I THS HECOKDEK m published KVRItT TJIUUSDAV ATTKHNOOK .... Br .... DAVID K. STITT, EDITOIl AND I'ltOl'llIETOl). HonsoitiraoN jiates. Ono Year ftf 00 Hlx MonlliB ,, 1 00 Tbreo Months CO Tills pnpor in ontorod nt tho Hnndoii pout olUoo nH Hecontl-olfom If utter. Hoilitoii KcIkk.I ri.t lift .11 cut In;;. LI'. l'ISHKU.NKWHt'Al'KU ADVKH llslnii Auont. 'Jl MeroliiintH' Kiclinnu'i' Hnn KrauoUco, Ik onr ntitliorlzi'il iitut, ill a pnpiir in kept on lllo in Mh ollico. TJWJiSDAY. MAltUlI. 7, tool. Senator Cnrlor.B method of dofuat ing tbo lUvor nuil Hiithor bill navora HtrouRly of Kovprnmont by tho Job ami fur tho jobbor, Tbo itiuiif,'Uralion of McKinlpy mid KooHVolt took plnco last Monday mid tbt coroiuony in paid to havo eclipttod nuylbitif,' of tlmt rintnro Hint Iiiih over tukon jiluco in tbo United Btntos. It ih poHHiblo tlmt Honnlor Hanna'a iro wns behind Onrtcr'H opiioHition to tbo llivor mill Harbor bill. Tlmt wor thy citizen inny Imvo concluded tlmt im Hliipa wuro not Htibsidi.ed, tboro wns no nocoHsity of bnviiiff plncna for tlii'in to bind, hnnco tbo imiirovomont of harbora wiih uho1o6f. Wbon lnrtfo bunjtitw.4 interimta con Boliduto nnd form it union fur tbo col loctivo mtorosts of their individiml inemborn, it in strictly ileHiijnatoil bUHinom, but wbon tbo common poo pie join their forcea. undor tbo bun lior of Roeiidimii, to obtnin strict jiin tico nnd equality to ouch citizen ivbotluir of tboir own fraternity or ptliorwiRP, it in cnllod miurchy. Tbo anpltaliziition of tbo Morgan Cnriiii;iu Htool corporntion is $1,10(1, 000,000. This reminds ns tlmt ono of tbo milhonnirs of tbo KiiHlorn Stilton, remarked, during tbo Htinp;oiit limea of 181)2 or tlioroiibontH, tbnt there yovo lots of opportunitioH opon for younfr mini with n bundrod thousand (lollnrs to slnrt. witii, but it is evident now tlmt tboy must not brnucb uiT in opposition to this ij.'iintic ooncorn if tboy wihh to Imvou IiuhIiiobh existence in tbo futiirn. Tbo latiml hoouo of noyrn lynching ia Torro lliiuip, Indiiii i, nnd there nro no boler foiloominK feature!) in n Nnrllorn lynching boo thiin ono down Houtb. In tbo latter catm about nil the. dilTeronco tododnct is in tbo fact Hint tho Jloosiurs did not burn tbo nouro to ilptiHl nt tbo ntnke, still nf tor lio bud boon linnuod tboy full tboy bud not dono justioo to tbooccu nion mid ilniwhoil tho job with n lion tiro in which tbo uoroo's reuiaitiH plnyod a prouiinont purl. The River and Harbor Bill Defeated. In tho Portland Telegram of Mon nvoning tho llli, iust., wns miiiouiicod tho fto of tho Itivor ami Hurbor bill. Ktumtop Cm tor, of Montana, hud, u fow bonis bofuro adjournment Muted tlmt bo wnu iiiiultoriibly opposed to tbo bill, nnd tlmt if bis htroiilh hold put ho would defeat it, and having tbo Hour lie talked tbo miuiMiro to dentil, tlmt n. bo kopt pobfo.-,hion of tbo lloor until tiino for congreMi to adjoin hud como nnd tbo bill wns shut on. - 030 - -Trou Mo ill (In; InIiiik! of San Domingo, Nrw Yoiik, Match 1. A ilinpntch to tho Journal mid Advertiser from Uupo Uiiytioti Hiiys; Tim situation (in tbo frontier of Hajti nnd .San Don in go is more Honous, Tboio lighting ovoiy night between tbo troops of tho two count) iou mid many soldiers Imvo boon killed. Hot li bides nro tuatttdug troops, though nil thotnlk ii of u pmeoablo sottlomout of tbo tion lllo. All is ipiiot hero mid nt I'oit mi 1'iinco. COO Port Orford Tribune: .luck I'rook mot willi a mim-iu aecident yesterday morning. Ho mid Pert SliotYor and Tboroit Fro in in neio on tbo road with mi oi'lit liorMi leiini, bauljug a load nt fieiKlit from Port Oiford tuCorbiu City, Tlioy with ust'eiuliuK' tbo mountain, about a mile Miutli of lltib bnrd's ciook, mid Jack was walking bohido tbo whkoii, wbon bis foot hp m mid 1)0 foil, tbo hind wheel of tbo lieiivily loaded wiikod pusMiic over bis niiLlo, breaking a bono mid ditdoculint,' tbo ankle. Tim boys uu iitched tho team mid returned to Port Orford, and Jack placed himsulf tinder tho caro of Dr. Culiwol -r ODO .mih it;. My N Ifo, J, llnun, liitvilirf lr(t iny Utl flu) lioutJ Million! JuilcniKoiirpninvulHin. livirbj uutUr nil jwiitlr Hal I will uul Iw 5linkll)lo for liny ilil)Uli tuajr ooutrnci, Ufltvdflt Unau lVbmnry Srt. JlU. y. i HAtlA. At the nnnunl ecliool meotiiiK, Inst Mondny, A. McNnir wns chosen to till tho oflico of school director during tho next tbreo yonrs, nnd Donald ClinrlNon wns chosen to hcrvo as clerk for tbo turm of ono your. libidos tbo election of tbo oflicers, which nro cIiokpii nnnually, tho notice of tbo mooting npucifiod tbnt a fjio cinl tnx for tho purpose of paying off tho indnbotediiessaribodiHtrict would b brought before tliumpotir.f;. This wns donu nnd n special tnz of 10 mills wns cheerfully levied to yet tbo dis trict on a Mini linnuciid bnnis. Tliis lovy will takeeflect upon the pichuut nstensuietit which is now under way mid will bo payable in 1002. licr-ides tbo ubovo action Col. It. 11. Kosa ofTored u resolution, which was nccepled by n majority vote, calling for a t-pecial hcIiooI iiieetin within 20 days fioui (bo timet of the minimi scliool meeting, for tbo pnr)oso of voIi'iik n 10 mill levy upon all tbo tax nblo hchool property to create a sink fund to pay off tboixmileil iudebetod ni'xs of the district when ttiu bonds becomo duo four yeais lienre. This rcholution seems to bnvu n good ninny friends behind it, arid while it will if canieil out, mtiko next yenr's taxes very bigli in this diMiict, yet in tbo end it will bo a saving l the district ns tbo bonds are drawing 8 per cent while money now cun be bad for 0 per cont. The indications! mtiii to point to rather brisk times on tbo coast for a couple of years or more, mid now is tbo time to make liuiito and get out out of debt. Kor come years this dihtiict 1ms been pnyinn over three hundred dol lars i'lterost on its indelitednex". nJl to tbo aveingo mind, tbi'i is money wasted, wliile it lolnrds tin; gioulb of tbo place hccmiMi of the heavy tax that must bo levied to keep up the in terest proposition ubiloit is ilifliculi to seo where tho honclil cornea in. A law of Oregon is that you can not have something for nothing nnd Ibis is true in all or most all iuMnucos and doubly 1 1 no when you do Inisi less on futuies, wherein you pay in forest, and at tbo name time advance to a period where the prinoipi.QiiiiiNl bo mot and paid alo, even tbuugli you paid double tbo amount in interest. Another hopeful outlook is n-en irv tho unity of puipoMi in which thV patrons of tho school district are get ting together upon this question of getting the district flee fii iu encum brances. This is commendable ami when ouco oncntnpahM'd We -.in Imvo more public school with less cost, while our property will take a step tli because of being freed from en cumbranco while tuxes will bo do cronm-l. OGO Itullroiid Circle Itublhiu. 3;i Jlofi'f Hurx iMliicd I.okdon. Feb. 27.- Oenernl Kilchu nor, tulegnipblng from Middlebnrg (in tho Transvaal, on the rntlronil Do twren Prntorin and Portuguese Knst Afiica), under date of February 27 says: , Tbo following ndditiotinl captures are reported by French up to Feb. 25: "Tbreo hundred lloers.Hiirrondorod; n l'J-ponnder 'Krnpp, ono howitzer, a .Maxim, 20,001) rounds of small ainiM amnnition, IWl lilies, IW8 horses, Kit trek oxen, MO!) cattle, 0S00 sheep nnd 287 wngotis and carls. Tho 1'oers' casualties wero four killed nnd five wounded. OOO I iiiiiiuiii'iiUoii Day. ''niero is a groat amount of railroad smoko hanging in the air, and possi lily some railroad con. .ruction incom ing in tbo near fill nro. This part of the coast would rejoice if tho follow ing, which comes froi. , the Fugcuo (lunrd, proves trim; 'There was never a time whemJio air was so full of solid raiboad build iug talk for Oregon us it is m pre.-ent Abeuily throe lines into the Xehalem country me projected, e.stensioi.ito in upped out at various points in Fns tern mid Southeastern (begun; tbo report is that the Coos Hay and Fas- lern load will bo completed to Koso- liurg anil thai early spriui' will i-eo the Corvallis Fastcm niilroml go ing over the mountains at a lively into ami across the plains In an eas tern conned ion. All this is to bo accomplished to a great extent by new capital coming in fiom othor stiites, capital that bus fsith iu On gnu's future and feels safe in canting itself NMtb us." OOO Ttieio is more Uiiturib iu this sttc- tion of tho country than nil diieuhen put together, and until tho Inst few veins was supposed to be iuoutublo. For a great many years doctor pie- i-cribed it as a local disenne, and pro scribed local remedies, mid by con stonily failing to cute with local trout-1 ment, pionoui.ced it incurable. Sci ence has pi oven calmrb to bo n con stitutiouul dixeie-e, mid Ibeioloio iw quires constitutional trixitimmt. Hall's Cataiih Cure, mantifactiitod by F. J. Cheney Co, Toledo, Olnn, is the only conMitolional euro on tbo maUet. It im taken internally iu doses fiom llldiops to a IiwihK.i.IuI. It acts diieotly on tbo blood and mu mis surfaces ot tho h.vsteui. They olTer ono hundred dollars for any runo it fails to cure. Send for circu bus mid tentiuiouials, AidnM, V. J. Ciiumwv ,V (?o Toletlo, O. Sold by diuggists ,7ri Hall's Family Pills aio the butt. OOO ThK f.ivorUn w 1th tliouuhirul. cultural lmil Tti u.-r.-im:n. Mnnj Imvo doubtless uppoed that tho grand ball which follows tbo in auguration of tbo President of the United Slates is a modem feature of celebration an indication of tho country's glowing wealth and love of luxurious display. Tbo inaugura tion ball, however, dales back as far. at toast, as Washington's socond in augnrmiun. which took plnco in Phil adolphia. The ball on tbnt occasion was a notable alTair. Kobeit Lincoln O'lJrion, tbo Washington correspon dent, speaks of this and other inter esting iiKsociations of Inauguration Day in an article appearing in The Youth's Companion for February 28th. COO Telegram: Not all tho "fonl bills" ate invented in tlm West ; a Connecti cut Iogil(iior has intioduced ono providing tbnt "Hvor.y bachelor who shall remain unmarried at the ago of 10 jears shall not tbi-ieafler be al lowed to enter into any matrimonial alliance except upon payment to the State nf Connecticut tho sum of $100." Orcgonmn: Tbo greet, trusts; of the country, which lmvotbo fnvor and supppoit of tho so called protective taiiiT. may well fear the ell'ecl rie suit of an appeal to tbo public opwoii on their system and method. Their argument for cotiiiuuaiu'o of "piolec tion" is based mi its alleged benefit to tbo workers of tbo country. I!u the workers are the bulk of the con hiimeis, ai.d a huge pail of them mo now employed in making chenpel good for foioigners than themselves. )Americiins nie n ipiin d to pay moie 1 1 1 ii ii a fair pioiu on wnai iney con sumo iu order that the manufacturers may sell the excess of piuductmn at rest, (T hss lliau cost, to foreigners Thus also gieat show is mado of in Cleasing the expoil tiade. The pie tcuso lb-it it h piofltablo for Amori can wi'ikiiigmen to pay a large pmt of Iho cost of feeding and clothing foieign competilois is ono of the humbugs by which the protoctod in leiests are fattem d. Of similn.-ina! ily is the nruuicnt fur the : hip sub sidy bill. OOO MiiMiii.v vi: vrii i:ii ui'.coiir. mint, rdiiiiv ooiixrr. uu.ook l-'i hrusiy IWU. Mijbji liiiilH'riiliirt' II.A Mhiiiiiiim) li'iiiM nituicCi, nn St .Mliiliunin trniHrsluui on , IH. tVolpltalliin It W incht-s. 'I'llllll HllOHfllll I illl'llM, No. ilnjscli'nr ft. I'irtl d imly I. Oiuiulv In. riiiouli'r n. mu on V (Qi I Kili-n of fr.i.i liulit 1. , It. Cti, K, U, 10, JH t)uU-a of l.itil a. T. IT. 0! Dniiw nf l., t 17 ) I'ri tioliiii! iml S. V, f.".! I!nuiirk. l.lrvntUm laii ft. JOSI.l'll HAltll. , - Voluniut Olivinr - -OOO H. NEBLY Tin; Itaniloii i'ionei'i' Watch 3i nU or, Inliiontcd tn (lie Hnooril ll-iildfnc, corner on I'lNt mill PncIHo tf(itii. I will keep lnre a Ktock of Wufckes. Clocks find Jewelry ns llio demnml mill nrriiiit. I-'J'rifis of Work ami (hnU as low nc first chiss work ami will lrt)ill.jM Terms Ciitli. 3 JOOTH Vou Can't Expect to Get $2 worth fcr $1, but you can get your money's worth at M. BRBUBR'S Zh'ulor in Hunt nnd Shoi'H Ili'nlri:iK neiuls- iiik! ii-hiu.Uv ilnau nt lou.-it tiling jtru-cti. CLEiMC Y. LOWE, IlitiHltiit, (t result, Druggist and Apothecary, Is juHt in rrtlpt of n mw nnd flesh Ktork of Drucjo md Chemicals, Patent nnd 1'ropriotnry 1'reparations Toilet Articles, Hi,tisii;Nt .Si!iilri(-. I'cniUMKs. Ui.r .nr.8, Kivmi::s, iio.irs Xl Ts it: C'AMUIjJUs riafiirn, 'Culfirr,,- mill CIuBl etl,-. i'nii.th. Oils, Ul.iKWH.HB'Hinier'sSiioiilleil J. L. TUOWP.pN, Shaving Parlcrs and B?.thrccni3 0- - NJihvIh 15 i'vv.tt. JJ.Ulis. ." Ce:i. , WYi kniaihip up lo date in any thing to my line. N.-Xl I)nr to I'.MlufBm-. At W. C. Sandersons You will fln.l ft muopltle line of Dry Goods. He linn lifcn In Sn I'lnni-iii Slid mnln tils own n-leullutiK. H.tubv IihvIuk lie- nilvnnlsRe ol monriim tlio t ii Ciwlit sin! bnU't htjlm- IriSIt Hit br ni.ltf rrp fn l""fl j nnd Niw UrnisIiikt out. fi r 1'nll nml Winter. Kveii ilii'im Cotton IJitks lsl terns nt 7.. wilts will stni'iiM- " Slices ! and Shoes ! ! Don't fail to Kco tlm I.ntest Klioei hi nil the NVw Stjkn. 'lho' h'oulhurn TU snail Honse Hllpi ers nr licnnllfnl. C-o.nt- el i:x.MHllii' mil- o.u '-."II" M-l " nterpr....f Mm.ch. Agents for The Salem Woolen Mills Pvlodc to Order Clothing. A full lino of Men's Yonilw' mul niildrea's su"'' alwnys on liimil. B 7H0MAS ANDERSON, Prop. Will Keep on Hiuid nt nil Times Fresh Beef, Pork, Mutton, Smoked itfeats, Lard, Sausages, Etc., also Fresh Yejjctablos Poultry, Ui?ks Butter and all Tarm I'rodi.jc, nnd a Generous supply of fresh Groceries 1 will pay hijjhrst miiikit prico for 1 ef. pork. ..ultoti.wool, bides, etc. Livery ar.d Feed Stat J. M. CONUAD, Pec Bandon, Oregon. Vcuaal Drnyiug au! ;0, li tuiuiiy Commercial Mm 'lonmfJl Safi'tu DclivvrvitM Point. S. s Good Hii,'s. Good Tennis, Itnie. l( Kctifouiiblo Will I'urnlsli nml Ih-lUcr Wt.t.rf Notiee. U. Co You esm W Z5f Von enn linw it nil f. , ,s:;:;y soc i LADIES' -KURMSJIING DEPA RTMICNT. J-jV In connuction with tho Market .Mis. Andewon conducls a LADIES' FUKNISIUNU PKl'AUT.MliN I'. constantly add- 2-- new aoods to her stock of .Jacket?, Cloaks, Lmlies' Underwear, Hhiil ai-K Shirt Waist Sets, Collars, Cull's, J:t" Ladien' and Children's Hose. 1 'articular (illuilin ijir n (a new anil latest W.yes. AF; J"-; o ii EL AT TiZJ'. uOkADu 1) 5 . Prop's. What We Car. Do For You, Wisrl Ciulilc, rrlwUle tvlMUi Iu uvxrv c.mnlv lo irpuxtut Isiun ihiiiiimiuv of Hiioii iiuniiriiii rrpniHiioui USi Ntlntv vr )rsr, xtills W ir Uv slMliilrl UI Itlol Nil l'l-ll. .ImlL.'hl. luui.Dil.1 drflnlo nlnt). ie ciiiH)iMtiin uninrv wul vitrli Kstiirilnv kihI ens'ii.o uiem-vmUMiic. , encli i k. HrihPii.li llul'mt, IMl tKMilrii Bl CtilCAo, Imo I'ii4ih fiji the I'll.-v ef On,,, v,tu Oil ttin Nhh ,ir Hie Wll I Mini tlti 1.mh! w ilirtiMii In ii w lliirg'ilii, To i lei..- who Mt op nirvniiB mul )iftr in lviiniH, unit to ml lirw nubwii bern who in.v iu aUvniioi', w mk lb folluu nut iruHMiiuo eniuiirmiim x-vorul itiSV'rool iiuoI'Ih In iM-eot front i l'u r Itittiu'4tioNi ma Vui. IUmmim I(kiiiii no .Sun l'rntti)i'o Uullrlin l 00 Porilniiii liN.ninu 'I'tlvKruui A i"1 Wcvltl) Onuoiiitu 1 .vi Aiw-il to Itsitmm .V Our Ol'.Vr. t he llullrliu Uenf ef lie- li nlnu- i- of tb Wiwl. mul I h Jiiilv oulilmli,-.! 1 1 S i i, iv.-d ill I ,M unit. I lur ..if ' uioluUe lb Auntlio HulU-loi. ItKOorJi-r Mlii liulleiiu. niif vur '' i' Itmordir suit lluililiu, in,,' uimiili M Tbi) I'oillKUtl tviiuinu Trlrtirniu nt mtui-il (ix Iiuim wk. It mi w nil llio ne vi ttini la wollb HMlJiuB utl U to ItttW ef k'uit! U mnch o' it Iwliui I' I L 'or fi. -lur Hum vbru It rvrtutuM brr Ibiuiiiih ouy oiler Juttiunl. lloountitr nod 'tVl.ianui our r W 00 lsr utvkty in-wnpr lUw Wrvli Otv iiuiiimi looda in tb Xortbw.!. ud iv. 11 lb www oult) (VHiUiu.il In kl) liurJtr n4 WrUv t-ktsouUu. ii AO It I lbs July of oeh twrxm to evk in fiiutioi atutu: all luuw mt tutt nmaril litlUHill Ut l-IUrvUl4ilSMlIIUt Mr.llal lni.Hrll fur lb buuiaii frnuily, autl for tbr purtKiaii i f iii.lnji ear rvailvia a rbsuo to infarui tbouiaatvoa u ttlx l baa Iba brat -Aiwal to Itua.m. An iluctriu tbat iliHii lie I apiwil le Hie hlkllol urvltfr ef wn soiiihi: i. ii 't .nff. ril, i ..i vl Xeis .! In ltn- n. o IATH:.'SKK WriiE MANUFACTURE! pKK1! I.(TOIi:. fVlNTlt'OTClj: VN'lJ I nil J iimuIimii leuiiii W tliu IhIihi hij-Ich miiiMiiiliriiiu ftr-t-rl k i.it.;..inii.liiii in eveiy p.ti tlon'jtl . Ik-iii ysiwiiinui d III the or i f ioiiiHii Iml'.diiik'. nri "iii'i to yhi h iimrnoiiini in Mil Inn", nf tiii. lu. iiuh-i. y. 1 1 If lilllllluj it t. lull ,J , A I.Mt. Kei pa ni'ii-.i 'i-il'" i. I nml a Full I. ;n-"i I' mul Cn-Uris nl liii'v I.' ii-. I'i k-i . ui:i, r.iuM'-iMi. i K.-i.t. llos i IUn'iviM. Or.niiiN 8i!5ro. iiovrs TOIS&ORIAL Q -a-rlors is 'iau 1'i.ace. Tii-nmi. I or Ui'il no I IidI s I ; : is nit ii.' niiv.jo 1. 1 ii.i;;;rj KIIVMNII l-V. Ii MLCCn iNO S.V. U.ilb Iimmii ill .1 .nl. ne lltU'd ll Hot lllel e.-;i Pill - '.!"i ciMits. --r-r-1 I CA-l'iK' "wliwlc. N " r. -nl pnttlit l k-rurwl iiwnMriv-u)rt" iintlnl. A.l.lr-.. C. (i, SIC0IRS, Paiant I i.,cr Wathm .ton, 0. C - THE S IT Ml'.H - DISPATCH Ul'SSKf. I'ANIKU, Mii-tir liilVfii 1 In ml. in iw iv iiiurniii;. t ii'ipi Suiidiij . nt Tiki u'oliH-k mul lunkm chi.ihc limn nilli tin' tiHio mul HliHiui'r Mvrl at 0::U) H. in. HI I'l'niiillu Tin. Iie'i.m I' iiiiillii CiH nt 1. :!i ,'. in . i'rriv. nil! nt Uniivt n ",t I..IO p. in. x R. E. L .BED! LION, Proprietor. Headquarters for Business filon. This ioin!ar IJeroi I isbt ttei tut'I 'lied than evei to ealu fut tlm Tiaveiii' Public. la (lie KveniiiiR Ti lrpiPin, of roiii, Oleuon, It Ih Hie Inrt'i-Ht in,.i,nII.i pnpe imliliKlii-il In Oirk'dii, (t cuniil? all tin news of Hie ulnle imj 0Jfr, naliot Tiy it for it luontii. A Hna, o py w lht-iualtiil tujoufrie. Ad (Tit i The Telegram, ui'n I'OKTI.AM., OllUjj fs. ZJ VkZ3 Ut4 Ik .1 fa in CX .fc-r- W &WaUUiMAU. "va,TmafrJ j w WrroDi-tljryroc'irei. OHKOriE. t! dmHtUiw aouivkiui ,. ani ADrtignJ'&totitflNnlTrailt-JI.f1 tr.i,t,. i.Mmt vcrio over norf 1 tUT.tl'al 1 PATENT LAWYERS Cr SO YEARS fRAcrrT ' w.nnii pArrNTR rnncuRfn ihprhcu rutwr (All lusic-M otinttJi'iitlil, ni h.ff C. A. SNOW a efff tO PATCfIT LAWVEnS, Jfg, SrtCHic Ti.'ivli'.'iXI.'gl ladies : n.Ji,,e. "ffl V. J1I t. wuijii i ,uVm m Oonfectl cnery, Ss Staticnc-iS mm Mrs. NAIZVM i' i rave sing Rdoiks ii connection. San:p?( liATl'H Sl.OO to ?1.5(.' JjaY 11ANDOX, Spocia! Inducernantc lo TURI3TS AND I'AMj fv s CONTKMl' LATINO VISIT i.NO Tllli l'..MOL'S SU.M.MLH ltl.'SOItT. OUMOON Hotel Coquillc, 3K: ,:o:ix ri :s;?:n. :i(..isif.,v. Tfi";-; . --" ' VZAfiIJ5rrIi 4 b.y'ijyjji W .:-4A tbadcbSSS A'lrn-( .piilliu n Wf. l !jY ttltl-U! llM.'ll.llll, fit.. M . I 111)1 iTVf P'nli.ilily ...u- ilii!,!,.. (. . . , i .OilU In AiiiitIi'-i. Iv'u In i ii il i In ..a Tllo I'.itiniii ihKi.ii il.r-'iii;l: Jtumi i (.k HCIul III'IIW '11 tliu 1 til' SUIfcK 1 11'iU sftlLKICSR, m lirnullfulir IHi'MinUvl. Inrci' t . mi!lk'TTl ;iroieiillllii Iniirii il. ivi'iklv.e mhjUuI JiJ II..OS1X lunlithft. ti..i'i .jh.ii ciiii.. .i.il!r w Uou u. 1 TKNT.I Milt fllH' .lilln-rt ou,- MUelN &. CO., Sill Iliuinliiiii, Sew iiiL. li,:.mN. om.iii'N. Bfotksmilh and H(jitiii:tjiiui:iMf a ynxutCTfrj nolo' lure Wagons of ail I.ntis Mi del' ,u : dvicSi$ jo patcnhi-Lity RJTSff3 IXi' NollraTu "Invontiu v.- EJlfSf-S Jlf Hook "How tuoUtu.i I ,i.u"a ISLu Thi- well V ..in Itutel ii, now i, i n r i.w n..( cun- J'.-teiit llisnii' ii nt and has hn ii Ih. ,i,A.),j' .,,(). ovate.l Ihroimh ill) The table oi Mi-e i equal to any in Kjeru Oivpm. S imt.le ih.iiih fur eniii. meioisl men. Uimj-ajfi1 lriin)oriul to and from boats lii ' t rail s f i mi of rhii'j.'e. Kine in bat- iu 'Tmii'i'iinn uiih the hotel. ntiunrfc i iK.-i .1 t i h i"' iik2 'Nyrk I'tmim.ii ei. ti ki.i -ii 1 1 i. 1 '"'yjre fm roi'Mo.iil.i.-. . SS -fTI-l o Do you liitund bu lug a rifle or pistol? If so, set tlm best vtlilklt Is a STEVENS Iftili- i . In price 'i "i ; I t-7" in). I',.r hu e and v'i ..'1 - !vi f.ii- i-ii ,.t practice. !'.- o' 5H .K) tO M l. 1-mli.ti ii f.-r lAra i.i.ii'un lrutiuKi..iii. i,-iui,iirliii!u.,l liiliitiiiaii.'ii i.i i4rteu.i ii ii to .inn', fiinn A-N'S TABBIES rs i sn A P ...i.,, I I. ! -V- . . 1 - tf.- 'V v. 3 Af UM:..' reseriptiois JfJBLtL for Manikiiid ftimi.,',i S . fp '"l i'" lot Me 1 1 inmiii iii Ailtiiiifv.'fi (;i.:ai:m v T'ji r iiii Toledo rkoil ingc .vico, CIRCULATION' S -, . . .... ...., i. v i nt iirt mi gt -niiii'T in ri - ...iilA f Ainetini. II ,. ... .x V 1 - 'aif t'im. f..r rv. r t .t ' ' ' N.w'..l tlie V,. i! t ... . 'j'gSf'f IK'l.pil' CUIl ll ll I r iului) .-in i f i hec c HI III. t tli.lis lu.-'l- I II 1 1 ,'TjlJl l-cinl uhluriiil ii'.ll. . wit ii iwJtimj ti m down t.i ii .ti- lit' i ' 'fuc.ys li-li.it t-pici.ilh i.rpi.pl- ' Tfl i mul tiaily iu-pi'ii .h I " I'l llll fauu 'I'll il ili l.i ' ,,BtM! MtW twt filar. i. i . i I v I' U Illicit- n, v. 1) i u i ' iiIhi rilii-iH, iu.it H i'.i il ' tin I S. In .1, ..ii... I.ti V piil.o-b--K.bxl.ii.il" I i ' ' ' ITWMP ,1 o, i ,,f .,, i PTtS I" r uf tlii fun ily C): i W..1.. - TUK Id Pr, i 1 j AliliW irt.1 lh r 11 IL iTH te iUU liro.-,ii ir t v. r'Sti tLY lU0Jlllt.lt!-. 5J . in -i. I A r.v si. Ortfonlan.