6 MAY 1, 2024 SMOKE SIGNALS Tribal member Angella Schultz paints a landscape scene during the Full Moon Family Paint Night held at the Tribal Community Center on Tuesday, April 23. The event was hosted by the Tribe’s Children & Family Services Program to provide an evening of painting to celebrate healthy activities for families. Tribal member Diana Robertson guided participants as they painted. Paint night Andy Peterson outlines a flower he’s painting during the Full Moon Family Paint Night at the Tribal Community Center on Tuesday, April 23. Tribal member Janel Lara paints a flower during Full Moon Family Paint Night. Photos by Michelle Alaimo GENERAL COUNCIL ORDINANCE OPEN FOR COMMENT The Tribal Council is considering amendments to the General Council Ordinance. The proposed amendments were given a first reading at the Wednesday, April 3, 2024, Tribal Council meeting. The proposed amendments would change the date on which Spirit Mountain Gaming Inc. presents an overview of its operations from the September to the March General Council meeting and may include minor technical (i.e., formatting and typographical) modifications. Tribal Council invites comment on the proposed amendments to the General Council Ordinance. For a copy of the proposed amendments, contact the Tribal Attorney’s Office at 503-879-4664 or legal@grandronde. org. Send your comments to the Tribal Attorney’s Office, 9615 Grand Ronde Road, Grand Ronde, OR, 97347 or by email to legal@grandronde. org. Comments must be received by Wednesday, May 15, 2024. GOVERNMENTAL CORPORATIONS ORDINANCE OPEN FOR COMMENT The Tribal Council is considering amendments to the Governmental Corporations Ordinance. The proposed amendments were given a first reading at the Wednesday, April 3, 2024, Tribal Council meeting. The proposed amendments would change the date for corporate boards to submit their proposed budgets to the Tribe’s Finance Officer from Oct. 31 to Oct. 1 of each year and may include minor technical (i.e., formatting and typographical) modifications. Tribal Council invites comment on the proposed amendments to the Governmental Corporations Ordinance. For a copy of the proposed amendments, contact the Tribal Attorney’s Office at 503-879-4664 or legal@grandronde.org. Send comments to the Tribal Attorney’s Office, 9615 Grand Ronde Road, Grand Ronde, OR, 97347 or by email to legal@grandronde.org. Comments must be received by Wednesday, May 15, 2024.