Bandon recorder. (Bandon, Or.) 188?-1910, February 07, 1901, Image 4

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    f'flE RECORDER
IK rUllLItllBl)
.... HI ....
sunaaiiiiTioN iultisu.
Ono Ye.u 2(W
Six MtmlliB ' 00
'rhrooMontba 60
Thin pipor l onlofeil nt the Haadim im1
olllco n Hecmil-ola Matter.
IIrIiir Aent, SI MiTdlmnU' lclinB
Him l'fniioio, In unr Hiitl.orla-Hl bhoiii
Thin pnpur U kopt on 111- in III ofHoe.
THURSDAY. FEU. 7, 1901.
Tint tk ml nf Oik Hocinl aciib'8 con
tninioK million of fjood, honorable
AtnnrlPIlll nttiznim flieH UP With H
bound when n fuw Krcmly rnilliotinira
stop into tho opposite aula.
llicti tnwi own tlioir wenlth to lulwr
nnd mo in .io hurry to lupiid.ito Iho
pbliKnllon. Lnbor owes ilH ovly
. ii, wnulthv clnss who htivo profiled
ii item its tiocefhlty, nnil it ia uttiiiK
nnxiouH to aoltlo flio micnuut.
iv-inif Kdwiird.of UrciitHritnin.nnd
Umpcror Willinm, of Oeiinany, linvo
lioon trmlinf,' civilities by beatowitiK
litlim unci) upon the other a una neir.
TIiuho lionorH como cheap lo t ho don
ors, hut not nlwnya no (o the oitiieouH
or Hie' poultry in which they uro
Tho loaialtitivn aulotm nl Snluui
hnvi) puwod ii NionmKimeiuintioaolii
tion. but it is doubtful if it numivoB
hny moionttontion by those who could
inilituto procoodiiii tlmt would in
miro Hint much iloairvd rcnult than
Hid petitions whi -h huve t;ono before.
Irnvo received lit thu sonio lmnda.
A ennal Toiite aero- tho iHthinua
of I'tiniium menui BomethinK to innr
jticn. The distanco bottteuti Han
Fisnoinco nnd York, by wider, in
5,700 mile mound by Onpo Horn.
If tlm canal it oneo ooiiRtruetod tlio
dUlnnco botwecti the two points by
water will bo 4,1)07 mile, n Biivitif,' or
10,71315 miloa. Thin anviiis of tiino
mill diitnncu would ebon peri tho frijlit
rntos betwaen lh Atlantic find PaciUo
utittoH. hunce Uihio would bo oompn
tition between atcntuidiip nnd rnilwuy
trmi-pnituliou, ond it i for the pm
pou of l;oopinn (tee of audi oompeli
tion tlmt thu rnilwiir ooinpiiniBH op
KHB thu building of tho eminl.
' J tut now thi'in acorna to bo ti fcroat
diwiiu, in political high plnce to net
Uto Wouiocrntie paity buck to H old
inooniiKS o thai Kopiibliciiim and
Pomociata may HkIiI their old bntlle
over, Gonem! lojoicing ovtr tho
ilixinti'iiratiou of tlm I'opulixt pnity
it brenthud out from iimny HOtm-m.
but it iB inoro o,- laa iuix-d with Ihiu
NitnUon ovor lliw inoculatiou of Top
iiliat hortminH ioto iueiuboi of the
two old pnrtiuH. Tho I'opulwt party
bun pnaswl away, but it Huh fniailnd
IlH iniPBioni ilu tliMJl i ino la inciik-aii'd
ilu. ininda of votora, nud tho prin
kl pitta ibiiik proiiiv, tln-io i m
wi.IiHhi. iilnoe outaido of conditiona
Mint will inauron iwiN-ntly equiiabb.
irincil)il Wl'll
mivill liuivuu ..v-- i -
in.tillod iii tlm huiuHii family ai'out
nlnutceu lumtlrpd yoarti ko, and tb
i.vii U l'iiiutr. bat la -iiuii)ily
lust in tlio 1'opullnt oolliw will
ijrmnUirand Btiongtir malur another
ni lii'iul uhiah will fi'
ii... i.i.nrlilxB of Hnancial alarrry fur
viir atiiclu-n from tlio hand of labor.
muiI will brlna pu fi-rtioii of oin iu itH 1 1 mill. Tho world move
iind thwe nroRrBmlieaultBloachnvi
TUq future hotboihood of man nt
..nudus and there ha boon time
enough vrnatBil in trjinit to wU
......annttitf uiiiuia lmlii'V.4 tual mo
"furiKii, )iny tliw iBiifl.
iiRiiiIoytSfliKri' in lln I'rofitM
Dr. V. If. Tolman tlla iu the Con-
(nry of wlinl haa been doue, in con
iipciiou with aortniti Kiaat induitrif,
in aoknowlilHiiipnt of tho cmployo'
inornl tlfjht to noiuothiiiK tuoro tlmn
It hns boon nnnoFiblo to aivomorc
than nn outliiio of whai if bMiiiilonc
in lypicnl iinlunlrieo. but it iathollrin
bcliof of the wiinr tliul tlioro ia a
ItPtininu ilpaitt on the pnit of ninny
olhurH lo do boiiimIhiik for tlicir pno-
plo, if thoy can bo hhown tlio lirst
HtI. To n lingo claoa of employe
thi'io ia iiIwiivm the (jneaticu, will it
ikivT Uv wnv of an nniwer to this
dimbt I quolo tho worda of an Kik-
liah captain of indiit-lry, who luiil in-
TChtotl 2i5O.00(l in rotlnicH. hfhool,
club biiildiii(,'n, mnall pin l:a, firdenn
and rocroution wrounda in Ins liulus
trial villauo nenr Liverpool.
Whatever I hmo dono l planed
not on tho bnaia of charily or pliiltin
thiopy, hut on thopiiiicipril that what
they received waa tlieiniKb'ful Hharo,
mid wliiiti lliev were in tlio works
iIh.v mi. ilu full and iiintln return.
havo concludHd that 1 miiat Hliarii tho
prcMperity of my biiHineas with thorn)
iilir. I.uv.i l.ulr.nil iiih to lllllliO it. It
waa not a riuHlion of prolitnlmrii)(,',
for if Urn iluiv of clii'chH (niiava thai"
i'h nlwaVH dinUtifiiotion and illfeel
intf. I think, thorefon-, that tho bent
thiiiK 1 can do is to providn decent
hoiiHtu for tlm workmen, because it ia on Hint t lono WHO linve
lielned in tho prowpuiity of my busi
net's hIiiiII fnul soino of that proapirity
in tlioir livoa. In tho schools, hoirnor,
locronlioii uroiinda a tiunrtor of
million htetiiii( haB been fcpent for
which thorn ia no direct letnin. 1
am convincBil that. HlthoitKli theio in
no direct letuin.thw money conldnot
havo been inveatud in any better wuy,
for imliroctly it has been ono of tlio
ytealet fealurea in tho huccuhm of
(lilt Iiiiuiiiohh. I do not iiohi aa a
iihiluiithroinht but 1 hao nltenipte.l
to do what ia littht and endcauned
to do it in the bout way.
Kvinimthy hctweon employer and
I'liiployo ia thu biondnal foiiudaiion
on wluuh uauh aulo can talto a tlixin
lid aland. 1 doaiio, llieiofore, to put
on record my appreciation of tho way
mi'; i,i h huvo lived mi to their
purl in tlio sucooaa of l'ort tiiiiili,ht,'
.11 y Hie.
Mocr.i nit! not llmton.
(loo. T. Adl'kI. in our Dumb Aid
uaU. ivii "In ml- laily JaiHrB I
dull tVafll I hum ara (.uihkxhmI to ba
iftiuothiiiu like MUKWeuBoaof anppo
ill Now Yoik City, nud that it ia alao
iiroviuliiiif larKnly iu WnabiiiKUin.
I'hilndelphm aud otbor citio. It i
n fact that when it w pivailing a
mi opidamio a few jonr k. 1 runt iuquiry ofofllceraat l$yiu'
Jltch Kactoiy, Hotoi, that of tho
4i imu-bous eiuployad thero not ooo
had Imu troubled by it. I hv at
VHi-kMW time told tbo prwwbow luany
IHWpls tawapod tho ten ibh opidoiuic
pf yellow (eavorby wen ring jwwJbuiI
Mlplittr in ilr bUi Ibo tb ovi
(laneo of u iliatinHuiabitl (Uuuiau
mudioal writer translated into Kn
)A, that woarinK iolpbnr iu ihiawey
hurt proved a cowploto jiititeeiiou
HKeiiial cbo'-iii Mill othar oh
(lmuio nl-thatlbowwoik-UK
in thu mlphui uiinert of Illy oa
capo tho lualuria which pi avails all
about them. iU that mlpbnr iu
tl Mi, In s nr., 1 i.t ,'i , of
: , ,i, .bnrtakeu
. , kbovw ban
,,ii , i i, -tb
IkmI). tho clitliinjf and tho lueUt j
t ll..ol.'iilt;: the mS 1 ll-eiv
OieuoiiTimhoiiiiau: Jlyrtla- Ore
iron Jlvrtlo Laliroruui Ijiiurel
Oiuodanhuo Californiun. Thia hand
Home, fragiant lrn i abundant along
tho UntMiua river and thronnh tho
Houno river vnlloy. It attama Hit
hiKheat miilo of perfection in Cooa
county. Tho priuoipul market nt
oio.nt in Han liannaoo. I ho wimkI
ia not tliiiitulile, hetii eililllcnlt to bring
lo maiket. The liedleoui unite in
the I'nlacu hotul in San Francisco
were ma. lo from Oregon myillo. It
in duiable, Mtroug and of exlraui.lina
ry beauty, takaa a flue polUh, nnd i
regaideil lhnepiiil of any wood known
to commerce for furniture or cabinet
milking piu'poncii. The tree attain u
bight of feot, nud will i tin from
fuel on the htniup. I hero mo. two
Hpeoiiw of Myille, tun blucl; and the
atrnw (tolorod.
VotiMK Othfrmit'IilhOi!.
I'rom tlio Veoili'i Cuiiwuloii.
A judge in CriittftiriNville, Indiana,
him ilNfiaiicliiifd fifty votora who
we to fon ml guilty of Helling then
votea at tlio Inat election, "It ia a
fuudamcutal puncipnl of Inw," aaid
tboJniVS "'hat a agent ho bnabe
trayod Ina I mat can be lotnoved nnd
the ower iiiMled in him revoked.
Thu voter m the agent of tho govern
ment for tho purpot of currying into
effect ita piim'tph', ami tlio iiiouieut
he offera to ell himself out ho be
coiiiea falao lo hi ti ut mid an euemy
lo hi oounlry. It a niH'i stealn U-n
c.i. u win tli uf ni'oiHTtv he niav W
pouvictiMl for petit Inrwuy 1 ib
flHUobiaed. la veto BolllUg n criuie
of h'M lungiiintdwV' A i igbtooita ami
wluilooiue ruhug, which itewrve all
ki.ille publioiiy. v
llifkM I wuiKll lln Currtl
ly local appbeatioua, aa they rnnnot
reach the dieamnl imii tion of th t.r.
Thtroi onli ooe wy to euro ilwif
nH.. and that ia by constitutional
luiuodiea. Denfite a ia canned by nn
inflame. 1 condition of the lomoiia tin
inu of thu KiuiachiaD Tube. When
thia tube if el a inil, uuml you havo a
rumbbug konud oi imperfeol benuog
and when it ia ontiivly cbeil deaf-
Hi-Hi in thi roanlt, nnd uuleim thia in
U .tiuiliou cad be taken out and thin
tuhe uwlorfd to ita normal condition,
healing will be deatroyed hreven
uiue oaaea out of ten are caiiwd by
catanh, which ia nothing but an in
tlainfil condition of tbe muooiia ur
We will give One Hundred Dollar
for any cab of IWfuuaa (eamuHi by
catarrh) that cannot be rored by
tlall'a Cntarrb Onrt. Ueud (or sir
oolara, free.
r. j . chinev h vi Toledo, a
Bohl.h; PraggtaU. 75o.
likll'a Family Hl are tbe beat
Tl,., (.iioiilK l'h tl oi glv.fui. M.I'U"I
New Yonk, IM.2.-Chn. D. Pierce,
(Jiniaul-donnral of tho Oibiiro lrree
Slate and trunlce and treasnrpr for
the lloT relief fund, today gave out
n alalemeiit nltoot. tlm condition of
nfTHira in .South Africa. Tho alato
meiil in pint n follows:
'The metended peBce colamihsioii-
cr bent to Doot by the HritHi were
pir and traitora. They interfered
mil. the hnruherp. One. an J.ngiio-
. . . i a
mnu, wna propoiiy anoi, ami
known that ono other, N ealf, win
l,..i..lior of Iho OrntiHe Freo Stilto
nod atili-ct to the lawaof the republic
" . . .... .1
iu which 1'rewdent Hteyn is regnrueu
hv Iho iiKhtinir burghers na lniei
Usecntive, while ilriliah aovereignty
ia not iecoKtiizel by them. 1 rem
denl Sley n ia with Dewet, and there
iH little doubt Ibat lhe?o l)tir?neis
wore tried under tho lawn of the
Oratitfo Free Htato and lawfully os-
"Tho J'.onr forces in tho South
African Uenublic nnd tho Orange
e i ie Slate, including the invadera f
Cape Colony, number over A,wu
men. They havo o far ancceedeu
in obtaining, by capture, a large por
tion of their atippliea from tho Hiitinh.
Cicueral Christian Dewet, tlint great
eat cnvulry leader of modern limos,
in ono week ban captured $025,000 in
gold ami 180.000 khaki uniforms
enough to JiikL tho army four yeara.
Ho ban iiImi captoied over LUU.wu
horaes and O.dtM) pri-nners. Ho and
his foicos alone have inilicled on the
Urlti-h loHheH over S25.000.0O0. The
Uoeia are very mobilo. nud hnvn ad
vancod to within two day' march, or
100 miles, of Cape Town. The Uocra"
total 1onch in killed and ding frmu
woiiuda in battle have uol cicw-Jwl
The war hn col Groat Uiilinn
800.tK)0.0(K) in gidd-n. "iiiu twice
greater than the pntiro value of the
republics, if Hold to tho bigbeat bid
der, and over 100,000 of her Iro-i
have been lendeied liura (III combat.
Dm ing tho ptn,l one c.r two months
the liiitish havo bom compelled If.
net Blmot wholly on tbe defensive.
The war t coiiting (ireat Utitnin
1. 000.000 a d.iy to keep the troops
in the Held aud the piimners at Sit.
fJeloon and other points. The fnlluto
of the UriliHii arum to open tho Kim
herlv and JuliaiineKbmg niinea ha"
deprived t helatiielihohK i h ..MividctidH
on Hcruritiea lifted nt SHfld.tKKt.Ot.O.
nud reduced the output of dinmontU
ami gold -7i,IKI0,0tK), and baa mhlcuv
SSUO,000,KJO to tlo luratii n of Glint
What Wd Can Do For You
Tlic JSiUMlo'n S'ioHi'fi- Wat ah
S: nber,
Inlociitdl liituellKM nntldtnd.eomeroM
Firt Rtnl l'oeiHo utridii. I Ht keep
W,.t'hM. Clocks nnd
.IpwcI-v tl.a lUmmiil lll WRrmpt.
rSTI'rleea of Work ai d Ooodt aa low an
(lrl olM(i work anil "i win inrnilt..
Term OkwIi.
At W. C. Sanderson
Toa will And a complete Una ot thy Oocdi.
r t . i... K., i (! Praaclaen nnd mm'o ,. , n, in 1 lurk
,rt. hi owa tectlcn. ibefebT
Ihf advuumaepf -oiihb the
tat Quod oa Irfittii btfiea.
A r. Vu.k . nt The Wty lnUt
r-r Fnlland W tilt"
KT.i.Mi..C.ttrlj.H.tort. t 7 c ole will ni vt' "
SouiethiiiK aew.
You Gan'i Expect io Get
$2 worth fcr $1, but you
can get your money s
worth at
I.'raler J" t:otK nml iu'
l!fimlriu neatly anJ prempfly ilone t
,,,t IWins price.
In Hie ilimrein Brur- fur l
dit. Mls.ManacLilut.ii.
Shoes ! and Shoes ! I Boirt fail to
v 'lHui-eboulliota
nte ine i."-" - , .,,,,
Ih-s Riid Hne Hlll'l-' are t.nntifnl.
f...e hi.,. l.xM.....e er .. S,.l M .. . Mi. r..
Aqonis for The Salem Wooien Mills Made io Order
Wo. A full hi.-of Man". Veu-UV a, ,. Children',. anlta.lwa, c blind-
n.u.aoii. Oregon,
Druggist ami
a jp.H' in rtooipt of a new anU
Orutjs ami Chemioals,
rutimt nud Proprietary l'rep&niUous
Toilet ArtirUs.
Hrttzixtn Mmu'.i-IfB.
PKnixiiKN. Dat'siT!"!. Sroiior. Som
Nuts ak: Cwvir
TolNH-r..,. ,i il f li.nrft'
, ,'ll.iM.e. I'l.t'it, r'
Will Keep on Hand t all Time
Fresh Beef, Pork, Mutton, Smoked Keats, Lard.
Sausages,, also
rri, VrinWo. Poultry, llggs KfMcr and M l'nrm Produce, nml a
Generous supply of fresh Groceries
I will pay highest mnik.t piiee for b.ef. pork, mtlttoli.wonl.lid. ttc.
Livery at a Peed Si
J. M. C'OMJAli. r,,,
Ef'tulcn, CrcrcnJ
(I &.lUlltt'i irii:! .f i I hBI
Hnjili Jhl.,; m
l'uint. Hi
Good Itig". Oi'i'd Tii.i,i, l;nii-
Will PoniUli nnd Dcltwr V,,iL
Nullitn. qj!
Do You &jP
Know the News
JJf Yell Clin it ,1! f,,t H
for KOo vm
31 until r.ontf-
1.. II.. Ct,ln 'I', ,...r: , .ti JP"'
Orcein.. Ii h flu-Inr,,. i m uirt
inpe il m ,)ii' "'i:lteFjK
nil Hi
o IJ w
In connection with the Market Mrs AedMncn rcnitttcis a
inKt.ewoodH to her atock of Juci.rl,, Clonb, Ludio
llnderwoar, Bhi.i Wai.ta, Shilt Waiat Set, Collnra, UuITh,
Lndiea' nnd Cbildn o'a H'wo.
j -...!.. ,.;n iit. n lo new nnd ltrt nfyh-n, JTL
J U I (Uf(l(Jf uimmv.. u
"' 7,";
put. It i il m ,)ii, "'liltcrjK
i, news if tin- tit I, nnd JL'
Tr it Ii i in, ii" ktvW,
r 1 1, i mi. ii. u t ),,i. i,ic. fei
i tJcarcm. m
I t), i I. IMi iiigj
w.r phito fVrlro rt i -Tttn f" nt&i feff
WtJ'tliuiar P.Bndl in..,iir:itrD 'TriiKG'
13'rrEi:. Vvrot i.-raii c t f i ii twm
(i)pe-itf MA r.ti) t'l . . ,
SwaC( A. J3NOI7 :g,1
ff! PflTEflV LAWYEI B,
S 3.i. U. S. Piient C!,'-, W "Tf6
j r p ' r "". &'
IJ v. i . i v u : H O
Ht. iv!n. 15 t'-sut.
!..-.. tin H'ctitH.
W .rn.:.'.hbip a;
Ihiu,? in ii, y lin.
Twa I'mwi fur llie l'il '. V'
(lot Hib Xvw ut lli Wi.rll dit
llin I on, I N.'U llirenu
la itn u llii-itiln.
Tu tli lio piv nj ii'ri,nrn'-r" -1. 1 i
ye ir in n.lvHims. imJ ! nil m u hiHh' ii
Ih'M wIh pay i hi'.n.ii.i'i we ni il.o i'.i'
f.ill.iwlliii pioi.ji'le ciui mti.u iii.i.l
dllK-ri'Ut omploM t" n-ho! fn.n.i
l'uic tr I'vuticriiiN nil Yi.ah.
f : ID
0 oo
f. oi
j no
at tij;:-
1 I
v 1 1
1 1
1 l'.'i.. U-'. I.'
l.'i?;l u; .Jon; I,
li Mill. eiW;
Very ) .rli-.'.-' . i
..t f li.jtmt I
m'!'f,:. '.;eii I"
Mvrll. Ji...
I'll- 1.
n 1.'.
hi:o. ivii-r
!. I it !
I Mil Ml
liltMUl f
.'1 tl.
'i in
I'n k
I Hi, .1
i: . ii
lUapua Haonmixu
rtrtii l''r;miiliKJ Dull win
l'urtliiiid tri'Uinn 't'l'li urnm
Weekly Uieiioiilim Ut Kenuon
kr Cfer.
Tlm Hntlelln la out "t lh.' lendma i,-r
ut Hie Wel, and I a dnflv pub!lled i i
I'lHitvUno, nml gleea all me newa. liar usi e
liii'lud. Iho SiiiiJh.v tluU. lln.
IU riier niul Uut.etin. urn- yer. . i-t '
lUurUvr nuJ llulh ti.i. one iminitl M
Ut I'urllaml Kvenin " iVIi-nrun l iitii)
U liuiiw a win k. tlHiVi'.ull lb.' new that
in wnn h teaitliiK ani) up tu nm' t ituim:
pn, maetl of il Ueliiti'.'l r tli. u
Ui ii il rvnibei burn Ihr utU my "lb '
j mrtiiil.
Kt'Cunler and let ur uu .me y :ir "O
For n W"iUly jk' iti, Wi-eMy
1:111. tin W.vXt in IUj N .;l.l. hiiJ K.
nil the Hewn aaadlly uiiut iue J tu a vkiIJv
u. ,ir.
Uet-.r ter 11111I W.U'i O.e mUti. C' VI
ll Im'ie- iity of eieii ,rvn lu .,k iv
(.irmaii m all lnne ihnl lud e.v inl
tirmcii'i' ali-iol lieilt r r,,i,;litloi.iii'u ii'iil .
)roM-My (nr Die Iiuiii'iii f.iuull. a.iii lur
Hie mriW' vf iiiviua "r r, altera a clir-me
u inlnlHi lbeiuele r lf Ihcin lh l't
.Vppi'"l ltn4 in. Any il " I'ine Iii '
dnei 1101 ai pent In lh UMlUe-l uivW ot re.
iinlnit '
tJet nud AiHl tu Uenseu, . .' 00
Telegram 1 iltnorl MoArtbnr will
oon lu toper eded in bis cuaiiuand
of lb Americnn foiwa in the 1'Uili
pintw ly (ieneral Wnlo. Tbi cbanue
lei not due lo any ditntiinclion witli
Oeneral MueArthnr. but i only i
HUraoMiee, it aeeiua. of aitenoral pHn
ly which, aft i a jfenernl ba done
Hboiit 10 mncb baek breakinit ot the
manned ion, h i iiiven a rent.
St iilo Tnrhf Kxiuiiltii'tUiM.
Noticw i" hereby ri to th.w de
4rln to iaa for lVrtiHctt
r Oiploiiia that a pnblio etmninn
tion of applicnnta for Mtiite. pap ra
will b baKI in wy nUb m Coqmlle
(Hty. beirininn at 9 a m . F"b. 13tb
IBOi, nnd cui'innlnif tbrtsi day.
V. H. Hi'MOH, ("o. Snpt.
R. E.
L .SDlLiCf.', Proprkicr.
'j'hw p. ; v.:
I re( mi 1! lh'
Inu UuiM'iie
'i- 'irt
, e !
, In 111
i 1 . f )
1 c.iie ft i
... t'JJ
X lv-
K. 1
V i ' -
n- v -r 1 if
I V .
Lf -ill
; tor
... ';
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rvvii,!...-; c -ri'Mn.r!
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Hotel Coqiiiiic,
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.Willi VVtiar.'.i, '"
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Cur lee rituri . 1 if we fall. Auy ok en!tn
ketch euil K-- . :i t..m t any invenllun will
rironiitly re-cr o i' nil n fno cvuctri'li..;
lie iMlcnlnliil'i 1' i'i Kima. "llinv ui olit.ilu
, men. w.i 1. ... .
I throiwBtumlir-ti-r.l i,,r ialel our cprn-o
moI, i-.wtltiuiiiibnii-, iu Tub Patint Ki conn,
mi (ll'tMniled imuI wlilfty cffCi.laUil joutual,
cutwiltBd bv Mi" iilii-tmereaa luv'tm.
BcnilorMK.; '. vi p rWt. AiUi,
iif.-ii .dorofj
! Salldlng, WABHINUTON, D &
Tl.i'- well kn el 11 lintel in lion 11 nl, 1' new ii'.i! i
ti'tit 11 10 I'ene-nt i.nd hie. ' n 1 rvil-
iv.',l tl lui'-.hi lit. The tn'.iie -.. s 1; Mpin! lo
ii-iv in M mlhei 1 OeiJ'". S uii-.l i n- f ,1 c,ii.
ineiiiil ii I'', l'nt.'Khf.'e Inn - 'Hid in t.i.'.l fu. 111
tn.uU : ' i;. ,!;.. fri-e oT chirr'. .
I'mio n.'W bill in e.'i.i . 'in:, wi ll llie I oil I.
r iilu. ,11 i i.ish.,'.
1 r HiMk ' Hi'v mobUMu rau-uu
f l-HAh... .l.-l. Xrtfw l!'lMfHl
if Lritfin truitly .ni.iM. ..I. !. Ad.n. 1
1 1. ft. .IWetHt, lBtM Uw Wirtiiiii;lon. 0 C J
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fe emnii rinnenl lame ' wiwiit .r
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tlvDniil" iev. ii euro' --!'
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Only tO.OO,
is n ImIit. M.w'o iu r11 tbo
atiidiul callbrrs. Uniijriiu nud
wnter an. Weight nUnH 7
wuiuK A AVoui i Hkatkk.
If thciw ritUn ctv tuit oarrltil
In titiKk by yot.r d.uhr, wml
prioti nud we id scud it to you
express nrepnid.
Keud ahuu fur ollflrwe ileaceibinic
oiMupKtv lln ajal OMiUumog tBiuabtc
iufim.itnM h ahuoUTB.
The J. Sieuw Aims ito Tow Ce.
roi-i i caicwit rtus KiiS.vsi.
oetors find
Tot maiiMid
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