sNok signflz MAY 1, 2024 Memorial dedicated in 2003 MEMORIAL continued from front page outside at the West Valley Veterans Memorial starting at 1 p.m. The memorial was designed by late Tribal Elder Steve Bobb Sr., a Vietnam War-era Marine Corps veteran who walked on in August 2022. It features a man and wom- an dressed in traditional Native clothing standing side by side while reaching for the sky. This will be the 21st Memorial Day celebration at the West Val- ley Veterans Memorial, which was dedicated in May 2003, because the 2020 event was canceled due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Additional details about the cer- emony were not available before press time. For more information, contact or Molly Leno at 503-879-5211. 7 Wood-burn exhibit The Fire to Wood exhibit opening was held on Wednesday, April 17, at Chachalu Tribal Museum & Cultural Center. The exhibit features carved, laser engraved and wood-burned artwork by Tribal Cultural Advisor and Tribal member Bobby Mercier, who has been carving for approximately 20 years. Mercier purchased a laser engraver with the 2023 Native Creative Development Grant he was awarded from The Evergreen State College in Washington state. In the grant application, he stated that he would have a show for his community. The exhibit runs through Saturday, Sept. 14. Chachalu is located at 8720 Grand Ronde Road, and is open 10 a.m.-4 p.m., Tuesday through Saturday. Warriors of Hope MMIP annual event May 3rd, 10am-2pm in GR community Center Indian Taco Fundraiser for Heather Cameron’s family 11:30am-1:30pm Indian Taco - $5 Frybread - $3 Soda - $1 (Venmo & cash accepted) Photos by Michelle Alaimo Tribal member Francene Ambrose and her father Corky Ambrose (Yakama) tour the Fire to Wood exhibit at Chachalu Tribal Museum & Cultural Center during the opening on Wednesday, April 17. T-shirt making Face painting Awareness displays Tribal Cultural Advisor and Tribal member Bobby Mercier talks about his exhibit during the opening of the Fire to Wood exhibit at Chachalu Tribal Museum & Cultural Center.