(WILLIAM MDERAY OEAYDON , Copyright, 1S00, by William Murray 3rur omm ...... i ftXJK uuu J UlWRi I ii' I I H'l ill I is -tlllrl:. . tlstlthon M fi footsteps well' hrilld. i U dill i' tin "' imii glanced around to , IsVovcr four li roc looking Achlnoso at JpTund if the table, while Snlsik was . overln m ai Tin' Intruders had crept pjseles.sly duwn Hit' staircase. iWlmt Uo j. m mint hero, you rus- llsVitlie captain demanded nngrlty. jfTlicJivorils woie no sooner oil' Ills Hps aanBthc foremost of tlu Achluose ihlppod out n glittering, long bladcd nlfc As quickly lie struck once trice: Ciiitaln Hunter staggered back, running with agony, the blood spurt' fiufrom his breast. He tried to roach Ikidfe from the table, but n thin: 1 iowjfrotn the assassin sent him to the porjlii a limp In ap fAtlthe same tune the other two rilf- nil f and Sahilt attacked Qtlln and leuxles. The latter, though wounded r places, succeeded In drawing tnl lie tired point btnuk. and alak fell dead shut through the heart. lien the iw :poii was knocked from IpjlmiM en -Hirer's hand. and. weal; nodlby lo1- I' blood, he retreated as ?eMns he could toward the rear of the nlooti. ;i 11 1 iiir v u 1 1 1 to follow. trjiouj.li oppos.il by three bloodthlrs y-aoui unci' and fa'ily sickened by jrjjayhe Ii.' I Jusl scon. Quln held his round h i i ! mieni. The Impulse to pain' the i H'.ers was stronger In iliulthnu I. Icne to avenue the cap aln'a tin h t m to save his own life. tlrondy be In. I been struck several iinea aim- i i' waM. but the mailed Batll ui lied i' tei I. and only bruises rcrgjlulbi u d Ills trusty revolver, on rlilch he depended, merely snapped fuel) be li--'l"d ii and pulled the trig trJf Tne Malay had withdrawn the nrtrldgi -i wi.de m the cabin. IJoft thus leli n-elcss. (Jtihl thought bnilhis l.i-i utiiii.i iii had come. Itut eldlil tin i d. spair Two more futile lows k'i " I "1 the eoat of mall. tumln 11 .m in .- n little, he snatch- Uii ic The Aehlnese. fiiuii i conl ! i i) 1 1 eizeil ii ,'bey foil I i. i i .uii i nland why they ii i ...' l.ii-lisiiman. were i . . . 1 1 . t T : 1 1 and awe. M- J iim da-lied through hem. bum I ii"i I, is weapon and Routing lii i i h They were close be- llnd lit in us in. luii'iidiil up the stairs nil go I lie. I Mil' mam deck (Here the si. .ic wns one of ludoserlb- ,ulej pan. i m I tenor, of merciless laughter 'Hid iniiii-k It was evident until he ilnii. m- . 1 1 utis must soon be a complete control of the vessel. They .adjtdiowu their true colors the mo acnt they heard the shot and the out rylfrom the saloon, and. whipping out heir concealed khlws. they had begun heir bloody work. Now they were earing nbout the deck like llcm'.s. trlklug right and left and with d. id pjnlm nt the passengers and crew rho had been taken completely by sti" rise' una onltinaru iwsllny i rise and were almost without excop- irnied. Many of the poor fcl- dead or writhing In agony. onie madly sought to escape by loap- igpvorboard, and some took refuge slow, aided by the gathering dark ;gg?! A few were making a feeble at nipt nt resistance. The shrieks and ills made a deafening and hcart t'nUUig clamor. Scarcely a minute had elapsed since tcJCeglnnltig of the attack when Quln acfiied the deck. Knowing that his ircfoes were behind him. he did not jsltnte for an instant. Ho was seen r?everal of the Aehlnese, who sprang ward bin. with reeking knives. The llyjshi'lti-r t'icn and available was the ?Idge. He gained the foot of thc-hiil-;3by a lleet rush and swung himself jjtiie tup. Here he found the mate sillthc steersman both helpless with SoTfnr the bridge had escaped ntton oujbut seeing that Quln had taken ifuge there four or live of the pirates tHojvod him. To keep them hack was npossiMc With ear splitting yells icijiiw armed to the lop of tho ladder, .Wjtrrtcss t me than It takes to tell lelrhai-p knives had made an end of 1 Iran to and the steersman. They died Itliout n struggle, nnd their bodies ere flung down to the deck, fluln had never longed for nuythlng lljlii life s. imii h as ho now longed )rjnlMTM''i n 'do weupon. Hut he was BiptJ' haiideu lie had dropped tils seless table knife and Iho Aehlnese 'erojabmit tu sj.rlng upon him. He oijgeil bt hiinl the wheel, narrowly dsjillig a stab that would have been itnl? I'rom thence he climbed to the 'hlstle pipe heedless of scorched amis and peri lled himself on the top fjltl Two of the pirates went after Imbut the pipe was too hot for them, odjtliey suriti abandoned the attempt. Iiej rejoined their coniiiatdotm. nnd Sejvdiole lot hurried from the bridge jjtflko part In the chnse nftcr n luck jsaTiinssciiger whose hiding place had WHdIsex)Vered. JMvas now quite dark tho pale dark eggjnf the cast nnd for n tlmo Quln faajforg. 'ttcn The pipe wna so hot liatjlt raised blisters on his hands, but csttick dogg.'dly to his unooinfortnble oslUcn lie saw two of the Achlneee rtioJrUdently had some knnwledfio of avlcat on i.iotint to the bridge nnd akcj charge r.f the wheel. Then he erd the c'.a n running out, showing batthe vixel was going In the dlrec loajof la t. l Mianwhile tho rest of bejfptrat's clatid by victory nnd lettlshcd, v.re vigorously searching whose cf the passengers and crew rWhad imn ah d themselves. An oc ulti.i s' r.II nutery rapidly cut short etttet'd to tiieir success, Mpally, wh.-n ho could endure the Mt nnd h's cramped attitude uo Ion wjlliilu ccocludid to seek gome other Mer at tt.e risk of his life. Watch iiS)iis oi(ir.rtnuity. he slid dowu the m s'-' " 't "f tiie fuunel. lie wait 4lrliily t make sure that he wan si r (. nti 1 then crept cautiously VHjf ! . !. . u i utifrouted each mo- by tl.c lil.astly ImkIIps of the vie iim. U tirst he was disposed to tnkv Mg' iu cue of the ship's boats, but -gti "ii'l thought he changed his ntid made his way safely to the k '... Id .Pl;e la. is ure burulug, but the e was .tiparmtiy deserteu. iiow- r a 1 rt i xatnmation. disclosed the t tl.at the sbAcrs wero hidden i (he bunkers, togethe"? with several of the crew and a couple of passengers who wore terrified half out of their wits. They vainly begged Quln to Join them. "If you had done your duty," he said nngrlly, "the ntlnck might hae had a different ending. Hero you stick, waiting to be butchered like rats lu n trap, for tho pirates are sure to hunt you up sooner or later." "What can we do. sir?" nsked one of the stokers. "Make the place as secure ns possl hie that's the first thing," was the re dy. The wisdom of this advice was ap parent, and all of the men ventured out. They barricaded tho door with llrewood nnd put out the lamps. Then the whole party walled anxiously dreading an attack nt nny moment, for nearly half un hojir. Hut the Aehlnese did not come toward the stokehold, They could be heard rummaging nol-d ly about the ship, which was unw rest lug quietly ou the water. A burst of exultant cheering plainly meant that they had found the boxes of gold coin and n little later the smashing of hot ties seemed to Indicate that they had discovered some liquor nnd were drluk lug It. "Tho devils will be leaving the ves sol soon, said one of the stokers. "Ves. taking their plunder with them, replied Quln, who had been meanwhile trying to think of some plan of action. "Will you let them get off scot free? Is the blood they have shed this night to be unavenged?" A honrse. savage murmur greeted this appeal. "Has anybody got n weapon?" ho added. Kvery voice answered no. "There are llrearins lu the captain's cabin and In some of tho other cabins, he went on. "If we had only two or three pistols, we could recover posses sion of the ship. Who will go with me to make the search?" There was uo response. The silence was unbroken. "Cowards!" Quln blurted Indignant ly. "I will go alone." "I will Join you. sir." The speaker, n young Itutchman named Kryllng, came forward "You'll do," Quln said apptovlngly. "I don't think It will be a dllllcult tnsk Tho pirates are loo busy with their looting to be on the alert. We'll gather up what weapons we can llnd nnd hur ry back. Come on. Uvery minute Is precious." The door was opened as noiselessly ns possible, and the two plucky men On tlic diMoiif 1ic door flew open, mid nut sum inc lau ny uctiti. after warning tlclr companions to be watchful and bidding them n brief farewell, left the stokehold. Favored by tho darkness, they gained tho deck and even ventured near to tho pirates, who were collected lu a group amid ships nnd were passing open bottles of spirits from one to another. A lot of valuable plunder collected for removal lay close by. "The coast Is clear," Quln whispered. 'We must be quick." Ho left Kryllng for a moment nnd taanageil to slip unseen Into the cap tain's quarters. He returned with one Mailed pistol, and then ho led his com panion below, lhey hurriedly searched half a dozen of the nearest cabins, but found only one more weapon. "You keep this ouo," said Qulu, "nnd I'll keep the other. We can't nfford to Cool away time here." They crept back to tho deck nnd halted In a deep shadow close to the bridge. The Aehlnese had ceased from their potations nnd were squnbbllng noisily over the plunder. 'It's a pity we couldu t get more pis tols." said I'Vyllng. "I'm afraid the rest won't tight empty handed." Perhaps not," Quln replied. "And you and I can't do much by ourselves. Hut I have an Idea," he added as he aught a whimper from the Sumutran panther. "Hurry down to the stoke hold, my man. Show them your weap on and tell the who!.- crowd to arm thfUiclvos with billets of wood and iinh up to the deck tho Instant they hear mo begin to shoot." "What nre you going to do?" "Turn that beast loose nnd set hlni on the pirates. He'll light for us." Or ngnlust us." Leave that to mo. Uo ns I bid you and move lively. Those devils yonder must bo taught a severe lesson before they get away." 1'ryllng did not nrguo the question ,iuy further, but departed nt once. Quln waited a moment nnd then crept on hnnds nnd knees to the front of the IMinther's cage, which faced the pirates. He utislld tho bolt that fastened tlio door nnd as quickly crawled back to bU former position In the rear. Ho ould only conjecturo what result Ills action would have, but he was not left long lu doubt. The panther, Its appetite and pas sions roiiM-d by the smell of froih blood, suddenly gave an nngry, rasp ing suarl. The Aehlnese were close by. ttud one of them, swaggering forwnrd, k liked the cage contemptuously. On the Instant the door ttew open, and out shot the tawny boast lie (toum-ed nu the terrified fellow. lore blni down and bit his throat opu and then lea pea with a roar luto the very midst of tb pirates. He upet two of them and fssteuiil ou a third. The.rst, recov ering from their (wnlc, mude as though tontwek the panther with their knlvwf. Omu saw that his time had come. IK- leveled his pistol and tired. Duwu weut an At hiiu-e Crack' another one fell Yells of aguuy and consternation Sift ?? ' ' ' inlugled with the cries of the savage brute and the crunching of bones. Hut the pilules were uot wanting lu pluck, and half a dozen of them sprang In the direction of the red Hashes. They came on veugefully, though Quln shot their leader and wounded another. At that Instant a shrill clamor wns heard, nnd over the deck ndvnnced tho party from the stokehold swinging bil lets of tlrewood and cheering lustily. They must have rushed out at tho first shot. Tho plucky Dutchman was lead ing them. "Hurrah!" shouted Qulu. "(live It to tho devils hot, incut Don't let nny es cape!" He and Kryllng tired with deadly ef fect, and the Aehlnese. believing that the whole force was armed, lost heart and abandoned resistance. A couple Jumped Into the sea, and four or live managed by prompt action to lower one of the boats and get safely away In It. The rest were shot down. Tho light was owr lu less tlmo than It takes to tell. Meanwhile tho panther hnd leaped Into one of the open hatch es, where It was secured by clapping ou the covering. None of the plunder had been carried off, and there wns great rejoicing over tho victory, but this was turned to grief wheu the total loss of life wns discovered. Of tho seventy odd mot) on board less than 110 remained nllve, Including tho wounded, nmong whom wero tlio chief engineer nnd n number of passengers who had hidden lu differ ent parts of the ship. The rest had been slaughtered by tho pirates. Of tho latter live had been killed by bul lets or the panther, and two wounded olios were secured. The survivors of the crew nnd offi cers took charge of the vessel, and nft cr getting up a full head of steam a trdlous undertaking they steered for the nearest land. In tho early hours of the morning n small Dutch port on the Aehlnese coast was reached, where all needed assistance was available. Tl wounded were taken ashore, and t! captured Aehlnese wero turned over to the authorities for trial and punish meut. In the .'ourse of the day Cap tain Hunter ntd the other dead weru reverently burled. It was regarded as useless to search for tho escaped pi rates. With some dilllculty the panther was driven back Into Its cage, and a day or two later, when the Ilmpress sailed, It accompanied Quln to I'enang. Instead of going (o imghiud It was sold to a wealthy Dutch merchant, one of the junlvlug passengers, who valued the beast for the part It had played In the light w ltli the Aehlnese. Ilia lleiii.'r lint. When I was n very young man,' laid au old resident of the District, "1 Invested !L"J 111 a tall heaver hat. That was long befoie the war. I wore the hat for the first time to Dan It tec's cir cus, and I llgured that the beaver made mo look like a beau sure enough. I was guiltless of nny hair on my face at that period, ami I can see now that I was pretty young to wear a hat of that ostentatious nnd dlgnlllcd charac ter. "Dan It Ice. who was doing a clown act, got his eye on that beaver of mine the first thing, and after the uudlence guying manlier of the clowns of that era he made a show of me. 1 wish I could remember all of the ridiculous things he said regarding that hat of mine, pointing straight at It, and me sitting there helpless with the girl of my soul nt my side. He sang 'Oh, Where Did You (Jet That Hat?'- not the modern erslon of tho song, of course, but one of his own Improvisa tion and the whole crowd under the tent Joined In the chorus, rose lu their scuts and pointed at me. I withdrew In a boyish rnge, nnd the young woman with me she's been my wife for a mutter of nbout -I." years now was so mortllled that she wouldn't speak to tne. When I got home, I took that Iicaver, the llrst and only one I over owned, out Into the back yard and stamped on It. Dan Itlce had cured me totally of nil my aspirations to bo an exquisite." Washington Post. The lrli.ll Soldier. 1'at is a hard man to set down, and many an oltlccr lias begun to reprimand him with uu oath and ended with a grin. I leiuember being present when a colonel of the rangers he's been dead this score of years, rest Ids soul- was lecturing his soldier servant on the sin of untruthfulness. "It was not only a lie you told me," Bays he, "but a stupid lie at that." Kalth, suit." answers the man, "I see'd ye were in a raging temper, ami lost me prcscuio of mind! Yet that was nothing In the way of Impudence to what happened tu the olllter who was commanding the ran gers when they were quarton-d lu Mluliurgli yours ago. There had been a deal of drunkenness nnd disorder mining his men, and he was deter mined to slop It. So one caify morning parade he ordered an old offender who had been out nil night to be matched across the regiment's front lu his mud' d.v tunic and torn trousers as nn awful warning. When the prisoner nrrlved at the left llank, he turned to the colo nel, saluted him and said. Just ns If he had been some swell Inspecting them: I'luink ye. colonel. Kalth. It's one uv the foiuest tegiments Vv ever seen. Ye may dismiss thum!" Cassell's Mag- luiue. 'I'olil llir Truth. Mother-Now, (ieorglo, I shall tell your pnpn to punish you severely for telling an untruth. You said you didn't touch one of those six peaches, nnd there Is only one left, nnd I found the live stones lu your nursery (Ieorglo 1 told uo story, mamma. The peach I didn't touch Is the one that's left spullril Ilia llrraWlmt. How Is the tnndludy this murnUiK?" nuked one of the boarders. Threatening nnd cooler," answered the man with the uowspapor, misun derstanding the question. And the other boarder, who was no toriously slow in settling with the laud- lady, looked iartly cloudy. Chicago tribune. All Therr. SboIIow uiauy pictures have you puiuted since ou first began? Ile-Oh. I hmt'ti't any idea. She Some day 1 am coining arouud to your studio ntid count them. Kx change ME (jJlAN'D SCHEMER HE UNFOLDS A PLAN WITH MILLIONS IN IT TO A CREDITOR. Itnjnr I'riifmit Uocn't Sneoerit In Cunt Iim'Iiik 111' Wrntliv n, st.fi lli'iil VUllnr. t Hum .MniuiKc to Mnntl Mini (lit Oner A mi In. (Copyright. 1W, I'jr C. n. Lli. As tho man turned Into the doorway railing up to Major Crofoot'a oillco ho Mil a look of determination on his face, is ho ascended the well worn stairs lis tread showed aggressiveness. As le banged the major's door open and ntered he bad the nlr of a creditor vho'd get bis money or carry away his lotitid of flcsli The major was In. lls kit nt his desk flunking n very short Hub of cigar, bat ns tho door opened ic whirled with n bland snillo on his ace. and. rising, with both hands held ml, he exclaimed: "Well. now. bat this Is truly a coin-Idenco- n coincidence! Come right In, ny dear fellow-cotuo right In!" "Oh, I'll come In fast enough," nn wereil the caller ns he suited tlio ne ion to tho win ils and catuu to n halt 'AS THE WnKKLS TIT.N" A MOUTH OIMUN I'WYS." ii tlio middle of tho room. "Now, hen, no more skulking and dodging. Ton owe tne $10 borrowed money, and . want It right off tho reel." ".My dear Mr. Shi no," said the major is he took a last puff at his stub, "you 'ormcrly had nn ofllee next door. Wo iccamo acquainted. You learned that . was temporarily embarrassed, nnd, ilzlng me up as an holiest, nmbltloiM nan, who would ultimately overcome lis bad luck, you kindly forced a $10 lll upon me one day." "I deny It!" shouted Mr. Shine. 'Why, hang It. you were annoying mo ory day for a mouth before 1 let you mve the money, and yotl told me a housand lies to get It!" "When yni so kindly forced that noney upon me," continued the major is he smiled and walked, "I said to nyself that some day I would repay 'ou a thotisiiudfolil. It was your trust, 'our conrlib nee. In tne that touched tie. 1 was alnuM uuknowu to you. Air all you knew I might ba a dead icat. You had only your Judgment o go on, but your Judsuient was right. I'hls very morning I should have tele- implied you to call In." "Oh, yon nre going to pay, eh?" "Major Ciofoot always pays his lebts, sir. and In some cases he re urns $ll)ii for $1. It will be so lu this nse. 1 could have paid ion buck long' igo, but wui waiting to make It n iieniorable occasion for you. The time las arrived. My drnr fellow, let i. dinke hands." "Whnt for? You owe me Jin. You my j on nre going to pay It. I don't ice the ol Jet of shaking hands." "To. yon truly cast your bread upon he nsters." said the major as ho pae d the width of the mnrn and looked uto vacancy, "and I am pleased that 'our returns will bo so great. Do you enow I love a man who trusts to my lotior nnd Integrity? Let n man show lis confidence lu tne, and I would sell n y shirt for him. Yes, you kindly 'orcrd ?I0 upon mo, nnd" And now you kindly force It back igaln," Interrupted Mr. Shltio. "It's to use dodging, old man. I'm here for ny money nnd nm xolng to have It." "My dear fellow, you nre one of the 'ew who trusted to my Integrity when was down mi my luck, nnd I thero- 'oro pass over your hard words now. foil haven't heard of the (ireat A ther ein Combination I hi by Carriage coin jany, have you?" No. sir." Hccutisc it Is Just bolns Incorporated mil we nre tnklng the greatest care lot to let nuythlng get out until we are 'eady. My own creation, sir, ami the ilggest thing of tiie decade. If we lon't make a million dollars out of It he first year. I shall be more than sur irlscd. I wouldn't take half a million n cash for my clmncrs." That's nil blamed nonsense!" shout d Mr. Hhlnr as he bogau to bristle up 'I know you. you old soft sonprr! Yon vant to dodge that 110. but I'll have It )eforo I leave!" My own InTcntlro Idea, as I inbi roti. and It will iistoultli the urn Id I'ho baby carriage can be changed Into i cradle, a hammock or a sled by mov ng n lever (iood for summer or win er, you see Is provided with a nu lonnry milk bull I', n whistle ami n attlehox tins on Ice chest nnd ii toothing rdrup department. As the ivhrrls turn a mouth orgnn plays I'ro flded with a patent brnko, rubber tires mil a mothproof cover; nlso hn re 'olvlng fans to keep the tiles away. Vftcr the babj yts out of long dresses to can use the carriage ns a tricycle riiat's llif Invention, Mr. hililne. Or (nnlrcd on a iiipltal of f".V).00O. nnd dinrcs to Ii.- oid nt par. There's more ban million' m It." "I don't inie a rap If there Is. Whnt I want l n. i (10, ind I'll iIvk too lust flvr :n iitnes lo shell out." "I w nt io offr you th ere taryshlp - mi observed the major. but (he i will bo unly leu thou- ami a r-- vv"i 1 "bull olfer you and what I was KlnK to tflrjrrsph you about ns you ran In was tho purchas ing agency. We 'hall want a man to buy the mil and soothing sirup and K'O that they arc pure The wilnry will be nt least Jis.ooo per year, wiiu perquisites thrown In. My dear man, you trusted inr. This Is your reward. Now, will you shake?" "Not by a durued sight!" shouted Mr. Shine as he bobbed around. "None of this sort of rot will stand me off on ny fio. Do i u want me to take It ut of your b!'1' ? ' "And you uu buy stock nt par, my tletir fellow stock that will bo worth lf0 Inside of four weeks. 1 have ar ranged for that. That stock will pay you nt lenst too per cent. Invest $10,. 000, and yotl Imvo an Income of ?2,",000 per yenr. That's what conies of trust ing to (he Integrity of Mnjor Crofoot. Is It enough? If not, Just say so, nnd I'll add $.,000 from my salary ns presi dent." Mr. Shine deliberately removed his coat nnd vest nnd tiling them on a chair. "Or If you want to borrow $10 for a lay or two you can have It and wel wine. I'll Just stop out nnd get It for roil." Tho major stepped, and Mr. Shlno re moved his collar, tlo and cuffs. Then ho spat on his hands and limbered up his anus and .waited, lie waited fur half an hour two hours. Then he got up nnd redressed himself nnd kicked over tho chairs nnd desk and went out. The major hnd stood hlni off once more. M. Quail THE SUNDAY SCHOOL. Mil n Tlihms nt Vtilrli Its limit n nirs Are iKtiorAtit. Tho failure of tho Sunday school as means of giving a systemntlc and thorough knowledge of tho Illble Is itreat. A teacher lu n city high school tsked nn ndvnnced clns of 40 or SO pu pils, who hnd been drilled for yours In the International Sunday School Les sons, how to proceed iu order to roach Palestine, and not one could give the lesired Information. Then she asked tiie class In what part of tho world Palestine Is located, and uo one knew. That Is n very good specimen of Sun ilny school teaching ntid can be parnl Icled anywhere by those who will tako 'he trouble lo nsk n few questions. The ignorance of the lllblo on the part of Host persons of average Intelligence Is something ainay.lng. Thu simplest .lucstloiis will elicit no answer on tho part of inost siich persons. That educated persons knovr some thing nbout the Bible tuny be assumed, nit not unless the training goes much leyond the standard of the common school. Again nnd again It has trans pired that those who wero generally noli Informed, who wore fairly well .'ducal cd and legardcd as bright nnd Mover, were almost totally Igiiorani of lie Illble. Their Sunday school traili ng hnd ghen them no knowledge of the book Hint was of nny vnlue, nnd, however much they might have read it since. It was to them a sealed volume. -Huston Transcript. llntv MHlinri AVi-arn (fee !tolc. All who have been to Nlagnra know that the cataract Is divided by (Soat Is land, the lnrgcr portion of tho fall b Ing on thu Canadian side of the river. This part Is known ns thu Horseshoe fall and vis so named because ycara ago It wan Identical with a horseshoe In shape. A few yours ago a V shaped break occurred toward tho Now York side, nnd since then other changes have taken place, until today the Horseshoe fall Is mure like Its original form, but clearly shows tho effects of tho wear ing of the waters. Many people fall to see how the fall wear the rock away, and this Ls n little mystery until the exact conditions uru realized. The ledge of rock over which the water of both the American and llorseshoo'falls How Is of hard lime stone. It Is nil of 00 feet thick and naturally very heavy, rnderncutli this ledge of limestone there nro thu shales of the Nlngara locality. This soft rock Is many feet thick. Tho rock of tho Horseshoe fall Is unprotected, nnd as the water falls over tho precipice and bolls In the liver below It wnshes nway the soft shale beneath tho limestone, so that tlio lluiestono Is left lu shelllko fcrm, projecting far out Into thu gorge. Observant visitors lo the falls hnvo no doubt noticed this condition. In the course of time tho slinlo foun dation nf the limestone ledge Is exca vated to such n point rhnt tho unsup ported ledge brenks away by Its own weight, nnd the crest line of tho Horse slim' full recedes so much farther. Then tho wnter attacks tho newly ox po"cd shale, nnd lu tlmo tho process outlined Is repented. This has been go ing on for centuries, nnd It will con tinue until the rails of Nlagaru are no more. Philadelphia Itecotd. Tin. I'l-riii'licr Wns Ulml Ska Strnre. The daughter of a well known clergy man In Washington had ii severe nt tack of sent let fever when she wus 3 years old with h insulted lu deafuots. I'p to that time she had been a regular little chatterbox, dulng her Infantile best to carry out the proverbial; llitni( a wntiiioi, nhe'll talk fiireirrl I'pon her recovery her parents wero nearly heartbroken to Hud that she had not only lost l.er hearing, but tho pow er of speech as well. Whether she had really forgotten how to talk or whether It wns obstinacy or lack of conlldencB they could not determine, but dcsplln nil efforts of the best tutors thu child remained a mute. One day when she wns nearly 10 years of age she wns playing with a eat, ntid with ns much cruelty ns though she were of the stonier sex sho used Its tall ns a handle with which to pick It up. The Msir niilmnl, not appre ciating the economic use of the afore said tall. Inflicted a deep scratch serosa the olitibb) little hand. "Damn that eat!" shu wild, Hinging It down. Ami her father, devout clergyman ns he was, elnsMd his hands and, raising his eyes to heaven, exclaimed: "Thank find, that child has spukon at last!"-Dc!iolt I'reo Press. A lllali nl llrilurliMit In IR7S. When I consider how cleanly tho Hislghogg fcedeth - namely, Ujwu Cows milk (If he can come by It) or upon fiult am) mast, I saw no reason to discontinue this meat nny longer uihiii some fantastical dislike, Mth books, nature Hnd oxporteuce hath com mended It unto us. Tor as Martial made Hares flesh thu daintiest dish of the Itomnns, so In Hippocrates time the Hcdghuvg wus nut of least account among the (IroWaua. which lie com luendeth for au excellent nourishment, were It uot something loo moist nnd illurethal. Nay (ns some nflirm) It lioiirlslieth plentifully, procured) appe tite and sleep, slreligthuctb Trnvnllors, preserieth women with child from mlsiHrrilUK dlMolvclh knots nnd ker llelly touioiiis, helps the Lepry. Coil sumption. I " : I - . Dinpsle. Stone and ('omul-o il Dr Thomas Muffett. 1075. THE mm OF SflBKE Drus Now Give Way to Animal Tissue liven CoiiHiimptloii, lipllcpsy anil Sonic Poi'iiih of Insiinlty lire Now Cupiililc A new era In the treatment of certain diseases is nt lintul. The results tiro so definite and positive us to uotitiiiaiiil InmiciUute recognition from physician as well ns Inynieu. In the now treat ment drugs give way to uitlnuil tissues In solution. It Is not administered through tliostoinaoh but is Injected Into the circulatory system. Tlio lymph tled Is extracted from lite lymphatic glands of live goats. The goat Is select ed for the reason that ho Is tho luinllcst mid healthiest of nil uniinnk He can not oven bo Inoculated with consuiili tlon or nileroblo diseases, his highly vitall.od system throwing oil' bacilli without olliirt. Then again old age pro duces tho least ellect on his organs imtl tissue and degotiorntoillscasis are seldom Ifovcrfouiul inlils Unly. l,lttle marvel then that tho dally Injection of n solu tion of the lymphntle glatulsof the goat Into a weakened human system puts resisting qualities Into It mid stimulates tho activity of cell life, Isitli dispelling disease and putting substance into tlio structure. An Interesting proof of the action of tin lymph Is shown by the fact that old animals who have been treated become active, quicker atttl more agile in their movements. Dis tinguished physicians in many places have taken hold of tho now lymph and for the lamed! of tho profession the re sults of their o.S'liorleiU'os nre being tnlt uluteil. During three years up to 1'Vb. llrst over nineteen hundred casei had Imvii treated lit tlio United Statosaloue. Of this iiinnlor"i percent were so called incurable diseases and I I percent lu tho last stages. The averages of their ages was 60 years. Only two of tlio mmilicr died although according to the tables of modality lii.' should have died within tliethroo years, lu view of tlio percent age of incurables at least IKS should have died. Hut note the astounding results; the failures wero lint 7J per cent, while 1VJ percent wore greatly benelltted ami OTper cent were complete cures. Tho cures include many consumptives ami many cases of rheumatism, paralysis, epilepsy, and locomotor ataxia. Aside from tho marvel thai consumption and paralysis are at last curative tlio dis covery was made that certain forms of Insanity readily yield to It. Tho positive and startling results are profoundly Impressing. L. It. Klablelu M, 1). a very prominent Kastern expert, who has been making ii special study of tlio now lymph and has administered it to hutidrodsof cases successfully, has recently opened a lymph Institute in Han 1'rancisco tit ll!(l ICearney .St. Ktill Information containing tabulations mid other re cords of cases by mall to physicians and other inquiring. Dr. Hlablelu has promised tho records of sotiiu interest ing cures of consumption for these col umns: for fiituro.Issues. Jnlin I,, Klllllliiii'a lllilivil. fomr eminent tragedians were oneo qulr.r.lng John L. Sullivan, then In his htjdsy. Said one of them: Say, John, why don't you try tho lo- gltlmoto) Look nt Muldoon. IIo has played the wrestler until ho Is as well known in connection with Khiikcspcaro ns ho Is on the mat." John looked thoughtful for a moment and then growled: "Say, do you think I could do It?" "Why, mire. Piny 'Thu Gladiator.' Just the pleco for you," Oneo again John thought awhile and llie.ii said: Say, Hint's a good Idea. I think I've tot a good scheme to work with It too." "What Is It. .lohnV" "Why. I'd have a real solid Iron arena. I d come into tlio itronn ami holler, 'Hrhig out your wild ox!" See? Then I'd have 'em bring lu a live bull. I'd wrest In round thu ring with It until I got a good hold on Its horns, and then I'd slowly twist It down and break Its neck. Then I'd put my foot on Its neck and say. ilehold tho Invincible, yours truly, John I,. Sullivan, champion of tho world!' I'd kill a real live bull for 'em every night. I low do you think that'll hit 'em?" (ireat! Hut great Scott, John! Can you kill n hull like that?" Huh! Can I? Come out to the slnughlcr house nnd aeo mo do It." Kansas City Independent. riirlslt-nlnii the (.'lillilrpii. An Kimllsh parson of n eliun h lu Hcrblce, Hrltlsh (iuluna. writes enter tabling!)' of his pastoral duties, lu the matter of christening the cliolie of nnnir Is left to tho taste or fancy of tin P rents This leads to NtrniiM 'ombi nations, lie copies from his regUtei "Nannie Hellona, rrank Locust" and "Whisky Ihiimanucl." Of earlier times he tells tiie following; One black man brought his child, mid when the minister nsked Its name he said, "Seriatim nil Valorem." Ou another occasion tho parson ask ed, "Whnt Is Hie tiainoof tho child?" The fnthor snid, "Ax, pursou." 'Iho minister looked Inquiringly at the man and snid: "Hut I don't understand you." "Well, parson," said tho man, "my mind glV me to go troo do Now Testa ment. I have had four boys. The firnl wis named Matthew, tho second Mark, the third l.tiko and the fourth John. Now, this, tho fifth one, Is to bo Ax I Acts, parson." llrKlnnliiK Hnrlr. ".Shall I hnvo to got married whuu I grow up?" nsked little l-'Iossle ouo da; of her mother. "Just as you please, duur," answered her mother, with a smile. "Most women do, howowi." "Yes; I iiippoao so," continued the I t tlo girl musingly, "and I think I'd bet ter start and look out for a husband now. They my that Aunt Jane tin been nt u for -0 years and husn't caught oin )ch" Cxchnngo. Importers and Dealers In PAPER CARD BTOOK STRAW AND HINDERS' UOAIID flu-flT-ru-il , Kli-Mt St. Tt. main 190, 0 SAX ritANClSCO. Help . . . Wanted To rebuild our business on n sure ensh basis. in book premium titopositlon. All settlements cnsli. Only n few dol lars capital needed to make money quickly and honestly. Heller tliati carrying stock or having n store. Kvorvone paid llb"tallv. Applicants should have some ability or experi ence In handling merchandise. W rite for particulars to HAitri.Av .). Smith, Manager SMITl I'M CASH KTOHK, '7 .Market St., San Krunclsco, (.'nl. the: e:lk V V V 5U0 Hush Street, Sun Im-oiicIhoo Nlcolr furnished rooms lv the iliiv. week or month, en suite or sIukIc. nt rcilui'i'il riites. Ilouso thoroughly ri'iiOMUisl No pnttis will bo srmreii to miikn visitors from the country to Iho city enmtortiibli' and nt homo during tholrstuy i io,i' miner sin-ei i-sirs in lerrv uimtuiK. MH8. 1'. liANl-'T, Proprietor. (Juliihu is Ulji nrs behind. ('. Ms ili not now haw to he euilureil MI.NDKI. sDynami, Till CUis loulleil ilr limine from their cm rtv cnd i. weeks oritiimry iri'iituieiit Into 1-' liours unit abort tlio worst of colds out ulKht, " It wns ttie worst cum, of im 1)i I cut linil. A hull ilni n frk'tnlH hint sure cures Still It tiling on, lleiird of the lIvs'lMI'-T.MU I.Hs. To my llin.'liwut they slopped Imlli colli mill cutlidi tho llrst tilidil I en'torso und ii'i-omtiii tut them to tlio people " II.Mii i.iv Hkm.ky, 1.x Mi'mlier CoiiirrosN niul Attnrmy mi timisotuii Street, Sun rrmielHco. J jly , imii "Winter colds have ftlwnys Imimi Sertoli thltiKS in mo. They nru hard nnd stny fo months, tint tho lust wits slopped suddenly by Mkmihi.'s Dynamic PAru't.ns. lloth coiiidi uud colli itlHiippoiired In h' couple of din s. No. tlihiK else does this for mo " Mns. I.mma 1.. Ilol.l.lN, 1 1 Mobs St., Hail Frnnelwu. Auk. tl, HI " I live ueriws tlio street from w tiers Mt.MO't.'s Dvmmic TaiiUI.i.s am made. 'Hint Is liew I llrst tooli tliein. They stop colds Mil limit mil lie I took a doxeii iMixi's wtth mo for self uml fitt-uils wlit'll I wont to Nome." II. I,. Vis WiNKf.r., Capitalist, .1117 Washington Street, Hun Fran cisco. Aumist II), null. Sent lawipnlit for as cents In stumps bj INLAND lllll'li CO . mat Washington Street. San Kranolsi'O, Also on ndIu liy our local uni iil Printers' Snaps. lioohci News Ciihch. Wo Imvn xuvorul hundred pairs of those casus Thoy aro a trltlo smaller tliafl fult stzo. Wero uml by two leading dallli'H tioforu I. Inn's camu iu. Thoy aro lust the size to fuollltatt) oompoHUIon lu ported order, l'ltty cunts pur pair Hue (lOPilon ilobbct'. New stylo, Sxlj, Htx-tiuibliuiiil, wltn throw nt!; Ill llral-clints condition. Mas sldo stoma fixtures uud Is ono of tho I ost sui'oiid liuuil tirosHos wu liavu.had for a loos tlmo. 1 1 Is a snap. Hccoiid-hiind Cylinder. Si.-ooliiiiin quarto. Will work 'IND uo hour. A ImrKulu fur a country dully. Some Itody mid Dloplny Type. Has not seen ono month's usu, Homo ol It hardly sluluvd. Hocond-tiaml prices pacific sims m mm r.OH Cloy Street, S. V. A .Mnrl)-r of llcnllsiii, A lady of Berlin, tho authoress of Hovcrnl novels nnd romntices, got her self Into trouble by tlio Intensity nnd thoroughness of her "realist" studios. She was seized by a police detective lu tho Wortlielm buwinr and enrrled be fore tho schnflViiKcrlcht on the charge of stealing a valuable boa. The charge was proved, and thu magistrate asked her If she had any defense to offer. She gravely Informed tho court that sho wns engaged upon a new romance hi which the chief character was a fe male shop thief. Ill order to possess her own mind with tho rettl "subjectiv ity" of the unhappy heroine, so as to describe tho woman's mental experi ences with exact Ildellty to nature, she resolved to undergo tho humiliation of stealing ami tho terrors of nu attempt lo escape detection after tho theft. Khe, of course. Intended to restore the stolen article to the Iwauttr a soon as the bun had served Its purpose ns an Instrument for tlio perfection of liter ary art. The testimony of thu lady's friends to her good churucter ttud sincerity In duced (lie court to litlllct a very gentle penally. Thu martyr of realism got off with u few hours' detention und a small lino. ISuullsli 1'i'crs t'un't Vol, Disfranchisement Is one of the pecul iar disabilities under which it peer of the realm suiters. Lord Salisbury once attempted in secure a vote for Hert ford and Middlesex, but tho revising barrister at llattlehl refused tho claim ou the ground Unit tlmo had given the disability tlio character of law and that poors by tlio law of parliament neces sary fur (ho dignity am) freedom of the two houses, wero not permitted to vote for members of the house of coinmuus. Lord Salisbury took the enso to the ap peal court, but as he could iuutu "tiel ther precedent nor authority" hu was obliged to go back to Ilattleld without his vote. I.oiiduu Chronicle. tins Plenty of Help. "When ouo Is tightly Incod." reiunrk td the plain girl ua they Med slowly out toward the foyer, "It Is a good deal of trouble to tluinv an oera cloak over one's shoulders, Isn't It?" "1 don't know," said tho hnudsomo girl. "I never have to."-Chicago Tribune, BLAKE, MOFFITT 6c TOWNE