V 52 Times a year for $2. 52 Times a year for $2, 1,'UJ rtti BAN DON, OREGON: THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1901 Volume XVI 1 1. Number G. LOCAL NEWS. r Choice Kioceries cnll at Mil- 2001VP. Msccd Darloy, Oats nuil IJluestom WSwTit nt at Sauilei soil's. B5 Llnoback, of Coqnillo, was look ffigWoutul town ln-t Saturday. IfjoUn nml Cat! Daniclson, ot Park- rsbuif,' worn in town lust Saturday. Engono O'Conuoll. of MnrhhHolil. iggent for Do Lnvel cream lienora 'nl'ifflrs. Ellen Joyce returned home 'yesterday from a visit to Coqttilln '''PHy. j). W. Cade, ot St. Joseph, Mimri rar:Wn8 in Baudou the latter part of last M'ftveol:. .jKr. A. W. Kimo Ravo Cnqiiillu City rbori vNit Monday, returuinf,' liumo 3latlio oveniiitf. jMC. M. Sket In lias purchased J. V. jSKHiovo'it b'lsiness nt Coqttillo City w''fffptl K'ttlfd theio nRnin. 'WS. J. JcCloikpy, of Norway, ia io IROIf ported to bo recovering. Ala had u "jfiovero htniKBl" with phuitmouin. .wJ, II. Holierts camo down from Myttlo Point, lai-t Monday for a gacuiipio nays recrcuuuu n "' '"nv.u. Kni'kHH and Follies for wagons nt lijuoiv.ood CVt sun's : iiIho tlie fu lain.- i P P Hod p.'.ckiuK ''est in the in n !' l'i l:i .-h amcr A';;o loft San Fran ciMu f' r Up tin.uilli' iiiPFiiny aim fi . . i i..... u.. ilsj ( xpt I'leil io (Jul mm ntiiuui iui HI i;idoii,i !. decorated ChinaWHre glieu a-, i iiiinms fur cash timlo at N. l'r ' l'i' and i't prieoa on 'u' mil i -ti pi;. C. A Cudi'ick and family left Jugs La: K-t week mi their juirne.v low an I iliPir mt"i,.:ed ilatiiintit'ii m No i ihi-rn C.Mioima. S'.ip. i-intui lent H. S. Schwiilbi tjii.il. . t! ;it l.e will lo able to lihltdi Mr. -v e, i u.. iMuiiracl for jetty woik at ill. j'!.ce I the it of Muirh. M. r II'. II Sin.: CIibiIp.- .1. K.ip bull, imp IViyi Portland to luoU over the l;tld i id ti.lk with Ihepmtioe glim 'i.,:..in,i,(( jmttii'B iii a ouitl- Hi rHi'p ice i;iiit. Hi wi ld Cnh'c i. who has hwnwovk IliH ill tl.e ll I V Mltlite ht-i roi fbJfti" Jii.p I'lii. left l.ist MiinUiiy n orninx for Mh d atti i ii. Mi-lr.fiKtpn, a l.i it 1 e 1 1 i. I "ti'.ii ti iiH ili'i'iuan on II 1 1 IT- Mr. P'.'l !ls. A'ez Snyder, of leit.-uii n!!py. i. ear Myitle Point, l'.o He. i inn- J evi Rim Alex arm I'.in.'ii-S of ll.i-- pliice, fl vint. tlio Jntlci i.it of hint week, lmiainitiK ?vi i' Sunday. Mi h Mi.o Walker who lmri Imi'i i-illi f.' I ( i l iim ii!: hern dunt'ff tin- M1h ,. cel, jell lur i'oi tllllltl 1481 M"P't' iM'iniii; loiesiime hnr pro- i--ii ti She v.ih pcemiijiaitied by hur II i !l vr n- fnr ns (.'cqilille. CJ:t : i"f. l):w who wnh hint at th i; nl C'H.t- tr.y -..me wt-pks M'o by STtrtrrs-triiewii fmiu a ear outo the Tfietis, died in the Geiimiu hospital. nt Sun FriiieiMV, last week from thu iijnrii'a nceivi'd in the aeeident. Captain Punter retiiriied up tho river Si.turdny eveniup; with the eteamer Dii-piitch. ,iud ilurii4r Satnr ay hihl and Siiudny. towed a ruft of Iol'h frmn X. II. Thomns' PBinp. nenr Kiverton, to Johubou'H Fiiwmill. The sjuilitr i.eiiK.ii will soon lie oil ; Separating will be in demand. The 'Do Lavel has no Equal for Clean kiuin.'ii and easy running. The ri"iieer Hardwari) Store, of 1Iri!i field is Headquarters for theso ma cbinoa C. Y. Lowe, the dru;,'Kiht, will ro fund you your money if you iV9 not (satisfied after iisin Cliaiuburlain's btomaeh and Liver TnUluU. 1 hoy euro dinrder. of tho utomach, bilious lie .constipation aud headacho. Prieo ).". C.fvlo C..,,..l,u tr.m v. inn, iJuiuifR'n iii'r. A li car jumped tho track, at Cedar P iut, Wednerdny of lat week s the train was oiiig toward Maihh field, dilayim: tho train a cotinlo of tcnis. The accident was caused by c1mui'o to tho track received during Iho Li'h water. The train was tuov- ry hi' wjy when tho uccident oc- .currcil. ltusehtiig Review: Lwrnco, tho youn man who was arretted near lan-htii'ia by Deputy CoiinUblo Arar t rn n warrant cliar;iu him villi tLe h.reei ey of n horse from the t.i' i : Aritht V KoKfr", of tbUoiiy, wis I r l.'Lt l)iick Thui pday evening ii'nl nix u a lu.'fl of Dm Hot Attornj-v Hr.i.ui was dwch.irKd. air. Araut )'i tt.. witj over met n mau In inking tun U liciiio, tun he went on to tfii-L;ield it.nl arretMl Ltwreof. Iii" l.ick of pr.,of of criminal intout wis tlie priDvioul br to proswuti jii Fre-sb jra8 iced of all kinds nl Sanderson's. T. J. McKiiinoe, of Portland, is in town to-day. Sheriff Gallicr was n visitor to this place Tuesday. Chas. Stewart, of Now Lake, was in town last i)it;Lit. J. A. Thnjer and wife, of Coquille, wore iu town yesterday. J. V. Chase iivo friuti Is at Park-crhbni-,' a vibit hn-t Sunday. The De Luvol Separators havo uiado poor men rich in Coos county. O. W. Pet has nuother lot of telo Kiaph polos leady for shipment. Ed racklell, the iopular merchant of Dairyville, was in town yesteiday. If you want your photo enlarged at no cost to yourself go seo J. Den holm. C. E. Hilling of Myrllo Point pur chased a share io the schoouor Miz pah last weelc. Henry .1. Zumwalt, of Sixos, was reported slight lv ituprovcil yesterday ovening but is very low. Tho steamer Mandalay is duo here Friday and will sail for San Fran cisco again about Sunday. L. W. Ilecord came down from Coquille City, last, Monday, and is on joying 15nudon ozone again. V, I). Thomai, of Myrtle Point, Iihh been lilting orders for-Koods, this week, which he solicited hoiiio weeke ago. C. F. Allen of Shu Franei-co. nud a fottiier resident of Bandou is visit ing in lowu and vicinity for r, few days. Innni Walker and Henry P.ohner hnvo hoen looking (miry county over for beef entile ditriuK the pat few day 8. Mr. J. E Hoemor, who with her husband taught onr pul lic school hero n few yents ago, died u few days ago at Sitloin, Mrs. Mary Wiight. of this place, i-pceived a fall, Wednesday morning, of hod week, reuniting in the disloca tion of an arm at tho wii-t. The Foi esters ldg.' of this place liiiM-ont poitert for a graml ball on tli7. evening of February 225. to which a General imitation isejluittled totht ittifttle. ' -' '-'" " Dr. II.ivd.in visited Port Orford and Wuddcrbtirii lest woBk, and made examination of charier meiubci'H for i Woodmen of tbo World I'nu,? at each place. The Xaii'Ral Hen Incubntor nnd liiuodci-Sl.25. chi-np, easily con slructed, praetical. Kotid $1.2.1 for plans or cull on the agent, J. H. Uogue Unndon, Oregou, When you want a physio that is mi'.J and geulle, easy to take and pleusuut in effect use ChnmberliihrB Stomiioh and Liver 'J'atih ts. Price, 26 cents. Samples free. Every box guaranteed. For sale by C. Y. Lowe. Tho gafcolinu ecbooner, Barbara Hermiter. which wae blown ashore near Point Areua on Jan. 23th, and it-ported a total low, bua l on towed oil' the ruck, and was taken to San Fraucinco for l "pairs. Sympathy X Whit Wan Wnuio Chicago News: A nativo of the mountain distiict of Ivoiitucky had occasion to go on a journey recently an 1 before starting took out an acci dent policy. He chanced to be one of the victims of a railroad collision, aud the nest morning his widow, armed with a newspaper ieort, in which was his name mentioned among tho killed, called on the agent of the iusnrauce company and demanded the money. lint , madam," said tho agont. "we will havo to havo moi'e dotinate proof before wo can pay your claim." "More piouf!" exclaimed the be reaved woman. "Why.ho'fe dad,ru nn a door nail, 1 reckon." PoBbibly, my deBr madam," fcaid the agent, "and I'm very sorry." "Sorry! you are sorry are yout" "I certniiily am, madam, I aiucctely sympathize with you in your sad af Uietiou." "Hut hain't you going to give me the money vtlmt'a oomiti to met" "Not today. Your claim will have lo he investigated first." Thata j'Wt like a good fer nothing mail," angrily retorted the bereaved woman. "Yim are all iwgbty iwrlite 'bout things mi hmg as they hain't ooslin you uotbio, hat the minnet a poor lone female does git a chance to git a hold of a little Hdin money you got the gall to aay J'oo'm aony " Aud the indignant female slauiued the door. A r;fnlrd autbority Th Weekly Or.fcr.inn. Ladies' Slortncr Shoe-:, all sisies from up at Sandeison's. G. H. Magoon has just opened an other 500 pound lot of choice candies. Call and itippoct thorn. The January Illustrated Special Edition of tho Mnrshlleld Sun made its appearance last Saturday, in neat pamphlet form and is a work of art, udded to which is a splendid sum mary of tho resources of Coos county. A. G. Hoyt purchased a "2 title and has been sportiug around consid erable during tho past, ten days. He will probably no! be ablo to out shoot Bogardns, but ho has succeeded in killing one grouso with his new gun, but he draws the line on going to South Africa to shoot Poers. oso A SociiiHHt Mclit'iui. 15i:iraEroRT, Cor.u.,Feb,4. A plan hna buen proposed to establiso cer tain litiaucml institutions here on a basis of co-npeiiilinn. t imohesthe raising of fO.UOO.OOO, Fotirty thous and citizens are expected to find the money, each taking i?l7o worth of stock. Si:; corporations are to be charioted. Of the S175 subscribed by ench $25 will form a deposit in the savings bank, one of the corporations, while the remainder will pay for one share iu each of tbo other five com panies. With tho scheme is a proposition to paj the debts of tho municipality by iiiMiiiug tho lives of prominent citiueim. Tlie city will pay the pre miums and be the hem lU'iaiy. Sev end residents have agreed to take out policiea if the echemegoea through. A KDUXH lilt! conxrv. From the Coqnille City Uulletin. ilohn Eagati, who was accused of burglarizing n height car at Mnrsh lleld some lime aaro, and was released on bonds to await ttiul at tl.o circuit court was turned over t ) Sheriff tlul leir last week by his bondsmen. L. Iv. Woodward. the up river cream ery man, was seriously hurt while slashing brush on his farm. Wednes day afternoon. It noems that Mr. Woodwind was engagid in falling n auvdl tree, mid thinking it was falling towei 1 1 him stalled to rnti and etmu hhhl iwnl fyll,Jirijij)g n ..lia',oftg which cot an tit'ly caah iu Ills : Dr. Waller Culin waa called and dressed the wound, aud the patient is progressing ad well iu could bo ex ported. F. C. Brown, enperiutenderit of tin salmon butchery on Sonih Cnos rivet, received orders last week to bring 200,UJ'J fry to the Coqnille river, aud last Thursday proceeded io do so, hut while oominjf down the river he uo tico.1 a great many dying in the cutis, and in or. lur lo save the remaining ones bo turned them loose in South Coos river onr Iiesy'e creumery. It. E. kJhinii, mauager of the Souilmru Oregon Company, iiifunns ns that I be reuiaiuing 2iJ0,00O, in the hatchery wiil Iks brought to this river aa soon ns pwtioiiole, at the expense of his couipuuy. I'wm tbe Ooua liny Nrws, F. C. lirown brought down -10,000 jouug almon from the Coos river butchery, jesierday moiuiug, which heja taking to Myrtlo Poiut to bo turned loose there. Fire was commtinioaled to the foundation of tbe Cm Held building by the pile of nsbes dumped near the lear of tho building, Wednesday morning. C. A. Higgina foitnnntely noticed it before it got a good start, aud it won promptly extinguished. John Mesteile, of North licnd, has bought H. W. Dunham's place on Catching alongh, ami has also pur chased from Jus, Stock thu cattle on the ranch. He moved on to tho place today, employing Julius Larson's gaaolinn boat to Iranapoit his Lonsu hold effects, eto. J as, Thomas, while turning screws ou tbo carrluge in the North Bend mill, yesterday, was struck over tho left ear by one of the lovers and knocked senseless. It was thought for a limotbat his skull was fruuttirori, hnt on the arrival of Dr. Horefnll it was found that he was nut seriously injured. Vt in. obeli, wuile UiicK tunning in thu neighborhood of Kattport, met with an accident, Tueaday lust. He wa holding the gun with bis tight baud, thumb over the barrels, and hutt of gun "-eilog oo tbe ground. Tbe guu Has liieclu iged, but iu what wanner be is unable to sey. Tbe charge of ahot loie his hand badly, and biw the thumb coiuplebly off. Two of the henvy shots out his right cheek PMnd through his but Dr. Hoi f ell attended liiw, nnd bu strong hopes of being ablo to tow thu hand. Fit'Ht EInute Nerni). Capital 'Journal: 15prppiitativoH Rice of Douglas mill Hume of Curry clashed for n mora e tit iu the honso Tueeday and there was a brief ex change of couiteeipa that was decid edly lively. The provocation waa a bill by Mr. Hire, phicrd i n second reading, amending the present laws, minting to Iho tide lands in Cuiry county. The author iieAu 1 that it bo refeired to Ihe jlldicaiy committee. Mr. Hume nmmended bj stibstiliiiing tlio Finbi'iiea committee of which ho is a member. Mr. Jlico defended his motion for refeieiico with the statement that Mr. Hunioowuod over foot of tido laud in Ouriy county and legally had a monopoly of tho Hailing industiy there, a condition which thu bill sought to leliove. Whereupon Mr. Hiiiiio arose, with tiro in his eye and vigoiuiis anger in his gobtutee. His Scotch blood was up. "It is title" he said, "that I own the tido lands i:i Curry. Hut I have acquiied theia legitimately by pin chase. Iho proposed bill relates to Curry and I reptesunt three fourths of tho olo of the county. I have been so htiriiiHsod and auuuyed by that clase of (pointing to Hice) who ought to bo in tho penitentiary that. " The rat tat tat of I ho speaker's gavel in ten n pled the speaker nud checked bib ileuiiliciiitioli. Lpou lesiimtng tie apologized foi his display of tern per iy slating inut no uiui neon so annoyed by enomies, and his business had so stilTeietl honi icpeated at tempts to injnie ii, that his indigna tion for thu moment gut the better of him. The bill wits referred to tho jiidiciiry committe. Dining the lemainder of Iho see sioii Mr. Hume dierted every bill ro luting to fisheries to some other cum mittoe than thooiioof which ho is a member, and one of which ho was tho author wont to the committal on iigricnltiiro. A Missouri reporter claims to have heard two girlu un a street car at I'lontuit coiiilomniug a friend for her n.-o of slang as follows: "I think it shameful tlie wuy she usea slung. Oreut s.das ulive, it I twirlovl my talker at the ruin sbu dooa, my lilootu- ij",tT!i,"'oT1) ititit wonWtmi myitis-for me tilt tho iliint Woold tiy out every which wuy." "I'uii lei," suid the ithii one, my paw uml muw are him Ikn.ti's ut tbe hitiuo hue, and if 1 should muliH a raw ciach in my gab they'll tnuish my auatom) till theio would be uothiug left of me but a pots. .haiiim: Miriiif. SilLKP. 1'eli, l.-Sobr, Oortntbinn, Koitli, to San l-'mttcisen. fib. I. Sohr. Albion, hatseii. toUsn I'lan. ciMX). Feb. I. Bohr. Norte, Jiieobsoa, to Bsu I'ranalsei). 1". I) Bolir. I'siktrnberR, Jorweiison, lo Hun Kruili'insi. Feb, 4. -behr. Antelope, Iloriisiiiticii, lo Han I-'riuiLUeo. OOO 5 out lily Wrntlmr tJopurt. JLT MAKIUK, OW.H nlJNTY, imuOdN. Jmiunry 11X11. .lon(i temperataro i'i llaxluiaoi teiiipfintnre 70 on 1H Minirunm lemiwrsture -'Ton 31. Menu of iiiliiliiiara teiinnriiturn K, .Menu of i lniiriiiiu teo'x rBlure US 1 Number tiioc minimum temiMtur IBi do- Ktees or below G Total precipitation IHRO (liente.t preeiiitatiiu Iu 91 ooineontlvs hours, snd due ii.6Aon 18. l'revnilina dirsollon of wind It W Nuniher of clear days 9 Number nf partly of rloitdr days (! Number of cloudy dnvs IS Dale ou whioh hail fell 1 i 3 7 Dales of tbandsr nUirtat 1 IM'io( liuht frost 88 Hsteo of killlau or iujarlom frost '.'J 81 Iteiiiarks: O renter vrtion uf inoiilh Iirs Hversued veil for nmlii(j westber, hearluK also, heaviest at.irin) of lite smsou. Ol U. I'. 'I'OI'i'lKO. Volautary OlMsm-r, .monthIa WISATIf Itlt lllil'OltT. AT HISS. I CHUT Dt.mrn, ORCOKM. p.T oili. r 1U00. Mvau teaiDersture Wi Minimum femperstaieUB, on Utti. MinlinBiD temrralore tttwi il, 10. l'eelpitation, 1 W laaliss, Toul sueofull "' M Uultw. Mo. days elear W. I'urtly elondy I. Oloodt U. Tbamirr storm lat. . Ostes of froi lifiM t. ,;, tQ, tttOl. Ujite uf bail I 8. . ptif UU 1 S(. 8f Pn-vaillnK wtml N- W, Ui warts. Ui-tHtieu 1M9 It. iOUKPU tiAAK. Votaalary Obsrm Wastkd Tsiwhto, isllstri pron io ar a..anl In ttutMWUt lf OurpIMUV Of -ntui ,iwjsl--eitptttoni MM slrv r f it. poysbli- Wt fa tr day alwoiatvli are end all rtiwuMiei sdaialit boua-flde. dellnal salory npMiuntwiuaisaUri paid earn riatnrilm and vfpimat uoaev advanced in. li erk. SrAo II uti., :tit Onaruoru Ci.-.orife Tlllt TK3I1M.U (II 1'AMU, Hew fsr flwsj- fs tlio Teatnle of l'nme? Snlil a joatb nl iUp dawn nf day; Anil lie liiiliitl nml UieHiiinl of n clrfttlilom name, Itiil ttis liiinrs went liv atiil t lie evn lug came, Tint left litlii (rilito mi J olil inn limie, To plod ot. tils I'lieeilrM way. I'li youth win bn.l f.iiliKl oonUl invar biipkk 'I'lio ri'Hsnn Iih ipisst vnl viiin: Hut li sonRlit no otlior to hflp or btw; He f.illoMinl Hi" KlHterliift iris, Hucco-H, Up tho nnrrow tmtbwnv nfdlUlmrm, Anil tilts hint liven Ills bau. "How fur nway Is the Temple of Oooil?" isshl n youth st the ihot n nf duj ! Ami lie strove, hi n spirit ot liMtluulieud, l o help nml KUeuor, in liect lie cimhl, t'liu injur ii ml imfoitunnte imiltituito Oa thiilr Imrd nml dreary way. II likewise stiovo with ndvi'imty, To uliinl) to tho lielctiK nhove; Hut Ids dream whs ever of men inailo free, OI better days in tbo lime t bu, And self wn.i bnriod in syuipntbj He fu! luned tbe pnlli u lue. lie was oarelesB nltho of prnise or blamei J !nt utter bin work wil? dime, An niiKi l uf ulury f nml lionvou onina And wioteuu liiuh bis i mi nor t al unme, l'looliiiiniiiK 1I11.1 tiatb, Hint the Temple of l'n u, ii Ai,d 'i'eniplo uf (loud nro ouu, l'nr (bis is the lemon tli.it history Hns tmifilit ainoo tbe world begun; l b.it Untie whoHi! memories never die, That shine like slurs la our luiin.ui sky And brighter urow u. tlie yonis lull by Are men who bare hied (or Mitti. .J. A. EiHisiiioN, In the Hum's Horn. P1IYSIC1AX AX I) SL'ltUJSOX CAMION, oiii:io.. Cilia to hII pnrts of town mid county promptly snswered day or iiikuI. Ullke on ooriierof iniwer iliiiu aud Atwiiter slrcele V4 JJitytS'in, 3J. . DItlKSTIVK, UUINAItY AND HlilN D1SKASKS. Oltlco linst I-'ronl Street, HiNiviN, OnnooN. J. VV. STHANGE, DENTIST, IJANDOX, - - OUKO0N. Will visit HnmloH reonlarly on il.ilos to ho Mlpp! tied m the I.ornl Column. .). .11. Ul'Tll.V, ATTOHNEY AND CtHJNBEI.OH AT LAW AHDOK, (JO US QOCMXT, OKriUlS . Oflhw-firtlie-aiaofiiiaplMMiKtW -OflfU btri-et. 'i'. s. MiNirrr, AT'IOHSKT amdCOUNHKlOH AT IiAV ma iisiii'iim.ii. lll:t!lo. Olltce in O'Conimll Building. m;o. r. .Tiii'i'iNii, VriOHNKV and COl'NSKI.OIt AT LAW I'niellci' ill nil Hie Coin l of Mm PlHli'. OQioe on Stouml V!or in Cmtorele Itnlldini! on lrirt ftiii't, 1,1 fp Iumirnncn I'nlicieH mid Iloiuls boaalit or n.oney loanod on Hinne. Itlltliloll, - - Ol I'KOli, Q I II 1 If 1 It VIS 11 If t 1' I V DS I!ld'IIIIiODOE.NO.(il.KNI(iU'lh of Pythias, mints every Monday t evetiinu Ml 7:!li) o'oloeli, in Uaulle Hull. i Handi'li, Oun. (t- IK'AK, 0. (J. I It. N. ilAiiuiNdTos, K, of It. ami H. JJ 7 . . i, ,,fl I., lb.-.. I t K A 1 I 111 i ' '-- ' ' ! 1 ANDOS I.ODO H, No. 115, A. I'.A M. I IJ istali.l uoiuiiiiinicatioiis Unit tint J anisy after the full iiioou uf each 4 iiionth. All Master Mhsoiih cordially ft iiivitoU. Ilv order of W. it. ! T. J. THItlrT, Heeretary. J Coin) IJmocii of the I'orttal No, 17, $ I I'oraatera of A nioi liui. "'OUUT Qt!KUN OI' THIS l'OltBST.J V j No. 17. miteta I'lhlsv nlttlil cf enrlit iwvvk, in liuaa's Hall, llamloii, Oregon . cordial welcome is ulended to nil via- ,11.... I. ,rU w. w. KHII'I.KV. IJhi.uy (loara, fin. Hinrviitrv. Chief llmmcr. f ? ill srniii.' I IIIUMf L'.. 1 M I fl fl l S W l ) ANIK1N I.ODOH. No. liW, I. O. (. I". Ti3 tiieela every Wedlieaday evening, 2 ViaitliiR brothers Iu Hood standing S cordially invited. I Ii. N. ltL'.SSEI.b, N. O. A. W. Kms, bee. eorin YKItliY lo Chriallaii roan J vuu or wooiau to luik afVr uqi m srowbii! Iiuli,t sj in tlii and adjoin, inu Cuaiille-I to net u &iHiiuer end Contxooii'if lit ; woik can U- done at your h niie. lineloav aelf addreased stamped envelope for piiflimilara to Sbi.rul ftlfiniiir.Cf.rtoi.li ItDlhtinu uiip.ie I ink'tl btiitea Treasury, m Wii.loimo.o. D, C ? - - TUK HTKAMl'-H DISPATCH HUHSKL FANTWl, Alaster Lenvea llaiidon ry utorniug, ein-pl Hqndey. at 70 o'rtecfc sad wakes oduimo uoua vllh tbe trsiu ana akswsr iiyrl st lUiW a. as. si CoHllla Oily. I.ra 0..illt Oily at W'30 p. ro.. anlv- li.e at ll'oidou at i 'JO p, uj. HAVE YOU PURCHASED If not, give tiR n ca'I. Wo arc snro to Now is Iho time to purchase Hardware. Tho undersigned hns in stock n large assortment of Hardware, Tinware, Graniteware, Glnssvvarc, Crockery and Minerc' Supplies. i'tiiut. Oi!. lltioi'N and Wiudou. T1NSH01' IN CdNNKC IION. A. McHAIE, The Bandon Hnrdwaro Man Autmun o Has just received a full line of Fail Dry Goods, also a Large Assortment of Men's Boy's and Children's Suits. LATEST STYLES AND LOWEST PRFCES. A Large Stock of Fresh Groceries Always on Hand. Orders Taken for Tailor Made Clothing. ri'rolntraflniefd. UR HARDWARE DEPA RTMKNT ts now supphid with n full nnd oompleto sloch of Hardware, Tinware, Graniteware and Miners' Supplies. We carry u cempleto ntoch of Ti.NMMCs snor in Tools, Cutlery, Doors and Windows CON NIX' I ION. I'lpo I'ltlliiKi nnd I'liiiiibliii; ii hi-iclnlly, Bandon, .... Oregon. OB3ncl,!niiii: New. 10.00 Cash Trade 30.00 Cash Trade Not only entitles you to tbo ntsiyo pletore. but to an hiuwaut 1'rame with ltuturu euuiilile. Hiiiuploa ou exhibition at tbubtore. DD miiX' f l 17 TJ ON API'MCATKIN t'OK VF1'1"1 1 Jvivjilii) UlVilrS and 1'iaii.fl Without Trade. WitlieaUi Uasli Uule tioket i-epreasntini! the uuiouiit will be ujven Oaswrusr. N. LORENZ, DIlAbKH IN The New Steamci Arrives I'eb. 7. Suits rb. U, p. iu A. ObSKN, Misrta. Will Jlaku ltealir Triisi llutucea SAN FHANCISCO CUQL'ILM! IflVUH. I'reiRlit rati from Hsu 1'raiiuineo to Itsudon, 1UI ton; To IVsiullle Oily nud liuiuU ladow, ti.l To Myrtle l'ulat aud iu tertvuinit luinta. f I.UO. liaudou eyent Hlhert Dyer. bin i'lanolms) atiuta.. .Ilnluie i. Hurt. aiaso OS 'aaHI '9tuv sopofnI lan .fjnojjui on suse-H I'uu i(i4s.wa jui oiuo 'jjapjpAounou erp u iu;,i iuusjj s,Ut tooix 'vno"H 'iwaig) eoj.ijiuinso Joi"a 'eioo.I 'AV sJUd u-ltapn)UV pean Jl Hiil k1 ojbo on isoil s 1I 'jiiauilis sii olfriluw m t -oui oj tn miwo s, r.r pepuauiowea 'inojv'simj jwju fj"t hji uner 'Mil JtilO iW,v msjj w f'Q 'Biiii.ioait Aa peowi U jo 1H'"U I"9' H nomn o( v'riau (uii uitaun.e.AIll) ojiio a,i iuji pus quango JSiadct wow flip JO lKp.0UI 0(J pi UdutM ITUQ4DeH 'sdoiuis jo iihu 's)aa uo) jo vlr90" u0 tuuiuddo J" i' A ! 'I'lX A A ULUVC Winter? plonse. Goods ! hj on... O-Olin aJsui wSu Jib i.jjf1 0 With the tJndsrsluanl. Hatitloa You to mi I p. To. Date, Unburn d I'lctare from nay l'holo urapb you supply. The New, Speedy and El ogantly Fitted Twin Screw Stmr. MANDALAY, CAJTAli; A. ItEKD. Hleamer will ntve a reiilnr tQ day gr. vioo Iwtweea Coiulllu Itiver, Ok-kuii, ami Kau VratiehHHi, Oul for bath paSM-llKer niul frvtuht. l'or full ar (urttier Information apply to Onptahi A. Jteed, on board atsamer or N. WU&IM. Aneut. ConuHls, Oidkob. M, II. hkU, Anut, liaudou, On"ii. K. T. KUDU, Oeueral Alit, SJOTFront Vt. Hau t'raiitiloo, California. 13 AN DON ...Water Y7 orks.., l'ure, freali, colli ajiriDir waler jiimul Ui nny pan of town, ami to any iiutt uf tbo buiiei, un tipplieatlun, in (HiautitieH ileslreil. llatee roaauiiable. : : VV. H, LOGAN, Proprlotor-