sNok signflz APRIL 15, 2024 Community Fund seeking Hatfi eld Fellow applicants Applications for the 2024-25 Hatfi eld Fellowship program funded by Spirit Mountain Community Fund are being accepted through Tuesday, April 30. Spirit Mountain Community Fund annually sponsors a Native American to serve as the Hatfi eld Fellow and intern in an Oregon con- gressional offi ce. Placement of the fellow rotates through the Oregon delegation to enhance mutual understanding between leadership in Washington, D.C., and Indian Country. Fellows are provided an opportunity to gain knowledge and under- standing of how to navigate the political process in Washington, D.C., while working on issues that affect Native Americans. Fellows begin their Capitol Hill experience in November with a month-long orientation at the American Political Science Association, which is followed by an eight-month term working in a congressional offi ce. The fellowship includes a monthly stipend and relocation and travel expenses. The fellowship is for Tribal members from the nine federally rec- ognized Tribes in Oregon, as well as members of Pacifi c Northwest Tribes. Preference will be given to members of Oregon Tribes. Appli- cants must have a bachelor’s degree or be graduating in June 2024, and be 21 or older. For more information, visit hatfi eld-fellowship or go to Youtube to watch an informational video about the Hatfi eld Fellowship. The fellowship was created in 1998 to honor the late Sen. Mark Hatfi eld’s public service to Oregon and the Pacifi c Northwest. n Scheduled Appointments Only Walk-In Day Monday Thursday Youth gathering Photos by Michelle Alaimo Nehemiah Mushaney, 15, getting support from Native Wellness Institute Trainer Josh Cocker, walks on a rope that is held by participants of the Youth Grand Ronde GONA (Gathering of Native Americans) held at the Chachalu Tribal Museum & Cultural Center gym on Thursday, March 28. Approximately 25 youth attended the culture-based gathering geared toward middle and high school youth as well as young adults under the age of 24. The Tribe’s Youth Empowerment & Prevention Program sponsored the two-day event that also took place on Friday, March 29. Tuesday To schedule an appointment: Call (503) 879-1424 or CTGRTribalVSO@GrandRonde.Org 7 Hadley Kimsey, 11, paints a fl ower pot during the Youth Grand Ronde GONA held at the Chachalu Tribal Museum & Cultural Center gym on Thursday, March 28. Painting fl ower pots or rocks, necklace beading and medicine bag making were just a few of the activities for the youth to make for gifts to be given out at the end of the event.