2 MAY 1, 2024 General Council meeting 11 a.m. Sunday, May 5 Governance Center Chambers Tribal members can participate remotely via Zoom and in-person attendance. Call 503-879-2304 for more information. SMOKE SIGNALS sNok signflz PUBLICATIONS OFFICE 9615 Grand Ronde Road, Grand Ronde, OR 97347 1-800-422-0232, FAX: 503-879-2173 NOTICE — Monthly Tribal Council Wednesday Meetings DATE TIME Wednesday, May 1...............................................................................4 p.m. Wednesday, May 15.............................................................................4 p.m. Please note that these times and dates are subject to change if needed. In-person attendance in Tribal Council Chambers and via Zoom. Letter s Dear Smoke Signals, Not having children or grandchildren of my own, I don’t have a personal dog in this lineal descent fight except that I recognize that our Tribe’s children, all of them, deserve the same benefits that we are receiving. We want them to be properly clothed, fed and well-educated. That will give them opportunities that some of us never had because our families were poor and the Tribe didn’t yet have the kind of income that we have now. I want so much for our young people to have every opportunity to thrive and do well in their lives. We can help them get there by welcoming them into Tribal membership. Judy G. Williams Roll No. 2888 Website: www.smokesignals.org Email: news@grandronde.org Email: Editorial.Board@grandronde.org X (formerly Twitter): CTGRsmoksignelz www.facebook.com/SmokeSignalsCTGR/ www.youtube.com/c/SmokeSignalsChannel KAMIAH KOCH DANIELLE HARRISON MICHELLE ALAIMO EDITOR 503-879-4663 PHOTOJOURNALIST/ ASSISTANT EDITOR 503-879-1961 danielle.harrison@grandronde.org SOCIAL MEDIA/ DIGITAL JOURNALIST 503-879-1461 michelle.alaimo@grandronde.org KATHERINE WARREN SAMUEL F. BRIGGS III JUSTIN PHILLIPS GRAPHIC DESIGN SPECIALIST 503-879-1416 PRODUCTION SPECIALIST 503-879-2190 samuel.briggs@grandronde.org PUBLICATIONS SECRETARY/ ADVERTISING 503-879-1466 justin.phillips@grandronde.org DEADLINE DATE kamiah.koch@grandronde.org katherine.warren-steffensmier@ grandronde.org ISSUE DATE thursday, May 9 ............................ May 15 tuesday, May 23 .............................. June 1 Friday, June 7 .................................June 15 Gas discount in Grand Ronde Grand Ronde Tribal members, as well as Tribal and Spirit Mountain Casino employees, can receive a 30-cent per gallon discount on gasoline at the Tribally owned Grand Ronde Station convenience store. There are, however, a few rules. Tribal members and employees must go inside and show either their enrollment card or employee identification card to receive the discount. Tribal Office Closures Tribal offices will be closing at noon Friday, May 24, and closed on Monday, May 27, in observance of Memorial Day. Wednesday, June 24 ....................... July 1 Editorial Policy smok signflz , a publication of the Confederated Tribes of the Grand Ronde Communi- ty of Oregon, is published twice a month. No portion of this publication may be reprinted without permission. Our editorial policy is intended to encourage input from Tribal members and readers about stories printed in the Tribal newspaper. However, all letters received must be signed by the author, an address must be given and a phone number or email address must be included for verification purposes. Full addresses and phone numbers will not be published unless requested. Letters must be 400 words or less. smok signflz reserves the right to edit letters and to refuse letters that are determined to contain libelous statements or personal attacks on individuals, staff, Tribal administration or Tribal Council. Not all letters are guaranteed publication upon submission. Letters to the editor are the opinions and views of the writer. Published letters do not necessarily reflect the opinions of smok signflz . Members of: NOW ACCEPTING NEW AND EXPIRING TERM APPLICATIONS!! TRIBAL COMMITTEE/BOARD AND COMMISSION *DO YOU WANT TO BE MORE INVOLVED WITH THE TRIBE? *ARE YOU INTERESTED IN MAKING POSITIVE CHANGES FOR FUTURE GENERATIONS? indigenous Journalists Association Oregon Newspaper Publishers Association 2022 IJA General excellence 2024 Tribal Council tribalcouncil@grandronde.org Cheryle A. Kennedy Tribal Council Chairwoman — ext. 2352 cheryle.kennedy@grandronde.org Chris Mercier Tribal Council Vice Chair — ext. 1444 chris.mercier@grandronde.org Michael Cherry APPLY TODAY OR PICK UP A HARD COPY NEAR GOVERNANCE SECURITY. Tribal Council Secretary — ext. 4555 michael.cherry@grandronde.org Kathleen George — ext. 2305 PLEASE DIRECT ANY QUESTIONS TO TRIBAL COUNCIL ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISSTANT SHANNON HAM-TEXEIRA@SHANNON.HAM-TEXEIRA@GRANDRONDE.ORG OR CALL (503) 879-2301. kathleen.george@grandronde.org Brenda tuomi — ext. 2300 brenda.tuomi@grandronde.org Matthew haller — ext. 1777 matthew.haller@grandronde.org Jon A. George — ext. 2355 jon.george@grandronde.org Lisa Leno — ext. 1770 lisaleno@grandronde.org Denise Harvey — ext. 2353 denise.harvey@grandronde.org