Bandon recorder. (Bandon, Or.) 188?-1910, February 28, 1901, Image 1

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    if ftef .
in. I
52 Times a year for $2,
-o'2iTimes a year for
Number 9.
olume XVIII.
j ! fill
v -v y X' v
LflRoso seed potatoes nt San-
Choice groceries ca" t ,n"
,-iKOSO 800(1 11
jjCnroy, of Coquillu City was
ChurhdHy niflit.
" JO'Conuoll, of Mtirsliiielil.
, tTfOT Du Lnvol cream tscpera-
'"iLmieli. of Coqttillo City.cnmo
jwjplityt'tl tlio cornot nt tlio
uJraVbnll on Saturday nitflit.
f oCopo, of Four-Milo. rnrao in
Tlio Do I.iivol Separators have tiiado
poor mon rich in Coos county.
Km ley Seeil Potatoes--Dotuity of
I Hebron nt J. B. Marshall & Son'tf.
If yon want your photo cnlari'il at
no ooft to yoniolf go fco J. Don
holm. Mai'slilinM is to buvfl afouudry anil
machinf Fhop in tbo near futurt) bbvs
tlio Coat Mail.
Mrs Ohark'9 Asliton, of Lntnpcy
Cruel:, who has l.i'on quite sick for
Mtvoial wot'liM is improving.
llobmt lJrppn dime over froiu 15v
vcr Hill tho lattor part of last week
'atunlay to attoml tho Forest-1 and remained in town ovorSiuulay.
'jld remained over Sunday. jr- y. j. Burgess hs placed
lojLindquiht. of Parkci.sburs. luiuber on tbo pound aud will build
mi day or two in town this week, a duelling on his farm, which joins
"vSJthii llL'connEit oflicoa ftieud- j tbo farm of T. P. lliiiiley.
before ivtiirniiig Iuihip. The Natuii.u, Hen Incubator and
HSW. Dunham, of Coquille, llrooilor--Sl.iio, cheap, easily con-
'own Satuitlay and met lier ntrncted. practical. Send fcl.2 for
tlf??Hiittie, who returned on the plans or call on tho agent, J. H. liogue
oMaudaluy fioui a visit to San ! Dandon, Uiegon,
Foi Rent The, livery barn, near
thoTowu Hall. This barn has Mall.
for 1(! bead of hor.-es, abundant room
for bay and feed, bled for wagons,
etc., and ottico tootn. Prien $-1.51) per
month. Apply to .J. H. Jones, Ban
don, Oiegou.
,.6aIfroiJi a buntiPs-i triii to San I A tonall boy, hiii of A. Santbpiist
iiS whither be had pile in the I at Bay city mill, on Coos bay, was
Uoflbo Coquille Mill ' 'I'ng ' iu-tantb' kilb'd lust week in cliuibiti
lljvviicb he is hupeitnteiideiit. I a pi!o of lumber in tlio mill yard. lie
''flL:iii!.'don. formerly mail ear- pulled over a tier of '2(! lumber which
, 'tween liern and Lannlois. but
v5?fltime a r.'-i bnl uf Coquille
1 1 . . I . . I... . M
H8MMI now II mo i-uiim iiim. .i.uti-
PiMol river. Cniry county,
ho has found employment.
epiing -Misiin will soon bn on;
ri:r .. :ti t . : . .1 1 mm...
mur- 111 i"'
Tjtvel bus 110
ucjFaiisa and wifo catno down
Tf?Skerhburg tbo latter part of
remand will slop in Batidou a
Of weeks while tbo mil! is Mint
-ujbat place.
SKroiienberg of Parkersbnrg
I fell upon hiiu bieakitig bis neck be
i-ddei resnliing in other injniiej.
Dim.-In Oiikbiud. California,'
I'Vbiuury 2C, Mrs. C. H. Loekwood.
Mrs. J.oclwood was a former res
ident of Ibuidon and is a daughter of
II ilemailil, llie
K i lal ftir Clean
ding ii'iii easy r uining. 1 n
MHai.lwaiK Store, of Mar.-b-
ylleiidqual .i'l! for llioso ma-
.1 H (iannilel", of Ibis place. She
leavi'H a hn.ihaud and t!irei Quid! en
in O.ikbmd. an 1 twi brothers and
heveral i-iMeialo mourn her death.
Baudon has a brass band and tbo
instrttmenlH in lived Inst Sunday on
the hteiuuer Mnndulay, and tbo boys
have giaie to woik liianfully. each to
j,08Tt nntj Jlewu.iaceMUipiii.ied
TSle-iiner Fiivorite lay over lasl
tiiy in onler to re puck lb;1 baud
ujtho boiler which was found
, leaking badly, tbo packing bav
Son blown out to somy osteal.
irRvvero li'ii-bed anil tho Ufel
uSilher run again yertler-
fJ: W. Strange will be in
jjSimson. principal owner of
ieali:ship .Mandaho, was a piiH-
r.on that e--ol win 'i a) rived acouire bin unit. Of course tho hkill
M?e uij lasi S. unlay, tun ii.g , neces-niy to prodnc music ban to bo
up W' have a l id; alter inti'ie-ls j liougbt by careful oilori, nut ttie hoys
Iiope lo He lime ly .July iiu. uexi, iu
tio ju-tic-to a national holiday and
Baudot) should give them a lousing
calcination on that occasion. Tho
boys desorvn credit "for tboir enter
prise and nono moro so than Geo.' P.
Topping, who baH been tbo leading
spit it in bringing thin pioject to a
H. Swutka hn3 completed J. Kier
1 . .1
i nan s goveinnieni contraci on nie
I jetties, at tbo mouth of the river, and
lis gutting tlio government bcowo
moorod in uecuio places and other
propel ty i.tcred away. The tut: Biick
lias been put on the bunch for suuro
-light repairs, after which sho will U
left iieio until a favorable oppoitniii
ly presents itself to Ink" her to the
Sound. The woik that Inn hno.11 ac
complished during the lust 18 month
has been of great benefit to the oh.iu
net on tho bar and it is to bn hoped
that this work will tic extended fur
ther in the near futuro.
We call tlio attention of our patrons
Tfarilities. This speaks well fori to tho extraoidinary offer of Baud iV
orTat.d chows that her reEOiirc I Mc.'ally Great Atlas of tbu World
bolrig pit bed to tbo fiotit and ' by tbo Daily Bnlletiu which is avail
onlir.g into prommeiice. able to Unlletiti-Kec.jrdcr mibsciiburs
t?bolineitm Avenarius is not onlv ' pnymeut of .?1 50. This Atlut. is
.uost i-flieient preservatixo paint I lon the w.mpletioi. of the V.
LlTRvood work exposed to rot and CVi.wii.. oncu in ten years, and con-
. . . . 1..:.. n.nit.: (Kill ImI.Ii.1 I 'lUH'ril t'.ll I
r."i-ut 11 so a im icn rmuoiv i' " -...,...
Dfit all vermin. As it dcstioyer
The annual fcbool tneoting takes
plnco nct Monday nt 2 o'clock, p. in.
Thero is considerable repairing to
be done at tbo Coquille Light stntiou
anil the contract will bo let soon.
Mrs. Xnsburg is soiling off her
goods piepurnloiy to getting in n
largo M"rk of Spring and Summer
Last week Ueotgo Colvin, of Bear
Cieek, had both of his hands quite
severely injured by tho machinery of
a tbinglo mill on Fishlrap.
W. Jacobaon, of Portland, 1ms been
looking around Butidou for two or
three days. .Mr. Jacobin was the
contractor for the jetty improvement
done hero two yeaisago.
BouNAt llandon, Feb 23. 1W1, to
Mr. aud Mrs. 11. Johnson, ail eleven
pound boy. Keper Johnson is high
ly olated at tbo sturdy little man who
has enmo to Btay at tho Lifo saving
An item in tho l!oeburg lloview
of recent dale inentious tho name of
Sol. Culver, formerly of Bnndon, ns
one of the prominent farmers of Cain
ai Yallev who is in favor of u cieatn
ry at that place.
J. Denhobn has jnt received the
largest and best assorted ttock of
Sprung and Hummer Dres.s flood.
Novelties and Htnples which ho has
yet bad since coming to Bnndon
Give him a call.
ltov. T. J. Owens and family who
have had J. Quick's farm on Lainpey
Cieok looted for tho past year, will
move to Coqmilo this week. A ten
tleuian fioui Coos Biver bus loused
tho fariii for the coining year.
Peter Anderson of Pnrkerhburg is
having lumber placed on bis lot in
Woodland addition, near the re-ni-
deneo of Mrs. J. A. Bnpeii, pivpara
lory to building, after which, we un
derstand, that h" will iuovo to Bnn
don. W M. Bnrgpss, tho well known
creamery man, bus returned from the
state of Washington where ho has
bHon operating a iroumery for the
past soncim! iiinti'liN and will piobably
have charge of liu'oquillocAHibory
the comiug teason.
Wo are sending out elements to
biilcribtiia who are n yoar or nu&r
Popuialion of Goas and
Gurry Counii
Incrfii in i'ooH Sinct' ItittO
U 1430, nail in i uriy 131).
1 lit
oiTlbis regular hi monthly
rjday, Mai oh 1st, and will remain
itai, n r six nays, iet an, tiav
lent'il work to bo done, call upon
najeaily afti r 1 is nirival as pus
.VP id; lir-t el. work and prices
Uhoimblti ns cour-K-itt'iit with good
nneKs pr piisitiom-' p"int toward
inmi.t htiiitn trausporliition bo
nJSau I' rancisco anil u iiuiubor
rpgon ce.;nl ion nit which have
"PR5 Ten pniclic.tlly without
c.)iiveiii..;i. o ami almost
out a prosprtut for better ship
facilities. This speaks well for
licken lico er,peciall, it has no
djind ono applicntiuii of Carbo
inn Avenarius to tbo insido of a
kop coop i sufficient to destroy (
ica and keep batne away pirnm
ly, Hesults; Healthy chickens, j
ity of eggs
d A: Cordon.
I'or sale by Ledger-
Ot lltllllUOUIl COUUiy, llll., UUinPii tu
, thovmy ulmo.t but without doubt
cal delineations of every country in
tho World, together with a completo
siatUtical cbait of iuqiorts, oxpoits,
rosonrcep, etc., and bitorical.religiuiit
and politioal htatistics. Tho Atlas
will lie ready for febipmont liotweon
.March 1st and 15tb. To avoid tlio
nlinrirnM leave votir order and
! tho amount at tbo Becolpmi office bo-
rt,, ., . . , . foro that da e. For particulars in ro-
fl!Harvill, ncomtuifsion merchant" 14 . L.,r,i,..11 k,,i
, , i ar 1 to Atlas hco in Sr.tunlay s liul-
an I rancisco nnd owner of, tho1" .
l'ntnin Siiriiifs eienmerv nn tbu1'0'111'
iff Biver. has recontlv been on ', O" vory band wo hoar the virtueb
river adjusting atlairs pertaining
ha creHtimrv uhinli nnforrn
ilw lefi in n vnrv nnki.titl fomli. ' whou a thoroughly farmiwl and prop-
ilby T. A. Nuth. Mr. Harvill will "ly cultivated, tho I ottom land., of
ee n cc.uipeteut man in cbariro the of tho rich and fertile Loqiitllo alloy
limrsoiibou ami ,w,mi..., snH-fne.larohar tninal ill ovory uwpoct, evn
iTto i.atnns. It onlv leuuirod a to hi r moet faNored indiutry daitj
rttiuio to demontratii that this. ! ing. This is ntlcMed to us a fact by
iety was a pajing institution former Humboldt dairjtnon, who ate
Tgieut eotiveiiionco and ndvitu-, continually coming into our u
tii ninny respects to tho Lower and buying dairy farms. 'Iha dairy
dairymen ami tho coming tea-1 iu bnsinew ns now oonducled bro
If expected to be n prosperous compares taon.iie wun Jiumoui.i.
. V hde Lero he saw a quantity ! ontput.yft in Humboldt it tacoudiiot-
bitley tLut was raised on T. P. ert h-n it whtlf wun us it n as a
itfey's ruucb wbj-h be said was of iiiu.ii ucceitMii mdufctiy.
fttb. y lUu any Iu, bad N ' 1Mt cow, UtlMr maungo.
cIiod fu.a llum! couuly.Chl ' m. nt, aro 1-usiuew. lilie fcttwitioii
las -itpuMjd to K aru thnt mm an.l bigbw nUtr of cn.tiv.tiou of
AtavwlH of grain wu pro- ..or UJ-Cou :ll eow Hnuboiai
fd Leu- B.-. .. being of eitvl- aud y lUr county on lb Pwifl
fpialitv it wan from Uud which Uof to lk Vo llwir Uorl if tboy
Auced uer ,e( huudred luLel hope to osol dulryiog commnol-
that- iiuie fn iiHrf.imilimiil npi ttiWinMnlrfri i ini"ii
The following taltlo sbows the ecu
sus of the dtffuratit nrpciucts in Coos
and Curry counties. Tlw poplatious
of towns aro iucludod in the precincts
in which they are situated, and nslho
town of Mursufield iB divided into
two precincts its population is respec
tively enumerated in the precincts iu
which it stands:
com ciiumtt.
Hsndui I'reoinot. icolmltnn Itnnilon
tuMiii 814
llaiutun town O'R
lliitloit llirtirls prcoitirUx 107
Cualtdn prrotnet, iiieluOliW Uvnt Hill
ltwur IIIH town
Coo prectaot
Oiiim ltivi-r iiruoinot
Vqiiilla prooinct, iuoloUitu; OihimiIIm
town l.W"
Ooipiilk- Inwii W8
t)r pnrk prooiuol 1
Diirit ertroitiot t"l)
IJmpmi prorlnot IncloilltiR Kmptre city, 411
Umpire uity f'"'
Ilaoliiwiled Pr.lirln iireuiua 27rt
Fmir Mile piecniit 1-"
Miaa.iuri iireninct 'Ut
Mvitlo l'uitit nrctiiflt inotndtnu .Myitlo
l'uint town l.!i
Mytllc Tolut town WO
KuA-ii.irt r.nohiot 4(tl
Nurtb Coh Hivur prtuinot
.Nerili JlrsUflitil prvvtuot liiolinlliifr
imrt of MrmIiIUiIiI Slfi
ttHhiii.M unrii (ratlof) K3
Total fur .Mnnliflulil (own.iaNuttlmml
H.iuili MawtitJclil PieoluoU 1,H
Nurwnv nri-olaot Til
I'urkotslmrii prolnot -Jit
I'rus.wr prooint
Kivurtuu priwiuot !HH
Kiiwliiuil iireuinut l-l
South MiiiKUIlolil prooinct IuoIihUhh
pmt ir MiiiaUlli-lil toau 1,071
M,iil.ri..i luuii (luu-tufl
SoutU Hliiunh prt'oinot IM
Biuuiic'r pri-cl lot !'
'J i-iuiiile irecincl 171
Total pupnlattiui for WTO lU.Ii-'l
l'opulatiua of Ooestn 1WJ H.S7I
outtnv ooustr(
Din I'emt precinct SI
Eoley pr. ctiiit
FluciH i r.itik prcoinot
Unlit lie-null prooiuot.,
Jurrvs Hut prdoiuol...
Muantnin prujlnot...
Mali Ureek pNeliiirt
riato it us a favor if our putrnuH will
respond promptly 11s a newspaper is
lil.o anyother busiuGsc and i-kmioI
live without fund-".
The Foresters' ball came off hint
Saturday evvmiig 011 schedule time
and was well attended and a succfss,
being up to tbo stanilard of excellency
usually attained by thin ord-r, which
has beroloforo tuoved thai its mem
bers are good outurtaiuers. O
The examinntiun of pupils iu the
bth glade, iu gi ailed schools, com-
moiici's to day for three
lays. Tlierw id a lulgo Mtinbor of
pupiU in tiio Hatidon sr-boot who tiave
I'ouu wo'kmg ounrgetioiilly to mc.
cessfully pa-s the examination.
D.m.-At l'rospor, Kob, 27, H'.)1,
Mrs. iloliu Moore. Docenso.l wha in
her usual health until about n half
hour before bur duatb whiclioocuirod
about 10 o'clock in tbu evening. We
have been uunhl to learn furtbrr
particulars. Tho lunorul takea plaoe
ut Jiundon to-morrow ufti-rooon.
Word was received hero Mouday
ovonitig of tho death of Jesse Culver
who died at the home uf nU parents,
Mr. and Mis. H. J. Culver, in Camas
valley, Douglas county. Oregon, and
Miss 1'lioobe ami Xieorife Culver
staitetl neit moruitig for tbu home of
tbeir parents to a '.tend tbu fuueru).
Ths steamer Bio Janeiro, from the
Orient anil Honolulu, rati on a sunken
rock but Fiiday morning in enteiitig
tho Gulden Gale during a fog, uud
.sank 111 n low inmates. '1 here were
20 cabin pusbctigcrs, 160 111 the steer
age and M0 iu tliu crow, making !)1U
persons on borrd. Tbu Intent oatimnto
of tho number drowned is V9.
Mr. J, H. Timon, tho rustling ooul
operator of Itiveitou, has bowled
parcel of coal land from Mr. Henry
Clomuns nod will Iwgiu work with
several meu as soou as tbo weather
permit. Tbo laud is situated on the
river below Lnmpey Creek and it is
Mr. Timou's opinion that it contains
tbu bet and largest body ot ooal on
tbo Coquille Biver.
tlfiiry .r. Ktumriilt Ken1'.
M. Blackctby rcceivwl word lnt
Sundav ot tlio death of bis fntber-in-
law, Henry J. Zmnwnlt, of Sixef, who
passed awny that morning nt the
advanced ago of SI years ntul !1
Deceased had been lingering on
tbo vorgo of tbo gravo for tbo past
two months and bad taken no nour
ishment woiiti mentioning lor nnoui
15 or CI) days.
Mr. i'umwalt was otto of. tbo early
pioneers to this coast and lias lung
been an honoiod leaident of Curry
He leaves an nged wife, a daughter
and a con and covernl grand olitliheti.
Minn: or dismm.htion.
Kutlre ii liPtpliv Blvi n tlml tlio pmltwr
nlltp wliloli csistcil htwi't'ti Jiilin Jiiikms
mill D. I', ili rn I. wn innlunlly ilmnilvil,
the tlist nt .Iiimi-irv IWl. ntul t tin t inch
pint) ImsHtniv tlml time, ntul In tmw eon
itliut.uu busuiens liuK n"l'ilciill nf llie i-tlii r
ntul t tin t 1 am ri'sixinsible milv for uiy own
emu mot.
Da UU at Uandelpli I-Vb. 7. l'.nt.
I). P. JlKltlttl.I..
rt . .. rr r. , . , . . .. . 1-
Tho nndoisigucd has
If not, give us n cn'l. Wo are sure to plonse.
Xow is the timo to puichaso Hardwaro.
in utock 11 largo assortment of
Hardware, Tinware, Graniteware,
Glassware, Crockery and Miners Supplies.
I'niitt, Oil. Ildor.x iukI WiititmvN.
The Bandon Hardwaro Man.
Two Real Bargins in Real
Slnrv mill a linlf hnnie; T ninin! tiro place,
linrye lot aiitt center e( toa, iJlfiO.
One story lieiiKi' n 1 noiuBi lut niul it half.
Nent wonltiti null, J I Si,
Until nf tlu'or lire real nnM,cnll on J. At.
I'I'tON, IMmloii.
.Sonic:! IMds U'linieil.
Tlio ti)tiCM. nf llnitiliin, (Irevmi. will
riTolvti nvahil irop'snN, tip in 7i.W n'oluek
l-'iiilay i vi iniu .Mh tell tut l'.KIl, to pninl nail
pupi-i- the TnM Hull. Tim lower tnrs, stnir
vii.v, UhiiiHuniti u nail ivIIidk et lliu upiii-r
looms ti riin'in- tivn 00 1 1 h nf puinl, mul tlie
walls uf tliu upper moms tn lit' lliml Willi
Axllllilul hllPI-tlll lllllt leitlt! Mltll IIIL'tlllllPll
pripiT. Tlie Town Hiiiril nwrvis I lit. ri(jlit
to n-jt'Ct nnv mul nil liiili. Tor furl li. r p it
tlculsrs apply to A. D. .Morse, Tona Ito-Cfinli-r.
Done liv nruVr nf tUi Town llo'Uil Hilt
"111 1l.1v uf 1'iliruaiy 1101.
A. II. MOW!:, Iti-eonlcr.
A. W. IiHjSa-1,
31. I.
CiIIh to till putts of town ami county
priintptl) aimwi-riiil ilay or iiikIU. Olllne on
0111 in-r o'f Lower Jl.itil ami AtwHter Htrents
HJnyiJmi, 31. 5.
JIA him; MTK.
Fb S3 Sebr. CoruiibiaB, Kort, 0 a
I row Han Vrauctaeu l O. U. 4- T. Co.
Yth. at.-tWmr. MandAlii)', tlttd, M boou
fruiu Han FkooImo.
Fab. Mehr. Ut Noil, jambwiu il
il.ii f r-jw Man Fiwuetaoo, to 0. M. A T. Co.
Fb. Ss,'. Sbr. CcuAii- rit.uon
Run KraitoMi'.
Vb. .-br. t - u. U -iu
Piatul Hivr iaoinet..
l'dit Ori'onl iirooltttit.... iT "71
ijitouUn prooiuol . 1
iineii llivi r prwjlnot lit
ViV J jurburu p.oji.iot 17
Tutul pei-ulalion fur 1900 1 .MB
l'.-puliitioii of (Jurry la 1IW ,70l
Floronco Woat: It is repoitedthat
a steel tchcouer will bo built at San
Kruncihco dQing tbo vein to ily be-
twoou Oat pltiBu and Gardiner. Tho
viwhbI will bo littHil with the latent
JevicoM for effiiiont work and will
havtt high oIuhs ouginiw. '1 ho ooii
dtanllv incronsiug businosfi of this
part of the L'acitiu coast in comtantly
awterting itittflf, and in cro-iting a do-
iiiand for craft of IhiHeharactrr. Huo-
eeas to our friend iu CJaidinor.
l'loreticu 'rti.t: 1'iio Htut.mor Acmo,
built for tbo tradobetwftu Sun b'ran-
oihco and Acme, hasi inndu a auccebu-
full trial trip and will lie roady for
biikiuoKH nt an earlF date. TlioAomo
ia poi'iiliurly lultipUd for tho tiadu
betweeu nuc'b plaotw rs tho Sitlalaw
and tuny b relied on to givo miUbmc-
IOU to Hi CtmtClUJl'lh. Il" Qiuion
ii San I'Vaticinco Lumber Co. doiurvo
credit for tbm bit of nleiprbe and
will no doubt reaj) tho roward to
which it is untitled. Th Acmu will
bo placed on iln regular run bo mo
tiwi in April, aud will luaLo weekly
tripi. to tbo big California inBtiopolio.
Ounrd : Should tho profccnt weath
er condition piovml throitgbmit tliia
mouth uud pnrt of uest tlmro li ovory
indicntion of 11 tHrgo and cboiuo crop
of fruit Hub comiug-dunoii. A'aiuim
tiua aru almo.t all blossomod out all
orer tho Willaiuetto valloy. This
early bloiouiiug out of trued i ab
mo.t without lirccodunt in tbohihtoiy
of tho valley. A a rulo, tbo tioim ito
not Imgiu to bbwom bofuro tho tiidt
wok iu 31 mcb. bevcral largo al
moin! tiDMt in hugeno aru literally
covered with the delioalo pink blok
kuiui and present a iuobI beautiful
sight. This in bebruary, too. It im
to b b'Jpl that tbo weather will 0011
Unlit m it ban len tluu far, which
will irmiK a uuguillwut crop thiB
OlHeo linit Trunt fitieut,
Will visit Hiinilnti rcg'llnrly en union to li
i.tipill In tliu I.naHi i;oiiiiiin.
I. .11. lll'TON,
onico lii tliu Klilnriiilo lliiliilliiL', on Pint
T. K. MIMirr.
AT'lOltNKV NiiC(JllNSi:i.Olt AT l.AV
MAitMirn:i.i, (
Olllco in O'Connoll llnilding.
!i;o. r. Toi'i'iMi,
I'rix tli-t h In nil llin foul tn nf llm Miil.
Oillouon HiooiiO l'lonr In (Vmcietu lltilliliiiK
nil l irxl Mtevt,
.if ItiHiirHnre l'iiliilnuil lloiutu boaaht
or iiioniy loii mil uu muuu.
- Orrunll,
V ' . ... .. "77. t
lil'.I.PIII LiililiK, sit. hi, 11. ur i'
..r iMii:.i. n.ii in tvirr Mondav X
uvtuinu Ht 7:;t0 oVIoi-k. ill Utl;
llHIUlllll. DHII. li; UWAO, U. U.
II. N. IlAiiiiiMiToti. K. nf It. mul M. 1
Goods !
lias just received a full line of Spring
Dry Goods, also a Large
Assortment of
Men's Boy's and Children's Suits.
A Largo Stock of Fresh Groceries
Always on Hand.
Orders Taken for Tailor Made Clothing. alwrifutcrd.
U now Hiipplii-il with a full aatl coinplctu Kteck of
Hardware, Tinware, Graniteware
and Miners' Supplies.
We carry a complulu htucli of
Tools, Cutlery, Doors and Windows
l lpi- 1'IIIIiiki mul I'liiinliini; u si'- I'lUy.
Bandon, .... Oregon.
TINNISP.'S sunt' IN ur.
JiHlriittll ..I.
ft M
fjf5i2flfietliiii: IVcw
$10.00 Gash Trade
With tlio IJuilnrHlijiii-it. Kntltlol You to nn Up.
To Diitf, Unlarufit Piuturu frum liny I'liotrt
Kinpli j 011 uupply.
$30.00 Cash Trade
Not only entitli-H yon to tlio almvo picture, but
to an i:iuiint Kriiuio with 1'icturu coiupli-te,
Kiuuplva uu uxhibitiuu at tliohtore.
!")?! "t 1 Q n f ? XT ON Al'l'WOATION,, FOlt I'lOTUHB
1 KIULb U 1 V lllN anil l'liiino Without Trml. Wltuuiiou
UmIi Balo a tickiil i-fpri-Hiuillug Ike ntnount will bu ulvc-u Ouhtomur.
1 A
II A.Mlll.N t.lllllil:. ho. I I 3, .. r. A
I TtAMJON l.())(li:,No.11B.A.KA
fi tituteil uonminiiioMtioUH bmi t
mJi Mlt-sr thi' full iiioiii f .'
tii .iitU. All 4lHler Mim.ii "'""
iiivilej. My onler of
I'. I. liiHIt-'l', Saori 'iiry.
('unit IJiiwii nf II"1 I'nrr.l ."ii. 17,
jj r. nl Aiiik Iiw. '
HJI'ltT Ql'I'l.N .'!' TU,i l'OI
The New Steamer,
rb. ). lmr. UodlT. Ud, tu Hun
WAB-rao Cit'l. rellaMa pioo In
vt re ooqiifv to rvprut laruv einipiiv f
sotld Buuueml rpi'iiiiiwi f BnUry tr
. utirnblo wekli a l' lulo'i 'J
nr itad H i"ti'i Btroiubt b.iu-flo.
l. nnm mbiry. iw uoiuinirt.inilury paid
mi-It HulnrJif ud tpeu. uioue, lult m.wd
Kl,. I'hlWiiO.
Subscribe for
the Recorder
No. 17. iiu-f m rrniMv iiixhl i f .ihi in HhII. liHIitloii. lJli-'"li W
oonliul wkIooiiw U fxlnnib-il to nil
g.tiiiM broilii-rt W. W KMI'liKY. E
lliuim durri. Cluot llHM-r. S
I'm. HwTtry. 8
4 ifc44fJKv
? II AS HON I.OIKIi: Ni. 13. I. .. V
Si hi v i.onriK. K. 1HH. I.O.O. V.9
1 muft'omy WvduMdity nxiilnn,'
Vmilliiu briitiutm III aooa aumiiH K
r,J,,lly 'n!x,ai.,N.U. I
A. W. Kl. Kee. I
conn VKIILYtoCbriirttonniB
UUU. or wuWJIU u, LmjIi fr imii
trrL-nlim buluit to tbiv kud Bdjain
iim (muiUjt t. mji Uanvr una
CoiiMpouuVoti work en b dan l
your io-b.k. KlieloW 11 f MklrMMNl
rUtup-i envi.!fj for pHftiralum ft
C. i mi nl f.CorrortiD HullUii.ii
OuiawMii UmttMl kluUm Ttvns,
VTnbiunUB. I). 0.
t w4
Arrlvoi l'l-'i. lH. KniU Slur. '.'nil.
A. UI,Sl;.N, MAttrmi.
Will .Mikv Hmulnr Trl(ti llitui-i-ii
l'rlitltt rnloa from Sun I'riinoiico to
llauUon, ;iuO toui To (3ihuUI ('ity mul
luiuU pelow, a.ii To iljrtlu l'olnt nail 11'.
tfrninK pointn.
HiiihIom wilt ....... Kltjert liyir.
Mill l-'ini)ioo i.iiiiU.. .lliiliuv v. Hurt.
!'o1a nro TryliiK It.
I., f,r.W W lir.-TO llm fircnt morlt of
-:.i v I i n lliifcu. tb uiotit clfiotlo cro
tr '. '..Unli nl "l l la UcftJ, wo imvo pre.
ifinj io"n t"!"' lzo for U) couW.
it 'f j -if Jiu"3 t or huiI 10 conU to
ELY 11 Win.. 1 Warnin til., K. Y. City.
I uTr.I fi" onttrrh of the wort Ulml
r niuca b-y. a I I imvor liojitil for
.), but Kli -.'rH Malm mioiuii to do
vita tbat. M hit acnalutaiKn'i lio ud
11 with ui9IUut rlU. Uct Ontrum,
tS Wttrrvu A., CUieu.), 111.
Ely! trei lUlm Ij tU ncVnowlfilRl
tar j Ut oateirb ami ouiiUIiu no voiwiae,
Mu-rxur, mt u? luJllriuoH druu'. l'rle,
r,o ..i4 At JfniatbitK or by tualt,
The New, Spoedy and 1
egantly Fitted Twin
Screw Stmr.
Hti-iinii-r will nt'O a ruHutur lOibiy Burviou
U-twi-iin (iuillo ltlvcr, Onuii, unit Ban
rrmiiiluco, Out,, for both p,iwiiiM tu.4
l'orftillur furtlior Information apply tu
Cnptnlii A, lli-eil, mi boufit ntuauinr ur
N. l.OHKNZ, Aiit, Cofiulllc. Orawsu,
M. II. Ii1:K, Auiiit, Uaniluii, OrHPii.
K. T. KltlJZ, Oonernl ArciiI. !i071'iont Kt,
Hun l-'rniicloo, (JalifornlM.
...Water Worlcs..,
Vuro. fnwli, coU iriiiK walar
liipoil to any part of town,
ami to any (urt of tlio liortsc,
on apiiliralion. in innntilioH
ili-niroil. Hatoa ruaaouulilo. i :
VV. Ht LOQAN, PropriotQr
l'r.Mir:v:o 7!', oil Ly.