THE RECORDER IS 1'Clti.liSHKH i: v i: 1: v r i i v . ft k k n o o x. JtY . . . . EJAV5 5 I'). SSTITT. si i weal rnox kates. One War .. Sik 1 mfu 1'itt .M-rtUUs .. 1 m .mi 'IUus iwjwr etrHl ui tUe Ifemdoti piwt FJtlHAY. 0CTOHKH -. j i i:v i.i ". The following is ;iie jury list for the circuit court which e.mveuos next Monday: VA. KacklitV. -John Xoal. .1. F. Xoy.'s. ). I), ii.t.klow. W. P. Jl'rninnn. J). Giles. I. L LewelUui, .Sam Decker. J. 1. Stomli-r. J. .11 il-tm.-s. M. L. Kaudlctnan. Tlios. J)ran. P. Baker. J. V. Shuck, J. .1. Tnppor. J. W. JlamaH-rhnr:. .1. C J)i-an. S. H llrueh. li. D. San for. I. ,1. H i5.-nc .1. J Benhnin. R. C. J)e- meat. David Campbell. Fred Haivl- stetn. A. Xa--burfr. 1. M. Dimnriek, W. O diri-ren-cii. .1. J. I'erry. Kit fne O Conm-n, Went worth ;ai:tir, J. K. Juneh. Tit is t:. 1 1.KO.V J). Work is still proivs.-itig slowly tho !I. H. U railing has not com iiieac. lit ih eoiupy have a wtvid of machinery set up ready to commence and have, it is "said. " H5 Chuiatuou eimiiii. Sunday evniu; bea I of tine, ianfe work horsfi. nr- L. ... 1 ... .... iv t.i U use 1 on dump carts. TU sur vey is .'ompleted up to Xtr-:y or thereabout-, and cr.- e -Ji..n work is av.'H oat from iMaishlield. while the tho work of clearing the ite fin toal twd i! aear this p!atv. cviHiajy from tlliubay. Art ive work will h on in a Is- dys. Vnpi-l.e City IJt'ruUL "Virst Farmer - What i this reeip- ; roelty tmuve-s that V.Uino is r.nliag j atu! talking alKmi; ! :tetH!d Parui.T It is a nowgauJ liy wuieh w Am-; iTis can gtJ)lf ! ur ......-. ain jm.-vo imi.s: i iStipp yon have a mulo and 1 have j a h -f. which are of ?ho ame value J ,u, L..r-, ,.,,!.! l ,e ...!.! to oil ttaun y arum!e.and youi juuh l .vd iw more nsfl t t me than my , ... ...rhiu.r int,.,.,.. Wv- j evtf. no 'iiiiere;v wh:;:. we cant ! swap I'Vrti. Xow. if yon sin .11 1 ! take V.21S .... I . .... !. ........ ...... . .... 1 I . -fi-mkl take iln am! jut it with ia- i: r. and then w should swap, you t .ke in )HH-af and 5lt and I takiu ; amio and 5iU tiiat wonht hu 11 e.jcMy. 'First Fanner Bnt suitst? ihat i. 'tiling; iisien-r-s -o ,v migiit v.ap ' e-aii(Wh' whie leu lul!.;r in-i- ; :. '-vpsaw left mil of the I n rf a irarto .uld tnat n... j .'"md Farutor - hy. Wt voiir soul. Ui n. that would I out mid out I Iin4 ! ra tu." "First Farm:- Ha it vrutiUV-so ii HHa!d. Cotilnisrt nu rw, whv didfa'i I .see it befoie: SliM LUul IU.uji Ottt !' !!.!- ('.iiiix'. San I'RAreiseo. S'ot. -The lU'A i.4i Uv Gretna ii,,l from L-oudon for S;tu i-Vhi:ico 'H'fl davs ;rt. Nothing was heard of her during ihat tim k and forty days a.; she war j;ivon up for hst. and joreeiit. uab otTeivnl aud refustHi for rein ui'a:ae. 'J'lu- eviiiin- tho CJretna arnvcnl. Tne captain rejuwU eneonnteriti heavy in Ihe .South Atlantic, j The .-hip wus thrown on h-'i Leant o:nU and much dainaeil. ISln war h!o-iii so far out of hi; couie that tiie (Miptain fleoidi-d to liniah the voyajgo by ?;. of lie Capo of Good JiojH and tho i'acilie crcjiii. t.aldir l'ai-t in iiuU.oin. The jil' parly" wm fortnetl at jin!iaii 'joli.-. Lit hana. on the. 2-S rdt., at. a convention of delegates from the J'arnn'rt." Alliance. Fanuora 3tutual JJouelil Aasoeiation. j;reen hackers, uuian laltor and other ll-y o:-ja;i:za-lions, and a full lieb't jnt in the Jiohi. 'J ho hammer and ;jhw vero alop!tid a.- jarty e..ilh-iiH, to 1h j;lacel at tie h-ad of tho lit kt tho Australian ballot law. 'J'ho plat form is tin; declaration of principles adopted by Ihe k'anner.s' Alliance at ijt. .Louis. Jasl Je:ender. 'Tho total annual homo eorisuinp lioii of opituti itt China hah lately bufin rtjckoiiexl b) he about J.fci0i),- -V Cheek not l'H"U payment. Tlio Supreme Court of Minosotn hits lately rendered a doei-ion of much io the luiniuess eommutiitv in iUc.lariu thai, bank checks are not cash, and do not, potes lojjal value as money until canted, in other words, the jivin of a chock on a bank is not a payment when pssed be t wt'ett debtor and creditor, but only lwcoines so when, the inriioy is re ceived on it. , Tlie court holds that in ;u'ceptintf a check from a debtor, there is no loyal presumption that tlie creditor takes it in ab.-oiute payment, but only con ditionally, or as a written acknowl odytneut of tiie debt. goods are s-.U f-r cash on delivery, and 1 ho purchaser tenders payment in a draft, on his 1 tanker, such payment is only condition::!: and the delivery of the iroiKls. if made, is also it iho chock is dishonored on pre-.-ent.ttioh. the .-eih-r mav retake the rtKids fir tbo lmrchaso tuonov. even " nuceiit party, unless it can lc shown ,!at th(J ,wni j,,.. of sch ' ' n.'irljiretice as would estop him from reeovcriu-r in Hiuitv. ,..." . i hi decision is anions tho lirst bv hi-her courts that is so I far lvaciiiiiir. and if supported bv, otier hiijh tribttuals. will settle a mooted o;U(stittu in commercial cir cles. The same principal has been applied to unpaid notes by one or t V I'Mill . M lllwtl 1141 t IlL'ili 1 11(1 L Lil II' M-iu-riuhivHiwuis lieu, lor pur- . -It . ... I . 1 1 ? . 1 p I eha mey. oh goods oUi. until he . . ,. . retake at any time prior t Hereto if the . . , St'itutjiy Ahh-n'cttH. Oa Oe'.o.Kr 1st tho (;. Courl Company." of Chicago. j v.ill twfin tlio pe.bliciiti.ta of a new tjr.arterly magazinis of philosophy, science. religiKi ami sociology, to bo called The M '.u'si. Tho n. r number i to eoafain articles by Professor K. ) I). Cttpe. of Phii.uieiJ'hiH. irofesr-or lUrg.- J. iiomanAs. of L.m !on. :i. Alfred Binet. of Pari .Professor Krnt Much, of Prague. Max Do- s u: of lierlin. and i)r. I'ifui Cams, of I.i,.i.r.. 'p;,,. ,,,,; ,. ...... rilin ! iiicago. ino ioieign cuiiu-.pon- itittico atui ;uo review oi ioreiirn pnu- osophical and scientihe literature will be eon:ucteil bv M,veral emiuen J-ai- ,..,,. .u T.J. mnzi.. w.l I M. coutlm t.Hl by Prof-stir Joseph L Cnute. Prof.sor V. ilham Janu :.. o :...... i,... r. ... . ..... -,i ,.1 v isaorr-o. 1 i.-i- .. iuiwui .it.:.v .u.ii- !er. Professor Ernst ilu ckle and Th. Ciiarie !er. Pn Mitiot. 11 Tli-il atnl "n'i u!ii!iy:i. A fen day-: ao on' or more thievf s succeeded, after several weeks skid- - , , , , . . ful and arduous lalmr. in securing : zittM from the Dalle?. I'trst National -asional l-'ru lnd ? . lank. "J'heow nenee waste uli over the iieautry as ;i plain 10'n , l.rv, aim ."15!Kl Win ufT-red for the eaptnie of the gudty ones. J.ln-e ; thu-"e eenit1 without pn.ul-1 im-:ivo work, and that is the extent of I heir crime ajruiiit tiociety. AlHiiit ihe same time a Chicago ientielua:! made.OKW ii. a si-ci.!a- ti A deal with JeSS Vrk and a "rle;:t . . de?il 1.'.-- risk, than was exorcised m the Dalli euterpri-e. hut little int)or tance was aliaeitud (o this rohler ' heyftiw it was. legal and eonituitted aeeor.lin t Hn law. Tho Vr:me" iu thi re, va that this Chicago man .mM r'H) pj,,dueed i,v the hdv.i t)f others, hut no ouo ile;,ii ts lo put him iu jail for it. and oilers no rov, aid fo. his eat it tire. What we want to know is why the Dalles net is nailed a "thiefl" aud tho Chicago net. ".speculation P V o he lieve s'xriei v reeeived identically the s...m, j,,,. frum ftHf., acU ail,i lll;it one is as greater ji moral wrong a tho otle-r. Of course "law abiding ini'ti"' will think diilerontly. but are they not prejudiced in favor of the leg.-tl "thioven" and against tho illegal t.hiuve)11" -Funi fh'f-fftmiaii. State or Omo. City or 1. K AS Col NTY, ' Frank J. C nene; makes oath that he in tin r-oiiior pari uer of the firm of J'. 1. Chenev v. Co, doin:r iiirines it. tho (.'ity of Toledo. County and Slate a Tore saii't. and that said firm will pay ONK IIFNDUFdi DOLliAlIS for each and eery ae of Cvi.i:i;u th.-.t eatmot ie etirexl by the U.o of J'Iai.i.'.s CATAititn. Cuke. F. J. CHKNKV. Sworn to lK'foro me and Mibieribed in my presence. 1 1 1 i .., day of !V !!. 1 er A. D. 1'v'tJ. ) A. V. CldOAHOX, - ki:ai. v Xotarv l'nblic. i I all Catarrh Cure i laketi inter naly and acts directly on the blood, and mucous surface of the sj'stom. Send for testimonials, free. F .1. ,v t:o.. Toledo. 0 iV'Sold iiy Drnggistc, Tfu-. A bill, h .-i tbo widow of" C!i:nral MeOleifaa, 1'Yenimt wl Crovil: has Iwii juss-unl, nnd witi nu j doubt lo s5imh1 by ttiu prodidou:. and beO'Uiiu a law. w.t;. mvK., n.. PHYSICIAN A: SI' KG HUN', i'otj'. ia:; CiTv, Oueuu:;. $25.00 REWARD T the party reeeh nitf ' !' t list if name-. ir n i t: ;k : :at. new. i llc-sti: at n HISTORY of UTAH r.v urmuiT n. r.AxntoiT 1 Hi; KXUhNT ITI.vrolUAN 1 ADV AT 'AST On! v true Hfetory of .Mtnii puMi-K-d Inscuialuy;. itt 'wl i rr..u;.:. jkiw.-rftit .:.u i. ty M . su.m- :uiJ (J.: li'-r.. r V'i N J K if ?C L A 1 V 1 I ' 1 1 cV L' : Of tru-.ip rs ami trav. :iTs!oidv bub'nn t n . .. i t ........ it.. . ...i j! of polvoav M"t ,. . t .... j' i....:. i '! :. s!r., t. ;,.;,, r.n,- V.iiin of I ,,'y''-:u i-Mf Uttiiiau i.vv.i vet triu- history. I A '.t !s b i' H. J. tnnly AVnuN ri' ".v' i-,t '"Tl of this ri-iAik.-l.:.-lt..l:. S -iiil ti ::'!; ' for c-Mv nn-1 ei.taut C.': u I i :.h. i'.'ii i liuw '..ri- tofi-. .r i.-tt nu. t!-rriJry Ix-f.-ic it i-.. t. t. I! !:..::... f !:. I .1 R'l.rt if :?- in i nil f h. rr:.u,I 11- m r !;.::'.. ...'run .'ruuu hi -t . :Krfc. ( i it t) li ZH'TlillY VWi'AliY IS NOV. AT PORTLAND, OREGON H X Pi 52 O S S li -3 t Ul X u LI n c r - s.i: -cV ? W .V J -A'7 rWv"' - '''!-tf ,i Ui w v !Au ,wH-' '.K-V- i 2 W.tTHOSKM-ttU (A.VNOT FOSIULY CALL rEU- .v , ..,. u-.-r.t . im-hk kkach of all that will HIVE isi.vsta.loi;s i:i:ui:p aa a i-.t.Ji.Or.M nh. JSSnMfl: and all Throat, Bronchia!, I.ung. ffeart, Stomach. Lier and Kid.uv Attcctious, fv.u? iici-ia . cic. o:..-i:u.piu:;,. m ils various stav.cs, pcru:anetitl v ciircil. Dr. AiK.RN'.OMGiNAi.iVonKor Truat. 1 smi: nt and his AlKDiCATim Inhalations I .! Kr u, . . .. .'.l c i.r mill i rcvitalix'S the whole rot'slitr.'ion and j system, thereby prolonging life. Weak, S n't.rvou( ('.-bditaLed ai'.l bioken-down f . '..I cotetitutrons, old an-I young, luvanably pajn fnjm ten to thirty pounds iu froixt thirty to ninety day??. Dr. Auorn's pheuoincnni skill and uiar- ,.., r,.,...i n.'U'3 .I4W UUt. V.A w4 W Ww IIUUJI, os;ontniutnt ou tne racitic i.oast and thiou,,hout the American coutiuent, dur- iag tl:e past twenty-five years. Astlmia, os:oniumtnt ou the Pacific Coast and Catarrh of the Head, and all Throat. Bron chi-.l I.ung trouble instantly 'relieved 5X,:n!i,l!Mlt!y at firbt cos:iltatio:i. Dn. Alokn';; essay on the "CurabU.iy of Con- fw0-" tnKnitinaty cures, mailed free. Call or address DR. ABORN. fourth hnt jtorrloott Sls. 1'oiUBnd, Oregon. Norc-IIo-ae treat: ."!!t,cnnelyparlNl,ent ty 0Xre t'- all j-u i- i t SMe iMczic L.O-.!, iu. Owe wnc o:i!ioti.oM:iy-i!..ier.-,ii. ftLLWVlTED TO CALL FUR FREE COHSULTATIOIl i-i n ... . fz&f the o::ly true u f'Z v ta 'f'rrw x J vl m lot tlio .... ten i a ii-. iixiitc-xM n. l.'rti t .iir.-.-.U ami Tit ttl "9k )'i.':i.a! !-iu 'ooi-r t.ttniirn. .0 li r rt- ihvi..4? !if tniii.1 i l'wr. . :-.ti::rii.,' OiiiiiluiitU H A 53 t-j t i!'r'M." .ri"'tlt;ml "fO'Jrc; ..." i.i' kti t ri In., .in I.Mir. Iiil. tliT" :.! i -. t't . n:itniis . t :.ntcrltit in ..!;. I"! -.-; .;r.rtt -iru'iiMl Uii col.ii-n'i.'Hi .-. : tir.u.iMI. nn.t IifST. JDr. r-A.-JTCI-'S LITTLE LIXi.-R PILLSS fJCiUK (' Ti .n, eM.iii ! ui. I ".-Kil C li.d.lfi. l.- ;...p! iMvc i-.Ji.t iir iii lliKrf mu"l- it i i: ! i-t ti i-'inl t Ji." y Dr. i-sARTC.i MEJUOIWE CO., bt LjSia, Uc fjf'o havo ihe Exclusive Control of Ami don't rtwe io o- r 0 r rjt Costis. foi It: I ' ''.l" ' ----y Cm: Isolds 6Hfe' AHO ONE HALF PQJfiDS. . B. Marsha:! & Son. ORE. .iv!l iV i. P-V t5 3 tT-Sl .-fT p S T!-VrJLjl Wilt Torlrr II,. Ill..n.l: rreulx i- g r3it1:frV so w g fm.-'.n.ifdJ.f. i:. it. ROSA c LOWE. I::iikIoii. Oregon, Druggists and Apothecaries, Ls just in mvipt of a ni-waiul DriiGS end Chemicals, fir; l'atent and .Proprietary J'roparations. Toilet Articles, Ii,iiCJV2.sJk' Wisiidrios, Phki-umes. JittrsiiKH. Si-okoks, Soais, XUTS AND Ca.MHKS. Ciar. Tuhiicfiis ami CisjarHtos. Paints Oils. 0!:is-h, :uul 1'aint er's Supplies 1 DOCTOR SPONOGLE I'hT-ifinvi ami .Mr&eoii, JlAll.-UI'lkl.P. OKMUON. U- S. HxaniiiK-r for I'oaslons. A. STAIII,, Lrii()LSTKin-:Pi, With V. MA UK. .Maiisiifii.:.i. OK. All Kimls of 1'j1.o1sit V,rk made to or iter. U iar.sii dotic at Mlmrt notiuc. AV. M.NCX.A 1 K, ATTOKXKV AN'D (.( t NSIILOH AT LAW, CO'irtJ.LE CITY. OKKOOX N'otarv I'rtlilic anil Oc.u'ial Ir.surniiuo ami itral istute Afiuiu. ; . A. ,Mn:i:M)oi) vTiOKNMV ANO ('OrXSKLOi; AT LAW. ' i CO0CI1.1.K CITY, ORKUON. ! rtl'-.N'otary l'nl!i:'. : .J. II. tTTO.V, COUNSLLOi: at LAW NOTAUY 1"JV.UC CovryaiK't'i' unil CctiiM-al Land Aticiit. Collections Made Loans X.'gotiated HKNMAl.K. 11. KY CO.. oKEi.eS. - - r. M. I.ANOt.oIs a. a. Ti'.iarr. i THRIFT &AAN8L01S. iilcisciml li'i'chaiits. Dry Goods, Hats and Caps. Jioots and Shoes anil Fancy A 1 ticloti.;i.o:, ii:i:con. sli.-lf II aril u an. Oil. I'aSnK. Mru'lir. :ia,- l'iilly. Ii..n'.r. Lt-at'it-i. .SlIIlTINO. i-'oRWARI'INC. AM) J'rR CHASINl! Al.KNTS. .s. J. M t I.OSUY. vt. T. ! ei.osi;v j(V 1 ilTLOSKV &S0N lr.Ai i:t;s IN ri rt 1 nn L J" UrV bOOUS, isl G PC ll a H U S S 8 . vi-litZ VhU-u ".M.-l.J.i.h ,1. ei.-. X, w "mi fn-h goods eou-t.-.ntlv n ei tu-d. Country prn.-e ,!, -n ,n , v l,uli;,, 1)11 Til K I5KST lW.r.K I51V OF !rr7in T i vnni itt J 1 Vj iWljl. 11 BREWERY. .3. "Walsvr. I'l'p.'rejor Fu'ews and has fu sale in quanii tic to suit, tlie best beer in South west Oregon. i-ij" A bar attached is supplied at all times with the bet of wines, ci rars and liquors. THE NEW STOKE NEAK TIIE OCEAN liUt'SE. j. B. Marshall & Son, i;:!.. t:s in Groceries, Provisions, Nuts, Candies, Notions, L'ipes, Tobaccos and Cigars. Boots and Shoes Xewdoods. THE TUPPER HOUSE, KANDON, OKKGOX .Situated in tho Business part of town and Convenient to Steamer land ings. This House Ii.'ih just been rebuilt, nnd re fttrnisheil, and i-.-ery improvenient niado that could add to tins comfort of quests. 1 ItJiilt and pleasure seekers will laid this hostility to 1h. best adapii-d to their wants. SpL'uial ttcconuiindatiou for commercial men. TIIE FINE i;EW SC1I00NKU, RALl'JI J.-LOXG. .1. .I:NSi:.. "Uahti r. All freights delivered tit Kuudou foi ."J a ton and warehoitnod five. T ( K ISAJilJKIt S1I0P. Sh'XT JJAXIJOX HOTEL. -J.A-N'DOX. OUBOON. Slinvin' m-ally ami hair cat in tlu lal't style at t'u lowest livin; prices. in:, m. v. ii. ih casta c.M-rrro. 1'lujxichin uml Sitnj'Hi, UANLON. OKKUOX. "''"Olllnc in tlie nni' Store. COOS BAY ASSfeJIf.K Vi5?3S. ('. V. PAl'LitSOX. IMtOl'IUiiTOH, Mitrfitrh'i'i ' of MitrhSi- M(nimucitt J leduit't'iit'. Tuhh-fs. lute. Ccntt Irrij I Aits iitrloscil with stone copiiiij nr ciii himj. IronnnliiHjs fur liit: l to oiufrv. 0 rr -yt:It-.: v si:i.'.l from wirMoH liv iiit: ..; i:r c-; v i.r . Mut I f.vs.s who amy wi..;t aaythir; ii ii.;. line of lniairr iiAu.iiiMiliJJ, OKEGOX. THE GL1VE HOTEL, COgUILLE CITY. 31 ILS. A. I.. OI.IYi:, l'ruprlotresH. THIS I'OIH'LAK HOTKL HASKKCKNT 1 ly lK!cn put niLfttcr order than before unit is truly a favtmte resort. The taltleH are supplied with nil the deli cacies to he had. and iu.st3lelo.a1it the most faHtidious epicure. Tho ilininn-riHim and sleeping apartment are not inferior to tinv hotel in Southern Oregon. ALUS. A. L. OLIVE nolTtflT. l'roprielress. 0. F. DOM. J. 1'AliKEJL MEliCIIAXDISE ani LUjIBER. Coquiiie Ki'l and Tag Co. I'urkerslinrj, Or. TOWIXO CL JtlVEU AKD IUH HY Tug -'Triumph." .'EIGHT TO AN' D FLO.M SAN FltAN CihCo IJV Schr. --Parkersburq." All at lowest livinj; rates. All orders promptly lilhd. jT a", "collier; COiil.IJ.Li: CITY. Hardware, Tinvvare, Stoves, Implements. i:illi, Inl .'un. Cartri.Ie. A full line of the yood caril ly well .'tpiMiintcd Hardware Stm-. ('i...ti ni work proii!pt!v done. "Sew oods voithtantly ar riving. Ji H. v. - 5: M "-- "Faik .Dkauno.'' Mrs. M. A. Benson, Dealer in Millinery and Fancy Goods, l.;nlii and ("lillili i'ii ll:it ami llniiiiets. A line assortment of Itiblious, Lares nnd Embroidery. Childreu's Late and Linen Collars. Jiaee ('iirtains. Tidies aud Hod spreads. Corsets and Ladies" l'nderweir. .Uait Oi.I.t-. Si.Iicit. il. J. J. WILSON, Vyatchmaker and Jeweler COOFILLE CITY. AH kinds of n'pairittf,' neatlv done nnd warranted at reasonable rates, (inters ta-. ken for Watches and Jewelry not in slot k, (Jive me a call at mv new shop on Firy St., Cocpttlle City. Bandon Livery Stable. Osborne & Sioyd, Prop. 1IAXD0N. COOS COUNTY, OIIEGON. Kis, Double or Single, to Let or Sathllo Horses fol Hire. .1S general I eamini business is carried on. aud there is always plenty of feed on hand to supply customers. Prices reasonable Emil Wulschleger, Painter. Jaier-Jlangei Fie. UANDON, OKEOON. Work done by the day or by contract. Persons desirinii work done in my line can address me at 1'uudon. "Work in the coun try solicited. c . I 4 I z i f -it .1 r - r Coos Bay Photo and Crayon Company. UL'AiH-fr.virrEKS at 2IAKSIIFIKLI), OHEGON. LIFE SIZE CJtAYOX PHOTOS. Copyin' and enlRrjiing from old pictures, and Viewing. ee. All sizes and styles of tine photographs taken. J 'rices reasonable. IlIc.inS.E,, & KAT Company 'E, . X. "Meet at their Armory iu l'audon every second .Sunday ia tlie mouth. P.usir.ess meeting 1 p. ui. brill immeiuntely after. C. BLrilfcNKOTHEi:. Captain F. StiANNoN. T. J. Stillwkll. Stillwell & Shannon, Wood Fxivrii.Iu d mid Ur.ul- "Will keep firn nrd stovewood on hand and will deliver to nsmiiers in quantities of one cord or more, on short notice. Order.s solicited. All kinds of teaming and hauling done. Prices reasonable. NEW MARKET. mil r. ' nul l. J. A. LArciPIHAI). i;ANI:()X, OiiKGOX. W'v are jri-ji:irfil t sji! n tats ana wiil lii'i'ji tiiiiii- Inir tin test ijij. l:t' . itiul Milirit tin-KitruiH.iri-of nt:r iM i nst uh rs. Riid all in want ! lhst flt..ti im-.-.t iinixo B. COOK, (Iirm?-rly of Coquiilf .Mill j;m: Ti.; ( u.; General Commission Agent and dealer in Flour. 3" eals and Feed. Wl A. Ill Front St.; . SAX FKAXCISCO Kifihest nutrkt t jmees odtnincd fur Apples and all ureen rntit.. s.h s-hIuhmi. C'lit:ua Hnrk. ilidt-n. Stott. ; :ul Vmi. I'ars o! ;ul kimls. i.t. Stae lit-iL.itnd l'ruduee "lerrlly. i nlM buy. as v 11 as fv. mid.s on ani iiiit.-ir.ii. l'.iri.rittat i.n if any kind will cost you nothing. IniMiirles ;i!l leet-ive prouipt-'at tfiitii.n at ii. v hands. Kronenborg & Sgh, I)i:.VTJRS IS TIN. CGPPER and IRON WARE, StovesGuns, Fishing Tackle. Harxes.s axi "Woodex AVake. Oil. Faints, (.'rockery. Skimps C0(H:IbLE CITY, OHKGOX. HiIie-t I'rlei- Pan! Tor IIIili-, Ki;K. Kic. EMMAVILLE HOUSE HANDOX JIKACH. Board and Lodging. Kxeellent Board and Lodinr qd very lvaMUiablo terms at 3Irs. Jitnina Tram a nl-- a .-hurt distance from tho Steamboat landiii at Uandon. My table will be supplied with the best thematki't aib-rds and ki::d attention ji.iid to quests. A blx-rai jK!tnutn.'r solicited. MKa. KM. MA J. TUT. MAN. I'niprietrws. JOHFJ H. YAGER, 5ANUOX. 01IEGOX. Dttulur In Hardware, Tin, Copper aud Sheet Iron are. STOVES A'I AXGS. Harness and Saddlery : "Wood and Willow Ware; Crockery nnd Glass Ware; Cutlery, Fdyo Tools, Etc. -t''"'Ioli AVork ami Kepairiii)? a Specialty HULME & 11ART, 1) and 10 1avis Street, Nan FraneiNco. 4 Wool, Grain and General Commission Mchts. Sole Agents for Childs Carbolcrystal Sheep Dip and Scab Cure. The Mest in Vac. J. W. HAWKINS, Itaiuloii, Oregon, COOPER, Carpenter and General Wood Worker. besides Hutter, Heef and other Bnrrels I am prepared to make Churns. Hutter boil as and 1 "utter-workers on short notice. I mean business anil will bo found at my shop with a supply of barrels on hand. All work guaranteed