Iterwiok. IVnrsnn 10j Oajs
tremi Sim Frunclni-o to 0 M A T Co.
Mny-' Stmr Atko, Hughes, to Snn Frnn
cico. Mny " Schr Coqullk', Aiuli-rsoa, from
Snn Fiiiiic'Ihco.
.1. M. liri'DN,
Ollloe iu the Kldoniiln lliilliliui, on First
Two Rea! Bargins in Real
Hlorv nnd n hnlf house! fi room; lire nlaco.
Ijarnu lot iit'iii ui-nli'l' of town, iftril).
One story houo 5 looinm lot ami a hnlf.
cur w (mil n mill, V !
Doth if these ur real anpi.cnll on J. M.
UIM'OK. lliiiidui.
A. W. KH3IM, 23. I).
Calls to all parts or t-iwn nnd count
piomplly nimweri-il da or liliiht. Ollico on
winmror Lower Main nml Atwiiter streets
V.'. HnyiSoi:, .tJ. :.
Onioo Knst Front Kliei l,
lliMinN. ()hi:oon.
kiilipliril ill tli LouhI CoIiiiiiii.
Will visit lUmlon reijiilnrly on ilnten to he
rir.o, r. 'lol'l'lNn,
I'r.utli , In all Iho Conrln or llm Slulc.
Oflleuoa Si-coml Floor iu Concrete llullillui!
on Flrt ftri-i t.
Llfn Inmiriuit'K Foliuhisnnd IIoiiiIk houuht
or uiony limni-il on mono.
II. union,
9 . titwia' Vl 111 If 111' I- b
3 "
i-t.iMM l.ninil' Nfl.C.I. KNIUII'IK?
V -v l-t lllf
..rPvii.iuM mi i im i,ir v iMomliiv j.
X t.tiiim: i 7:!W oVloch. in Ci lle lhill,
IIhiiiIoi, ()n. (i lltMK, C. t.
J II. N. lUwilsiiroN, n. oi ii. nun n.
Spring Goods !
Jo Denholm
has just received a full line of Spring
Dry Goods, also a Large
Assortment of
Men's Boy's and Children's Suits.
A Large Stock of Fresh Groceries
Always on Hand.
Orders Taken for Tailor Made Clothing. VctoJL.
Is now supplied with a full nnd omuplctu stock of
Hardware, Tinware, Graniteware
and Miners' Supplies.
Wo carry n complete stock of
TiNMiie.N simp in Tools, Cutlery, Doors and Windov3
CONN IX HON. rip,. rittpiK mill rimnlinKn M-i-lully.
Bandon, .... Oregon.
5P is hfirfi flnrl so
in ttiv Rtnnlr
Spring and Summer Goods.
Wow is the time to buy.
Thn shelves nro crowded
Willi N'uw Guoild which
ulll ho illnK)Hed of nt prices thnt will uu, uhilu thuru nro
fTVaoT haYifrQinc 1,0 'mi' ' ,)rv OikhIh, ciothhu.'. bhoei
room fur nioru.
and uthur nouili thnt must hu sold tuiuuhu
A Full Stock of Fresh Groceries
always on hand.
Di:.VLi:it in
C cjacritii B:ffci-cliiisaiSio.
Ti:i:.Mi.sN Miriiii:.
Notice In lu ri liy ulven to nil pemnns not
to tn-npi-.H-i upon I Im pr, niiuro of Dr. Ki'iiymi,
-itnatiil tit twi'iii l-'lniiih l.iiku nnd the roui).
tv imiii. in Norlliirn Curtv. Iiv riinovlnu.
oiilliiin. or ili-Mlrojiim thnhi-r uimiii mtjil
laud. reward will lio paid for Informa
tion ti-iiil Iiilt to a convlctioii of trt-rfpiikt nu
till t-U nlaive.
Datid nt llamlou, Oreci n. March 14. IHCI.
I'K t'Ult NIILSON. A veil t-.
The New Steamer,
III.MIllN I.IMXIH. No. I in, A. I'. A. l
1 NDO.N L()l)IF.No.tir..A.F.A.M.
? I) HIhUhI miiiiiiiniiiciitiolis tlrat Sut
iuicliv Mfter thf full niooli of niiihS
iiumtli. All Mimli-r Mi.soiw eordlHll J.
invited. My nrdai of W L
')'. J. I'lllllr i, Kortnry.
.A 'il.fcAAv'c... f-.f .
i (nml (Juein of lli, I'liri-.l No, 17, y
1'iirrotrra of A nm lia.
if oi'UTfii'Ki:F run roitusi' t
SVv No. 17. inii'K Frldnv inht U earhj.
nili. iu llawi'ii Hull. ItMlidmi. (rtn
5 omdml weliiiiue H i-jtuidi d to nil vi-
iillnu l.r,.il.rM W. W SHII'LLV.
f 1B8T (Jow. Chttif lUiiKT. i
9 I'm. S..Krtnry.
ii.v miii.n i.oixii: No. ia:i, i, o.o. v
I andon loikihTno. I.O. O. F.
JlJ tiviry WedueMlsy eveliiiiu. A
3 Vwltliiir lrtlifr In uuud vlHiidliiKA
2 iMirdully IiivIImI.
A. W. Kihii. Ben.
t i i &it
Conn YKMILY to (7tifili.ii mnii
VUUU. )lf W, ,tlH u IHO Ht'i I i -III
yrflnf liaiiiM in Utt' ml u
i'.tf (IhihiUki U nul im llm u- ' "'d
0orri4i iiduH wmk w ' ' " '
voor buill. Kind" ' 1 ' --'
Uniprd ei,rtt f"r p , f ' i . 'i ,n I i
firiiwul UiiH,-r,('-- ' Hii! I i-t.'
, , T" -. I M-.iu li.t,rj,
WiihliuixX'ii- D. (:-
Arrives April 27. Knils April "J,
CAFF, IIL'dllFS, M.stiii.
Will .Mak Itiuulitr '1'rlpH lUtwu-n
ami Tin:
Fri-lflit rntcs from Knn Frnin'lKco to
llaiidon, ilim ii tout To (Viiili City mid
lailnta pelow, ifll.VI; in Mjrllo Foiut nod lis
lertinlnK puinu. I.U).
llaiidon Hljent ...Flhl'lt Iltrr.
Khii Finiiiiion ngeuti1,. .Iliiluie ,t Mart,
...Water Works...
l'nro. frosli, cold iprlnx wntor
piHti to any part nf town,
anil to nny (iiirt (if thn Iioiihk,
on applii'iihuii, in qnantitii'it
di'hiri'il. Huii'.i roiiHunnlilu. ; :
W. H. LOGAN, Proprietor
T:.'iiii)ii U nri Try I nu It.
In orilur tu proro tin rjritt merit nf
Klj m I'rcn n lltfm. tho mo i vftVotivtt cum
t r Cdtarih nd CcU In lltwl, v,o nnve pre.
Hm a D'UKi.ii trial i.ija for ID cent I.
i, t it of jour diti.tu' t irfcoiul 10 ionU to
JJ.iOS., C J uinn Bt., H. Y. City.
I laTttMil from o tlnrjli of ttto wont kind
ret iuM it Uy, 1..1-I 1 nuver liopwl for
1 tr, bat Vij' Criviiii Hnlui tMum to ilu
tun thnt. Mu UMiufimUnouH hare ud
t willt otoolLiiil rult..- (Joar Ottruiu,
13 Wiaren A.o , Ouhuira, III.
ISy'4 Crnni lUlm U tho neVnoMledje,
urn for OHt.inh nnd UHitului liu cocuiu,
iiiuritury nor nny liijurinin iUuk. Frico,
..In, At drux;Utj or I toai),
egantly Fitted Twin
Screw Stmr.
OAFTAIN a. itinm.
Hli'iiiner will ulvu n rmularllldny Srlco
ImUt-cn Coiiiilh Itlvur. OrRon, niul Khii
Frnm-laco, (Jul., for huth ssMKr
For full or further Inforiiiitlion npply to
Captain A. ltiid, on honrd Mumutr ur
N. LOIIUNZ, AKont, C'oipilli-, 0:rin.
.M. It. Li:i:, Audit, llniidun, On nun.
II. i'. KUUZ. (iunoral Affiit, Uf7J'rWt Ht .
Bun Fritnol.oo, Oallfuriiln.
Blacksmith and
IV agonwaker:
Whkoiih of ul Kiiulri Afmlu to Onk'f
Joh work ntti'iiih'd to promptly mid nil
uork uiinrnnttml tu clvu twtistnctiuii. Frl
cut rrnkoiinhli'.
I AniC! llendy iimdnwrnpiMM, oalMX
L.MUICO wMlHiHMiidiiklrM, did loV
niul VtfiliitHM-
Tobacco and
'ext door t IWvllloti,
i -