PRESORTED STANDARD MAIL U.S. POSTAGE PAID PORTLAND, OR PERMIT NO. 700 Tribal member Leland Butler has photo exhibit — pg. 6 april 1, 2024 Facebook Live event features new GM Angie Blackwell Spring break fun By Danielle Harrison T Smoke Signals editor he Tribe held another Face- book Live event on Wednes- day, March 27, to introduce the membership to new General Manager Angie Blackwell. “Today, we have a new element in our Tribal government,” Tribal Council Chairwoman Cheryle A. Kennedy said. “We were ad- vertising for a general man- ager for quite a while and there were many qualified people Angie Blackwell that we looked at. Today, I’m here to introduce our new general manager. Welcome aboard and welcome to your first Facebook Live.” Blackwell, 56, began her new role in February. Prior to becoming general manager, she worked as the Tribe’s Early Childhood Education Program Manager, a position she held for several years. She has also served as a Tribal Council Vice Chair and Spirit Mountain Community Fund Di- rector. Additionally, Blackwell has worked as a family life educator through her business Blackwell See FB LIVE continued on page 9 Photo by Michelle Alaimo Satara Blanchard, 14, works a cookie to her mouth while competing in a challenge game during hayu-munk skukum Spring Break Camp 2024 at B’nai B’rith Camp in Otis on Tuesday, March 26. On the left, Aven Cox, 15, also participates in the challenge where the youth start with the cookie on their forehead and can only use facial movements to get the cookie to their mouth. Twenty-six sixth-through 12th-grade youth attended the annual camp that ran Monday to Wednesday, March 25-27. See more photos on page 8. Years of Service awards honor 72 employees By Danielle Harrison Smoke Signals editor F irst-quarter employees hired in either January, February or March, with at least five years of service to the Tribe, were honored during a Years of Service breakfast event at the Tribal gym on Thursday, March 21. The employees represented a combined total of 959 years of service. Tribal Council member Jon A. George gave the invocation and Tribal Council Chairwoman Cheryle A. Kennedy welcomed employees. “I’m pleased to be here and to celebrate all of you,” she said. “You are the builders of our nation and our people. You do excellent work Photo by Michelle Alaimo to make sure our services to the membership are carried out. I re- ally appreciate every one of you.” Other Tribal Council members in attendance included Secretary Mi- chael Cherry and Denise Harvey. New General Manager Angie Blackwell introduced herself to the employees in attendance and served as event emcee. “I am launching into a phase of learning who you are and what you all do,” she said. “My only goal is to advance the mission that the visionaries set out when the Tribe was restored. Every single one of you is a part of that mission.” Blackwell handed out service See SERVICE continued on page 7 Tribal Council member Jon A. George hugs Tribal Records Administrator Kim Mueller as she is recognized during the first-quarter Years of Service event held in the Tribal gym on Thursday, March 21. Mueller has worked for the Tribe for 29 years.