Bandon recorder. (Bandon, Or.) 188?-1910, January 31, 1901, Image 1

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02 Times a year for $2.
S'2 Times a year for $2.
5? J
Volume XVI H.
a ci
a J
. Ad
Fur Choice groei'ries CH" Jln"
gOOll s.
Seed Barley, Oats nod Ijltiu-stfiu
beat at Saudei sou's.
Engium O'Coutii'II, of. plnrsliiiM,
Re ntr'iit for Do Lavol creiiiu 8pini-
W. S. Mnrhhall. ono of Xoitln'i n
Curry's prominent dairy and htock-
nic'ii, was in lowu Tuesday.
Tim passenger Hat on tlio incoming
Mandiduy last Fiidny was 15. l' IIiu-
Roll. H. J. Toed nud A. W. IVrliitis.
J. V. Slrangr,tho Coquillo dentist,
Qnade a ppeoial isit to Jinudoti latt
H'uosday. nrutiining over Wulueeday.
Hc-pairs oti tlio rnilroad woro com
pletod siitliriutitly to permit trains to
ireiwh Myttlo l'oinl, by tho unddlo of
last wpoU.
Tlio tax levy for Coos county is 27
mulls, and wurro towns or t-chool dis-
tricls lew an additional tax tbe rate
ecotm's bi"b.
Hnndf.oti.ely decorated Chiniuvnio
given iiHTr.Mn.niim for owli trade at
1. ..,v. .-, ('nil llti.1 r,t lllil.iw KM
1 1 ' .... l' . ....... ....
!)i.r intir siock.
'flu. Uinilnn Woolen Mills Co. made
hn.nii-tit of el.-ven huge bundles of
in. I t Say rrnncisro by thosteum
i Vai.. Inlay l.i-t Tuesday.
i A , x Scott. f'r . erly keeper of tli.
ji.f ' Mivbig i.tntion hero, is now a lesi
3ont .f li Idli-. Otogoti, having moved
ftoin On!: Creek to that place.
Tho MeMmdM F.pNenptil chnrcli.
IKcntb, are to have a collene at Hose-
luirrf. On j;. n Tlint city ba sub
hrribed a boi.u.i of Sfi'JGO townid its
IJ'H 'tM'l
C ,t 'i s (vii an 1 take it lo C. Y.
I.nwr i ri st" re nrni KUl a ireesmi'-
p'o i.i ,.,,' iifi i.. in s .i;nniaeii iuki
ver 'J .il i ''-, 'I best pbytiii'. They
lid-i cur" linriIi'iH of tlte stomach,
bilii i! in .-y. ami l.e.iilaelio. f.
The f-pi'ujr 'CiiFnii will Fonn be oiij
"P'uat'irj will be in demand. TIip
D ! iv. ! :s mi E.plnl fur Cleni
Ifsiiii.iiiii'ir 'ill c.isv runiiiii'. The
'i it.i- niir. or .umv-ii
lid 1 i' I.ittter for these m i
U niter F.i.iiiu.H. of Myrllo Point,
io'iiee diuMi lii-l FiTilny Tiiinr1iiiVl,,lk'U
cln'( ( of J. L. TliMiipsnn's barhor
s'l'.p il 'iiii' ii'o ni'M'iipn oi Air
' lent t - t who 1 ini Iicri ea'led to the
II e l-i 'e nf i.i-i f.itlier who is suiii)..s'd
ti) he a iipim his .lent lib.'ii iii Liik"
c..m,iy. i ..lire i mil.
I'n. iMmII -e.'ins lo bo"pir in Coos
r 1 1'N m':mhi, Tbo cbnleiii; which
the Miirslilifld teaiii av(i to I lie
iiiiiIm !dt t. am was declined on ac-
Tcoi'iil nf ihe later.'fH of the -enson.
fin I t; e Mnr-bl;eld team has declined
in ace, pt the cbiilerfrecftlie C'oqilillo
rtriiui to .! ,y l ('. qnille on Fel ruarj ,
on the i-Minil i hid. lb Iphiii is
. . . '
it Mil iv, I ami that it cannot nrTurd lo ,
l'i t ti -i-ilit r and prepare for a linjrlo
, t. C3wiil support uue of tbo orphans a
Or.iii div EntPrnrise: '.;,,.! vr nud Ho adoption can U made
. . . I
it:',:v ni hi lias henn seen over in,
I ' ....
Iwe i.-rii Drtron. I'ljey call it "the
lkar.i.'.M.ii mim." Tlny sny Ihe creature J
Qms 11. e shape of a man, but is of '
pji'iriiions sin and covered with hair.
ran is suppled to eat miners raw I
Kiihout any salt, and has been seen ;
ITo jump fr nn one mountain p.ak lo 1
rannther, all the while emittiiiK blood '
cur UuiK yells and spouting sulphur-1
fous Hani 's from bis nostrils. What
kiii'l.Mf whiskey do they soli over in
that county auyhow
Windsor Herald: Thero is consul-
crable lifo in a good, hearty old hand
IBliake. It is a pleasure and a joy
forever t.t grasp a hand which comes
nlown with a grip that throws heart '
Rind si 'id into the shake, lifts up Ihe
spirit . f humanity, and inspires you .
lvitll ti.., t-fw. ,1'l.wl.... ll.til linn. lu n
yarm hearted, big souled, all-wool
Rui l a yard wide man attached to tbo
Other end of the nriie but mav lln
( - - ... ' '
got d Lord ever protect and keep u-
fiom the t. tub of Iho limp, gtiplet1,
aen.i, et ui and suakvliUe liaiul which
icezes ite -uiil and covors tho boily ;
With go oaieat. I
it ha been domonstiated repeated '
y in every stalo iu tbe Union and iii I
many fi reign countries that Cham-1
erlain- Cuugh Homody is a certain ,
irevc-D'ive and cure for croun. It I
as l.iaruo the universal remedy fur i
L it li-.-ase. M. Y. Fisher ol Liber-
.. Vi.iidv repeats what ha
1 I .1 mul the rlobe when he
1 I.i,.,- ii-o.l Chauil trlain'b
C . 1. in my fuuilly for
' . y. .. - d, I aLvsy villi pet feet :
W b, ii.'ve thai it is not
i i. I -t remedy, but that it 1. a ,
siii.' 1 1 i. f, . cioun. It htm saw! i
fi . ' ? ur i .ni lreti uimr timi'4."
liiis 'i',. o s for sale by 0. Y. '
wc '
Ireb grass ?otd of nil kinds nt
T. M. Perkins, of Parkarsbnrg, was
a enlle-r in town Tuesday.
Th Do La vol SoparntoM bavo raado
poor mon rich in Ooos county.
J. M. Upton gave Goqtiillt? City a
busineaa call the lattur part of lust
If you want your pboto enlarged at
no c et to youmHlf go vo J- Den
bolm. U. S. Longhead and bis bride left
on tln Matidahiy Tuoduy fur their
California bomo.
Jits. V. Boyd bad a f-ooro attack
of la grippe, during tbo past tnek,
but is nulling butter again.
During tbe past wotdc ibo weather
bas boon clear, heavy frosts at nigut
and tbe ntniosphero tnther cold.
Tbo Fort'sU'ii are gutting loady to
giui their annual ball on Febmary
UU nnd will put out posters in a few
I ev. C. A. Hyatt wishes us lo til ate
t!lri1 "wing to continued illness bo is
" nnumo to nil inn appoiniiueim,
. UUIlllUU.
Axel Erickson baa been laid off
work for a few days on account of
living got a loo Miiiibhed wbilo at
wiTk wall u weuch on tbo snaKing
The Nmubai, Hkn Inciibator and
Jllooder-8-1.Z6, clietip, easily con
sliiicied, practical. Wend ffl.25 for
plans or call on tbo agent, J. U. Bo'iio
Baudon, Utefjon,
Kosobtir' bus u dog exterminator
in tbo sbupo of a lletiil who feeds
llieni Kioutui (,'lafs. This diet can
not bo lecomuieuilod as n'Jg' f1"' ctl"
nine as all that have trieil are dead.
It tiotibled wills a weak digestion,
belcbiiijr, sour biomneb, or ii you feel
di.ll idler fating, try Chaiiibei Iain's
btoinitcli and Lner Tablets. Price
'25 cents. Baiup'us free at C, 1'. Lowu'o
ill ii siure.
Oiltfjoint; p;tS4.'tit!ors on the sleuin
er Mauiialuy, Tuesday uiuiuiiiK, were,
.Miss Jeiuiiw Dei i by, .Mr-. E .M.L.votis.
Ali-ti Jusie LyouH, (ieoiyo Ilouue;;r
aud if,-, A. M. Suiuner and wife, 1!,
ti, j'ill;liei;it anil wife, Uny Clark, .).
L. Ti.ou.pL.on, It W. Liinily, J. L,
liuiiiibei'UiM Cvil JiiwiUolT. .
Ooqngji Bulletin: The machinery
in Ulu) ion Bios, lirv'oiiihiitidio factory,
at this place, is being taken out, ami
will he removed lo n place is miles bo
low Baudon where they have a body
of white cedar limber which they will
umiiii'ailuio into broouihaiidleH. We
understand that the mill building in
thin city will bo lixed up a. d used ns.
u waiu liuuto.
Tim India Orphan Work, under the
aiispiciM of lL ii'cw York .'liritiaii
Herald is ci.llii.K for soiietleH of fill
kill-in, biiiidtiy schools and chuiches,
to adopt joudk imtivt-H i,r Xi.Uia wjjo
i i . i i. ii...
uvo n-ciiaio orpunneii imontiii me
fmuiue nt that place. Fifteen liollure
ihiiiiiuli tli.i Ilni-aiJ.
n '
, r - . . ,...i.l.
U l. uow uriiiiiwi. uny iwiki
of Claaiul eilnnr Loub Ueumlj.
iul will lefuud tbo money to niijono
who is not sniuln-il arter ii-iii; two
thirds of tbo contents. Tl is u the
best lemedy in the world for la grippe,
coughs, colds, croup and wboopinu
coiifjb and is pleasnnt huiI sbfo to
lake. It pteventb any tendi-ncy of a
cold to result in pneumonia.
Three or four planks belonging to
tbo road district bavu beon taken from
the roadside and appropriated by a
certain individual for his own piivate
use, or in other words, for stovewoo.l
Supervisor Woods has about uvidencu
enough to prove who took the lumber
and if any more plank disappear the
piopor anllioiities will bo called iiion
to arrest and try the suspect fur steal
ing oMinty piopeity.
Butler is being shipped into
M I. ;..). 1 f,ni Siuti li'rannimin In
.1,1.1. 7.. ..VIM MM." - , -
Mipply the homo market. This i
largely caused by tho raid of tho
urmy worm which destroyed the feed.
liarliculaily tho root crop, last sum
in. i iv 1'nnseiiiinritlv tbo butter nrodnut
was bhoitunod, especially the amount
that is usually produced during the
late fall qnd winter month. This
section bids fair for u bbortage iKiforo
tho dairying season opens again.
Capt, Heod met with some trouble
t the coal twokere this trip. The
,uUvit would no let the coal go till
it ia m-u. nMi.l fur. mh.1 uh,-n that wnu
Muttloil. the khiu' crew -truck I f ex-
tra pay for overtime. Cnt't'iiu Iteeil
having an op hill tiiht and a Im
energetic iqu would got diseouiugeil
but Mr. lleed MflW ertnai to nil;
w mciDaUinertt haai io "rdiuarily wry a large
ho n M .took. botr.reo wwryioii a "from
t tbe win-and things kUo uootb ' eiippl. Mr. Iked
umorei - ncie,
iu kaoureJ at tbe wioe iiuu thiuirs !
Hra Mtiaeted to take on a better out-
I. ok thiirt- iu lLo lumie.liute futur.'.
Thomas Hull, uf Hivei too, wa in
town lat night.
liartms' storroer ooo. all stees
from 8) up at SatidirsoA'H.
H. Pomproy, of Parkersbnrg. was
doing business in town yesterday.
Isoni Walker, of Northern Curry,
was doing business iu town Satur
Chair Loipna; jolurnfd Tuesday
from a visit to his old homo at Co
Jesse A. Luso, oditor of the Marsh
Held Sun, was doing business in Ban
don TncMlay evening.
O. II. Mngoon has just opined an-
other fiOO )innnd lot of choice candies.
Call and inspect them.
J. L. Kronotiberg, of Parkersburg,
look passage on Ihe stoamer Mauda
lay, Tuesday, to inako n business visit
to S'ati Francisco.
11. TI. Bona returned home Monday
evening. From S-in Francisco be
visited S ilem. Ore.ui, and came
home from the latter placo.
lBiiinsen Biothers have re-pii'
Tipred and fixed up their barroom tin
til it shines like a new piu. Mr. Mar
tin of Itivoitnn did the painting.
B., of My i tie Point,
was in town over Sunday nwailing
lh sailing of ths Kteiimer, being
hound for a vidt to Sun Finnci3eo.
E. A. Ptulpott has moved big furni
ture rtoie into the Beyerl.) building
where he will bo found ready to
serve the pnblie whenever they need
aii) thing in his lino.
Tho gamdinii schooner, Barbnrn
Hernitm- was blown as!ion on Ihe
rook nt Point Arena. California. Jan
uary 2f, arid is probably a lotal loas
She usi'.l to run to this port.
Tbe schooners lbion, Del Norte,
Corinthian and Pnrki r-hurgure load
ed, nud re'idy to ail but Ihe bar Im
been too rough for lowing. It will
doubtless Kinoojb down soon. 1f.
liny 11. Clark, clerk at Ibo Topper
I rone, went loSan Francisco on the
steanier Mandalny, fiom which place
he will go to Oregon City where he
bas some business In attend to.
Sheriff Onl'iPr was ic Inwn lo day
hnving come diwn yeprdy to be in
ntiaudimiw nt tho Ojjd Fi llow' lodge
TMb last bdui. .Tpmftmrtit
also a visitor for" Ihe same purpose.
Supervisor Wo-jds ha.! been giuug
bis aMeiitioi, lo repairing tho coiiiily
load on the grade leading sotilb from
tho Baudon Livry Stalde. He is
macadamizing that peiiioii which lies
between yist aud Socoud strrels.
S. Mutidy bus a dozen blocks of
timber on the wharf, some maple anil
tbe rest myrtle, whioh h got out at
some ny river point, lo ship to paities
in S in IVmclen who wish to Ur-e
this kind of wood for veneering par
A. M. Sniper nod wife -ft for
California lnt Tuesday, and will vis
it their aon. Ktlward, at Ilealdsburg,
where lliey will probably inako their
future home. Their many friends
here wi -b them well but would be
p;a-ed to tee them r.tnrn.
Tb' Steamer Mandalny was a day
longer coming up hist trip than usual
on account of u strong headwind
which delayed her slirlicient to ciiiisp
her to get to the bur after high tide
on Thin sday. She lay over at Port
Orfcid and cau'o in next day.
The bt.-aniHi' Argo hud a long trip
up from Stu Fruuuisoo. She met
very heavy headwinds ot! Capu Men
docino and by the time sh.i leached
Port Orford she was short on fuel
aud had to go in and take ou a few
cords of wood. All together huf trip
consumed live day.
The report of Ihe death of Henry
J. Zaiuwiilt whioh reached us last
week proved lo be falt. Mr. E. M
Blackerby returned homo on Tuesday
bringing word that Mr. Zuniwult was
Mill alive and although very low,
was apparautly as strong ai when
Mr. B. reached Mr. Zuujwalr's place
on Thursday.
The uia'oh factoiy, situated near
Ihe railroad depot, at Murshlield, wr
burned lot Snudny night, Tho tire
was diseovered hbortlv after ii started
but by tbe tune the tiinn tbo fliemem
reached the scene it was too Into to
save the building which is a total
lo;. 'I'll- origin of the rlro is un
known. Tbo building, toiler and on
gine were owned by San Frauoi-oo
paities and valued at $ Tb
inncbinny nod iu tbo factnrv be -j
longed to McCollmu and Oeo. Mana
gau and was valued l $1,6X).
Cbas M. BredhoiT. one of ihe prin
cipal owner- of the Coipulle cre:on,-ry .
arnved l-re Tuesday from Han
Kraneiaoo. ia JJiaiu route. He re
porta tbe butter 'naiket paralysed in
bis city, but (Link that in frl
nigbt'e "in." it will be ilrm agaib iio
doea nol coii-idfr Ihe pieseul CoihP
1100 due to over upply. bqt a geueral
keDlicainesa on the part of In rue
hn,i ,..,.,." .ni.nli,. H itr
holfs irip bfn i nuupiy ou tmtiress
ou'.uectod -lib his ci 'amery. .S'iui.
Coii ityCour Procce ings
(Ti ntlnfeU from luti weik.)
A I. NiwIm epprahwr on N.irwnyAra.
UDtenil S SCO
Ii W .isruiNUitmme a '
M Usi llty " . t VO
J A liyeli UtatH 1Mb btr for dit . KM 10
U i Swmi dee sniervi,iir in IS
sml lesw vmik 4-J 00
I, itiiiHnl lambor (or Jil 13 ., la K
v AHwsnlnuuron m etsl 19... a DO
I, h kiuiuil aine a i
8 h MimrJ " a if,
MiheMmsrd " .' it 3ft
Hurt Folnn " , S
A .1 Mnj-ho " 7i
Gimi loNiiin " la Oil
Uruel Fulsoai " 7 PO
Jniut'H Oeranlt " t bo
T S Kvcrndon lumber lor dlst 18 12 ou
V i: i:naklfr lDiutitr fur dint VJ. W. I5M ii
II A l'oild labor on Ar.o IiihIup 30 (X)
J O (Icoillof, labor on Arsu limine., n 00
J 1) Olintiiti liilior on AniRO Ijrulae.. 45 WJ
Geo liiiinuar labor en Arnuo brnlae.. StJ
w It Scliiuoder nniU for dlt L'i is HT
Itr l'Llersoii clihiumiui aud mi!enu
Ulvnn Click I out la 0
l'hoioai" Portef lUimniunri anil mil
iili'iin Creek 1ihiI 14 10
iIuh holispvrs axu i.a sail mil Olonir
Crei-k roiul 18 00
7t T I LoniSH mid mil Olcir.i
0rel; roml It 10
in Cuwsn vtewor anil mil tilvnii
Oreck loud 18 00
JaaCowiiu hriiiRiua hi viuweik' re-
nott uia
I' .) Pete tsoti viewer and lull (liui
Oretk road ia go
S II Cat heart survey plat stc Olium
Cieek ruad flfi f.)
Ii 1'otier 11 tretii cot on Ui li d by
npt dint U3 8 011
O P Jiillir labur on Coos Hay wsroii
rond a m
Cbns Howe lisulinu on Coos I lily
wnou road 1 01)
V Lnv, born liholias lumber for
Mnal IiiIiIk
1 TO
t no
1 50
a oo
3 00
it CO
b A rawhrn Inbor ou Mast brldae..
Cbtatcr Iiawborn InUir on Mnsl bids
I'. 1' Mnut hibur on Miut briilae....
Jnok .Mast luboron Mael bridge...,
II Peuwell labor ou ti.t bridue.
J C Krye labor ou .Ii ati hridae J JO
H E Wilcox snpi rteudiim labor in
dlst 12 at 00
Y M 1 hi i ul labor on ( mm Hay wuin
OM'1 1 SO
Ed Lawell i'.'lO ft ouidiiroy dhi IV 18 Sid
Clins lianoh UYJ0 1 1 liirolxr dint VJ... 1131
J 0 Frye 1183 ft lumber dial 18 8 Bl
Wm Alieriiiuliv lubiir on roads in
dlst ia i nt
li Heller labor on biuluu in (list U.. H 7li
M O Miller labor on liridi-e ia dint 13 'At (if.
i.dwin AbtriiHtbj I. bor on biideln
dt t'J 10 71
11 Ii ItOMt 7eiC0 ft tucibcr Ut linn-
pmk iWc m mm
Htiiumcm lolOrr on U.indi.n it. aa 111 00
Aijumiuis anrac 10 00
II N Tuciter ' ihi 00
u I'icwtii " an so
J K Heuit 88 7fi
C W Majoiy a 00
ti N Tyrrell ' 10 fa)
A M Sumner - 63 00
Viril Fiaber 8 S5
li Wulker a 00
I, Diivinoii s 00
1' Nelson blaekwoltkhiK lli,udua
Hoax plank load 3 35
W II V.H.da tools oto lktBdon-lUiea
rlaiik road , 18 s
in'daeruol fi Oornon ton's llandun-
lt.i pinuk' rond-, 6 8fi
Vt 11 Wood (if days nop a ork lliuidon.
Ibaia plunk loud.. 107 Ed
Petition of W r Uav. John Heat et ast tor
an H(i;iro,iltinn of ti.Vi in hhI iu the cou-airu-tlou
ol a wharf nnJ Inuuuiu at tbe
wenleru teroiiaua of llie Wil!uub Uiouah
rod, i.ot allotfd.
Oeo li HitiiuavT innifar nud Inbor nil
Mi'i Uoiriimn bridn.-- 9183 m
Alfred Jubijuuii iaiuurr fur di-ls 1(1
oud mi 70
tiueed & Anaen Ulior on Hulls oietk
biidue 18 00
1' W MwCloklwy frllimi for dist
l nud ti. '.
W 7. Cotton Inbor on tonds in dmt 11
V N Parker lalwr mi rends la diet 11
.1 W ll.vers an I lie
Cluud Waters "
Clint noe A'aiirs "
Waller I.snliMrn "
W i, Maot
Chris lteuseh '
JS 00
a OU
i no
l l
1 Vi
7 00
4 00
Hurry I'landera haaUaa loiuber for
binJen in Unit 18 0 00
W C Hni lie towiny 'J cos lumber
liny Cuy to Hutuuer 0 00
Biminur Alert fretelillim for
1 V Harklow banlina hi road dint
S O Ilraden hnulliic in dtot.SR
David MeNnir buliti in ilii
Cbas Ue bauliuu luiubtr for Caleb-
law eieek bridge
Tutor Wim. olacksinitliiuB fur dial HI
Uunder Bnrklvr lnyina ourduioj' uu
li HA
IS 60
8 00
6 Ou
k Utl
Middle Fork rond 8 76
Frank Uurklow baulfns eordoroy on
Middle Foik nkd S CO
Ii I, .IsyiuK oordoroy on
Middle Fork rad 8 89
Ike Iluiklow fattuhos laniber and
travel dist W 83 M
i'ury k, Itonewiu Intwf on Middle
Fork road 0 GO,
WTsylur Utiuei.1 bSUllBK tut Am
B3 80 to
i A Kirbai I lo.Qliua tty &U M 10 6"
J It Derault SiMi it of huaitef fur
d.t U 411
i t. iktku i .bor oa UUdl Ferk
roi.d I N
W K.iv 'tA.-( mi Hull rUrcrtoa road $J
Chirk Hull .xbor ou llcl! l;in rioa
roi m
s' U Clfcli I a,,r
liKai lab"! 1 :"
V ii UiiU aj
lc rod
Hull Kivirli n
IB 00
.li'. .4
. 1 1. H1.I1 I.i . ..
W H r'eatw t
.... I,. 1 W
w V K.nn.Jr vibcel torn per from
I tblul.1 1' i,U
1 to
V H ITf.ll 1 M llrictt aft'd J M VVcekley
ro-appotntid apt iie. l dnn.ngc on llm
Middle rrtek ronrl -a(re tbe wiiee tuiu
tlironi!h fee piemiai's of J vf livers' and
tUnt tin Y n-.pct nt !.( posl oftiot nn I'cb. 11,
1801, nnd pmceeit Ufoa thelf dollci ne bj
law roquiivd.
Coqollle CUT and Iianpoy f.r.ik rond
ordered viewed snd Divyed and Unit T W
Dranv, Jonfvh Flnni nnd Jauipn Mu-l Ik
apjoinlrd vimtra Red S ii C'sthcart. sur
veyor, lo uut at Coqailta City tn Feb Iii,
Petition for a lelocnltoli of a portion of
the MnrsUffi'ld Coqnille rond near It CI Mr.
iJnijMf'H ptaev Granted. Ii A Lawlinrn, W
W Oa. unit IE t Sanfotd appolliUd viewers
and S B Catlicart, enmyur,-to rueet at Co
(inillu City on Feb. 18, ltKJl,
Petition for tbo relooiition of a por'.'oii of
Ihe "HrII'r l'rsirie LoikIIhk and IVaver
1'oad Gnleli" roml arauttil nud Albert
llnrklow. J P llntkdtill mul J 11 Mnibeny
nppolntod viewers, and b II Cailioart, iur
veyor, to meet at house uf V.'altei Cob in on
feb. J, 1831.
SI A 11 1. Ml Mil i:.
Jan.2o Stinr. Mamliilay, Uttil, a dav
from Him FcnnoiiD'i.
Jhu. .Stuar. Aro, Olsru, A dais from
Han Pr laolsoo.
Jau. 29. Stuir. Mnndnlay, ltoed, to Ssn
Jnn. HO. Stinr. Aro, Ol ma, to Han l'ran-
Wastko CaiNible, n liable ueraon in
ever t. mnty lo repiesent la, lie oonipunv of
Holid tiiinnolnl ri-iniatliitii t'Xt milnrv -r
J-enr. p..vnllls week V! i'-i I" r il.i itlj,.ollllfl5
kui sad all exni-i ues: slrniubt bunii-lldo.
(lefliiate snlnry. no iioiuilibIoh; ,alry puld
(hi-Ii Mitnnlny nnil oxpen iiu'Iiijv nlviinceil
on. Ii wi i k. rnMAUU llou.- t, Dciiiboi u
HI.. Cbieacre.
A. W. K5MK, M. li.
MANIKIN, Olll.liO.N.
Onlla to nil iwi'ts of tana and countj
ionitl,v answered day or niirlit. Utllce on
uornuref lumer tbiin anil Aiwnter street
W. irnydou, 11. li.
Offioo liost Front Sircet,
IHndon, Oubsjom.
Will visit llitnd on rrunlnrly on dales lo txi
KUp'iIll-U In tile litidKl Jliolilnill.
H . tliTIIX,
! jiaawttitHIWlliWWIM
Oflfce th"HiV KluWiIo J3ftilhic, on i
rn t.
r. y. siiNiirr.
.il.Mlsili iri.ii, mil cu.v,
Office in O'Cimnoll Building.
oi;o, v, iiii'i'iso,
Pranllsea In nil Ihe Coiiiln of tie. Slnd'.
Offloe on Hecond floor la Oonorotu ilnllUl ji;
on nrni etraet,
Mf Itmarnnoe i'ntli-lesand Douds Louubt
ur iiionuj' loani d on autue.
linmlon, -
ii. Illil.l'Ill I.OI1UK. NO. 111. K. (If t
2 U of Pylbliis. inf. U avely Mouile.v
eveniiiu i cou o i khik, in vaeue linn, t,
llsndon. Utin. O. IlOAK, C. C.
II. N. HiauiNoroa, K. or It. sud 8. .
t,stm 1 4 . it
9 r-(K .
$ IIAMMIK J.1MKII!. No, 1 1.1, A. H
1 ) ANDON I.OIK) K, Nn. 1 11. A. F.A .M. J
J HtMed r'tnnnnniaatlupa first Hut 2
urdiv nft 'i tin' full uuMiti of . inb a
i nioiitb. All Muster Maauns cordial')
invited. Ilv order of W. 11.
T; 3. THKIPT, fecreUry, 8
3 court yniooi of llm l oiiwi Nn. 17, I
W ritr of , me Um. '
f --OtUn'glT!.NOP THE roE'i.
g No. 17. in- i t Ffl-lav night of enrl.i
week. la Hhkk'h Halt. Ilsudnti, Origi n
A o.udliil ri looiite is emended to all vm-f
liliiia br ilbers W. W. MHIt-'LEy, f
I Uaaat O rrs. Chief Uniigr. 5
1 Piu. tk-eretarv. S
ii.tauoK i.uiion k. iaa. i.o.o. r
BANDON Ij(HXJK. N. ta;t,I.U.O, K.I
I Viaitlna
brotbere Iu uud etaudlaai
11. K. IICHIXL, N. O.
W. lUKM. taoa.
uuail iii.iiiui iu i ur,iiu iiiiu
'UU or woaan i look after nai
roina bumea m llm nnd adjoin
ing Count le-i lo eel in. ki'i'iiia t and
0oiiiii4Vnf uoik c in b ooue at
your boiua. Eih:Ii.j . if nldii d
laiupcil fiieo f..r iHriu'iil..ry n,
Generiil Maneurr.Ctii'v.iiiii buildioa
n . . . .l.f.l V... .1 1 ! .
WusbhiKt. a. l. :. S
KUHHKIi PANTKlt, Bfaatf'
Laea Bauiiato every luoii.ii.u, asarpi
Kuuday, al 7tU0 u'ciuefc kud und fX4ine
Uum alta Uw train and Uaiar HH at
HMO a- . at riM4llle City.
Leaven fVqallU fit. al IK 10 p. n.. arrlv-
inij i. H'.r lou ! ,: p. u.
If not, give- us n ca'l. Wo nro buio
Now the time to purchase Ktu-rlware. Tho undersigned !,
in stock a large assortment of
Hardware, Tinwaxe, Graniteware,
Glassware, Crookory and Minors' Supplies.
i'ain tw. J1od: m ntitS AVIadWtvri.
Tho Bandon Hardware Man
Autmun -Goods !
Has just received a full line of Fall
Dry Groods, also a Large
Assortment of
Men's Boy's and Ohiklren's Suits.
A Large Sfcock of Fresh Groceries
Always on Hand.
Ordors Taken for Tailor
Ik now supplied wllli a full nnd complete stock of
Hardware, Tinware, Graniteware
and Miners' Supplies.
We carry a complele utorh. of
Ti.NNitn'N amir in Toola, Cutlery, Doors and Windows
aiai.iuipiuiuiu mcuity.
920.00 Gash .Trade
$30.00 Gash
I l ( 'TC r'W f!?M
.1 JtlVljO Ul V VjV
Uaali Huh a nukil i ireaialu
The New Steamer
Arrives Jan. , a. to. HuhaJan. , p. m
A. DLHEN, imi.
Will Make Itegataf tim Uatwtcn
a an rtia
I'reiahl rales from Hen l'anoiu to
Uaiidim. 8.1 W) toni T,i fJnauUl Oitv nail
poinu low. 8-1 Tn JlttU I'otut and iu
torienfiift imints, $i 00,
It nik i not Blbarl liver.
Hni l'lanulsrfin mtut .Uulutv A Hurt.
nam iij jo i.;UftMp IV ntpi , i J
'safjj -Hiup snottnfrii uw ami
'uaraaea ou irriwiano puu una "l "-"
pdkVa4tMiini eii) B mjsfi Jm
Uf 'iDnttffio t
in rutin jaoer,-i nua sue tee Uli ':
yana a! JU''Ji.aiH'. ai
uvtf -li.iiiuni
6l auis u';u;f c'.-'J.';)
. itt '
jij vmIcu jsaoii r l iiu'on v asms jj
nt yua. oi,) to uw mm) is-ieia l
'A 'tl ' WJ """. ' 03 'TO' tl .Tri:i
t efOM oi P'ai t-tfiujp if o jo i i
at'iM of f t ("fa m ai i'-i'-i-' -J a :s
4i.i v 'puJM h u !rP. j'i
ajn iewje m "I'll TJ
ii yto .i -. j ,
w 1
ii a)rix e.u 4'ut.niix
to please.
Made Clothing.
Perfect fit
With the llndaralanert, Batltkw Ton to an I :
To Data, Kulaiaed I'loiure from aur l'Uoo.
Kiaph you supply.
Not only entitlea you lo tin abflta plotare. but
to an lilesuni Kuuue tllli Pluline ooiupkti.
riHinpli on exhibition ut lliwbture,
lan'io Without Trade, Will.tuLli
ibe amount will Uu lvuu Uuaionier.
The New, Sp3ody and El
egantly Fitted Twin
Screw Slrtr.
Hteaater will aires reaalar 10 day Hervlun
between Uuqallla Hirer, Oregon, and timi
Franolsso, Oh I., fur bulb pan tnaera and
For tall or (Briber informal i apply to
Captain A. Heed, on board at muar ur
N. I.OHKNZ, AkuuI, CVw'lln, i.icuon.
M. It. IiEK, Agent, tiuudun, I'rca'.n.
E. T. BUUa!, Oi ner-I Am i.i. L7Kro 1 1 i t.
Hu I'mni! oo. California.
! tTf 4-XVT .--.1-
... Vtf ChGL V iA &.u
l'lirp, frosb, cold
p.pcd to any ,
Mid t'l I'llV i.i t i
i'ii ap;iln i Ii' .i. '
.r.d. !; i - i
spring water
1 1 tour
'l ti. bonne.
II !!.!l!liti-H
bit'. ; .
VV, H, LOGAN, Proprloio'"