Bandon recorder. (Bandon, Or.) 188?-1910, January 10, 1901, Image 3

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CopyrUht, 1W!, by C. J. Catcliffe Uyne.
"No, Mr Carnforth," said Kettle,
"It would bn lying if I was to say I
knew anything about pearl fisbing.
I've heard of it. of course. Who hasn't?
And, for tbe matter of that, I've had
en a diving suit tnyself and gone down
mid examined n ship's bottom to see
if the divers that hud been sent down
to look at some started plates had
brought tip a true report But I've
never done more than pas through
those north Australian seas.. They tell
Uio the pari fishing's done from small
luggers of some 10 or 14 tons, sailing
ont of Thursday island."
"It is. ' said the big man "And"
"Vyell. eir. you'd better get another
captain I'm a steamer sailor by bring
ing np. and on a steamer I know my
business and can do it with any other
man alive lint you'd not find me mnch
good on a little wind jammer like n
Thursday island pearler I'm a hard
op man. .Mr Carnforth. and desperate
ly in want of a berth. I hope, too,
you'll not think It undue familiarity
when I say that I like you personally
Uut honestly. I don't think ycn'd bet
tor engage me a your skipper for this
trip You could get a so much better
man for your money. "
Carnforth laughed. "My dear Ket
tle," be said "1 don't think I ever
came icn a fellow with less real
noticn of looking after his own inter
est As ycu are aware, 1 know your
pei ullar qualilications pretty thorough
ly I'm an eminently practical busi
ness man I oiler yon a handsome
salary with both eyes open, and yet yon
refuse because yon nro afraid of rob
bing mo of my money '
"Mr Carnforth," said the- little
sailor stiflly. "I havo my own ideas of
what's right Yon hau seen mo at sea
using violence and nly woids. But
you will kindly remember that I was
in service of an employer then n id was
earning bis pay by driving his crew
It's another thing n'Av We iro ashoro
hero, and 1 would uav-'iyou know that
ashore I am a strict chapel member.
With a high ressiire conscience and a
foul that requires careful looking after
I could never forgive myself If I
tbonght I was taking your pay with
ont Mini in 3 it thoroughly.'
"If you II let mo get a wotd in o'.ge
v.'.iys, " said the other irr'tably. "and
not be so beastly cockscre that yon can
rob mo which .vou could no more do
th. it. Ily perha;- you'd nndi'.-stnnd
what Km ottering and not' sneeze at n
pood chance The lugger is your own
invention, anil so i the idea that I'm
iwruly soiiif, pexrl fishing i" the ordi
nary v?ay My notion is to go pearl
panelling. Which U n5ery different
mutter; to gcl rich' quick and take tho
rUhs anil set d?cr them, nnd to go at
the busim.'' in it steamer with it strong
tfrpuxh crew to ir do whfit's need
fnl." "Piracy. " sugginted ICettl rjloomily
"Piracy be banned. Tb Jnpj b?ivo
a;ilio.jcd etiiain pearling Isl.imh nnd
lljivo declares) them tlotd. At thu out
hide ww should I- only guilty of pouch
iisg,, and that's n" toluiably mild olTeuvj
nnd om I wint to eo both side-t of
I'vo got pheairwt covers hero in Hns
jtud v?hich am poached It iininseu mo
tj-chas the po.',chers, nnd occasionally
I catch them, and when I do I go for
tln-ni hot u "l heavy So I know tho
jovri of the game pre-rer, you no.
null 1 jvant to tnt thu excitement
u'wl tile profits-' of tho po -cher. "
"And you'to u ricli man. " aid Ket
t'lt, "with a ll-no lositlon In the coun
try a.tid ii heat in parliament. Sumo
I.AOpUi iK'n-rdo kuow wh:u thoy're
iwell oil. "
"Smrc people don't,' said Cam
forth, "and you're Miothcr of thorn.
Ifippir Tor myself, I do n mad thing
now mid again because oh, became I
like tin excitement and flurry of It
Hut you I You go and refuse a profit
able billet tliht wonld fit you down to
tho boots merely for tho sake of a
v. him A q"arter of an hour ic) yon
tiMtneyou were practically destitut"
er on the streetj your own word
were, nnd here yon are chucking np
a certain '-!() a month, and a posslCu
90; when it's ready to your hand."
"I didn't know uboyt the steamer. '
said Kettle, "and that a fact. "
"Well, I'm telling you now. cap
tain, und if pin don't take charge of
her upper briugo It will bo your own
fanlt V?iiy, man, there Isn't a job be
tween here and New Jerusalem that
would suit yon better, and, besides.
I'm keen to go thero myself, and yon
are the one man in tho world I want to
bate as n shipmate, nnd I ask you to
come as a personal favor
"I'm sick of this suing, orderly,
frock coated life here Nature intended
me for a pirate, and fate has made me
a successful uiaunfactnrer I've tasted
the wild, unregenerate life of the open
sir nnder your auspices mil nibbed
against men who wtre men and 1
Mint to bo there again I'm tired of
Jddllng among men and women who
ire lit' rely dollar millers and dress
ppgs I'm sick of what they call suc
cess I'm sick of the whole blessed
Captain Kettle thought of Mri Ket
lie and her children in the ninulid
bonse in South Shields, with the slender
Income and the slim prospects, and he
ilghed drearily Uut he did not utter
Iboso thoughts aloud He said instead
tbat be was very grateful to Mr Carn
forth for hit magnificent offer and
would do Ins best to earn thoroughly
the lavish incniue which was held out
to him
Carufnrtli reached ont nnd gripped
bis band 'Thauky, Kettle, " he said,
"and, niiU'l I'm going to try and lug
on into h i.niipetency over this- Yoa
might just i - well have given way be
fore I ah- iv get my own way over
this sort it 'inuga And now urobublr
you'd like to hear a Lit more aboat tbe
poaching gronnd. "
"If you please, sir."
"Well. 1 can't quote yon latitude
md longitude offhand, hot I'll ahow
yon tbe whereabouts of the place mark
ed on tbe chart afterward It'e Japan
way, and the J tip hive chosen to claim
all the bite of reefs tUreabonts and to
proclaim a sort of close hi son against
all foreign pearlars. Now tb place
I've got iitwe of is in their ar but so
far It baa never been rlbed Ii urnr
inonsly rub. and it's absolnieii vngiu
Why ' man if we can put " six
mouths work there undisturbed we can
easily rarrv i ff 1.000.000 worth of
ihell and pearl. '
"Six months'' said Kettle. "That'a
i big order I've no doubt that, with a
decent steiiintr aud n few rifles, we
rould beat oil one of their guuboata
when we got there, and, say, a week's
Hshliig But if that gunboat steaina
back to Nagasaki, or wherever her port
'I iltiln't fciioiv iiboiit the itt'iiiacr," said
h'i ttte.
is, and brings ont a whole blessed navy
at her heel we may find the contract
outside our i7e Of course if you are
going tn lit out a real big steamboat
with a gnu or two and a hundred
Cainforth laughed "Wait a bit,"
said be "You're going ahead too fast
There's no question of lighting a wholo
navy In fact we mustn't fight at all
if there's any means of wriggling out
of it I believe lighting would amount
to piracy, and piracy's too lively even
for my taste" Besides, if wo got very
noisy we'd have some cruiser of the
British China squadron poking her ugly
niu in. and that's a thing we couldn't
afford to risk at any price.'
"Then bow are yon going to manage
"What we nmt hope for is to be left
midl-nubed There's every chance of
it The reef Is out of all the steam
lanes and -irch) t-acks, and the Jap's
gunboat patrol is not very close In
fa ,t, the place has only been newly
charted It was found quite by acci
dent by the skipper of a sea scaling
schoi tier, and he missed tho plum be
cause ho happened to have been a brute
to one of hi" hands. '
"But I thought yon said th.s reef
was out of all ship tracjf
"Don't hustle me The schooner had
been sealing off the Commander island".
She whs coming home and got into
heavy weather She was blown away
three days by a gale and picked up tho(
surf of this reef one morning at day- I
break, ran down into the lee and lay J
there till the Lreeze was over Tho l.eef
wasn't charted, and the skipper, who
was 'on the make, ' wondered how he
could gather dividends ont of it lu
tbe off scaling season he v is in the
Thursday island trade, and his thoughts
tiatnrally ran upon pearls aud shell.
Ilf'd a '1 i vinn suit on board, aud he
rowed f.uto tl-o lagoon, unido cno of his
nrer put on the suit aud tent him
"Now olnervo the result," said Cam
forth, with sly relish, "of being too
severo on onu's hands. This sailor, who
was s-nt down in the diving suit, had
been hnviij a dog s time of it on tho
sealing schooner, and v. hen he got ou
the t.'uor of the lagoon and saw tho
place round him literally packed with
shell that had l.ever been tnched by
huiriiiii lingers he made up his mind
that the tune had come to ,upsy o'jl
scores. So. when He camo up out of
tin- water again, lie said sulkily enough
that theie nothiti? below but sen-wei-J
and mud. and the beat rowed
baic'c out of tl e lagoon, and the schoon
er let draw her forestaysail sheet and
ran av iy on her conrte The skipper
reported the new reef, and in duo
course it got ou tho charts, and the
Milor kept ou holding his tongue till ho
i-o'iild find a market for bis informii
t .oil He didn't find one at once He
had to wait two years, in fact, and
theii be found me I guess that skipper
would bo easier on his hands in future
if ho only knew what he'd lust, eh,
The sailor frowned "A shipmaster,
eir. has to gel the full amount of work
ont of h.s bunds or he's neglecting his
duty I can picture that schooner. Mr
Carnforth. and I can picture her old
man hearing what he's iuis"ed ami still
carrying on the driving game The
things we have to ship as sailors are
beasts, aud yon have to treat them as
inch, and if you can show me a master
who's popular in the forecastle I can
snow yon a man who's letting his
hands shirk work and not earning his
owner's pn.y
"H'nr aid Cam fort Ii "I ve seen
you bundle a crew, and I know your
theories and little ways, and t know
also that you're far too obstinate an
animal to change your opinions in a
linrry I ve a pretty strong will my
self, und so 1 can sympathize with yui
However, we'll let that matter of ethics
dide for the present and go into the
question of ways and means ' Aud on
tho dry dt tail of this they talked till
far into the night
Here, However, the historian may
for awhile withhold his peu. since tl.osn
in the shipping interest can till in tho
gap for themselves, while to all others
theso small questions of ways hiii)
means would he infinitely tedions The
rucbt's voyage ont to Japanese waters
nay alto tie omitted. Tbe English pa
pers announced its commencement in
me of the nsiial formal paragraphs
Mr Martin Carnforth, M. I. for tbe
Muuro divi-ioii of Yorkshire, has start
d in his tine steam yacht, the Vestrls,
for a lengthened tour lu China seas to
itndy oriental questions on the spot
ind will probably bo absent some con
lidrruble time."
The official log kept on board was
meager aud scanty, being confined . to
irid statements of distances mo and
the ordinary meteorological happen
inns of the nceHii, and toward the latter
nitries even these were skillfully fic
titious Indeed when the vf-ssel neared
the scene of action her yellow funnel
tbauged to black, with a c ft:, -on band,
i couple of sqnurish yard wire crossed
in her foremast, her dainty gaffsails
raninhtHl and were replaced by servlce
ible trysails, and the midahip bonse
wai soiled by the addition of a coat of
crude white lead above the trimly pol
ished peak and straddled over by a
clumsy iron bridge, defended by ill
fitting canvas dodgers and ' awnings.
There was no making the eipert be
lieve, of course that she was a mere
trader tbat had always been a trader
But to the nautical eye she was unsus
picious She looked one of those ex
yachts that have been sold ont of the
petticoat crniing service of Cowes and
been adapted to the more homely needs
of the mercantile marine, andtu the
Mediterranean, tbe Australian seas aud
China waters there are many cf this
breed of t rait making a humble living
for their owners A couple of weeks'
neglect will make any brass work look
tinyachtlike and a little withholding
of the paint brush soon makes all small
traders wonderfully kin
Ucchristrtiiiig, of course, is but a
clniiHy device and one which is (the
gentle inivelit nolhwithstandingj most
seldom tiTil A ship at her birth is
given a name and endowed with a pass
port in the shape of "papers." With
out her papers she cannot cuter n civi
lized port She could not "clear" at
auy custom house, and to attempt do
ing so would be a blatant confession of
"something wrong " So. when tho
paint brushes went round and tho
name Vestries on counter, boats and
life buoys was exchanged for Governor
h. C. Walthrop (which seemed to carry
a slight American flavor), a half sigh
went up from some of the ship's com
pany and a queer little thrill went
thlough the rest, according to their
temperameii; They were making
theiuselvi" mi pariahs from that mo
ment onward until they should deem
tit to tli'ciinl the Hliii
Captain Kettle himself finished let
tering the lt of the life buoys and put
down hi" liinsli ami shook his head.
CarufiJilh was va'ing him from a
deck .hair "You don't like it?" be
"1 never did such a thing before,"
uaid Kettle "and 1 never heard of it
being dime and come to any good.
We're nobodies now, and It's every
body'" business to meddle with a no
body If you're a somebody, ouly the
proper people can interfere. '
"I can't help It," said Carnforth.
"The Vestiis is well kuawu at home,
and I'm well known too, und wo'vo
just got to see this business through
one way or the other under purser's
names. She's the Governor L. CI
Walthrop. aud I'm Mr Martin, and
you can bo what you like."
"I'll still use my own name, sir. I've
carried It a good many years now,
through must kinds of weather, and it's
bad so many stones thrown at it tbnt
a few more won't hurt If we get
through with this littlo game, all
right; if wo get interrupted I guess the
only thing left will be to attend our
own fuuerah I'm uut going to taste
the Inside of a Japanese jail at any
Not long ago a very fat spaniel wai
Introduced Into tho house where a fox
tcrrlif had nvuys been tbe master.
This latter was told, however, to be
have well to the newcomer and not to
bully him. So the two sjuned fairly
friendly ami in the end got lu the habit
of taking sli i t rambles together. O
However, the fox terrier was evident
ly of a thoughtful disposition and on
one occaslo'i i-ame aciie-s a hunk, or
wall, w'.lch was easy enough t leap
off, but there was greater lilllieull.v In
returning. The fox terrier sprang
down the bank and enticed hi" heavy
companion to tullow. with the result
that the latter could not get back, vvhllo
the former, by reason of his greater ac
tivity, w as easily aPc to do.
Now the terrier saw tils opportunity,
returned Ihimii. and cruelly left hlcoin.
panlon lanu-iitliig N'i er illd the for
mer seem happier or gayer than on
that day when he hail once more the
sole run of tin- bouse, and be sulked
when later on the spaniel had lieci
found. in-o-ti'il up tlie wall nu nrnugtii
Sliieo tlieii tin- l'o terrier has repeat
edly gut the spaniel down the same
place, with tho usual tmsiiII. anil "eems
to glory In his inisclilfVoUr, act. Wheth
er tbe "rat iQ:" will learn to avoid
temptation tn Mich a ramble- n mains to
tie seen. - Bullion News.
siri,ti-u In ii siri'i-l I nr.
"In the matter of stnitegy a woman
can get the heller of a man everv time
In minor affairs, nt least." saii a man
vviio Ik lu liusluess uown urwu nml who
rides lu-ille lu a West I'hihnlelplila cm
durlnu the rush hour ovmy ivvenlng.
"I usually gel a seat, for I laki' the eai
away down at Fourth street. The
other evening I was busily reading my
paper when a woman gut nhoanl at
Twelfth si nit. I ulanefd up slylj iiliI
saw that all tin- seats were oci-uph'd
Hasty as ni. glance was. she caught
my eye. anil that was my Mulsh Smil
ing broadlj. she iiiuio over In where 1
was silting and exclaimed: 'Why, how
do you do? How aie all the folks?"
"I couldn't place the woman to save
my life, but I III led my hat and re
plied that we were all well. 'Slie must
bo some friend of the family,' I argmi!
with myself, so I folded up my papi r
nnd gave her my seat. After she had
ecttled heiselr comfortably she lookisl
up at me In a queer sort of way and
said: Jti-Hlly. I must beg your pardon.
I took you for Mr. Jones You look m
much like ti I in .
"Hut she hail tbe seat, and she kept
It. It vviu a clear can- of bunko."
I'hlladeliihla Hocorri.
He Kllrtt llir Spill.
All nmiislnu' anecdote Is related of
General Sheruiun. who, as command
Ing general of the army, visited West
Point oiio June for thu graduation ex
erclses. lie aecouiiaulel the com
run ml ii 1 1 1 mi his Sunday morning tour
of Inspection of barracks, ami ou enter
Ing n certain room he walked over to
tbe uinutelpliH'e. Stooping down, he
pried up a brick from the middle of thu
hearth with tils sword scabbard and re
vealed a hollow- pace about a foot
square, lu which whs nicely packed a
considerable quantity of toban-n ami
Other cout nihil ml articles Meauwhllu
tbe cadets i.-upy1ng the room stood
by mutely watching and wondering
what sort of man the general was to
have been utile to discover the ouly
"cellar" of Us kind hi barracks Turn
ing to the commandant, the general remarked-
"I have been wouderiug If Hint hole
was still there. I made It when 1 was
a cadet ami lived in this room "New
Vork Tribune
At tbe time of the Roman occupation
af Britain live distinct upecles of dogs
were then-, most of which can with
tertaluty be Identified with those of
tbe present day. There were the bouse
tog, tbe greyhound, tbe bulldog, the
terrier and tbe slow bound.
A Crtirt ft a mr I'ln.i nl In (Hp rnmpi
of I'll ii ml I nn l.iimlirr i-ii-ii.
So full of peril is i iu lumberman's
life that I'V'U Ins spmis and game.
must be spi'-eil with (Pinter or tln-y
will pall UHUi III" IHMe. On the IntU'
winter night" a iruol gume culled
"Jack, where .e yeV" Is frequently
Tho middle of the largest room In the
lamp Is cliMiied Two men are secure
ly blindfolded and. having provlou"lj'
iliawn lot for (he Hrt whack, thev
kneel on the tlnnr. lu hi" right band
inch nian tftitits ir stout iMither -(lap.
lu his loft nihil her leather strap, or a
rope I" held In the end, either rlne to
the lloor "i. In sume camp", aetually
on It. The l.i i lei- strap, helm: Kept
taut by 'hi I n tn nts. gimrnnti'i-s a
uniform distance lietween them. They
nro quite- near enough to hint each
other M'votcl.v. wlilch not Infrequently
Now, tho man who bus been lucky
enough to draw the tlrst call shouts.
"Jack, where lie yeV" to which his up
pouetit musi liiimcdlatoly answer,
"Here I lie." Then the tlrst man
strikes at the place where he Imairluex
his adveisar.i in lie with the he-ivy
leather stian It he bits Ills mil Ii. he
Is entitled to .mother blow may mil
out again, "link, whore be yeV" and
tho other must answer, "lloto I 1."
This Is com iiiued till tile tlrst man
misses, when he llltlst take bis Mlltl
at being stniek
Tho others form a ring around tin-
two combatants. Pels aie inailc. and
each faction eiii-oiitages and applaud"
Its chosen man. There are regular
rounds, and the game Is usually kept
up until oho or the other has hail
enough or perhaps till one Is rallied
off the scene wounded. Haul heads
can stand haul knocks, and vnlunieei
for the sport are umni'ious. A Hie
beginning then- is gelierall.v no m.ili
A hard blow Is struck - it Is epeeie.l
It is the giiine. But It oecusnmnHv
happens that the gaine develop-, into
a tierce duel.- Pearson's.
U 1,1111111 t'lltll'lil Hit lli'lMlt.l-
llim I'nr lleiiiicini? .
She was the wife of an ollh-ial
St. I'aul street corporation Hot
pot liobliv w-ns economy. Tlimigl
husband made an excellent sii'iif.v
h. r
was rigid In her mles pertaining to the
buying of the nccessiil les I'oi t .e
household She would haunt Uaipnii
counters nml nun ket stalls for hum - In
order tn get tin- lieiielll of II te.liu 1 mi
of a few i i ins on the article dcslii l
The cnrpnnulnll olllelal. with nimb
laughter, used to lease his hotter half
about what he called her stliitflnesH."
So one da.i. feeling hurl at his rldu ule.
Bho resolved to lake him to market
Willi her ami ileiuoii'irale beyond a
doubt tbnt she was a most econonecal
buyer, lie consented, stlpulailug that
he was not to be asked to carry the
basket O
Arriving at the market, she mad
several purchases, aud then at one
stall Inquired tho price of eggs.
"What," she exclaimed, "HI cents a
dozen? No. It' Iced, that is too high."
She dragged her reluctant husband
nftcr her from one sliinil to amuh.i.
still Inquiring Uie price of eggs and ill
ways rec lving the same answer until
near the upper end of the market,
lleie she found a dealer wlm nlYeied
to sell her eggs In any quantity fur 15
cents. T.) her husband she wild Joy
olisfy :
"There, I tnld .vou so. Why. those
others were ri.bln'i."
Tp"nilng In the salesman, she onion d
halfli doxt'ii egk gravely handed him
the 8 coins asked In payment ami
wont home, prattling away about tin
worth of cinniimy In marketing and
the alleged willingness of ilealers to
gouge the u; iispectlliK eusiomei
Aud to this day she ihien not know
that her huxhand and Ida friends
laughed over Ii at tl lull.- liullimoi e
Miiit'n Silperlnrll .
Olio sees man curious phase, nt hu
man nnttue In the safe deposit v. mils
of a bankln, institution--from tlu- we
incii who never by any ehunee l.nov.
where their keys are and g HmMiah
bag ami pnckeihnok w ith reckless iutnii
to the man wlm Is not quite i-irtani
that he has lucked his and icmrn-i
to the vault three or four limes, pin--Ills
key In the lock, shake It hard an.!
finally goes away coiiviucuil thai "all
Is well." Hut In recent eJvp.irlence wltn
n new customer whom I vvas rentlm
a box the iliinnv. wiia reucJied When
f handed hint i In keys and mid
"Now, hoio aie two keys - Sepuiuti
them so that If you loae one yon will
have the oiln i in admit you."
Ho quickly replied-
"Very well I will put one on my
key ring and luck the other up lu my
And yet they tell na tliat men an
more logical than wmnwi. -New l.iit
I'lrat S iinmium- In Xmi Viirt,.
In 111S5 the Jewish iimliliyilg r '
Vork petitioned for leave ti build i-
ivnazoiiilc and sent the iselilUiii in Hi-
(.-overimr and he to tbe inayin and mil
moil council, who refused li glum i
on tlie ground that worship wn- ex
tended only In necta profi-msing fiiiib in
Jesus of Nsiaieth: but Onvumor l'"
can In the next year of his u-nn triant
ed the iioriuit. ami in HUH Die ,) vv
had a place of public worship. W. ' i
stood on the south side of ulwi J- n
heaver meet, between llroail vuy ami
rtrond street. The attendance '-'
families, or about lis) mills.
A Trrrllili 'I hri-nl.
"How did you Unally brenk ioiir
husband of smoking In the dravmic
room f
"I threatened to miike a n1tit
Jacket for him myself If bo dulnt h
It up." Stray Stories.
Him -MltaLa .Vrs Mutt.
Parser masks arw made by it unulm:
one sheet of n niswlally iireim-n-'l la
Kir, wetting It and lucihUnu it by nan t
over a face form It Is then dried b
artificial heat 0H'itlnc ae nn f''1'
eyes, nose aud mouth, iwd H is luumed
and decorated by hand as ilesirvtl
Wire musks are wade by stainiitug
piece of wire netting aUui a f""'
square over h fauv mold In a Unite ma
chine. lneioJiiB llie rutlfili win- ile
In a narrow strip of lead Tbtm l
painted 'I he naiutiug Is done I') bund
In oil colois.--C'iccirniatii,i;i3'ii;H-r
1'ap I't-rMiin, (lu I'liNliiinntpr, Ti-ll
AVll' till' lllseilnnlitii Oipr Omit
niPtlttllH till Toil nf Ilip 'I mi It HkII
Timer Win Vliruill limlpil,
Chpytlght. li, j C. H Un !
Jericho has bin btiltdln a town hall
fur tho last six years, it was to hev
u tower In the middle, and there ha
bin .1 good deal of discussion as to
what: should ntiish oir unit lower
Some stuck fur a gltt ball, some fur a
rooster, some fur cnxsbais with the
p'lnls of the compass on 'em. The
town bounl wanted to please the ma
jority, and a uieetln was called one
night last week to settle what the
tiling should be. Nobody reallned how
Intense the feelln was till the nieelln
opened. Siuar" .Uislyn beaded the gilt
ball party, and he got up ami spoke
fur 15 mlnlts without stoppln to wipe
the sweat off the back of his ueek.
Ho started In 'J5(i years it. 0. and mine
allpplu down In now like soft snap
glldln down the cellar stairs, lie eon-
tended that a gill ball on the tup nf a
tower had alius liln cotisldeieil an em
blem of Innoceiico. It would be the
fust thing a stranger would look fui
when culerln the town of Jericho. It
ho saw that gilt ball, he'd put up at
th" tavern and feel safe ami go away
speakln well of the town. If he didn't
he'd set the folks down as vicious and
desperate and drive on to Tarry town
or Dobbs Ferry. The squar' wanted
that ball as big as a pumpkin, and be
wanted real gold leaf fur glldln. and
be closed his speech with an appeal to
the people tn eo'llllllle to lie Innocent,
and happy heacoii Spooner was chair
man of the incellu. as usual, anil when
the squar' sot down the deacon anl
he'd made a p'inl. F.uos Wlllla.uis was
then called upon. He heiuled the tac
tion who wanted a rooster. Kilos didn't
iro as nir back as i.,e sutiar'. lie ban
asthma and Is short of breath, and so
lie started out Willi Colutnbu in iIIk
klvci America, lie had bin rem I a up
on roosters. He couldn't Und that mus
ters was an emblem of liimii-eiiee. but
he didn't want no Iniiiioonei-nii a i nuil
hotise tower. The stiatigci- would II ml
Innocence when he come to phi) cheek
ers or trade bosses with a .lei lelm nil
Tho rooster was an einbleniMif grit nml
Independence, lie was a bhd who
went to bed nt sundown, got np liefim
sunrise and was hustllu ruoini'J irJI da.v
A rooster on lop nf tbat tirwei -would
signify thai Jericho eouWl lake i-.ire of
herself and didn't bow down in any
other town ill the stale. He avhx out
nf breath and had hustil a suxjiemler
when he sot down, and Hencoii Spoon
er rapped with a cane and said
'Kims has out ouly made a speech
equal to ativthlug Henry Clay ever got
off, but he's made a thumlerlii big
p'int In favnr of tho roostorltes I was
ag'lu tbe rooster when I eiiuie beie. but
I'vo almost changed my iiilml. I .el us
hear from Silas lichee."
Silas was one who wanted the p'lnlsi
of the compass put up lie was boin
III Jericho when the town had but tluee
houses and had been turned uroiiml fur
50 years. The only waj he eniild toil
north fiom south or east liom .w si.
was to make a black spot ou I'm h- Jim
C icon's liarn door, and he never v nt
to the buck em) of his own em nllehl
without gitlln lost and hev In to whistle
to Ills Wife Ills speei h a ' cp
dale. He didn't go bin k nvei sl
mouths. He said that what had alius
alltsl Juricbo and what would alius
keep hertlnnu was the want nf kiinwlu
the compass pluls. He wimiil the
ouly one wlm was turned amiiiiil Half
tho folks In town ismhlu't go heckle
horrylu without iiiltln lost and wander
In around all night, lings sod dugs
walked annuiil lu n circle because iliey
was confused, and every time iln-ie
was a lawsuit most of the wliiiiswa
4Uld Heat fur east. All eliible f III
noecncc would he bll light, ami a most
tr would liea thing of beauty, hut both
Miillil be beaten by compass p'lnls
"Silas lias iiiinle a puity goiHl sieecli
ind a purl) kimmI p'int." sh)s I In- dm
ion. "and I'm sorter lettln go of the
rooster nml lennhi In his side Thmigli
I'vo lived III Jericho fur 'Jli jeins 1
can't make nut ylt whether my plul u
Is on the north m wist side nf l he
house. I'm iiiulcrsiainlln that Kllsha
Tavlor has siiuthlu In spring on this
mectlu. and we are ready to hem it '
I'llsha was lead) lie had bin wiilch
lu tho glow Hi i.f the town hall fur "Ir
long years, and lie hud had his e)o ou
tho tower dir. and night He had lmk
id at It fr. to lb' stns't and from tin
roof of his 1 .nn lie hail looked at it
at noQmla.v . ,id squinted al II m mid
night and I I ' mie to one
conclusion 1 wanted the Httm-r i.r a
cllt nngil ish off that tower, ami
lie wnnli'l il angel to be p liiim n
ivurds. sar " on n gravestone he saw
lu Htlffulo. The angel would signify
the goislnev" of Jericho, nml straugeisi
would no longer slop and raise a rnvv
hecHUse they couldn't git a glass of
lieur or find .iiiylssly In take a hand at
poker. Her p'mllii upward would be
an object lesson to the Sunday school
children, mill Hie sight of her would
calm ttr fis'tlu's of a man about in
lick bis h If.
There was a bowl of derision as KM
Ua sot down, and the deacon said tbat
to p'int had bin made, lie was a den
ton of the ehuich mid a gissl man. but
ie'd never consent to h'!t a gilt anno!
! lu.
uiuer nil), nm ,insr-.
lowers. He culled upon IteVetiW.fe1-1
fttr his views, and Heverly Jumped up
mil declared himself In favor of the
American eagle. If a rooster signified
trlt and Independence, an eagle signi
fied all that and a dozen things more
An eagle stood fur liberty, freedom and
equal tights. It was Uie emblem of a
glorious icpublle. Its wings sheltered
the helpless as well as tho strong, and
Its soft conin lulled the Infant to slccn.
while Its sci cam sent tho father to the
field of battle to light fur the grandest
principles nf mankind. It wns a rsittl'a
inccch. full of icilhot patriotism, nun i
Deacon Spooner said that Daniel Web
iter never appioitebed It In Ills palmh st
days. It didn't allect the other fac
tions. Imwevii They stuck out fu
the cllt ball. Hie rooster, tlie compass
n'lnls nnd the angel, and each one de
dared he'd light to the hitler end
As a compromise, Jim Shmcly. who
didn't care what they put up. m-ived
fur a gilt giiai. and Abraham Scott.
who was gnln to move away aud had
lost all Interest, moved fur a monkey.
hut they was hooted down and every
body began tn Jam his elbows aioiind
and call ever) body else a hog Then1
was every sign that the uieetln would
break up In a free light, when there
comes a flash and an awful clap of
thunder, and at the same time l.i"b
Hillings walked lu to gll out of the
storm. Deacon Spooner appealed to
lit m to save the honor of Jericho by
brlnglu about harmony, and I.lsb
looked around aud replied:
"As 1 understand It. this ei-nwd Is
divided as to what shall ornament the
top of the city hall tower?"
"That's II!" .veils everybody
"And you've bin Javvln and speech!
fyln fur the last three hours without
icttlln on anything? Waal. 1 don't see
no use of any more belli said."
"Hut what's your Idea. I. Ish'" ask"
the deacon.
"My Idea Is that that fust thunilcib, n
knocked your blamed old tower mie
t Continental cocked hat. ami that ynu
kin save your breath to pick up the
silvers fur klndlln wood."
And the crowd rushed ont and found
that I.lsb was k'recl. M. 'i vt'
llhln'l XX'nlt l.on tn llralii llnrrnvi
I n u Tliliius.
A young woman of Washington birth
and rearing, who has made her liniue
for these thlee years past lu a small
Indiana town, says that for taet am!
diplomacy she knows nobody In eqna.
Iier iieie'hbor.s out tilde She hail
s'arcely settled herself In her new
home when one day she beard a lieu
proudly cackling lu her hack )iinl
She went out to see what could liavi
brought a strange ben lam hoi an'
and found that the fowl bad Jusi Ian
an egg lu the vvoodbox outside th.
kitchen door While she was still w mi
ilerlng where on earth tlie creatine h:n'
, 'limit frnm the shock head of a linn
nail tall Kill of 1'-' rose over the fence
which divided the vard from the yard
of the house next door.
"Hello." said the girl.
"liond morning." answered the Wash
"We not nlent.v of eggs." rematked
the clrl. "Maw says you kin have Unit
one our hen Jos' laid In that wmidbox
of yotirn."
"Thank )nii very much." said
Tlie clrl still hung on the fence
t lir
"We aln'l gnln In charge you nut liln
for it." she went nn.
"That's very kind. Indeed." anwei-eil
'Ihe new- neighbor
"It's a gift." lemarked the gill
Then iheie was silence fur a few
m..i, ia Tlie i-li I still eliinu In In I
tide of Ihe fence.
"Snv." she said llllllll.V. "Iliaw sa.vs
nnti- vnu're 1 liallllCll Willi US I'lllli'
ahe'd like to boiry a tack hummer
Washington I'nsl.
lilliie; In Xinnlii-r",
The i"viUilliulor-Tbe 'Jlhake may Is1
ixifeclly iied without pain
The IMItnr We lder If the specific
lit hard - ink. If mil. we will try II
If teili'i'd, II will be a lder
Asslstan Suls lllderly. gentlemen
'Us a sole subject.
Deiiulv Assistant sllh- Yes. and re
tjillrlng lilliide bear.
Coriespondeuce Kdllor This is car
ryllig the mailer as far as SOqitetU
will bear
Ollleo Itnv Those w ho are so I V.II-H
as to do Ihe above will llnd imcli para
era 1 111 1! contain a slight II uf .linuior.
Printer's Dcvll-fi l shame, -.enlb
rmen-"l shame!-- IVni'son's.
Ilr llnuhl In Vlnrrr.
.Miss Anlliiile Volt ought Hi get mar
rled, Mr Oldchapp.
Mr. omehaiin (eainesllyi -I law
wished miiay limes lately that i had h
Miss AnlUiau (dellghledi Have you.
Mr. Oldehapii -Yes. If I had a wife,
he'l probably hau a sewing machine,
iiinl ihe sewing machine would have an
oil in", ami I coiiht take II and oil my
nilli-o ,'lmli- It sinievks bori'lbly l-1
I'rrparlnu I'nr Htnrill llllisb,!!
'tlnn'i utii believe III Jlioral sill
lion?" nskisl l Ik1 neighbor
reiii, 1 mi 1 ini 11 1 fnl lie r ktilliisl'il Will
Hie kw-lteli i.ilsiil III the air
"Of tours.' 1 ilu' he answin-il ' I II Mil... nml 'I'm L'llllli III Irv It
ncaln Just as sunn as I lick lhi b
hard enough so that he'll know eiesagii
1,. I , 1 , 1 ... I 1,1 11 t tut noil lime I fry
It, Yes. sir: iimrnJ suasion is a mm
thlni:. nml I'm colrig to teach tbhs '
1, 010 muni H Is If T have to Wll'i' the
Vt., mil ,.t lilin in iln It lie dni'sil'l
innri'i'liilK lis mU iililliL-e" yet." 'hlea
fo Post.
V lirrnl llsli).
'roniinv-Hid ion know about that
buby thai was ftsl un eleplmnl's milk.
nun. and ciilmsl "0 ihiuiiiIs ii ilayr
'I mil In V V I'nn fllllllL'lialltlV'I'-No. I
lldn't. Whose liaby was It?
Toiiimy-Tlii" elephant's baby. i pop
Theru nro only three renialiilnil'uf lift
irlclrial lit crosses built by King lid-
fvurd I to mark tlio rntlug phuu of
3ueen UlcHiior's fiiuuml pmceirton.
'ine Is near Northampton, one Wurihani
2ross, thu third at CViurltig Cross. j
lmI),rs snd !,!
uoou, Nw. DrvPlKN
--r-ITT ; WrUlnO. na I rU Lll"
flfl-ftT-flli-ii First ht.
Til, main 109, HAN fltAXt IsCO
IM .tlSlxhllKt (. '1 II - dllt 1,1'VV
lUlll tl I" I luliei',1 MS.SIIH S 1)V VM1, T.VII
ci.f.s ii' ii Hi ii u limine rrom 'iio'inm croud
. v c k s lull nun: i iiuittiH m mui utiouriuno
uiiort tlto wotst vt I'OhW on r nu-ii'
It vuis the Moral i.isi' of in i 1 on r I1..1I A
tltllf llllt 11 tl ll'llil" llllll suit' 1 no i SI ill it liuttg
011. Ilt'iuil nf llio llv X vmi Tviulih To lnv
amiii'iiii'iit Hit y stiijimi in 111 11. m nml couitti
Uio arsi lusiii 1 I'Utiorst' utui n i-oiiuiii'nu
ilu'iii to tin- inutile 11 nn 1 vv nisirv i v
MsinlsT 'otinioss mui Alt, 1 111 Inl SiiiiisoiiiLi
titn'et. Sau r'rtiiK'Ist'o. .1 ily T. Mil
Wlnlor wills hmo iilwni- lin serious
things In 1110. Tlit'V lire liunl iiuil stny for
months Itul the lust hiis sioms it suilitc
HIIS SIOppI it SUllltCllljr
VAIit llotli eoujtti
coiil'ii' ot iliiys. Is"'
iui Mil- KM MA I
liVianci 10 Aug. 0, w
hr Miilii'I.'n 111 N lull'
mui colli ilisiimiesri'il lu conl'n' ot iliiys. N
tlitim rise ilis's this (or tui' Mil- KMMA i
IIOI.I.IX. II .Muss HI , MIlDlf I llf I 10 ,1US "i
" I llvn lu-rnss tlie strn llnmi iiIiith MKM"!'
VNVViic TAlit'l.Ks urn Vili' That Is iiu J
.u t..t. 11...... '1',,,,;., 'i.u itimiit notui-
llrst tisili Itii'iu.
limit 11 iton'tl Ism's Ml lino lorsr 1 liuo l "
uiin i mint in Niinm " 11. I. Van vrl Ii I.
Capitalist, till? WiiHliliigtoa Stnu i. huu l riis-
CISl'O. ,UKU"l 11', lim
sii-iit iHistpiitit for '4T cents In stumps In
INI.AN'lt llltl'll CD . !W1I Wnsliiinrtou Siren'
suit 1'iniiclsio. Also on sale ny our local up m
C. Y. Lowe. Driijijiist.
Uoolice News Ciisch.
We tnivo sevi'rnl huiutnsl pulrsnl ihme
1'iisos Tlioy nro n Irlttu ..miillcr tlmu
full site. Were usnt by two It'iiilina
iliilllos before Lino's I'liino in Tlicv urf
lust tlio sire to fut'tllliili' coiiisitU)ii
In perfect enter Kilty cents per pulr
Pine Cordon Jobber.
Now stylo, Sxt'J. si'i'iiml lninil itli
tliron orf: tn llrst class i-onibtloii llm
stile stoma lUturts nml Is one Jf tlie
Iwst sei'onil lninil presses r liiivc.liiul
rorii limit tluii' It l n "mil1
Scoond-liiilld C.x llndci'.
s;. I'oliiinii iUrto. Will ork llsio :in
hour. A tmririiia for n foiiiitry ilu lv
Soincltody nml Dlnplny.'rypc.
I, llus not seen olio luontlt's use Koum ot
nil liurilly stivlueJ Secoml limul prices.
508 Clny Street, S. I',
An Aernlmlle Splilrr,
A curious Instance of the ability of
an Insect to siiccessltilly measure dis
tance was evidenced once while 1 waa
traveling tlut.ugh uorlherti Argentina.
I tlrst made the aciualnlance uf my
friend on the back verauda of a little
village tavern. I was lying lu a hum
mock. About two feet from me was a
3 by II Inch hand rail ir wood, support
ed by wooden balusters As I lay tin re
I noticed a Ily alight on tbe lop or the
wood. While I watched him, tbe Ily
apparently turned Into a spider I
could not believe my eyes, hut ou
floaer Inspection I saw that a spider
Jumped from somewhere aud alighted
Mi lop of my ll.v.
I thought this worth watclnn.j and
found thai Ibis was bis method iT
procedure: A Ily would alight on t ip
tf Ihe railing, the spider would lake In
tho distance at a glance ami w ool I ills
appear down Ihe side of ihe i l l walk
along toward Ihe Ily, but "lit of s ght
until he leached the place en Iln side
of Ihe rail al right angles to Hie po d
Hon occupied by the fly when In last
saw It. Then ho would wall, mail)'
to Ihe top of the rail and faMin Ids
web, then walk down, pa.v nig out his
web as he went till he was us far
from tlie place where he had fastened
his web as was tlie fly. then e' vg
orous leap. Ihe well awmgiii- In in
round In the arc of a -i f ! nnd fin
would alight on lop nf !n llv
I have never seen one no tli s
seemingly dltllcult leap, exma u ten
tho ily left ids position in r ii me
spider had liulshed his preliminaries.
H. A. Suverkrop In .s. i. ntihi inert
Illili'k Sen IViMilliirllles,
Thu lllack sea has pi . nl unties
Which distinguish It frnm Hie M d i r
ranean. Atlantic or ra. no i ' t," at
est ascerla I depth Is I .'isi fi'i I s
A surface ciiricnt (lows . ..ninn iny
from tlie Itlacl sea in'n the Mi l ' r
ranean through me in- poms inn
Dardanelles and an muh u nir. nt of
salt water from the Medit. 1 1 ancan
Into tho lllack tea. This umh'i' m i cut
of water Is warm ami sinks b. the
hottm and lu ciiiieiiifii f i's great
dulisll) pievi'iils vi'i-Pciil cln nl.iiion
Tll lesirtl Is llitll tbe-c di i "i waters
are rcudpied stiiguant Thev me s.itu
rated Willi siilpliuii'teil li.viliiigeti. and
corrseitienlly life Is Impossible In an
expedition In which Sir John Miuiay
took part ihe water luoughl un by
means of a water bollle from a depth
of lib) fiitlmms siiiellcd eMiclly llkciob
tell egga. Xn life Ibeiefnie is possible
In tbe lllack sen lieyiind a depth of
100 fathoms, which Is a striking 'en
trust In what happens lu the open
ocean, whole Ihuie In an abundance of
animal life at that depth. This In lugs
about another eMraorillmii-y condition
.Willi leferellce to Ihe deposits that lu
all the deeper deposits then1 it nn
abundant chemical precipitate of car
bonlilc nf lime, a condition not obtain-
Ing us far a Is known lu any other
Muulciiml auiboillles of Itlegclsburic.
near tsnarbiuck. Alsace, propose to es
tablish an iiuiimiohlle service between
the lowu and Ihe center ot St Jean-
iiai-liriuii a distance of six miles, oud
tui'i adverilsisl for otters of eight
nt,,,.., i..lili'l.,M Thiisii urn (n be hlrell
ii i' i si rnr six inoiitlis nml may jMrurw
mioed If fMipd miltitble. At Chariot
leiibiira near llerllu, an electric ointil-
3 us is now in circulation wmcu can
iaiisinii IT pvisoiis, eight In the into
r'ni un I I'.iue oil toil.