Bandon recorder. (Bandon, Or.) 188?-1910, January 03, 1901, Image 1

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    52 Times a year for $2.
52 Times a year for $2.
Numbor I.
Volume XVIII.
You will nncHoe fc'ood jowolry nt
-r .
Ttii Davis cronmory nenr INorwny
H U no iu ui)fiu""
Trv (1. U. Maroon's for rrcsu
i i.
Groceries. rriutH, rroviMuiin,.
ii' uvJiifim. of Dunmnrl', was
ji visitor io uuuuuu hh
Pmlinln Mnlllt COtlVOtlOH HPXt JlOll-
day anil comity court on WotliieHiay.
a .it ivi.o u'ii Kkhii iirt e-nnnro ''H
" "j .. ii
and Aitihts' MiiIitiuIs too, at H.
91 T,ni-L'o Stamps l'liotos
' . .... . II. Itt.lw
125 cunts, at ruusuuii
r.ill nml M-o our linbbor tloor Alnt-
in.. .cjut imv mzo or mjuiiu .
1 :r
K,.roii.rv of State Duubir lias onr
1 a
A f! (inrtis and liis Ijridtf, loft
41tuiinv "
juakc thi'ir homo.
Churli's Lorciiz mid wifo gnvo
frit-nils in CYxinille a iit during tho
ut tor iatt of last ui'fc.
J J Stanley I'lVocti'il nrrari-;('iiientH
lij- winch lit' lu'i-aino pusi-ei-bor of tho
Cuiui)U Uiilletin, Juuiiaiy 1st.
Diuni?; tlif ptift year mtirriuKO li
rriit-ts. to ll.i number of 9S wore
is tied by tin clcik of Coon county.
V T Allen is hiiildiii'' a hotteo
rear inter Davidson's rosidenco,
and will boon bavo it luady for oc
cupancy. J. L. KionpnbpiK. superintendent
of llio Cuqnillo Mill and Tntf Coin
puny, was duiti business m IJandou
Tho schooner Jl:ot bnan to relnrn
last vi''k anil tho mill wharves will
bo relieved and tho mills will statt
tip lifjain.
J. 1'. 'flipper of tho Hotel Coqiiillo.
was anions tho visitors to JJtindon
lut 1'iidny hnvitij; como down on
bit 'inct-s.
JIih. Minnio Hrymi, who.N toacliiti,'
f-cliool at Ccqnille, returned to Jlun
don to epeud tho holidays her
i at
ieit week,
rrttllllH Vab
i.y, m. tiHuCt Mr. tiul. J. Culver
dud December '21,
Ainont; tho visitors to town last
week was Captain 11. W, Dunlinm
who bad jut-t 11 1 ri oil homo from Capo
Nome haviuf; t-poui tho tiumnior in
. V. Cope, of Flui ns Crook, was
in kwn Tsdiiy, and idtbonh he.
.''.uiVflut heme 18 or 20 months in
the far-a way north, ho lilts ehatiKed
but littlo dining that time.
if own Leueve, of Hear Creok, bus
bonded hit, faun, and intends moving
to liaudon. lie is bnililiiiL' a htiiall
hou.-o on u "parcel of land which Jacob
l'rewett bought mid which ishitnitteil
near Hairy Hunt's place, and which
ho will purchase of Mr. l'rowett.
l'eter Anders-mi, of P.tiiyville was
in town lust week, llo'vwis ono of
tho pnities who went to Cnpo Nome
in tho H'hoouer Zeiull). Ho caino
home about a iinnith ajjo. Tho Zenith
is ill olmrfcu of John L. Anderson,
who went to Cape Nomo last HrinK.
and who remained to look after tho
y. li. Morris has tho foundation
Ftaitodfora oottiiKO which bo will
erect on his lot ou Fourth Stroet.
Theio is botno hjiecnlation in regard
to Snrutuy'a intoiiliou, and it is not
ot clear whetlier ho lia onuaod tho
I'iul and is building the cayo or
whether he is buildni; tho cngo nnd
KoiD; to tnko chance,-! upon bccunuK
tho bird.
"Seme time ago my daughter caught
a severe cold. Sho coniphuued of
imiiis in her elic it and bad n bad
cough. I gavo her Chamborlaiu's
Cough Hetnedy according to direo
tions and in two days sho was well
and able to go to school. I bavo used
this remedy in uiy family for seven
jeais and havonever known it to fail,"
says James l'rendergast, uicrchaut,
Annato Hay, Jamaica, Wot India
Ihinds. Thu pains in thu chest iu
Rented an iipproachiug attack of
latmiuoniaX which in this itisUinctt
undoiiitodly wnrdixl olT by
t'hiiiubt'i!.l. V Cttigh UomtHly. It
Couhin-Hct amy tendency of a cold
b'wnrl i'! i .Ifluiia. Sold by C, Y,
Don't forgot to writo 1902.
Best Sorghum nt Sandorsons.
Jew Taylor, of Buar Creek, was n
liandon visitor.
AHon Urqnhart, of Rivorton, was n
liandon visitor Monday.
I'Ved Bolloui, of tho Star Ranch,
was doing business in town Monday.
Andrew Fcram.s, of Bear Creek,
was in attendance at tho ball Tuesday
Miss Snsio Foster of ltiverton, has
been visiting friouds in liandon tbo
past fow days.
J. A, McCord took his old position
as JiremiiD on tho tug Triumph yes
terday morning again.
Fathor -Donnelly, of Maishlleld,
camo over Saturday and held services
in tho Catholic chim-b bwro on Sun
day. Thorp seems to bo fairly good pros
pects that, another lino schooner, or
perhnps two will bo constructed this
season on lh Ooquillo. Keep tho
good work moving along,
Tho Band boys gave an excellent
ball Tuesday night and proved them
selves good entertainers. Tho ball
was a success socially and tbo receipts
more than covered tho expense.
We liavo boon too busy to send out
thuse htnleinontH but will begin with
tho now year. However qtiito a num
ber of our patrons bavo come to our
aid for which wo feel very grateful.
V. C. Summers nnd a party of
friends blurted for New Luke Tues
day in a wagon, to take a duck hunt.
Tho patty was well supplied with
"provisions" and a hi yu time was in
Woikmen li-iishod covering the
largo shed on Dyer's wharf, this week
It will bo boarded up on the south
sido and vvest end bo asto prevent tho
wind from blowing rain in ou freight
stored under it.
Secretary Hooto holds that a state
of war exists in the Philippines. This
seems a strango discovery at tins late
day, bill tho American public bus
held for about two years now that
something wad wrong in that quarter
of tho globe.
ft'l,, I-.1 T.I T -.1-
.i Wj J
.ydon, Sec:
I Kiiue. S Dj
wrv J; W A Bingauiuu, S S;
C D Stewart, J S.
Hlbert Dyer has chartered the
hleamer Argo to como hero for u
cargo of miscellaneous freight, and
she in duo hero at high tide to day.
Tbo greater bulk of her load will be
matchwood. Wo understand that she
will tiiako several trips. Later: Thu
Argo 'nrri veil yertorday.
Tho gasoliuo schooner Bessio K
came in Monday having bonu suyon
dajs in making tbo trip from ban
Francibco up. Sho was chartered ly
Elbert Dyer who bad her come for
matchwood, n full cargo of which has
been given her. Sho took on some
thing over a hniitlrcd cords.
C. D. Still well has set up his tailor
ing establishment in the littlo build
ing on tbo south sido of First Street,
formerly occupied by Herb MnncietV
confectionery, where ho will be
pleated to servo tho pulJio in his line.
H makes u bpecially o'f cleaning and
repairing garments. Oivo him a dial.
William Hite, who lives in West
Mimihin. bus been bothered with
chickeu thioves during the. past few
weeks. His poultry llock is sixteen
short bec.viso of tho visits of tho
marauders, nnd iu consequence ho is
not inclined to bo over indulgent,
and the thief or thieves will hud him
self or theiuso'.vos in an ugly predica
ment if caught in stoaling his prop
erty, Tho schooner Wnward, J. Jorgen
bon master camo into port Mouday
lmviug been 11 days on tho way up
sovernl of which was tho result of
calm weather. Considering tho calm
weather and advert winds, sho has
made tin excellent trip up, and gives
promiso of good Miiliug qualities.
Her load to San Francisco was but
little short of HoO.OOO feot and her
present trip will holp relievo tbo
crowded condition of tho Parkers-
burg wharf,
In dressing chickens for nso on tho
Tnpper House table, ono day this
weeU, Proprietor ISedillion found n
cr ivat pin sticking in the gizzard of
one of them. Tho pin as gold ami
protruded from tho gizzard about an
i inch, the wound having been perfect-
, lv healed over. Tho set had fallen
; from its place having become looso
by tuft grinding process of that organ.
Tho set was of hard matoriul and re
sembled a diamond but whs found
not to bo one upon close inspection.
With this issus tho Kecordeii starts
its 18th volume
Yesterday broke tho good weathor
rocord and ushered in a rain.
Miss Oeorgena Hayes of Coquillo
is visiting relatives and friends hero.
Tho steamer Mandalay is nboutdno
again and should bo in by high tido
Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Duuhatr
Coquillo came down yesterdir
visit lo liandon,
Mis. A. M. Stmnor rotnruod .
yesterday ftom a visit to her daugln
Lel'i Fish, nt Fishtrop.
Elder Crumley will preach next
Sunday, in Swift's Hall at tho usual
hours, morning and ovening.
S. Mundy hnsbeun getting outn lot
If maplo and ash blocks which ho will
ship (o San Francisco to a company
who will Ubo them for veueeriug pur
poses. S. B. Morris loft yostorday for r.
three day's visit to fnonds in Marsh
liold. liawrouco Stitt holds down his
place in tho Life-saving bervico dur
ing his absence.
There was quite an excursion of
young ladies and gentlemen came
down on tho steamer Favonto yester
day. They returned on tho afternoon
boat. Somo of tho visitors were from
Myillo Point.
Tho San Francisco Bullet iu Co.
o:Ters to old and now Subscribers to
ihe Dailj Bulletin a Copy of Hnnii
MjN'ally & Co's unrivaled Atlas, for
the price of $1.50 to which will bo
added a few cents for expressage.
Subscriptions taken for tho Bulletin
and Itoc.uder at 50 cents a mouth.
There seems littlo doubt but that
the schoonor Reliance which left Sim
Francisco for the Coquillo some 45
days ago is lost. Dyer and Shoe
maker had considerable Height on
her and tho machinery for n match
factory. Their fi eight was fully
coveiwd by insurance, but the Iorb
will retard tho enterprise to borne
Steamer Argo,
k Wiilafs'j'u.-i'-G- jwiiuc-up..v-
pmser and general ngfnt of the
steamer Argo, gavo out tho following:
That the Aigo will run between Sun
Francisco and the Coqiiillo jtir-l as
long as she can makea piofitin doing
so. ami that she will carry freight up
for '2 a ton.
Tin; Ilnierliwiuiii'ii t.
Tho elocutiouoiy ontertninment
which was advertised for last Satur
day evening passed off- pleasantly
and was a success, nnd althuugh the
atteudan-o was large it was ceitninlv
below what it should have been con
sidering thai it .was homo talent and
that the proceeds wore to bo used for
tho and comfort of
of thoso attending tho jutennxliato
Those who took part in the exor
cises bhowed tho result of persistent,
careful training. This was notireablo
in Emerson exercises, and in Har
mony movoments. and Mrs. Wooteu
deserves much ere. lit for accomplish
ing so much in so short time.
The declamations were good, and
tbo orchestra, consisting of Prof,
tiaruniid anil Messrs. Kiiue, McCuN
luoh, Cus Urdls and George Top
ping leudeied several soloctious
to an appreciative audience.
The audictiott enjoyed the furte
A proposal under difficulties,- per
haps as much or more than any other
part of tho ontertinument i& it up
pealod to tlto organs of mirth, par
taking largely of tho udiculous be
sides being well presented by thoso
who took tbo boveral parto.
Altogether it was.a pleasant even-
iug nud besides boing entertaining it
was also instructive, having a ten
dency to lift humanity to a higher
From tlia Cwiullle City Unlit-tin.
W. S. Perry, formeily manager of
tho Lyons Estate, returned tho hrst
of the week from nn extended trip
through Arizona and Southern (Jul
ifotnia for his health, Ha looks much
improved nnd intends to remain here
if bis health will permit,
J. J. Stanley last week closed n deal
with B. H. Burns, of this city, for the
sale of his tine farm in tho northern
port of tho city. U is understood the
fonidernlioii was something like
JSOOOi Mr. Stanley taUing tho Bums
reMdeneo and lots iu part payment
nod moving ihenta. Upon tho con
clusion of tins deal Mr. Stnnlej nego
tinted for the lento of this paper,
with tho intention of ultimately be
coming ow tier, mid will take charge
tho first of tho your.
Special Notice.
I strict instructions to enforce
tho Stock and Dog ordinances of tho
Towti of Bandon. All persons own
ing Stock nro warned to keep them
up'uccording to tho ordinance. All
persons owning dogs nro hereby noti
fied to pay their license for sauio on
r bofore Jnnnory 10th. 1902.
M person failing to comply with
linauce are liable to arrest and
. "Ti.OO and costs.
C. S. McCui.locii
1, Town of Buudon.
jI.k ci'iik or ciioui.
u Hoy' LIT" .Suvett.
T hnvo a fow words to say regard
ing Chamberlain's Ccgh Remedy.
It saved my littlo hoy's lifo and I
feel that I cannot praiso it enough. I
bought a bottloof it from A. E. Steoro
of Goodwin, S. D., nnd when I got
homo with it the poor baby could
hardly breatbo. I gave tho medicine
as directed every ten tuiuutes until
ho "threw up" and then I thought
sure ho was going to choke to death.
W.o had to pull tho phlogm out of his
mouth in great long strings. I am
positivo that if I had not got that
bottle of nough tcediciue, my boy
would not bo on earth to day. Joel
Eumost, lnwood, Iowa. For snlo by
C. Y. Lowo.
Is the .South African XVnv
Londo-v, Dec. 28 Tho War Office
this afternoon issued n list of tbo
British casualties at Zeefontein, De
cember 21, (when Colonel Firman's
camp, consisting of three companies
of yoeinanry and two, guns, was suc
cessfully rushed b- Boer command
under General L v.) The list in
dicates tho entire success of Dowet's
attack. Six officers jnd 50 men were
killed eight officeriyvero wounded
ami four nro missing, til is presumed
t lift tho missing officers, wero taken
along with tho guns. W
Lonkom, Dec. 28.- Details received
hero from South Africo-day of tho
ambuscading near B"giuderyn,
Orango River Colony, December 21,
oT"iiOOuiounIed' in'fanH !v Boers
and 40 armed unlive-'
uiHiidanl BriU, thuw th
to have been 10 men
wounded. Tho lossti
nro not known. ? :
v'd by Com
n'itlsh losses
'voed anil 15
the Boers
Important Hijws Notes
JloNlHY 1 -
tiicrutnry bunu nperoi iniun hoMiim
1'ulhppl.ien Uiilteil Stni .crritory ni rt
fcnrito imviil oiluiices. J
Kitctinur reports slitir.lhilnq nt UrnnRu
Itiver noil TiuiHViiul cutonlua.
JlrltinU lussi's In Tranviuil eucARements
wore tintvy.
, Australia will Ben J 1000 rnin to South
Arueminu unit Chiln bIrii n protocol to
nnliaiit tliir dilfrrt'iioeii lo nrbitrntioa of
(ireul IlrluiD, nnJ Groat Hritniii is willing
tu wrre.
Tho Clilhoso court will ewKUKfl no Amori
cnn MilvUer.
Port of l'ortlnnJ postpones nwnrJ of dry
Jock ooiitrnot.
'Ihuro was it 10,000 tire ou tbu Albiua
wnter front.
Outbreak of prisonora at V'ullu Wulhi wns
prevuntcd by ft wouun.
Tbo Altorney-Geiierftl of WasblDRton
HijM tl.o statu bus jiower to proven uionop
olies nuil trusts.
YnLirua faiuiers nrs opposed to publio
land bmiiiuR,
ToKsnii Dec. 2t
Stnor I.opez, a biuthur ot SUto Lope,
n t'lliptuo was hauRod for trensou.
'i'bo lnnri,Mnt Ueueral, baiupton, sur-
renJoteil iu bobol. .
Goveruor Tnft has left Manila for borne.
Kecretary Jjour diMcbureeU Muclay from
the llrooklyu navy-yurd.
l'boro is littlo hopa of nn Irrigation bill
pas-itift ttii st'iaion.
I'liere ?ns nuotber bolil-up near ureijou
Oitv. la wbicb a shot was taken ut Uiv
Totem Club, h tarRfl bcatllu RambliUR
home was blown np with dyuamite. 1'er
pvtrntor nukuowu.
German bbip rlottbeck in aaain atloat
Murderers Wnda und Uultou iicutenod to
bauR Jauuury 31,
WtDSKlDAt l)oo "0
Chile and Araentlim have siRned the pro
Another cor-a of hnrRbors will bo formed
in South Africa.
Uovcjnor 8uaw Las accepted Ihe tftidtr
nf the Tr.aiury portfolio.
Four persous perished in the borninR oj
a river atettuier at iempbii.
Condeiouatlon of laud at l'cart Harbor
will Rie tbo Government a naval ututiou
iln at a low prico.
A uiau wa arrested at Grant's I'aM, Or.,
cbarRed with MteuipliiiK to kiduup Rirl at
A Wspbiuctoii tra ix-r ba not lMen seen
for a mouth, aud tt in feud be peribwl in
tbe mountains.
Multiueiuah dtfeuled the Cbemawa In at fooltwll.
Tia-aniiT !)(. )
lUoifii- Uoatt lilpwiiiirs ask for a cbaose
in the Philippine revenue bill.
Secretry Hoot holdi (but a state i( war
tii.t. in the I'hilipplmM.
American fotdMrs bad n baud to-hand
ent-iHinfer with liolnmea, Lo 7 nu killvd
nud -Tern uoU'iJ1.
Dewe: euccqisfally rushed n llritish camp
in Ornnpe Hirer Cdony.
The Colombian war has cost 50,000 livo
nnd f 2W,000,OCO.
Governor ItoRers, nf WnshluRtnn is dentl.
Au Albany woman was buncoed out of
Tbere are thirty-three cralu shlpB now iu
tbo Columbia river.
The Drown Family Hotel of Portland bad
n $2:1,000 fire.
Food CouimUsloner Hniley, Is Rolnc to
watch butter nrrivnls frqm California, nnd
priweculo dealers who offer short weiRht
rolls for snlo.
FntDAT Deo 27
Germany Is preparing to blockade Ven
ezuelan ports.
Chileans tnmpeied with the protocol, but
hare mnilo n rectitlcation.
Four hundred wero klllid iu a battle in
tbo interior of Colombia.
Senator Pepew nnd Miss May 1'itlroci'
were married at Nice, Italy.
United States Senator Sewell is dond-
Captain Uleht.rd 1. Leary, first Oorernor
of Guam, is dead.
Four train men wero killed near H:rnutju
on n runaway coal train.
ActlnR Governor Mclliidd, of WushlnRtou
will tnko tbo oath of otllco to inorroiv.
Severe and destructive wind storm swept
over Southern California.
Nino ships believed to havo been lost in
Clallam llav WashiiiRton.
Brother of Murderer Lnndis, wanted in
Coos County, OreRou, saya hu is dead.
rortland-Asiatlu liner Knight Companion
clears with n biR cnrRo.
French bark Henriette eunk in Astoria
Three ships nshori on 1'uRct Souud.
Hatopuit lea 23
James Ilurko, of hold-up notoriety, was
cauRht at Kansas City.
Mouuett begins suit nRninst Oblo rail
roads uutler tho nnli-liust law.
Tim bnttlo-tb'p Missonil was launched nt
Newpott News.
Tbe AiReutioo Chilean piotocol may fall
Ueuionrk mny not sell her West IudieB to
tho United Mutes.
Governor Mcl'.riile, of WnsbinRton, wns
sworn iu.
A uinn murdeied near Yatil.toti, Or., was
shot from nuibash,
French bark Heii.iet'o will be raised.
Sunday l)oo 2!l
The money cbniiRe nt Manila causes dis-
Ono hundred persons wero drowned by a
water r,ioet iu Morocco.
Tho Ctiiueso cua,t will soou reiurii to
KuRlaud's ooal supply may not oatlast
tbo cenlnrv.
The Alaska boundary ijuestion will be
taken up soon.
Four pe'Hons wen killed and 18 ininred l
a wreok on tbo Noribweslern rnilronil,
A Uepailment stoic, nt Victoria burnedi
loss .':,t00.
A .voinnn was brutally murdered by her
pnimuour at Stoctou.
Moio dlsastns nrc reported on tho Van
couver Iflmul coast,
Cnlvary IVesbyterian Church Ravo S330
for hotua missionary for I'.aifteru O.eRon.
Dec 2. Sohr Corinthian.
Korth. 12
from Sin rmnoico, t A l'ershbakor.
Deo 2S Sohr Muji Flower, Gudmamoti. 15
davs from San Francisco lo A l'erabbtikur.
Hep S. br Albion. liarsen, tt 2Jdays
from San l rnnc.sou. to It H ltosa.
Den :ui nhr Hessie K. l'etorson, 7 day a
from Sau Friuicisoa lo'Klbert Dyer.
Deo no Kcbr Onward. Joraensou. 11 days
Snn Friimsii'oo to O M A. T Co.
Jnn 1 Stmr Arao. Hni-jhes, 40 hours from
San Francisco to Klbert Dver.
Church Directory
M. K. Ciiuncii. .
l'reachliiR servico every 2nd aud (.. Sun
day at 11 A. M. nnd 7i30 1. M.
Sunday School over Smday at 11, A. 31.
Knworth l,ni.iiH .fiillt) V.M.
l'rnvrr mertiuL' Wednesday at 7:30 1. M.
U. h. liiiLCouu, J'imor.
Xotlcu Scliool WnrraiitH.
Notice is heroby civen that thero Is monoy
jn the hands of tho olerk of sohool district
flo. M, to pay outstnuilinu wnrrams aa. ioi.
lowsi Nos. K0, 43, 48, 4U, W, M. M, W. No
interest nllowed after dato of notlco.
liaudon OreRou ,Dtceuiher 20, l!K)l.
Clok of Sohool District No. M.
Two Real Bargins in Real
Stijrv and a half honseift roomsi fireplace.
Lar lot near center of town,
One story hon .r rooms) lot and a half.
Near woolen mill, if 125.
lloth of theso are real snaps, call on J. M.
UPION. llnndom
qi:o, p. TopriNO,
I'.-.iellrrs In all tlia CnuiL of Ilie Statu,
Oflloe ou Second Floor In Concrete lluildius
oti First Slreit,
Life Insurance Policies nnd Hinds bouuht
or money loaned on same.
linn. lull,
4 3tf -.)SO;iJ
........... , -
ivtutv ninni: v.. 1 13. A. 1 A. M a.
uixii:. No, 1 13, A.r.A
4 ?.
I ANDON LODG K.No. US. . F. .M.?
? IJ Stated communications timt bat- v
Surdiv after thu full moon of each
$ month. All MaMer Mhsuiis cotdlalli
invited. Ilv order of W. M.
Z r .1, l-IIUIl. I'. Sneiutarv.
4 . . v SI.-. 1 '.. .... V.V 1
tJ '7- meets Friday nihl i f tneha
ifwtMk. Ill woitcrtie linn. iNiiiutiii. wirit, u..
'1 Mir.liol ir.'t.viir., i. i.vtf.ndw to fill via
ilinc lirothers GEO. I' TOl ISO,
& J. A. JUCoun, Chief lUnRcr.
3P Fin. hwiretary.
$t i'A4 SiiA jSi. 4XZcjSS2' tti.
Has Opened up his Larco Slock of FALL and WINTER GoOtls
In DUY Goods nnd a LirRe Assortment of r"LL d,,u vv 1 t,M uuua
Men's Doys'-teMd-Giiildron's Suits,
A j-sarge kcock 01
.Orders Taken for Tailor Made Clothing.
Household Furnishings and Deco
rations of all kinds;
lied Itoom Suites
and Pieces.
Cabinet Shop in Connection. Mattresses nud i,0il,,?ra',Br'?Inda
Furnlturo ItcpnirinR nnd, Saw-flliuR a Specialty.
f5n-R Cut and Fitted to Order- All Pictnrn Framing I I l nPRTA IC I NO
vaidtib aiz,.8nuav.clRts kept on baud neatly done. u rrvil-iV3
A Full Lino of llurial Caskets. Ilnrinl Holies und Goods, nud Undertaking Supplies
Coustiulty Kept ou Hand.
Is now supplied with n
Hardware, Tinware, ri-,rteware.
and Miners' Su
Wo enrry n complete stock of
TlNNliH'.s illul' tti
Fall and Winter Goods.
A Larue Stock Just
Ladles' Jaokuts aud
Orders Taken for Custom Mado Clothing.
Boots and Sho"bs
A Large Stock of Fresh Groceries and Provisions
Now is the time to buy. X'gw,,S2
will bo disposed of It piitfes that will ustonlbh you, wl.ilo thoro uro
Other bargains
room for more.
lusnos, coos cousiy, obkoi .
OOlcoJu the Kldorado llulldjBK. ou First
W. ISaytlnn, 31. I.
OUlcu East Front Street,
JUndon, Ontaos.
...Water Works...
Vnro., colli sprint,' water
pipoti to any part of town,
anil, to any part of tho IioiIhk,
on 'application, in qimntitixB
. di'sireil. Hatos ri'uBonalilo. : l
W. H. LOGAN, Proprietor'
Tlioii.anla nro Trylutr It.
Id order t prvo ths greRt murit of
l:i s Cr a a llihn. tbu n.ot tlec'.i cure
!.r'au.r:h and CoM in Head, wq nao yt
lir'd n ('i-roiiii trinl for 1 cei.ti.
(lit it of wr d.ung ur Mini 10 lasts to
V,v: IK'.oa., 50 Va.rou St., N. Y. City.
T .n Tamil from catirrh of the uor.t kind
vcr sinoo ti boy, and t never Lapwl for
car, lat Klv ' I iinn llfclm hoems to do
i ton that ilmy uenuaiutntiees haTO ued
it with excellent rosultii. Ocar Ojtruiu.
15 Warren Ao., ChioByo, 111.
I3y's Cram Ilalm is the noVnnwleilgMl
i itw for cntanh aud coutalns no coouine,
neroury nor nay iujurious lniffw Price,
t. .-U At ilicjiUs u( by laall,
herb !
- Goods !
Jb resn ucocer
on Hand. 6
Poles nnd Flno
Wnll Pniwr nnd
Trluimincs. llouso
full aud complete stock of
?IT!.-r 4 J
a" Windows,
ritllii nn
& C(
All Kind of Good.1 1'or
Ilainy Weather,
To bo had iu Dry Goods, lothlnrr, Mioe
aud other kooiIs that must be sold to luako
A. W. ICIMJC, 31. li.
iiANiio.v, our.auN.
Cults to all parts of town nnd county
promptly nnswered day or nluht. Otlicu on
oorner of Lower Main and Atwnter streets
Will visit liandon regularly on dates to'ba
supplied iu tho LoolI Column.
4, II.INDON I.OIKli: No, 133, 1. (),), I' i&
1 ) ANDON LODGL. No. Hi", I. O. O. F.
1J meets every Katurdnv venln,2
.Visitluu hrotl.eis In (food Mtundlnu ,
:4eordiully luvited, i
A. O. IIott, Hoc. g
DKI.I'lll 1.(1 1)11 K, Nil, fit, K. Of I. '-t
nuiiViii, knigu'iuI
v YJ of Pythias, meets every Llntiiiy ft
v evenluu nt 7:110 o'clock, in Castlf Hhli, t5
Si Kiiiiilrn.. Dun. V.. HVliU t fl if
A Haudoii, 0n. K. DYlvtt, 6, 0.
II. N. lUiiuisuTON. K. of it. and K.
Wren6hall & WrenslvJI,
ItUUM) ItOtSi: tlALLKltY,