Bandon recorder. (Bandon, Or.) 188?-1910, January 10, 1901, Image 4

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BY ....
aujwomi-noN uatim.
Ono Year $2 00
ptx Months i 00
xiiriaMtmtlet so
Tlils pnpor in entered nt thu Jlnnilon pout
"IH et n Hpc(iiu1-o1hm Mnltrr.
tJ.tlRlnK Aont, at MiiroliniiU'iIxcliMwr-.
fi.i i '"'lOlioo, Is our ii'Uliorii'il audit
jHUpminrin kupt on fllo in IiIh olliou.
THURSDAY, JAN. 3, loon.
Who will bo conlrory cnotiuh (o
contain! tlint tbu '20th century litis
not now Hindu iln iipnnrnuci.
Tlio CoiiHt Mail Iiiib chiuicd hanils
niul mnkR'(iTitiii1ii(lly bolter appear
unco Altai it I lin now tniitaiamout.
tlliH ihHIKI IIiolUxotiDKiiHtnHH
ojiVWT its lBlli yotir ot iiHofiilixws ami
it htartu out. tiB viL'oroiiH tin over.
lluvini; contracted no bail habilH it
iIooh not have In swear oil from tlinin
bunco it piopofCH lo purniio tlio oven
tepor ot ils way, tfiviiif; all tlio iiowh
it enn gather, find inalanp; ilaelf tihu.
Tlio old year is (ono Hint I hi) old
century ist no more, racli bavin; run
its allotted t i mo. Hill, whilo tlio olii
century in gone lo lolttru no more it
ban left a reach of ailvaneemetil to
llio hitnittli rac.o which no oilier httti-
di oil years litis oven indicated. Jlttt,
although tlio Hprtmil of intoIif,'tineo
ban been iniiiicnn', mid itst nrliiuvo'
liluntK gintul, yit tlio Kinmlntir of the
Kith century will hu dimuicd by the
liislor of llio 150th, lo which the for
nior h;m bi-uti tho oliinf bloppinij
AKOIIMI 'I 111'. l.llll.M'V,
I 'rum the (.'otial Mull.
Oupt. Jacobum, Iho contraelor on
thu government jelly in Inking a trip
I'oilland lo atceittiiu whether li ih
oeuipnny will coutiniio work on the
impiovouicul here after tho oxpira
(ion of their foptracl which will be
if a few woeliH.
J jiict vyoek'u storm did a K'ent deal
of iliiinngo to lilt) Kovornmutil jetty Hi
tho mouth of tho haibor. UositleH
cntryin;,' away neaily ,'100 foot fioni
the end of tlie It nek, il bunt down and
k'hIIcilhI Hid jetty ilholf lo n consider
ublo oxtonl, lowering tilt) outer end
Hitvoral fool. The foico of the waven
wau miflloieut to iiiovo Iho itniueiiMi
locliM, weighing live lo tilloou Ions,
and carry Iheni away from then-places
on Iho jelly, II is est minted that it
will Into u.iiily fiO.UHU lo lepair the
Two IIaiHliliehl ynuiiKsterH, I'al
KIiuiukhii and Allan iNirholn went on
tlio warpath Friday with their little
puis, and ono hud a holo in his tinker
ti i ul the other n cavity in his foiehead
(isuiosult, 'J ho bojii wcio playing
with their iir tfiin. when by nccideiit
or olhoiwias l'al nIioI Allan through
(ho linger. '1'ho hitter letllltied tlie
compliment at unco and with iood
nun liHiiiiuinlii j, 'J'ho nhot Mitirk
young Klnnngau in the forehend, and
the terlci'H of a doctor weri iiipiired
to extinct il.
from the (Xhm liny Nuua.
Married, at Hid rosiilntico of the'ri purunt. .Mnrxlillohl, Deo. 15-1,
JSWa by Uov. .'M'cOlolliiud, of the
I'lonbytorian church, 13. M. Smith of
lJuuver Hill, and .Mi Uuohol Mats
dun, of .Miirahlirld.
A. II. llulloti, of IJiiiulolph, who
had Imwii in tho hospital at ilurhli
J'flit or novoral months pat, was
tulioii ti thnyluuint Solum, Mtiiiilu,
ly SUentUlalilur mul 1, V. K -cord.
JulituTiHineu, tool with an accident,
iinudiiy, which fuitunntuly wiw not
tittetuled with iiuy torioiw ihmiIU.
While uon down the bay, alone, in
ln tfiuolinu launch, ho IoiuiihI oei
the Nldouf I bo Ytd to ptuU up a
fx ml or. il) loiiiti uieiiUH ho lol hih
baliuiut' niul fell in. Tho Innncli, of
foiirae, citulinutftl mi iu way mid inn
into thu whurf near tho iHtinui.v.
.Sotim pittiiM in n boat, nonr by, miw
tlioacoidunt and proiuptly wont lu
Mr. LniMm'H awittaiice, limi'iiiiiK him
from tho icy walom of tho buy, which
would hum i hftVurliillml him tlnoiili.
Tho hiiiiuih wws not danitiKml, uoittier
wiim tho wiiuif with whilh hIio ivllid
id. ooo ---.Nonet;
or iiissiii,i'm.,
Niilio it lirrrliy rItwii Unit thi partner
kllip lMutu(llexiMinu IwtUft'll (. II. I'l.l
niul J. M. CouibiI. uuilur tlu urm imuw miU
dlvle "f Utii A Ooarml. ut llniijuu. Ureuon
vtiw iIimwUmI Octutmr I, UMU, l) umtuiil
ci.iuwnt, (1. Jl. Don rvlirluii liuni aoul Dim
niul J, At. (Vmtad ixiiitimunu Ui Iiumuim
In lila IiiiIIUJuhI nniu. All thuunM Uu
iililfliiii up le iinl iIhIo nr ui)Ulf In
HHIll J M l I I Sit Willi hIj 1MIUH Mil
lint. IH' . .... t i i. iliiu.
Da. ' ' I i j, Owu. bI i"J. Ui ul
. . -
Tfc Vlr OrvfoaiM nd tkU jnumt
bIvb -" k- of liome. itste, lh
s'..rihwMi Kim irt nmi'ui.
1'ripMi it I'rrm II SIhimI it ill lijr .M. Mlllrpi4
MtnNlcr of Coiiiinrrii1.
IVniii tlm Hnn I'rniirUoo Kxmnlnor.
Tho MiciiiliKtio uioveinetil is ro ev
tunsivo with tho civilised world. It
known no nultnnal limits. A lioro
fivilation is hih thuio collectivism is
tho filronuhl. Tim twentieth century
will i;oo it in full switik'. It will not
rctrorado'. Tho hatidH of tho econo
mio clock can novnr bo moved back to
feudalism. Socialism can nover r
main slaliotiery, for it is a vital forco.
Tho only poHHible nvolution for it is
iu an unwind and upward coiirfo.
Socialism works for concord nnd
peuco. It makes Jjeat Is uvuvumuuil
irives us men of i'ood will. Tho sol
idarity of tho human race should bo
the aim of nobh) uiitid". riilcu boh
durilv onforcos tho soveroiKtity of
lik'ht. MiKbl is not rih'ht and nover
will bo with tho people. Solidarity
of Iho nico breaks tho htieX of mere
bnilo foico. Men should not bend
Iho kneo to blind power. Solidarity
tiioinotes Doace. What can bo more
noblo than a festival of work and
7 Ilonoiab O neaco is move
"loriotis than tho mot-t brilbnnt war.
Tho (,'rnvo and dolicnto ipiestions
of social economy mu now till tern
iieiutl by Hocialism. Alechaiiisin and
invention tiro of nso only in so far as
they improvo tho position of man
kind. Wo menniro th decree
of a people's civilntion not by mo
chanical iiiiprovcmenti', but by the
wclfuio of tho men of toil. This is
tho behest and noblest stauthud of
It is Kenuially laid down that man
is Iho architect of his own fortunes
15ut Kociely must let him bavo the
luisuro lo wok it out. llo must not
ho brutalized by a task beyond hi
This applies to all nations and
races. l'or sons of dilTerent lacos
and citizens of difl'eieul nationalities
belong to Iho sumo family. Tho dulj
of all is to iucieaso tho common pat
rimony. The h'Kiiin of unknown toil
ers niiiht not be foruiton.
In llio coming century tho oii;an
isms of iron. and sleol twill continue
nioro and moiu to leplaco llesh ami
bone, enidemii's will bo unknown,
dihlanco will slill further disappear
Science will keep on multiplyiiij,' Ihi
means hIio puts at man's disposal,
Tho fp-eatest service it can lender to
man is to leach him Iho uiuterial anil
moral Kiandeiir of union of solidar
ity. Where socialism holds sway tlm
hatred boin of uncultured biaiiiH dis.
appears. It vampiithcs misory to a
Imijjit extent .
Alllillsm is tho sweateft of senli
inonts. Kven personal interests just
Hies it. Men of all nations should
foster societies for self hulp. Such
as-ociations j-rotip men together to
tesist individual weakness.
Human solubility will never slop
at tho frontier. It lessens the in
eiptabties bom of tho social
leiim). It draws tho woild's child
l ell closer together. I'rouinte it, and
the titiio will coip) when those hitler
will know no stiifes save tlm fruitful
livaliii'M of peace and tho spluudid
stiiiKK'h' of labor.
Socialism will jjo on widening tin
ethical coi.ceptious of political irono
my. It weio woitb otion wbtlo to
study its intlticnco upon ecouoiuical
and political tlioiij;lit. Cooperation,
tho iiiutiicipality, thu Slate, will all
do biiuinlil in to aid Hocialism, 1
should like to see the principal of as
socintioti develop as much as possible,
Tho time has ouii by when men
aio fiiliteued by nieio words. The
niDii of Iho twentieth century will bo
at leant as brave as wo are. 1 he
will not fear to have the won! social
1st llnni; at their heads. They will
Know that Hu re u a noble idea be
hind that word.
Iho pi unless of suciialism iu the
now cciitur)' isinsiiieil by tliutiiumph
of democracy, hi I'miu'e, (ieiinuuy,
Deiiiiiuili, Itiissid, Italy, Spain, liu;--liuid,
oeiyw lu'ie iu Muiopii 1 ho ii
in ikitij; i;iHiilie kti idi, It has found
a fool hold in the far otT Antipodes
ami it has cp ei I Hie Ailuiitio to tho
Kteut ltepubltc of Iho UVut.
A tiiuuiph ileiuoi'i'iicy lueauM a
world wide (iiiteruity, Tlio Iwentieth
ceutttiy will lend ua fat iuuaid that
CX0 -
IIiim' I hi.)'
Wo offer Ono Hundred Dulbui lti.
wind for any eumi of I'.itmih that can
not becuied by Hull Calui'ili Cure.
l J. Ciii:m: Co, l'rops., Toledo, O.
Wo, tho uudeikiKUed, huvo known
I'. J. Cheney for Hid lust Ifi ywir.
and 1m)iuvo him purfiH-tly honopible
iu all biibiueas trtiu'ectiutiH, and tin
ancinlly ablu to entry out iiuy obli
gallons made by tin if linn,
Wkst .V Tium, Wholwalo lVmjuist.
Toledo. O.
W.uiu, Ki.'kN .Mh', Wboli
sale DiUKKi'U. Tohali), O.
llall'n Uataiih Cine is lakwi intm
iittily. netiiiK diieotly upon tho IiIikhI
and muoou aurfmiM of tho yalut
Hriw 7fio. par bottlti, Mil by nil
drURftUU TstlmoulU fra
Hull's family l'i' sre (Lobei!
Ekoinkej! Omcf, U. S. Aiimv,
J'oiiTl.A.Mi, Oregon, Dec. !W, 1800.
AttfDtion t)t all interested is called
to tho fact ihat the crontiou of any
obstruction U the navipiiblo capacity
of any imviuablu wntcr of tlio Lulled
Status is prohibited by the Act ol j
C'onyiuss approved Jlarch !1. IH'.C),
... I
unless first specially autborizod in
oacb case.
Thu construction of bridges, dams,
dikes or causeways over or iu any
haibor, port, navigable liver or other
navif,'iiblo water of the JJuited Stales
requires tho prior approval of tho
(Jbjuf of linfjmoeis, U. S. Army, aud
tho Secretary of War, and also tho
ullirmntivo action of Congress, or of
tho JiOKislaturo of tho Statu when tho
navigable water is wholly within a
Hin,'lo slato.
Tho construction of any loj: boom,
fib-trap, wharf, pier, dolphin, break
water, or any olhor structuro iu auy
port, hui bur, naviijnblo river or other
water of Iho United States, outside
established harbor lines or wbeio no
harbor lines bavo been established,
is illegal except on plans recommend
ed by tho Chief of KiiciiieeiH. U. S.
Army, and authorized by thu Secre
tary of War, previous lo tlio com
mencement of construction.
Violation of tho above provision of
tho law is uiiiilo a misdemeanor, pun
ishabh) by a line of ?2,n00 00 and by
imprisonment for one year.
The dttmprigo of auy ashes ballast,
saw dust, slabs, or other solid lefuso
from any vessel or other craft, ot
from any mill or factory, into any
harbor or navigable river, or on the
banks where it may bo washed iu at
hi(,'h water or by storms, is also pue
hibileil. The violation of this pio
visiou is punishable by a lino of
fiOO.OO mid by imprisonment fur one
year, one-half the line k'mi'h' t" the
pel son Kivintho information loading
to conviction. In addition, mnsteis,
pilots and enmeeis on vesselu vio
lating Huh provisi'in tiro subject to
revocation of license and thu owntus
of tho vessels are subject to libel foi
Iho daniiik'n occasioned.
All musters, p i lot u and ono;iueeis of
vessels and all others uiteiested in
pioteclin llio lights of navigation
mo requested to lepnrt to mupiompt
ly any violation of tho ;,bovo pro
vision coming to their notice. In
foi uiatiou as to tlio intiuner of
oblamiiiK autlioiily for consti ucliui;
lish traps, Iol' boouiH, etc, will be
finnished oil (i-quost.
Wm. W. IIaiits.
Captain, Corps of lniticer.-', II. h.
Atlanta Ci)iisHttliou; Il-in is ti
(leurKia liy's uoiupiiliiin V tin1
trouble iu China: China is a land of
heathens that would rather worship
a wooden ;c,d that Hi itu at you than
go lo church and pay ptv rent. My
I'a was a miisiotiery in China. N lien
tho boer comnmii'ii to box ttiey
knocked hnn out iu tho lii'sl round.
nn' ho hist three fingers an' a brand
1 1 1 1 iv hymbook with a bookuiatk in it
Then he ooiued homo. Hu litis still
got 1! lugs an' 15 arms left: though the
ipission board told him hu lust Ids
head. He says home missions takes
Hie cake,"
W. ,1. Hryan will stmt a new jour
tint at Lincoln Nebraska, thu I'uM
copy will soon appear.
The Kiver and Harbor Hill cnriiu
a iccoinuiemhitloi! of V 10, (1(10 fur the
Coquillu iinprovemeiils.
What We Can Do For You
t'lvo t'-iprrn fur tlio 1'ilrA nf Oiic i,
(lei Itie Neit nt I Ik VVttrltl hiiI
tit I Hl'lll lllllll,
111 III It 11.11 Killll,
'I'ii Uhwc 'ilio psi up niri'HiiiBi.H an, a
M-iir in mlvHiir,', ami te Hit new (ul's-irt-
IhTI Vtllll Mlt 111 KtlHlllV, Ul lllllkt' tli
lollomiut! iui. siln. ni, rimcn novAritt
illiti-r. ut iMUi'li'ln tu M-ltct fruiut
I'htea at I'uHLiciri.iM- inn VKih.
IIinisin lln-nanru f'i to
Snu t'nuu'lusj lliitlctln il iH)
I'orllnml Kvvmnit 'ltNiHrap.i ft M
Wmtkly ( UiXHiiiino ."it
AlH-eil to lti..i,iii M
Our OllVr.
Tile Hull, tin m mu) of tlm Imiliiif i'ti,r
ul tlie Wm), niul m ii iliulj pulilulu il tu Situ
l'liiiK io.i, niul kii. -i nil llii'iivuit. O.irollVr
Includes tli, Itiilli'tln.
ltocenli'r llullutin. u,w yAj.- $0 ID
KnMtilrr niul liiilUtia, oau tuonlh M
Thu I'litllaml Kveiiiiiu 'IVli'ntnin is im-il
til lilUl it un', Il i!li4 all tlx lliiwt ttnit
Is uoilh tHftillUM nnt up to Hum uf MtiiliK tu
pimts. much ul II twiiiK Ut hours fiittr Itniu
uhun it icmLj lu'1,1 thd.uxh auy ellur
ltwvinlur anil 'tVlrtamu una S'r W Oil
for wiM'kly nu'pkr Hio Off
k'ouinti IimiU in tlm NnitlitV, tUil wlvti
nil tlie ui iwiMlly oonUiiiiil In n u w!.l
Ilncor liir Hint Viikly Diivmiiiin W .v
Il is the July ut nn-li iht-uh lo mk in
foriuHlitiu hIoiiu Ml Iuk-s ll it tt-iul leuunt
titlimiiiR sIkwi) lilt,iiiHlilioiiiiinli;ri'm.r
wuptiti fur lb tmiumi tmuily, niul fur
the khiii i f uiiiiiu our rrstliM a rUnnco
U llifiKiH tbfuMvhn mI IIiviu lli hut
Appall la limoti, Auy iliK-tilim tliil
uVim uut aiipMl iu ih hUtbcst aiJr i.f r
uniiMR hi not mIk,
itMtJwr kiwi .VkNWttI k ltv, . ii CO
The fnvorlt with Ihouihtful, cultural
C .i"'. Thi i ir$oi..4i
Tlie Itaiulon IMoiumt Wati-It
31 n k r,
Islocntcil in Die llcraril llnlldinc, conii ron
1'iri.t nnil Pacific uttectrt. I will cp "
lnrin n tncli of Wiitciit'S, Clocks ml
Jowflry ni tlie ili' will wnrrRnt.
rt'I'rlccs of Work niul (ixN us low im
first clnss work ntnl kojs wI" peniiU-JW
TvrniH CiimIi.
You Can't Expect to Get
$2 worth fcr $1, but you
can get your money's
worth at
Dealer in Hoofs and Shoc
lti-polriliR iliJitry unit promptly Oone nt
liiwi-l Hi inn prici'H.
Druggist and
Is jus! in rt i'flpt nf ii new unil
fr-Hli slue k of
Drucju nnd Ciiemiccls,
I'atunt niul Proprietary I'leparations
I'oilct Articles.
IM'tiKKisfs SniMlrii'h.
l'lillFU.MKS. ltllllnllKH, Sl'ONllKS, SOAI'K
Nt t-. ani C.XMnes.
Ctirill'i., 'I oloii i'o unit Cteill I't ti m.
I'liints. ( nii, 1 1 i i. it ii.i I'liinii i s,uii;ilicil
Shaving Parlors
and Balhrooirjs
.ili:ivi!l I."
tt.iflii: Ceit:;j.
Werlanti'ishii) tip lo date in tinv
tiling iu my line.
' I),, n to I' nIotH -p
umE Manufacture!
!r.TKIt t.OfiOi I:, t DM It'UTlll! NJ
I Practical Itnilili i. i 'iuiv pr pnreil to
'I'lUil niiMlcrn lio.iifs or tin latest H'yl!
.liar. mil eiiii llril-chiss uorkn.Minihiii ii,
everv, Is iai: i"ni'rii-iii'i J in tin
ail ot lions,, lanlitiiiii. is ercpni'isl to tiv
-niti'fnrt ion in nil lini'iof hu biiiiiuss.
.Ml re MlUltl,' speciality,
Ki-cp'i eoiut intli !i t.mtil n
I'lil: lane I In 1 1 it iiskcis
at liieAe!.! t'ist I'l .l.
ami. a.'i oi'Pi mi Ai.'in.
Hu l"i. UiMi .s. (I'lniuv
IS 'I HI! I'l.ACI.. UiY 'I UI..M.
I iifiilr, I on I II. I Nil, i I
: : KUiununi iii'o
lialh room and tub iieuty titled up
Hot and cold baths, a.'i cents.
AMiiiiio.vs ()i! wi:i:ki.y
'l'U (Iri-slisi Vxiioitnl Wwlli .'i
.if iu.ilc.i. I lie iiilv Wi.klt . ill',, I ,
ireiisly for evr sltt uml irrrit l!i,
Ni of tlif W . mi nn mt'cil I' ' Im.-ii
Itos.ntf csii o 'tnpri-t cut 't'c
riHiliiiu' i inuti. riiiw isitinus ..( ilmiiis. i:
eur rem loiii4 iu nli plmu in t ch isiu. In
Hivoinl iililnrial in iitiT, wnttrii from un'. ii
liimiluuii t,o iIaIh Tin' mill nnivr pnh
lifhi-J xiill'i for Htiph Vilivi iln or it" mt
t-nililnily niuwir-i, ntnl M'. Itiirx r
ialu t icts I h u tliis Mint of Hi-mi;. ist
is popular, ii. pis i. u liy Hi fe' Hi' the
Wrcklj lll.i.lii ii. a- ha nipr 17S.OH1 jisirlv
nilMorilu'rii. Hiul m .uri-iiliitiil 111 Hll rU -i
lllf I1. S. liiHiUI nun to Iho lit'U, tin- ItUilc
lnlilih.'H hin mill m'tnil lotir, Hiuliii.iny
topnrtiiiyniK of in liter nuitnl lo n ry iiumi)
lu r f tlie fsmih Only one ilollar a )ear. i
NV rile for f ne i.s. iunni si Aihlrcm l
Ills il W! I"'" i l'i - ,
liur K-tf ii-t n ne.l o rl.ol. .i y in . aca.!
ftVct. ti and il i ii.uit inv uii i
tiini'i.i v iv c i , i ipiaii'ii lice . ..n i i
ler iulri,ui ii (v 1 1 umo. " ll. Ik I'l l oil a
l.ili-ut ' .ut uvu rsuct I'-itcuta arimevl
ttlrouih ul ailrt-i.iMi! u-r aalc at iur rti
Is.itruta takru 1M41 iLTouah v iri-roc i.-i it
NMIi-a.ulttii.tiUh.itg?. Ill T. I'ltimt Krcoaiv
att tllutr.itr,l a it n .trt .-iti-iitatist ;oU'IMl.
kvtiautu 1 1 . xtaii il ui.ocraaa.1 luir l.'ia,
stuJ !. wuvlt . y FREE. AJUiaaa,
ihffisl Wtarntr,l
Eni BulMlnc, ,8HiN.-.TOH P C
AVE YOUURCHASe'd"a " " C ,-ovc!
If not, five us a ca'l. Wo arc sure to-please,
Now is tho time to llard.vare. The undersigned has
in stock a larfjo a-sortuieut of
Hardware, Tinware, Graniteware,
Glassware, Crockery end Miners Supplies.
I'aiiitH. 1 Ih. IJoai N anil ViinItt.
A. McNAIli,
The Bantlon Hardware Man.
Je Den
Has just received a full line of Fall
Dry Goods, also a Large
Assortment of
Men's Boy's and Children's Suits.
A Large Stock of Fresh Groceries
Always on Hand.
Orders Taken for Tailor Made Clothing. IVr(f;,"tr?n.i J.
Hotel Coquiilc,
This well laiown hotel is now timlei- new anil coin
p.'tent niiiiitijjoiiii'iil niul has been llpiimmlily roll
ovtiteil lliim:,'hoiit 'l'l. table m nice is cpial to
any in Southern Oregon. S.iiiiple rmmis for e.itn
mum rial men. liiijrt,-! e ImiiMpprti tl to tun from
boats tii'd trains fii-c of rl i.n.'o.
Finn tie iv bar in connection iMlh the hotel.
$10.00 Cash Trade
30.00 Cash Trade
PlHr'i'Q (in'l.'V ,V! U'i"."::i.v "in: ik'itp.i:
1 IVI S.v' ' I jiX niul Kihii'h U'nliont Tr u!-. u icU
I'ush h no n Holo i 1 1 ii Hi iitiiii.' the .u.i, ...ul ili U- yi.etl iViLnuer.
I:.!.! l( I ,
Doctors fin
A Good
for mankind
l Tlwj itk pain indui-t Up, tad uralon: liu
i urn nU.ll Ne nw in'. U mint? . m wFl
it i rsd, To rlo d m ikouMaat Md.
WjUI. iw by mail lo ar oa ,Ktipl ol prkT.
J t (IPJI CIlllMOl C , 19 MIKt St . ,S V Otj
is -iv if wifijn , M ,
Tlie Bandon Recorder
Job work done on short notice.
Goods !
With the t'.'i! 'rsieui it 'V '." V..;v . 'ii '".i
'io liiitc. Kiilmqul 1'n.iuii- fi-.m in. J'l, .In
umpli oo mipp'.y.
Nut only m'it!i-s fi t! e mIhivc t.'c"nt. hut
to Mil l.lii.Hhl i'llll il I' Il i'n Hue c.!i,,ili.
bniuplis hi ixliihiii..ii it 1 1,, hi .rt.
Livci'V ard Feed Stab
Bnndon, Oregon.
Uoicrot I iniii"U (ii, it Haul
Cvmtnirrinl Mi n Pun ji!!,
.Siiftiu I'u.i'iua ul
Gotnl 5 1 f i"(nl Teams, iluios
Will FnrtiiU niul Deliver WooJ on sJ
Do You
Know ilie News
Yon van linvi; it i.ll for
for Vov
Month t-'-'U .nontli
Intho l;vHilni! I i'i prnin, 01 I'mii'iiBi
..... i
DiPion. It i tin- tnii!i't evi niiif n, J
iihih oiihllHhi'il in Ortuoli! It I'.ini; nl
nil th tiPUR of the Klnti- ami uf tlV,
liRilol Trv it for a month. A t, n ,W
c ij v. Ihi ni.nhu tojuu tut'. AU. u J
Tlio lelocir t. IT1 .
I'lll I I. M). Olit..
VV.-vir'v. 71 M I. jj
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ffi 3 U. S Fjtent Pfflre, W.''f.t!iKi T3S, 0 t,
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ADVICE AS .-! r. , -. i.'.li'Iilr i
I E. G. SIBiERs p,i V. ' ' c" AilJrcM.
t-u.u. sUuEHs,p,t,ln, ta.ja..1t.,nj,1n c
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