Bandon recorder. (Bandon, Or.) 188?-1910, February 21, 1901, Image 4

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    I VI.'llt.rSBltD
?t1WM fltt'lJMVAV AVTI I.M'O.1
.... or
iT( 1 M. KT ITT
nwron on ritoriiisTon.
Ono Year 00
BIx MontUH, ( 1 00
ThrooMonths M
TLt a pipor is entered nt tho liandon post
ollloo nn Second-cltsa Matter.
IIrIok Audit, 21 MurolinntH' Kxcliiinue.
Han i'raiiclsno, In our nntliorlzed nient.
This poparts kept on fll in bin office.
Now Hint tbo l'liilippinea nro con
aidorod United Htnloo Territory nro
thu Filipinos citizens of tbo United
States T
A,'U)'iHil(lo linn boon interviewed
fiincu bin rcrmrrectinn but declines to
mirronder. Ho evidently intends to
ligbt nnd dio Homo fiioni for bin
Tbo Harbor cloaiiiK act which wnH
pnHHcd by tho Oregon legislature bo
enmo ft Inw without, thn governor's
nigimturo, nnd having nn emergency
clntiM) incorporated, took effect im
mediately upon becoming n law. It
ia now n legal rrimo for n burlier to
do rilinving or hnir dreHsting on Sun
Tho Governor of Ohio Ih Inking
hlnpH to exocuti) the Iiiwh of Ibnt f-tnt n
nain.Ht prizoligbting, nnd it in not
likely tbat (hero will bonnytnoro surh
boutH within tho bordorsof thnt nttittv
l'oriniinent, injunction hnn been grnut
ed against lliu JefTrieH Kuhlin light
Now it ib proposed thnt tho men meet
in n wrestling mutch.
Wife hcateri, wifodeHirterfl,trninpn,
public druiikfirdf, nnd runlet over 14
joara of ago, lio ubo profnnii Inn
gunge in the prohuiico of women or
girlf, tut) cIiihk'i in tho hiuiio category
by tlio legiHlntuie of Iiidiiiiin, nnd
that body is likely to legiHlalu the
whipping pobt into cxUtunco in the
I loonier atato an n proper punishment
for thou) II vo cIiihpch of ciimitiiila.
I'ryu and IIiiihiii'b threat to hold
up the Jtivor mid Harbor bill in case
thoHliipSubsidy bill in not plotted pntH
and n bad look on legiHlnlivo practices
is tinctured strongly with "Iiohmhiii."
All legislative euactmenta alinuld be
pnaod upon their merit and not be
subjected to trading acliomos. 'J'ho
apirit of equity will not prevail ho
long iih our representative!) go "job
liiug" to get tbnir ineiiMuros paired,
The North Atlautiu htntea were vitt-
jled ly a mucin blixard on the Kith
just. Wo are foituuate here in Ore
gun on account of the absence of d is
trending eolil weather.
Telegram: Three of the Hurt-en of
licllovuo Hospital, New York, all
men, me on trial for murder, I lie vie
tiin whom they are iicciimmI of killing
being only one of ninny who, invehti
gntioiiH dome weeka ago allowed, met
a Ninular fate, l'or yearn, it wmm din
covered, aid; and hnlpli'hH piople had
been robbed, eiuelly abiiNed and tor
lured, death in mvonil if not niiiner
imh onsen reuniting. And thin wan in
the greatest publio hospital of the
greatedt Amerioaii city, in the dawn
lug of t tin twentieth century! Ami
We Hpeud millions aiiuunlly to civilize
ami coliveit the Oliouttll people "who
hit in darMichti!" It would Hoein that
unlimited amount of civilizing and
(Jhiihtiiini.iug in to bo done within
liiir own douiaiiiHi indeed, it is not
certain that we do not need foreign
miMiioiiariea worse than those people
need oiua.
Telegram: It has leaked out, ae
cording to n Washington report, that
en last ('liiistmns Day, (leneral Muo
4rtliur, in response to a n ipicst fur
informatiuu at to Hie status of affairs
in the I'liilippiues, cabled as follows;
"Kxpectatioim based on result of elec
tion luiMt not been realized, l'logroBS
tit paoillciitiuu npparuit to me, but
t-till very slow. Condition very iu
lloxiblo and likely to become chiouia"
lint since it has been positively pre
dicted and promised that tho Filipi
lion would all gm up nn toon as Mr
MuKiuley was re elected, it in not
bin prying that thin dispatch wnsmip
rtiitina Thi't'iiltMiH Itlvcr mid
Iliu liur Itlll., Feb. Tho threats
made by Fryo and Hanim that the
river nnd haibor bill is in danger if
the ship suluidy tjl in nut pasMxl, is
liaviiigau effect in the Houuo contrary
to w lint lite friends of the ship sub
sidy expected. Members of the House
who nro iutciostod iu the mor and
harbor bill, nay that if tlie latter bill
in held up for t subsidy billi the
action will bo luuinuibered when lie
subsiily hill reitchcH the House and,
their will be reinitiation.
The W'rtkty Orrpuiilaii unit thif paper
euro you all ih ih or liuair, llr, iho
eoriuwt uu.t tha autlun.
Tbre i'ldifrKK iin t'ixen by tho
w 'l ink KveniiH- t' terrain l" fvpj.
cm: or ui' (n:nt: """ ten m -stitulioii
of uiaehiiiu fur hand labor.
Forty yeara ago one man teok 7fi0
hourfi to pel fo atolfWlOU bank clieck
for which ho wan paid $150. Now
the same work is dniin by machinery,
six men being employed nn oggrn
gate of nine bourn and fifteen min
utes They get about double thu waged
per hour, yet the labor co8t is only
i?:t, instead of glCO. Seventy jenra
ago. using tpiills and rulor to rulo
paper, it took -1,800 hours to do work
thnt is now done by machines in two
and threo quarter hours,
The hand workers got -SI n dny,
while the operators of the machine is
paid $2 fiO h day. 'J'ho labor cost of
producing n given quantity isSUceuts
ns compnred with ?100 in theold way.
Machinery now makes 100 paiia of
nioti'Hcbenp-gradeshoesiii 1MJ hours,
nn compared with 1,41)7 bourn by
hand, the labor cost being $100 by
hand and ?85 by machinery. Instead
of emu mnn being employed to do
everything iu tho manufacture of
women's show' il now taken 140 each
doing an entirely different operation
on the machines. What required
thirteen bourn of labor forty yenrn
ago is now done in an hour. The
third example is iu bread making.
One thousand pounds of dough for
buscuits is rolled, cut and prepared
for baking in three hours and forty
live miuutes, as against fifty fours by
Theso instnnces nio typical of a
hundred other itijlustrien iu which
time and labor have been saved by
Npnln In liiiving Trouble.
There is trouble in Spain and Gen
eral Weyler, of Cuban war fame, has
declared martial law iu Madrid and
being Captain Ueneial of theSpniiisli
army lie has full command of the
Spanish troops.
Sometime back prenn reports slated
that Spain, released from her coloninl
burdens was forging ahead and mov
ing on toward a more prosporoun eon
ditiou, but the following extract fiom
a New York dipalch of tholfith., tell
n different story. The dispatch rends
iu part as follows:
"Poverty has been increasing, the
burden of taxatieu has been giowiug
heavier, and the laboring classes aie
niie for levolutiou. At the SHinetiine
the ruling dynasty is unpopular. All
these complications and it number of
others have brought about a wide
spread feeling of unrest, and great
eventn are lookeil for in Spam unless
the incipient revolution is quelled
Spain has been tending toward a re
hellion for some time liven in tin
hit lime of King Alfonso XII tbeie
were continual disturbances and in
the elo-ing jenr of his iciltu then
were labor riots of such senousiiin.
that it was leporled that the rioters
had poisoned the wells in man)
The Queen Kegenl hns always been
unpopular, mid during the Spanish
American wnr she received a signiti
cant nicliiiaino of ''The Austrian wo
until," the same epithet which wa
applied to Marie Antoinette. Only i
shoit time ago an attempt was math
to assassinate her. Had as was .Spain's
condition iu the lifetime of Alfun-n
XII ami later, the impoM'rishmcut
resulting from the war with America
has made it iniiueasiiiably vorc, and
has dtivcu the laboring elm sot to ties
Orek'onian: John Hull will send
no more peace envoys to the liners
He needs all his men for the army.
He should not be III too gri-at haste
for peace, because the Hoein are iu
no liuiry. Any now, peace envoxs
would bo mote iu place after the war.
ll'Hfll-M t'HIIIIOt Hi Ctirtl
by local applications, as they cannot
resell the diseased poiliou of the our
l'liere is only one my to cute deaf
uess, anil that is by constitutional
remedies, Deafuo s is caused bv an
itithtmod condition of the uiucou- lin
ing of the F.itstachinn Tube. When
this tube gets iidliiuied you bae a
rumbling sound or imperfect homing
and when it is entirely closed deaf,
uess in the lesnlt, sad unless this in
llauuttioii can tie taken out and Ibis
lube rontons) to its noiitial ooudltieu,
hearing will be dostioycd forever;
nine cases out of ten are caused bj
catarrh, which is nothing tint au in
II iimod condition of thu mucous snr
Wu will give One Hundred Dollars
for nny cits.) of Deaftiess (caused In
atarrh) that cannot be cuiod by
Hull's Catarrh Cure. Send fur cir-
ulars, free,
F. J . Ci:nky fi Vo Toledo, O.
Sold by Dingguts.
Hall's Family pills are the best.
Wixtun -l'tMtil. rlinll iriui in
ewy pnuulV IU Irpjm'iit lrt.-rt ouiiiwiiy ef
olkl (liiAiicliil iipuUlimu itW mUivi.r
fr, luysl'lu uiUV; ti r it.iv HtMluirv
lit, hiiJ all riiHiixn: alr-tluht. Imiiih.11.1..
.! nnt shIm j, nn isimiulMtuni xnlnrt psl.l
frli Hitturdnr itiul riivnw lunnrv H'Itkihv,!
mcti trk. bttMiiun ltuoK, M IVutUiro
t CtKRli
j .,rlnilllniil
In fampAMgit Tot Imm-.
S(, I'minvM'O. 'iiinenr f I'sin
I'MliJ'li. I Isiel of 1llWin, I'l I'lpJ il'. s,
leb. J J.-- At Bacolorn bill nppliDg
Iho provincial govoiniuout act to tho
I'roiiiice of I'ainpnngn was pimped in
tbo presence of a uowd which includ
ed ropiosHitntivcH of all the twenty
towns iu the province, The appoint
nieut of tlo officers weie immediately
announced as follows: Sekrinn,
Joven, of lincolor, to ho Govt rutr un
til n successor shall be fcflcclcd, a year
beucoi Secietary, Mariano t'uananj
Trensuier, Lieutenant illinm A.
Oooddle, of the 41ntltegiraentSuper
visor, Lieutenant Lawrouco liutler,
of tbo 47th Itegiment: the Army
services of both these oflicers expires
in Julyi Fiscal, Juuu Garcia. Tbo
salaries were lixed as follows: Gov
ernor. S1G00; Secretary, $1000: Treas
urer, $2100: Supervisor, $1800j Fiscal
Piior to the passage of tho bill,
Judge Taft explained the framework
of thu Philippine government, which
the commission was erecting. The
nntives suggested tho amounts of the
salaries. At thn closo of thu session,
General Grant, who is called the
"leather of tbo Pampangas," said he
rejoiced that his cbildrou wero large
enough to take care of themselves
He added: ' Wu Pampangas are as
patriotic as any Americans." The
remark was greeted with applause
The lirst general provincial govern
moot under American rule has thus
been hopefully established.
The commission will prociod next
to tho Province of Pnngasinan, iu
which in situated Dngupau, the tei-
minus, on the Gulf of Liiigajen, of
tho Manila Dagupan Railroad.
Major Maximos Angeles surren
dered Hid riilca at Hagonoy, province
of Hulacitu.
A iioei' Ilpiiupli.
The following lines adorn a toin'1
ntone in the cemetery of Talkirk.
Hi re antler this nl nml muter lliesn Irccs
Is tiiirricil lliu tiotty nf Snliiniuii IVuhh;
I Iu I litre In tills Imlu tics only tils nl,
IIIhhuuI is Hlielliil nut nml uwiu np tu (loO.
What We Can Do For Yoii
Tito ruprr rur tlis I'lln. tiT thif. Vuit
(li l lli nr IIik Wurl.l nml
Hut I.oi'itl Xrwt 'llnouii
In lit u MutK'iln.
'I'o Iioh( who pnv up nrrt'nrnci'S nml t
yciir in miviiiicn, iinil to nil mm nuliHcri
lii rs ulio pnv in n.lviinci', uc ninl.ii (lie
(nllouinit priisitinn ooiiiprislnu m vcimI
tlilTiTi nt omipliis to si li-cl fiom i
I'iiiuk r I't'iiLiUATtoNs rt.ii Vr,.tu.
Minimis UmmiiIivh fO
Sail KranciHCo Unite! In (1 ml
l'orlliiiitl Kviiinii! IVIi'Uinni r t'l
WeclvU Onoui in t 'VI
AppU'll lO Itt'ltHOIl f.'J
5nr OfT.'r.
'Pis ll'ill'lin is mi of Hit I piuI i i i;t p'i,sr
of I In' Wn.l, nail is n it. illy pulilmlu it in 8 n.
t'raiiuiMo, nn. I uivi k nil i lie nf .is. On. nll r
Illl'lUll.'S tl.l' Siiiiilnv llillli till.
Iti'C.iriliT iiii-l llulii'tia. nut- ciii' H 11
ItuMrili r ami It'illi tin, ono inoiilli Ml
The l'ottlnml livHiilnij Tcli'i;rnni is isstirtl
xii tiintis it wt'ik. Il uivl'H nil I hi' news Hint
is woilli ri'iulini.' anil up In limn of u iIiih ti
pn m, much of It licini! -t hours fit'-litr limn
nlii'ii It IiiuIhm tivio Ilir.inU any ulli'i
Hiiiiiriti'r nml 'I'tlicntin one y. ar. $ 00
Per a wi-i klv nowspipor Ihe Wrekt) llr)
uonitu lenilii In I lie N..rlhihl, unit uivis
nil tlm neus UHiftlly onatiiuiiit in n nevS.1?
Itcoiintir nml WVi'kly Oicnnliiu. M
It li Ihi' lint) of im'll iwrmn to Hivk in
fnriiiHliiin Hhniu nil lint's lint iinul luwnr.l
iiriiiKiiii; 'iIhuiI iK'ili'reonilitioiisniiil cri'iiti i
pui.pi titv fur lin' IniniHii fiiimly. nml fm
the purpose ef k'lvlna our n nili rs n ch un e
to inforin lln iiivi'lti s ue K'ivu tlii'in tiic In -I
ApKnl In Iti'iimn, Any il"i'trlun th t
iIih'S not iuh'hI In tho highest onlcr i.f nn
sonllli: !s nut MHfi.
Ittcnrilt-r Hint ApiH-nt In Kimumi, . iJ 00
.llontiily Wi'iillioi' Uouft.
at iumiom, eisiH isiu.sri. eimiiuN.
jHimsry l'.'U.
v'wttt tritik'rittttr I'.'
MuMiniiui lmpi rulurc 70 on IS
Miniiniiiii li'iiixrnture 'J7 oi 31.
.Menu of iniiumuni tiiii;iorNtnr fi'J.l
Mi nn nf ti inliuuin li niii riiluri' ICt I
Numlnr tinu'iiminiiiitiiu tempi m til re M tie
cri es or Is'lnw l!
I'nlnl pnH'Ipitnlion IIH'O
tlreiite.t iiriripitnli'iu in '.'I coustsnttivo
lioiim. nml ilstn I'.'inn 111,
Prevsltiiik.' illricHon of witulS V
Nmulier of etistr dats 9
Nnuil'i'r nf pnrllv of eKnnh ilmnO
Niiiiilier of rloiulv ilns lit
lnl, sun which hitil fell 13 7
Dsns of itinailrr sle tun t
lnl is of! ftust .
Pales of kliluu: or in jur i.tiit fnm '..i:l I
IteiiiHrksi Or. nli r tsirlion of inoiilli Ins
nii'Mcnl well for tiriMiiii weniln , V.irlni;
nls.i, Innvuut ktoiins of the s n n.
ti o v t it rivo.
Yoliuitnt) OtiM-rver !
MOMiii.v vtiuiiiiir itKroiiT,
iiiui. iihi. e i N p , euvooN,
tinl.vr UHU
Mean li iius'rntore it'.'l
lliuliiuiui leiupi inline irt. en I'lh.
.Mililitiuiu ti ill t'tAliire 111 tsi V, IU.
t'et-iplliitlon, IU SU inoti.
I'o i ii I stum full .Vol inclu t
No. dss IK.
P.iill) dumb I.
I'llHIitv U.
riiinul. r utoini nn ll.
Dsies of froil llclit 1 . !. U. 10. SI.
IlMlosef hall i.
Dittes nf steel 1. 'A 3, . HI.
I'tetHlllu.K wlml N. W,
Iteamtlj. i:ietiott UIJ fl.
Yotiiulitry Oh-.etir
'I in- Hi.tid;ii "i',"-pr yVateH
' . M 1 ,
Isloaalca In the Itrcinl llntlillnu, cornrr on
I'irnt nnJ l'nelBc strtet. I will ketp n,
InrK" n stoolt of Witrhei. Clocks anil
.tt-uclry ns the ileiunml will nrmnt.
;-f Prices of Work nnd Goods us low nt
first-elms work and mds will
TorujH Cash.
You Can't Expect to Get
$2 worth fcr $1, but you
can get your money's
worth at
3!fiilor in ItootN it ltd SIiook
Ili'pnlrliiK nenlly nml promptly done ill
lowest livlnu priees.
tl.ttntiiii, Orrij;nii
Druggist and
Is jns' ill receipt of n new nnd
lrt'sli fctoel: of
Drtifjs nnd Chemicals,
Patutitand l'ropiietary I'repanitions
'J'oilet Articles,
i;rtis;:lnts iti?:; j'som,
I'Kiinniw, r.ausui:s, Si-hnoes, Scapr
No ft ami Camiiks.
Cljr'ii's, Tnti'MTos mill t'lL-itreltcp.
t'nints. Oils. (ila!i.-i'M. mut I'lttntvr'hSiipptieil
cJ . 1j. 1 Ixu.iil i5u-.i?
Shavinj Parlors
ant! Batii'.'corns
.NIshvSji", t'. Ct'tii's.
!t;(Jis a." 1U;.
WurkuKi'iship up to date in my
ihiiig iu my line.
N'ei t i ir to I'.ntn'Tli'-.
lmZ IVJArlliFACTi'nE!
Tjr.THi' i.ontii:. coNTi;c:'oit am.
1 Piuoiionl llniliti t. is now erei'iirnl !.
ii-iilil iiki.Ii. in hollies of I he lutes! itrl-
4iiiiiniiln iii(( llrsl-eliiss umkiiu imhip It,
veij p irnonlnr. iH-ini- extH-rti in-rU iu tin
irt ol lionse lialltlniii. is nreiMiul to uiv
s .t.sfiieliou iu nil lilies oi IiIk ImsWivrs.
M t tie .Manllen h siKicinllty.
A I.Ntl.
K 'I'lis 't'"-l ii'llr or Imnd a
I'll 1 1 lillie,'! 1 1 t'linkets
Ht I,oe-.l T I U"'S.
(ii:i. I'.ini'i'i vti u-.'i.i.
li. . v l' Mi"N. Ire n
IS 11115 I'LACU. TUY lliKM.
I iHiti'eil on I'tiit Iretl
: in Tim
: : n.POKUto nt HiDlMi
KIIW1NO ir.o. HVI! t'fTl lNO
Huh room and tul unwh titled up
ll"t and eold ball . 'J," cents.
tkeu-h ntut flrhCtipUuii ut miy incutliin itli )
ptompliy tecfoe oni i-i'inu-n iti-e cuncvrnnix )
(he .ili''lllty of .niir. ' lluw to Ol.'.am .1
Patent " fcent iuhmi ic-i ict paU'itti m.vuiciI
tliroiixli usinlwitmnl I v lM our cpcnr
Pulcuts lken out tliiimi,ti reveue ji.eiii(
noirr,williiiiilclili;v. In Tin: 1'AtKNr Ki-loao,
an Uliiktrutnl Atlil il,lrlv (irouluti-il iourual.
cousiilirit liy MninifHiiiiu . .iu 1 linetois.
clla lor Miupiciupy Hint, aiuiic,
U'jtrnt .llfurn.'.r,)
Enant BullJInj. WASHINGTON, O &
Notice In " Imentite Aire " trj rj; TTfl T
ilkHik'-llaittnoblAlDl'iiteiiU" Q fc3Entia
Otartf tiuiit.-nit No fee till pntent l fTiired.
letters itrlrtlv einfl,lentral. AtUreiu.
I E, C. SICUEHS. Pjitnl Lxur. WatMtiglon. 0. C J
stevknsIdeal rifle
No. 44.
Price Only StO.OO,
is tv louder. Made iu nil tho
standard mlilvi. Ixitli vim nml
oontor 11 iv. WViplit Kmt 7
pounds. A Voun H-vtkk.
If tho.-o riilis iv not curriotl
iu httK-k by your tlotiKr, soml
pritv nml u will K'litl it to you
OAproty pivp.iitl.
tViiil t.iinp for c.ttaliifue ilfcribinK
coiupli to line ami couUiimns vluahlo
inlonuatiou to khootcrs.
The J. Steieis Am mo Toil Co.
p.oi.i ,. cNicorctruts, uiss. u s, t.
iinr lie returiint li v i u . Auv oi.c kiu
bail twee to Sun TmucIiioci mid
Ills o wlollon. IllflelU linen K
lit niltneuiite of mturuitf Hie At
int IhK-U nml Latest Htylet.
hi in cuir.a will wirrn"- J"'"
A rttU, I.INI! of lifw Woolen I)rrn ao.Hls. Celot rntf d Otiftln t'nion Sails.
J. JdU Nerk tt.'r-'lhti M-ry IhIi-.I- M "'"V1' V. ..dVs. for La-
tiuniethln new.
Shoss ! and Shoes ! !
Ste Hit LntMt Show Iu It the N w StyU'- ' t" SuoUibip
Tiss and House Slipi ers nre hennllful.
Conn, nml l.Kinnliie mir Notn Mnllit seiil W at.ipri.i.r Sin r.
Agonls for Tho Salem Woolen Mills Made io Order
CIothliiK. A full line of .Men's YotUus' nnd t'hildreu's snlta always on nnd.
Will Keep on Hnt J at nil Times
Fresh Beef, Pork, IVIutton, Smoked locals, Lard,
Sausages, Etc., also
Fresb Vegetables, 1'onltry, Kw, Bolter and all Farm Produce, and n
Generous supply of fresh Groceries
I will pay biliest tnnrket price for btof. pork, intilton.wi ol. bides, etc.
III t.'oniioetion with the Market Mr. Amlirsnn eondiicls a
Id?- LA 1)1 1 W FUUNISHINC. DKl'AnT.Ml- XT.eoiistantly udil-l-ir
in),- new i:oods to lier i-tock of JacLels, Cloaks, Ladies'
Underwear. Sliiil U ni-lx. Sbirt Sets, Collarn, CiiITh,
Ltulioft' and C'liildren'.s IIom'.
l'arlieular utliution iccn
R. E. L .BEDiUOM, Proprietor.
Hondquarters for
B::s:na:s Fison.
Hotel Coquille,
.JOJl?; ,C,El:X. E'pj.r!ffor.
Tt'i wi II ki.uwn lioti I in ntiw itinl, r new ard eoin
potent uiiinnco'tii'tit and tin-. Iei n ihnf.. uglily ten.
o.iiti'il I!.1iihj.'1miiI Tlio table sorvieM wjind id
anv nt S,iiitlnt"i Oi'i'k.iu. S imple iiii:n fi.roniu.
in.'ieiul men. IJns.';ii;:o trattfsiitid io and ftvni
boats ri d trnii.s free of clu rp'.
1'iei' now 1'iir in ootiiioeiinii with ihe hotel.
i ri ixxjum tnnniii-raii i, j i rmirrair' jii '.j.-. - t in, , , ,
A Good
jr w rvipMi Mwul to
. v Sandersons
V u llt flntf 8 ooniplete line "i l'i Ootals.
ntlii' Pur v Ht" b1"'14
j likil Xr t)ipts )n-t mil.
I.... r.. ii .mil SViniir,
Kv n ili'- I'otleu Uie-s l'sllc tno
dies, JIUm-i- ni il Cbilthin
T ? Tlrt-n-. rail f.n
to new and IhIi-kI ljles. ,FJ?
- - JL-TOI3',
This popular llesoit is bett"
prepiiietl Ihilli eel to OHIO f .
the I'lJlVi-iin-' i'llidic.
HATUS ?1.00tt.
SpoDial inc!uceir.&nb to TURISTS
- - - - OltKC.ON
, ,9 s, j, Ni yk t;
livery r.r.d foc-l S
.1. M. con:1 i
Banaon, Oregon.
- '.'"' "il I'M
It OlfLJUllI
Cimitnereiiii Miu .
Good Ilia's. Good Tenuis, llr,(,
.(ill T......(el. n.,.1 t. ,.
1111 I uiiii.ii iiuvi iyvulT V. I i .
Do You
Know the News
Yon ean have it all tut
t tor
s i- i-v c m
31 on th
la the Evealma T.ilecrnm, of 1'oitiirf
Oreiion. It istlu-lnrctNteuiiluiraVb
pnpe piihllslicil In Ori'ironj It wt
nil tin Hewn of the Htnle nnd oCoi
nnllot Try It for n mniith. A I'",
o py w Ibetunlli'd toyou free. Ai
Tho Tclegmm, io t
e tl
Vprmptlf procmrti, OR NOrEK. Fnitniot,ir
gr photo f f frw report oa pitoaUWur. Ithk'
JtoOttiiltttf.a ftBl Fortlfn I'aUataiDdTnjt-iBCO
j tali.. irfni wren eTer on urea l lirr
All builiio- couauentttl. Sound Jn. rBrK'
rr(co. Moderat cbkrreo. sK
"il-C. A. SNOW & CSt
"S U. S. Patent Office, WftSt'iNSTia.Vw
1 VrlP"'? UfiH' lliPtlowr,iliniritJ'
i wiiisis 1 1 u sti i, imSJo
I'.lill Vl ilil ch, V??
Ocnfeeti cnory,
.110 1 1
Tobacco W
'e I tloor to ".
l''J- ; -rt TBAD3 MlnSiJ
. .-i D2aicNo5:t
ATirotin vnnm ft fkrli-'i ittiil tlftwTl'ligi
qafWI: accit4ln, frit-, nhrt icp nn ih'.c.i'WnR
l'iu)iii tjit0'itnllj. ( i.iiiiaiiiilnttlni irt HI
nui'i leiittul, (lJ't iicvi.r) r ri" i.nttpj;,S
M A I'ftkn. Wu huvu it U'mlih.tttiuD(4i(y
'.itc-itK inhn tbroutfb aiiu.u to hm,,
I'vuul jiotico tu the all
hi.nntlfi.llr lllif rato.l. Iirei-t i-iniiUUur";.
nj y r.n-iitlro J, m-cklr. li'rm t 'Jl
fl..iiu iiii.iitl.., si'Lvlui.-n euin inill.Jt
lSuLi. u: Pa ri..sTS swnt fri'o. AilJrtu IW,
MUNN & CO., 0
.1111 III milium, Now York. ' -;
Blacksmith and iffi
W n'otis of nil Kil.dr. Made to
loll V'OI k llltl llllll l pil ll pllv
orli I'liiiii.liln u in fni if uit lull. )re;
i" tit 1 1 in 1. 1 f.
AMUiiicvs ( w'.f.Kijl
i oledo
T . 1 l c?i
T'u Ctreiilcst National Wfekly .SV.W
of Aiiifitua. '1 lie nnlv WWIdy lli,rdJr5
iiri'K.lj f,M
Ni-mni' tin
l-i pi. en
r 1'ilinc 'iu
'ii'iint in)
li'inl i (lit
timi duviii
iiri'K.ij toi eirrv it.ite mut ii-rruorj i-
lit or, hii MrrtitlL'eil I"'11. aBI
ii nk i'i mot i f. imiIv mnn liml.
r 1'ilinc I'limlifrs une rolinns ef Uilf-'1JJJ
ii'iint lupus inmle t.lnui in t'lfli'we
Kiweml iiliiurinl nt tier, writiwi from -.
tiniidoun In iIhIh Tlie only inii'rr flJTi
li-ltul i-folHii for lksiple lm iln o'lhi
ti H.l il. ii, ,,. o....' o '.....i . iliiitilr.
! Pi'ini fuels I hat Hits Mini of a nt"ltel.
I i "ilar ., prnMii liy tlie fnc 'S lllii.i.' now his ovi-r 178.l)JJi
J -nli-riU-is. mil t virviitnUd in Hit paet
"'l In niltlition to tlm news, "'''Si
I'nl'li-li k stint ami Kvrml stotns. mmI'S
ie psrliniMiiK of niiilli r kiillnl loevi-r'iTJ
s i ol t in- fiuiiilv Dniv one dollar
nn- for fn e isclinc n cpv Aildi J"
T1IK llliAUK, Tol.ilo. OlJ,
V.UY'S CRHAM IUl.l U i po1""vS?
Api-lj lew the! . It u ipil k.J lUOIMi
raiuit DniL-citu or uj ra,i i mcp'wW J
tlX U1U) lit bits, M Wwrvn su Vo"1'