Bandon recorder. (Bandon, Or.) 188?-1910, March 07, 1901, Image 1

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    tttiponora and tfcjalcra In
look, Nan,
WrltlnQ ii nil
" " ni'"l..
i 52 Times a year for $2.
)2fTimes a year for $
il iii II m i n
i& 14 W W
'gme XVIII.
Number 10.
llnllotii HrotliTs of Lutiglois stiirtm.1
up tlioir tluiry liiet week.
Hev. 1'. M. Siimli'rlin hnd liuituss
nt Coquillo City. Tuiwiluy.
Tho Do Luvol HopnnitoiM biivo tuntlo
poor niPti rich in Coos comity.
Mra. 13. 31. Dlnckorby paiil n visit
to tlm county M'nt Int Jlun hiy.
13ai loy Sooil l'otntou-. Bounty of
Hi'lirou nt J. B. Marshnll & Son's
Mrs. William Oupil, of Uivmtoti,
i:!io Buuilou n business visit, lust
Scntunu of MiirBbiielrt wns in ; J0niliiy.
Jhoico groceries cull nt Mil-
'jRoao seed potatoes nt San
iTitoro. jnofo'Connell. of Mnrsblieltl.
.tlfor Do Luvel cream sepera
SByor t'avo Mnrslifield a viit
eokFrcturniriK liutuo Tuesday
!uosdny niht Laving business
called hiui this way.
traiiKO,tho dentist from Co
bus been in town practieint;
jfession during' tho past fow
Jr-o attended llio fnnernl of
iidia 13. Lewellon, at Myrtlo
lost Fritln', nud rotnrued homo
Bteanier Mandalay is duo hero
row or next day and will be
tTsnil ntf'iiu in u day or two
iSliiissou, of Dniryville, was
oW'ueMliiy ni,'ht on his way
from Cocpiille, biniiiKfnrnished
oiraet fer plnHteriuf Attorney
ood'n new residence.
jjRloi:s wif.i and daiibter.
(JOpivn friar I'ro-per tho lallor
fTjHM UiMli. and Iniio tuLen up
STt-idehco in Bilnlou. Mi
jTbeullh ih ovin.
.lain ll.ibcrts. of Tacoma. in
Sffif llio lifet-avinn bervico of
istriel, visited the Million here
eek in tln pioMrntion of ln
He left Tuesday Illuming.
gpiiii; season will soon ' V on;
illor-i Will be in ilellllilid. Til"
!vel has no Eqnitl for Clean
nin;r and e.isv riiuninjr. The
K? II iiiviii Niuiv. of Mtn!i
iSlJleadqlliiltelH fur tlit'nll Ilia
Ht-rpicido tho wonderful Dandruff
Cure for snlo at Benton Hoyt'nTon
nodal l'urlur?.
J. Warren Quick is in town repre
senting the Co Operative Investment
Co. of Portland.
William Cox, of Lnnglnis, was in
town the latter unit of last week on
his return fiom visiting friends in
Hev. C. A. Hyatt, of Coquillo, ac
companied by his wife was in town
yeMerday having come down to en
joy the benefit of a vieit to old ocean.
Telegram: Tho cost of tho Boer
War. before it is over, will bo nt least
a billion dollars. It will take a large
take oil' from llio Transvaal gold
mines a long timo to pay that sum.
Tni: XAirft. 1Ii:n- Incubator mid
Broodet SI .25, cheap, easily eon-
siructed. practical. "end $1.2ii for
plans or frill on tho agent, J. II. Bogue
Bandon, Uiegoti,
T. V. Clark returned yostetday
from San Frunr-iMo, having come
back by unv of Oregon Ciiy. While
......... I... ......i,...! .....luf 1.1,1111 irti tfl'
B. Illlll 1111 r.ri HHi.1 V.I.I. I.". ..rini.
mim led utes.iay nioiniiig. woolen mil!-, biwy for sever
W.. ;. .. ,i in .,, n i , mi . ..i
ill IllUllllin IV ll'llll'.
For Bent The livery barn, yr-ar'
the Town Hall. This barn has MJ
for 1(J head of hoixv, abitndaut mom
for hay and feed, hl.ed for wagons,
etc.. and ollice room. Price fcl.fil) per
month. Apply lo,l. H. Jones, J;ui
don, Oregui.
The einitii"ratii)ii of the boys and
gills of sellout age in the Bandon dis
trict discloses a falling off in the
number dm nig the past year, 'i he
census Mutt W boys nd 115 git Is.
milking a decieas-o of 29 pupils dur
ing the year.
J. 11. P.0(iie visited Ooquille City
this week, on business connected with
tho transfer on tho land on Halls
creek, near Norway, which ho sold to
Bilker and Monday throo i
four years ago. The parties to whom
ho sold has deeded the propel ly back
to Mr. Bogue.
J.'M Conrad had a novel experience
last Monday in which ho biitained
severe injniy to the thiul ami fouith
fingers o:, his light band. Ho. was
was helping unload ballaM from a
schooner and got one of his hand
caiightin a bloc!;. Ho w'
hoisteil into tho air a fow feet before
the li'irse cmild be Mopped. He then
caught hold of the rope with the
other Imnd and wns lowered down lo
l In, obit fiii'iii on which lie had been
iniuce heio last Munda evening jhtnltlil yh c0,)rmi Klt, iv very
lolniMl cnaiaetw, ami Ho ami ; f ,, fo. u, tbo driver tripped
tho ropo lie would havo fallen into
the vessel' hold and the result would
have been much inoro herious.
We call th attention of our pntronh
tn llin wtninrc!mi,i V offi-r of Hand A:
ituiu C 1J Butler, of Coquillo. i jipKully Great Alia of tho World
soded Levi Snyder us master of j Uy ,)( )a5Ij. Jnijutju whieli U nvail
g Triuiuph. on March 1st. ami lll)o ,0 iii,,ti.Hecerder hiiUciilwrs
gBarn ws was placed in charge 1(lvultt f c j M This A tine is
.Jongiue. Captain Snyder has j xw n)OH U)i,,!Miuu of the U.
in cuaign ui me io oiibiuuus s Census, oiiom in ten years, mid con
ami titiMiiL;
Charles Lapp, of Mnrshiiehl, was
in town yesterday.
C. A. Gage, of Coquillo, wasa visitor
to this place Saturday evening.
For Choice Groceries of guaranteed
strength and purity go to Mngoou's
S. 11. Charleson's health has boon
failing for some timo past and ho is
now bedfast iind in n critical condi
tion. Mr-. Xasbnrg is soiling off her
goods preparatory to getting in a
largo Mock of Spring and Summer
J. Detiholm has just received tho
largest and best assorted Mock of
Spiimg and Summer Dress Good?.
Novelties and Staples which ho has
yet had since coming to Bandon.
(Jive him a call.
Tho Ouarterlorly Conferencn of
ml of Tlmtik.
We, tb undersigned, hiving betui
tho recipient of the kind eniees of
the good pitieenn of jmw.i r and vi
oinitv, Mr. Kdward tfaliv's family.
and iimny friends from Bundon dnr
ing our late brn-nvemont. of wife and
mother, desire through the medium
of the Bicoman to bestow our ilinnk
for their jmpMtliy m aid, and to
assure them that wo ilricinto their
kindness with u depth of gratiiude
we cannot expreF.
Very Bespootfully,
Joum Moosir AswFim.y.
Itill.-i t'HHst'd hyOretfiin !A'ji.
sday was a ery pretty day bo-
urm and dnliuhtfiil, in
no of I hose cjichtitil ing occasions
Joiitire beach combers to tho
ire, ami tisheiman to the haunts
jJSuny tribe.
iter L. Davidson had the mis
itjto get tho thumb of his right
caught in tho canton gear at
irele City mill, Tuesday morn
id came into town to havo it
IT; Tho injury will lay him off
for u few days.
ff-itl Journal: Mr. Channcey
jj1lmiil;s God for McKiuley.
i.hen L'lielo Marl; went oil' by
If and stii'l: -Ho that's how
ippieciatu my efforts, eh? The
two 1 make a man I"ll blow my
in the botile."
ijewelleii, wjfeof v . 13. Lew
of Milie Point, died last Thurs
moiniiig, at ht-r home in that
funeral took place next
mis. Bewi'lli'ti was a daughter
ffind Mis. J. H. Roberts. Site
-im husbaiid aiul four children.
OM-urJ.ft, L...rence put in his!
tho M. 13. Chinch begum nt 7:!50
o'clock Saturday evening, ami con
tinues over Sunday. Theio will bo
preaching on Saturday evening, Sun
day morning and iu the evening.
J. C. Lngan and wife, was in town
oor Sunday. Mr. Logan closed his
school at Floras Creek last week and
has ictiied to his ranch on Fotumilo
for two or thtro month's roM from
the schoolroom.
Telegram i Oregon will furnish the
spars for the yacht America, that is
to compete with Sir Thomas Lipton's
new Sliamiock next August for the
celebrated cup. This will emiso all
loyal Oregoniiins to take 'in especial
interest in the laces and hope--with
the friendliest feelings for Sir Thomas
-''that tho America will win.
aiuiumi 'i nr. coitNiv.
From the Coquillo City llullf tin.
Surveyor Cat heart tnut the vioweis,
iu this city Wednesday, and proceed
id io survey tho Coquillo Lampey
Creek road .
Win. Wheeler, who recently pur
chased J. B. Fox's placo across the
river from town left on tho Mandalay
for San Francisco.
It. D. Sauford has purchased A.
Yiinnoy's placo on Ciiuiiigham Creek.
Mr. Vaiiiioy has been vfiy sick for a
few weeks past and will move to Cal
ifornia as soon as able in quest of
Arthur 13l!ing-eu 1ms a foicoof moil
putting up a bhod over his ship yard
at Bov's abovo town. Ho has the
Salem, Feb. 9S. -Governor Go r jrntKntny
flleil h lnrie nninlicr of bill in tue Sicru
tnrv of 8tnt'i OiBoo wttk his gi.n itur nl- J
tnchi'd thorcUi. He Mao wxernl 'tU
out llin sltfiiHtnro, 't'Uo ttA tn D follow:
To reqnird strcot rntlwnynto prov.tlo m--tibnliw
or wentbot u.ira -n street curs.
To putihh ktdnnprilns, tnkeneffut tiniue
itiatulv. To proviile for rcoorilmu cbntut raartKH-
Ks, tul.i'4 Uli-ai"!;.
To 6 tlic bounUoricn i.i i ulambin mmnty
To ri'iinirt) biJn for fun.iKl.iuK pnblto tup
To patilsli tronpaiu by rattle in certain
T.nlutine toontiaa Of n it-inil oyitor bed
in .N'cliirt liny.
Tn flt welhlH of stnudiird basliel of Mitt
Hi S'J itiandn.
To prcxcilbe ilntieH of Att itiiey Oiuerftl.
Onvcrtitn r ports of uiliiiiniotrntor'itnl.eii
rlTrot iniuirdialely,
To rumiintu ooimtruc'i i'i of telvamph ami
Uli'lioiH) lliif" nlone lxil.hohitibwnji.
To nutlionzu count n.,tiuii f Hiudaw &
KiiHtfin ItuilroHtl.
To fix timo for fuiln.oii lUliina tn Alwn
liny, river oml tnliiitniu ; uiut to prohibit
flilittBi anil wb ei tlu-n i.i.
To tlx salary of County Jude In llnltor
I'o .fi'8orlbe gnlnry of C ir.nier nod fern of
wit no at Cjroner iiniu. at in Multuoiusli
To Hiiimc lid the l.iw rfl.itin to tb nupro. of water from I iUb 'Hid raiiuing
Ktrfaui'), '.HkcB dint iiuimdiWiy.
To prohibit public coniinoiH in euuutim
of riU.UUO inbubltauu, ixci(t After public
To niiiini'iiJ tho Ikw relatinn lo luiuins
oliiims, taken effeot iuimediaUly.
To ll pt.iou of u Ho .niuiint of wraonnl
proiwrty, takus stfuiit imiui dmtcly.
To more:nu o no;) ui' itMii of Deputy
County Clerk in Ma!ln.ur t.'.iiiuiy and to
providuiiiiMbituuiM c.-tlt ui (Jiliiuuioouii
To aid Oregon Ui-torio il Hooiekjr.
lioini, utu., tiikra elftfot ffpu Jintly.
To nntborixe Hii.uiiiliiioav of clvrki in
Halo Tioiwurur's .ii!1j8.
MMllMi Mirr.s hP.
March 1. Stmr Ardo, lliiKbc, yf days
from Ban rinnclcco.
March 8. Solir Ant-lop. Ujorkfnsrn. S
day from Pan IVaticlneo to A. lViabtrnker.
March !!. Sell r Msy Flower, OiidnimiHon
1(1 days from tu l'rnnuUco to A. l'oralr
Maich B. Pelir InrVrrnbntK. Jorenn
IV dy fioiu 8an rrnneinH) It C M A 't Co
svjutn. ,
Mnroh 8. Stmr AtRO UiiKUe to Sim I'rati
Mnroh !!. Sobr Aiusthyst, Ziiimioriu.ia, to
i'un t''raiioidn.
March !. Selir Albion, ChrlntetiRen, tn
San l'ranelsro.
March 3. Schr Corlntniaii Knits, to San
Franetoo .
Mnroh I. S.ilir Oaq itlla, AndeMoa lo Il ia
March I. Sabr Hriok. .laonhioti, to i'ati
Two Real Bargins in Real
Siory and u Unlf lioos'ifi rooii file plaoe.
ImrKO lot near einter of lovvn, .ilfiO.
Oiin story botiioi roniu: lot and a half
Nrar woolen mill, 1 -'.".
llnlb of thfite nro real Hiinp.oall on J, M.
IH'l'ON. liand.'i).
A. W. tit. UK. 32. 1.
IIANIION, OlIlltill.N.
Calls to all paits of t.vwu nml county
promptly toiaweied day or iiiuht. ODiei" on
corner ol Ijovver Main and Atwater stuuts
ISuyiliU!, 3. I.
Offtoo Hunt l''r..nt Street,
1IAND0X, - OltKtlON.
Will visit llandnn ipgntarly on itiitea to bo
miliplled in the l.ounl Column.
.1. .11 . UPTON,
1I1NIIOX, eouS eollNTY , 0111 oon .
Oflluo in the tldorndo lluildinu, on I'irsl
T. S. .".SINOTT.
ma iisii ri i:i.i, oi(i:ot).N.
Ollico in O'Connell nuilding.
To iuiiim!) irii.ilil' o . : 't!o
.-4 ... .n ...
., l..,ll,l ,. n.iw ,-iv.r li.o.l f.kJ "utbvr.:-.i wiranai o. ...oi ...i n 10 ccr
iBcieiit di piily, T. J. 'Ihrift. are
living an inventory of tho prop
belonging to pflrous iu Coois,
ITeo tho, within the
yj of noti teiilenis.
Cupt. T. V. McClusl;ey, tho dimun
sinus of which will bo tio feet in
letiglh and l(i feet beam. Tho boat
is intended to bo run all tho way to
Mjitlo l'oiut,
1'rom tile Mamlifluld Sun.
Tho gnyi'Vio schooner Coppoi
Queen ai lived here last Thursday
fiom llojjuo liver having on boaid
'JO ton of gold beat ing quartz which
wa shipped to I'oltland on tho Alii
aiictv It was capthin llama' inteti
lion.K proceeil lu tht Columbia but
when oil' Caiw Aiago changed hi
mind ami made for this poit.
Petri J. oggie hlib severed his oon
neolioii with the Marsbliold shipyarti
to accept a more remuaeiativo posi
tion hi North liund ami wo under
stand will havo chnigo of tho con
ntrucliou of ivnideucos as well as the
I Huixhiug of t)io cabins on tho schoou
ert. Mr. Leggiu is a inechanic that
is haul to beat and ho is eminently
qualified to III! any position that ho
is called iipou in his line.
V. M. l'lye, of tho Maisbliehl can
nery, i uturmul last week from Shu
l'tnucifcco, whether ho had buou to
invekligate tho uatiiroof tho maiket
for caiiued clams, and found Ihesumo
to Ih) rather dull. Mr. Flyo kas the
mi-rchauts who sampled his product
praised it veiy highly and supeiior lo
unv on tho luurhit. llo left In Ijmbi
nos there in tho hands of nn activw
nud energetic liioKer, who will atluud
to promulgating the gooil qtialitiunof
Coos buy claiu,amloiidoavor to build
up a trade.
I'rom the Cooh Hay Nn.
Capt. A. M. Simjieoii iiiod th
Lillian coal miuo on Cooh river yw
terday, and ejpresbwl liimbelf as lite
ing well leakd with tho mine and
tho propctb for lis pruflUblu opr
nl ion .
From putties lately returned from
ranrisco, wo leain that 1. b
.i .i...; Li Miuot hat openn! a law ofllce in tho
thohndo , .
; ' I . i . i r. .. I. .,.,; no "in ........ ...v.
on were looking the groun.l ami groom -prm, .u ,uc ml of mou,hi t0 ,iml(nheMij
teim of eoiirt,
A nnw lioilar and large nmp r
riwl on tho AieatH,yiteidny, for V
A. Maxwell. This wo that tho
work of siuking tlm ool fchuft at
Coo City, uhluh wa teioriiiily ile-
layed, will be ramwl immedutely
A Liuebaek, of Cjqmll, wa in
town ?Urduy.
for twelve years
una has proved himself a euro
tvigator. Fow mishaps liuveoc-
d under his munagomoiit and
as did occur wero of u trivil tin-
wid co it.
o funeral of Mrs. John More,
tutus tho mups aud latest geographi
cal deliuoHtious of every ooimtry in
tho World, togother with n complete
statistical chart of iuiKit, oxporu,
roNiurcef!, etc, and hiatoriual.roligiouk
and political btalistivs. Tho Atla
will bo readv for shipment between
lose death meution was mado in Mtiioh lt and 15ih. To avoid tho
t,t issue, tool; place in tho Caiho- J expiesii chmgos louvo your oider and
mietory, nt this place, last Fri- tho niiiomit at the Ivccobper oince uo
tl)eceased vmis a nativo of New fore that date, l or particular in re
ulhiDd, bum August 15, 1SJ2. ! gnrd to Atla wo in Sntiirday's 15nl
amo to tho western coast and ' letin.
Al in Cidifornia some !50 odd j OOO
ingo nud has Leon a resident of MaRRIEp. On Inauguration Day,
on fur about 1'.) years. Hho lull iarch 4. 10D1, at tho ridiueo of
Amid, two sons uud two daugh- j sjpbon CJallier, at Coquillo City, at
'to mourn their beronvoment. 1 ,.iM.. o'clook. a. in . S. S. Kventou of
b was tho result of asthma.
I Hindoo, and Mrs. ii. Cnnfiold, of
E. Pherson. of San Francisco. ! Dnfer, Wabco ooiuity. Oregon, were
(several days hero last week united in tho holy bouds of malri-,
Og around with O. W. PoakJiuony, Jndg Hailockor officiating j '
jndorstfiiid that Messrs. Peek and After the ceremony wa over i
with the object of oslnbhshiog ful tiouieat lUnl..n, wlier-they wr-
iwbero on tho Coquillo. tho lurg-1 coidially receivwl ly a &ot or warm
iroumbandlo maunfneturiug plaut i friends and acquaintances. Afwr ro
be PaeiUc coast. This section 1 oniving oougratalalious uKo th (tr
ains more white codar than is to rival of the biidal party at liamlon
nod oUewhere onthwat.hnco tho brido and groom r-paire.l to thir
rwisonahlo to conclude that tho ' homo whore th Hand m Uruw hand
lrv will loots this way. Mr. ' and (!! clob put iu an appwtraue.
son left for San FruueUeo la.t about ! o'clock iu the eveuiog and
ulay, coolributeJ to the c?ra-i.n.
tain nrndiinte.1 of uormnl ..un,
To iir.-wnl n imciiMi of viint.
To oruiile oiU-n f o junty udiior m Mull-
uouiiili oouutv.
To protect union labels.
lo fin 1 1 mo and place of huldiuu Circuit
l!onrt in Ska itid dmtriot.
lieliituiir to public prasentntiiiu of dra
niatlu pl.iys.
Making le,ml certain marria m, t ikun el-
toot Injiuejiately.
To tlx wilari of County Judio of Malheur
To lis Milnrh) W County Tie isnrcrs.
Millvillll it a crime to inleftie uilb bouu-
darv lunrknof uiieini: uliou.ti
I'd preurib luithod if iu im.j ri.tiina
atete taxes.
'I'o proud for relief if iiu.mi-i " Iditu
Hailom otu.
New military p.mIo.
I'rotectio-i of ij.ltue, forest . 'ild It )Wri,
Toprovido more eftleicut nuihod ot a.
aoakuitrnt and tatatlou.
To rvnutato salo of itJilLtnOd food.
drinka, tc., anddi&iie diUn-i f dairy aud
food corntuUiioner.
AatboriiiiM Coiiuiv Coort . t,i d. cl iro un-
uaviuat'lc mreuiiM hitriiwi'.v tor 11 jui Ium
loci lake effect in 30 d '.)'.
To nutboilae ex; eudilu ii of monej for
To amend act oroiiting ilh-rn Oreiron
Altricullonil sooietle, in in UO d.
Making owner of vok U leibio for u.iu-
aetii to property on land.
I'oamnieiid Holditr.' llon.e not, in roroe
Iu ci nsolidatt ffiw of Cierk of County
Court, Cleik of Ruouii Court uud UueurJer
of Multnomah County.
I'o punish deatru. lif n of records on pub.
(io land.
fa chance eonip.uu.tuu of certuin toun
ty Clerk.
'I'o puuiab dc-necraiiuu of tmtod tttntea
To auiund act for election of road taper-
Appropriating IbKW ''r Hoda Hprin.
riling oorupenituii"" prison uiuprotArt.
Coireoting boundary of Wbtvlur Cocnlf.
i'rubibitiim aalu of iluuor wjibiu a wil
of uiiuea. in oparatiuu nt uiiuj.
ItngnUtlna drawiuu of atato varranta.
I'llii g aaiarUiof ctilaiu DwtrMt Attor
ncya. To dt-olar tb Jaritdiuitoa of Juatioea'
Cooita, opera lm miu-diatily.
To oieitn utBoe of xiat liaotvriologint.
To pro? ida for Uid to draft a Funlttiul
charter bill.
Wrii 4'ni:i'. r.liat.l pewu In
..b. n. nnlv I.. m 111 lur-'i- OOtlilMuy of
olid ttimiifliil ri-i'b'etlons aalar per
F'r. UHKbl weel; T 1-' ny iKHnill
nira and all exkemo!i - aiibt Iwaa-flito.
d. Onat. aalari. n oinuaaioni aalary paid
.....I. un,.,..i.u .,! iMnin.i'.v adraniHM)
arfa w-k. Hm .uiio Hollo. 'SH Oearborn
bl,. CbKMto.
Subscribe for
the Rooorder
(iiio, r. toi-i'imi,
I'nielli ea In nil tln Cnnila of Hie Htnte.
flffloc on Hicond Floor In Concrete lliiildiuu
on I'lri-t Mreit.
I.ifu Itipurnnro I'olieiiw and Hinds bomiht
or monei ioaiuu on Ha me.
II, iiiiton, - - -
lllll.Plll l.OIKUl, M. Ill, K. or I
' I A libl'lll l,OIM ill. NO.fil, KN'HJllTS I
I J of I'ylliiaa. meets every Monday
1 eveeinu at 7:IIU o'cloek. in CiihIIo liull,,
T . . ..... .1 Hi. I II ! t .
llandon. Dun. . IIDAK, O. C.
i II. N. 11AII1.INHION, K. of II. anil h.
IIAMION I.ODOi:, .So. 1 IS, A. I . .V. M
ft N1)DN I.DIKi i:,No. nr.. A. I'.A .M.
I I Kiutu.1 llrst Sat
X iirday lifter the full moon of oai'li .
... month. All Miiater .Miibuiih eotilinll f-
. .i i, i..- ..r W 1
v llivneu. iiv ,iiu-i "i
T. J. Tiritll' l'. Keerelary. ?
( unit yilltall of Hie I'olimt No. 17,
1'iirwalrri "f A io" lio.
-ujrTii m.n oi' tiii: l'oiiwr.;
kJ Jio. 17, meet I'llUBV IligllK.I iiaen
Iw.ek. iu Kuau'a Hull, llandon. Urcgou
8 eordlul wi Icouie is extended to all via-
filtinu brolbera W. W. Hllll'bltV, j
If not, givo us a cu'l. W'c are sure to plonae.
Now is tho timo to purchase llatilvvnro. Tho undemigucd has
in stock a largo assortment of
Hardware, Tinware, Graniteware,
Glassware, Crockery and Miners' Supplies.
Paint". Oils, llooi'x mid WistdouN.
The Bandon Hardware iVlan.
Spring Goods!
has just received a full line of Spring
Dry Goods, also a Large
Assortment of
Men's Boy's and Children's Suits.
A Large Stock of Fresh Groceries
Always on Hand.
Orders Taken for Tailor Made Clothing. ,Vron,I,i,uuWd.
Our hardware
la no iv supplied vvitli a full nud noniplelu stock of
Hardware, Tinware, Graniteware
and Miners' Supplies.
o carry a coniplcto steel; of
Tools, Cutlery, Doors and Windows
ripo l'ltlliiK nml riiiiiiliiui; a Kl'eelulty,
10.00 Gash Trade
UKXlit UniU, ijuioi naiiHer
Hill. Seeretary.
II 1,1111111 .-to. 111.1, 1, o.'i, i
It i axikw uiiiiit:. No. las.i.o. o. r.
4 I nu.eia uviirv Wedueadav evi niim.
Vi '.itinu brotiieta in uooil aiamllnc
ttvorduilly invited.
2 II. N. l!i;.SHKI.I.. II. V:
A. W. Kiua, Beo.
' ' ' vf $
COnn VKAUIiV tof-'liriatmn man 5
ftfUU. or w,naii to l.aik al'j r nr X
. ... il.u uu.l Milium
With Hid IJiidoralaurd. Ialltla You tn i Hp
To iliite, lliilnruul I'ioturu from any IVluto
liriipb Jon aupply.
30.00 Gash Trade
Not only eulillea von lo the above ntetara, but
to un l.loumit I'riuue Willi l'lutuiu oompleU.
Huinplea on uxlubiiiou nt tbuStura. 'WIT M ' AI'I'liICA'I'lOH I'OIt WOTUIIK
1 jviOiliO .W ililS and Kimim Witlmnl Trade. Witbuucti
Uietli Hula a titikel repreaautiug tbu amount will be uivuu 1,'uatoluar.
I)KAI.i;ii IN
33. k s 'ul mi n't imo.
l.u.ii.ix iu tbia ami adjoin
iiiu l'.'uiiiie: to aet na Man iiier and
U.irri -tooudi tilt work pan la done at
vour le me. Uueloae aeir-addrxaavd
r-taruai euvelnpu for imilieulnra m
(JeperMl Maunder, Coii-oiau lluildioii
oiiioai' t.'oited Ktulea Ireaaury,
SVahbiinrnin, I). 0.
Tho New Steamer,
AnlreaMiir.'.'. Bulla Mar. tl.
(;ait. iib'oiiiw. iiiTka.
Will llaka Uotiular Tripa littwfuu
l'telulit ratea from Han IVauuiaen to
Uaodoii. i'leu a ton 'i'o Oxtuilla City aud
INiinta la low, .SM To Mjnle 1'otnl and Ii:
UrmilnK wiuu. ft (JU.
Kundon aenl Cllwrt )tr.
h'lii l'rauoiaoo imciita.. . Ilnlme ii Hurl.
The New, Speedy and E!
egantly Fitted Twin
Screw Slmr.
CAPTAIN A. JtliiSt).
Htuainar will ivo a rauular today rb rvieu
Iwtweeii Cwiuilla Hirer, UfKoU, and Hu
I'nmoiaoo, Oal., fur both paaaeiMiera ni.d
Kur full or f urlber luforiuallon apply to
CapUtu A. Km), uii taiard nUauier or
N. I.OItKNSJ, Atnt, Oxjb'II. Omruu.
11. Jt. lii:i!, ARiit, llMndun, OtRu.
K. T. Kltf.. Ouneral Aeut. VWtvul K..
Han i'rauciaoo. California.
The Wakly Oragoniao f6 tU paper
i ill tha of Noma, alalc. Ilia
em! I'o. c"ou.
'f lila 14 Your iKirliinlty.
On rer tipt t1 ' cnt, eaali or stnwiJJ,
a i't'uroua un.plo will Iw mailed of the
moat iioimlar Cutarrii ami liny J'ever Cure
(Jlly'a Cream iiilm) tmflSoUnt to ilsmou
Htrato tbe K'1"'1 riu c,f tlui rainwly.
iff .v linn I'liiIIU
oo vM &, new vi i. cay. , trater Works...
Jluv. Jiun JlcM. iiraurii,iuuv.i
roeoinmemlcd i:le I'ream lintui to . I
can wlblo ln atateroaiit, "H a !"" niiM,,! to uiiv nail
Hva ansa fur eatatrk if uaed nadlrtd. , ' . , ., .-,, ,, ,i, i, ,,,,.
Illlij iu lliijr enii ... t.w..".
on npnlit-iitiuii, iii itiBDtitieH
(li'Kinui. Uatoa uiitaoimlilu. i :
I'nio., oolil fipihiff wuli v
1 1 of town,
Jtav. rmuoia V.'. Poole, lUrtfvr Oeulral I'ruo.
Cliureb, Helena, Wout.
lll.."o f'r,.i.. V.u'nt la 11. nulllumlwlliW.
mf tne eatanti ami cniieJiia iw iiwrwrj- VV, I I. LOGAN, Pronriotpl"